  * @file    stm32_eth.c
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @version V1.1.0
  * @date    11/20/2009
  * @brief   This file provides all the ETH firmware functions.
  * @copy
  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2009 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32_eth.h"
#include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"

/* STM32F107 ETH dirver options */
#define CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE    0       /* don't ues hardware checksum. */
#define RMII_MODE               0       /* 0: MII MODE, 1: RMII MODE. */
#define STM32_ETH_IO_REMAP      1       /* 0: default,  1: remap RXD to PDx. */
#define USE_MCO                 1       /* 0: disable,  1: PA8(MCO) out 25Mhz(MII) or 50Mhz(RMII). */

/** @addtogroup STM32_ETH_Driver
  * @brief ETH driver modules
  * @{

/** @defgroup ETH_Private_TypesDefinitions
  * @{
  * @}

/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Defines
  * @{
/* Global pointers on Tx and Rx descriptor used to track transmit and receive descriptors */

/* ETHERNET MAC address offsets */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE   (ETH_MAC_BASE + 0x40)  /* ETHERNET MAC address high offset */
#define ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE    (ETH_MAC_BASE + 0x44)  /* ETHERNET MAC address low offset */

/* ETHERNET MACMIIAR register Mask */
#define MACMIIAR_CR_MASK    ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFFE3)

/* ETHERNET MACCR register Mask */
#define MACCR_CLEAR_MASK    ((uint32_t)0xFF20810F)

/* ETHERNET MACFCR register Mask */
#define MACFCR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0x0000FF41)

/* ETHERNET DMAOMR register Mask */
#define DMAOMR_CLEAR_MASK   ((uint32_t)0xF8DE3F23)

/* ETHERNET Remote Wake-up frame register length */

/* ETHERNET Missed frames counter Shift */

/* ETHERNET DMA Tx descriptors Collision Count Shift */

/* ETHERNET DMA Tx descriptors Buffer2 Size Shift */

/* ETHERNET DMA Rx descriptors Frame Length Shift */

/* ETHERNET DMA Rx descriptors Buffer2 Size Shift */

/* ETHERNET errors */
#define  ETH_ERROR              ((uint32_t)0)
#define  ETH_SUCCESS            ((uint32_t)1)
  * @}

/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Macros
  * @{
  * @}

/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Variables
  * @{
  * @}

/** @defgroup ETH_Private_FunctionPrototypes
  * @{

  * @}

/** @defgroup ETH_Private_Functions
  * @{

  * @brief  Deinitializes the ETHERNET peripheral registers to their default reset values.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_DeInit(void)
    RCC_AHBPeriphResetCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC, ENABLE);
    RCC_AHBPeriphResetCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC, DISABLE);

  * @brief  Initializes the ETHERNET peripheral according to the specified
  *   parameters in the ETH_InitStruct .
  * @param ETH_InitStruct: pointer to a ETH_InitTypeDef structure that contains
  *   the configuration information for the specified ETHERNET peripheral.
  * @retval ETH_ERROR: Ethernet initialization failed
  *         ETH_SUCCESS: Ethernet successfully initialized
uint32_t ETH_Init(ETH_InitTypeDef* ETH_InitStruct)
    uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
    __IO uint32_t i = 0;
    RCC_ClocksTypeDef  rcc_clocks;
    uint32_t hclk = 60000000;
    __IO uint32_t timeout = 0;

    /* Check the parameters */
    /* MAC --------------------------*/
    /* DMA --------------------------*/

    /*-------------------------------- MAC Config ------------------------------*/
    /*---------------------- ETHERNET MACMIIAR Configuration -------------------*/
    /* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */
    tmpreg = ETH->MACMIIAR;
    /* Clear CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits */
    tmpreg &= MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;
    /* Get hclk frequency value */
    hclk = rcc_clocks.HCLK_Frequency;
    /* Set CR bits depending on hclk value */
    if((hclk >= 20000000)&&(hclk < 35000000))
        /* CSR Clock Range between 20-35 MHz */
        tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div16;
    else if((hclk >= 35000000)&&(hclk < 60000000))
        /* CSR Clock Range between 35-60 MHz */
        tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div26;
    else /* ((hclk >= 60000000)&&(hclk <= 72000000)) */
        /* CSR Clock Range between 60-72 MHz */
        tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ETH_MACMIIAR_CR_Div42;
    /* Write to ETHERNET MAC MIIAR: Configure the ETHERNET CSR Clock Range */
    ETH->MACMIIAR = (uint32_t)tmpreg;

    /*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/
    /* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */
    tmpreg = ETH->MACCR;
    /* Clear WD, PCE, PS, TE and RE bits */
    tmpreg &= MACCR_CLEAR_MASK;
    /* Set the WD bit according to ETH_Watchdog value */
    /* Set the JD: bit according to ETH_Jabber value */
    /* Set the IFG bit according to ETH_InterFrameGap value */
    /* Set the DCRS bit according to ETH_CarrierSense value */
    /* Set the FES bit according to ETH_Speed value */
    /* Set the DO bit according to ETH_ReceiveOwn value */
    /* Set the LM bit according to ETH_LoopbackMode value */
    /* Set the DM bit according to ETH_Mode value */
    /* Set the IPC bit according to ETH_ChecksumOffload value */
    /* Set the DR bit according to ETH_RetryTransmission value */
    /* Set the ACS bit according to ETH_AutomaticPadCRCStrip value */
    /* Set the BL bit according to ETH_BackOffLimit value */
    /* Set the DC bit according to ETH_DeferralCheck value */
    tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(ETH_InitStruct->ETH_Watchdog |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_Jabber |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_InterFrameGap |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_CarrierSense |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_Speed |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveOwn |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_LoopbackMode |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_Mode |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ChecksumOffload |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_RetryTransmission |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_AutomaticPadCRCStrip |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_BackOffLimit |
    /* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */
    ETH->MACCR = (uint32_t)tmpreg;

    /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFFR Configuration --------------------*/
    /* Set the RA bit according to ETH_ReceiveAll value */
    /* Set the SAF and SAIF bits according to ETH_SourceAddrFilter value */
    /* Set the PCF bit according to ETH_PassControlFrames value */
    /* Set the DBF bit according to ETH_BroadcastFramesReception value */
    /* Set the DAIF bit according to ETH_DestinationAddrFilter value */
    /* Set the PR bit according to ETH_PromiscuousMode value */
    /* Set the PM, HMC and HPF bits according to ETH_MulticastFramesFilter value */
    /* Set the HUC and HPF bits according to ETH_UnicastFramesFilter value */
    /* Write to ETHERNET MACFFR */
    ETH->MACFFR = (uint32_t)(ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveAll |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_SourceAddrFilter |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_PassControlFrames |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_BroadcastFramesReception |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DestinationAddrFilter |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_PromiscuousMode |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_MulticastFramesFilter |
    /*--------------- ETHERNET MACHTHR and MACHTLR Configuration ---------------*/
    /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTHR */
    ETH->MACHTHR = (uint32_t)ETH_InitStruct->ETH_HashTableHigh;
    /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTLR */
    ETH->MACHTLR = (uint32_t)ETH_InitStruct->ETH_HashTableLow;
    /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFCR Configuration --------------------*/
    /* Get the ETHERNET MACFCR value */
    tmpreg = ETH->MACFCR;
    /* Clear xx bits */
    tmpreg &= MACFCR_CLEAR_MASK;

    /* Set the PT bit according to ETH_PauseTime value */
    /* Set the DZPQ bit according to ETH_ZeroQuantaPause value */
    /* Set the PLT bit according to ETH_PauseLowThreshold value */
    /* Set the UP bit according to ETH_UnicastPauseFrameDetect value */
    /* Set the RFE bit according to ETH_ReceiveFlowControl value */
    /* Set the TFE bit according to ETH_TransmitFlowControl value */
    tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((ETH_InitStruct->ETH_PauseTime << 16) |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ZeroQuantaPause |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_PauseLowThreshold |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_UnicastPauseFrameDetect |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveFlowControl |
    /* Write to ETHERNET MACFCR */
    ETH->MACFCR = (uint32_t)tmpreg;
    /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACVLANTR Configuration -----------------*/
    /* Set the ETV bit according to ETH_VLANTagComparison value */
    /* Set the VL bit according to ETH_VLANTagIdentifier value */
    ETH->MACVLANTR = (uint32_t)(ETH_InitStruct->ETH_VLANTagComparison |

    /*-------------------------------- DMA Config ------------------------------*/
    /*----------------------- ETHERNET DMAOMR Configuration --------------------*/
    /* Get the ETHERNET DMAOMR value */
    tmpreg = ETH->DMAOMR;
    /* Clear xx bits */
    tmpreg &= DMAOMR_CLEAR_MASK;

    /* Set the DT bit according to ETH_DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame value */
    /* Set the RSF bit according to ETH_ReceiveStoreForward value */
    /* Set the DFF bit according to ETH_FlushReceivedFrame value */
    /* Set the TSF bit according to ETH_TransmitStoreForward value */
    /* Set the TTC bit according to ETH_TransmitThresholdControl value */
    /* Set the FEF bit according to ETH_ForwardErrorFrames value */
    /* Set the FUF bit according to ETH_ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames value */
    /* Set the RTC bit according to ETH_ReceiveThresholdControl value */
    /* Set the OSF bit according to ETH_SecondFrameOperate value */
    tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveStoreForward |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_FlushReceivedFrame |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_TransmitStoreForward |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_TransmitThresholdControl |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ForwardErrorFrames |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames |
                         ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveThresholdControl |
    /* Write to ETHERNET DMAOMR */
    ETH->DMAOMR = (uint32_t)tmpreg;

    /*----------------------- ETHERNET DMABMR Configuration --------------------*/
    /* Set the AAL bit according to ETH_AddressAlignedBeats value */
    /* Set the FB bit according to ETH_FixedBurst value */
    /* Set the RPBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH_RxDMABurstLength value */
    /* Set the PBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH_TxDMABurstLength value */
    /* Set the DSL bit according to ETH_DesciptorSkipLength value */
    /* Set the PR and DA bits according to ETH_DMAArbitration value */
    ETH->DMABMR = (uint32_t)(ETH_InitStruct->ETH_AddressAlignedBeats |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_FixedBurst |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_RxDMABurstLength | /* !! if 4xPBL is selected for Tx or Rx it is applied for the other */
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_TxDMABurstLength |
                             (ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DescriptorSkipLength << 2) |
                             ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DMAArbitration |
                             ETH_DMABMR_USP); /* Enable use of separate PBL for Rx and Tx */
    /* Return Ethernet configuration success */
    return ETH_SUCCESS;

  * @brief  Fills each ETH_InitStruct member with its default value.
  * @param  ETH_InitStruct: pointer to a ETH_InitTypeDef structure which will be initialized.
  * @retval None
void ETH_StructInit(ETH_InitTypeDef* ETH_InitStruct)
    /* ETH_InitStruct members default value */
    /*------------------------   MAC   -----------------------------------*/
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_AutoNegotiation = ETH_AutoNegotiation_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_Watchdog = ETH_Watchdog_Enable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_Jabber = ETH_Jabber_Enable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_InterFrameGap = ETH_InterFrameGap_96Bit;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_CarrierSense = ETH_CarrierSense_Enable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_Speed = ETH_Speed_10M;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveOwn = ETH_ReceiveOwn_Enable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_LoopbackMode = ETH_LoopbackMode_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_Mode = ETH_Mode_HalfDuplex;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ChecksumOffload = ETH_ChecksumOffload_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_RetryTransmission = ETH_RetryTransmission_Enable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_AutomaticPadCRCStrip = ETH_AutomaticPadCRCStrip_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_BackOffLimit = ETH_BackOffLimit_10;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DeferralCheck = ETH_DeferralCheck_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveAll = ETH_ReceiveAll_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_SourceAddrFilter = ETH_SourceAddrFilter_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_PassControlFrames = ETH_PassControlFrames_BlockAll;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_BroadcastFramesReception = ETH_BroadcastFramesReception_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DestinationAddrFilter = ETH_DestinationAddrFilter_Normal;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_PromiscuousMode = ETH_PromiscuousMode_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_MulticastFramesFilter = ETH_MulticastFramesFilter_Perfect;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_UnicastFramesFilter = ETH_UnicastFramesFilter_Perfect;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_HashTableHigh = 0x0;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_HashTableLow = 0x0;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_PauseTime = 0x0;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ZeroQuantaPause = ETH_ZeroQuantaPause_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_PauseLowThreshold = ETH_PauseLowThreshold_Minus4;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_UnicastPauseFrameDetect = ETH_UnicastPauseFrameDetect_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveFlowControl = ETH_ReceiveFlowControl_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_TransmitFlowControl = ETH_TransmitFlowControl_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_VLANTagComparison = ETH_VLANTagComparison_16Bit;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_VLANTagIdentifier = 0x0;
    /*------------------------   DMA   -----------------------------------*/
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame = ETH_DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveStoreForward = ETH_ReceiveStoreForward_Enable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_FlushReceivedFrame = ETH_FlushReceivedFrame_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_TransmitStoreForward = ETH_TransmitStoreForward_Enable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_TransmitThresholdControl = ETH_TransmitThresholdControl_64Bytes;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ForwardErrorFrames = ETH_ForwardErrorFrames_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames = ETH_ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_ReceiveThresholdControl = ETH_ReceiveThresholdControl_64Bytes;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_SecondFrameOperate = ETH_SecondFrameOperate_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_AddressAlignedBeats = ETH_AddressAlignedBeats_Enable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_FixedBurst = ETH_FixedBurst_Disable;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_RxDMABurstLength = ETH_RxDMABurstLength_1Beat;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_TxDMABurstLength = ETH_TxDMABurstLength_1Beat;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DescriptorSkipLength = 0x0;
    ETH_InitStruct->ETH_DMAArbitration = ETH_DMAArbitration_RoundRobin_RxTx_1_1;

  * @brief  Enables ENET MAC and DMA reception/transmission
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_Start(void)
    /* Enable transmit state machine of the MAC for transmission on the MII */
    /* Flush Transmit FIFO */
    /* Enable receive state machine of the MAC for reception from the MII */

    /* Start DMA transmission */
    /* Start DMA reception */

  * @brief  Transmits a packet, from application buffer, pointed by ppkt.
  * @param  ppkt: pointer to the application's packet buffer to transmit.
  * @param  FrameLength: Tx Packet size.
  * @retval ETH_ERROR: in case of Tx desc owned by DMA
  *         ETH_SUCCESS: for correct transmission
uint32_t ETH_HandleTxPkt(uint8_t *ppkt, uint16_t FrameLength)
    uint32_t offset = 0;

    /* Check if the descriptor is owned by the ETHERNET DMA (when set) or CPU (when reset) */
    if((DMATxDescToSet->Status & ETH_DMATxDesc_OWN) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Return ERROR: OWN bit set */
        return ETH_ERROR;

    /* Copy the frame to be sent into memory pointed by the current ETHERNET DMA Tx descriptor */
    for(offset=0; offset<FrameLength; offset++)
        (*(__IO uint8_t *)((DMATxDescToSet->Buffer1Addr) + offset)) = (*(ppkt + offset));

    /* Setting the Frame Length: bits[12:0] */
    DMATxDescToSet->ControlBufferSize = (FrameLength & ETH_DMATxDesc_TBS1);
    /* Setting the last segment and first segment bits (in this case a frame is transmitted in one descriptor) */
    DMATxDescToSet->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_LS | ETH_DMATxDesc_FS;
    /* Set Own bit of the Tx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */
    DMATxDescToSet->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_OWN;
    /* When Tx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume transmission */
    if ((ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_TBUS) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Clear TBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */
        /* Resume DMA transmission*/
        ETH->DMATPDR = 0;

    /* Update the ETHERNET DMA global Tx descriptor with next Tx decriptor */
    /* Chained Mode */
    if((DMATxDescToSet->Status & ETH_DMATxDesc_TCH) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Selects the next DMA Tx descriptor list for next buffer to send */
        DMATxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMATxDescToSet->Buffer2NextDescAddr);
    else /* Ring Mode */
        if((DMATxDescToSet->Status & ETH_DMATxDesc_TER) != (uint32_t)RESET)
            /* Selects the first DMA Tx descriptor for next buffer to send: last Tx descriptor was used */
            DMATxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (ETH->DMATDLAR);
            /* Selects the next DMA Tx descriptor list for next buffer to send */
            DMATxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) ((uint32_t)DMATxDescToSet + 0x10 + ((ETH->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_DSL) >> 2));
    /* Return SUCCESS */
    return ETH_SUCCESS;

  * @brief  Receives a packet and copies it to memory pointed by ppkt.
  * @param  ppkt: pointer to the application packet receive buffer.
  * @retval ETH_ERROR: if there is error in reception
  *         framelength: received packet size if packet reception is correct
uint32_t ETH_HandleRxPkt(uint8_t *ppkt)
    uint32_t offset = 0, framelength = 0;
    /* Check if the descriptor is owned by the ETHERNET DMA (when set) or CPU (when reset) */
    if((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Return error: OWN bit set */
        return ETH_ERROR;

    if(((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_ES) == (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_LS) != (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_FS) != (uint32_t)RESET))
        /* Get the Frame Length of the received packet: substruct 4 bytes of the CRC */
        framelength = ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_FL) >> ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAME_LENGTHSHIFT) - 4;
        /* Copy the received frame into buffer from memory pointed by the current ETHERNET DMA Rx descriptor */
        for(offset=0; offset<framelength; offset++)
            (*(ppkt + offset)) = (*(__IO uint8_t *)((DMARxDescToGet->Buffer1Addr) + offset));
        /* Return ERROR */
        framelength = ETH_ERROR;
    /* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */
    DMARxDescToGet->Status = ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN;

    /* When Rx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume reception */
    if ((ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_RBUS) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Clear RBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */
        /* Resume DMA reception */
        ETH->DMARPDR = 0;

    /* Update the ETHERNET DMA global Rx descriptor with next Rx decriptor */
    /* Chained Mode */
    if((DMARxDescToGet->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RCH) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer to read */
        DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMARxDescToGet->Buffer2NextDescAddr);
    else /* Ring Mode */
        if((DMARxDescToGet->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RER) != (uint32_t)RESET)
            /* Selects the first DMA Rx descriptor for next buffer to read: last Rx descriptor was used */
            DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (ETH->DMARDLAR);
            /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer to read */
            DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) ((uint32_t)DMARxDescToGet + 0x10 + ((ETH->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_DSL) >> 2));

    /* Return Frame Length/ERROR */
    return (framelength);

  * @brief  Get the size of received the received packet.
  * @param  None
  * @retval framelength: received packet size
uint32_t ETH_GetRxPktSize(void)
    uint32_t frameLength = 0;
    if(((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN) == (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_ES) == (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_LS) != (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_FS) != (uint32_t)RESET))
        /* Get the size of the packet: including 4 bytes of the CRC */
        frameLength = ETH_GetDMARxDescFrameLength(DMARxDescToGet);

    /* Return Frame Length */
    return frameLength;

  * @brief  Drop a Received packet (too small packet, etc...)
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_DropRxPkt(void)
    /* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */
    DMARxDescToGet->Status = ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN;
    /* Chained Mode */
    if((DMARxDescToGet->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RCH) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer read */
        DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMARxDescToGet->Buffer2NextDescAddr);
    else /* Ring Mode */
        if((DMARxDescToGet->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RER) != (uint32_t)RESET)
            /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer read: this will
               be the first Rx descriptor in this case */
            DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (ETH->DMARDLAR);
            /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer read */
            DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) ((uint32_t)DMARxDescToGet + 0x10 + ((ETH->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_DSL) >> 2));

/*---------------------------------  PHY  ------------------------------------*/
  * @brief  Read a PHY register
  * @param PHYAddress: PHY device address, is the index of one of supported 32 PHY devices.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values: 0,..,31
  * @param PHYReg: PHY register address, is the index of one of the 32 PHY register.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg PHY_BCR: Tranceiver Basic Control Register
  *     @arg PHY_BSR: Tranceiver Basic Status Register
  *     @arg PHY_SR : Tranceiver Status Register
  *     @arg More PHY register could be read depending on the used PHY
  * @retval ETH_ERROR: in case of timeout
  *         MAC MIIDR register value: Data read from the selected PHY register (correct read )
uint16_t ETH_ReadPHYRegister(uint16_t PHYAddress, uint16_t PHYReg)
    uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
    __IO uint32_t timeout = 0;
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */
    tmpreg = ETH->MACMIIAR;
    /* Keep only the CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits value */
    tmpreg &= ~MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;
    /* Prepare the MII address register value */
    tmpreg |=(((uint32_t)PHYAddress<<11) & ETH_MACMIIAR_PA); /* Set the PHY device address */
    tmpreg |=(((uint32_t)PHYReg<<6) & ETH_MACMIIAR_MR);      /* Set the PHY register address */
    tmpreg &= ~ETH_MACMIIAR_MW;                              /* Set the read mode */
    tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MB;                               /* Set the MII Busy bit */
    /* Write the result value into the MII Address register */
    ETH->MACMIIAR = tmpreg;
    /* Check for the Busy flag */
        tmpreg = ETH->MACMIIAR;
    while ((tmpreg & ETH_MACMIIAR_MB) && (timeout < (uint32_t)PHY_READ_TO));
    /* Return ERROR in case of timeout */
    if(timeout == PHY_READ_TO)
        return (uint16_t)ETH_ERROR;

    /* Return data register value */
    return (uint16_t)(ETH->MACMIIDR);

  * @brief  Write to a PHY register
  * @param PHYAddress: PHY device address, is the index of one of supported 32 PHY devices.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values: 0,..,31
  * @param PHYReg: PHY register address, is the index of one of the 32 PHY register.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg PHY_BCR    : Tranceiver Control Register
  *     @arg More PHY register could be written depending on the used PHY
  * @param  PHYValue: the value to write
  * @retval ETH_ERROR: in case of timeout
  *         ETH_SUCCESS: for correct write
uint32_t ETH_WritePHYRegister(uint16_t PHYAddress, uint16_t PHYReg, uint16_t PHYValue)
    uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
    __IO uint32_t timeout = 0;
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Get the ETHERNET MACMIIAR value */
    tmpreg = ETH->MACMIIAR;
    /* Keep only the CSR Clock Range CR[2:0] bits value */
    tmpreg &= ~MACMIIAR_CR_MASK;
    /* Prepare the MII register address value */
    tmpreg |=(((uint32_t)PHYAddress<<11) & ETH_MACMIIAR_PA); /* Set the PHY device address */
    tmpreg |=(((uint32_t)PHYReg<<6) & ETH_MACMIIAR_MR);      /* Set the PHY register address */
    tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MW;                               /* Set the write mode */
    tmpreg |= ETH_MACMIIAR_MB;                               /* Set the MII Busy bit */
    /* Give the value to the MII data register */
    /* Write the result value into the MII Address register */
    ETH->MACMIIAR = tmpreg;
    /* Check for the Busy flag */
        tmpreg = ETH->MACMIIAR;
    while ((tmpreg & ETH_MACMIIAR_MB) && (timeout < (uint32_t)PHY_WRITE_TO));
    /* Return ERROR in case of timeout */
    if(timeout == PHY_WRITE_TO)
        return ETH_ERROR;

    /* Return SUCCESS */
    return ETH_SUCCESS;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the PHY loopBack mode.
  * @Note: Don't be confused with ETH_MACLoopBackCmd function which enables internal
  *  loopback at MII level
  * @param  PHYAddress: PHY device address, is the index of one of supported 32 PHY devices.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  * @param  NewState: new state of the PHY loopBack mode.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval ETH_ERROR: in case of bad PHY configuration
  *         ETH_SUCCESS: for correct PHY configuration
uint32_t ETH_PHYLoopBackCmd(uint16_t PHYAddress, FunctionalState NewState)
    uint16_t tmpreg = 0;
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Get the PHY configuration to update it */
    tmpreg = ETH_ReadPHYRegister(PHYAddress, PHY_BCR);

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the PHY loopback mode */
        tmpreg |= PHY_Loopback;
        /* Disable the PHY loopback mode: normal mode */
        tmpreg &= (uint16_t)(~(uint16_t)PHY_Loopback);
    /* Update the PHY control register with the new configuration */
    if(ETH_WritePHYRegister(PHYAddress, PHY_BCR, tmpreg) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        return ETH_SUCCESS;
        /* Return SUCCESS */
        return ETH_ERROR;

/*---------------------------------  MAC  ------------------------------------*/
  * @brief  Enables or disables the MAC transmission.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MAC transmission.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MACTransmissionCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the MAC transmission */
        /* Disable the MAC transmission */
        ETH->MACCR &= ~ETH_MACCR_TE;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the MAC reception.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MAC reception.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MACReceptionCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the MAC reception */
        /* Disable the MAC reception */
        ETH->MACCR &= ~ETH_MACCR_RE;

  * @brief  Checks whether the ETHERNET flow control busy bit is set or not.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The new state of flow control busy status bit (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetFlowControlBusyStatus(void)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* The Flow Control register should not be written to until this bit is cleared */
    if ((ETH->MACFCR & ETH_MACFCR_FCBBPA) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Initiate a Pause Control Frame (Full-duplex only).
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_InitiatePauseControlFrame(void)
    /* When Set In full duplex MAC initiates pause control frame */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the MAC BackPressure operation activation (Half-duplex only).
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MAC BackPressure operation activation.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_BackPressureActivationCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Activate the MAC BackPressure operation */
        /* In Half duplex: during backpressure, when the MAC receives a new frame,
        the transmitter starts sending a JAM pattern resulting in a collision */
        /* Desactivate the MAC BackPressure operation */

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET MAC flag is set or not.
  * @param  ETH_MAC_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_TST  : Time stamp trigger flag
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCT : MMC transmit flag
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMCR : MMC receive flag
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_MMC  : MMC flag
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_FLAG_PMT  : PMT flag
  * @retval The new state of ETHERNET MAC flag (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetMACFlagStatus(uint32_t ETH_MAC_FLAG)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */
    if ((ETH->MACSR & ETH_MAC_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET MAC interrupt has occurred or not.
  * @param  ETH_MAC_IT: specifies the interrupt source to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_TST   : Time stamp trigger interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_MMCT : MMC transmit interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_MMCR : MMC receive interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_MMC  : MMC interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_PMT  : PMT interrupt
  * @retval The new state of ETHERNET MAC interrupt (SET or RESET).
ITStatus ETH_GetMACITStatus(uint32_t ETH_MAC_IT)
    ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */
    if ((ETH->MACSR & ETH_MAC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the specified ETHERNET MAC interrupts.
  * @param  ETH_MAC_IT: specifies the ETHERNET MAC interrupt sources to be
  *   enabled or disabled.
  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_TST : Time stamp trigger interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_IT_PMT : PMT interrupt
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified ETHERNET MAC interrupts.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MACITConfig(uint32_t ETH_MAC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected ETHERNET MAC interrupts */
        ETH->MACIMR &= (~(uint32_t)ETH_MAC_IT);
        /* Disable the selected ETHERNET MAC interrupts */
        ETH->MACIMR |= ETH_MAC_IT;

  * @brief  Configures the selected MAC address.
  * @param  MacAddr: The MAC addres to configure.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address0 : MAC Address0
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address1 : MAC Address1
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address2 : MAC Address2
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address3 : MAC Address3
  * @param  Addr: Pointer on MAC address buffer data (6 bytes).
  * @retval None
void ETH_MACAddressConfig(uint32_t MacAddr, uint8_t *Addr)
    uint32_t tmpreg;
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Calculate the selectecd MAC address high register */
    tmpreg = ((uint32_t)Addr[5] << 8) | (uint32_t)Addr[4];
    /* Load the selectecd MAC address high register */
    (*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr)) = tmpreg;
    /* Calculate the selectecd MAC address low register */
    tmpreg = ((uint32_t)Addr[3] << 24) | ((uint32_t)Addr[2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)Addr[1] << 8) | Addr[0];

    /* Load the selectecd MAC address low register */
    (*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE + MacAddr)) = tmpreg;

  * @brief  Get the selected MAC address.
  * @param  MacAddr: The MAC addres to return.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address0 : MAC Address0
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address1 : MAC Address1
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address2 : MAC Address2
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address3 : MAC Address3
  * @param  Addr: Pointer on MAC address buffer data (6 bytes).
  * @retval None
void ETH_GetMACAddress(uint32_t MacAddr, uint8_t *Addr)
    uint32_t tmpreg;
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Get the selectecd MAC address high register */
    tmpreg =(*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr));

    /* Calculate the selectecd MAC address buffer */
    Addr[5] = ((tmpreg >> 8) & (uint8_t)0xFF);
    Addr[4] = (tmpreg & (uint8_t)0xFF);
    /* Load the selectecd MAC address low register */
    tmpreg =(*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_LBASE + MacAddr));
    /* Calculate the selectecd MAC address buffer */
    Addr[3] = ((tmpreg >> 24) & (uint8_t)0xFF);
    Addr[2] = ((tmpreg >> 16) & (uint8_t)0xFF);
    Addr[1] = ((tmpreg >> 8 ) & (uint8_t)0xFF);
    Addr[0] = (tmpreg & (uint8_t)0xFF);

  * @brief  Enables or disables the Address filter module uses the specified
  *   ETHERNET MAC address for perfect filtering
  * @param  MacAddr: specifies the ETHERNET MAC address to be used for prfect filtering.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address1 : MAC Address1
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address2 : MAC Address2
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address3 : MAC Address3
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified ETHERNET MAC address use.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MACAddressPerfectFilterCmd(uint32_t MacAddr, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected ETHERNET MAC address for perfect filtering */
        (*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr)) |= ETH_MACA1HR_AE;
        /* Disable the selected ETHERNET MAC address for perfect filtering */
        (*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr)) &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_MACA1HR_AE);

  * @brief  Set the filter type for the specified ETHERNET MAC address
  * @param  MacAddr: specifies the ETHERNET MAC address
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address1 : MAC Address1
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address2 : MAC Address2
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address3 : MAC Address3
  * @param  Filter: specifies the used frame received field for comparaison
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_AddressFilter_SA : MAC Address is used to compare with the
  *                                     SA fields of the received frame.
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_AddressFilter_DA : MAC Address is used to compare with the
  *                                     DA fields of the received frame.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MACAddressFilterConfig(uint32_t MacAddr, uint32_t Filter)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (Filter != ETH_MAC_AddressFilter_DA)
        /* The selected ETHERNET MAC address is used to compare with the SA fields of the
           received frame. */
        (*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr)) |= ETH_MACA1HR_SA;
        /* The selected ETHERNET MAC address is used to compare with the DA fields of the
           received frame. */
        (*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr)) &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_MACA1HR_SA);

  * @brief  Set the filter type for the specified ETHERNET MAC address
  * @param  MacAddr: specifies the ETHERNET MAC address
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address1 : MAC Address1
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address2 : MAC Address2
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_Address3 : MAC Address3
  * @param  MaskByte: specifies the used address bytes for comparaison
  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_AddressMask_Byte6 : Mask MAC Address high reg bits [15:8].
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_AddressMask_Byte5 : Mask MAC Address high reg bits [7:0].
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_AddressMask_Byte4 : Mask MAC Address low reg bits [31:24].
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_AddressMask_Byte3 : Mask MAC Address low reg bits [23:16].
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_AddressMask_Byte2 : Mask MAC Address low reg bits [15:8].
  *     @arg ETH_MAC_AddressMask_Byte1 : Mask MAC Address low reg bits [7:0].
  * @retval None
void ETH_MACAddressMaskBytesFilterConfig(uint32_t MacAddr, uint32_t MaskByte)
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Clear MBC bits in the selected MAC address  high register */
    (*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr)) &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_MACA1HR_MBC);
    /* Set the selected Filetr mask bytes */
    (*(__IO uint32_t *) (ETH_MAC_ADDR_HBASE + MacAddr)) |= MaskByte;
/*------------------------  DMA Tx/Rx Desciptors -----------------------------*/

  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Tx descriptors in chain mode.
  * @param  DMATxDescTab: Pointer on the first Tx desc list
  * @param  TxBuff: Pointer on the first TxBuffer list
  * @param  TxBuffCount: Number of the used Tx desc in the list
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescChainInit(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDescTab, uint8_t* TxBuff, uint32_t TxBuffCount)
    uint32_t i = 0;
    ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc;

    /* Set the DMATxDescToSet pointer with the first one of the DMATxDescTab list */
    DMATxDescToSet = DMATxDescTab;
    /* Fill each DMATxDesc descriptor with the right values */
    for(i=0; i < TxBuffCount; i++)
        /* Get the pointer on the ith member of the Tx Desc list */
        DMATxDesc = DMATxDescTab + i;
        /* Set Second Address Chained bit */
        DMATxDesc->Status = ETH_DMATxDesc_TCH;

        /* Set Buffer1 address pointer */
        DMATxDesc->Buffer1Addr = (uint32_t)(&TxBuff[i*ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]);

        /* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Desciptor Polling Enable */
        if(i < (TxBuffCount-1))
            /* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */
            DMATxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(DMATxDescTab+i+1);
            /* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */
            DMATxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t) DMATxDescTab;

    /* Set Transmit Desciptor List Address Register */
    ETH->DMATDLAR = (uint32_t) DMATxDescTab;

  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Tx descriptors in ring mode.
  * @param  DMATxDescTab: Pointer on the first Tx desc list
  * @param  TxBuff1: Pointer on the first TxBuffer1 list
  * @param  TxBuff2: Pointer on the first TxBuffer2 list
  * @param  TxBuffCount: Number of the used Tx desc in the list
  *   Note: see decriptor skip length defined in ETH_DMA_InitStruct
  *   for the number of Words to skip between two unchained descriptors.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescRingInit(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDescTab, uint8_t *TxBuff1, uint8_t *TxBuff2, uint32_t TxBuffCount)
    uint32_t i = 0;
    ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc;

    /* Set the DMATxDescToSet pointer with the first one of the DMATxDescTab list */
    DMATxDescToSet = DMATxDescTab;
    /* Fill each DMATxDesc descriptor with the right values */
    for(i=0; i < TxBuffCount; i++)
        /* Get the pointer on the ith member of the Tx Desc list */
        DMATxDesc = DMATxDescTab + i;
        /* Set Buffer1 address pointer */
        DMATxDesc->Buffer1Addr = (uint32_t)(&TxBuff1[i*ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]);

        /* Set Buffer2 address pointer */
        DMATxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(&TxBuff2[i*ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]);

        /* Set Transmit End of Ring bit for last descriptor: The DMA returns to the base
           address of the list, creating a Desciptor Ring */
        if(i == (TxBuffCount-1))
            /* Set Transmit End of Ring bit */
            DMATxDesc->Status = ETH_DMATxDesc_TER;

    /* Set Transmit Desciptor List Address Register */
    ETH->DMATDLAR =  (uint32_t) DMATxDescTab;

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET DMA Tx Desc flag is set or not.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: pointer on a DMA Tx descriptor
  * @param  ETH_DMATxDescFlag: specifies the flag to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_OWN : OWN bit: descriptor is owned by DMA engine
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_IC  : Interrupt on completetion
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_LS  : Last Segment
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_FS  : First Segment
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_DC  : Disable CRC
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_DP  : Disable Pad
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_TTSE: Transmit Time Stamp Enable
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_TER : Transmit End of Ring
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_TCH : Second Address Chained
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_TTSS: Tx Time Stamp Status
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_IHE : IP Header Error
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_ES  : Error summary
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_JT  : Jabber Timeout
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_FF  : Frame Flushed: DMA/MTL flushed the frame due to SW flush
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_PCE : Payload Checksum Error
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_LCA : Loss of Carrier: carrier lost during tramsmission
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_NC  : No Carrier: no carrier signal from the tranceiver
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_LCO : Late Collision: transmission aborted due to collision
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_EC  : Excessive Collision: transmission aborted after 16 collisions
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_VF  : VLAN Frame
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_CC  : Collision Count
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_ED  : Excessive Deferral
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_UF  : Underflow Error: late data arrival from the memory
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_DB  : Deferred Bit
  * @retval The new state of ETH_DMATxDescFlag (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetDMATxDescFlagStatus(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, uint32_t ETH_DMATxDescFlag)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */

    if ((DMATxDesc->Status & ETH_DMATxDescFlag) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Returns the specified ETHERNET DMA Tx Desc collision count.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: pointer on a DMA Tx descriptor
  * @retval The Transmit descriptor collision counter value.
uint32_t ETH_GetDMATxDescCollisionCount(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc)
    /* Return the Receive descriptor frame length */

  * @brief  Set the specified DMA Tx Desc Own bit.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: Pointer on a Tx desc
  * @retval None
void ETH_SetDMATxDescOwnBit(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc)
    /* Set the DMA Tx Desc Own bit */
    DMATxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_OWN;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the specified DMA Tx Desc Transmit interrupt.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: Pointer on a Tx desc
  * @param  NewState: new state of the DMA Tx Desc transmit interrupt.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescTransmitITConfig(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the DMA Tx Desc Transmit interrupt */
        DMATxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_IC;
        /* Disable the DMA Tx Desc Transmit interrupt */
        DMATxDesc->Status &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMATxDesc_IC);

  * @brief  Enables or disables the specified DMA Tx Desc Transmit interrupt.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: Pointer on a Tx desc
  * @param  DMATxDesc_FrameSegment: specifies is the actual Tx desc contain last or first segment.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_LastSegment  : actual Tx desc contain last segment
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_FirstSegment : actual Tx desc contain first segment
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescFrameSegmentConfig(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, uint32_t DMATxDesc_FrameSegment)
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Selects the DMA Tx Desc Frame segment */
    DMATxDesc->Status |= DMATxDesc_FrameSegment;

  * @brief  Selects the specified ETHERNET DMA Tx Desc Checksum Insertion.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: pointer on a DMA Tx descriptor
  * @param  DMATxDesc_Checksum: specifies is the DMA Tx desc checksum insertion.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_ChecksumByPass : Checksum bypass
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_ChecksumIPV4Header : IPv4 header checksum
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_ChecksumTCPUDPICMPSegment : TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum. Pseudo header checksum is assumed to be present
  *     @arg ETH_DMATxDesc_ChecksumTCPUDPICMPFull : TCP/UDP/ICMP checksum fully in hardware including pseudo header
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescChecksumInsertionConfig(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, uint32_t DMATxDesc_Checksum)
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Set the selected DMA Tx desc checksum insertion control */
    DMATxDesc->Status |= DMATxDesc_Checksum;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA Tx Desc CRC.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: pointer on a DMA Tx descriptor
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified DMA Tx Desc CRC.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescCRCCmd(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected DMA Tx Desc CRC */
        DMATxDesc->Status &= (~(uint32_t)ETH_DMATxDesc_DC);
        /* Disable the selected DMA Tx Desc CRC */
        DMATxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_DC;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA Tx Desc end of ring.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: pointer on a DMA Tx descriptor
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified DMA Tx Desc end of ring.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescEndOfRingCmd(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected DMA Tx Desc end of ring */
        DMATxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_TER;
        /* Disable the selected DMA Tx Desc end of ring */
        DMATxDesc->Status &= (~(uint32_t)ETH_DMATxDesc_TER);

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA Tx Desc second address chained.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: pointer on a DMA Tx descriptor
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified DMA Tx Desc second address chained.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescSecondAddressChainedCmd(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected DMA Tx Desc second address chained */
        DMATxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_TCH;
        /* Disable the selected DMA Tx Desc second address chained */
        DMATxDesc->Status &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMATxDesc_TCH);

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA Tx Desc padding for frame shorter than 64 bytes.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: pointer on a DMA Tx descriptor
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified DMA Tx Desc padding for frame shorter than 64 bytes.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescShortFramePaddingCmd(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected DMA Tx Desc padding for frame shorter than 64 bytes */
        DMATxDesc->Status &= (~(uint32_t)ETH_DMATxDesc_DP);
        /* Disable the selected DMA Tx Desc padding for frame shorter than 64 bytes*/
        DMATxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_DP;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA Tx Desc time stamp.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: pointer on a DMA Tx descriptor
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified DMA Tx Desc time stamp.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescTimeStampCmd(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected DMA Tx Desc time stamp */
        DMATxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_TTSE;
        /* Disable the selected DMA Tx Desc time stamp */
        DMATxDesc->Status &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMATxDesc_TTSE);

  * @brief  Configures the specified DMA Tx Desc buffer1 and buffer2 sizes.
  * @param  DMATxDesc: Pointer on a Tx desc
  * @param  BufferSize1: specifies the Tx desc buffer1 size.
  * @param  BufferSize2: specifies the Tx desc buffer2 size (put "0" if not used).
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATxDescBufferSizeConfig(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc, uint32_t BufferSize1, uint32_t BufferSize2)
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Set the DMA Tx Desc buffer1 and buffer2 sizes values */
    DMATxDesc->ControlBufferSize |= (BufferSize1 | (BufferSize2 << ETH_DMATXDESC_BUFFER2_SIZESHIFT));

  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Rx descriptors in chain mode.
  * @param  DMARxDescTab: Pointer on the first Rx desc list
  * @param  RxBuff: Pointer on the first RxBuffer list
  * @param  RxBuffCount: Number of the used Rx desc in the list
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMARxDescChainInit(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDescTab, uint8_t *RxBuff, uint32_t RxBuffCount)
    uint32_t i = 0;
    ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc;

    /* Set the DMARxDescToGet pointer with the first one of the DMARxDescTab list */
    DMARxDescToGet = DMARxDescTab;
    /* Fill each DMARxDesc descriptor with the right values */
    for(i=0; i < RxBuffCount; i++)
        /* Get the pointer on the ith member of the Rx Desc list */
        DMARxDesc = DMARxDescTab+i;
        /* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status */
        DMARxDesc->Status = ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN;

        /* Set Buffer1 size and Second Address Chained bit */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize = ETH_DMARxDesc_RCH | (uint32_t)ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
        /* Set Buffer1 address pointer */
        DMARxDesc->Buffer1Addr = (uint32_t)(&RxBuff[i*ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]);

        /* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Desciptor Polling Enable */
        if(i < (RxBuffCount-1))
            /* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */
            DMARxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(DMARxDescTab+i+1);
            /* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */
            DMARxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(DMARxDescTab);

    /* Set Receive Desciptor List Address Register */
    ETH->DMARDLAR = (uint32_t) DMARxDescTab;

  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Rx descriptors in ring mode.
  * @param  DMARxDescTab: Pointer on the first Rx desc list
  * @param  RxBuff1: Pointer on the first RxBuffer1 list
  * @param  RxBuff2: Pointer on the first RxBuffer2 list
  * @param  RxBuffCount: Number of the used Rx desc in the list
  *   Note: see decriptor skip length defined in ETH_DMA_InitStruct
  *   for the number of Words to skip between two unchained descriptors.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMARxDescRingInit(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDescTab, uint8_t *RxBuff1, uint8_t *RxBuff2, uint32_t RxBuffCount)
    uint32_t i = 0;
    ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc;
    /* Set the DMARxDescToGet pointer with the first one of the DMARxDescTab list */
    DMARxDescToGet = DMARxDescTab;
    /* Fill each DMARxDesc descriptor with the right values */
    for(i=0; i < RxBuffCount; i++)
        /* Get the pointer on the ith member of the Rx Desc list */
        DMARxDesc = DMARxDescTab+i;
        /* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status */
        DMARxDesc->Status = ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN;
        /* Set Buffer1 size */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize = ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
        /* Set Buffer1 address pointer */
        DMARxDesc->Buffer1Addr = (uint32_t)(&RxBuff1[i*ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]);

        /* Set Buffer2 address pointer */
        DMARxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(&RxBuff2[i*ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]);

        /* Set Receive End of Ring bit for last descriptor: The DMA returns to the base
           address of the list, creating a Desciptor Ring */
        if(i == (RxBuffCount-1))
            /* Set Receive End of Ring bit */
            DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize |= ETH_DMARxDesc_RER;

    /* Set Receive Desciptor List Address Register */
    ETH->DMARDLAR = (uint32_t) DMARxDescTab;

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET Rx Desc flag is set or not.
  * @param  DMARxDesc: pointer on a DMA Rx descriptor
  * @param  ETH_DMARxDescFlag: specifies the flag to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN:         OWN bit: descriptor is owned by DMA engine
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_AFM:         DA Filter Fail for the rx frame
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_ES:          Error summary
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_DE:          Desciptor error: no more descriptors for receive frame
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_SAF:         SA Filter Fail for the received frame
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_LE:          Frame size not matching with length field
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_OE:          Overflow Error: Frame was damaged due to buffer overflow
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_VLAN:        VLAN Tag: received frame is a VLAN frame
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_FS:          First descriptor of the frame
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_LS:          Last descriptor of the frame
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_IPV4HCE:     IPC Checksum Error/Giant Frame: Rx Ipv4 header checksum error
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_LC:          Late collision occurred during reception
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_FT:          Frame type - Ethernet, otherwise 802.3
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_RWT:         Receive Watchdog Timeout: watchdog timer expired during reception
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_RE:          Receive error: error reported by MII interface
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_DE:          Dribble bit error: frame contains non int multiple of 8 bits
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_CE:          CRC error
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_MAMPCE:      Rx MAC Address/Payload Checksum Error: Rx MAC address matched/ Rx Payload Checksum Error
  * @retval The new state of ETH_DMARxDescFlag (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetDMARxDescFlagStatus(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc, uint32_t ETH_DMARxDescFlag)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */
    if ((DMARxDesc->Status & ETH_DMARxDescFlag) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Set the specified DMA Rx Desc Own bit.
  * @param  DMARxDesc: Pointer on a Rx desc
  * @retval None
void ETH_SetDMARxDescOwnBit(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc)
    /* Set the DMA Rx Desc Own bit */
    DMARxDesc->Status |= ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN;

  * @brief  Returns the specified DMA Rx Desc frame length.
  * @param  DMARxDesc: pointer on a DMA Rx descriptor
  * @retval The Rx descriptor received frame length.
uint32_t ETH_GetDMARxDescFrameLength(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc)
    /* Return the Receive descriptor frame length */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the specified DMA Rx Desc receive interrupt.
  * @param  DMARxDesc: Pointer on a Rx desc
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified DMA Rx Desc interrupt.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMARxDescReceiveITConfig(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the DMA Rx Desc receive interrupt */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMARxDesc_DIC);
        /* Disable the DMA Rx Desc receive interrupt */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize |= ETH_DMARxDesc_DIC;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA Rx Desc end of ring.
  * @param  DMARxDesc: pointer on a DMA Rx descriptor
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified DMA Rx Desc end of ring.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMARxDescEndOfRingCmd(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected DMA Rx Desc end of ring */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize |= ETH_DMARxDesc_RER;
        /* Disable the selected DMA Rx Desc end of ring */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMARxDesc_RER);

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA Rx Desc second address chained.
  * @param  DMARxDesc: pointer on a DMA Rx descriptor
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified DMA Rx Desc second address chained.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMARxDescSecondAddressChainedCmd(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected DMA Rx Desc second address chained */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize |= ETH_DMARxDesc_RCH;
        /* Disable the selected DMA Rx Desc second address chained */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMARxDesc_RCH);

  * @brief  Returns the specified ETHERNET DMA Rx Desc buffer size.
  * @param  DMARxDesc: pointer on a DMA Rx descriptor
  * @param  DMARxDesc_Buffer: specifies the DMA Rx Desc buffer.
  *   This parameter can be any one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_Buffer1 : DMA Rx Desc Buffer1
  *     @arg ETH_DMARxDesc_Buffer2 : DMA Rx Desc Buffer2
  * @retval The Receive descriptor frame length.
uint32_t ETH_GetDMARxDescBufferSize(ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc, uint32_t DMARxDesc_Buffer)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if(DMARxDesc_Buffer != ETH_DMARxDesc_Buffer1)
        /* Return the DMA Rx Desc buffer2 size */
        return ((DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RBS2) >> ETH_DMARXDESC_BUFFER2_SIZESHIFT);
        /* Return the DMA Rx Desc buffer1 size */
        return (DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RBS1);

/*---------------------------------  DMA  ------------------------------------*/
  * @brief  Resets all MAC subsystem internal registers and logic.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_SoftwareReset(void)
    /* Set the SWR bit: resets all MAC subsystem internal registers and logic */
    /* After reset all the registers holds their respective reset values */

  * @brief  Checks whether the ETHERNET software reset bit is set or not.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The new state of DMA Bus Mode register SR bit (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetSoftwareResetStatus(void)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    if((ETH->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_SR) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET DMA flag is set or not.
  * @param  ETH_DMA_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TST : Time-stamp trigger flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_PMT : PMT flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_MMC : MMC flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_DataTransferError : Error bits 0-data buffer, 1-desc. access
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_ReadWriteError    : Error bits 0-write trnsf, 1-read transfr
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_AccessError       : Error bits 0-Rx DMA, 1-Tx DMA
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_NIS : Normal interrupt summary flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS : Abnormal interrupt summary flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_ER  : Early receive flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_FBE : Fatal bus error flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_ET  : Early transmit flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_RWT : Receive watchdog timeout flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_RPS : Receive process stopped flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_RBU : Receive buffer unavailable flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_R   : Receive flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TU  : Underflow flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_RO  : Overflow flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TJT : Transmit jabber timeout flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TBU : Transmit buffer unavailable flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TPS : Transmit process stopped flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_T   : Transmit flag
  * @retval The new state of ETH_DMA_FLAG (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetDMAFlagStatus(uint32_t ETH_DMA_FLAG)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */
    if ((ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMA_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Clears the ETHERNET's DMA pending flag.
  * @param  ETH_DMA_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear.
  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_NIS : Normal interrupt summary flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_AIS : Abnormal interrupt summary flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_ER  : Early receive flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_FBE : Fatal bus error flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_ETI : Early transmit flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_RWT : Receive watchdog timeout flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_RPS : Receive process stopped flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_RBU : Receive buffer unavailable flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_R   : Receive flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TU  : Transmit Underflow flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_RO  : Receive Overflow flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TJT : Transmit jabber timeout flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TBU : Transmit buffer unavailable flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_TPS : Transmit process stopped flag
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_FLAG_T   : Transmit flag
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMAClearFlag(uint32_t ETH_DMA_FLAG)
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Clear the selected ETHERNET DMA FLAG */
    ETH->DMASR = (uint32_t) ETH_DMA_FLAG;

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET DMA interrupt has occured or not.
  * @param  ETH_DMA_IT: specifies the interrupt source to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TST : Time-stamp trigger interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_PMT : PMT interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_MMC : MMC interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_NIS : Normal interrupt summary
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_AIS : Abnormal interrupt summary
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_ER  : Early receive interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_FBE : Fatal bus error interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_ET  : Early transmit interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RWT : Receive watchdog timeout interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RPS : Receive process stopped interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RBU : Receive buffer unavailable interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_R   : Receive interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TU  : Underflow interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RO  : Overflow interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TJT : Transmit jabber timeout interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TBU : Transmit buffer unavailable interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TPS : Transmit process stopped interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_T   : Transmit interrupt
  * @retval The new state of ETH_DMA_IT (SET or RESET).
ITStatus ETH_GetDMAITStatus(uint32_t ETH_DMA_IT)
    ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */
    if ((ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMA_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Clears the ETHERNET's DMA IT pending bit.
  * @param  ETH_DMA_IT: specifies the interrupt pending bit to clear.
  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_NIS : Normal interrupt summary
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_AIS : Abnormal interrupt summary
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_ER  : Early receive interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_FBE : Fatal bus error interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_ETI : Early transmit interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RWT : Receive watchdog timeout interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RPS : Receive process stopped interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RBU : Receive buffer unavailable interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_R   : Receive interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TU  : Transmit Underflow interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RO  : Receive Overflow interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TJT : Transmit jabber timeout interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TBU : Transmit buffer unavailable interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TPS : Transmit process stopped interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_T   : Transmit interrupt
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMAClearITPendingBit(uint32_t ETH_DMA_IT)
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Clear the selected ETHERNET DMA IT */
    ETH->DMASR = (uint32_t) ETH_DMA_IT;

  * @brief  Returns the ETHERNET DMA Transmit Process State.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The new ETHERNET DMA Transmit Process State:
  *   This can be one of the following values:
  *     - ETH_DMA_TransmitProcess_Stopped   : Stopped - Reset or Stop Tx Command issued
  *     - ETH_DMA_TransmitProcess_Fetching  : Running - fetching the Tx descriptor
  *     - ETH_DMA_TransmitProcess_Waiting   : Running - waiting for status
  *     - ETH_DMA_TransmitProcess_Reading   : unning - reading the data from host memory
  *     - ETH_DMA_TransmitProcess_Suspended : Suspended - Tx Desciptor unavailabe
  *     - ETH_DMA_TransmitProcess_Closing   : Running - closing Rx descriptor
uint32_t ETH_GetTransmitProcessState(void)
    return ((uint32_t)(ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_TS));

  * @brief  Returns the ETHERNET DMA Receive Process State.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The new ETHERNET DMA Receive Process State:
  *   This can be one of the following values:
  *     - ETH_DMA_ReceiveProcess_Stopped   : Stopped - Reset or Stop Rx Command issued
  *     - ETH_DMA_ReceiveProcess_Fetching  : Running - fetching the Rx descriptor
  *     - ETH_DMA_ReceiveProcess_Waiting   : Running - waiting for packet
  *     - ETH_DMA_ReceiveProcess_Suspended : Suspended - Rx Desciptor unavailable
  *     - ETH_DMA_ReceiveProcess_Closing   : Running - closing descriptor
  *     - ETH_DMA_ReceiveProcess_Queuing   : Running - queuing the recieve frame into host memory
uint32_t ETH_GetReceiveProcessState(void)
    return ((uint32_t)(ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_RS));

  * @brief  Clears the ETHERNET transmit FIFO.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO(void)
    /* Set the Flush Transmit FIFO bit */

  * @brief  Checks whether the ETHERNET transmit FIFO bit is cleared or not.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The new state of ETHERNET flush transmit FIFO bit (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetFlushTransmitFIFOStatus(void)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    if ((ETH->DMAOMR & ETH_DMAOMR_FTF) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA transmission.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the DMA transmission.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMATransmissionCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the DMA transmission */
        /* Disable the DMA transmission */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the DMA reception.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the DMA reception.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMAReceptionCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the DMA reception */
        /* Disable the DMA reception */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the specified ETHERNET DMA interrupts.
  * @param  ETH_DMA_IT: specifies the ETHERNET DMA interrupt sources to be
  *   enabled or disabled.
  *   This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_NIS : Normal interrupt summary
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_AIS : Abnormal interrupt summary
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_ER  : Early receive interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_FBE : Fatal bus error interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_ET  : Early transmit interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RWT : Receive watchdog timeout interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RPS : Receive process stopped interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RBU : Receive buffer unavailable interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_R   : Receive interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TU  : Underflow interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_RO  : Overflow interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TJT : Transmit jabber timeout interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TBU : Transmit buffer unavailable interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_TPS : Transmit process stopped interrupt
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_IT_T   : Transmit interrupt
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified ETHERNET DMA interrupts.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_DMAITConfig(uint32_t ETH_DMA_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the selected ETHERNET DMA interrupts */
        ETH->DMAIER |= ETH_DMA_IT;
        /* Disable the selected ETHERNET DMA interrupts */
        ETH->DMAIER &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_DMA_IT);

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET DMA overflow flag is set or not.
  * @param  ETH_DMA_Overflow: specifies the DMA overflow flag to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_Overflow_RxFIFOCounter : Overflow for FIFO Overflow Counter
  *     @arg ETH_DMA_Overflow_MissedFrameCounter : Overflow for Missed Frame Counter
  * @retval The new state of ETHERNET DMA overflow Flag (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetDMAOverflowStatus(uint32_t ETH_DMA_Overflow)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */

    if ((ETH->DMAMFBOCR & ETH_DMA_Overflow) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Get the ETHERNET DMA Rx Overflow Missed Frame Counter value.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The value of Rx overflow Missed Frame Counter.
uint32_t ETH_GetRxOverflowMissedFrameCounter(void)

  * @brief  Get the ETHERNET DMA Buffer Unavailable Missed Frame Counter value.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The value of Buffer unavailable Missed Frame Counter.
uint32_t ETH_GetBufferUnavailableMissedFrameCounter(void)
    return ((uint32_t)(ETH->DMAMFBOCR) & ETH_DMAMFBOCR_MFC);

  * @brief  Get the ETHERNET DMA DMACHTDR register value.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The value of the current Tx desc start address.
uint32_t ETH_GetCurrentTxDescStartAddress(void)
    return ((uint32_t)(ETH->DMACHTDR));

  * @brief  Get the ETHERNET DMA DMACHRDR register value.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The value of the current Rx desc start address.
uint32_t ETH_GetCurrentRxDescStartAddress(void)
    return ((uint32_t)(ETH->DMACHRDR));

  * @brief  Get the ETHERNET DMA DMACHTBAR register value.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The value of the current Tx buffer address.
uint32_t ETH_GetCurrentTxBufferAddress(void)
    return ((uint32_t)(ETH->DMACHTBAR));

  * @brief  Get the ETHERNET DMA DMACHRBAR register value.
  * @param  None
  * @retval The value of the current Rx buffer address.
uint32_t ETH_GetCurrentRxBufferAddress(void)
    return ((uint32_t)(ETH->DMACHRBAR));

  * @brief  Resumes the DMA Transmission by writing to the DmaTxPollDemand register
  *   (the data written could be anything). This forces  the DMA to resume transmission.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None.
void ETH_ResumeDMATransmission(void)
    ETH->DMATPDR = 0;

  * @brief  Resumes the DMA Transmission by writing to the DmaRxPollDemand register
  *   (the data written could be anything). This forces the DMA to resume reception.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None.
void ETH_ResumeDMAReception(void)
    ETH->DMARPDR = 0;

/*---------------------------------  PMT  ------------------------------------*/
  * @brief  Reset Wakeup frame filter register pointer.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_ResetWakeUpFrameFilterRegisterPointer(void)
    /* Resets the Remote Wake-up Frame Filter register pointer to 0x0000 */

  * @brief  Populates the remote wakeup frame registers.
  * @param  Buffer: Pointer on remote WakeUp Frame Filter Register buffer data (8 words).
  * @retval None
void ETH_SetWakeUpFrameFilterRegister(uint32_t *Buffer)
    uint32_t i = 0;

    /* Fill Remote Wake-up Frame Filter register with Buffer data */
    for(i =0; i<ETH_WAKEUP_REGISTER_LENGTH; i++)
        /* Write each time to the same register */
        ETH->MACRWUFFR = Buffer[i];

  * @brief  Enables or disables any unicast packet filtered by the MAC address
  *   recognition to be a wake-up frame.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MAC Global Unicast Wake-Up.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_GlobalUnicastWakeUpCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the MAC Global Unicast Wake-Up */
        /* Disable the MAC Global Unicast Wake-Up */

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET PMT flag is set or not.
  * @param  ETH_PMT_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFFRPR : Wake-Up Frame Filter Register Poniter Reset
  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_WUFR    : Wake-Up Frame Received
  *     @arg ETH_PMT_FLAG_MPR     : Magic Packet Received
  * @retval The new state of ETHERNET PMT Flag (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetPMTFlagStatus(uint32_t ETH_PMT_FLAG)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */

    if ((ETH->MACPMTCSR & ETH_PMT_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Enables or disables the MAC Wake-Up Frame Detection.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MAC Wake-Up Frame Detection.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_WakeUpFrameDetectionCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the MAC Wake-Up Frame Detection */
        /* Disable the MAC Wake-Up Frame Detection */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the MAC Magic Packet Detection.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MAC Magic Packet Detection.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MagicPacketDetectionCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the MAC Magic Packet Detection */
        /* Disable the MAC Magic Packet Detection */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the MAC Power Down.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MAC Power Down.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_PowerDownCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the MAC Power Down */
        /* This puts the MAC in power down mode */
        /* Disable the MAC Power Down */

/*---------------------------------  MMC  ------------------------------------*/
  * @brief  Enables or disables the MMC Counter Freeze.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MMC Counter Freeze.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MMCCounterFreezeCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the MMC Counter Freeze */
        /* Disable the MMC Counter Freeze */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the MMC Reset On Read.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MMC Reset On Read.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MMCResetOnReadCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the MMC Counter reset on read */
        /* Disable the MMC Counter reset on read */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the MMC Counter Stop Rollover.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the MMC Counter Stop Rollover.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MMCCounterRolloverCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Disable the MMC Counter Stop Rollover  */
        /* Enable the MMC Counter Stop Rollover */

  * @brief  Resets the MMC Counters.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_MMCCountersReset(void)
    /* Resets the MMC Counters */

  * @brief  Enables or disables the specified ETHERNET MMC interrupts.
  * @param  ETH_MMC_IT: specifies the ETHERNET MMC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.
  *   This parameter can be any combination of Tx interrupt or
  *   any combination of Rx interrupt (but not both)of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGF   : When Tx good frame counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFMSC: When Tx good multi col counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TGFSC : When Tx good single col counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RGUF  : When Rx good unicast frames counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFAE  : When Rx alignment error counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RFCE  : When Rx crc error counter reaches half the maximum value
  * @param  NewState: new state of the specified ETHERNET MMC interrupts.
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_MMCITConfig(uint32_t ETH_MMC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if ((ETH_MMC_IT & (uint32_t)0x10000000) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Remove egister mak from IT */
        ETH_MMC_IT &= 0xEFFFFFFF;

        /* ETHERNET MMC Rx interrupts selected */
        if (NewState != DISABLE)
            /* Enable the selected ETHERNET MMC interrupts */
            ETH->MMCRIMR &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_MMC_IT);
            /* Disable the selected ETHERNET MMC interrupts */
            ETH->MMCRIMR |= ETH_MMC_IT;
        /* ETHERNET MMC Tx interrupts selected */
        if (NewState != DISABLE)
            /* Enable the selected ETHERNET MMC interrupts */
            ETH->MMCTIMR &=(~(uint32_t)ETH_MMC_IT);
            /* Disable the selected ETHERNET MMC interrupts */
            ETH->MMCTIMR |= ETH_MMC_IT;

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET MMC IT is set or not.
  * @param  ETH_MMC_IT: specifies the ETHERNET MMC interrupt.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TxFCGC: When Tx good frame counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TxMCGC: When Tx good multi col counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_TxSCGC: When Tx good single col counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RxUGFC: When Rx good unicast frames counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RxAEC : When Rx alignment error counter reaches half the maximum value
  *     @arg ETH_MMC_IT_RxCEC : When Rx crc error counter reaches half the maximum value
  * @retval The value of ETHERNET MMC IT (SET or RESET).
ITStatus ETH_GetMMCITStatus(uint32_t ETH_MMC_IT)
    ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */

    if ((ETH_MMC_IT & (uint32_t)0x10000000) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* ETHERNET MMC Rx interrupts selected */
        /* Check if the ETHERNET MMC Rx selected interrupt is enabled and occured */
        if ((((ETH->MMCRIR & ETH_MMC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET)) && ((ETH->MMCRIMR & ETH_MMC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET))
            bitstatus = SET;
            bitstatus = RESET;
        /* ETHERNET MMC Tx interrupts selected */
        /* Check if the ETHERNET MMC Tx selected interrupt is enabled and occured */
        if ((((ETH->MMCTIR & ETH_MMC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET)) && ((ETH->MMCRIMR & ETH_MMC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET))
            bitstatus = SET;
            bitstatus = RESET;

    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Get the specified ETHERNET MMC register value.
  * @param  ETH_MMCReg: specifies the ETHERNET MMC register.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_MMCCR      : MMC CR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCRIR     : MMC RIR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCTIR     : MMC TIR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCRIMR    : MMC RIMR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCTIMR    : MMC TIMR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCTGFSCCR : MMC TGFSCCR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCTGFMSCCR: MMC TGFMSCCR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCTGFCR   : MMC TGFCR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCRFCECR  : MMC RFCECR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCRFAECR  : MMC RFAECR register
  *     @arg ETH_MMCRGUFCR  : MMC RGUFCRregister
  * @retval The value of ETHERNET MMC Register value.
uint32_t ETH_GetMMCRegister(uint32_t ETH_MMCReg)
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Return the selected register value */
    return (*(__IO uint32_t *)(ETH_MAC_BASE + ETH_MMCReg));
/*---------------------------------  PTP  ------------------------------------*/

  * @brief  Updated the PTP block for fine correction with the Time Stamp Addend register value.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_EnablePTPTimeStampAddend(void)
    /* Enable the PTP block update with the Time Stamp Addend register value */

  * @brief  Enable the PTP Time Stamp interrupt trigger
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_EnablePTPTimeStampInterruptTrigger(void)
    /* Enable the PTP target time interrupt */

  * @brief  Updated the PTP system time with the Time Stamp Update register value.
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_EnablePTPTimeStampUpdate(void)
    /* Enable the PTP system time update with the Time Stamp Update register value */

  * @brief  Initialize the PTP Time Stamp
  * @param  None
  * @retval None
void ETH_InitializePTPTimeStamp(void)
    /* Initialize the PTP Time Stamp */

  * @brief  Selects the PTP Update method
  * @param  UpdateMethod: the PTP Update method
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_PTP_FineUpdate   : Fine Update method
  *     @arg ETH_PTP_CoarseUpdate : Coarse Update method
  * @retval None
void ETH_PTPUpdateMethodConfig(uint32_t UpdateMethod)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (UpdateMethod != ETH_PTP_CoarseUpdate)
        /* Enable the PTP Fine Update method */
        /* Disable the PTP Coarse Update method */
        ETH->PTPTSCR &= (~(uint32_t)ETH_PTPTSCR_TSFCU);

  * @brief  Enables or disables the PTP time stamp for transmit and receive frames.
  * @param  NewState: new state of the PTP time stamp for transmit and receive frames
  *   This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
  * @retval None
void ETH_PTPTimeStampCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
    /* Check the parameters */

    if (NewState != DISABLE)
        /* Enable the PTP time stamp for transmit and receive frames */
        /* Disable the PTP time stamp for transmit and receive frames */
        ETH->PTPTSCR &= (~(uint32_t)ETH_PTPTSCR_TSE);

  * @brief  Checks whether the specified ETHERNET PTP flag is set or not.
  * @param  ETH_PTP_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSARU : Addend Register Update
  *     @arg ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSITE : Time Stamp Interrupt Trigger Enable
  *     @arg ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSSTU : Time Stamp Update
  *     @arg ETH_PTP_FLAG_TSSTI  : Time Stamp Initialize
  * @retval The new state of ETHERNET PTP Flag (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ETH_GetPTPFlagStatus(uint32_t ETH_PTP_FLAG)
    FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
    /* Check the parameters */

    if ((ETH->PTPTSCR & ETH_PTP_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        bitstatus = SET;
        bitstatus = RESET;
    return bitstatus;

  * @brief  Sets the system time Sub-Second Increment value.
  * @param  SubSecondValue: specifies the PTP Sub-Second Increment Register value.
  * @retval None
void ETH_SetPTPSubSecondIncrement(uint32_t SubSecondValue)
    /* Check the parameters */
    /* Set the PTP Sub-Second Increment Register */
    ETH->PTPSSIR = SubSecondValue;

  * @brief  Sets the Time Stamp update sign and values.
  * @param  Sign: specifies the PTP Time update value sign.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_PTP_PositiveTime : positive time value.
  *     @arg ETH_PTP_NegativeTime : negative time value.
  * @param  SecondValue: specifies the PTP Time update second value.
  * @param  SubSecondValue: specifies the PTP Time update sub-second value.
  *   This parameter is a 31 bit value, bit32 correspond to the sign.
  * @retval None
void ETH_SetPTPTimeStampUpdate(uint32_t Sign, uint32_t SecondValue, uint32_t SubSecondValue)
    /* Check the parameters */
    /* Set the PTP Time Update High Register */
    ETH->PTPTSHUR = SecondValue;

    /* Set the PTP Time Update Low Register with sign */
    ETH->PTPTSLUR = Sign | SubSecondValue;

  * @brief  Sets the Time Stamp Addend value.
  * @param  Value: specifies the PTP Time Stamp Addend Register value.
  * @retval None
void ETH_SetPTPTimeStampAddend(uint32_t Value)
    /* Set the PTP Time Stamp Addend Register */
    ETH->PTPTSAR = Value;

  * @brief  Sets the Target Time registers values.
  * @param  HighValue: specifies the PTP Target Time High Register value.
  * @param  LowValue: specifies the PTP Target Time Low Register value.
  * @retval None
void ETH_SetPTPTargetTime(uint32_t HighValue, uint32_t LowValue)
    /* Set the PTP Target Time High Register */
    ETH->PTPTTHR = HighValue;
    /* Set the PTP Target Time Low Register */
    ETH->PTPTTLR = LowValue;

  * @brief  Get the specified ETHERNET PTP register value.
  * @param  ETH_PTPReg: specifies the ETHERNET PTP register.
  *   This parameter can be one of the following values:
  *     @arg ETH_PTPTSCR  : Sub-Second Increment Register
  *     @arg ETH_PTPSSIR  : Sub-Second Increment Register
  *     @arg ETH_PTPTSHR  : Time Stamp High Register
  *     @arg ETH_PTPTSLR  : Time Stamp Low Register
  *     @arg ETH_PTPTSHUR : Time Stamp High Update Register
  *     @arg ETH_PTPTSLUR : Time Stamp Low Update Register
  *     @arg ETH_PTPTSAR  : Time Stamp Addend Register
  *     @arg ETH_PTPTTHR  : Target Time High Register
  *     @arg ETH_PTPTTLR  : Target Time Low Register
  * @retval The value of ETHERNET PTP Register value.
uint32_t ETH_GetPTPRegister(uint32_t ETH_PTPReg)
    /* Check the parameters */

    /* Return the selected register value */
    return (*(__IO uint32_t *)(ETH_MAC_BASE + ETH_PTPReg));

  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Tx descriptors in chain mode with PTP.
  * @param  DMATxDescTab: Pointer on the first Tx desc list
  * @param  DMAPTPTxDescTab: Pointer on the first PTP Tx desc list
  * @param  TxBuff: Pointer on the first TxBuffer list
  * @param  TxBuffCount: Number of the used Tx desc in the list
  * @retval None
                               uint8_t* TxBuff, uint32_t TxBuffCount)
    uint32_t i = 0;
    ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMATxDesc;

    /* Set the DMATxDescToSet pointer with the first one of the DMATxDescTab list */
    DMATxDescToSet = DMATxDescTab;
    DMAPTPTxDescToSet = DMAPTPTxDescTab;
    /* Fill each DMATxDesc descriptor with the right values */
    for(i=0; i < TxBuffCount; i++)
        /* Get the pointer on the ith member of the Tx Desc list */
        DMATxDesc = DMATxDescTab+i;
        /* Set Second Address Chained bit and enable PTP */
        DMATxDesc->Status = ETH_DMATxDesc_TCH | ETH_DMATxDesc_TTSE;

        /* Set Buffer1 address pointer */
        DMATxDesc->Buffer1Addr =(uint32_t)(&TxBuff[i*ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]);

        /* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Desciptor Polling Enable */
        if(i < (TxBuffCount-1))
            /* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */
            DMATxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(DMATxDescTab+i+1);
            /* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */
            DMATxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t) DMATxDescTab;
        /* make DMAPTPTxDescTab points to the same addresses as DMATxDescTab */
        (&DMAPTPTxDescTab[i])->Buffer1Addr = DMATxDesc->Buffer1Addr;
        (&DMAPTPTxDescTab[i])->Buffer2NextDescAddr = DMATxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr;
    /* Store on the last DMAPTPTxDescTab desc status record the first list address */
    (&DMAPTPTxDescTab[i-1])->Status = (uint32_t) DMAPTPTxDescTab;

    /* Set Transmit Desciptor List Address Register */
    ETH->DMATDLAR = (uint32_t) DMATxDescTab;

  * @brief  Initializes the DMA Rx descriptors in chain mode.
  * @param  DMARxDescTab: Pointer on the first Rx desc list
  * @param  DMAPTPRxDescTab: Pointer on the first PTP Rx desc list
  * @param  RxBuff: Pointer on the first RxBuffer list
  * @param  RxBuffCount: Number of the used Rx desc in the list
  * @retval None
                               uint8_t *RxBuff, uint32_t RxBuffCount)
    uint32_t i = 0;
    ETH_DMADESCTypeDef *DMARxDesc;

    /* Set the DMARxDescToGet pointer with the first one of the DMARxDescTab list */
    DMARxDescToGet = DMARxDescTab;
    DMAPTPRxDescToGet = DMAPTPRxDescTab;
    /* Fill each DMARxDesc descriptor with the right values */
    for(i=0; i < RxBuffCount; i++)
        /* Get the pointer on the ith member of the Rx Desc list */
        DMARxDesc = DMARxDescTab+i;
        /* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status */
        DMARxDesc->Status = ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN;

        /* Set Buffer1 size and Second Address Chained bit */
        DMARxDesc->ControlBufferSize = ETH_DMARxDesc_RCH | (uint32_t)ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
        /* Set Buffer1 address pointer */
        DMARxDesc->Buffer1Addr = (uint32_t)(&RxBuff[i*ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE]);

        /* Initialize the next descriptor with the Next Desciptor Polling Enable */
        if(i < (RxBuffCount-1))
            /* Set next descriptor address register with next descriptor base address */
            DMARxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(DMARxDescTab+i+1);
            /* For last descriptor, set next descriptor address register equal to the first descriptor base address */
            DMARxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr = (uint32_t)(DMARxDescTab);
        /* Make DMAPTPRxDescTab points to the same addresses as DMARxDescTab */
        (&DMAPTPRxDescTab[i])->Buffer1Addr = DMARxDesc->Buffer1Addr;
        (&DMAPTPRxDescTab[i])->Buffer2NextDescAddr = DMARxDesc->Buffer2NextDescAddr;
    /* Store on the last DMAPTPRxDescTab desc status record the first list address */
    (&DMAPTPRxDescTab[i-1])->Status = (uint32_t) DMAPTPRxDescTab;

    /* Set Receive Desciptor List Address Register */
    ETH->DMARDLAR = (uint32_t) DMARxDescTab;

  * @brief  Transmits a packet, from application buffer, pointed by ppkt with Time Stamp values.
  * @param  ppkt: pointer to application packet buffer to transmit.
  * @param  FrameLength: Tx Packet size.
  * @param  PTPTxTab: Pointer on the first PTP Tx table to store Time stamp values.
  * @retval ETH_ERROR: in case of Tx desc owned by DMA
  *         ETH_SUCCESS: for correct transmission
uint32_t ETH_HandlePTPTxPkt(uint8_t *ppkt, uint16_t FrameLength, uint32_t *PTPTxTab)
    uint32_t offset = 0, timeout = 0;
    /* Check if the descriptor is owned by the ETHERNET DMA (when set) or CPU (when reset) */
    if((DMATxDescToSet->Status & ETH_DMATxDesc_OWN) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Return ERROR: OWN bit set */
        return ETH_ERROR;
    /* Copy the frame to be sent into memory pointed by the current ETHERNET DMA Tx descriptor */
    for(offset=0; offset<FrameLength; offset++)
        (*(__IO uint8_t *)((DMAPTPTxDescToSet->Buffer1Addr) + offset)) = (*(ppkt + offset));
    /* Setting the Frame Length: bits[12:0] */
    DMATxDescToSet->ControlBufferSize = (FrameLength & (uint32_t)0x1FFF);
    /* Setting the last segment and first segment bits (in this case a frame is transmitted in one descriptor) */
    DMATxDescToSet->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_LS | ETH_DMATxDesc_FS;
    /* Set Own bit of the Tx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */
    DMATxDescToSet->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_OWN;
    /* When Tx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume transmission */
    if ((ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_TBUS) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Clear TBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */
        /* Resume DMA transmission*/
        ETH->DMATPDR = 0;
    /* Wait for ETH_DMATxDesc_TTSS flag to be set */
    while (!(DMATxDescToSet->Status & ETH_DMATxDesc_TTSS) && (timeout < 0xFFFF));
    /* Return ERROR in case of timeout */
    if(timeout == PHY_READ_TO)
        return ETH_ERROR;
    /* Clear the DMATxDescToSet status register TTSS flag */
    DMATxDescToSet->Status &= ~ETH_DMATxDesc_TTSS;
    *PTPTxTab++ = DMATxDescToSet->Buffer1Addr;
    *PTPTxTab = DMATxDescToSet->Buffer2NextDescAddr;
    /* Update the ENET DMA current descriptor */
    /* Chained Mode */
    if((DMATxDescToSet->Status & ETH_DMATxDesc_TCH) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Selects the next DMA Tx descriptor list for next buffer read */
        DMATxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMAPTPTxDescToSet->Buffer2NextDescAddr);
        if(DMAPTPTxDescToSet->Status != 0)
            DMAPTPTxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMAPTPTxDescToSet->Status);
    else /* Ring Mode */
        if((DMATxDescToSet->Status & ETH_DMATxDesc_TER) != (uint32_t)RESET)
            /* Selects the next DMA Tx descriptor list for next buffer read: this will
               be the first Tx descriptor in this case */
            DMATxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (ETH->DMATDLAR);
            DMAPTPTxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (ETH->DMATDLAR);
            /* Selects the next DMA Tx descriptor list for next buffer read */
            DMATxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) ((uint32_t)DMATxDescToSet + 0x10 + ((ETH->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_DSL) >> 2));
            DMAPTPTxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) ((uint32_t)DMAPTPTxDescToSet + 0x10 + ((ETH->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_DSL) >> 2));
    /* Return SUCCESS */
    return ETH_SUCCESS;

  * @brief  Receives a packet and copies it to memory pointed by ppkt with Time Stamp values.
  * @param  ppkt: pointer to application packet receive buffer.
  * @param  PTPRxTab: Pointer on the first PTP Rx table to store Time stamp values.
  * @retval ETH_ERROR: if there is error in reception
  *         framelength: received packet size if packet reception is correct
uint32_t ETH_HandlePTPRxPkt(uint8_t *ppkt, uint32_t *PTPRxTab)
    uint32_t offset = 0, framelength = 0;
    /* Check if the descriptor is owned by the ENET or CPU */
    if((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Return error: OWN bit set */
        return ETH_ERROR;
    if(((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_ES) == (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_LS) != (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_FS) != (uint32_t)RESET))
        /* Get the Frame Length of the received packet: substruct 4 bytes of the CRC */
        framelength = ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_FL) >> ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAME_LENGTHSHIFT) - 4;
        /* Copy the received frame into buffer from memory pointed by the current ETHERNET DMA Rx descriptor */
        for(offset=0; offset<framelength; offset++)
            (*(ppkt + offset)) = (*(__IO uint8_t *)((DMAPTPRxDescToGet->Buffer1Addr) + offset));
        /* Return ERROR */
        framelength = ETH_ERROR;
    /* When Rx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume reception */
    if ((ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_RBUS) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Clear RBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */
        /* Resume DMA reception */
        ETH->DMARPDR = 0;
    *PTPRxTab++ = DMARxDescToGet->Buffer1Addr;
    *PTPRxTab = DMARxDescToGet->Buffer2NextDescAddr;
    /* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */
    DMARxDescToGet->Status |= ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN;
    /* Update the ETHERNET DMA global Rx descriptor with next Rx decriptor */
    /* Chained Mode */
    if((DMARxDescToGet->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RCH) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer read */
        DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMAPTPRxDescToGet->Buffer2NextDescAddr);
        if(DMAPTPRxDescToGet->Status != 0)
            DMAPTPRxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMAPTPRxDescToGet->Status);
    else /* Ring Mode */
        if((DMARxDescToGet->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RER) != (uint32_t)RESET)
            /* Selects the first DMA Rx descriptor for next buffer to read: last Rx descriptor was used */
            DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (ETH->DMARDLAR);
            /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer to read */
            DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) ((uint32_t)DMARxDescToGet + 0x10 + ((ETH->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_DSL) >> 2));
    /* Return Frame Length/ERROR */
    return (framelength);

  * @}

/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2009 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
 * STM32 Eth Driver for RT-Thread
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2009-10-05     Bernard      eth interface driver for STM32F107 CL
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <netif/ethernetif.h>
#include <netif/etharp.h>
#include <lwip/icmp.h>
#include "lwipopts.h"

#define ETH_DEBUG
//#define ETH_RX_DUMP
//#define ETH_TX_DUMP

#ifdef ETH_DEBUG
#define STM32_ETH_TRACE	        rt_kprintf
#define STM32_ETH_TRACE(...)
#endif /* ETH_DEBUG */

#if defined(ETH_RX_DUMP) ||  defined(ETH_TX_DUMP)
static void packet_dump(const char * msg, const struct pbuf* p)
    rt_uint32_t i;
    rt_uint8_t *ptr = p->payload;

    STM32_ETH_TRACE("%s %d byte\n", msg, p->tot_len);

    for(i=0; i<p->tot_len; i++)
        if( (i%8) == 0 )
            STM32_ETH_TRACE("  ");
        if( (i%16) == 0 )
        STM32_ETH_TRACE("%02x ",*ptr);
#endif /* dump */

#define ETH_RXBUFNB        	4
#define ETH_TXBUFNB        	2
static ETH_InitTypeDef ETH_InitStructure;

#define MAX_ADDR_LEN 6
struct rt_stm32_eth
    /* inherit from ethernet device */
    struct eth_device parent;

    /* interface address info. */
    rt_uint8_t  dev_addr[MAX_ADDR_LEN];			/* hw address	*/

	uint32_t ETH_HashTableHigh;
	uint32_t ETH_HashTableLow;
static struct rt_stm32_eth stm32_eth_device;
static struct rt_semaphore tx_buf_free;

/* interrupt service routine for ETH */
void ETH_IRQHandler(void)
    rt_uint32_t status;

    /* enter interrupt */

    /* get DMA IT status */
    status = ETH->DMASR;

    if ( (status & ETH_DMA_IT_R) != (u32)RESET ) /* packet receiption */
        /* a frame has been received */


    if ( (status & ETH_DMA_IT_T) != (u32)RESET ) /* packet transmission */

    /* Clear received IT */
    if ((status & ETH_DMA_IT_NIS) != (u32)RESET)
        ETH->DMASR = (u32)ETH_DMA_IT_NIS;
    if ((status & ETH_DMA_IT_AIS) != (u32)RESET)
        ETH->DMASR = (u32)ETH_DMA_IT_AIS;
    if ((status & ETH_DMA_IT_RO) != (u32)RESET)
        ETH->DMASR = (u32)ETH_DMA_IT_RO;

    if ((status & ETH_DMA_IT_RBU) != (u32)RESET)
        ETH->DMASR = (u32)ETH_DMA_IT_RBU;

    if ((status & ETH_DMA_IT_TBU) != (u32)RESET)
        ETH->DMASR = (u32)ETH_DMA_IT_TBU;

    /* leave interrupt */

/* RT-Thread Device Interface */

/* polynomial: 0x04C11DB7 */
static uint32_t ethcrc(const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
	uint32_t crc = 0xffffffff;
	size_t i;
	int j;

	for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
			if (((crc >> 31) ^ (data[i] >> j)) & 0x01)
				/* x^26+x^23+x^22+x^16+x^12+x^11+x^10+x^8+x^7+x^5+x^4+x^2+x+1 */
				crc = (crc << 1) ^ 0x04C11DB7;
				crc = crc << 1;

	return ~crc;

#define HASH_BITS	6		/* #bits in hash */
static void register_multicast_address(struct rt_stm32_eth *stm32_eth, const uint8_t *mac)
	uint32_t crc;
	uint8_t hash;

	/* calculate crc32 value of mac address */
	crc = ethcrc(mac, 6);

	/* only upper 6 bits (HASH_BITS) are used
	* which point to specific bit in he hash registers
	hash = (crc >> 26) & 0x3F;
	//rt_kprintf("register_multicast_address crc: %08X hash: %02X\n", crc, hash);

	if (hash > 31)
		stm32_eth->ETH_HashTableHigh |= 1 << (hash - 32);
		ETH->MACHTHR = stm32_eth->ETH_HashTableHigh;
		stm32_eth->ETH_HashTableLow |= 1 << hash;
		ETH->MACHTLR = stm32_eth->ETH_HashTableLow;
#endif /* (LWIP_IPV4 && LWIP_IGMP) || (LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_MLD) */

static err_t igmp_mac_filter( struct netif *netif, const ip4_addr_t *ip4_addr, u8_t action )
    uint8_t mac[6];
	const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)ip4_addr;
    struct rt_stm32_eth *stm32_eth = (struct rt_stm32_eth *)netif->state;

	mac[0] = 0x01;
	mac[1] = 0x00;
	mac[2] = 0x5E;
	mac[3] = *(p+1) & 0x7F;
	mac[4] = *(p+2);
	mac[5] = *(p+3);

	register_multicast_address(stm32_eth, mac);

		rt_kprintf("%s %s %s ", __FUNCTION__, (action==NETIF_ADD_MAC_FILTER)?"add":"del", ip4addr_ntoa(ip4_addr));
		rt_kprintf("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);

	return 0;
#endif /* LWIP_IPV4 && LWIP_IGMP */

static err_t mld_mac_filter( struct netif *netif, const ip6_addr_t *ip6_addr, u8_t action )
    uint8_t mac[6];
	const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)&ip6_addr->addr[3];
    struct rt_stm32_eth *stm32_eth = (struct rt_stm32_eth *)netif->state;

	mac[0] = 0x33;
	mac[1] = 0x33;
	mac[2] = *(p+0);
	mac[3] = *(p+1);
	mac[4] = *(p+2);
	mac[5] = *(p+3);

	register_multicast_address(stm32_eth, mac);

		rt_kprintf("%s %s %s ", __FUNCTION__, (action==NETIF_ADD_MAC_FILTER)?"add":"del", ip6addr_ntoa(ip6_addr));
		rt_kprintf("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);

	return 0;
#endif /* LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_MLD */

/* initialize the interface */
static rt_err_t rt_stm32_eth_init(rt_device_t dev)
    vu32 Value = 0;
    struct rt_stm32_eth * stm32_eth = (struct rt_stm32_eth *)dev;

    /* Reset ETHERNET on AHB Bus */

    /* Software reset */

    /* Wait for software reset */

    /* ETHERNET Configuration ------------------------------------------------------*/
    /* Call ETH_StructInit if you don't like to configure all ETH_InitStructure parameter */

    /* Fill ETH_InitStructure parametrs */
    /*------------------------   MAC   -----------------------------------*/
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_AutoNegotiation = ETH_AutoNegotiation_Enable  ;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_Speed = ETH_Speed_100M;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_Mode = ETH_Mode_FullDuplex;

    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_LoopbackMode = ETH_LoopbackMode_Disable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_RetryTransmission = ETH_RetryTransmission_Disable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_AutomaticPadCRCStrip = ETH_AutomaticPadCRCStrip_Disable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_ReceiveAll = ETH_ReceiveAll_Enable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_BroadcastFramesReception = ETH_BroadcastFramesReception_Disable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_PromiscuousMode = ETH_PromiscuousMode_Disable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_MulticastFramesFilter = ETH_MulticastFramesFilter_HashTable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_HashTableHigh = stm32_eth->ETH_HashTableHigh;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_HashTableLow  = stm32_eth->ETH_HashTableLow;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_UnicastFramesFilter = ETH_UnicastFramesFilter_Perfect;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_ChecksumOffload = ETH_ChecksumOffload_Enable;

    /*------------------------   DMA   -----------------------------------*/

    /* When we use the Checksum offload feature, we need to enable the Store and Forward mode:
    the store and forward guarantee that a whole frame is stored in the FIFO, so the MAC can insert/verify the checksum,
    if the checksum is OK the DMA can handle the frame otherwise the frame is dropped */
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame = ETH_DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame_Enable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_ReceiveStoreForward = ETH_ReceiveStoreForward_Enable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_TransmitStoreForward = ETH_TransmitStoreForward_Enable;

    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_ForwardErrorFrames = ETH_ForwardErrorFrames_Disable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames = ETH_ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames_Disable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_SecondFrameOperate = ETH_SecondFrameOperate_Enable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_AddressAlignedBeats = ETH_AddressAlignedBeats_Enable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_FixedBurst = ETH_FixedBurst_Enable;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_RxDMABurstLength = ETH_RxDMABurstLength_32Beat;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_TxDMABurstLength = ETH_TxDMABurstLength_32Beat;
    ETH_InitStructure.ETH_DMAArbitration = ETH_DMAArbitration_RoundRobin_RxTx_2_1;

    /* Configure ETHERNET */
    Value = ETH_Init(&ETH_InitStructure);

    /* Enable DMA Receive interrupt (need to enable in this case Normal interrupt) */

    /* Initialize Tx Descriptors list: Chain Mode */
    ETH_DMATxDescChainInit(DMATxDscrTab, &Tx_Buff[0][0], ETH_TXBUFNB);
    /* Initialize Rx Descriptors list: Chain Mode  */
    ETH_DMARxDescChainInit(DMARxDscrTab, &Rx_Buff[0][0], ETH_RXBUFNB);

    /* MAC address configuration */
    ETH_MACAddressConfig(ETH_MAC_Address0, (u8*)&stm32_eth_device.dev_addr[0]);

    /* Enable MAC and DMA transmission and reception */

    netif_set_igmp_mac_filter(stm32_eth->parent.netif, igmp_mac_filter);
#endif /* LWIP_IPV4 && LWIP_IGMP */

    netif_set_mld_mac_filter(stm32_eth->parent.netif, mld_mac_filter);
#endif /* LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_MLD */

    return RT_EOK;

static rt_err_t rt_stm32_eth_open(rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag)
    return RT_EOK;

static rt_err_t rt_stm32_eth_close(rt_device_t dev)
    return RT_EOK;

static rt_size_t rt_stm32_eth_read(rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void* buffer, rt_size_t size)
    return 0;

static rt_size_t rt_stm32_eth_write (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void* buffer, rt_size_t size)
    return 0;

static rt_err_t rt_stm32_eth_control(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args)
    case NIOCTL_GADDR:
        /* get mac address */
        if(args) rt_memcpy(args, stm32_eth_device.dev_addr, 6);
        else return -RT_ERROR;

    default :

    return RT_EOK;

/* ethernet device interface */
/* transmit packet. */
rt_err_t rt_stm32_eth_tx( rt_device_t dev, struct pbuf* p)
    struct pbuf* q;
    rt_uint32_t offset;

    /* get free tx buffer */
        rt_err_t result;
        result = rt_sem_take(&tx_buf_free, 2);
        if (result != RT_EOK)
            ETH_FlushTransmitFIFO();  // clear fifo
            ETH_ResumeDMATransmission();	 //	resume dma	
            return -RT_ERROR;

    offset = 0;
    for (q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next)
        rt_uint8_t* ptr;
        rt_uint32_t len;

        len = q->len;
        ptr = q->payload;

        /* Copy the frame to be sent into memory pointed by the current ETHERNET DMA Tx descriptor */
        while (len)
            (*(__IO uint8_t *)((DMATxDescToSet->Buffer1Addr) + offset)) = *ptr;

            offset ++;
            ptr ++;
            len --;

#ifdef ETH_TX_DUMP
    packet_dump("TX dump", p);

    /* Setting the Frame Length: bits[12:0] */
    DMATxDescToSet->ControlBufferSize = (p->tot_len & ETH_DMATxDesc_TBS1);
    /* Setting the last segment and first segment bits (in this case a frame is transmitted in one descriptor) */
    DMATxDescToSet->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_LS | ETH_DMATxDesc_FS;
    /* Enable TX Completion Interrupt */
    DMATxDescToSet->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_IC;

    DMATxDescToSet->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_ChecksumTCPUDPICMPFull;
    /* clean ICMP checksum STM32F need */
        struct eth_hdr *ethhdr = (struct eth_hdr *)(DMATxDescToSet->Buffer1Addr);
        /* is IP ? */
        if( ethhdr->type == htons(ETHTYPE_IP) )
            struct ip_hdr *iphdr = (struct ip_hdr *)(DMATxDescToSet->Buffer1Addr + SIZEOF_ETH_HDR);
            /* is ICMP ? */
            if( IPH_PROTO(iphdr) == IP_PROTO_ICMP )
                struct icmp_echo_hdr *iecho = (struct icmp_echo_hdr *)(DMATxDescToSet->Buffer1Addr + SIZEOF_ETH_HDR + sizeof(struct ip_hdr) );
                iecho->chksum = 0;

    /* Set Own bit of the Tx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */
    DMATxDescToSet->Status |= ETH_DMATxDesc_OWN;
    /* When Tx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume transmission */
    if ((ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_TBUS) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Clear TBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */
        /* Transmit Poll Demand to resume DMA transmission*/
        ETH->DMATPDR = 0;

    /* Update the ETHERNET DMA global Tx descriptor with next Tx decriptor */
    /* Chained Mode */
    /* Selects the next DMA Tx descriptor list for next buffer to send */
    DMATxDescToSet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMATxDescToSet->Buffer2NextDescAddr);

    /* Return SUCCESS */
    return RT_EOK;

/* reception packet. */
struct pbuf *rt_stm32_eth_rx(rt_device_t dev)
    struct pbuf* p;
    rt_uint32_t framelength = 0;

    /* init p pointer */
    p = RT_NULL;

    /* Check if the descriptor is owned by the ETHERNET DMA (when set) or CPU (when reset) */
    if(((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN) != (uint32_t)RESET))
        return p;

    if (((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_ES) == (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_LS) != (uint32_t)RESET) &&
            ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_FS) != (uint32_t)RESET))
        /* Get the Frame Length of the received packet: substruct 4 bytes of the CRC */
        framelength = ((DMARxDescToGet->Status & ETH_DMARxDesc_FL) >> ETH_DMARXDESC_FRAME_LENGTHSHIFT) - 4;

        /* allocate buffer */
        p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_LINK, framelength, PBUF_RAM);
        if (p != RT_NULL)
            const char * from;
            struct pbuf* q;

            from = (const char *)(DMARxDescToGet->Buffer1Addr);

            for (q = p; q != RT_NULL; q= q->next)
                /* Copy the received frame into buffer from memory pointed by the current ETHERNET DMA Rx descriptor */
                memcpy(q->payload, from, q->len);
                from += q->len;

#ifdef ETH_RX_DUMP
            packet_dump("RX dump", p);
#endif /* ETH_RX_DUMP */

    /* Set Own bit of the Rx descriptor Status: gives the buffer back to ETHERNET DMA */
    DMARxDescToGet->Status = ETH_DMARxDesc_OWN;

    /* When Rx Buffer unavailable flag is set: clear it and resume reception */
    if ((ETH->DMASR & ETH_DMASR_RBUS) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Clear RBUS ETHERNET DMA flag */
        /* Resume DMA reception */
        ETH->DMARPDR = 0;

    /* Update the ETHERNET DMA global Rx descriptor with next Rx decriptor */
    /* Chained Mode */
    if((DMARxDescToGet->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RCH) != (uint32_t)RESET)
        /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer to read */
        DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (DMARxDescToGet->Buffer2NextDescAddr);
    else /* Ring Mode */
        if((DMARxDescToGet->ControlBufferSize & ETH_DMARxDesc_RER) != (uint32_t)RESET)
            /* Selects the first DMA Rx descriptor for next buffer to read: last Rx descriptor was used */
            DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) (ETH->DMARDLAR);
            /* Selects the next DMA Rx descriptor list for next buffer to read */
            DMARxDescToGet = (ETH_DMADESCTypeDef*) ((uint32_t)DMARxDescToGet + 0x10 + ((ETH->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_DSL) >> 2));

    return p;

static void RCC_Configuration(void)
    /* Enable ETHERNET clock  */
    RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC | RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC_Tx |
                          RCC_AHBPeriph_ETH_MAC_Rx, ENABLE);

    /* Enable GPIOs clocks */
    RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA |	RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB | RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC |
                           RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOD | RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOE| RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO, ENABLE);

static void NVIC_Configuration(void)
    NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure;

    /* Enable the EXTI0 Interrupt */
    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = ETH_IRQn;
    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0;
    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0;
    NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE;

 * GPIO Configuration for ETH
    AF Output Push Pull:
    - ETH_MDC   : PC1
    - ETH_MDIO  : PA2
    - ETH_TX_EN : PB11
    - ETH_TXD0  : PB12
    - ETH_TXD1  : PB13
    - ETH_TXD2  : PC2
    - ETH_TXD3  : PB8

    Input (Reset Value):
    - ETH_MII_CRS: PA0
    - ETH_MII_COL: PA3
    - ETH_MII_RXD0: PC4
    - ETH_MII_RXD1: PC5
    - ETH_MII_RXD2: PB0
    - ETH_MII_RXD3: PB1
    - ETH_MII_RX_ER: PB10

             For Remapped Ethernet pins
    Input (Reset Value):
    - ETH_MII_RXD2: PD11
    - ETH_MII_RXD3: PD12
static void GPIO_Configuration(void)
    GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;

    /* ETHERNET pins remapp in STM3210C-EVAL board: RX_DV and RxD[3:0] */
    GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap_ETH, ENABLE);
#endif /* STM32_ETH_IO_REMAP */

    /* MII/RMII Media interface selection */
#if (RMII_MODE == 0) /* Mode MII. */
#elif (RMII_MODE == 1)  /* Mode RMII. */
#endif /* RMII_MODE */

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;

    /* MDIO */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;

        /* MDC */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_1;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* MDIO */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_2;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
    } /* MDIO */

    /* TXD */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;

        /* TX_EN */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* TXD0 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_12;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* TXD1 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_13;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

#if (RMII_MODE == 0)
        /* TXD2 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_2;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* TXD3 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_8;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* TX_CLK */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING;
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_3;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);
#endif /* RMII_MODE */
    } /* TXD */

    /* RXD */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING;

#if (STM32_ETH_IO_REMAP == 0)
        /* RX_DV/CRS_DV */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_7;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* RXD0 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_4;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* RXD1 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_5;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOC, &GPIO_InitStructure);

#if (RMII_MODE == 0)
        /* RXD2 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* RXD3 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_1;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
#endif /* RMII_MODE */
        /* RX_DV/CRS_DV */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_8;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* RXD0 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_9;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* RXD1 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);

#if (RMII_MODE == 0)
        /* RXD2 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_11;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* RXD3 */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_12;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &GPIO_InitStructure);
#endif /* RMII_MODE */
#endif /* STM32_ETH_IO_REMAP */

#if (RMII_MODE == 0)
        /* CRS */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_0;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* COL */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_3;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* RX_CLK */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_1;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);

        /* RX_ER */
        GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_10;
        GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);
#endif /* RMII_MODE */
    } /* RXD */

#if (USE_MCO == 1)
#if (RMII_MODE == 0) /* Mode MII. */
    /* Get HSE clock = 25MHz on PA8 pin(MCO) */
#elif (RMII_MODE == 1)  /* Mode RMII. */
    /* Get HSE clock = 25MHz on PA8 pin(MCO) */
    /* set PLL3 clock output to 50MHz (25MHz /5 *10 =50MHz) */
    /* Enable PLL3 */
    /* Wait till PLL3 is ready */
    while (RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_PLL3RDY) == RESET)

    /* Get clock PLL3 clock on PA8 pin */
#endif /* RMII_MODE */

    /* MCO pin configuration------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Configure MCO (PA8) as alternate function push-pull */
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_8;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
    GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStructure);
#endif /* USE_MCO */

void rt_hw_stm32_eth_init()

    stm32_eth_device.dev_addr[0] = 0x00;
    stm32_eth_device.dev_addr[1] = 0x80;
    stm32_eth_device.dev_addr[2] = 0xE1;
    // generate MAC addr from 96bit unique ID (only for test)
    stm32_eth_device.dev_addr[3] = *(rt_uint8_t*)(0x1FFFF7E8+7);
    stm32_eth_device.dev_addr[4] = *(rt_uint8_t*)(0x1FFFF7E8+8);
    stm32_eth_device.dev_addr[5] = *(rt_uint8_t*)(0x1FFFF7E8+9);

    stm32_eth_device.parent.parent.init       = rt_stm32_eth_init;
    stm32_eth_device.parent.parent.open       = rt_stm32_eth_open;
    stm32_eth_device.parent.parent.close      = rt_stm32_eth_close;
    stm32_eth_device.parent.parent.read       = rt_stm32_eth_read;
    stm32_eth_device.parent.parent.write      = rt_stm32_eth_write;
    stm32_eth_device.parent.parent.control    = rt_stm32_eth_control;
    stm32_eth_device.parent.parent.user_data  = RT_NULL;

    stm32_eth_device.parent.eth_rx     = rt_stm32_eth_rx;
    stm32_eth_device.parent.eth_tx     = rt_stm32_eth_tx;

    /* init tx buffer free semaphore */
    rt_sem_init(&tx_buf_free, "tx_buf", ETH_TXBUFNB, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO);

    /* register eth device */
    eth_device_init(&(stm32_eth_device.parent), "e0");

#include <finsh.h>
static void phy_search(void)
    int i;
    int value;

    for(i=0; i<32; i++)
        value = ETH_ReadPHYRegister(i, 2);
        rt_kprintf("addr %02d: %04X\n", i, value);
FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(phy_search, search phy use MDIO);

static void phy_dump(int addr)
    int i;
    int value;

    rt_kprintf("dump phy addr %d\n", addr);

    for(i=0; i<32; i++)
        value = ETH_ReadPHYRegister(addr, i);
        rt_kprintf("reg %02d: %04X\n", i, value);
FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(phy_dump, dump PHY register);

static void phy_write(int addr, int reg, int value)
    ETH_WritePHYRegister(addr, reg ,value);
FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(phy_write, write PHY register);

static void emac_dump(int addr)
    int i;
    int value;
    int *p = (int *)ETH;

    rt_kprintf("dump EAMC reg %d\n", addr);

    for(i=0; i<sizeof(ETH_TypeDef)/4; i++)
        value = *p++;
        rt_kprintf("reg %04X: %08X\n", i*4, value);
FINSH_FUNCTION_EXPORT(emac_dump, dump EMAC register);

#endif // RT_USING_FINSH