/* * Copyright (C) 2021, lizhengyang * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2021-09-2 lizhengyang first version */ #include "hc32_ddl.h" #include <rtthread.h> #include <rtdevice.h> #include "drv_gpio.h" /* defined the LED1 pin: PE0 */ #define LED1_PIN GET_PIN(E,0) /* defined the LED2 pin: PE0 */ #define LED2_PIN GET_PIN(E,1) /* defined the KEY pin: PE13 */ #define KEY_PIN GET_PIN(E,13) #define DELAY_MS (RT_TICK_PER_SECOND) /* 1s */ void LED2_Toggle(void *args) { static uint8_t i; if (i % 2 == 1) { rt_pin_write(LED2_PIN, PIN_HIGH); } else { rt_pin_write(LED2_PIN, PIN_LOW); } i++; } int32_t main(void) { /* set LED1_PIN output*/ rt_pin_mode(LED1_PIN, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); /* set LED2_PIN output*/ rt_pin_mode(LED2_PIN, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); /*set KEY_PIN intput pullup*/ rt_pin_mode(KEY_PIN, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); /*attach KEY_PIN irq*/ rt_pin_attach_irq(KEY_PIN, PIN_IRQ_MODE_FALLING, LED2_Toggle, RT_NULL); /*enable KEY_PIN irq*/ rt_pin_irq_enable(KEY_PIN, PIN_IRQ_ENABLE); rt_pin_write(LED1_PIN, PIN_HIGH); while (1) { rt_pin_write(LED1_PIN, PIN_HIGH); rt_thread_delay(DELAY_MS); rt_pin_write(LED1_PIN, PIN_LOW); rt_thread_delay(DELAY_MS); } }