#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define TRACE printf #define TRACE(...) #define _DEBUG typedef struct _thread { pthread_t pthread; void (*task)(void *); void *para; void (*exit)(void); sem_t sem; rt_thread_t rtthread; void *data; } thread_t; #define THREAD_T(thread) ((thread_t *)thread) #define MSG_SUSPEND SIGUSR1 /* 10 */ /* #define MSG_RESUME SIGUSR2 */ #define MSG_TICK SIGALRM /* 14 */ #define TIMER_TYPE ITIMER_REAL #define MAX_INTERRUPT_NUM ((unsigned int)sizeof(unsigned int) * 8) /* #define INT_ENABLE 0 * #define INT_DISABLE 1 */ /* flag in interrupt handling */ rt_uint32_t rt_interrupt_from_thread, rt_interrupt_to_thread; rt_uint32_t rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag; /* interrupt event mutex */ static pthread_mutex_t *ptr_int_mutex; static pthread_cond_t cond_int_hit; /* interrupt occured! */ static volatile unsigned int cpu_pending_interrupts; static int (* cpu_isr_table[MAX_INTERRUPT_NUM])(void) = {0}; static pthread_t mainthread_pid; /* function definition */ static void start_sys_timer(void); static int tick_interrupt_isr(void); static void mthread_signal_tick(int sig); static int mainthread_scheduler(void); int signal_install(int sig, void (*func)(int)) { struct sigaction act; /* set the signal handler */ act.sa_handler = func ; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(sig, &act, 0); } int signal_mask(void) { sigset_t sigmask, oldmask; /* set signal mask */ sigemptyset(&sigmask); sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGALRM); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigmask, &oldmask); } static void thread_switch_handler(int sig) { pthread_t pid = pthread_self(); thread_t *thread_from; thread_t *thread_to; rt_thread_t tid; if (sig != MSG_SUSPEND) { printf("get an unexpected signal <%d>, exit\n", sig); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } thread_from = (thread_t *) rt_interrupt_from_thread; thread_to = (thread_t *) rt_interrupt_to_thread; /* FIXME 注意!此时 rt_thread_self的值是to线程的值! */ tid = rt_thread_self(); RT_ASSERT(thread_from->pthread == pid); RT_ASSERT((thread_t *)(tid->sp) == thread_to); TRACE("signal: SIGSUSPEND suspend <%s>\n", thread_from->rtthread->name); sem_wait(&thread_from->sem); TRACE("signal: SIGSUSPEND resume <%s>\n", thread_from->rtthread->name); } static void *thread_run(void *parameter) { rt_thread_t tid; thread_t *thread; thread = THREAD_T(parameter); int res; /* FIXME set signal mask, mask the timer! */ signal_mask(); TRACE("pid <%08x> stop on sem...\n", (unsigned int)(thread->pthread)); sem_wait(&thread->sem); tid = rt_thread_self(); TRACE("pid <%08x> tid <%s> starts...\n", (unsigned int)(thread->pthread), tid->name); thread->rtthread = tid; thread->task(thread->para); TRACE("pid <%08x> tid <%s> exit...\n", (unsigned int)(thread->pthread), tid->name); //FIXME thread->exit(); //sem_destroy(&thread->sem); //<-------------- pthread_exit(NULL); } static int thread_create( thread_t *thread, void *task, void *parameter, void *pexit) { int res; pthread_attr_t attr; thread->task = task; thread->para = parameter; thread->exit = pexit; if (sem_init(&thread->sem, 0, 0) != 0) { printf("init thread->sem failed, exit \n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* No need to join the threads. */ pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); /* create a posix thread */ res = pthread_create(&thread->pthread, &attr, &thread_run, (void *)thread); if (res) { printf("pthread create faild, <%d>\n", res); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return 0; } /* resume the thread */ static int thread_resume(thread_t *thread) { sem_post(& thread->sem); } rt_uint8_t *rt_hw_stack_init( void *pEntry, void *pParam, rt_uint8_t *pStackAddr, void *pExit) { thread_t *thread; thread = (thread_t *)(pStackAddr - sizeof(thread_t)); /* set the filed to zero */ memset(thread, 0x00, sizeof(thread_t)); thread_create(thread, pEntry, pParam, pExit); //TRACE("thread %x created\n", (unsigned int)thread_table[t].pthread); return (rt_uint8_t *) thread; } /* interrupt contex switch hit, value 1 or 0 */ static long int_cs_hit; rt_base_t rt_hw_interrupt_disable(void) { if (ptr_int_mutex != NULL) { // pthread_mutex_lock(ptr_int_mutex); //FIXME } /*TODO: It may need to mask the signal */ return 0; } void rt_hw_interrupt_enable(rt_base_t level) { level = level; if (ptr_int_mutex != NULL) { // pthread_mutex_unlock(ptr_int_mutex); //FIXME } /*TODO: It may need to unmask the signal */ } void rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt(rt_uint32_t from, rt_uint32_t to) { rt_hw_context_switch(from, to); } void rt_hw_context_switch(rt_uint32_t from, rt_uint32_t to) { struct rt_thread * tid; pthread_t pid; thread_t *thread_from; thread_t *thread_to; RT_ASSERT(from != to); #if 0 if (rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag != 1) { rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag = 1; // set rt_interrupt_from_thread rt_interrupt_from_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)from); } #endif rt_interrupt_from_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)from); rt_interrupt_to_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)to); thread_from = (thread_t *) rt_interrupt_from_thread; thread_to = (thread_t *) rt_interrupt_to_thread; /* FIXME note: now, rt_current_thread is the thread_to! scheduler.c:272 */ tid = rt_thread_self(); pid = pthread_self(); /* 注意,只有两种可可能,一种是线程函数中调用此函数,一种是在中断中调用 * 而在中断调用是在主线程的信号处理函数中实现(目前只有tick中断)。 * 即, 只有如下两种可能: * 1)普通RTT线程间接调用,如rt_thread_delay函数 * 2)或者主线程信号处理函数,如rt_tick_increase中调用 */ if (pid != mainthread_pid) { TRACE("conswitch: P in pid<%x> ,suspend <%s>, resume <%s>!\n", (unsigned int)pid, thread_from->rtthread->name, thread_to->rtthread->name); /* from线程就是当前rtt线程 */ /* 确定一下,这两个值一定是相等的! */ RT_ASSERT(thread_from->pthread == pid); /* 唤醒to线程 */ sem_post(& thread_to->sem); /* 挂起from线程, 既然from线程就是当前线程,所以应该直接 * 挂起在这里 */ sem_wait(& thread_from->sem); } else { /* FIXME: 注意这段代码是在system tick 函数中执行的, * 即此时位于主线程的SIGALRM信号处理函数中 */ TRACE("conswitch: S in pid<%x> ,suspend <%s>, resume <%s>!\n", (unsigned int)pid, thread_from->rtthread->name, thread_to->rtthread->name); /* 挂起from线程 */ pthread_kill(thread_from->pthread, MSG_SUSPEND); /* 唤醒to线程 */ sem_post(& thread_to->sem); } } void rt_hw_context_switch_to(rt_uint32_t to) { //set to thread rt_interrupt_to_thread = *((rt_uint32_t *)(to)); //clear from thread rt_interrupt_from_thread = 0; //set interrupt to 1 rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag = 0; //<------ //start the main thread scheduler mainthread_scheduler(); //never reach here! return; } static int mainthread_scheduler(void) { int i, res; thread_t *thread_from; thread_t *thread_to; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_mutexattr_t mutexattr; unsigned int contex_switch_mask; /* save the main thread id */ mainthread_pid = pthread_self(); TRACE("pid <%08x> mainthread\n", (unsigned int)(mainthread_pid)); /* register interrupts which is simulated for yield and systick */ //register_interrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_YIELD, yield_interrupt_isr); //register_interrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_TICK, tick_interrupt_isr); /* install signal handler of system tick */ signal_install(SIGALRM, mthread_signal_tick); /* install signal handler used to suspend itself */ signal_install(MSG_SUSPEND, thread_switch_handler); /* create a mutex and condition val, used to indicate interrupts occrue */ ptr_int_mutex = &mutex; pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutexattr); pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mutexattr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); pthread_mutex_init(ptr_int_mutex, &mutexattr); pthread_cond_init(&cond_int_hit, NULL); /* start timer */ start_sys_timer(); /* FIXME: note that, cond var could not released earlier than pthread_con_wait */ /* trigger_interrupt(CPU_INTERRUPT_YIELD); */ thread_to = (thread_t *) rt_interrupt_to_thread; thread_resume(thread_to); for (;;) { #if 0 pthread_mutex_lock(ptr_int_mutex); /*Lock mutex and wait for signal. Note that the pthread_cond_wait *routine will automatically and atomically unlock mutex while it waits. */ TRACE("mthread: wait cond val!\n"); pthread_cond_wait(&cond_int_hit, ptr_int_mutex); TRACE("mthread: got cond val!\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(ptr_int_mutex); #endif //printf("main thread...\n"); sleep(1); } return 0; } /* * Setup the systick timer to generate the tick interrupts at the required * frequency. */ static void start_sys_timer(void) { struct itimerval itimer, oitimer; int us; RT_ASSERT(RT_TICK_PER_SECOND <= 1000000 || RT_TICK_PER_SECOND >= 1); us = 1000000 / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND - 1; TRACE("start system tick!\n"); /* Initialise the structure with the current timer information. */ if (0 != getitimer(TIMER_TYPE, &itimer)) { TRACE("get timer failed.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Set the interval between timer events. */ itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = us; /* Set the current count-down. */ itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = us; /* Set-up the timer interrupt. */ if (0 != setitimer(TIMER_TYPE, &itimer, &oitimer)) { TRACE("set timer failed.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void mthread_signal_tick(int sig) { pthread_t pid = pthread_self(); if (sig == SIGALRM) { TRACE("pid <%x> signal: SIGALRM enter!\n", (unsigned int)pid); tick_interrupt_isr(); TRACE("pid <%x> signal: SIGALRM leave!\n", (unsigned int)pid); } else { TRACE("got an unexpected signal <%d>\n", sig); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* isr return value: 1, should not be masked, if 0, can be masked */ static int tick_interrupt_isr(void) { TRACE("isr: systick enter!\n"); /* enter interrupt */ rt_interrupt_enter(); rt_tick_increase(); /* leave interrupt */ rt_interrupt_leave(); TRACE("isr: systick leave!\n"); return 0; } #if 0 static void trigger_interrupt(int index) { if ((index < MAX_INTERRUPT_NUM) && ptr_int_mutex != NULL) { pthread_mutex_lock(ptr_int_mutex); cpu_pending_interrupts |= (1 << index); /* signal the condition val */ pthread_cond_signal(&cond_int_hit); pthread_mutex_unlock(ptr_int_mutex); } } #endif