#ifndef __SWM320_H__ #define __SWM320_H__ /* * ========================================================================== * ---------- Interrupt Number Definition ----------------------------------- * ========================================================================== */ typedef enum IRQn { /****** Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers **********************************************/ NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt */ MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< 4 Cortex-M4 Memory Management Interrupt */ BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< 5 Cortex-M4 Bus Fault Interrupt */ UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< 6 Cortex-M4 Usage Fault Interrupt */ SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 Cortex-M4 SV Call Interrupt */ DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< 12 Cortex-M4 Debug Monitor Interrupt */ PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Cortex-M4 Pend SV Interrupt */ SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 Cortex-M4 System Tick Interrupt */ /****** Cortex-M4 specific Interrupt Numbers ************************************************/ GPIOA0_IRQn = 0, GPIOA1_IRQn = 1, GPIOA2_IRQn = 2, GPIOA3_IRQn = 3, GPIOA4_IRQn = 4, GPIOA5_IRQn = 5, GPIOA6_IRQn = 6, GPIOA7_IRQn = 7, GPIOB0_IRQn = 8, GPIOB1_IRQn = 9, GPIOB2_IRQn = 10, GPIOB3_IRQn = 11, GPIOB4_IRQn = 12, GPIOB5_IRQn = 13, GPIOB6_IRQn = 14, GPIOB7_IRQn = 15, GPIOC0_IRQn = 16, GPIOC1_IRQn = 17, GPIOC2_IRQn = 18, GPIOC3_IRQn = 19, GPIOC4_IRQn = 20, GPIOC5_IRQn = 21, GPIOC6_IRQn = 22, GPIOC7_IRQn = 23, GPIOM0_IRQn = 24, GPIOM1_IRQn = 25, GPIOM2_IRQn = 26, GPIOM3_IRQn = 27, GPIOM4_IRQn = 28, GPIOM5_IRQn = 29, GPIOM6_IRQn = 30, GPIOM7_IRQn = 31, DMA_IRQn = 32, LCD_IRQn = 33, NORFLC_IRQn = 34, CAN_IRQn = 35, PULSE_IRQn = 36, WDT_IRQn = 37, PWM_IRQn = 38, UART0_IRQn = 39, UART1_IRQn = 40, UART2_IRQn = 41, UART3_IRQn = 42, UART4_IRQn = 43, I2C0_IRQn = 44, I2C1_IRQn = 45, SPI0_IRQn = 46, ADC0_IRQn = 47, RTC_IRQn = 48, BOD_IRQn = 49, SDIO_IRQn = 50, GPIOA_IRQn = 51, GPIOB_IRQn = 52, GPIOC_IRQn = 53, GPIOM_IRQn = 54, GPION_IRQn = 55, GPIOP_IRQn = 56, ADC1_IRQn = 57, FPU_IRQn = 58, SPI1_IRQn = 59, TIMR0_IRQn = 60, TIMR1_IRQn = 61, TIMR2_IRQn = 62, TIMR3_IRQn = 63, TIMR4_IRQn = 64, TIMR5_IRQn = 65, } IRQn_Type; /* * ========================================================================== * ----------- Processor and Core Peripheral Section ------------------------ * ========================================================================== */ /* Configuration of the Cortex-M0 Processor and Core Peripherals */ #define __CM4_REV 0x0001 /*!< Core revision r0p1 */ #define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< SWM320 provides an MPU */ #define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 3 /*!< SWM320 uses 3 Bits for the Priority Levels */ #define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */ #define __FPU_PRESENT 0 /*!< FPU present */ #if defined ( __CC_ARM ) #pragma anon_unions #endif #include #include "core_cm4.h" /* Cortex-M0 processor and core peripherals */ #include "system_SWM320.h" /******************************************************************************/ /* Device Specific Peripheral registers structures */ /******************************************************************************/ typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CLKSEL; //Clock Select __IO uint32_t CLKDIV; __IO uint32_t CLKEN; //Clock Enable __IO uint32_t SLEEP; uint32_t RESERVED0[6]; __IO uint32_t RTCBKP_ISO; //[0] 1 RTC备份电源域处于隔离状态 0 RTC备份电源域可访问 __IO uint32_t RTCWKEN; //[0] 1 使能RTC唤醒功能 uint32_t RESERVED[52+64]; __IO uint32_t PAWKEN; //Port A Wakeup Enable __IO uint32_t PBWKEN; __IO uint32_t PCWKEN; uint32_t RESERVED2[1+4]; __IO uint32_t PAWKSR; //Port A Wakeup Status Register,写1清零 __IO uint32_t PBWKSR; __IO uint32_t PCWKSR; uint32_t RESERVED3[64-10]; __IO uint32_t RSTCR; //Reset Control Register __IO uint32_t RSTSR; //Reset Status Register uint32_t RESERVED4[61+64]; __IO uint32_t BKP[3]; //数据备份寄存器 //RTC Power Domain: 0x4001E000 uint32_t RESERVED5[(0x4001E000-0x40000508)/4-1]; __IO uint32_t RTCBKP[8]; //RTC电源域数据备份寄存器 __IO uint32_t LRCCR; //Low speed RC Control Register __IO uint32_t LRCTRIM0; //Low speed RC Trim __IO uint32_t LRCTRIM1; uint32_t RESERVED6; __IO uint32_t RTCLDOTRIM; //RTC Power Domain LDO Trim //Analog Control: 0x40031000 uint32_t RESERVED7[(0x40031000-0x4001E030)/4-1]; __IO uint32_t HRCCR; //High speed RC Control Register uint32_t RESERVED8[7]; __IO uint32_t XTALCR; __IO uint32_t PLLCR; __IO uint32_t PLLDIV; __IO uint32_t PLLSET; __IO uint32_t PLLLOCK; //[0] 1 PLL已锁定 __IO uint32_t BODIE; __IO uint32_t BODIF; __IO uint32_t ADC1IN7; } SYS_TypeDef; #define SYS_CLKSEL_LFCK_Pos 0 //Low Frequency Clock Source 0 LRC 1 PLL #define SYS_CLKSEL_LFCK_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKSEL_LFCK_Pos) #define SYS_CLKSEL_HFCK_Pos 1 //High Frequency Clock Source 0 HRC 1 XTAL #define SYS_CLKSEL_HFCK_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKSEL_HFCK_Pos) #define SYS_CLKSEL_SYS_Pos 2 //系统时钟选择 0 LFCK 1 HFCK #define SYS_CLKSEL_SYS_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKSEL_SYS_Pos) #define SYS_CLKDIV_SYS_Pos 0 //系统时钟分频 0 1分频 1 2分频 #define SYS_CLKDIV_SYS_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKDIV_SYS_Pos) #define SYS_CLKDIV_PWM_Pos 1 //PWM 时钟分频 0 1分频 1 8分频 #define SYS_CLKDIV_PWM_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKDIV_PWM_Pos) #define SYS_CLKDIV_SDRAM_Pos 2 //SDRAM时钟分频 0 1分频 1 2分频 2 4分频 #define SYS_CLKDIV_SDRAM_Msk (0x03 << SYS_CLKDIV_SDRAM_Pos) #define SYS_CLKDIV_SDIO_Pos 4 //SDIO时钟分频 0 1分频 1 2分频 2 4分频 3 8分频 #define SYS_CLKDIV_SDIO_Msk (0x03 << SYS_CLKDIV_SDIO_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOA_Pos 0 #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOA_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_GPIOA_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOB_Pos 1 #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOB_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_GPIOB_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOC_Pos 2 #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOC_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_GPIOC_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOM_Pos 4 #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOM_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_GPIOM_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_GPION_Pos 5 #define SYS_CLKEN_GPION_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_GPION_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_TIMR_Pos 6 #define SYS_CLKEN_TIMR_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_TIMR_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_WDT_Pos 7 #define SYS_CLKEN_WDT_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_WDT_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_ADC0_Pos 8 #define SYS_CLKEN_ADC0_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_ADC0_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_PWM_Pos 9 #define SYS_CLKEN_PWM_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_PWM_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_RTC_Pos 10 #define SYS_CLKEN_RTC_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_RTC_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_UART0_Pos 11 #define SYS_CLKEN_UART0_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_UART0_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_UART1_Pos 12 #define SYS_CLKEN_UART1_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_UART1_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_UART2_Pos 13 #define SYS_CLKEN_UART2_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_UART2_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_UART3_Pos 14 #define SYS_CLKEN_UART3_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_UART3_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_UART4_Pos 15 #define SYS_CLKEN_UART4_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_UART4_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_SPI0_Pos 16 #define SYS_CLKEN_SPI0_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_SPI0_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_I2C0_Pos 17 #define SYS_CLKEN_I2C0_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_I2C0_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_I2C1_Pos 18 #define SYS_CLKEN_I2C1_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_I2C1_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_I2C2_Pos 19 #define SYS_CLKEN_I2C2_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_I2C2_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_LCD_Pos 20 #define SYS_CLKEN_LCD_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_LCD_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOP_Pos 21 #define SYS_CLKEN_GPIOP_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_GPIOP_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_ANAC_Pos 22 //模拟控制单元时钟使能 #define SYS_CLKEN_ANAC_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_ANAC_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_CRC_Pos 23 #define SYS_CLKEN_CRC_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_CRC_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_RTCBKP_Pos 24 #define SYS_CLKEN_RTCBKP_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_RTCBKP_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_CAN_Pos 25 #define SYS_CLKEN_CAN_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_CAN_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_SDRAM_Pos 26 #define SYS_CLKEN_SDRAM_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_SDRAM_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_NORFL_Pos 27 //NOR Flash #define SYS_CLKEN_NORFL_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_NORFL_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_RAMC_Pos 28 #define SYS_CLKEN_RAMC_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_RAMC_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_SDIO_Pos 29 #define SYS_CLKEN_SDIO_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_SDIO_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_ADC1_Pos 30 #define SYS_CLKEN_ADC1_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_ADC1_Pos) #define SYS_CLKEN_ALIVE_Pos 31 //CHIPALIVE电源域系统时钟使能 #define SYS_CLKEN_ALIVE_Msk (0x01 << SYS_CLKEN_ALIVE_Pos) #define SYS_SLEEP_SLEEP_Pos 0 //将该位置1后,系统将进入SLEEP模式 #define SYS_SLEEP_SLEEP_Msk (0x01 << SYS_SLEEP_SLEEP_Pos) #define SYS_SLEEP_DEEP_Pos 1 //将该位置1后,系统将进入STOP SLEEP模式 #define SYS_SLEEP_DEEP_Msk (0x01 << SYS_SLEEP_DEEP_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_SYS_Pos 0 //写1进行系统复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_SYS_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_SYS_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_FLASH_Pos 1 //写1对FLASH控制器进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_FLASH_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_FLASH_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_PWM_Pos 2 //写1对PWM进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_PWM_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_PWM_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_CPU_Pos 3 //写1对CPU进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_CPU_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_CPU_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_DMA_Pos 4 //写1对DMA进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_DMA_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_DMA_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_NORFLASH_Pos 5 //写1对NOR Flash控制器进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_NORFLASH_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_NORFLASH_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_SRAM_Pos 6 //写1对SRAM控制器进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_SRAM_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_SRAM_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_SDRAM_Pos 7 //写1对SDRAM控制器进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_SDRAM_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_SDRAM_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_SDIO_Pos 8 //写1对SDIO进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_SDIO_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_SDIO_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_LCD_Pos 9 //写1对LCD进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_LCD_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_LCD_Pos) #define SYS_RSTCR_CAN_Pos 10 //写1对CAN进行一次复位,硬件自动清零 #define SYS_RSTCR_CAN_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTCR_CAN_Pos) #define SYS_RSTSR_POR_Pos 0 //1 出现过POR复位,写1清零 #define SYS_RSTSR_POR_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTSR_POR_Pos) #define SYS_RSTSR_BOD_Pos 1 //1 出现过BOD复位,写1清零 #define SYS_RSTSR_BOD_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTSR_BOD_Pos) #define SYS_RSTSR_PIN_Pos 2 //1 出现过外部引脚复位,写1清零 #define SYS_RSTSR_PIN_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTSR_PIN_Pos) #define SYS_RSTSR_WDT_Pos 3 //1 出现过WDT复位,写1清零 #define SYS_RSTSR_WDT_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTSR_WDT_Pos) #define SYS_RSTSR_SWRST_Pos 4 //Software Reset, 1 出现过软件复位,写1清零 #define SYS_RSTSR_SWRST_Msk (0x01 << SYS_RSTSR_SWRST_Pos) #define SYS_LRCCR_OFF_Pos 0 //Low Speed RC Off #define SYS_LRCCR_OFF_Msk (0x01 << SYS_LRCCR_OFF_Pos) #define SYS_LRCTRIM0_R_Pos 0 //LRC粗调控制位 #define SYS_LRCTRIM0_R_Msk (0x7FFF << SYS_LRCTRIM0_R_Pos) #define SYS_LRCTRIM0_M_Pos 15 //LRC中调控制位 #define SYS_LRCTRIM0_M_Msk (0x3F << SYS_LRCTRIM2_M_Pos) #define SYS_LRCTRIM0_F_Pos 21 //LRC细调控制位 #define SYS_LRCTRIM0_F_Msk (0x7FF << SYS_LRCTRIM0_F_Pos) #define SYS_LRCTRIM1_U_Pos 0 //LRC U调控制位 #define SYS_LRCTRIM1_U_Msk (0x7FFF << SYS_LRCTRIM1_U_Pos) #define SYS_HRCCR_DBL_Pos 0 //Double Frequency 0 20MHz 1 40MHz #define SYS_HRCCR_DBL_Msk (0x01 << SYS_HRCCR_DBL_Pos) #define SYS_HRCCR_OFF_Pos 1 //High speed RC Off #define SYS_HRCCR_OFF_Msk (0x01 << SYS_HRCCR_OFF_Pos) #define SYS_XTALCR_EN_Pos 0 #define SYS_XTALCR_EN_Msk (0x01 << SYS_XTALCR_EN_Pos) #define SYS_PLLCR_OUTEN_Pos 0 //只能LOCK后设置 #define SYS_PLLCR_OUTEN_Msk (0x01 << SYS_PLLCR_OUTEN_Pos) #define SYS_PLLCR_INSEL_Pos 1 //0 XTAL 1 HRC #define SYS_PLLCR_INSEL_Msk (0x01 << SYS_PLLCR_INSEL_Pos) #define SYS_PLLCR_OFF_Pos 2 #define SYS_PLLCR_OFF_Msk (0x01 << SYS_PLLCR_OFF_Pos) #define SYS_PLLDIV_FBDIV_Pos 0 //PLL FeedBack分频寄存器 //VCO输出频率 = PLL输入时钟 / INDIV * 4 * FBDIV //PLL输出频率 = PLL输入时钟 / INDIV * 4 * FBDIV / OUTDIV = VCO输出频率 / OUTDIV #define SYS_PLLDIV_FBDIV_Msk (0x1FF << SYS_PLLDIV_FBDIV_Pos) #define SYS_PLLDIV_ADDIV_Pos 9 //ADC时钟基(即VCO输出分频后的时钟)经ADDIV分频后作为ADC的转换时钟 #define SYS_PLLDIV_ADDIV_Msk (0x1F << SYS_PLLDIV_ADDIV_Pos) #define SYS_PLLDIV_ADVCO_Pos 14 //0 VCO输出16分频作为ADC时钟基 1 VCO输出经过32分频作为ADC时钟基 2 VCO输出经过64分频作为ADC时钟基 #define SYS_PLLDIV_ADVCO_Msk (0x03 << SYS_PLLDIV_ADVCO_Pos) #define SYS_PLLDIV_INDIV_Pos 16 //PLL 输入源时钟分频 #define SYS_PLLDIV_INDIV_Msk (0x1F << SYS_PLLDIV_INDIV_Pos) #define SYS_PLLDIV_OUTDIV_Pos 24 //PLL 输出分频,0 8分频 1 4分频 0 2分频 #define SYS_PLLDIV_OUTDIV_Msk (0x03 << SYS_PLLDIV_OUTDIV_Pos) #define SYS_PLLSET_LPFBW_Pos 0 //PLL Low Pass Filter Bandwidth #define SYS_PLLSET_LPFBW_Msk (0x0F << SYS_PLLSET_LPFBW_Pos) #define SYS_PLLSET_BIASADJ_Pos 4 //PLL Current Bias Adjustment #define SYS_PLLSET_BIASADJ_Msk (0x03 << SYS_PLLSET_BIASADJ_Pos) #define SYS_PLLSET_REFVSEL_Pos 6 //PLL Reference Voltage Select #define SYS_PLLSET_REFVSEL_Msk (0x03 << SYS_PLLSET_REFVSEL_Pos) #define SYS_PLLSET_CHPADJL_Pos 8 //PLL charge pump LSB current Adjustment #define SYS_PLLSET_CHPADJL_Msk (0x07 << SYS_PLLSET_CHPADJL_Pos) #define SYS_PLLSET_CHPADJM_Pos 11 //PLL charge pump MSB current Adjustment #define SYS_PLLSET_CHPADJM_Msk (0x03 << SYS_PLLSET_CHPADJM_Pos) #define SYS_BODIE_2V2_Pos 1 //BOD 2.2V等级触发中断使能 #define SYS_BODIE_2V2_Msk (0x01 << SYS_BODIE_2V2_Pos) #define SYS_BODIF_2V2_Pos 1 //BOD 2.2V等级触发中断状态,写1清零 #define SYS_BODIF_2V2_Msk (0x01 << SYS_BODIF_2V2_Pos) #define SYS_ADC1IN7_SEL_Pos 0 //ADC1模块模拟通道7,1 温度传感器 2 电池电压 3 RTC电源域BG 4 主电源域BG 5 PDM33 #define SYS_ADC1IN7_SEL_Msk (0x0F << SYS_ADC1IN7_SEL_Pos) #define SYS_ADC1IN7_IOON_Pos 4 //ADC1模块模拟通道7所用IO开关 #define SYS_ADC1IN7_IOON_Msk (0x01 << SYS_ADC1IN7_IOON_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t PORTA_SEL; //给PORTA_SEL[2n+2:2n]赋相应的值,将PORTA.PINn引脚配置成GPIO、模拟、数字等功能 //当赋值为PORTA_PINn_FUNMUX时,PORTA.PINn引脚可通过PORTA_MUX寄存器连接到各种数字外设 __IO uint32_t PORTB_SEL; __IO uint32_t PORTC_SEL; uint32_t RESERVED[5]; __IO uint32_t PORTM_SEL0; __IO uint32_t PORTM_SEL1; uint32_t RESERVED2[2]; __IO uint32_t PORTN_SEL0; __IO uint32_t PORTN_SEL1; uint32_t RESERVED3[2]; __IO uint32_t PORTP_SEL0; __IO uint32_t PORTP_SEL1; uint32_t RESERVED4[46]; __IO uint32_t PORTA_MUX0; __IO uint32_t PORTA_MUX1; uint32_t RESERVED5[2]; __IO uint32_t PORTB_MUX0; __IO uint32_t PORTB_MUX1; uint32_t RESERVED6[2]; __IO uint32_t PORTC_MUX0; __IO uint32_t PORTC_MUX1; uint32_t RESERVED7[14]; __IO uint32_t PORTM_MUX0; __IO uint32_t PORTM_MUX1; __IO uint32_t PORTM_MUX2; __IO uint32_t PORTM_MUX3; __IO uint32_t PORTN_MUX0; __IO uint32_t PORTN_MUX1; __IO uint32_t PORTN_MUX2; uint32_t RESERVED8; __IO uint32_t PORTP_MUX0; __IO uint32_t PORTP_MUX1; __IO uint32_t PORTP_MUX2; __IO uint32_t PORTP_MUX3; uint32_t RESERVED9[28]; __IO uint32_t PORTA_PULLU; //上拉使能 uint32_t RESERVED10[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTC_PULLU; uint32_t RESERVED11[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTM_PULLU; uint32_t RESERVED12[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTP_PULLU; uint32_t RESERVED13[51]; __IO uint32_t PORTB_PULLD; //下拉使能 uint32_t RESERVED14[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTD_PULLD; uint32_t RESERVED15[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTN_PULLD; uint32_t RESERVED16[135]; __IO uint32_t PORTM_DRIVS; //驱动强度 uint32_t RESERVED17[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTN_DRIVS; uint32_t RESERVED18[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTP_DRIVS; uint32_t RESERVED19[39]; __IO uint32_t PORTA_INEN; //输入使能 uint32_t RESERVED20[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTB_INEN; uint32_t RESERVED21[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTC_INEN; uint32_t RESERVED22[7]; __IO uint32_t PORTM_INEN; uint32_t RESERVED23[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTN_INEN; uint32_t RESERVED24[3]; __IO uint32_t PORTP_INEN; } PORT_TypeDef; #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_PULLU_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_PULLU_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_PULLU_PIN23_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_PULLU_PIN23_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_PULLD_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_PULLD_PIN23_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_DRIVS_PIN23_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_DRIVS_PIN23_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_DRIVS_PIN23_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTA_INEN_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTB_INEN_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTC_INEN_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTM_INEN_PIN23_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTN_INEN_PIN23_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN0_Pos 0 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN0_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN1_Pos 1 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN1_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN2_Pos 2 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN2_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN3_Pos 3 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN3_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN4_Pos 4 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN4_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN5_Pos 5 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN5_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN6_Pos 6 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN6_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN7_Pos 7 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN7_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN8_Pos 8 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN8_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN9_Pos 9 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN9_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN10_Pos 10 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN10_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN11_Pos 11 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN11_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN12_Pos 12 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN12_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN13_Pos 13 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN13_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN14_Pos 14 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN14_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN15_Pos 15 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN15_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN16_Pos 16 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN16_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN17_Pos 17 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN17_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN18_Pos 18 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN18_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN19_Pos 19 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN19_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN20_Pos 20 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN20_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN21_Pos 21 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN21_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN22_Pos 22 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN22_Pos) #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN23_Pos 23 #define PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << PORT_PORTP_INEN_PIN23_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t DATA; #define PIN0 0 #define PIN1 1 #define PIN2 2 #define PIN3 3 #define PIN4 4 #define PIN5 5 #define PIN6 6 #define PIN7 7 #define PIN8 8 #define PIN9 9 #define PIN10 10 #define PIN11 11 #define PIN12 12 #define PIN13 13 #define PIN14 14 #define PIN15 15 #define PIN16 16 #define PIN17 17 #define PIN18 18 #define PIN19 19 #define PIN20 20 #define PIN21 21 #define PIN22 22 #define PIN23 23 #define PIN24 24 __IO uint32_t DIR; //0 输入 1 输出 __IO uint32_t INTLVLTRG; //Interrupt Level Trigger 1 电平触发中断 0 边沿触发中断 __IO uint32_t INTBE; //Both Edge,当INTLVLTRG设为边沿触发中断时,此位置1表示上升沿和下降沿都触发中断,置0时触发边沿由INTRISEEN选择 __IO uint32_t INTRISEEN; //Interrupt Rise Edge Enable 1 上升沿/高电平触发中断 0 下降沿/低电平触发中断 __IO uint32_t INTEN; //1 中断使能 0 中断禁止 __IO uint32_t INTRAWSTAT; //中断检测单元是否检测到了触发中断的条件 1 检测到了中断触发条件 0 没有检测到中断触发条件 __IO uint32_t INTSTAT; //INTSTAT.PIN0 = INTRAWSTAT.PIN0 & INTEN.PIN0 __IO uint32_t INTCLR; //写1清除中断标志,只对边沿触发中断有用 } GPIO_TypeDef; #define GPIO_DATA_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_DATA_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_DATA_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DATA_PIN23_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_DIR_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_DIR_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_DIR_PIN23_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTLVLTRG_PIN23_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_INTBE_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTBE_PIN23_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRISEEN_PIN23_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_INTEN_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTEN_PIN23_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTRAWSTAT_PIN23_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTSTAT_PIN23_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN0_Pos 0 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN0_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN0_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN1_Pos 1 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN1_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN1_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN2_Pos 2 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN2_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN2_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN3_Pos 3 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN3_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN3_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN4_Pos 4 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN4_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN4_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN5_Pos 5 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN5_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN5_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN6_Pos 6 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN6_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN6_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN7_Pos 7 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN7_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN7_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN8_Pos 8 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN8_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN8_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN9_Pos 9 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN9_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN9_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN10_Pos 10 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN10_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN10_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN11_Pos 11 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN11_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN11_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN12_Pos 12 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN12_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN12_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN13_Pos 13 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN13_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN13_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN14_Pos 14 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN14_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN14_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN15_Pos 15 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN15_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN15_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN16_Pos 16 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN16_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN16_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN17_Pos 17 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN17_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN17_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN18_Pos 18 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN18_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN18_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN19_Pos 19 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN19_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN19_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN20_Pos 20 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN20_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN20_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN21_Pos 21 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN21_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN21_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN22_Pos 22 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN22_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN22_Pos) #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN23_Pos 23 #define GPIO_INTCLR_PIN23_Msk (0x01 << GPIO_INTCLR_PIN23_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t LDVAL; //定时器加载值,使能后定时器从此数值开始向下递减计数 __I uint32_t CVAL; //定时器当前值,LDVAL-CVAL 可计算出计时时长 __IO uint32_t CTRL; } TIMR_TypeDef; #define TIMR_CTRL_EN_Pos 0 //此位赋1导致TIMR从LDVAL开始向下递减计数 #define TIMR_CTRL_EN_Msk (0x01 << TIMR_CTRL_EN_Pos) #define TIMR_CTRL_CLKSRC_Pos 1 //时钟源:0 内部系统时钟 1 外部引脚脉冲计数 #define TIMR_CTRL_CLKSRC_Msk (0x01 << TIMR_CTRL_CLKSRC_Pos) #define TIMR_CTRL_CASCADE_Pos 2 //1 TIMRx的计数时钟为TIMRx-1的溢出信号 #define TIMR_CTRL_CASCADE_Msk (0x01 << TIMR_CTRL_CASCADE_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t PCTRL; //Pulse Control,脉宽测量模块控制寄存器 __I uint32_t PCVAL; //脉宽测量定时器当前值 uint32_t RESERVED[2]; __IO uint32_t IE; __IO uint32_t IF; __IO uint32_t HALT; } TIMRG_TypeDef; #define TIMRG_PCTRL_EN_Pos 0 //开始测量脉宽,脉宽内32位计数器从0开始向上计数 #define TIMRG_PCTRL_EN_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_PCTRL_EN_Pos) #define TIMRG_PCTRL_HIGH_Pos 1 //0 测量低电平长度 1 测量高电平长度 #define TIMRG_PCTRL_HIGH_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_PCTRL_HIGH_Pos) #define TIMRG_PCTRL_CLKSRC_Pos 2 //时钟源:0 内部系统时钟 1 脉宽测量模块变成一个计数器,不再具有脉宽测量功能 #define TIMRG_PCTRL_CLKSRC_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_PCTRL_CLKSRC_Pos) #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR0_Pos 0 #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR0_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IE_TIMR0_Pos) #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR1_Pos 1 #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR1_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IE_TIMR1_Pos) #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR2_Pos 2 #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR2_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IE_TIMR2_Pos) #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR3_Pos 3 #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR3_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IE_TIMR3_Pos) #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR4_Pos 4 #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR4_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IE_TIMR4_Pos) #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR5_Pos 5 #define TIMRG_IE_TIMR5_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IE_TIMR5_Pos) #define TIMRG_IE_PULSE_Pos 16 #define TIMRG_IE_PULSE_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IE_PULSE_Pos) #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR0_Pos 0 //写1清零 #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR0_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IF_TIMR0_Pos) #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR1_Pos 1 #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR1_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IF_TIMR1_Pos) #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR2_Pos 2 #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR2_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IF_TIMR2_Pos) #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR3_Pos 3 #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR3_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IF_TIMR3_Pos) #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR4_Pos 4 #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR4_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IF_TIMR4_Pos) #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR5_Pos 5 #define TIMRG_IF_TIMR5_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IF_TIMR5_Pos) #define TIMRG_IF_PULSE_Pos 16 #define TIMRG_IF_PULSE_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_IF_PULSE_Pos) #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR0_Pos 0 //1 暂停计数 #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR0_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_HALT_TIMR0_Pos) #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR1_Pos 1 #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR1_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_HALT_TIMR1_Pos) #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR2_Pos 2 #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR2_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_HALT_TIMR2_Pos) #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR3_Pos 3 #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR3_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_HALT_TIMR3_Pos) #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR4_Pos 4 #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR4_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_HALT_TIMR4_Pos) #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR5_Pos 5 #define TIMRG_HALT_TIMR5_Msk (0x01 << TIMRG_HALT_TIMR5_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t DATA; __IO uint32_t CTRL; __IO uint32_t BAUD; __IO uint32_t FIFO; __IO uint32_t LINCR; union { __IO uint32_t CTSCR; __IO uint32_t RTSCR; }; } UART_TypeDef; #define UART_DATA_DATA_Pos 0 #define UART_DATA_DATA_Msk (0x1FF << UART_DATA_DATA_Pos) #define UART_DATA_VALID_Pos 9 //当DATA字段有有效的接收数据时,该位硬件置1,读取数据后自动清零 #define UART_DATA_VALID_Msk (0x01 << UART_DATA_VALID_Pos) #define UART_DATA_PAERR_Pos 10 //Parity Error #define UART_DATA_PAERR_Msk (0x01 << UART_DATA_PAERR_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_TXIDLE_Pos 0 //TX IDLE: 0 正在发送数据 1 空闲状态,没有数据发送 #define UART_CTRL_TXIDLE_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_TXIDLE_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_TXFF_Pos 1 //TX FIFO Full #define UART_CTRL_TXFF_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_TXFF_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_TXIE_Pos 2 //TX 中断使能: 1 TX FF 中数据少于设定个数时产生中断 #define UART_CTRL_TXIE_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_TXIE_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_RXNE_Pos 3 //RX FIFO Not Empty #define UART_CTRL_RXNE_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_RXNE_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_RXIE_Pos 4 //RX 中断使能: 1 RX FF 中数据达到设定个数时产生中断 #define UART_CTRL_RXIE_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_RXIE_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_RXOV_Pos 5 //RX FIFO Overflow,写1清零 #define UART_CTRL_RXOV_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_RXOV_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_TXDOIE_Pos 6 //TX Done 中断使能,发送FIFO空且发送发送移位寄存器已将最后一位发送出去 #define UART_CTRL_TXDOIE_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_TXDOIE_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_EN_Pos 9 #define UART_CTRL_EN_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_EN_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_LOOP_Pos 10 #define UART_CTRL_LOOP_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_LOOP_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_BAUDEN_Pos 13 //必须写1 #define UART_CTRL_BAUDEN_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_BAUDEN_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_TOIE_Pos 14 //TimeOut 中断使能,接收到上个字符后,超过 TOTIME/BAUDRAUD 秒没有接收到新的数据 #define UART_CTRL_TOIE_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_TOIE_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_BRKDET_Pos 15 //LIN Break Detect,检测到LIN Break,即RX线上检测到连续11位低电平 #define UART_CTRL_BRKDET_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_BRKDET_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_BRKIE_Pos 16 //LIN Break Detect 中断使能 #define UART_CTRL_BRKIE_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_BRKIE_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_GENBRK_Pos 17 //Generate LIN Break,发送LIN Break #define UART_CTRL_GENBRK_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_GENBRK_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_DATA9b_Pos 18 //1 9位数据位 0 8位数据位 #define UART_CTRL_DATA9b_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTRL_DATA9b_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_PARITY_Pos 19 //000 无校验 001 奇校验 011 偶校验 101 固定为1 111 固定为0 #define UART_CTRL_PARITY_Msk (0x07 << UART_CTRL_PARITY_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_STOP2b_Pos 22 //1 2位停止位 0 1位停止位 #define UART_CTRL_STOP2b_Msk (0x03 << UART_CTRL_STOP2b_Pos) #define UART_CTRL_TOTIME_Pos 24 //TimeOut 时长 = TOTIME/(BAUDRAUD/10) 秒 #define UART_CTRL_TOTIME_Msk (0xFFu<< UART_CTRL_TOTIME_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_BAUD_Pos 0 //串口波特率 = SYS_Freq/16/BAUD - 1 #define UART_BAUD_BAUD_Msk (0x3FFF << UART_BAUD_BAUD_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_TXD_Pos 14 //通过此位可直接读取串口TXD引脚上的电平 #define UART_BAUD_TXD_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_TXD_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_RXD_Pos 15 //通过此位可直接读取串口RXD引脚上的电平 #define UART_BAUD_RXD_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_RXD_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_RXTOIF_Pos 16 //接收&超时的中断标志 = RXIF | TOIF #define UART_BAUD_RXTOIF_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_RXTOIF_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_TXIF_Pos 17 //发送中断标志 = TXTHRF & TXIE #define UART_BAUD_TXIF_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_TXIF_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_BRKIF_Pos 18 //LIN Break Detect 中断标志,检测到LIN Break时若BRKIE=1,此位由硬件置位 #define UART_BAUD_BRKIF_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_BRKIF_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_RXTHRF_Pos 19 //RX FIFO Threshold Flag,RX FIFO中数据达到设定个数(RXLVL >= RXTHR)时硬件置1 #define UART_BAUD_RXTHRF_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_RXTHRF_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_TXTHRF_Pos 20 //TX FIFO Threshold Flag,TX FIFO中数据少于设定个数(TXLVL <= TXTHR)时硬件置1 #define UART_BAUD_TXTHRF_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_TXTHRF_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_TOIF_Pos 21 //TimeOut 中断标志,超过 TOTIME/BAUDRAUD 秒没有接收到新的数据时若TOIE=1,此位由硬件置位 #define UART_BAUD_TOIF_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_TOIF_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_RXIF_Pos 22 //接收中断标志 = RXTHRF & RXIE #define UART_BAUD_RXIF_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_RXIF_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_ABREN_Pos 23 //Auto Baudrate Enable,写1启动自动波特率校准,完成后自动清零 #define UART_BAUD_ABREN_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_ABREN_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_ABRBIT_Pos 24 //Auto Baudrate Bit,用于计算波特率的检测位长,0 1位,通过测起始位 脉宽计算波特率,要求发送端发送0xFF // 1 2位,通过测起始位加1位数据位脉宽计算波特率,要求发送端发送0xFE // 1 4位,通过测起始位加3位数据位脉宽计算波特率,要求发送端发送0xF8 // 1 8位,通过测起始位加7位数据位脉宽计算波特率,要求发送端发送0x80 #define UART_BAUD_ABRBIT_Msk (0x03 << UART_BAUD_ABRBIT_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_ABRERR_Pos 26 //Auto Baudrate Error,0 自动波特率校准成功 1 自动波特率校准失败 #define UART_BAUD_ABRERR_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_ABRERR_Pos) #define UART_BAUD_TXDOIF_Pos 27 //TX Done 中断标志,发送FIFO空且发送发送移位寄存器已将最后一位发送出去 #define UART_BAUD_TXDOIF_Msk (0x01 << UART_BAUD_TXDOIF_Pos) #define UART_FIFO_RXLVL_Pos 0 //RX FIFO Level,RX FIFO 中字符个数 #define UART_FIFO_RXLVL_Msk (0xFF << UART_FIFO_RXLVL_Pos) #define UART_FIFO_TXLVL_Pos 8 //TX FIFO Level,TX FIFO 中字符个数 #define UART_FIFO_TXLVL_Msk (0xFF << UART_FIFO_TXLVL_Pos) #define UART_FIFO_RXTHR_Pos 16 //RX FIFO Threshold,RX中断触发门限,中断使能时 RXLVL >= RXTHR 触发RX中断 #define UART_FIFO_RXTHR_Msk (0xFF << UART_FIFO_RXTHR_Pos) #define UART_FIFO_TXTHR_Pos 24 //TX FIFO Threshold,TX中断触发门限,中断使能时 TXLVL <= TXTHR 触发TX中断 #define UART_FIFO_TXTHR_Msk (0xFFu<< UART_FIFO_TXTHR_Pos) #define UART_LINCR_BRKDETIE_Pos 0 //检测到LIN Break中断使能 #define UART_LINCR_BRKDETIE_Msk (0x01 << UART_LINCR_BRKDETIE_Pos) #define UART_LINCR_BRKDETIF_Pos 1 //检测到LIN Break中断状态 #define UART_LINCR_BRKDETIF_Msk (0x01 << UART_LINCR_BRKDETIF_Pos) #define UART_LINCR_GENBRKIE_Pos 2 //发送LIN Break完成中断使能 #define UART_LINCR_GENBRKIE_Msk (0x01 << UART_LINCR_GENBRKIE_Pos) #define UART_LINCR_GENBRKIF_Pos 3 //发送LIN Break完成中断状态 #define UART_LINCR_GENBRKIF_Msk (0x01 << UART_LINCR_GENBRKIF_Pos) #define UART_LINCR_GENBRK_Pos 4 //发送LIN Break,发送完成自动清零 #define UART_LINCR_GENBRK_Msk (0x01 << UART_LINCR_GENBRK_Pos) #define UART_CTSCR_EN_Pos 0 //CTS流控使能 #define UART_CTSCR_EN_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTSCR_EN_Pos) #define UART_CTSCR_POL_Pos 2 //CTS信号极性,0 低有效,CTS输入为低表示可以发送数据 #define UART_CTSCR_POL_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTSCR_POL_Pos) #define UART_CTSCR_STAT_Pos 7 //CTS信号的当前状态 #define UART_CTSCR_STAT_Msk (0x01 << UART_CTSCR_STAT_Pos) #define UART_RTSCR_EN_Pos 1 //RTS流控使能 #define UART_RTSCR_EN_Msk (0x01 << UART_RTSCR_EN_Pos) #define UART_RTSCR_POL_Pos 3 //RTS信号极性 0 低有效,RTS输入为低表示可以接收数据 #define UART_RTSCR_POL_Msk (0x01 << UART_RTSCR_POL_Pos) #define UART_RTSCR_THR_Pos 4 //RTS流控的触发阈值 0 1字节 1 2字节 2 4字节 3 6字节 #define UART_RTSCR_THR_Msk (0x07 << UART_RTSCR_THR_Pos) #define UART_RTSCR_STAT_Pos 8 //RTS信号的当前状态 #define UART_RTSCR_STAT_Msk (0x01 << UART_RTSCR_STAT_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CTRL; __IO uint32_t DATA; __IO uint32_t STAT; __IO uint32_t IE; __IO uint32_t IF; } SPI_TypeDef; #define SPI_CTRL_CLKDIV_Pos 0 //Clock Divider, SPI工作时钟 = SYS_Freq/pow(2, CLKDIV+2) #define SPI_CTRL_CLKDIV_Msk (0x07 << SPI_CTRL_CLKDIV_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_EN_Pos 3 #define SPI_CTRL_EN_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_EN_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_SIZE_Pos 4 //Data Size Select, 取值3--15,表示4--16位 #define SPI_CTRL_SIZE_Msk (0x0F << SPI_CTRL_SIZE_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_CPHA_Pos 8 //0 在SCLK的第一个跳变沿采样数据 1 在SCLK的第二个跳变沿采样数据 #define SPI_CTRL_CPHA_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_CPHA_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_CPOL_Pos 9 //0 空闲状态下SCLK为低电平 1 空闲状态下SCLK为高电平 #define SPI_CTRL_CPOL_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_CPOL_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_FFS_Pos 10 //Frame Format Select, 0 SPI 1 TI SSI 2 SPI 3 SPI #define SPI_CTRL_FFS_Msk (0x03 << SPI_CTRL_FFS_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_MSTR_Pos 12 //Master, 1 主模式 0 从模式 #define SPI_CTRL_MSTR_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_MSTR_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_FAST_Pos 13 //1 SPI工作时钟 = SYS_Freq/2 0 SPI工作时钟由SPI->CTRL.CLKDIV设置 #define SPI_CTRL_FAST_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_FAST_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_FILTE_Pos 16 //1 对SPI输入信号进行去抖操作 0 对SPI输入信号不进行去抖操作 #define SPI_CTRL_FILTE_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_FILTE_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_SSN_H_Pos 17 //0 传输过程中SSN始终为0 1 传输过程中每字符之间会将SSN拉高半个SCLK周期 #define SPI_CTRL_SSN_H_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_SSN_H_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_TFCLR_Pos 24 //TX FIFO Clear #define SPI_CTRL_TFCLR_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_TFCLR_Pos) #define SPI_CTRL_RFCLR_Pos 25 //RX FIFO Clear #define SPI_CTRL_RFCLR_Msk (0x01 << SPI_CTRL_RFCLR_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_WTC_Pos 0 //Word Transmit Complete,每传输完成一个数据字由硬件置1,软件写1清零 #define SPI_STAT_WTC_Msk (0x01 << SPI_STAT_WTC_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_TFE_Pos 1 //发送FIFO Empty #define SPI_STAT_TFE_Msk (0x01 << SPI_STAT_TFE_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_TFNF_Pos 2 //发送FIFO Not Full #define SPI_STAT_TFNF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_STAT_TFNF_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_RFNE_Pos 3 //接收FIFO Not Empty #define SPI_STAT_RFNE_Msk (0x01 << SPI_STAT_RFNE_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_RFF_Pos 4 //接收FIFO Full #define SPI_STAT_RFF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_STAT_RFF_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_RFOVF_Pos 5 //接收FIFO Overflow #define SPI_STAT_RFOVF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_STAT_RFOVF_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_TFLVL_Pos 6 //发送FIFO中数据个数, 0 TFNF=0时表示FIFO内有8个数据,TFNF=1时表示FIFO内有0个数据 1--7 FIFO内有1--7个数据 #define SPI_STAT_TFLVL_Msk (0x07 << SPI_STAT_TFLVL_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_RFLVL_Pos 9 //接收FIFO中数据个数, 0 RFF=1时表示FIFO内有8个数据, RFF=0时表示FIFO内有0个数据 1--7 FIFO内有1--7个数据 #define SPI_STAT_RFLVL_Msk (0x07 << SPI_STAT_RFLVL_Pos) #define SPI_STAT_BUSY_Pos 15 #define SPI_STAT_BUSY_Msk (0x01 << SPI_STAT_BUSY_Pos) #define SPI_IE_RFOVF_Pos 0 #define SPI_IE_RFOVF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IE_RFOVF_Pos) #define SPI_IE_RFF_Pos 1 #define SPI_IE_RFF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IE_RFF_Pos) #define SPI_IE_RFHF_Pos 2 #define SPI_IE_RFHF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IE_RFHF_Pos) #define SPI_IE_TFE_Pos 3 #define SPI_IE_TFE_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IE_TFE_Pos) #define SPI_IE_TFHF_Pos 4 #define SPI_IE_TFHF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IE_TFHF_Pos) #define SPI_IE_WTC_Pos 8 //Word Transmit Complete #define SPI_IE_WTC_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IE_WTC_Pos) #define SPI_IE_FTC_Pos 9 //Frame Transmit Complete #define SPI_IE_FTC_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IE_FTC_Pos) #define SPI_IF_RFOVF_Pos 0 //写1清零 #define SPI_IF_RFOVF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IF_RFOVF_Pos) #define SPI_IF_RFF_Pos 1 #define SPI_IF_RFF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IF_RFF_Pos) #define SPI_IF_RFHF_Pos 2 #define SPI_IF_RFHF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IF_RFHF_Pos) #define SPI_IF_TFE_Pos 3 #define SPI_IF_TFE_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IF_TFE_Pos) #define SPI_IF_TFHF_Pos 4 #define SPI_IF_TFHF_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IF_TFHF_Pos) #define SPI_IF_WTC_Pos 8 //Word Transmit Complete,每传输完成一个数据字由硬件置1 #define SPI_IF_WTC_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IF_WTC_Pos) #define SPI_IF_FTC_Pos 9 //Frame Transmit Complete,WTC置位时若TX FIFO是空的,则FTC置位 #define SPI_IF_FTC_Msk (0x01 << SPI_IF_FTC_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CLKDIV; //[15:0] 须将内部工作频率分到SCL频率的5倍,即CLKDIV = SYS_Freq/5/SCL_Freq - 1 __IO uint32_t CTRL; __IO uint32_t MSTDAT; __IO uint32_t MSTCMD; __IO uint32_t SLVCR; __IO uint32_t SLVIF; __IO uint32_t SLVTX; __IO uint32_t SLVRX; } I2C_TypeDef; #define I2C_CTRL_MSTIE_Pos 6 #define I2C_CTRL_MSTIE_Msk (0x01 << I2C_CTRL_MSTIE_Pos) #define I2C_CTRL_EN_Pos 7 #define I2C_CTRL_EN_Msk (0x01 << I2C_CTRL_EN_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_IF_Pos 0 //1 有等待处理的中断,写1清零 有两种情况下此位硬件置位:1、一个字节传输完成 2、总线访问权丢失 #define I2C_MSTCMD_IF_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_IF_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_TIP_Pos 1 //Transmission In Process #define I2C_MSTCMD_TIP_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_TIP_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_ACK_Pos 3 //接收模式下,0 向发送端反馈ACK 1 向发送端反馈NACK #define I2C_MSTCMD_ACK_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_ACK_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_WR_Pos 4 // 向Slave写数据时,把这一位写1,自动清零 #define I2C_MSTCMD_WR_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_WR_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_RD_Pos 5 //写:从Slave读数据时,把这一位写1,自动清零 读:当I2C模块失去总线的访问权时硬件置1 #define I2C_MSTCMD_RD_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_RD_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_BUSY_Pos 6 //读:当检测到START之后,这一位变1;当检测到STOP之后,这一位变0 #define I2C_MSTCMD_BUSY_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_BUSY_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_STO_Pos 6 //写:产生STOP,自动清零 #define I2C_MSTCMD_STO_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_STO_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_RXACK_Pos 7 //读:接收到的Slave的ACK位,0 收到ACK 1 收到NACK #define I2C_MSTCMD_RXACK_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_RXACK_Pos) #define I2C_MSTCMD_STA_Pos 7 //写:产生START,自动清零 #define I2C_MSTCMD_STA_Msk (0x01 << I2C_MSTCMD_STA_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_RXEND_Pos 0 //接收完成中断禁止 #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_RXEND_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_IM_RXEND_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_TXEND_Pos 1 //发送完成中断禁止 #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_TXEND_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_IM_TXEND_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_STADET_Pos 2 //检测到起始中断禁止 #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_STADET_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_IM_STADET_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_STODET_Pos 3 //检测到停止中断禁止 #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_STODET_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_IM_STODET_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_RDREQ_Pos 4 //接收到读请求中断禁止 #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_RDREQ_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_IM_RDREQ_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_WRREQ_Pos 5 //接收到写请求中断禁止 #define I2C_SLVCR_IM_WRREQ_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_IM_WRREQ_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_ADDR7b_Pos 16 //1 7位地址模式 0 10位地址模式 #define I2C_SLVCR_ADDR7b_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_ADDR7b_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_ACK_Pos 17 //1 应答ACK 0 应答NACK #define I2C_SLVCR_ACK_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_ACK_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_SLAVE_Pos 18 //1 从机模式 0 主机模式 #define I2C_SLVCR_SLAVE_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_SLAVE_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_DEBOUNCE_Pos 19 //去抖动使能 #define I2C_SLVCR_DEBOUNCE_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVCR_DEBOUNCE_Pos) #define I2C_SLVCR_ADDR_Pos 20 //从机地址 #define I2C_SLVCR_ADDR_Msk (0x3FF << I2C_SLVCR_ADDR_Pos) #define I2C_SLVIF_RXEND_Pos 0 //接收完成中断标志,写1清零 #define I2C_SLVIF_RXEND_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVIF_RXEND_Pos) #define I2C_SLVIF_TXEND_Pos 1 //发送完成中断标志,写1清零 #define I2C_SLVIF_TXEND_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVIF_TXEND_Pos) #define I2C_SLVIF_STADET_Pos 2 //检测到起始中断标志,写1清零 #define I2C_SLVIF_STADET_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVIF_STADET_Pos) #define I2C_SLVIF_STODET_Pos 3 //检测到停止中断标志,写1清零 #define I2C_SLVIF_STODET_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVIF_STODET_Pos) #define I2C_SLVIF_RDREQ_Pos 4 //接收到读请求中断标志 #define I2C_SLVIF_RDREQ_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVIF_RDREQ_Pos) #define I2C_SLVIF_WRREQ_Pos 5 //接收到写请求中断标志 #define I2C_SLVIF_WRREQ_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVIF_WRREQ_Pos) #define I2C_SLVIF_ACTIVE_Pos 6 //slave 有效 #define I2C_SLVIF_ACTIVE_Msk (0x01 << I2C_SLVIF_ACTIVE_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CTRL; __IO uint32_t START; __IO uint32_t IE; __IO uint32_t IF; struct { __IO uint32_t STAT; __IO uint32_t DATA; uint32_t RESERVED[2]; } CH[8]; __IO uint32_t CTRL1; __IO uint32_t CTRL2; uint32_t RESERVED[2]; __IO uint32_t CALIBSET; __IO uint32_t CALIBEN; } ADC_TypeDef; #define ADC_CTRL_CH0_Pos 0 //通道选中 #define ADC_CTRL_CH0_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CH0_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CH1_Pos 1 #define ADC_CTRL_CH1_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CH1_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CH2_Pos 2 #define ADC_CTRL_CH2_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CH2_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CH3_Pos 3 #define ADC_CTRL_CH3_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CH3_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CH4_Pos 4 #define ADC_CTRL_CH4_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CH4_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CH5_Pos 5 #define ADC_CTRL_CH5_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CH5_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CH6_Pos 6 #define ADC_CTRL_CH6_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CH6_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CH7_Pos 7 #define ADC_CTRL_CH7_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CH7_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_AVG_Pos 8 //0 1次采样 1 2次采样取平均值 3 4次采样取平均值 7 8次采样取平均值 15 16次采样取平均值 #define ADC_CTRL_AVG_Msk (0x0F << ADC_CTRL_AVG_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_EN_Pos 12 #define ADC_CTRL_EN_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_EN_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CONT_Pos 13 //Continuous conversion,只在软件启动模式下有效,0 单次转换,转换完成后START位自动清除停止转换 #define ADC_CTRL_CONT_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CONT_Pos) // 1 连续转换,启动后一直采样、转换,直到软件清除START位 #define ADC_CTRL_TRIG_Pos 14 //转换触发方式:0 软件启动转换 1 PWM触发 #define ADC_CTRL_TRIG_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_TRIG_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_CLKSRC_Pos 15 //0 VCO 1 HRC #define ADC_CTRL_CLKSRC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL_CLKSRC_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL_FIFOCLR_Pos 24 //[24] CH0_FIFO_CLR [25] CH1_FIFO_CLR ... [31] CH7_FIFO_CLR #define ADC_CTRL_FIFOCLR_Msk (0xFFu<< ADC_CTRL_FIFOCLR_Pos) #define ADC_START_GO_Pos 0 //软件触发模式下,写1启动ADC采样和转换,在单次模式下转换完成后硬件自动清零,在扫描模式下必须软件写0停止ADC转换 #define ADC_START_GO_Msk (0x01 << ADC_START_GO_Pos) #define ADC_START_BUSY_Pos 4 #define ADC_START_BUSY_Msk (0x01 << ADC_START_BUSY_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH0EOC_Pos 0 //End Of Convertion #define ADC_IE_CH0EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH0EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH0OVF_Pos 1 //Overflow #define ADC_IE_CH0OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH0OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH0HFULL_Pos 2 //FIFO Half Full #define ADC_IE_CH0HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH0HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH0FULL_Pos 3 //FIFO Full #define ADC_IE_CH0FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH0FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH1EOC_Pos 4 #define ADC_IE_CH1EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH1EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH1OVF_Pos 5 #define ADC_IE_CH1OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH1OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH1HFULL_Pos 6 #define ADC_IE_CH1HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH1HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH1FULL_Pos 7 #define ADC_IE_CH1FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH1FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH2EOC_Pos 8 #define ADC_IE_CH2EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH2EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH2OVF_Pos 9 #define ADC_IE_CH2OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH2OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH2HFULL_Pos 10 #define ADC_IE_CH2HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH2HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH2FULL_Pos 11 #define ADC_IE_CH2FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH2FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH3EOC_Pos 12 #define ADC_IE_CH3EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH3EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH3OVF_Pos 13 #define ADC_IE_CH3OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH3OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH3HFULL_Pos 14 #define ADC_IE_CH3HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH3HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH3FULL_Pos 15 #define ADC_IE_CH3FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH3FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH4EOC_Pos 16 #define ADC_IE_CH4EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH4EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH4OVF_Pos 17 #define ADC_IE_CH4OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH4OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH4HFULL_Pos 18 #define ADC_IE_CH4HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH4HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH4FULL_Pos 19 #define ADC_IE_CH4FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH4FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH5EOC_Pos 20 #define ADC_IE_CH5EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH5EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH5OVF_Pos 21 #define ADC_IE_CH5OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH5OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH5HFULL_Pos 22 #define ADC_IE_CH5HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH5HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH5FULL_Pos 23 #define ADC_IE_CH5FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH5FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH6EOC_Pos 24 #define ADC_IE_CH6EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH6EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH6OVF_Pos 25 #define ADC_IE_CH6OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH6OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH6HFULL_Pos 26 #define ADC_IE_CH6HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH6HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH6FULL_Pos 27 #define ADC_IE_CH6FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH6FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH7EOC_Pos 28 #define ADC_IE_CH7EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH7EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH7OVF_Pos 29 #define ADC_IE_CH7OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH7OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH7HFULL_Pos 30 #define ADC_IE_CH7HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IE_CH7HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IE_CH7FULL_Pos 31 #define ADC_IE_CH7FULL_Msk (0x01u<< ADC_IE_CH7FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH0EOC_Pos 0 //写1清零 #define ADC_IF_CH0EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH0EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH0OVF_Pos 1 //写1清零 #define ADC_IF_CH0OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH0OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH0HFULL_Pos 2 //写1清零 #define ADC_IF_CH0HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH0HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH0FULL_Pos 3 //写1清零 #define ADC_IF_CH0FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH0FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH1EOC_Pos 4 #define ADC_IF_CH1EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH1EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH1OVF_Pos 5 #define ADC_IF_CH1OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH1OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH1HFULL_Pos 6 #define ADC_IF_CH1HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH1HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH1FULL_Pos 7 #define ADC_IF_CH1FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH1FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH2EOC_Pos 8 #define ADC_IF_CH2EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH2EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH2OVF_Pos 9 #define ADC_IF_CH2OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH2OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH2HFULL_Pos 10 #define ADC_IF_CH2HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH2HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH2FULL_Pos 11 #define ADC_IF_CH2FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH2FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH3EOC_Pos 12 #define ADC_IF_CH3EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH3EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH3OVF_Pos 13 #define ADC_IF_CH3OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH3OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH3HFULL_Pos 14 #define ADC_IF_CH3HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH3HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH3FULL_Pos 15 #define ADC_IF_CH3FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH3FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH4EOC_Pos 16 #define ADC_IF_CH4EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH4EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH4OVF_Pos 17 #define ADC_IF_CH4OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH4OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH4HFULL_Pos 18 #define ADC_IF_CH4HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH4HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH4FULL_Pos 19 #define ADC_IF_CH4FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH4FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH5EOC_Pos 20 #define ADC_IF_CH5EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH5EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH5OVF_Pos 21 #define ADC_IF_CH5OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH5OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH5HFULL_Pos 22 #define ADC_IF_CH5HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH5HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH5FULL_Pos 23 #define ADC_IF_CH5FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH5FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH6EOC_Pos 24 #define ADC_IF_CH6EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH6EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH6OVF_Pos 25 #define ADC_IF_CH6OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH6OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH6HFULL_Pos 26 #define ADC_IF_CH6HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH6HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH6FULL_Pos 27 #define ADC_IF_CH6FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH6FULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH7EOC_Pos 28 #define ADC_IF_CH7EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH7EOC_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH7OVF_Pos 29 #define ADC_IF_CH7OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH7OVF_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH7HFULL_Pos 30 #define ADC_IF_CH7HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH7HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_IF_CH7FULL_Pos 31 #define ADC_IF_CH7FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_IF_CH7FULL_Pos) #define ADC_STAT_EOC_Pos 0 //写1清零 #define ADC_STAT_EOC_Msk (0x01 << ADC_STAT_EOC_Pos) #define ADC_STAT_OVF_Pos 1 //读数据寄存器清除 #define ADC_STAT_OVF_Msk (0x01 << ADC_STAT_OVF_Pos) #define ADC_STAT_HFULL_Pos 2 #define ADC_STAT_HFULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_STAT_HFULL_Pos) #define ADC_STAT_FULL_Pos 3 #define ADC_STAT_FULL_Msk (0x01 << ADC_STAT_FULL_Pos) #define ADC_STAT_EMPTY_Pos 4 #define ADC_STAT_EMPTY_Msk (0x01 << ADC_STAT_EMPTY_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL1_RIN_Pos 4 //输入阻抗:0 无穷大 1 105K 2 90K 3 75K 4 60K 5 45K 6 30K 7 15K #define ADC_CTRL1_RIN_Msk (0x07 << ADC_CTRL1_RIN_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL2_RESET_Pos 0 //数字电路复位 #define ADC_CTRL2_RESET_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL2_RESET_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL2_ADCEVCM_Pos 1 //ADC External VCM,ADC与PGA输出共模电平选择 #define ADC_CTRL2_ADCEVCM_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL2_ADCEVCM_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL2_PGAIVCM_Pos 2 //PGA Internal VCM,PGA输入共模电平选择 #define ADC_CTRL2_PGAIVCM_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL2_PGAIVCM_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL2_PGAGAIN_Pos 3 //0 25.1dB 1 21.6dB 2 11.1dB 3 3.5dB 4 0dB(1.8V) 5 -2.9dB 6 -5.3dB #define ADC_CTRL2_PGAGAIN_Msk (0x07 << ADC_CTRL2_PGAGAIN_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL2_REFPOUT_Pos 23 //1 ADC 内部 1.2V REFP电压输出到外部REFP引脚,用于测量,或在需要1.2V外部REFP时节省成本 #define ADC_CTRL2_REFPOUT_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CTRL2_REFPOUT_Pos #define ADC_CTRL2_CLKDIV_Pos 24 //时钟分频,只在时钟源为HRC时有效 #define ADC_CTRL2_CLKDIV_Msk (0x1F << ADC_CTRL2_CLKDIV_Pos) #define ADC_CTRL2_PGAVCM_Pos 29 #define ADC_CTRL2_PGAVCM_Msk (0x07u<< ADC_CTRL2_PGAVCM_Pos) #define ADC_CALIBSET_OFFSET_Pos 0 #define ADC_CALIBSET_OFFSET_Msk (0x1FF<< ADC_CALIBSET_OFFSET_Pos) #define ADC_CALIBSET_K_Pos 16 #define ADC_CALIBSET_K_Msk (0x1FF<< ADC_CALIBSET_K_Pos) #define ADC_CALIBEN_OFFSET_Pos 0 #define ADC_CALIBEN_OFFSET_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CALIBEN_OFFSET_Pos) #define ADC_CALIBEN_K_Pos 1 #define ADC_CALIBEN_K_Msk (0x01 << ADC_CALIBEN_K_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t MODE; //0 普通模式,A、B两路输出互相独立 //1 互补模式,A、B两路输出都由PERA、HIGHA控制,B路输出与A路输出极性相反,且DZA、DZB控制A、B路输出上升沿推迟时间 //2 单次模式,同普通模式,但一个周期后自动停止 //3 对称模式,A、B两路输出互相独立,以两个计数周期产生一个波形输出周期,分辨率提升一倍、频率降低一倍 //4 对称互补模式,对称模式和互补模式的综合 __IO uint32_t PERA; //[15:0] 周期 __IO uint32_t HIGHA; //[15:0] 高电平持续时长 __IO uint32_t DZA; //[9:0] 死区,即上升沿推迟时长,必须小于HIGHA __IO uint32_t PERB; __IO uint32_t HIGHB; __IO uint32_t DZB; __IO uint32_t INIOUT; //Init Output level,初始输出电平 } PWM_TypeDef; #define PWM_INIOUT_PWMA_Pos 0 #define PWM_INIOUT_PWMA_Msk (0x01 << PWM_INIOUT_PWMA_Pos) #define PWM_INIOUT_PWMB_Pos 1 #define PWM_INIOUT_PWMB_Msk (0x01 << PWM_INIOUT_PWMB_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t FORCEH; __IO uint32_t ADTRG0A; __IO uint32_t ADTRG0B; __IO uint32_t ADTRG1A; __IO uint32_t ADTRG1B; __IO uint32_t ADTRG2A; __IO uint32_t ADTRG2B; __IO uint32_t ADTRG3A; __IO uint32_t ADTRG3B; __IO uint32_t ADTRG4A; __IO uint32_t ADTRG4B; __IO uint32_t ADTRG5A; __IO uint32_t ADTRG5B; uint32_t RESERVED[3]; __IO uint32_t HALT; //刹车控制 __IO uint32_t CHEN; __IO uint32_t IE; __IO uint32_t IF; __IO uint32_t IM; //Interrupt Mask __IO uint32_t IRS; //Interrupt Raw Stat } PWMG_TypeDef; #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM0_Pos 0 #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM0_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_FORCEH_PWM0_Pos) #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM1_Pos 1 #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM1_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_FORCEH_PWM1_Pos) #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM2_Pos 2 #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM2_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_FORCEH_PWM2_Pos) #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM3_Pos 3 #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM3_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_FORCEH_PWM3_Pos) #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM4_Pos 4 #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM4_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_FORCEH_PWM4_Pos) #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM5_Pos 5 #define PWMG_FORCEH_PWM5_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_FORCEH_PWM5_Pos) #define PWMG_ADTRG_VALUE_Pos 0 #define PWMG_ADTRG_VALUE_Msk (0xFFFF << PWMG_ADTRG0A_VALUE_Pos) #define PWMG_ADTRG_EVEN_Pos 16 //1 偶数周期生效 0 奇数周期生效 #define PWMG_ADTRG_EVEN_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_ADTRG0A_EVEN_Pos) #define PWMG_ADTRG_EN_Pos 17 #define PWMG_ADTRG_EN_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_ADTRG0A_EN_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_EN_Pos 0 #define PWMG_HALT_EN_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_EN_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_PWM0_Pos 1 #define PWMG_HALT_PWM0_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_PWM0_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_PWM1_Pos 2 #define PWMG_HALT_PWM1_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_PWM1_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_PWM2_Pos 3 #define PWMG_HALT_PWM2_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_PWM2_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_PWM3_Pos 4 #define PWMG_HALT_PWM3_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_PWM3_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_PWM4_Pos 5 #define PWMG_HALT_PWM4_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_PWM4_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_PWM5_Pos 6 #define PWMG_HALT_PWM5_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_PWM5_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_STOPCNT_Pos 7 //1 刹车时将PWM计数器清零,停止计数 0 刹车时,PWM计数器继续计数 #define PWMG_HALT_STOPCNT_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_STOPCNT_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_INLVL_Pos 8 //1 刹车输入高电平有效 #define PWMG_HALT_INLVL_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_INLVL_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_OUTLVL_Pos 9 //1 刹车过程中输出高电平 #define PWMG_HALT_OUTLVL_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_OUTLVL_Pos) #define PWMG_HALT_STAT_Pos 10 //1 正在刹车 #define PWMG_HALT_STAT_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_HALT_STAT_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM0A_Pos 0 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM0A_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM0B_Pos 1 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM0B_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM1A_Pos 2 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM1A_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM1B_Pos 3 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM1B_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM2A_Pos 4 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM2A_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM2B_Pos 5 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM2B_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM3A_Pos 6 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM3A_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM3B_Pos 7 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM3B_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM4A_Pos 8 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM4A_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM4B_Pos 9 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM4B_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM5A_Pos 10 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM5A_Pos) #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM5B_Pos 11 #define PWMG_CHEN_PWM5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_CHEN_PWM5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP0A_Pos 0 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP0A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP0B_Pos 1 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP0B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP1A_Pos 2 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP1A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP1B_Pos 3 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP1B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP2A_Pos 4 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP2A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP2B_Pos 5 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP2B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP3A_Pos 6 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP3A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP3B_Pos 7 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP3B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP4A_Pos 8 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP4A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP4B_Pos 9 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP4B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP5A_Pos 10 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP5A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_NEWP5B_Pos 11 #define PWMG_IE_NEWP5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_NEWP5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND0A_Pos 12 #define PWMG_IE_HEND0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND0A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND0B_Pos 13 #define PWMG_IE_HEND0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND0B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND1A_Pos 14 #define PWMG_IE_HEND1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND1A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND1B_Pos 15 #define PWMG_IE_HEND1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND1B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND2A_Pos 16 #define PWMG_IE_HEND2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND2A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND2B_Pos 17 #define PWMG_IE_HEND2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND2B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND3A_Pos 18 #define PWMG_IE_HEND3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND3A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND3B_Pos 19 #define PWMG_IE_HEND3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND3B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND4A_Pos 20 #define PWMG_IE_HEND4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND4A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND4B_Pos 21 #define PWMG_IE_HEND4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND4B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND5A_Pos 22 #define PWMG_IE_HEND5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND5A_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HEND5B_Pos 23 #define PWMG_IE_HEND5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HEND5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IE_HALT_Pos 24 #define PWMG_IE_HALT_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IE_HALT_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP0A_Pos 0 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP0A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP0B_Pos 1 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP0B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP1A_Pos 2 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP1A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP1B_Pos 3 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP1B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP2A_Pos 4 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP2A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP2B_Pos 5 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP2B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP3A_Pos 6 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP3A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP3B_Pos 7 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP3B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP4A_Pos 8 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP4A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP4B_Pos 9 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP4B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP5A_Pos 10 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP5A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_NEWP5B_Pos 11 #define PWMG_IF_NEWP5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_NEWP5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND0A_Pos 12 #define PWMG_IF_HEND0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND0A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND0B_Pos 13 #define PWMG_IF_HEND0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND0B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND1A_Pos 14 #define PWMG_IF_HEND1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND1A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND1B_Pos 15 #define PWMG_IF_HEND1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND1B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND2A_Pos 16 #define PWMG_IF_HEND2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND2A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND2B_Pos 17 #define PWMG_IF_HEND2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND2B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND3A_Pos 18 #define PWMG_IF_HEND3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND3A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND3B_Pos 19 #define PWMG_IF_HEND3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND3B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND4A_Pos 20 #define PWMG_IF_HEND4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND4A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND4B_Pos 21 #define PWMG_IF_HEND4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND4B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND5A_Pos 22 #define PWMG_IF_HEND5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND5A_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HEND5B_Pos 23 #define PWMG_IF_HEND5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HEND5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IF_HALT_Pos 24 #define PWMG_IF_HALT_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IF_HALT_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP0A_Pos 0 //Interrupt Mask #define PWMG_IM_NEWP0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP0A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP0B_Pos 1 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP0B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP1A_Pos 2 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP1A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP1B_Pos 3 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP1B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP2A_Pos 4 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP2A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP2B_Pos 5 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP2B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP3A_Pos 6 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP3A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP3B_Pos 7 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP3B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP4A_Pos 8 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP4A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP4B_Pos 9 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP4B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP5A_Pos 10 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP5A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_NEWP5B_Pos 11 #define PWMG_IM_NEWP5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_NEWP5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND0A_Pos 12 #define PWMG_IM_HEND0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND0A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND0B_Pos 13 #define PWMG_IM_HEND0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND0B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND1A_Pos 14 #define PWMG_IM_HEND1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND1A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND1B_Pos 15 #define PWMG_IM_HEND1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND1B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND2A_Pos 16 #define PWMG_IM_HEND2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND2A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND2B_Pos 17 #define PWMG_IM_HEND2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND2B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND3A_Pos 18 #define PWMG_IM_HEND3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND3A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND3B_Pos 19 #define PWMG_IM_HEND3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND3B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND4A_Pos 20 #define PWMG_IM_HEND4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND4A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND4B_Pos 21 #define PWMG_IM_HEND4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND4B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND5A_Pos 22 #define PWMG_IM_HEND5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND5A_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HEND5B_Pos 23 #define PWMG_IM_HEND5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HEND5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IM_HALT_Pos 24 #define PWMG_IM_HALT_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IM_HALT_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP0A_Pos 0 //Interrupt Raw State #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP0A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP0B_Pos 1 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP0B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP1A_Pos 2 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP1A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP1B_Pos 3 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP1B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP2A_Pos 4 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP2A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP2B_Pos 5 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP2B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP3A_Pos 6 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP3A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP3B_Pos 7 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP3B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP4A_Pos 8 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP4A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP4B_Pos 9 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP4B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP5A_Pos 10 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP5A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP5B_Pos 11 #define PWMG_IRS_NEWP5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_NEWP5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND0A_Pos 12 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND0A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND0A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND0B_Pos 13 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND0B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND0B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND1A_Pos 14 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND1A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND1A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND1B_Pos 15 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND1B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND1B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND2A_Pos 16 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND2A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND2A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND2B_Pos 17 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND2B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND2B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND3A_Pos 18 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND3A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND3A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND3B_Pos 19 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND3B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND3B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND4A_Pos 20 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND4A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND4A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND4B_Pos 21 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND4B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND4B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND5A_Pos 22 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND5A_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND5A_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HEND5B_Pos 23 #define PWMG_IRS_HEND5B_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HEND5B_Pos) #define PWMG_IRS_HALT_Pos 24 #define PWMG_IRS_HALT_Msk (0x01 << PWMG_IRS_HALT_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t EN; //[0] ENABLE __IO uint32_t IE; //只有为1时,IF[CHx]在DMA传输结束时才能变为1,否则将一直保持在0 __IO uint32_t IM; //当为1时,即使IF[CHx]为1,dma_int也不会因此变1 __IO uint32_t IF; //写1清零 uint32_t RESERVED[12]; struct { __IO uint32_t CR; __IO uint32_t AM; //Adress Mode __IO uint32_t SRC; __IO uint32_t SRCSGADDR1; //只在Scatter Gather模式下使用 __IO uint32_t SRCSGADDR2; //只在Scatter Gather模式下使用 __IO uint32_t SRCSGADDR3; //只在Scatter Gather模式下使用 __IO uint32_t SRCSGLEN; //只在Scatter Gather模式下使用 __IO uint32_t DST; __IO uint32_t DSTSGADDR1; //只在Scatter Gather模式下使用 __IO uint32_t DSTSGADDR2; //只在Scatter Gather模式下使用 __IO uint32_t DSTSGADDR3; //只在Scatter Gather模式下使用 __IO uint32_t DSTSGLEN; //只在Scatter Gather模式下使用 uint32_t RESERVED[4]; } CH[3]; } DMA_TypeDef; #define DMA_IE_CH0_Pos 0 #define DMA_IE_CH0_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IE_CH0_Pos) #define DMA_IE_CH1_Pos 1 #define DMA_IE_CH1_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IE_CH1_Pos) #define DMA_IE_CH2_Pos 2 #define DMA_IE_CH2_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IE_CH2_Pos) #define DMA_IE_CH3_Pos 3 #define DMA_IE_CH3_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IE_CH3_Pos) #define DMA_IE_CH4_Pos 4 #define DMA_IE_CH4_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IE_CH4_Pos) #define DMA_IE_CH5_Pos 5 #define DMA_IE_CH5_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IE_CH5_Pos) #define DMA_IE_CH6_Pos 6 #define DMA_IE_CH6_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IE_CH6_Pos) #define DMA_IE_CH7_Pos 7 #define DMA_IE_CH7_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IE_CH7_Pos) #define DMA_IM_CH0_Pos 0 #define DMA_IM_CH0_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IM_CH0_Pos) #define DMA_IM_CH1_Pos 1 #define DMA_IM_CH1_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IM_CH1_Pos) #define DMA_IM_CH2_Pos 2 #define DMA_IM_CH2_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IM_CH2_Pos) #define DMA_IM_CH3_Pos 3 #define DMA_IM_CH3_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IM_CH3_Pos) #define DMA_IM_CH4_Pos 4 #define DMA_IM_CH4_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IM_CH4_Pos) #define DMA_IM_CH5_Pos 5 #define DMA_IM_CH5_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IM_CH5_Pos) #define DMA_IM_CH6_Pos 6 #define DMA_IM_CH6_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IM_CH6_Pos) #define DMA_IM_CH7_Pos 7 #define DMA_IM_CH7_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IM_CH7_Pos) #define DMA_IF_CH0_Pos 0 #define DMA_IF_CH0_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IF_CH0_Pos) #define DMA_IF_CH1_Pos 1 #define DMA_IF_CH1_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IF_CH1_Pos) #define DMA_IF_CH2_Pos 2 #define DMA_IF_CH2_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IF_CH2_Pos) #define DMA_IF_CH3_Pos 3 #define DMA_IF_CH3_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IF_CH3_Pos) #define DMA_IF_CH4_Pos 4 #define DMA_IF_CH4_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IF_CH4_Pos) #define DMA_IF_CH5_Pos 5 #define DMA_IF_CH5_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IF_CH5_Pos) #define DMA_IF_CH6_Pos 6 #define DMA_IF_CH6_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IF_CH6_Pos) #define DMA_IF_CH7_Pos 7 #define DMA_IF_CH7_Msk (0x01 << DMA_IF_CH7_Pos) #define DMA_CR_LEN_Pos 0 //此通道传输总长度,0对应1字节,最大4096字节 #define DMA_CR_LEN_Msk (0xFFF << DMA_CR_LEN_Pos) #define DMA_CR_RXEN_Pos 16 #define DMA_CR_RXEN_Msk (0x01 << DMA_CR_RXEN_Pos) #define DMA_CR_TXEN_Pos 17 #define DMA_CR_TXEN_Msk (0x01 << DMA_CR_TXEN_Pos) #define DMA_CR_AUTORE_Pos 18 //Auto Restart, 通道在传输完成后,是否自动重新启动 #define DMA_CR_AUTORE_Msk (0x01 << DMA_CR_AUTORE_Pos) #define DMA_AM_SRCAM_Pos 0 //Address Mode 0 地址固定 1 地址递增 2 scatter gather模式 #define DMA_AM_SRCAM_Msk (0x03 << DMA_AM_SRCAM_Pos) #define DMA_AM_DSTAM_Pos 8 #define DMA_AM_DSTAM_Msk (0x03 << DMA_AM_DSTAM_Pos) #define DMA_AM_BURST_Pos 16 #define DMA_AM_BURST_Msk (0x01 << DMA_AM_BURST_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CR; //Control Register __O uint32_t CMD; //Command Register __I uint32_t SR; //Status Register __I uint32_t IF; //Interrupt Flag,读取清零 __IO uint32_t IE; //Interrupt Enable uint32_t RESERVED; __IO uint32_t BT0; //Bit Time Register 0 __IO uint32_t BT1; //Bit Time Register 1 uint32_t RESERVED2[3]; __I uint32_t ALC; //Arbitration Lost Capture, 仲裁丢失捕捉 __I uint32_t ECC; //Error code capture, 错误代码捕捉 __IO uint32_t EWLIM; //Error Warning Limit, 错误报警限制 __IO uint32_t RXERR; //RX错误计数 __IO uint32_t TXERR; //TX错误计数 union { struct { //在复位时可读写,正常工作模式下不可访问 __IO uint32_t ACR[4]; //Acceptance Check Register, 验收寄存器 __IO uint32_t AMR[4]; //Acceptance Mask Register, 验收屏蔽寄存器;对应位写0,ID必须和验收寄存器匹配 uint32_t RESERVED[5]; } FILTER; union { //在正常工作模式下可读写,复位时不可访问 struct { __O uint32_t INFO; __O uint32_t DATA[12]; } TXFRAME; struct { __I uint32_t INFO; __I uint32_t DATA[12]; } RXFRAME; }; }; __I uint32_t RMCNT; //Receive Message Count uint32_t RESERVED3[66]; struct { //TXFRAME的读接口 __I uint32_t INFO; __I uint32_t DATA[12]; } TXFRAME_R; } CAN_TypeDef; #define CAN_CR_RST_Pos 0 #define CAN_CR_RST_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CR_RST_Pos) #define CAN_CR_LOM_Pos 1 //Listen Only Mode #define CAN_CR_LOM_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CR_LOM_Pos) #define CAN_CR_STM_Pos 2 //Self Test Mode, 此模式下即使没有应答,CAN控制器也可以成功发送 #define CAN_CR_STM_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CR_STM_Pos) #define CAN_CR_AFM_Pos 3 //Acceptance Filter Mode, 1 单个验收滤波器(32位) 0 两个验收滤波器(16位) #define CAN_CR_AFM_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CR_AFM_Pos) #define CAN_CR_SLEEP_Pos 4 //写1进入睡眠模式,有总线活动或中断时唤醒并自动清零此位 #define CAN_CR_SLEEP_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CR_SLEEP_Pos) #define CAN_CMD_TXREQ_Pos 0 //Transmission Request #define CAN_CMD_TXREQ_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CMD_TXREQ_Pos) #define CAN_CMD_ABTTX_Pos 1 //Abort Transmission #define CAN_CMD_ABTTX_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CMD_ABTTX_Pos) #define CAN_CMD_RRB_Pos 2 //Release Receive Buffer #define CAN_CMD_RRB_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CMD_RRB_Pos) #define CAN_CMD_CLROV_Pos 3 //Clear Data Overrun #define CAN_CMD_CLROV_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CMD_CLROV_Pos) #define CAN_CMD_SRR_Pos 4 //Self Reception Request #define CAN_CMD_SRR_Msk (0x01 << CAN_CMD_SRR_Pos) #define CAN_SR_RXDA_Pos 0 //Receive Data Available,接收FIFO中有完整消息可以读取 #define CAN_SR_RXDA_Msk (0x01 << CAN_SR_RXDA_Pos) #define CAN_SR_RXOV_Pos 1 //Receive FIFO Overrun,新接收的信息由于接收FIFO已满而丢掉 #define CAN_SR_RXOV_Msk (0x01 << CAN_SR_RXOV_Pos) #define CAN_SR_TXBR_Pos 2 //Transmit Buffer Release,0 正在处理前面的发送,现在不能写新的消息 1 可以写入新的消息发送 #define CAN_SR_TXBR_Msk (0x01 << CAN_SR_TXBR_Pos) #define CAN_SR_TXOK_Pos 3 //Transmit OK,successfully completed #define CAN_SR_TXOK_Msk (0x01 << CAN_SR_TXOK_Pos) #define CAN_SR_RXBUSY_Pos 4 //Receive Busy,正在接收 #define CAN_SR_RXBUSY_Msk (0x01 << CAN_SR_RXBUSY_Pos) #define CAN_SR_TXBUSY_Pos 5 //Transmit Busy,正在发送 #define CAN_SR_TXBUSY_Msk (0x01 << CAN_SR_TXBUSY_Pos) #define CAN_SR_ERRWARN_Pos 6 //1 至少一个错误计数器达到 Warning Limit #define CAN_SR_ERRWARN_Msk (0x01 << CAN_SR_ERRWARN_Pos) #define CAN_SR_BUSOFF_Pos 7 //1 CAN 控制器处于总线关闭状态,没有参与到总线活动 #define CAN_SR_BUSOFF_Msk (0x01 << CAN_SR_BUSOFF_Pos) #define CAN_IF_RXDA_Pos 0 //IF.RXDA = SR.RXDA & IE.RXDA #define CAN_IF_RXDA_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IF_RXDA_Pos) #define CAN_IF_TXBR_Pos 1 //当IE.TXBR=1时,SR.TXBR由0变成1将置位此位 #define CAN_IF_TXBR_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IF_TXBR_Pos) #define CAN_IF_ERRWARN_Pos 2 //当IE.ERRWARN=1时,SR.ERRWARN或SR.BUSOFF 0-to-1 或 1-to-0将置位此位 #define CAN_IF_ERRWARN_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IF_ERRWARN_Pos) #define CAN_IF_RXOV_Pos 3 //IF.RXOV = SR.RXOV & IE.RXOV #define CAN_IF_RXOV_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IF_RXOV_Pos) #define CAN_IF_WKUP_Pos 4 //当IE.WKUP=1时,在睡眠模式下的CAN控制器检测到总线活动时硬件置位 #define CAN_IF_WKUP_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IF_WKUP_Pos) #define CAN_IF_ERRPASS_Pos 5 // #define CAN_IF_ERRPASS_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IF_ERRPASS_Pos) #define CAN_IF_ARBLOST_Pos 6 //Arbitration Lost,当IE.ARBLOST=1时,CAN控制器丢失仲裁变成接收方时硬件置位 #define CAN_IF_ARBLOST_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IF_ARBLOST_Pos) #define CAN_IF_BUSERR_Pos 7 //当IE.BUSERR=1时,CAN控制器检测到总线错误时硬件置位 #define CAN_IF_BUSERR_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IF_BUSERR_Pos) #define CAN_IE_RXDA_Pos 0 #define CAN_IE_RXDA_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IE_RXDA_Pos) #define CAN_IE_TXBR_Pos 1 #define CAN_IE_TXBR_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IE_TXBR_Pos) #define CAN_IE_ERRWARN_Pos 2 #define CAN_IE_ERRWARN_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IE_ERRWARN_Pos) #define CAN_IE_RXOV_Pos 3 #define CAN_IE_RXOV_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IE_RXOV_Pos) #define CAN_IE_WKUP_Pos 4 #define CAN_IE_WKUP_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IE_WKUP_Pos) #define CAN_IE_ERRPASS_Pos 5 #define CAN_IE_ERRPASS_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IE_ERRPASS_Pos) #define CAN_IE_ARBLOST_Pos 6 #define CAN_IE_ARBLOST_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IE_ARBLOST_Pos) #define CAN_IE_BUSERR_Pos 7 #define CAN_IE_BUSERR_Msk (0x01 << CAN_IE_BUSERR_Pos) #define CAN_BT0_BRP_Pos 0 //Baud Rate Prescaler,CAN时间单位=2*Tsysclk*(BRP+1) #define CAN_BT0_BRP_Msk (0x3F << CAN_BT0_BRP_Pos) #define CAN_BT0_SJW_Pos 6 //Synchronization Jump Width #define CAN_BT0_SJW_Msk (0x03 << CAN_BT0_SJW_Pos) #define CAN_BT1_TSEG1_Pos 0 //t_tseg1 = CAN时间单位 * (TSEG1+1) #define CAN_BT1_TSEG1_Msk (0x0F << CAN_BT1_TSEG1_Pos) #define CAN_BT1_TSEG2_Pos 4 //t_tseg2 = CAN时间单位 * (TSEG2+1) #define CAN_BT1_TSEG2_Msk (0x07 << CAN_BT1_TSEG2_Pos) #define CAN_BT1_SAM_Pos 7 //采样次数 0: sampled once 1: sampled three times #define CAN_BT1_SAM_Msk (0x01 << CAN_BT1_SAM_Pos) #define CAN_ECC_SEGCODE_Pos 0 //Segment Code #define CAN_ECC_SEGCODE_Msk (0x1F << CAN_ECC_SEGCODE_Pos) #define CAN_ECC_DIR_Pos 5 //0 error occurred during transmission 1 during reception #define CAN_ECC_DIR_Msk (0x01 << CAN_ECC_DIR_Pos) #define CAN_ECC_ERRCODE_Pos 6 //Error Code:0 Bit error 1 Form error 2 Stuff error 3 other error #define CAN_ECC_ERRCODE_Msk (0x03 << CAN_ECC_ERRCODE_Pos) #define CAN_INFO_DLC_Pos 0 //Data Length Control #define CAN_INFO_DLC_Msk (0x0F << CAN_INFO_DLC_Pos) #define CAN_INFO_RTR_Pos 6 //Remote Frame,1 远程帧 0 数据帧 #define CAN_INFO_RTR_Msk (0x01 << CAN_INFO_RTR_Pos) #define CAN_INFO_FF_Pos 7 //Frame Format,0 标准帧格式 1 扩展帧格式 #define CAN_INFO_FF_Msk (0x01 << CAN_INFO_FF_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t IE; //[0] 为0的时候,IF[0]维持为0 __IO uint32_t IF; //[0] 当完成指定长度的数据传输时置1,写1清零 __IO uint32_t IM; //[0] 当该寄存器为1时,LCDC的中断不会输出给系统的中断控制寄存器 __IO uint32_t START; __IO uint32_t SRCADDR; //数据源地址寄存器,必须字对齐(即地址的低2位必须是0) __IO uint32_t CR0; __IO uint32_t CR1; __IO uint32_t PRECMDV; //在MPU接口中,发送数据前,RS拉低的那一拍,数据总线上的值 } LCD_TypeDef; #define LCD_START_GO_Pos 1 //写1开始传输数据,数据传输结束后自动清零 #define LCD_START_GO_Msk (0x01 << LCD_START_GO_Pos) #define LCD_START_BURST_Pos 2 #define LCD_START_BURST_Msk (0x01 << LCD_START_BURST_Pos) #define LCD_CR0_VPIX_Pos 0 //当portrait为0时,表示垂直方向的像素个数,0表示1个,最大为767 //当portrait为1时,表示水平方向的像素个数,0表示1个,最大为767 #define LCD_CR0_VPIX_Msk (0x3FF << LCD_CR0_VPIX_Pos) #define LCD_CR0_HPIX_Pos 10 //当portrait为0时,表示水平方向的像素个数,0表示1个,最大为1023 //当portrait为1时,表示垂直方向的像素个数,0表示1个,最大为1023 #define LCD_CR0_HPIX_Msk (0x3FF << LCD_CR0_HPIX_Pos) #define LCD_CR0_DCLK_Pos 20 //0 DOTCLK一直翻转 1 DOTCLK在空闲时停在1 #define LCD_CR0_DCLK_Msk (0x01 << LCD_CR0_DCLK_Pos) #define LCD_CR0_HLOW_Pos 21 //输出HSYNC低电平持续多少个DOTCLK周期,0表示1个周期 #define LCD_CR0_HLOW_Msk (0x03 << LCD_CR0_HLOW_Pos) #define LCD_CR1_VFP_Pos 1 #define LCD_CR1_VFP_Msk (0x07 << LCD_CR1_VFP_Pos) #define LCD_CR1_VBP_Pos 4 #define LCD_CR1_VBP_Msk (0x1F << LCD_CR1_VBP_Pos) #define LCD_CR1_HFP_Pos 9 #define LCD_CR1_HFP_Msk (0x1F << LCD_CR1_HFP_Pos) #define LCD_CR1_HBP_Pos 14 #define LCD_CR1_HBP_Msk (0x7F << LCD_CR1_HBP_Pos) #define LCD_CR1_DCLKDIV_Pos 21 //DOTCLK相对于模块时钟的分频比,0表示2分频,1表示4分频 ... #define LCD_CR1_DCLKDIV_Msk (0x1F << LCD_CR1_DCLKDIV_Pos) #define LCD_CR1_DCLKINV_Pos 26 //1 输出DOTCLK反向,应用于用DOTCLK下降沿采样数据的屏 #define LCD_CR1_DCLKINV_Msk (0x01 << LCD_CR1_DCLKINV_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t DMA_MEM_ADDR; __IO uint32_t BLK; //Block Size and Count __IO uint32_t ARG; //Argument __IO uint32_t CMD; //Command __IO uint32_t RESP[4]; //Response __IO uint32_t DATA; __IO uint32_t STAT; __IO uint32_t CR1; __IO uint32_t CR2; __IO uint32_t IF; __IO uint32_t IFE; //Interrupt Flag Enable __IO uint32_t IE; //Interrupt Enalbe __IO uint32_t CMD12ERR; __IO uint32_t INFO; __IO uint32_t MAXCURR; } SDIO_TypeDef; #define SDIO_BLK_SIZE_Pos 0 //0x200 512字节 0x400 1024字节 0x800 2048字节 #define SDIO_BLK_SIZE_Msk (0xFFF << SDIO_BLK_SIZE_Pos) #define SDIO_BLK_COUNT_Pos 16 //0 Stop Transfer 1 1块 2 2块 ... ... #define SDIO_BLK_COUNT_Msk (0xFFF << SDIO_BLK_COUNT_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_DMAEN_Pos 0 #define SDIO_CMD_DMAEN_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CMD_DMAEN_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_BLKCNTEN_Pos 1 #define SDIO_CMD_BLKCNTEN_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CMD_BLKCNTEN_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_AUTOCMD12_Pos 2 #define SDIO_CMD_AUTOCMD12_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CMD_AUTOCMD12_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_DIRREAD_Pos 4 //0 Write, Host to Card 1 Read, Card to Host #define SDIO_CMD_DIRREAD_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CMD_DIRREAD_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_MULTBLK_Pos 5 //0 Single Block 1 Multiple Block #define SDIO_CMD_MULTBLK_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CMD_MULTBLK_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_RESPTYPE_Pos 16 //响应类型,0 无响应 1 136位响应 2 48位响应 3 48位响应,Busy after response #define SDIO_CMD_RESPTYPE_Msk (0x03 << SDIO_CMD_RESPTYPE_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_CRCCHECK_Pos 19 //Command CRC Check Enable #define SDIO_CMD_CRCCHECK_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CMD_CRCCHECK_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_IDXCHECK_Pos 20 //Command Index Check Enable #define SDIO_CMD_IDXCHECK_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CMD_IDXCHECK_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_HAVEDATA_Pos 21 //0 No Data Present 1 Data Present #define SDIO_CMD_HAVEDATA_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CMD_HAVEDATA_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_CMDTYPE_Pos 22 //0 NORMAL 1 SUSPEND 2 RESUME 3 ABORT #define SDIO_CMD_CMDTYPE_Msk (0x03 << SDIO_CMD_CMDTYPE_Pos) #define SDIO_CMD_CMDINDX_Pos 24 //Command Index,CMD0-63、ACMD0-63 #define SDIO_CMD_CMDINDX_Msk (0x3F << SDIO_CMD_CMDINDX_Pos) #define SDIO_CR1_4BIT_Pos 1 //1 4 bit mode 0 1 bit mode #define SDIO_CR1_4BIT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR1_4BIT_Pos) #define SDIO_CR1_8BIT_Pos 5 //1 8 bit mode is selected 0 8 bit mode is not selected #define SDIO_CR1_8BIT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR1_8BIT_Pos) #define SDIO_CR1_CDBIT_Pos 6 //0 No Card 1 Card Inserted #define SDIO_CR1_CDBIT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR1_CDBIT_Pos) #define SDIO_CR1_CDSRC_Pos 7 //Card Detect Source, 1 CR1.CDBIT位 0 SD_Detect引脚 #define SDIO_CR1_CDSRC_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR1_CDSRC_Pos) #define SDIO_CR1_PWRON_Pos 8 //1 Power on 0 Power off #define SDIO_CR1_PWRON_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR1_PWRON_Pos) #define SDIO_CR1_VOLT_Pos 9 //7 3.3V 6 3.0V 5 1.8V #define SDIO_CR1_VOLT_Msk (0x07 << SDIO_CR1_VOLT_Pos) #define SDIO_CR2_CLKEN_Pos 0 //Internal Clock Enable #define SDIO_CR2_CLKEN_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR2_CLKEN_Pos) #define SDIO_CR2_CLKRDY_Pos 1 //Internal Clock Stable/Ready #define SDIO_CR2_CLKRDY_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR2_CLKRDY_Pos) #define SDIO_CR2_SDCLKEN_Pos 2 //SDCLK Enable #define SDIO_CR2_SDCLKEN_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR2_SDCLKEN_Pos) #define SDIO_CR2_SDCLKDIV_Pos 8 //SDCLK Frequency Div, 0x00 不分频 0x01 2分频 0x02 4分频 0x04 8分频 0x08 16分频 ... 0x80 256分频 #define SDIO_CR2_SDCLKDIV_Msk (0xFF << SDIO_CR2_SDCLKDIV_Pos) #define SDIO_CR2_TIMEOUT_Pos 16 //0 TMCLK*2^13 1 TMCLK*2^14 ... 14 TMCLK*2^27 #define SDIO_CR2_TIMEOUT_Msk (0x0F << SDIO_CR2_TIMEOUT_Pos) #define SDIO_CR2_RSTALL_Pos 24 //Software Reset for All #define SDIO_CR2_RSTALL_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR2_RSTALL_Pos) #define SDIO_CR2_RSTCMD_Pos 25 //Software Reset for CMD Line #define SDIO_CR2_RSTCMD_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR2_RSTCMD_Pos) #define SDIO_CR2_RSTDAT_Pos 26 //Software Reset for DAT Line #define SDIO_CR2_RSTDAT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_CR2_RSTDAT_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CMDDONE_Pos 0 #define SDIO_IF_CMDDONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CMDDONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_TRXDONE_Pos 1 #define SDIO_IF_TRXDONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_TRXDONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_BLKGAP_Pos 2 #define SDIO_IF_BLKGAP_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_BLKGAP_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_DMADONE_Pos 3 #define SDIO_IF_DMADONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_DMADONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_BUFWRRDY_Pos 4 #define SDIO_IF_BUFWRRDY_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_BUFWRRDY_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_BUFRDRDY_Pos 5 #define SDIO_IF_BUFRDRDY_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_BUFRDRDY_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CARDINSR_Pos 6 #define SDIO_IF_CARDINSR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CARDINSR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CARDRMOV_Pos 7 #define SDIO_IF_CARDRMOV_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CARDRMOV_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CARD_Pos 8 #define SDIO_IF_CARD_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CARD_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_ERROR_Pos 15 #define SDIO_IF_ERROR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_ERROR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CMDTIMEOUT_Pos 16 #define SDIO_IF_CMDTIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CMDTIMEOUT_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CMDCRCERR_Pos 17 #define SDIO_IF_CMDCRCERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CMDCRCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CMDENDERR_Pos 18 #define SDIO_IF_CMDENDERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CMDENDCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CMDIDXERR_Pos 19 #define SDIO_IF_CMDIDXERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CMDIDXCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_DATTIMEOUT_Pos 20 #define SDIO_IF_DATTIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_DATTIMEOUT_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_DATCRCERR_Pos 21 #define SDIO_IF_DATCRCERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_DATCRCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_DATENDERR_Pos 22 #define SDIO_IF_DATENDERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_DATENDCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CURLIMERR_Pos 23 #define SDIO_IF_CURLIMERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CURLIMERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_CMD12ERR_Pos 24 #define SDIO_IF_CMD12ERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_CMD12ERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_DMAERR_Pos 25 #define SDIO_IF_DMAERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_DMAERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IF_RESPERR_Pos 28 #define SDIO_IF_RESPERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IF_RESPERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CMDDONE_Pos 0 //Command Complete Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CMDDONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CMDDONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_TRXDONE_Pos 1 //Transfer Complete Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_TRXDONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_TRXDONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_BLKGAP_Pos 2 //Block Gap Event Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_BLKGAP_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_BLKGAP_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_DMADONE_Pos 3 //DMA Interrupt Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_DMADONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_DMADONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_BUFWRRDY_Pos 4 //Buffer Write Ready Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_BUFWRRDY_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_BUFWRRDY_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_BUFRDRDY_Pos 5 //Buffer Read Ready Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_BUFRDRDY_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_BUFRDRDY_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CARDINSR_Pos 6 //Card Insertion Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CARDINSR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CARDINSR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CARDRMOV_Pos 7 //Card Removal Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CARDRMOV_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CARDRMOV_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CARD_Pos 8 #define SDIO_IE_CARD_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CARD_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CMDTIMEOUT_Pos 16 //Command Timeout Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CMDTIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CMDTIMEOUT_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CMDCRCERR_Pos 17 //Command CRC Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CMDCRCERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CMDCRCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CMDENDERR_Pos 18 //Command End Bit Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CMDENDERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CMDENDCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CMDIDXERR_Pos 19 //Command Index Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CMDIDXERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CMDIDXCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_DATTIMEOUT_Pos 20 //Data Timeout Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_DATTIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_DATTIMEOUT_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_DATCRCERR_Pos 21 //Data CRC Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_DATCRCERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_DATCRCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_DATENDERR_Pos 22 //Data End Bit Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_DATENDERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_DATENDCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CURLIMERR_Pos 23 //Current Limit Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CURLIMERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CURLIMERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_CMD12ERR_Pos 24 //Auto CMD12 Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_CMD12ERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_CMD12ERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_DMAERR_Pos 25 //ADMA Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_DMAERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_DMAERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IE_RESPERR_Pos 28 //Target Response Error Status Enable #define SDIO_IE_RESPERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IE_RESPERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CMDDONE_Pos 0 #define SDIO_IM_CMDDONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CMDDONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_TRXDONE_Pos 1 #define SDIO_IM_TRXDONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_TRXDONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_BLKGAP_Pos 2 #define SDIO_IM_BLKGAP_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_BLKGAP_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_DMADONE_Pos 3 #define SDIO_IM_DMADONE_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_DMADONE_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_BUFWRRDY_Pos 4 #define SDIO_IM_BUFWRRDY_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_BUFWRRDY_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_BUFRDRDY_Pos 5 #define SDIO_IM_BUFRDRDY_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_BUFRDRDY_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CARDINSR_Pos 6 #define SDIO_IM_CARDINSR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CARDINSR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CARDRMOV_Pos 7 #define SDIO_IM_CARDRMOV_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CARDRMOV_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CARD_Pos 8 #define SDIO_IM_CARD_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CARD_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CMDTIMEOUT_Pos 16 #define SDIO_IM_CMDTIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CMDTIMEOUT_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CMDCRCERR_Pos 17 #define SDIO_IM_CMDCRCERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CMDCRCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CMDENDERR_Pos 18 #define SDIO_IM_CMDENDERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CMDENDCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CMDIDXERR_Pos 19 #define SDIO_IM_CMDIDXERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CMDIDXCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_DATTIMEOUT_Pos 20 #define SDIO_IM_DATTIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_DATTIMEOUT_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_DATCRCERR_Pos 21 #define SDIO_IM_DATCRCERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_DATCRCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_DATENDERR_Pos 22 #define SDIO_IM_DATENDERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_DATENDCERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CURLIMERR_Pos 23 #define SDIO_IM_CURLIMERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CURLIMERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_CMD12ERR_Pos 24 #define SDIO_IM_CMD12ERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_CMD12ERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_DMAERR_Pos 25 #define SDIO_IM_DMAERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_DMAERR_Pos) #define SDIO_IM_RESPERR_Pos 28 #define SDIO_IM_RESPERR_Msk (0x01 << SDIO_IM_RESPERR_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t DATA; __IO uint32_t ADDR; __IO uint32_t ERASE; __IO uint32_t CACHE; __IO uint32_t CFG0; __IO uint32_t CFG1; __IO uint32_t CFG2; __IO uint32_t CFG3; __IO uint32_t STAT; } FLASH_Typedef; #define FLASH_ERASE_REQ_Pos 31 #define FLASH_ERASE_REQ_Msk (0x01u<< FLASH_ERASE_REQ_Pos) #define FLASH_CACHE_PROG_Pos 2 #define FLASH_CACHE_PROG_Msk (0x01 << FLASH_CACHE_PROG_Pos) #define FLASH_CACHE_CLEAR_Pos 3 #define FLASH_CACHE_CLEAR_Msk (0x01 << FLASH_CACHE_CLEAR_Pos) #define FLASH_STAT_ERASE_GOING_Pos 0 #define FLASH_STAT_ERASE_GOING_Msk (0X01 << FLASH_STAT_ERASE_GOING_Pos) #define FLASH_STAT_PROG_GOING_Pos 1 #define FLASH_STAT_PROG_GOING_Msk (0x01 << FLASH_STAT_PROG_GOING_Pos) #define FALSH_STAT_FIFO_EMPTY_Pos 3 #define FLASH_STAT_FIFO_EMPTY_Msk (0x01 << FALSH_STAT_FIFO_EMPTY_Pos) #define FALSH_STAT_FIFO_FULL_Pos 4 #define FLASH_STAT_FIFO_FULL_Msk (0x01 << FALSH_STAT_FIFO_FULL_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CR; } SRAMC_TypeDef; #define SRAMC_CR_RWTIME_Pos 0 //读写操作持续多少个时钟周期。0表示1个时钟周期。最小设置为4 #define SRAMC_CR_RWTIME_Msk (0x0F << SRAMC_CR_RWTIME_Pos) #define SRAMC_CR_BYTEIF_Pos 4 //外部SRAM数据宽度,0 16位 1 8位 #define SRAMC_CR_BYTEIF_Msk (0x01 << SRAMC_CR_BYTEIF_Pos) #define SRAMC_CR_HBLBDIS_Pos 5 //1 ADDR[23:22]为地址线 0 ADDR[23]为高字节使能,ADDR[22]为低字节使能 #define SRAMC_CR_HBLBDIS_Msk (0x01 << SRAMC_CR_HBLBDIS_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CR0; __IO uint32_t CR1; __IO uint32_t REFRESH; __IO uint32_t NOPNUM; //[15:0] 初始化完成后,在正常操作之前,发送多少个NOP命令 __IO uint32_t LATCH; __IO uint32_t REFDONE; //[0] Frefresh Done,上电初始化完成 } SDRAMC_TypeDef; #define SDRAMC_CR0_BURSTLEN_Pos 0 //必须取2,表示Burst Length为4 #define SDRAMC_CR0_BURSTLEN_Msk (0x07 << SDRAMC_CR0_BURSTLEN_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR0_CASDELAY_Pos 4 //CAS Latency, 2 2 3 3 #define SDRAMC_CR0_CASDELAY_Msk (0x07 << SDRAMC_CR0_CASDELAY_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRP_Pos 0 #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRP_Msk (0x07 << SDRAMC_CR1_TRP_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRCD_Pos 3 #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRCD_Msk (0x07 << SDRAMC_CR1_TRCD_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRC_Pos 6 #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRC_Msk (0x0F << SDRAMC_CR1_TRC_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRAS_Pos 10 #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRAS_Msk (0x07 << SDRAMC_CR1_TRAS_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRRD_Pos 13 #define SDRAMC_CR1_TRRD_Msk (0x03 << SDRAMC_CR1_TRRD_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_TMRD_Pos 15 #define SDRAMC_CR1_TMRD_Msk (0x07 << SDRAMC_CR1_TMRD_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_32BIT_Pos 18 //SDRAMC的接口数据位宽,1 32bit 0 16bit #define SDRAMC_CR1_32BIT_Msk (0x01 << SDRAMC_CR1_32BIT_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_BANK_Pos 19 //SDRAM每个颗粒有几个bank,0 2 banks 1 4 banks #define SDRAMC_CR1_BANK_Msk (0x01 << SDRAMC_CR1_BANK_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_CELL32BIT_Pos 20 //SDRAM颗粒的位宽,1 32bit 0 16bit #define SDRAMC_CR1_CELL32BIT_Msk (0x01 << SDRAMC_CR1_CELL32BIT_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_CELLSIZE_Pos 21 //SDRAM颗粒的容量,0 64Mb 1 128Mb 2 256Mb 3 16Mb #define SDRAMC_CR1_CELLSIZE_Msk (0x03 << SDRAMC_CR1_CELLSIZE_Pos) #define SDRAMC_CR1_HIGHSPEED_Pos 23 //当hclk大于100MHz时,这一位必须配置为1,否则为0 #define SDRAMC_CR1_HIGHSPEED_Msk (0x01 << SDRAMC_CR1_HIGHSPEED_Pos) #define SDRAMC_REFRESH_RATE_Pos 0 #define SDRAMC_REFRESH_RATE_Msk (0xFFF << SDRAMC_REFRESH_RATE_Pos) #define SDRAMC_REFRESH_EN_Pos 12 #define SDRAMC_REFRESH_EN_Msk (0x01 << SDRAMC_REFRESH_EN_Pos) #define SDRAMC_LATCH_INEDGE_Pos 0 //哪个沿来锁存从SDRAM中读回的数据,0 上升沿 1 下降沿 #define SDRAMC_LATCH_INEDGE_Msk (0x01 << SDRAMC_LATCH_INEDGE_Pos) #define SDRAMC_LATCH_OUTEDGE_Pos 1 //哪个沿去锁存送给SDRAM的数据,1 上升沿 0 下降沿 #define SDRAMC_LATCH_OUTEDGE_Msk (0x01 << SDRAMC_LATCH_OUTEDGE_Pos) #define SDRAMC_LATCH_WAITST_Pos 2 #define SDRAMC_LATCH_WAITST_Msk (0x01 << SDRAMC_LATCH_WAITST_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t IE; __IO uint32_t IF; //写1清零 __IO uint32_t IM; __IO uint32_t CR; __IO uint32_t ADDR; __IO uint32_t CMD; } NORFLC_TypeDef; #define NORFLC_IE_FINISH_Pos 0 #define NORFLC_IE_FINISH_Msk (0x01 << NORFLC_IE_FINISH_Pos) #define NORFLC_IE_TIMEOUT_Pos 1 #define NORFLC_IE_TIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << NORFLC_IE_TIMEOUT_Pos) #define NORFLC_IF_FINISH_Pos 0 #define NORFLC_IF_FINISH_Msk (0x01 << NORFLC_IF_FINISH_Pos) #define NORFLC_IF_TIMEOUT_Pos 1 #define NORFLC_IF_TIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << NORFLC_IF_TIMEOUT_Pos) #define NORFLC_IM_FINISH_Pos 0 #define NORFLC_IM_FINISH_Msk (0x01 << NORFLC_IM_FINISH_Pos) #define NORFLC_IM_TIMEOUT_Pos 1 #define NORFLC_IM_TIMEOUT_Msk (0x01 << NORFLC_IM_TIMEOUT_Pos) #define NORFLC_CR_RDTIME_Pos 0 //Oen下降沿后多少个时钟周期后采样读回的数据。0表示1个时钟周期 #define NORFLC_CR_RDTIME_Msk (0x1F << NORFLC_CR_RDTIME_Pos) #define NORFLC_CR_WRTIME_Pos 5 //输出Wen的低电平宽度。0表示1个时钟周期 #define NORFLC_CR_WRTIME_Msk (0x07 << NORFLC_CR_WRTIME_Pos) #define NORFLC_CR_BYTEIF_Pos 8 //外部NOR FLASH数据宽度,1 8位 0 16位 #define NORFLC_CR_BYTEIF_Msk (0x01 << NORFLC_CR_BYTEIF_Pos) #define NORFLC_CMD_DATA_Pos 0 //在PROGRAM命令中,DATA是要写入NOR FLASH的数据;在READ命令中,DATA是从NOR FLASH读回的数据 #define NORFLC_CMD_DATA_Msk (0xFFFF << NORFLC_CMD_DATA_Pos) #define NORFLC_CMD_CMD_Pos 16 //需要执行的命令,0 READ 1 RESET 2 AUTOMATIC SELECT 3 PROGRAM 4 CHIP ERASE 5 SECTOR ERASE #define NORFLC_CMD_CMD_Msk (0x07 << NORFLC_CMD_CMD_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CR; __O uint32_t DATAIN; __IO uint32_t INIVAL; __I uint32_t RESULT; } CRC_TypeDef; #define CRC_CR_EN_Pos 0 #define CRC_CR_EN_Msk (0x01 << CRC_CR_EN_Pos) #define CRC_CR_OREV_Pos 1 //输出结果是否翻转 #define CRC_CR_OREV_Msk (0x01 << CRC_CR_OREV_Pos) #define CRC_CR_ONOT_Pos 2 //输出结果是否取反 #define CRC_CR_ONOT_Msk (0x01 << CRC_CR_ONOT_Pos) #define CRC_CR_CRC16_Pos 3 //1 CRC16 0 CRC32 #define CRC_CR_CRC16_Msk (0x01 << CRC_CR_CRC16_Pos) #define CRC_CR_IBITS_Pos 4 //输入数据有效位数 0 32位 1 16位 2 8位 #define CRC_CR_IBITS_Msk (0x03 << CRC_CR_IBITS_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t MINSEC; //分秒计数 __IO uint32_t DATHUR; //日时计数 __IO uint32_t MONDAY; //月周计数 __IO uint32_t YEAR; //[11:0] 年计数,支持1901-2199 __IO uint32_t MINSECAL; //分秒闹铃设置 __IO uint32_t DAYHURAL; //周时闹铃设置 __IO uint32_t LOAD; //将设置寄存器中的值同步到RTC中,同步完成自动清零 __IO uint32_t IE; __IO uint32_t IF; //写1清零 __IO uint32_t EN; //[0] 1 RTC使能 __IO uint32_t CFGABLE; //[0] 1 RTC可配置 __IO uint32_t TRIM; //时钟调整 __IO uint32_t TRIMM; //时钟微调整 } RTC_TypeDef; #define RTC_LOAD_TIME_Pos 0 #define RTC_LOAD_TIME_Msk (0x01 << RTC_LOAD_TIME_Pos) #define RTC_LOAD_ALARM_Pos 1 #define RTC_LOAD_ALARM_Msk (0x01 << RTC_LOAD_ALARM_Pos) #define RTC_MINSEC_SEC_Pos 0 //秒计数,取值0--59 #define RTC_MINSEC_SEC_Msk (0x3F << RTC_MINSEC_SEC_Pos) #define RTC_MINSEC_MIN_Pos 6 //分钟计数,取值0--59 #define RTC_MINSEC_MIN_Msk (0x3F << RTC_MINSEC_MIN_Pos) #define RTC_DATHUR_HOUR_Pos 0 //小时计数,取值0--23 #define RTC_DATHUR_HOUR_Msk (0x1F << RTC_DATHUR_HOUR_Pos) #define RTC_DATHUR_DATE_Pos 5 //date of month,取值1--31 #define RTC_DATHUR_DATE_Msk (0x1F << RTC_DATHUR_DATE_Pos) #define RTC_MONDAY_DAY_Pos 0 //day of week,取值0--6 #define RTC_MONDAY_DAY_Msk (0x07 << RTC_MONDAY_DAY_Pos) #define RTC_MONDAY_MON_Pos 3 //月份计数,取值1--12 #define RTC_MONDAY_MON_Msk (0x0F << RTC_MONDAY_MON_Pos) #define RTC_MINSECAL_SEC_Pos 0 //闹钟秒设置 #define RTC_MINSECAL_SEC_Msk (0x3F << RTC_MINSECAL_SEC_Pos) #define RTC_MINSECAL_MIN_Pos 6 //闹钟分钟设置 #define RTC_MINSECAL_MIN_Msk (0x3F << RTC_MINSECAL_MIN_Pos) #define RTC_DAYHURAL_HOUR_Pos 0 //闹钟小时设置 #define RTC_DAYHURAL_HOUR_Msk (0x1F << RTC_DAYHURAL_HOUR_Pos) #define RTC_DAYHURAL_SUN_Pos 5 //周日闹钟有效 #define RTC_DAYHURAL_SUN_Msk (0x01 << RTC_DAYHURAL_SUN_Pos) #define RTC_DAYHURAL_MON_Pos 6 //周一闹钟有效 #define RTC_DAYHURAL_MON_Msk (0x01 << RTC_DAYHURAL_MON_Pos) #define RTC_DAYHURAL_TUE_Pos 7 //周二闹钟有效 #define RTC_DAYHURAL_TUE_Msk (0x01 << RTC_DAYHURAL_TUE_Pos) #define RTC_DAYHURAL_WED_Pos 8 //周三闹钟有效 #define RTC_DAYHURAL_WED_Msk (0x01 << RTC_DAYHURAL_WED_Pos) #define RTC_DAYHURAL_THU_Pos 9 //周四闹钟有效 #define RTC_DAYHURAL_THU_Msk (0x01 << RTC_DAYHURAL_THU_Pos) #define RTC_DAYHURAL_FRI_Pos 10 //周五闹钟有效 #define RTC_DAYHURAL_FRI_Msk (0x01 << RTC_DAYHURAL_FRI_Pos) #define RTC_DAYHURAL_SAT_Pos 11 //周六闹钟有效 #define RTC_DAYHURAL_SAT_Msk (0x01 << RTC_DAYHURAL_SAT_Pos) #define RTC_IE_SEC_Pos 0 //秒中断使能 #define RTC_IE_SEC_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IE_SEC_Pos) #define RTC_IE_MIN_Pos 1 #define RTC_IE_MIN_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IE_MIN_Pos) #define RTC_IE_HOUR_Pos 2 #define RTC_IE_HOUR_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IE_HOUR_Pos) #define RTC_IE_DATE_Pos 3 #define RTC_IE_DATE_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IE_DATE_Pos) #define RTC_IE_ALARM_Pos 4 #define RTC_IE_ALARM_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IE_ALARM_Pos) #define RTC_IF_SEC_Pos 0 //写1清零 #define RTC_IF_SEC_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IF_SEC_Pos) #define RTC_IF_MIN_Pos 1 #define RTC_IF_MIN_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IF_MIN_Pos) #define RTC_IF_HOUR_Pos 2 #define RTC_IF_HOUR_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IF_HOUR_Pos) #define RTC_IF_DATE_Pos 3 #define RTC_IF_DATE_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IF_DATE_Pos) #define RTC_IF_ALARM_Pos 4 #define RTC_IF_ALARM_Msk (0x01 << RTC_IF_ALARM_Pos) #define RTC_TRIM_ADJ_Pos 0 //用于调整BASECNT的计数周期,默认为32768,如果DEC为1,则计数周期调整为32768-ADJ,否则调整为32768+ADJ #define RTC_TRIM_ADJ_Msk (0xFF << RTC_TRIM_ADJ_Pos) #define RTC_TRIM_DEC_Pos 8 #define RTC_TRIM_DEC_Msk (0x01 << RTC_TRIM_DEC_Pos) #define RTC_TRIMM_CYCLE_Pos 0 //用于计数周期微调,如果INC为1,则第n个计数周期调整为(32768±ADJ)+1,否则调整为(32768±ADJ)-1 //cycles=0时,不进行微调整;cycles=1,则n为2;cycles=7,则n为8;以此类推 #define RTC_TRIMM_CYCLE_Msk (0x07 << RTC_TRIMM_CYCLE_Pos) #define RTC_TRIMM_INC_Pos 3 #define RTC_TRIMM_INC_Msk (0x01 << RTC_TRIMM_INC_Pos) typedef struct { __IO uint32_t LOAD; //喂狗使计数器装载LOAD值 __I uint32_t VALUE; __IO uint32_t CR; __IO uint32_t IF; //计数到0时硬件置位,软件写1清除标志 __IO uint32_t FEED; //写0x55喂狗 } WDT_TypeDef; #define WDT_CR_EN_Pos 0 #define WDT_CR_EN_Msk (0x01 << WDT_CR_EN_Pos) #define WDT_CR_RSTEN_Pos 1 #define WDT_CR_RSTEN_Msk (0x01 << WDT_CR_RSTEN_Pos) /******************************************************************************/ /* Peripheral memory map */ /******************************************************************************/ #define RAM_BASE 0x20000000 #define AHB_BASE 0x40000000 #define APB_BASE 0x40010000 #define NORFLC_BASE 0x60000000 #define NORFLM_BASE 0x61000000 #define SRAMC_BASE 0x68000000 #define SRAMM_BASE 0x69000000 #define SDRAMC_BASE 0x78000000 #define SDRAMM_BASE 0x70000000 /* AHB Peripheral memory map */ #define SYS_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x00000) #define DMA_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x01000) #define LCD_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x02000) #define CRC_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x03000) #define SDIO_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x04000) /* APB Peripheral memory map */ #define PORT_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x00000) #define GPIOA_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x01000) #define GPIOB_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x02000) #define GPIOC_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x03000) #define GPIOD_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x04000) #define GPIOM_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x05000) #define GPION_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x06000) #define GPIOP_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x08000) #define TIMR0_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x07000) #define TIMR1_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0700C) #define TIMR2_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x07018) #define TIMR3_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x07024) #define TIMR4_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x07030) #define TIMR5_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0703C) #define TIMRG_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x07060) #define WDT_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x09000) #define PWM0_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0A000) #define PWM1_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0A020) #define PWM2_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0A040) #define PWM3_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0A060) #define PWM4_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0A080) #define PWM5_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0A0A0) #define PWMG_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0A180) #define RTC_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0B000) #define ADC0_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0C000) #define ADC1_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0D000) #define FLASH_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x0F000) #define UART0_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x10000) #define UART1_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x11000) #define UART2_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x12000) #define UART3_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x13000) #define I2C0_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x18000) #define I2C1_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x19000) #define SPI0_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x1C000) #define SPI1_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x1D000) #define CAN_BASE (APB_BASE + 0x20000) /******************************************************************************/ /* Peripheral declaration */ /******************************************************************************/ #define SYS ((SYS_TypeDef *) SYS_BASE) #define PORT ((PORT_TypeDef *) PORT_BASE) #define GPIOA ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOA_BASE) #define GPIOB ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOB_BASE) #define GPIOC ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOC_BASE) #define GPIOM ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOM_BASE) #define GPION ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPION_BASE) #define GPIOP ((GPIO_TypeDef *) GPIOP_BASE) #define TIMR0 ((TIMR_TypeDef *) TIMR0_BASE) #define TIMR1 ((TIMR_TypeDef *) TIMR1_BASE) #define TIMR2 ((TIMR_TypeDef *) TIMR2_BASE) #define TIMR3 ((TIMR_TypeDef *) TIMR3_BASE) #define TIMR4 ((TIMR_TypeDef *) TIMR4_BASE) #define TIMR5 ((TIMR_TypeDef *) TIMR5_BASE) #define TIMRG ((TIMRG_TypeDef*) TIMRG_BASE) #define UART0 ((UART_TypeDef *) UART0_BASE) #define UART1 ((UART_TypeDef *) UART1_BASE) #define UART2 ((UART_TypeDef *) UART2_BASE) #define UART3 ((UART_TypeDef *) UART3_BASE) #define SPI0 ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI0_BASE) #define SPI1 ((SPI_TypeDef *) SPI1_BASE) #define I2C0 ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C0_BASE) #define I2C1 ((I2C_TypeDef *) I2C1_BASE) #define ADC0 ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC0_BASE) #define ADC1 ((ADC_TypeDef *) ADC1_BASE) #define PWM0 ((PWM_TypeDef *) PWM0_BASE) #define PWM1 ((PWM_TypeDef *) PWM1_BASE) #define PWM2 ((PWM_TypeDef *) PWM2_BASE) #define PWM3 ((PWM_TypeDef *) PWM3_BASE) #define PWM4 ((PWM_TypeDef *) PWM4_BASE) #define PWM5 ((PWM_TypeDef *) PWM5_BASE) #define PWMG ((PWMG_TypeDef *) PWMG_BASE) #define SDIO ((SDIO_TypeDef *) SDIO_BASE) #define DMA ((DMA_TypeDef *) DMA_BASE) #define CAN ((CAN_TypeDef *) CAN_BASE) #define LCD ((LCD_TypeDef *) LCD_BASE) #define CRC ((CRC_TypeDef *) CRC_BASE) #define RTC ((RTC_TypeDef *) RTC_BASE) #define WDT ((WDT_TypeDef *) WDT_BASE) #define FLASH ((FLASH_Typedef*) FLASH_BASE) #define SRAMC ((SRAMC_TypeDef*) SRAMC_BASE) #define NORFLC ((NORFLC_TypeDef*) NORFLC_BASE) #define SDRAMC ((SDRAMC_TypeDef*) SDRAMC_BASE) typedef void (* Func_void_void) (void); #include "SWM320_port.h" #include "SWM320_gpio.h" #include "SWM320_exti.h" #include "SWM320_timr.h" #include "SWM320_uart.h" #include "SWM320_spi.h" #include "SWM320_i2c.h" #include "SWM320_pwm.h" #include "SWM320_adc.h" #include "SWM320_dma.h" #include "SWM320_lcd.h" #include "SWM320_can.h" #include "SWM320_sdio.h" #include "SWM320_flash.h" #include "SWM320_norflash.h" #include "SWM320_sdram.h" #include "SWM320_sram.h" #include "SWM320_crc.h" #include "SWM320_rtc.h" #include "SWM320_wdt.h" #endif //__SWM320_H__