* $Id$		lpc177x_8x_emc.h			2011-06-02
* @file		lpc177x_8x_emc.h
* @brief	Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes
*			support for EMC firmware library on LPC177x_8x
* @version	1.0
* @date		02. June. 2011
* @author	NXP MCU SW Application Team
* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
* All rights reserved.
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
* use without further testing or modification.

/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup EMC	EMC (External Memory Controller)
 * @ingroup LPC177x_8xCMSIS_FwLib_Drivers
 * @{

#ifndef __LPC177X_8X_EMC_H_
#define __LPC177X_8X_EMC_H_

#include "lpc_types.h"
#include "LPC177x_8x.h"

/** @defgroup EMC_Private_Macros EMC Private Macros
 * @{

 * EMC Control Register (EMCControl)
/* Control register mask */
#define EMC_Control_MASK			((uint32_t )0x07)
/* Control register EMC: Enable control. */
#define EMC_Control_E				((uint32_t )(1<<0))
/* Control register EMC: Address mirror control. */
#define EMC_Control_M				((uint32_t )(1<<1))
/* Control register EMC: Low-power mode control. */
#define EMC_Control_L				((uint32_t )(1<<2))

 * EMC Status Register (EMCStatus)
/* Status register mask */
#define EMC_Status_MASK				((uint32_t )0x07)
/* Status register EMC: Busy. */
#define EMC_Status_B				((uint32_t )(1<<0))
/* Status register EMC: Write buffer status. */
#define EMC_Status_S				((uint32_t )(1<<1))
/* Status register EMC: Self-refresh acknowledge.. */
#define EMC_Status_SA				((uint32_t )(1<<2))

 * EMC Configuration register (EMCConfig)
/* EMC Configuration register : Enable control. */
#define EMC_Config_Endian_Mode		((uint32_t )(1<<0))
/* EMC Configuration register: CCLK. */
#define EMC_Config_CCLK				((uinr32_t)(1<<8))
/* EMC Configuration register mask */
#define EMC_Config_MASK				((uint32_t)(0x101))

 * Dynamic Memory Control register (EMCDynamicControl)
/* Dynamic Memory Control register EMC: Dynamic memory clock enable. */
#define EMC_DynamicControl_CE			((uint32_t )(1<<0))
/* Dynamic Memory Control register EMC: Dynamic memory clock control */
#define EMC_DynamicControl_CS			((uint32_t )(1<<1))
/* Dynamic Memory Control register EMC: Self-refresh request, EMCSREFREQ*/
#define EMC_DynamicControl_SR			((uint32_t )(1<<2))
/* Dynamic Memory Control register EMC: Memory clock control (MMC)*/
#define EMC_DynamicControl_MMC			((uint32_t )(1<<5))
/* Dynamic Memory Control register EMC: SDRAM initialization*/
#define EMC_DynamicControl_I(n)			((uint32_t )(n<<7))
/* Dynamic Memory Control register EMC: Low-power SDRAM deep-sleep mode (DP)*/
#define EMC_DynamicControl_DP			((uint32_t ) (1<<13))

 * Dynamic Memory Refresh Timer register (EMCDynamicRefresh)
/* Dynamic Memory Refresh Timer register EMC: Refresh timer (REFRESH) */
#define EMC_DynamicRefresh_REFRESH(n)	((uint32_t ) (n & 0x3ff))

 * Dynamic Memory Read Configuration register (EMCDynamicReadConfig)
/* EMCDynamicReadConfig register EMC:Read data strategy (RD) */
#define EMC_DynamicReadConfig_RD(n)		((uint32_t )(n & 0x03))

 * Dynamic Memory Percentage Command Period register (EMCDynamictRP)
/* EMCDynamictRP register EMC: Precharge command period (tRP). */
#define EMC_DynamictRP_tRP(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x0f))

 * Dynamic Memory Active to Precharge Command Period register (EMCDynamictRAS)
/* EMCDynamictRAS register EMC: Active to precharge command period (tRAS) */
#define EMC_DynamictRP_tRAS(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x0f))

 * Dynamic Memory Last Data Out to Active Time register (EMCDynamictAPR)
/* EMCDynamictAPR register EMC: Last-data-out to active command time (tAPR) */
#define EMC_DynamictAPR_tAPR(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x0f))

 * Dynamic Memory Data-in to Active Command Time register (EMCDynamictDAL)
/* EMCDynamictDAL register EMC: Data-in to active command (tDAL)*/
#define EMC_DynamictDAL_tDAL(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x0f))

 * Dynamic Memory Write Recovery Time register (EMCDynamictWR)
/* EMCDynamictWR register EMC: Write recovery time (tWR)*/
#define EMC_DynamictWR_tWR(n)			(uint32_t )(n & 0x0f)

 * Dynamic Memory Active to Active Command Period register (EMCDynamictRC)
/* EMCDynamictRC register EMC: Active to active command period (tRC)*/
#define EMC_DynamictRC_tRC(n)			(uint32_t )(n & 0x1f)

 * Dynamic Memory Auto-refresh Period register (EMCDynamictRFC)
/* EMCDynamictRFC register EMC: Auto-refresh period and auto-refresh to active command period (tRFC)*/
#define EMC_DynamictRFC_tRFC(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x1f))

 * Dynamic Memory Exit Self-refresh register (EMCDynamictXSR)
/* EMCDynamictXSR register EMC: Exit self-refresh to active command time (tXSR)*/
#define EMC_DynamictXSR_tXSR(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x1f))

 * Dynamic Memory Active Bank A to Active Bank B Time register (EMCDynamictRRD)
/* EMCDynamictRRD register EMC: Active bank A to active bank B latency (tRRD )*/
#define EMC_DynamictRRD_tRRD(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x0f))

 Dynamic Memory Load Mode register to Active Command Time (EMCDynamictMRD)
/* EMCDynamictMRD register EMC: Load mode register to active command time (tMRD)*/
#define EMC_DynamictMRD_tMRD(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x1f))

 * Static Memory Extended Wait Register (EMCStaticExtendedWait)
/* StaticExtendedWait register EMC: External wait time out. */
#define EMC_StaticExtendedWait_EXTENDEDWAIT(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x3ff))

 * Dynamic Memory Configuration registers (EMCDynamicConfig0-3)
/* DynamicConfig register EMC: Memory device (MD). */
#define EMC_DynamicConfig_MD(n)			((uint32_t )(n << 3))
/* DynamicConfig register EMC: Address mapping (AM) */
#define EMC_DynamicConfig_AM1(n)		((uint32_t )(n << 7))
/* DynamicConfig register EMC: Address mapping (AM) */
#define EMC_DynamicConfig_AM2(n)		((uint32_t )(1 << 14))
/* DynamicConfig register EMC: Buffer enable */
#define EMC_DynamicConfig_B				((uint32_t )(1 << 19))
/* DynamicConfig register EMC: Write protect (P) */
#define EMC_DynamicConfig_P				((uint32_t )(1 << 20))

 * Dynamic Memory RAS & CAS Delay registers (EMCDynamicRASCAS0-3)
/* DynamicRASCAS register EMC: RAS latency (active to read/write delay) (RAS). */
#define EMC_DynamicConfig_RAS(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x03))
/* DynamicRASCAS register EMC: CAS latency (CAS)*/
#define EMC_DynamicConfig_CAS(n)			((uint32_t )(n << 8))

 * Static Memory Configuration registers (EMCStaticConfig0-3)
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Memory width (MW). */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_MW(n)			((uint32_t )(n & 0x03))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Memory width 8bit . */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_MW_8BITS		(EMC_StaticConfig_MW(0))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Memory width 16bit . */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_MW_16BITS		(EMC_StaticConfig_MW(1))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Memory width 32bit . */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_MW_32BITS		(EMC_StaticConfig_MW(2))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Page mode (PM) */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_PM				((uint32_t )(1 << 3))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Chip select polarity (PC) */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_PC				((uint32_t )(1 << 6))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Byte lane state (PB) */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_PB				((uint32_t )(1 << 7))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Extended wait (EW) */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_EW				((uint32_t )(1 << 8))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Buffer enable (B) */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_B				((uint32_t )(1 << 19))
/* StaticConfig register EMC: Write protect (P) */
#define EMC_StaticConfig_P				((uint32_t )(1 << 20))

 * Static Memory Write Enable Delay registers (EMCStaticWaitWen0-3)
/* StaticWaitWen register EMC: Wait write enable (WAITWEN). */
#define EMC_StaticWaitWen_WAITWEN(n)	((uint32_t )(n & 0x0f))

 * Static Memory Output Enable Delay registers (EMCStaticWaitOen0-3)
/* StaticWaitOen register EMC: Wait output enable (WAITOEN). */
#define EMC_StaticWaitOen_WAITOEN(n)	((uint32_t )(n & 0x0f))

 * Static Memory Read Delay registers (EMCStaticWaitRd0-3)
/* StaticWaitRd register EMC: Non-page mode read wait states or asynchronous page mode
read first access wait state (WAITRD) */
#define EMC_StaticWaitRd_WAITRD(n)		((uint32_t )(n & 0x1f))

 * Static Memory Page Mode Read Delay registers (EMCStaticwaitPage0-3)
/* StaticwaitPage register EMC: Asynchronous page mode read after the first
read wait states (WAITPAGE). */
#define EMC_StaticwaitPage_WAITPAGE(n)	((uint32_t )(n & 0x1f))

 * Static Memory Write Delay registers (EMCStaticWaitwr0-3)
/* StaticWaitwr register EMC: Write wait states (WAITWR). */
#define EMC_StaticWaitwr_WAITWR(n)		((uint32_t )(n & 0x1f))

 * Static Memory Turn Round Delay registers (EMCStaticWaitTurn0-3)
/* StaticWaitTurn register EMC: Bus turnaround cycles (WAITTURN). */
#define EMC_StaticWaitTurn_WAITTURN(n)	((uint32_t )(n & 0x0f))

 * Delay Control register (EMCDLYCTL)
#define EMC_DLYCTL_CMDDLY(n)		((uint32_t)(n&0x1F))
#define EMC_DLYCTL_FBCLKDLY(n)		((uint32_t)((n&0x1F)<<8))
#define EMC_DLYCTL_CLKOUT0DLY(n)	((uint32_t)((n&0x1F)<<16))
#define EMC_DLYCTL_CLKOUT1DLY(n)	((uint32_t)((n&0x1F)<<24))

 * EMC Calibration register (EMCCAL)
#define EMC_CAL_CALVALUE(n)			((uint32_t)(n&0xFF))
#define EMC_CAL_START				((uint32_t)(1<<14))
#define EMC_CAL_DONE				((uint32_t)(1<<15))

#define EMC_LITTLE_ENDIAN_MODE		((uint32_t)(0))
#define EMC_BIG_ENDIAN_MODE			((uint32_t)(1))

 * @}

/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup EMC_Public_Types EMC Public Types
 * @{
/*EMC dynamic memory registers enum*/
typedef enum

/*EMC static memory registers enum*/
typedef enum

 * @}

/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup EMC_Public_Functions EMC Public Functions
 * @{

extern void EMC_Init(void);
extern void EMC_ConfigEndianMode(uint32_t endian_mode);
extern void EMC_DynCtrlClockEnable(uint32_t clock_enable);
extern void EMC_DynCtrlClockControl(int32_t clock_control);
extern void EMC_DynCtrlSelfRefresh(uint32_t self_refresh_mode);
extern void EMC_DynCtrlMMC(uint32_t MMC_val);
extern void EMC_DynCtrlSDRAMInit(uint32_t SDRAM_command);
extern void EMC_DynCtrlPowerDownMode(uint32_t SDRAM_command);
extern void EMC_SetDynMemoryParameter(EMC_DYN_MEM_PAR par, uint32_t val);
extern void EMC_StaticExtendedWait(uint32_t Extended_wait_time_out);
extern void EMC_DynMemConfigMD(uint32_t index , uint32_t mem_dev);
extern void EMC_DynMemConfigAM(uint32_t index , uint32_t add_mapped);
extern void EMC_DynMemConfigB(uint32_t index , uint32_t buff_control);
extern void EMC_DynMemConfigP(uint32_t index , uint32_t permission);
extern void EMC_DynMemRAS(uint32_t index , uint32_t ras_val);
extern void EMC_DynMemCAS(uint32_t index , uint32_t cas_val);
extern void EMC_StaMemConfigMW(uint32_t index , uint32_t mem_width);
extern void EMC_StaMemConfigPM(uint32_t index , uint32_t page_mode);
extern void EMC_StaMemConfigPC(uint32_t index , uint32_t pol_val);
extern void EMC_StaMemConfigPB(uint32_t index , uint32_t pb_val);
extern void EMC_StaMemConfigEW(uint32_t index , uint32_t ex_wait);
extern void EMC_StaMemConfigB(uint32_t index , uint32_t buf_val);
extern void EMC_StaMemConfigpP(uint32_t index , uint32_t per_val);
extern void EMC_SetStaMemoryParameter(uint32_t index ,EMC_STA_MEM_PAR par, uint32_t val);

 * @}

#endif /* __LPC177X_8X_EMC_H_ */

 * @}