//***************************************************************************** // // fan.h - Prototypes and macros for the Fan controller. // // Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 8049 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __FAN_H__ #define __FAN_H__ //***************************************************************************** // // If building with a C++ compiler, make all of the definitions in this header // have a C binding. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //***************************************************************************** // // Fan status values that can be returned from the FanChannelStatus() function. // //***************************************************************************** #define FAN_STATUS_STALLED 0 #define FAN_STATUS_CHANGING 1 #define FAN_STATUS_LOCKED 2 #define FAN_STATUS_NOATTAIN 3 //***************************************************************************** // // Configuration flags to be used with FanChannelConfigManual() and // FanChannelConfigAuto(). // //***************************************************************************** #define FAN_CONFIG_RESTART (1 << 15) #define FAN_CONFIG_NORESTART (0 << 15) #define FAN_CONFIG_ACCEL_FAST (1 << 14) #define FAN_CONFIG_ACCEL_SLOW (0 << 14) #define FAN_CONFIG_HYST_1 (0 << 11) #define FAN_CONFIG_HYST_2 (1 << 11) #define FAN_CONFIG_HYST_4 (2 << 11) #define FAN_CONFIG_HYST_8 (3 << 11) #define FAN_CONFIG_HYST_16 (4 << 11) #define FAN_CONFIG_HYST_32 (5 << 11) #define FAN_CONFIG_HYST_64 (6 << 11) #define FAN_CONFIG_HYST_128 (7 << 11) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_2 (0 << 8) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_4 (1 << 8) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_8 (2 << 8) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_16 (3 << 8) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_32 (4 << 8) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_64 (5 << 8) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_128 (6 << 8) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_256 (7 << 8) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_DUTY_OFF (0 << 6) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_DUTY_50 (1 << 6) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_DUTY_75 (2 << 6) #define FAN_CONFIG_START_DUTY_100 (3 << 6) #define FAN_CONFIG_AVG_NONE (0 << 4) #define FAN_CONFIG_AVG_2 (1 << 4) #define FAN_CONFIG_AVG_4 (2 << 4) #define FAN_CONFIG_AVG_8 (3 << 4) #define FAN_CONFIG_TACH_1 (0 << 2) #define FAN_CONFIG_TACH_2 (1 << 2) #define FAN_CONFIG_TACH_4 (2 << 2) #define FAN_CONFIG_TACH_8 (3 << 2) //***************************************************************************** // // Interrupt configuration/status flags to be used with the following // functions: FanIntEnable(), FanIntDisable(), FanIntStatus(), FanIntClear(). // //***************************************************************************** #define FAN_CH5_INT_AUTO_SPEED_OK (1 << 22) #define FAN_CH5_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_CHANGE (1 << 22) #define FAN_CH5_INT_AUTO_SPEED_ERROR (1 << 21) #define FAN_CH5_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_UPDATE (1 << 21) #define FAN_CH5_INT_STALL (1 << 20) #define FAN_CH4_INT_AUTO_SPEED_OK (1 << 18) #define FAN_CH4_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_CHANGE (1 << 18) #define FAN_CH4_INT_AUTO_SPEED_ERROR (1 << 17) #define FAN_CH4_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_UPDATE (1 << 17) #define FAN_CH4_INT_STALL (1 << 16) #define FAN_CH3_INT_AUTO_SPEED_OK (1 << 14) #define FAN_CH3_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_CHANGE (1 << 14) #define FAN_CH3_INT_AUTO_SPEED_ERROR (1 << 13) #define FAN_CH3_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_UPDATE (1 << 13) #define FAN_CH3_INT_STALL (1 << 12) #define FAN_CH2_INT_AUTO_SPEED_OK (1 << 10) #define FAN_CH2_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_CHANGE (1 << 10) #define FAN_CH2_INT_AUTO_SPEED_ERROR (1 << 9) #define FAN_CH2_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_UPDATE (1 << 9) #define FAN_CH2_INT_STALL (1 << 8) #define FAN_CH1_INT_AUTO_SPEED_OK (1 << 6) #define FAN_CH1_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_CHANGE (1 << 6) #define FAN_CH1_INT_AUTO_SPEED_ERROR (1 << 5) #define FAN_CH1_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_UPDATE (1 << 5) #define FAN_CH1_INT_STALL (1 << 4) #define FAN_CH0_INT_AUTO_SPEED_OK (1 << 2) #define FAN_CH0_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_CHANGE (1 << 2) #define FAN_CH0_INT_AUTO_SPEED_ERROR (1 << 1) #define FAN_CH0_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_UPDATE (1 << 1) #define FAN_CH0_INT_STALL (1 << 0) #define FAN_CHx_INT_AUTO_SPEED_OK(x) (1 << (((x) * 4) + 2)) #define FAN_CHx_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_CHANGE(x) (1 << (((x) * 4) + 2)) #define FAN_CHx_INT_AUTO_SPEED_ERROR(x) (1 << (((x) * 4) + 1)) #define FAN_CHx_INT_MANUAL_SPEED_UPDATE(x) (1 << (((x) * 4) + 1)) #define FAN_CHx_INT_STALL(x) (1 << ((x) * 4)) //***************************************************************************** // // API Function prototypes // //***************************************************************************** extern void FanChannelEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel); extern void FanChannelDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel); extern unsigned long FanChannelStatus(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel); extern void FanChannelConfigManual(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel, unsigned long ulConfig); extern void FanChannelConfigAuto(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel, unsigned long ulConfig); extern void FanChannelDutySet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel, unsigned long ulDuty); extern unsigned long FanChannelDutyGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel); extern void FanChannelRPMSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel, unsigned long ulRPM); extern unsigned long FanChannelRPMGet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel); extern void FanIntEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulFlags); extern void FanIntDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulFlags); extern unsigned long FanIntStatus(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bMasked); extern void FanIntClear(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulFlags); extern void FanIntRegister(unsigned long ulBase, void (*pfnHandler)(void)); extern void FanIntUnregister(unsigned long ulBase); extern unsigned long FanChannelsGet(unsigned long ulBase); //***************************************************************************** // // Mark the end of the C bindings section for C++ compilers. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __FAN_H__