/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2018-08-06 tyx the first version * 2023-12-12 Evlers add the wlan join scan function * 2024-12-25 Evlers add get_info api for more new sta information * 2025-01-04 Evlers add ap_get_info api for more ap information */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #define RT_WLAN_MGNT_DEBUG #define DBG_TAG "WLAN.mgnt" #ifdef RT_WLAN_MGNT_DEBUG #define DBG_LVL DBG_LOG #else #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #endif /* RT_WLAN_MGNT_DEBUG */ #include #ifdef RT_WLAN_MANAGE_ENABLE #ifndef RT_WLAN_DEVICE #define RT_WLAN_DEVICE(__device) ((struct rt_wlan_device *)__device) #endif #define RT_WLAN_LOG_D(_fmt, ...) LOG_D("L:%d "_fmt"", __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define RT_WLAN_LOG_I(...) LOG_I(__VA_ARGS__) #define RT_WLAN_LOG_W(_fmt, ...) LOG_W("F:%s L:%d "_fmt"", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define RT_WLAN_LOG_E(_fmt, ...) LOG_E("F:%s L:%d "_fmt"", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define STA_DEVICE() (_sta_mgnt.device) #define AP_DEVICE() (_ap_mgnt.device) #define STAINFO_LOCK() (rt_mutex_take(&sta_info_mutex, RT_WAITING_FOREVER)) #define STAINFO_UNLOCK() (rt_mutex_release(&sta_info_mutex)) #define MGNT_LOCK() (rt_mutex_take(&mgnt_mutex, RT_WAITING_FOREVER)) #define MGNT_UNLOCK() (rt_mutex_release(&mgnt_mutex)) #define COMPLETE_LOCK() (rt_mutex_take(&complete_mutex, RT_WAITING_FOREVER)) #define COMPLETE_UNLOCK() (rt_mutex_release(&complete_mutex)) #ifdef RT_WLAN_AUTO_CONNECT_ENABLE #define TIME_STOP() (rt_timer_stop(&reconnect_time)) #define TIME_START() (rt_timer_start(&reconnect_time)) static rt_uint32_t id = 0; #else #define TIME_STOP() #define TIME_START() #endif #if RT_WLAN_EBOX_NUM < 1 #error "event box num Too few" #endif struct rt_wlan_mgnt_des { struct rt_wlan_device *device; struct rt_wlan_info info; struct rt_wlan_key key; rt_uint8_t state; rt_uint8_t flags; }; struct rt_wlan_event_desc { rt_wlan_event_handler handler; void *parameter; }; struct rt_wlan_sta_list { struct rt_wlan_sta_list *next; struct rt_wlan_info info; }; struct rt_wlan_sta_des { int num; struct rt_wlan_sta_list *node; }; struct rt_wlan_msg { rt_int32_t event; rt_int32_t len; void *buff; }; struct rt_wlan_complete_des { struct rt_event complete; rt_uint32_t event_flag; int index; }; static struct rt_mutex mgnt_mutex; static struct rt_wlan_mgnt_des _sta_mgnt; static struct rt_wlan_mgnt_des _ap_mgnt; static struct rt_wlan_sta_des sta_info; static struct rt_mutex sta_info_mutex; static struct rt_wlan_event_desc event_tab[RT_WLAN_EVT_MAX]; static struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete_tab[5]; static struct rt_mutex complete_mutex; #ifdef RT_WLAN_AUTO_CONNECT_ENABLE static struct rt_timer reconnect_time; #endif rt_inline int _sta_is_null(void) { if (_sta_mgnt.device == RT_NULL) { return 1; } return 0; } rt_inline int _ap_is_null(void) { if (_ap_mgnt.device == RT_NULL) { return 1; } return 0; } rt_inline rt_bool_t _is_do_connect(void) { if ((rt_wlan_get_autoreconnect_mode() == RT_FALSE) || (rt_wlan_is_connected() == RT_TRUE) || (_sta_mgnt.state & RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECTING)) { return RT_FALSE; } return RT_TRUE; } #ifdef RT_WLAN_WORK_THREAD_ENABLE static void rt_wlan_mgnt_work(void *parameter) { struct rt_wlan_msg *msg = parameter; void *user_parameter; rt_wlan_event_handler handler = RT_NULL; struct rt_wlan_buff user_buff = { 0 }; rt_base_t level; /* Get user callback */ if (msg->event < RT_WLAN_EVT_MAX) { level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); handler = event_tab[msg->event].handler; user_parameter = event_tab[msg->event].parameter; rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } /* run user callback fun */ if (handler) { user_buff.data = msg->buff; user_buff.len = msg->len; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("wlan work thread run user callback, event:%d", msg->event); handler(msg->event, &user_buff, user_parameter); } switch (msg->event) { case RT_WLAN_EVT_STA_CONNECTED: { struct rt_wlan_cfg_info cfg_info; rt_memset(&cfg_info, 0, sizeof(cfg_info)); /* save config */ if (rt_wlan_is_connected() == RT_TRUE) { rt_enter_critical(); cfg_info.info = _sta_mgnt.info; cfg_info.key = _sta_mgnt.key; rt_exit_critical(); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("run save config! ssid:%s len%d", _sta_mgnt.info.ssid.val, _sta_mgnt.info.ssid.len); #ifdef RT_WLAN_CFG_ENABLE rt_wlan_cfg_save(&cfg_info); #endif } break; } default : break; } rt_free(msg); } static rt_err_t rt_wlan_send_to_thread(rt_wlan_event_t event, void *buff, int len) { struct rt_wlan_msg *msg; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("F:%s is run event:%d", __FUNCTION__, event); /* Event packing */ msg = rt_malloc(sizeof(struct rt_wlan_msg) + len); if (msg == RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("wlan mgnt send msg err! No memory"); return -RT_ENOMEM; } rt_memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_msg) + len); msg->event = event; if (len != 0) { msg->buff = (void *)&msg[1]; rt_memcpy(msg->buff, buff, len); msg->len = len; } /* send event to wlan thread */ if (rt_wlan_workqueue_dowork(rt_wlan_mgnt_work, msg) != RT_EOK) { rt_free(msg); RT_WLAN_LOG_E("wlan mgnt do work fail"); return -RT_ERROR; } return RT_EOK; } #endif static rt_err_t rt_wlan_sta_info_add(struct rt_wlan_info *info, int timeout) { struct rt_wlan_sta_list *sta_list; rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; if (_ap_is_null() || (info == RT_NULL)) return RT_EOK; err = rt_mutex_take(&sta_info_mutex, rt_tick_from_millisecond(timeout)); if (err == RT_EOK) { /* malloc memory */ sta_list = rt_malloc(sizeof(struct rt_wlan_sta_list)); if (sta_list == RT_NULL) { rt_mutex_release(&sta_info_mutex); RT_WLAN_LOG_E("sta list malloc failed!"); return -RT_ENOMEM; } sta_list->next = RT_NULL; sta_list->info = *info; /* Append sta info */ sta_list->next = sta_info.node; sta_info.node = sta_list; /* num++ */ sta_info.num ++; rt_mutex_release(&sta_info_mutex); RT_WLAN_LOG_I("sta associated mac:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", info->bssid[0], info->bssid[1], info->bssid[2], info->bssid[3], info->bssid[4], info->bssid[5]); } return err; } static rt_err_t rt_wlan_sta_info_del(struct rt_wlan_info *info, int timeout) { struct rt_wlan_sta_list *sta_list, *sta_prve; rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; if (_ap_is_null() || (info == RT_NULL)) return RT_EOK; err = rt_mutex_take(&sta_info_mutex, rt_tick_from_millisecond(timeout)); if (err == RT_EOK) { /* traversing the list */ for (sta_list = sta_info.node, sta_prve = RT_NULL; sta_list != RT_NULL; sta_prve = sta_list, sta_list = sta_list->next) { /* find mac addr */ if (rt_memcmp(&sta_list->info.bssid[0], &info->bssid[0], RT_WLAN_BSSID_MAX_LENGTH) == 0) { if (sta_prve == RT_NULL) { sta_info.node = sta_list->next; } else { sta_prve->next = sta_list->next; } sta_info.num --; rt_free(sta_list); break; } } rt_mutex_release(&sta_info_mutex); RT_WLAN_LOG_I("sta exit mac:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", info->bssid[0], info->bssid[1], info->bssid[2], info->bssid[3], info->bssid[4], info->bssid[5]); } return err; } static rt_err_t rt_wlan_sta_info_del_all(int timeout) { struct rt_wlan_sta_list *sta_list, *sta_next; rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; err = rt_mutex_take(&sta_info_mutex, rt_tick_from_millisecond(timeout)); if (err == RT_EOK) { /* traversing the list */ for (sta_list = sta_info.node; sta_list != RT_NULL; sta_list = sta_next) { sta_next = sta_list->next; sta_info.num --; rt_free(sta_list); } rt_mutex_release(&sta_info_mutex); } if (sta_info.num != 0) { RT_WLAN_LOG_W("\n\n!!!Program runing exception!!!\n\n"); } sta_info.num = 0; sta_info.node = RT_NULL; return err; } #ifdef RT_WLAN_AUTO_CONNECT_ENABLE static void rt_wlan_auto_connect_run(struct rt_work *work, void *parameter) { struct rt_wlan_cfg_info cfg_info; char *password = RT_NULL; rt_base_t level; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("F:%s is run", __FUNCTION__); if (rt_mutex_take(&mgnt_mutex, 0) != RT_EOK) goto exit; /* auto connect status is disable or wifi is connect or connecting, exit */ if (_is_do_connect() == RT_FALSE) { id = 0; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("not connection"); goto exit; } /* Read the next configuration */ rt_memset(&cfg_info, 0, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_cfg_info)); if (rt_wlan_cfg_read_index(&cfg_info, id ++) == 0) { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("read cfg fail"); id = 0; goto exit; } if (id >= rt_wlan_cfg_get_num()) id = 0; if ((cfg_info.key.len > 0) && (cfg_info.key.len <= RT_WLAN_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH)) { cfg_info.key.val[cfg_info.key.len] = '\0'; password = (char *)(&cfg_info.key.val[0]); } rt_wlan_connect((char *)cfg_info.info.ssid.val, password); exit: rt_mutex_release(&mgnt_mutex); level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); rt_memset(work, 0, sizeof(struct rt_work)); rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } static void rt_wlan_cyclic_check(void *parameter) { static struct rt_work work; rt_base_t level; if ((_is_do_connect() == RT_TRUE) && (work.work_func == RT_NULL)) { level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); rt_work_init(&work, rt_wlan_auto_connect_run, RT_NULL); rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); if(rt_work_submit(&work,RT_TICK_PER_SECOND) != RT_EOK) { level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); rt_memset(&work, 0, sizeof(struct rt_work)); rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } } } #endif static void rt_wlan_event_dispatch(struct rt_wlan_device *device, rt_wlan_dev_event_t event, struct rt_wlan_buff *buff, void *parameter) { rt_err_t err = RT_NULL; rt_wlan_event_t user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_MAX; int i; struct rt_wlan_buff user_buff = { 0 }; if (buff) { user_buff = *buff; } /* Event Handle */ switch (event) { case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_CONNECT: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: CONNECT"); #ifdef RT_WLAN_AUTO_CONNECT_ENABLE id = 0; #endif _sta_mgnt.state |= RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECT; _sta_mgnt.state &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECTING; user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_STA_CONNECTED; TIME_STOP(); user_buff.data = &_sta_mgnt.info; user_buff.len = sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info); RT_WLAN_LOG_I("wifi connect success ssid:%s", &_sta_mgnt.info.ssid.val[0]); #ifdef RT_WLAN_CFG_ENABLE { struct rt_wlan_cfg_info cfg_info; rt_memset(&cfg_info, 0, sizeof(cfg_info)); /* save config */ if (rt_wlan_is_connected() == RT_TRUE) { rt_enter_critical(); cfg_info.info = _sta_mgnt.info; cfg_info.key = _sta_mgnt.key; rt_exit_critical(); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("run save config! ssid:%s len%d", _sta_mgnt.info.ssid.val, _sta_mgnt.info.ssid.len); rt_wlan_cfg_save(&cfg_info); } } #endif break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_CONNECT_FAIL: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: CONNECT_FAIL"); _sta_mgnt.state &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECT; _sta_mgnt.state &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECTING; _sta_mgnt.state &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_READY; user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_STA_CONNECTED_FAIL; user_buff.data = &_sta_mgnt.info; user_buff.len = sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info); if (rt_wlan_get_autoreconnect_mode()) { TIME_START(); } break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_DISCONNECT: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: DISCONNECT"); _sta_mgnt.state &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECT; _sta_mgnt.state &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_READY; user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_STA_DISCONNECTED; user_buff.data = &_sta_mgnt.info; user_buff.len = sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info); if (rt_wlan_get_autoreconnect_mode()) { TIME_START(); } break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_START: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: AP_START"); _ap_mgnt.state |= RT_WLAN_STATE_ACTIVE; user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_AP_START; user_buff.data = &_ap_mgnt.info; user_buff.len = sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info); break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_STOP: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: AP_STOP"); _ap_mgnt.state &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_ACTIVE; user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_AP_STOP; err = rt_wlan_sta_info_del_all(RT_WAITING_FOREVER); if (err != RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_W("AP_STOP event handle fail"); } user_buff.data = &_ap_mgnt.info; user_buff.len = sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info); break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_ASSOCIATED: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: ASSOCIATED"); user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_AP_ASSOCIATED; if (user_buff.len != sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info)) break; err = rt_wlan_sta_info_add(user_buff.data, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); if (err != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_W("AP_ASSOCIATED event handle fail"); } break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_DISASSOCIATED: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: DISASSOCIATED"); user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_AP_DISASSOCIATED; if (user_buff.len != sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info)) break; err = rt_wlan_sta_info_del(user_buff.data, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); if (err != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_W("AP_DISASSOCIATED event handle fail"); } break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_ASSOCIATE_FAILED: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: AP_ASSOCIATE_FAILED"); break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_SCAN_REPORT: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: SCAN_REPORT"); user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_SCAN_REPORT; break; } case RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_SCAN_DONE: { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: SCAN_DONE"); user_event = RT_WLAN_EVT_SCAN_DONE; break; } default : { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("event: UNKNOWN"); return; } } /* send event */ COMPLETE_LOCK(); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(complete_tab) / sizeof(complete_tab[0]); i++) { if ((complete_tab[i] != RT_NULL)) { complete_tab[i]->event_flag |= 0x1 << event; rt_event_send(&complete_tab[i]->complete, 0x1 << event); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("&complete_tab[i]->complete:0x%08x", &complete_tab[i]->complete); } } COMPLETE_UNLOCK(); #ifdef RT_WLAN_WORK_THREAD_ENABLE rt_wlan_send_to_thread(user_event, user_buff.data, user_buff.len); #else { void *user_parameter; rt_wlan_event_handler handler = RT_NULL; rt_base_t level; /* Get user callback */ if (user_event < RT_WLAN_EVT_MAX) { level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); handler = event_tab[user_event].handler; user_parameter = event_tab[user_event].parameter; rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); } /* run user callback fun */ if (handler) { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("unknown thread run user callback, event:%d", user_event); handler(user_event, &user_buff, user_parameter); } } #endif } static struct rt_wlan_complete_des *rt_wlan_complete_create(const char *name) { struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete; int i; complete = rt_malloc(sizeof(struct rt_wlan_complete_des)); if (complete == RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("complete event create failed"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return complete; } rt_event_init(&complete->complete, name, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); complete->event_flag = 0; //protect COMPLETE_LOCK(); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(complete_tab) / sizeof(complete_tab[0]); i++) { if (complete_tab[i] == RT_NULL) { complete->index = i; complete_tab[i] = complete; break; } } COMPLETE_UNLOCK(); if (i >= sizeof(complete_tab) / sizeof(complete_tab[0])) { rt_event_detach(&complete->complete); rt_free(complete); complete = RT_NULL; } return complete; } static rt_err_t rt_wlan_complete_wait(struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete, rt_uint32_t event, rt_uint32_t timeout, rt_uint32_t *recved) { if (complete == RT_NULL) { return -RT_ERROR; } /* Check whether there is a waiting event */ if (complete->event_flag & event) { *recved = complete->event_flag; return RT_EOK; } else { return rt_event_recv(&complete->complete, event, RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR, rt_tick_from_millisecond(timeout), recved); } } static void rt_wlan_complete_delete(struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete) { if (complete == RT_NULL) { return; } COMPLETE_LOCK(); complete_tab[complete->index] = RT_NULL; COMPLETE_UNLOCK(); rt_event_detach(&complete->complete); rt_free(complete); } rt_err_t rt_wlan_set_mode(const char *dev_name, rt_wlan_mode_t mode) { rt_device_t device = RT_NULL; rt_err_t err; rt_int8_t up_event_flag = 0; rt_wlan_dev_event_handler handler = RT_NULL; if ((dev_name == RT_NULL) || (mode >= RT_WLAN_MODE_MAX)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("Parameter Wrongful name:%s mode:%d", dev_name, mode); return -RT_EINVAL; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run dev_name:%s mode:%s%s%s", __FUNCTION__, dev_name, mode == RT_WLAN_NONE ? "NONE" : "", mode == RT_WLAN_STATION ? "STA" : "", mode == RT_WLAN_AP ? "AP" : "" ); /* find device */ device = rt_device_find(dev_name); if (device == RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("not find device, set mode failed! name:%s", dev_name); return -RT_EIO; } MGNT_LOCK(); if (RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device)->mode == mode) { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("L:%d this device mode is set"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return RT_EOK; } if ((mode == RT_WLAN_STATION) && (RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device)->flags & RT_WLAN_FLAG_AP_ONLY)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_I("this device ap mode only"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } else if ((mode == RT_WLAN_AP) && (RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device)->flags & RT_WLAN_FLAG_STA_ONLY)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_I("this device sta mode only"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } /* * device == sta and change to ap, should deinit * device == ap and change to sta, should deinit */ if (((mode == RT_WLAN_STATION) && (RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device) == AP_DEVICE())) || ((mode == RT_WLAN_AP) && (RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device) == STA_DEVICE()))) { err = rt_wlan_set_mode(dev_name, RT_WLAN_NONE); if (err != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("change mode failed!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } } /* init device */ err = rt_wlan_dev_init(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), mode); if (err != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("F:%s L:%d wlan init failed", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } /* the mode is none */ if (mode == RT_WLAN_NONE) { if (_sta_mgnt.device == RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device)) { _sta_mgnt.device = RT_NULL; _sta_mgnt.state = 0; up_event_flag = 1; handler = RT_NULL; } else if (_ap_mgnt.device == RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device)) { _ap_mgnt.state = 0; _ap_mgnt.device = RT_NULL; up_event_flag = 1; handler = RT_NULL; } } /* save sta device */ else if (mode == RT_WLAN_STATION) { up_event_flag = 1; handler = rt_wlan_event_dispatch; _sta_mgnt.device = RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device); } /* save ap device */ else if (mode == RT_WLAN_AP) { up_event_flag = 1; handler = rt_wlan_event_dispatch; _ap_mgnt.device = RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device); } /* update dev event handle */ if (up_event_flag == 1) { if (handler) { if (mode == RT_WLAN_STATION) { rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_CONNECT, handler, RT_NULL); rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_CONNECT_FAIL, handler, RT_NULL); rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_DISCONNECT, handler, RT_NULL); rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_SCAN_REPORT, handler, RT_NULL); rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_SCAN_DONE, handler, RT_NULL); } else if (mode == RT_WLAN_AP) { rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_START, handler, RT_NULL); rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_STOP, handler, RT_NULL); rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_ASSOCIATED, handler, RT_NULL); rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_DISASSOCIATED, handler, RT_NULL); rt_wlan_dev_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_ASSOCIATE_FAILED, handler, RT_NULL); } } else { rt_wlan_dev_event_t event; handler = rt_wlan_event_dispatch; for (event = RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_INIT_DONE; event < RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_MAX; event++) { rt_wlan_dev_unregister_event_handler(RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device), event, handler); } } } MGNT_UNLOCK(); /* Mount protocol */ #if defined(RT_WLAN_PROT_ENABLE) && defined(RT_WLAN_DEFAULT_PROT) if (err == RT_EOK) { rt_wlan_prot_attach(dev_name, RT_WLAN_DEFAULT_PROT); } #endif return err; } rt_wlan_mode_t rt_wlan_get_mode(const char *dev_name) { rt_device_t device = RT_NULL; rt_wlan_mode_t mode; if (dev_name == RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("name is null"); return RT_WLAN_NONE; } /* find device */ device = rt_device_find(dev_name); if (device == RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("device not find! name:%s", dev_name); return RT_WLAN_NONE; } /* get mode */ mode = RT_WLAN_DEVICE(device)->mode; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run dev_name:%s mode:%s%s%s", __FUNCTION__, dev_name, mode == RT_WLAN_NONE ? "NONE" : "", mode == RT_WLAN_STATION ? "STA" : "", mode == RT_WLAN_AP ? "AP" : ""); return mode; } #ifdef RT_WLAN_JOIN_SCAN_BY_MGNT static void rt_wlan_join_scan_callback(int event, struct rt_wlan_buff *buff, void *parameter) { struct rt_wlan_info *info = RT_NULL; struct rt_wlan_info *tgt_info = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(event == RT_WLAN_EVT_SCAN_REPORT); RT_ASSERT(buff != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(parameter != RT_NULL); info = (struct rt_wlan_info *)buff->data; tgt_info = (struct rt_wlan_info *)parameter; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s info len:%d tgt info len:%d", __FUNCTION__,info->ssid.len,tgt_info->ssid.len); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s info ssid:%s tgt info ssid:%s", __FUNCTION__,&info->ssid.val[0],&tgt_info->ssid.val[0]); if(rt_memcmp(&info->ssid.val[0], &tgt_info->ssid.val[0], info->ssid.len) == 0 && info->ssid.len == tgt_info->ssid.len) { /*Get the rssi the max ap*/ if((info->rssi > tgt_info->rssi) || (tgt_info->rssi == 0)) { tgt_info->security = info->security; tgt_info->band = info->band; tgt_info->datarate = info->datarate; tgt_info->channel = info->channel; tgt_info->rssi = info->rssi; tgt_info->hidden = info->hidden; /* hwaddr */ rt_memcpy(tgt_info->bssid,info->bssid,RT_WLAN_BSSID_MAX_LENGTH); } } } #endif rt_err_t rt_wlan_connect(const char *ssid, const char *password) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; int ssid_len = 0; struct rt_wlan_info info; struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete; rt_uint32_t set = 0, recved = 0; /* sta dev Can't be NULL */ if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run ssid:%s password:%s", __FUNCTION__, ssid, password); if (ssid == RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("ssid is null!"); return -RT_EINVAL; } ssid_len = rt_strlen(ssid); if (ssid_len > RT_WLAN_SSID_MAX_LENGTH) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("ssid is to long! ssid:%s len:%d", ssid, ssid_len); return -RT_EINVAL; } if ((rt_wlan_is_connected() == RT_TRUE) && (rt_strcmp((char *)&_sta_mgnt.info.ssid.val[0], ssid) == 0)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_I("wifi is connect ssid:%s", ssid); return RT_EOK; } /* get info from cache */ INVALID_INFO(&info); MGNT_LOCK(); rt_memcpy(&info.ssid.val[0],ssid,rt_strlen(ssid)); info.ssid.len = rt_strlen(ssid); #ifdef RT_WLAN_JOIN_SCAN_BY_MGNT err = rt_wlan_register_event_handler(RT_WLAN_EVT_SCAN_REPORT,rt_wlan_join_scan_callback,&info); if(err != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("Scan register user callback error:%d!\n",err); return err; } err = rt_wlan_scan_with_info(&info); if(err != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("Scan with info error:%d!\n",err); return err; } if (info.channel <= 0) { RT_WLAN_LOG_W("not find ap! ssid:%s,info.ssid.len=%d", ssid,info.ssid.len); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("find best info ssid:%s mac: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", info.ssid.val, info.bssid[0], info.bssid[1], info.bssid[2], info.bssid[3], info.bssid[4], info.bssid[5]); #endif /* create event wait complete */ complete = rt_wlan_complete_create("join"); if (complete == RT_NULL) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /* run connect adv */ err = rt_wlan_connect_adv(&info, password); if (err != RT_EOK) { rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } /* Initializing events that need to wait */ set |= 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_CONNECT; set |= 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_CONNECT_FAIL; /* Check whether there is a waiting event */ rt_wlan_complete_wait(complete, set, RT_WLAN_CONNECT_WAIT_MS, &recved); rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); /* check event */ set = 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_CONNECT; if (!(recved & set)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_I("wifi connect failed!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_connect_adv(struct rt_wlan_info *info, const char *password) { int password_len = 0; rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } if (info == RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("info is null!"); return -RT_EINVAL; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run ssid:%s password:%s", __FUNCTION__, info->ssid.val, password); /* Parameter checking */ if (password != RT_NULL) { password_len = rt_strlen(password); if (password_len > RT_WLAN_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("password is to long! password:%s len:%d", password, password_len); return -RT_EINVAL; } } if (info->ssid.len == 0 || info->ssid.len > RT_WLAN_SSID_MAX_LENGTH) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("ssid is zero or to long! ssid:%s len:%d", info->ssid.val, info->ssid.len); return -RT_EINVAL; } /* is connect ? */ MGNT_LOCK(); if (rt_wlan_is_connected()) { if ((_sta_mgnt.info.ssid.len == info->ssid.len) && (_sta_mgnt.key.len == password_len) && (rt_memcmp(&_sta_mgnt.info.ssid.val[0], &info->ssid.val[0], info->ssid.len) == 0) && (rt_memcmp(&_sta_mgnt.info.bssid[0], &info->bssid[0], RT_WLAN_BSSID_MAX_LENGTH) == 0) && (rt_memcmp(&_sta_mgnt.key.val[0], password, password_len) == 0)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_I("wifi Already Connected"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return RT_EOK; } err = rt_wlan_disconnect(); if (err != RT_EOK) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } } /* save info */ rt_enter_critical(); _sta_mgnt.info = *info; rt_memcpy(&_sta_mgnt.key.val, password, password_len); _sta_mgnt.key.len = password_len; _sta_mgnt.key.val[password_len] = '\0'; rt_exit_critical(); /* run wifi connect */ _sta_mgnt.state |= RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECTING; err = rt_wlan_dev_fast_connect(_sta_mgnt.device, info, password, password_len); if(err != RT_EOK) { err = rt_wlan_dev_connect(_sta_mgnt.device, info, password, password_len); if (err != RT_EOK) { rt_enter_critical(); rt_memset(&_sta_mgnt.info, 0, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_ssid)); rt_memset(&_sta_mgnt.key, 0, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_key)); rt_exit_critical(); _sta_mgnt.state &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECTING; MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } } MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_disconnect(void) { rt_err_t err; struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete; rt_uint32_t recved = 0, set = 0; /* ap dev Can't be empty */ if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); /* run disconnect */ MGNT_LOCK(); /* create event wait complete */ complete = rt_wlan_complete_create("disc"); if (complete == RT_NULL) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ENOMEM; } err = rt_wlan_dev_disconnect(_sta_mgnt.device); if (err != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("wifi disconnect fail"); rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } /* Initializing events that need to wait */ set |= 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_DISCONNECT; /* Check whether there is a waiting event */ rt_wlan_complete_wait(complete, set, RT_WLAN_CONNECT_WAIT_MS, &recved); rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); /* check event */ set = 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_DISCONNECT; if (!(recved & set)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("disconnect failed!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } RT_WLAN_LOG_I("disconnect success!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_bool_t rt_wlan_is_connected(void) { rt_bool_t _connect; if (_sta_is_null()) { return RT_FALSE; } _connect = _sta_mgnt.state & RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECT ? RT_TRUE : RT_FALSE; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run : %s", __FUNCTION__, _connect ? "connect" : "disconnect"); return _connect; } rt_bool_t rt_wlan_is_ready(void) { rt_bool_t _ready; if (_sta_is_null()) { return RT_FALSE; } _ready = _sta_mgnt.state & RT_WLAN_STATE_READY ? RT_TRUE : RT_FALSE; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run : %s", __FUNCTION__, _ready ? "ready" : "not ready"); return _ready; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_set_mac(rt_uint8_t mac[6]) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run mac: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", __FUNCTION__, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); MGNT_LOCK(); err = rt_wlan_dev_set_mac(STA_DEVICE(), mac); if (err != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("set sta mac addr fail"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_get_mac(rt_uint8_t mac[6]) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } MGNT_LOCK(); err = rt_wlan_dev_get_mac(STA_DEVICE(), mac); if (err != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("get sta mac addr fail"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run mac: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", __FUNCTION__, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_get_info(struct rt_wlan_info *info) { if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); if (rt_wlan_is_connected() == RT_TRUE) { /* Initialize the information to the scan first */ *info = _sta_mgnt.info; /* Try using get_info's API for more new information */ if (rt_wlan_dev_get_info(STA_DEVICE(), info) != RT_EOK) { /* The get_info returns an error and gets the rssi value separately */ info->rssi = rt_wlan_get_rssi(); } return RT_EOK; } return -RT_ERROR; } int rt_wlan_get_rssi(void) { int rssi = 0; if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } MGNT_LOCK(); rssi = rt_wlan_dev_get_rssi(STA_DEVICE()); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run rssi:%d", __FUNCTION__, rssi); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return rssi; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_start_ap(const char *ssid, const char *password) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; int ssid_len = 0; struct rt_wlan_info info; struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete; rt_uint32_t set = 0, recved = 0; if (_ap_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } if (ssid == RT_NULL) return -RT_EINVAL; rt_memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info)); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run ssid:%s password:%s", __FUNCTION__, ssid, password); if (password) { info.security = SECURITY_WPA2_AES_PSK; } ssid_len = rt_strlen(ssid); if (ssid_len > RT_WLAN_SSID_MAX_LENGTH) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("ssid is to long! len:%d", ssid_len); } /* copy info */ rt_memcpy(&info.ssid.val, ssid, ssid_len); info.ssid.len = ssid_len; info.channel = 6; info.band = RT_802_11_BAND_2_4GHZ; /* Initializing events that need to wait */ MGNT_LOCK(); /* create event wait complete */ complete = rt_wlan_complete_create("start_ap"); if (complete == RT_NULL) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /* start ap */ err = rt_wlan_start_ap_adv(&info, password); if (err != RT_EOK) { rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); RT_WLAN_LOG_I("start ap failed!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } /* Initializing events that need to wait */ set |= 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_START; set |= 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_STOP; /* Check whether there is a waiting event */ rt_wlan_complete_wait(complete, set, RT_WLAN_START_AP_WAIT_MS, &recved); rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); /* check event */ set = 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_START; if (!(recved & set)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_I("start ap failed!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } RT_WLAN_LOG_I("start ap successs!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_start_ap_adv(struct rt_wlan_info *info, const char *password) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; int password_len = 0; if (_ap_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); if (password != RT_NULL) { password_len = rt_strlen(password); } if (password_len > RT_WLAN_PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("key is to long! len:%d", password_len); return -RT_EINVAL; } /* is start up ? */ MGNT_LOCK(); if (rt_wlan_ap_is_active()) { if ((_ap_mgnt.info.ssid.len == info->ssid.len) && (_ap_mgnt.info.security == info->security) && (_ap_mgnt.info.channel == info->channel) && (_ap_mgnt.info.hidden == info->hidden) && (_ap_mgnt.key.len == password_len) && (rt_memcmp(&_ap_mgnt.info.ssid.val[0], &info->ssid.val[0], info->ssid.len) == 0) && (rt_memcmp(&_ap_mgnt.key.val[0], password, password_len))) { RT_WLAN_LOG_D("wifi Already Start"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return RT_EOK; } } err = rt_wlan_dev_ap_start(AP_DEVICE(), info, password, password_len); if (err != RT_EOK) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_memcpy(&_ap_mgnt.info, info, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_info)); rt_memcpy(&_ap_mgnt.key.val, password, password_len); _ap_mgnt.key.len = password_len; MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_bool_t rt_wlan_ap_is_active(void) { rt_bool_t _active = RT_FALSE; if (_ap_is_null()) { return RT_FALSE; } _active = _ap_mgnt.state & RT_WLAN_STATE_ACTIVE ? RT_TRUE : RT_FALSE; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run active:%s", __FUNCTION__, _active ? "Active" : "Inactive"); return _active; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_ap_stop(void) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete; rt_uint32_t set = 0, recved = 0; if (_ap_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); MGNT_LOCK(); /* create event wait complete */ complete = rt_wlan_complete_create("stop_ap"); if (complete == RT_NULL) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ENOMEM; } err = rt_wlan_dev_ap_stop(AP_DEVICE()); if (err != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("ap stop fail"); rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } /* Initializing events that need to wait */ set |= 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_STOP; /* Check whether there is a waiting event */ rt_wlan_complete_wait(complete, set, RT_WLAN_START_AP_WAIT_MS, &recved); rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); /* check event */ set = 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_AP_STOP; if (!(recved & set)) { RT_WLAN_LOG_I("ap stop failed!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } RT_WLAN_LOG_I("ap stop success!"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_ap_get_info(struct rt_wlan_info *info) { if (_ap_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); if (rt_wlan_ap_is_active() == RT_TRUE) { *info = _ap_mgnt.info; if (rt_wlan_dev_ap_get_info(AP_DEVICE(), info) != RT_EOK) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("get ap info failed!"); return -RT_ERROR; } return RT_EOK; } return -RT_ERROR; } /* get sta number */ int rt_wlan_ap_get_sta_num(void) { int sta_num = 0; STAINFO_LOCK(); sta_num = sta_info.num; STAINFO_UNLOCK(); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run num:%d", __FUNCTION__, sta_num); return sta_num; } /* get sta info */ int rt_wlan_ap_get_sta_info(struct rt_wlan_info *info, int num) { int sta_num = 0, i = 0; struct rt_wlan_sta_list *sta_list; STAINFO_LOCK(); /* sta_num = min(sta_info.num, num) */ sta_num = sta_info.num > num ? num : sta_info.num; for (sta_list = sta_info.node; sta_list != RT_NULL && i < sta_num; sta_list = sta_list->next) { info[i] = sta_list->info; i ++; } STAINFO_UNLOCK(); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run num:%d", __FUNCTION__, i); return i; } /* deauth sta */ rt_err_t rt_wlan_ap_deauth_sta(rt_uint8_t *mac) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; struct rt_wlan_sta_list *sta_list; rt_bool_t find_flag = RT_FALSE; if (_ap_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run mac: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%d", __FUNCTION__, mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); if (mac == RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("mac addr is null"); return -RT_EINVAL; } MGNT_LOCK(); if (sta_info.node == RT_NULL || sta_info.num == 0) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("No AP"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } STAINFO_LOCK(); /* Search for MAC address from sta list */ for (sta_list = sta_info.node; sta_list != RT_NULL; sta_list = sta_list->next) { if (rt_memcmp(&sta_list->info.bssid[0], &mac[0], RT_WLAN_BSSID_MAX_LENGTH) == 0) { find_flag = RT_TRUE; break; } } STAINFO_UNLOCK(); /* No MAC address was found. return */ if (find_flag != RT_TRUE) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("Not find mac addr"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_ERROR; } /* Kill STA */ err = rt_wlan_dev_ap_deauth(AP_DEVICE(), mac); if (err != RT_NULL) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("deauth sta failed"); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_ap_set_country(rt_country_code_t country_code) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; if (_ap_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run country:%d", __FUNCTION__, country_code); MGNT_LOCK(); err = rt_wlan_dev_set_country(AP_DEVICE(), country_code); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_country_code_t rt_wlan_ap_get_country(void) { rt_country_code_t country_code = RT_COUNTRY_UNKNOWN; if (_ap_is_null()) { return country_code; } MGNT_LOCK(); country_code = rt_wlan_dev_get_country(AP_DEVICE()); RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run country:%d", __FUNCTION__, country_code); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return country_code; } void rt_wlan_config_autoreconnect(rt_bool_t enable) { #ifdef RT_WLAN_AUTO_CONNECT_ENABLE RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run enable:%d", __FUNCTION__, enable); MGNT_LOCK(); if (enable) { TIME_START(); _sta_mgnt.flags |= RT_WLAN_STATE_AUTOEN; } else { TIME_STOP(); _sta_mgnt.flags &= ~RT_WLAN_STATE_AUTOEN; } MGNT_UNLOCK(); #endif } rt_bool_t rt_wlan_get_autoreconnect_mode(void) { #ifdef RT_WLAN_AUTO_CONNECT_ENABLE rt_bool_t enable = 0; enable = _sta_mgnt.flags & RT_WLAN_STATE_AUTOEN ? 1 : 0; RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run enable:%d", __FUNCTION__, enable); return enable; #else return RT_FALSE; #endif } /* Call the underlying scan function, which is asynchronous. The hotspots scanned are returned by callbacks */ rt_err_t rt_wlan_scan(void) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); MGNT_LOCK(); err = rt_wlan_dev_scan(STA_DEVICE(), RT_NULL); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_scan_with_info(struct rt_wlan_info *info) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; struct rt_wlan_complete_des *complete; rt_uint32_t set = 0, recved = 0; if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EINVAL; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); if (info != RT_NULL && info->ssid.len > RT_WLAN_SSID_MAX_LENGTH) { RT_WLAN_LOG_E("ssid is to long!"); return -RT_EINVAL; } /* Create an event that needs to wait. */ MGNT_LOCK(); complete = rt_wlan_complete_create("scan"); if (complete == RT_NULL) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); return -RT_EIO; } /* run scan */ err = rt_wlan_dev_scan(STA_DEVICE(), info); if (err != RT_EOK) { rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); MGNT_UNLOCK(); RT_WLAN_LOG_E("scan sync fail"); return -RT_ERROR; } /* Initializing events that need to wait */ set |= 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_SCAN_DONE; /* Check whether there is a waiting event */ rt_wlan_complete_wait(complete, set, RT_WLAN_CONNECT_WAIT_MS, &recved); rt_wlan_complete_delete(complete); /* check event */ set = 0x1 << RT_WLAN_DEV_EVT_SCAN_DONE; if (!(recved & set)) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); RT_WLAN_LOG_E("scan wait timeout!"); return -RT_ETIMEOUT; } MGNT_UNLOCK(); return RT_EOK; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_set_powersave(int level) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; if (_sta_is_null()) { return -RT_EIO; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); MGNT_LOCK(); err = rt_wlan_dev_set_powersave(STA_DEVICE(), level); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return err; } int rt_wlan_get_powersave(void) { int level; if (_sta_is_null()) { return -1; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run", __FUNCTION__); MGNT_LOCK(); level = rt_wlan_dev_get_powersave(STA_DEVICE()); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return level; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_register_event_handler(rt_wlan_event_t event, rt_wlan_event_handler handler, void *parameter) { rt_base_t level; if (event >= RT_WLAN_EVT_MAX) { return -RT_EINVAL; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run event:%d", __FUNCTION__, event); MGNT_LOCK(); /* Registering Callbacks */ level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); event_tab[event].handler = handler; event_tab[event].parameter = parameter; rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return RT_EOK; } rt_err_t rt_wlan_unregister_event_handler(rt_wlan_event_t event) { rt_base_t level; if (event >= RT_WLAN_EVT_MAX) { return -RT_EINVAL; } RT_WLAN_LOG_D("%s is run event:%d", __FUNCTION__, event); MGNT_LOCK(); /* unregister*/ level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); event_tab[event].handler = RT_NULL; event_tab[event].parameter = RT_NULL; rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); MGNT_UNLOCK(); return RT_EOK; } void rt_wlan_mgnt_lock(void) { MGNT_LOCK(); } void rt_wlan_mgnt_unlock(void) { MGNT_UNLOCK(); } int rt_wlan_prot_ready_event(struct rt_wlan_device *wlan, struct rt_wlan_buff *buff) { rt_base_t level; if ((wlan == RT_NULL) || (_sta_mgnt.device != wlan) || (!(_sta_mgnt.state & RT_WLAN_STATE_CONNECT))) { return -1; } if (_sta_mgnt.state & RT_WLAN_STATE_READY) { return 0; } level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); _sta_mgnt.state |= RT_WLAN_STATE_READY; rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); #ifdef RT_WLAN_WORK_THREAD_ENABLE rt_wlan_send_to_thread(RT_WLAN_EVT_READY, buff->data, buff->len); #else { void *user_parameter; rt_wlan_event_handler handler = RT_NULL; level = rt_hw_interrupt_disable(); handler = event_tab[RT_WLAN_EVT_READY].handler; user_parameter = event_tab[RT_WLAN_EVT_READY].parameter; rt_hw_interrupt_enable(level); if (handler) { handler(RT_WLAN_EVT_READY, buff, user_parameter); } } #endif return 0; } int rt_wlan_init(void) { static rt_int8_t _init_flag = 0; /* Execute only once */ if (_init_flag == 0) { rt_memset(&_sta_mgnt, 0, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_mgnt_des)); rt_memset(&_ap_mgnt, 0, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_mgnt_des)); rt_memset(&sta_info, 0, sizeof(struct rt_wlan_sta_des)); rt_mutex_init(&mgnt_mutex, "mgnt", RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); rt_mutex_init(&sta_info_mutex, "sta", RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); rt_mutex_init(&complete_mutex, "complete", RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); #ifdef RT_WLAN_AUTO_CONNECT_ENABLE rt_timer_init(&reconnect_time, "wifi_tim", rt_wlan_cyclic_check, RT_NULL, rt_tick_from_millisecond(AUTO_CONNECTION_PERIOD_MS), RT_TIMER_FLAG_PERIODIC | RT_TIMER_FLAG_SOFT_TIMER); #endif _init_flag = 1; } return 0; } INIT_PREV_EXPORT(rt_wlan_init); #endif