# NK-N9H30
## 1. Introduction
Nuvoton offers the emWin platform which is embedded with Nuvoton N9H MPU, it provides complete HMI solutions which are further enhanced by the emWin software. The N9H series with ARM926EJ-S core can operate at up to 300 MHz and can drive up to 1024x768 pixels in parallel port. It integrated TFT LCD controller and 2D graphics accelerator, up to 16 million colors (24-bit) LCD screen output, and provides high resolution and high chroma to deliver gorgeous display effects. To play compressed video in HMI screens smoothly, the N9H series is equipped with H.264 video decompression engine. It also offers built-in voice decoder, which can streamline the peripheral circuits of HMI applications with sound playback. It embedded up to 64 MB DDR memory, along with ample hardware storage and computing space for excellent design flexibility.
[](https://i.imgur.com/B04MCCf.png "NK-N9H30")
### 1.1 MPU specification
| | Features |
| -- | -- |
| Part NO. | N9H30F61IEC(or N9H30F63IEC) (LQFP216 pin MCP package with DDR (64 MB) |
| CPU ARCH. | 32-bit ARM926EJ-S |
| Operation frequency | 300 MHz |
| Embedded SDRAM size | Built-in 64MB |
| Crypto engine | AES, DES,HMAC and SHA crypto accelerator |
| RMII interface | 10/100 Mbps x2 |
| USB 2.0 | High Speed Host/Device x1 |
| Audio | Mono microphone / Stereo headphone |
| Extern storage | 32MB SPI-NOR Flash |
| SD card slot | SD |
**Notice: Please remember to select corresponding Part NO in NuWriter.**
### 1.2 Interface
| Interface |
| -- |
| Two RJ45 Ethernet |
| An USB 2.0 HS Dual role(Host/Device) port |
| A microSD slot |
| A 3.5mm Audio connector |
| An ICE connector |
### 1.3 On-board devices
| Device | Description | Driver supporting status |
| -- | -- | -- |
|Ethernet PHY | IP101GR | Supported |
|Keypad | K[1, 6] | Supported |
|LEDs | | Supported |
|TFT-LCD panel | 7" inch 24b RGB | Supported |
|Touch panel | 7" inch resistive | Supported |
|Audio Codec | NAU8822, Supports MIC and earphone | Supported |
|USB Device | VCOM + MStorage | Supported |
|USB Host | MStorage | Supported |
|SPI NOR flash | W25Q256JVEQ (32 MB) | Supported |
## 2. Supported compiler
Support GCC, MDK4 and MDK5 IDE/compilers. More information of these compiler version as following:
| IDE/Compiler | Tested version |
| ---------- | ---------------------------- |
| MDK5 | 5.26.2 |
| GCC | GCC 5.4.1 20160919 (release) |
Notice: Please install ICE driver for development.
## 3. Program firmware
### 3.1 SDRAM Downloading using NuWriter
You can use NuWriter to download rtthread.bin into SDRAM, then run it.
[](https://i.imgur.com/UqFvQOb.gif "SDRAM Downloading using NuWriter")
Choose type: DDR/SRAM
<< Press Re-Connect >>
Choose file: Specify your rtthread.bin file.
Execute Address: 0x0
Option: Download and run
<< Press Download >>
### 3.2 SPI NOR flash using NuWriter
You can use NuWriter to program rtthread.bin into SPI NOR flash.
[](https://i.imgur.com/6Fw3tc7.gif "SPI NOR flash using NuWriter")
Choose type: SPI
<< Press Re-Connect >>
Choose file: Specify your rtthread.bin file.
Image Type: Loader
Execute Address: 0x0
<< Press Program >>
<< Press OK & Wait it down >>
<< Set Power-on setting to SPI NOR booting >>
<< Press Reset button on board >>
## 4. Test
You can use Tera Term terminate emulator (or other software) to type commands of RTT. All parameters of serial communication are shown in below image. Here, you can find out the corresponding port number of Nuvoton Virtual Com Port in window device manager.
[](https://i.imgur.com/5NYuSNM.png "Serial settings")
## 5. Demo
* Run NUemWin on NK-N9H30
\ | /
- RT - Thread Operating System
/ | \ 4.0.3 build May 12 2021
2006 - 2021 Copyright by rt-thread team
msh /> nu_touch_start
msh /> nuemwin_start
msh /> nuemwin_stop
* Run LittlevGL2RTT on NK-N9H30
**Please check out modified version with GE2D accelerating from [HERE](https://github.com/wosayttn/LittlevGL2RTT).**
\ | /
- RT - Thread Operating System
/ | \ 4.0.3 build May 12 2021
2006 - 2021 Copyright by rt-thread team
msh /> nu_touch_start
msh /> lv_demo
## 6. Purchase
* [Nuvoton Direct](https://direct.nuvoton.com/en/numaker-emwin-n9h30)
## 7. Resources
* [Board Schematic](https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-download.jsp?tp_GUID=HL1020201117191514)
* [Download NK-N9H30 Quick Start Guide](https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-download.jsp?tp_GUID=UG1320210329155300)
* [Download NuWriter](https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/NUC970_NuWriter)