/**************************************************************************//** * @file uart.c * @version V3.00 * @brief NUC980 series UART driver source file * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * @copyright (C) 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved. *****************************************************************************/ #include "nu_uart.h" /** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup UART_Driver UART Driver @{ */ /** @addtogroup UART_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS UART Exported Functions @{ */ /** * @brief Clear UART specified interrupt flag * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32InterruptFlag The specified interrupt of UART module. * - \ref UART_INTSTS_LININT_Msk : LIN bus interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_WKIEN_Msk : Wake-up interrupt * - \ref UART_INTSTS_BUFERRINT_Msk : Buffer Error interrupt * - \ref UART_INTSTS_MODEMINT_Msk : Modem Status interrupt * - \ref UART_INTSTS_RLSINT_Msk : Receive Line Status interrupt * * @return None * * @details The function is used to clear UART specified interrupt flag. */ void UART_ClearIntFlag(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32InterruptFlag) { if (u32InterruptFlag & UART_INTSTS_RLSINT_Msk) /* Clear Receive Line Status Interrupt */ { uart->FIFOSTS = UART_FIFOSTS_BIF_Msk | UART_FIFOSTS_FEF_Msk | UART_FIFOSTS_PEF_Msk; uart->FIFOSTS = UART_FIFOSTS_ADDRDETF_Msk; } if (u32InterruptFlag & UART_INTSTS_MODEMINT_Msk) /* Clear Modem Status Interrupt */ { uart->MODEMSTS |= UART_MODEMSTS_CTSDETF_Msk; } else { } if (u32InterruptFlag & UART_INTSTS_BUFERRINT_Msk) /* Clear Buffer Error Interrupt */ { uart->FIFOSTS = UART_FIFOSTS_RXOVIF_Msk | UART_FIFOSTS_TXOVIF_Msk; } if (u32InterruptFlag & UART_INTSTS_WKINT_Msk) /* Clear Wake-up Interrupt */ { uart->WKSTS = UART_WKSTS_CTSWKF_Msk | UART_WKSTS_DATWKF_Msk | UART_WKSTS_RFRTWKF_Msk | UART_WKSTS_RS485WKF_Msk | UART_WKSTS_TOUTWKF_Msk; } if (u32InterruptFlag & UART_INTSTS_LININT_Msk) /* Clear LIN Bus Interrupt */ { uart->INTSTS = UART_INTSTS_LINIF_Msk; uart->LINSTS = UART_LINSTS_BITEF_Msk | UART_LINSTS_BRKDETF_Msk | UART_LINSTS_SLVSYNCF_Msk | UART_LINSTS_SLVIDPEF_Msk | UART_LINSTS_SLVHEF_Msk | UART_LINSTS_SLVHDETF_Msk ; } } /** * @brief Disable UART interrupt * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * * @return None * * @details The function is used to disable UART interrupt. */ void UART_Close(UART_T *uart) { uart->INTEN = 0ul; } /** * @brief Disable UART auto flow control function * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * * @return None * * @details The function is used to disable UART auto flow control. */ void UART_DisableFlowCtrl(UART_T *uart) { uart->INTEN &= ~(UART_INTEN_ATORTSEN_Msk | UART_INTEN_ATOCTSEN_Msk); } /** * @brief Disable UART specified interrupt * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32InterruptFlag The specified interrupt of UART module. * - \ref UART_INTEN_WKIEN_Msk : Wake-up interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_LINIEN_Msk : Lin bus interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_BUFERRIEN_Msk : Buffer Error interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_RXTOIEN_Msk : Rx time-out interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_MODEMIEN_Msk : Modem status interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_RLSIEN_Msk : Receive Line status interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_THREIEN_Msk : Tx empty interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_RDAIEN_Msk : Rx ready interrupt * * * @return None * * @details The function is used to disable UART specified interrupt and disable NVIC UART IRQ. */ void UART_DisableInt(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32InterruptFlag) { /* Disable UART specified interrupt */ UART_DISABLE_INT(uart, u32InterruptFlag); } /** * @brief Enable UART auto flow control function * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * * @return None * * @details The function is used to Enable UART auto flow control. */ void UART_EnableFlowCtrl(UART_T *uart) { /* Set RTS pin output is low level active */ uart->MODEM |= UART_MODEM_RTSACTLV_Msk; /* Set CTS pin input is low level active */ uart->MODEMSTS |= UART_MODEMSTS_CTSACTLV_Msk; /* Set RTS and CTS auto flow control enable */ uart->INTEN |= UART_INTEN_ATORTSEN_Msk | UART_INTEN_ATOCTSEN_Msk; } /** * @brief The function is used to enable UART specified interrupt and enable NVIC UART IRQ. * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32InterruptFlag The specified interrupt of UART module: * - \ref UART_INTEN_WKIEN_Msk : Wake-up interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_LINIEN_Msk : Lin bus interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_BUFERRIEN_Msk : Buffer Error interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_RXTOIEN_Msk : Rx time-out interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_MODEMIEN_Msk : Modem status interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_RLSIEN_Msk : Receive Line status interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_THREIEN_Msk : Tx empty interrupt * - \ref UART_INTEN_RDAIEN_Msk : Rx ready interrupt * * * @return None * * @details The function is used to enable UART specified interrupt and enable NVIC UART IRQ. */ void UART_EnableInt(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32InterruptFlag) { /* Enable UART specified interrupt */ UART_ENABLE_INT(uart, u32InterruptFlag); } /** * @brief Open and set UART function * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32baudrate The baudrate of UART module. * * @return None * * @details This function use to enable UART function and set baud-rate. */ void UART_Open(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32baudrate) { uint32_t u32UartClkSrcSel = 0ul, u32UartClkDivNum = 0ul; //uint32_t u32ClkTbl[4] = {XIN, LXT, ACLK, UCLK}; uint32_t u32ClkTbl[4] = {12000000, 32768, 75000000, 150000000}; uint32_t u32Baud_Div = 0ul; if ((uint32_t)uart == UART0_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART1_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART2_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 19)) >> 19; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 21)) >> 21; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART3_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 27)) >> 27; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 29)) >> 29; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART4_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART5_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART6_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 19)) >> 19; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 21)) >> 21; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART7_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 27)) >> 27; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 29)) >> 29; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART8_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART9_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } /* Select UART function */ uart->FUNCSEL = UART_FUNCSEL_UART; /* Set UART line configuration */ uart->LINE = UART_WORD_LEN_8 | UART_PARITY_NONE | UART_STOP_BIT_1; /* Set UART Rx and RTS trigger level */ uart->FIFO &= ~(UART_FIFO_RFITL_Msk | UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_Msk); /* Get PLL clock frequency if UART clock source selection is PLL */ if (u32UartClkSrcSel == 2ul) // ACLK { //u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel] = CLK_GetPLLClockFreq(); } if (u32UartClkSrcSel == 3ul) // PCLK { //u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel] = CLK_GetPLLClockFreq(); } /* Set UART baud rate */ if (u32baudrate != 0ul) { u32Baud_Div = UART_BAUD_MODE2_DIVIDER((u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel]) / (u32UartClkDivNum + 1ul), u32baudrate); if (u32Baud_Div > 0xFFFFul) { uart->BAUD = (UART_BAUD_MODE0 | UART_BAUD_MODE0_DIVIDER((u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel]) / (u32UartClkDivNum + 1ul), u32baudrate)); } else { uart->BAUD = (UART_BAUD_MODE2 | u32Baud_Div); } } } /** * @brief Read UART data * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] pu8RxBuf The buffer to receive the data of receive FIFO. * @param[in] u32ReadBytes The the read bytes number of data. * * @return u32Count Receive byte count * * @details The function is used to read Rx data from RX FIFO and the data will be stored in pu8RxBuf. */ uint32_t UART_Read(UART_T *uart, uint8_t pu8RxBuf[], uint32_t u32ReadBytes) { uint32_t u32Count, u32delayno; uint32_t u32Exit = 0ul; for (u32Count = 0ul; u32Count < u32ReadBytes; u32Count++) { u32delayno = 0ul; while (uart->FIFOSTS & UART_FIFOSTS_RXEMPTY_Msk) /* Check RX empty => failed */ { u32delayno++; if (u32delayno >= 0x40000000ul) { u32Exit = 1ul; break; } else { } } if (u32Exit == 1ul) { break; } else { pu8RxBuf[u32Count] = (uint8_t)uart->DAT; /* Get Data from UART RX */ } } return u32Count; } /** * @brief Set UART line configuration * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32baudrate The register value of baudrate of UART module. * If u32baudrate = 0, UART baudrate will not change. * @param[in] u32data_width The data length of UART module. * - \ref UART_WORD_LEN_5 * - \ref UART_WORD_LEN_6 * - \ref UART_WORD_LEN_7 * - \ref UART_WORD_LEN_8 * @param[in] u32parity The parity setting (none/odd/even/mark/space) of UART module. * - \ref UART_PARITY_NONE * - \ref UART_PARITY_ODD * - \ref UART_PARITY_EVEN * - \ref UART_PARITY_MARK * - \ref UART_PARITY_SPACE * @param[in] u32stop_bits The stop bit length (1/1.5/2 bit) of UART module. * - \ref UART_STOP_BIT_1 * - \ref UART_STOP_BIT_1_5 * - \ref UART_STOP_BIT_2 * * @return None * * @details This function use to config UART line setting. */ void UART_SetLineConfig(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32baudrate, uint32_t u32data_width, uint32_t u32parity, uint32_t u32stop_bits) { uint32_t u32UartClkSrcSel = 0ul, u32UartClkDivNum = 0ul; //uint32_t u32ClkTbl[4] = {XIN, LXT, ACLK, UCLK}; uint32_t u32ClkTbl[4] = {12000000, 32768, 75000000, 150000000}; uint32_t u32Baud_Div = 0ul; if ((uint32_t)uart == UART0_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART1_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART2_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 19)) >> 19; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 21)) >> 21; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART3_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 27)) >> 27; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 29)) >> 29; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART4_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART5_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART6_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 19)) >> 19; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 21)) >> 21; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART7_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 27)) >> 27; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 29)) >> 29; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART8_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART9_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } /* Get PLL clock frequency if UART clock source selection is PLL */ if (u32UartClkSrcSel == 2ul) // ACLK { //u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel] = CLK_GetPLLClockFreq(); } if (u32UartClkSrcSel == 3ul) // PCLK { //u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel] = CLK_GetPLLClockFreq(); } /* Set UART baud rate */ if (u32baudrate != 0ul) { u32Baud_Div = UART_BAUD_MODE2_DIVIDER((u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel]) / (u32UartClkDivNum + 1ul), u32baudrate); if (u32Baud_Div > 0xFFFFul) { uart->BAUD = (UART_BAUD_MODE0 | UART_BAUD_MODE0_DIVIDER((u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel]) / (u32UartClkDivNum + 1ul), u32baudrate)); } else { uart->BAUD = (UART_BAUD_MODE2 | u32Baud_Div); } } /* Set UART line configuration */ uart->LINE = u32data_width | u32parity | u32stop_bits; } /** * @brief Set Rx timeout count * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32TOC Rx timeout counter. * * @return None * * @details This function use to set Rx timeout count. */ void UART_SetTimeoutCnt(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32TOC) { /* Set time-out interrupt comparator */ uart->TOUT = (uart->TOUT & ~UART_TOUT_TOIC_Msk) | (u32TOC); /* Set time-out counter enable */ uart->INTEN |= UART_INTEN_TOCNTEN_Msk; } /** * @brief Select and configure IrDA function * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32Buadrate The baudrate of UART module. * @param[in] u32Direction The direction of UART module in IrDA mode: * - \ref UART_IRDA_TXEN * - \ref UART_IRDA_RXEN * * @return None * * @details The function is used to configure IrDA relative settings. It consists of TX or RX mode and baudrate. */ void UART_SelectIrDAMode(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32Buadrate, uint32_t u32Direction) { uint32_t u32UartClkSrcSel = 0ul, u32UartClkDivNum = 0ul; //uint32_t u32ClkTbl[4] = {XIN, LXT, ACLK, UCLK}; uint32_t u32ClkTbl[4] = {12000000, 32768, 75000000, 150000000}; uint32_t u32Baud_Div = 0ul; if ((uint32_t)uart == UART0_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART1_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART2_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 19)) >> 19; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 21)) >> 21; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART3_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x3ul << 27)) >> 27; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL4) & (0x7ul << 29)) >> 29; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART4_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART5_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART6_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 19)) >> 19; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 21)) >> 21; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART7_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x3ul << 27)) >> 27; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL5) & (0x7ul << 29)) >> 29; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART8_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x3ul << 3)) >> 3; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x7ul << 5)) >> 5; } else if ((uint32_t)uart == UART9_BA) { /* Get UART clock source selection */ u32UartClkSrcSel = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x3ul << 11)) >> 11; /* Get UART clock divider number */ u32UartClkDivNum = (inp32(REG_CLK_DIVCTL6) & (0x7ul << 13)) >> 13; } /* Get PLL clock frequency if UART clock source selection is PLL */ if (u32UartClkSrcSel == 2ul) // ACLK { //u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel] = CLK_GetPLLClockFreq(); } if (u32UartClkSrcSel == 3ul) // PCLK { //u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel] = CLK_GetPLLClockFreq(); } /* Set UART IrDA baud rate in mode 0 */ if (u32Buadrate != 0ul) { u32Baud_Div = UART_BAUD_MODE0_DIVIDER((u32ClkTbl[u32UartClkSrcSel]) / (u32UartClkDivNum + 1ul), u32Buadrate); if (u32Baud_Div < 0xFFFFul) { uart->BAUD = (UART_BAUD_MODE0 | u32Baud_Div); } else { } } /* Configure IrDA relative settings */ if (u32Direction == UART_IRDA_RXEN) { uart->IRDA |= UART_IRDA_RXINV_Msk; /*Rx signal is inverse*/ uart->IRDA &= ~UART_IRDA_TXEN_Msk; } else { uart->IRDA &= ~UART_IRDA_TXINV_Msk; /*Tx signal is not inverse*/ uart->IRDA |= UART_IRDA_TXEN_Msk; } } /** * @brief Select and configure RS485 function * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32Mode The operation mode(NMM/AUD/AAD). * - \ref UART_ALTCTL_RS485NMM_Msk * - \ref UART_ALTCTL_RS485AUD_Msk * - \ref UART_ALTCTL_RS485AAD_Msk * @param[in] u32Addr The RS485 address. * * @return None * * @details The function is used to set RS485 relative setting. */ void UART_SelectRS485Mode(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32Mode, uint32_t u32Addr) { /* Select UART RS485 function mode */ uart->FUNCSEL = UART_FUNCSEL_RS485; /* Set RS585 configuration */ uart->ALTCTL &= ~(UART_ALTCTL_RS485NMM_Msk | UART_ALTCTL_RS485AUD_Msk | UART_ALTCTL_RS485AAD_Msk | UART_ALTCTL_ADDRMV_Msk); uart->ALTCTL |= (u32Mode | (u32Addr << UART_ALTCTL_ADDRMV_Pos)); } /** * @brief Select and configure LIN function * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] u32Mode The LIN direction : * - \ref UART_ALTCTL_LINTXEN_Msk * - \ref UART_ALTCTL_LINRXEN_Msk * @param[in] u32BreakLength The break field length. * * @return None * * @details The function is used to set LIN relative setting. */ void UART_SelectLINMode(UART_T *uart, uint32_t u32Mode, uint32_t u32BreakLength) { /* Select LIN function mode */ uart->FUNCSEL = UART_FUNCSEL_LIN; /* Select LIN function setting : Tx enable, Rx enable and break field length */ uart->ALTCTL &= ~(UART_ALTCTL_LINTXEN_Msk | UART_ALTCTL_LINRXEN_Msk | UART_ALTCTL_BRKFL_Msk); uart->ALTCTL |= (u32Mode | (u32BreakLength << UART_ALTCTL_BRKFL_Pos)); } /** * @brief Write UART data * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module. * @param[in] pu8TxBuf The buffer to send the data to UART transmission FIFO. * @param[out] u32WriteBytes The byte number of data. * * @return u32Count transfer byte count * * @details The function is to write data into TX buffer to transmit data by UART. */ uint32_t UART_Write(UART_T *uart, uint8_t pu8TxBuf[], uint32_t u32WriteBytes) { uint32_t u32Count, u32delayno; uint32_t u32Exit = 0ul; for (u32Count = 0ul; u32Count != u32WriteBytes; u32Count++) { u32delayno = 0ul; while ((uart->FIFOSTS & UART_FIFOSTS_TXEMPTYF_Msk) == 0ul) /* Wait Tx empty and Time-out manner */ { u32delayno++; if (u32delayno >= 0x40000000ul) { u32Exit = 1ul; break; } else { } } if (u32Exit == 1ul) { break; } else { uart->DAT = pu8TxBuf[u32Count]; /* Send UART Data from buffer */ } } return u32Count; } /** * @brief Set RTS pin to low * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module * * @return None * * @details This macro set RTS pin to low. */ void UART_CLEAR_RTS(UART_T *uart) { uart->MODEM |= UART_MODEM_RTSACTLV_Msk; uart->MODEM &= ~UART_MODEM_RTS_Msk; } /** * @brief Set RTS pin to high * * @param[in] uart The pointer of the specified UART module * * @return None * * @details This macro set RTS pin to high. */ void UART_SET_RTS(UART_T *uart) { uart->MODEM |= UART_MODEM_RTSACTLV_Msk | UART_MODEM_RTS_Msk; } /*@}*/ /* end of group UART_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */ /*@}*/ /* end of group UART_Driver */ /*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */ /*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/