import os import sys import json def create_need_files(targetId, packpath): """ Generate pyocd.yaml files """ yaml_file = open('pyocd.yaml', 'w') if yaml_file: yaml_file.write('\npack:\n') yaml_file.write(' - ' + packpath + '\n') yaml_file.close() """ Generate .vscode/launch.json files """ vsc_launch_file = open('.vscode/launch.json', 'w') if vsc_launch_file: config_obj = {} config_obj['name'] = 'Cortex Debug' config_obj['cwd'] = '${workspaceFolder}' config_obj['executable'] = 'rt-thread.elf' config_obj['request'] = 'launch' config_obj['type'] = 'cortex-debug' config_obj['runToEntryPoint'] = 'Reset_Handler' config_obj['servertype'] = 'pyocd' if os.getenv('RTT_EXEC_PATH'): config_obj['armToolchainPath'] = os.getenv('RTT_EXEC_PATH').replace('\\', '/') else: print('env <RTT_EXEC_PATH> not set!') config_obj['toolchainPrefix'] = 'arm-none-eabi' config_obj['targetId'] = targetId json_obj = {} json_obj['version'] = '0.2.0' json_obj['configurations'] = [config_obj] vsc_launch_file.write(json.dumps(json_obj, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) vsc_launch_file.close() """ Generate .vscode/tasks.json files """ vsc_tasks_file = open('.vscode/tasks.json', 'w') if vsc_tasks_file: task_build_obj = {} task_build_obj['type'] = 'shell' task_build_obj['label'] = 'Build target files' task_build_obj['command'] = 'scons' task_build_obj['args'] = ['-j12'] task_build_obj['problemMatcher'] = ['$gcc'] task_build_obj['group'] = 'build' task_download_obj = {} task_download_obj['type'] = 'shell' task_download_obj['label'] = 'Download code to flash memory' task_download_obj['command'] = 'python' task_download_obj['args'] = ['-m', 'pyocd', 'flash', '--erase', 'chip', '--target', \ targetId, 'rt-thread.elf'] task_download_obj['problemMatcher'] = ['$gcc'] task_download_obj['group'] = 'build' task_build_download_obj = task_download_obj.copy() task_build_download_obj['label'] = 'Build and Download' task_build_download_obj['dependsOn'] = 'Build target files' json_obj = {} json_obj['version'] = '2.0.0' json_obj['tasks'] = [task_build_obj, task_download_obj, task_build_download_obj] vsc_tasks_file.write(json.dumps(json_obj, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)) vsc_tasks_file.close() def similar_char_num(str1, str2): lstr1 = len(str1) lstr2 = len(str2) record = [[0 for i in range(lstr2+1)] for j in range(lstr1+1)] similar_num = 0 for i in range(lstr1): for j in range(lstr2): if str1[i] == str2[j]: record[i+1][j+1] = record[i][j] + 1 if record[i+1][j+1] > similar_num: similar_num = record[i+1][j+1] return similar_num def get_socName_from_rtconfig(): socName = None rtconfig_file = open('rtconfig.h', 'r') if rtconfig_file: for line in rtconfig_file.readlines(): if 'SOC' in line and 'FAMILY' not in line and 'SERIES' not in line: socName = line.strip().split('_')[-1] rtconfig_file.close() return socName def get_pack_from_env(): if os.environ.get('ENV_ROOT') == None: if sys.platform == 'win32': home_dir = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] env_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, '.env') else: home_dir = os.environ['HOME'] env_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, '.env') else: env_dir = os.environ.get('ENV_ROOT') pack_dir = env_dir.replace('\\', '/') + '/tools/cmsisPacks/' if not os.path.exists(pack_dir): print('<%s> does not exist, please create.' % pack_dir) return # get soc name from <rtconfig.h> file socName = get_socName_from_rtconfig() if socName == None: return # Find the pack that best matches soc name max_similar_num = 0 max_similar_pack = None for file in os.listdir(pack_dir): if str(file).endswith('.pack'): similar_num = similar_char_num(socName, file) if(similar_num > max_similar_num): max_similar_num = similar_num max_similar_pack = file print('SOC<%s> match the pack is <%s>' % (socName, max_similar_pack)) if max_similar_pack == None: return return pack_dir + max_similar_pack def get_trgetId_from_pack(pack): # get soc name from <rtconfig.h> file socName = get_socName_from_rtconfig() if socName == None: return # View the soc supported by the most similar cmsisPack result = os.popen('python -m pyocd json --target --pack ' + pack) pyocd_json = json.loads( if pyocd_json['status'] != 0: return # Find the targetId that best matches soc name max_similar_num = 0 max_similar_targetId = None for target in pyocd_json['targets']: if (target['source'] == 'pack'): similar_num = similar_char_num(socName.lower(), target['name']) if(similar_num > max_similar_num): max_similar_num = similar_num max_similar_targetId = target['name'] print('SOC<%s> match the targetId is <%s>' % (socName, max_similar_targetId)) if max_similar_targetId == None: return if max_similar_num < len(socName): print('<%s> not match the <%s>' % (socName, pack)) return return max_similar_targetId def GenerateVSCodePyocdConfig(pack): if pack == 'env': pack = get_pack_from_env() if pack == None: return else: # Check is exist if not os.path.exists(pack): return # Check is file if not os.path.isfile(pack): return # Check is pack if not str(pack).endswith('.pack'): return pack = pack.replace('\\', '/') targetId = get_trgetId_from_pack(pack) if targetId ==None: return create_need_files(targetId, pack) print('Pyocd Config Done!') return