/* * File : rsapi.h * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2019-07-29 zdzn first version */ #ifndef __RASPI_H__ #define __RASPI_H__ #include #define __REG32(x) (*((volatile unsigned int*)((rt_uint64_t)x))) typedef enum { BCM_GPIO_PIN_0 = 0, BCM_GPIO_PIN_1, BCM_GPIO_PIN_2, BCM_GPIO_PIN_3, BCM_GPIO_PIN_4, BCM_GPIO_PIN_5, BCM_GPIO_PIN_6, BCM_GPIO_PIN_7, BCM_GPIO_PIN_8, BCM_GPIO_PIN_9, BCM_GPIO_PIN_10, BCM_GPIO_PIN_11, BCM_GPIO_PIN_12, BCM_GPIO_PIN_13, BCM_GPIO_PIN_14, BCM_GPIO_PIN_15, BCM_GPIO_PIN_16, BCM_GPIO_PIN_17, BCM_GPIO_PIN_18, BCM_GPIO_PIN_19, BCM_GPIO_PIN_20, BCM_GPIO_PIN_21, BCM_GPIO_PIN_22, BCM_GPIO_PIN_23, BCM_GPIO_PIN_24, BCM_GPIO_PIN_25, BCM_GPIO_PIN_26, BCM_GPIO_PIN_27, BCM_GPIO_PIN_28, BCM_GPIO_PIN_29, BCM_GPIO_PIN_30, BCM_GPIO_PIN_31, BCM_GPIO_PIN_32, BCM_GPIO_PIN_33, BCM_GPIO_PIN_34, BCM_GPIO_PIN_35, BCM_GPIO_PIN_36, BCM_GPIO_PIN_37, BCM_GPIO_PIN_38, BCM_GPIO_PIN_39, BCM_GPIO_PIN_40, BCM_GPIO_PIN_41, BCM_GPIO_PIN_42, BCM_GPIO_PIN_43, BCM_GPIO_PIN_44, BCM_GPIO_PIN_45, BCM_GPIO_PIN_46, BCM_GPIO_PIN_47, BCM_GPIO_PIN_48, BCM_GPIO_PIN_49, BCM_GPIO_PIN_50, BCM_GPIO_PIN_51, BCM_GPIO_PIN_52, BCM_GPIO_PIN_53, BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, } bcm_gpio_pin; typedef enum { BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_INPT = 0x00, /*!< Input 0b000 */ BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP = 0x01, /*!< Output 0b001 */ BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0 = 0x04, /*!< Alternate function 0 0b100 */ BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_ALT1 = 0x05, /*!< Alternate function 1 0b101 */ BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_ALT2 = 0x06, /*!< Alternate function 2 0b110, */ BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_ALT3 = 0x07, /*!< Alternate function 3 0b111 */ BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_ALT4 = 0x03, /*!< Alternate function 4 0b011 */ BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_ALT5 = 0x02, /*!< Alternate function 5 0b010 */ BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_MASK = 0x07 /*!< Function select bits mask 0b111 */ } gpio_function_select; typedef enum { BCM283X_GPIO_PUD_OFF = 0x00, /*!< Off ? disable pull-up/down 0b00 */ BCM283X_GPIO_PUD_DOWN = 0x01, /*!< Enable Pull Down control 0b01 */ BCM283X_GPIO_PUD_UP = 0x02 /*!< Enable Pull Up control 0b10 */ } gpio_pud_mode; #define BCM283X_CORE_CLK_HZ 250000000 /* 50 MHz */ /* Base Address */ #define PER_BASE (0x3F000000) #define PER_BASE_40000000 (0x40000000) //#define BCM283X_PERI_BASE (0x3F000000) //#define BCM283X_PER_BASE_40000000 (0x40000000) /* Base Address Registers Offset */ #define ST_BASE_OFFSET (0x003000) #define GPIO_PAD_OFFSET (0x100000) #define CLOCK_BASE_OFFSET (0x101000) #define GPIO_BASE_OFFSET (0x200000) #define SPI0_BASE_OFFSET (0x204000) #define BSC0_BASE_OFFSET (0x205000) #define GPIO_PWM_OFFSET (0x20C000) #define AUX_BASE_OFFSET (0x215000) #define SPI1_BASE_OFFSET (0x215080) #define SPI2_BASE_OFFSET (0x2150C0) #define BSC1_BASE_OFFSET (0x804000) #define BSC2_BASE_OFFSET (0x805000) /* IRQ */ #define IRQ_SYSTEM_TIMER_0 0 #define IRQ_SYSTEM_TIMER_1 1 #define IRQ_SYSTEM_TIMER_2 2 #define IRQ_SYSTEM_TIMER_3 3 #define IRQ_USB 9 #define IRQ_AUX 29 #define IRQ_PCM 55 #define IRQ_ARM_TIMER 64 #define IRQ_ARM_MAILBOX 65 /* Interrupt Controler */ #define IRQ_BASE (PER_BASE + 0xB200) #define IRQ_PEND_BASIC __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x0000) #define IRQ_PEND1 __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x0004) #define IRQ_PEND2 __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x0008) #define IRQ_FIQ_CONTROL __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x000C) #define IRQ_ENABLE1 __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x0010) #define IRQ_ENABLE2 __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x0014) #define IRQ_ENABLE_BASIC __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x0018) #define IRQ_DISABLE1 __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x001C) #define IRQ_DISABLE2 __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x0020) #define IRQ_DISABLE_BASIC __REG32(IRQ_BASE + 0x0024) /* Defines for WDT*/ #define PM_BASE (PER_BASE + GPIO_PAD_OFFSET) #define PM_RSTC __REG32(PM_BASE + 0x001C) #define PM_RSTS __REG32(PM_BASE + 0x0020) #define PM_WDOG __REG32(PM_BASE + 0x0024) #define PM_PASSWORD 0x5a000000 #define PM_WDOG_TIME_SET 0x000fffff #define PM_RSTC_WRCFG_CLR 0xffffffcf #define PM_RSTS_HADWRH_SET 0x00000040 #define PM_RSTC_WRCFG_SET 0x00000030 #define PM_RSTC_WRCFG_FULL_RESET 0x00000020 #define PM_RSTC_RESET 0x00000102 #define PM_RSTS_PARTITION_CLR 0xfffffaaa /* Defines for System Timer */ #define STIMER_BASE (PER_BASE + ST_BASE_OFFSET) #define STIMER_CS __REG32(STIMER_BASE + 0x0000) #define STIMER_CLO __REG32(STIMER_BASE + 0x0004) #define STIMER_CHI __REG32(STIMER_BASE + 0x0008) #define STIMER_C0 __REG32(STIMER_BASE + 0x000C) #define STIMER_C1 __REG32(STIMER_BASE + 0x0010) #define STIMER_C2 __REG32(STIMER_BASE + 0x0014) #define STIMER_C3 __REG32(STIMER_BASE + 0x0018) #define DELAY_MICROS(micros) \ do{ \ rt_uint32_t compare = STIMER_CLO + micros * 25; \ while (STIMER_CLO < compare); \ } while (0) \ /* Defines for GPIO */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_BASE (PER_BASE + GPIO_BASE_OFFSET) #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPFSEL(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0000 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Function Select 32bit R/W */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPSET(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x001C + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Output Set */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPCLR(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0028 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Output Clear */ #define BCM2835_GPIO_GPLEV(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0034 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Level */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPEDS(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0040 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Event Detect Status */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPREN(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x004c + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Rising Edge Detect Enable */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPFEN(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0058 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Falling Edge Detect Enable */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPHEN(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0064 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin High Detect Enable */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPLEN(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0070 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Low Detect Enable */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPAREN(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x007C + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Async. Rising Edge Detect */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPAFEN(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0088 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Async. Falling Edge Detect */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPPUD __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0094) /* GPIO Pin Pull-up/down Enable */ #define BCM283X_GPIO_GPPUDCLK(n) __REG32(BCM283X_GPIO_BASE + 0x0098 + 0x4 * n) /* GPIO Pin Pull-up/down Enable Clock */ #define GPIO_FSEL_NUM(pin) (pin/10) #define GPIO_FSEL_SHIFT(pin) ((pin%10)*3) #define GPIO_FSEL(pin, mode) \ do{ \ __sync_synchronize(); \ BCM283X_GPIO_GPFSEL(GPIO_FSEL_NUM(pin)) |= ((mode & BCM283X_GPIO_FSEL_MASK) << GPIO_FSEL_SHIFT(pin)); \ } while (0) \ /* Defines for I2C */ #define BCM283X_BSC0_BASE (PER_BASE + BSC0_BASE_OFFSET) //for i2c0 #define BCM283X_BSC1_BASE (PER_BASE + BSC1_BASE_OFFSET) //for i2c1 #define BCM283X_BSC2_BASE (PER_BASE + BSC2_BASE_OFFSET) //for hdmi i2c not use #define BCM283X_BSC_C(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0000) /* BSC Master Control */ #define BCM283X_BSC_S(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0004) /* BSC Master Status */ #define BCM283X_BSC_DLEN(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0008) /* BSC Master Data Length */ #define BCM283X_BSC_A(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x000c) /* BSC Master Slave Address */ #define BCM283X_BSC_FIFO(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0010) /* BSC Master Data FIFO */ #define BCM283X_BSC_DIV(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0014) /* BSC Master Clock Divider */ #define BCM283X_BSC_DEL(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0018) /* BSC Master Data Delay */ #define BCM283X_BSC_CLKT(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x001c) /* BSC Master Clock Stretch Timeout */ /* Register masks for C Register */ #define BSC_C_I2CEN 0x00008000 /* I2C Enable, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled */ #define BSC_C_INTR 0x00000400 /* Interrupt on RX */ #define BSC_C_INTT 0x00000200 /* Interrupt on TX */ #define BSC_C_INTD 0x00000100 /* Interrupt on DONE */ #define BSC_C_ST 0x00000080 /* Start transfer, 1 = Start a new transfer */ #define BSC_C_CLEAR_1 0x00000020 /* Clear FIFO Clear */ #define BSC_C_CLEAR_2 0x00000010 /* Clear FIFO Clear */ #define BSC_C_READ 0x00000001 /* Read transfer */ /* Register masks for S Register */ #define BSC_S_CLKT 0x00000200 /* Clock stretch timeout */ #define BSC_S_ERR 0x00000100 /* ACK error */ #define BSC_S_RXF 0x00000080 /* RXF FIFO full, 0 = FIFO is not full, 1 = FIFO is full */ #define BSC_S_TXE 0x00000040 /* TXE FIFO full, 0 = FIFO is not full, 1 = FIFO is full */ #define BSC_S_RXD 0x00000020 /* RXD FIFO contains data */ #define BSC_S_TXD 0x00000010 /* TXD FIFO can accept data */ #define BSC_S_RXR 0x00000008 /* RXR FIFO needs reading (full) */ #define BSC_S_TXW 0x00000004 /* TXW FIFO needs writing (full) */ #define BSC_S_DONE 0x00000002 /* Transfer DONE */ #define BSC_S_TA 0x00000001 /* Transfer Active */ #define BSC_FIFO_SIZE (16) /* BSC FIFO size */ /* Defines for SPI */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_BASE (PER_BASE + SPI0_BASE_OFFSET) #define BCM283X_SPI1_BASE (PER_BASE + SPI1_BASE_OFFSET) #define BCM283X_SPI2_BASE (PER_BASE + SPI2_BASE_OFFSET) #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0000) /* SPI Master Control and Status */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_FIFO(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0004) /* SPI Master TX and RX FIFOs */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CLK(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0008) /* SPI Master Clock Divider */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_DLEN(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x000c) /* SPI Master Data Length */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_LTOH(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0010) /* SPI LOSSI mode TOH */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_DC(BASE) __REG32(BASE + 0x0014) /* SPI DMA DREQ Controls */ /* Register masks for SPI0_CS */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_LEN_LONG 0x02000000 /* Enable Long data word in Lossi mode if DMA_LEN is set */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_DMA_LEN 0x01000000 /* Enable DMA mode in Lossi mode */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CSPOL2 0x00800000 /* Chip Select 2 Polarity */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CSPOL1 0x00400000 /* Chip Select 1 Polarity */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CSPOL0 0x00200000 /* Chip Select 0 Polarity */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_RXF 0x00100000 /* RXF - RX FIFO Full */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_RXR 0x00080000 /* RXR RX FIFO needs Reading (full) */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_TXD 0x00040000 /* TXD TX FIFO can accept Data */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_RXD 0x00020000 /* RXD RX FIFO contains Data */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_DONE 0x00010000 /* Done transfer Done */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_TE_EN 0x00008000 /* Unused */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_LMONO 0x00004000 /* Unused */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_LEN 0x00002000 /* LEN LoSSI enable */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_REN 0x00001000 /* REN Read Enable */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_ADCS 0x00000800 /* ADCS Automatically Deassert Chip Select */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_INTR 0x00000400 /* INTR Interrupt on RXR */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_INTD 0x00000200 /* INTD Interrupt on Done */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_DMAEN 0x00000100 /* DMAEN DMA Enable */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_TA 0x00000080 /* Transfer Active */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CSPOL 0x00000040 /* Chip Select Polarity */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CLEAR 0x00000030 /* Clear FIFO Clear RX and TX */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CLEAR_RX 0x00000020 /* Clear FIFO Clear RX */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CLEAR_TX 0x00000010 /* Clear FIFO Clear TX */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CPOL 0x00000008 /* Clock Polarity */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CPHA 0x00000004 /* Clock Phase */ #define BCM283X_SPI0_CS_CS 0x00000003 /* Chip Select */ /* ARM Timer */ #define ARM_TIMER_BASE (PER_BASE + 0xB000) #define ARM_TIMER_LOAD __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x400) #define ARM_TIMER_VALUE __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x404) #define ARM_TIMER_CTRL __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x408) #define ARM_TIMER_IRQCLR __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x40C) #define ARM_TIMER_RAWIRQ __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x410) #define ARM_TIMER_MASKIRQ __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x414) #define ARM_TIMER_RELOAD __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x418) #define ARM_TIMER_PREDIV __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x41C) #define ARM_TIMER_CNTR __REG32(ARM_TIMER_BASE + 0x420) /* ARM Core Timer */ #define C0TIMER_INTCTL __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x40) /* Core0 timers Interrupt control */ #define C1TIMER_INTCTL __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x44) /* Core1 timers Interrupt control */ #define C2TIMER_INTCTL __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x48) /* Core2 timers Interrupt control */ #define C3TIMER_INTCTL __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x4C) /* Core3 timers Interrupt control */ #define CORETIMER_INTCTL(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x40 + n*4) /* Coren timers Interrupt control */ /* * Gtimer IRQ flag */ #define SYSTEM_TIMER_IRQ_0 (1 << 0) #define SYSTEM_TIMER_IRQ_1 (1 << 1) #define SYSTEM_TIMER_IRQ_2 (1 << 2) #define SYSTEM_TIMER_IRQ_3 (1 << 3) #define NON_SECURE_TIMER_IRQ (1 << 1) /* ARM Core Mailbox interrupt */ #define C0MB_INTCTL __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x50) /* Core0 Mailboxes Interrupt control */ #define C1MB_INTCTL __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x54) /* Core1 Mailboxes Interrupt control */ #define C2MB_INTCTL __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x58) /* Core2 Mailboxes Interrupt control */ #define C3MB_INTCTL __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x5C) /* Core3 Mailboxes Interrupt control */ #define COREMB_INTCTL(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x50 + 4*n) /* Coren Mailboxes Interrupt control */ /* ARM Core IRQ/FIQ status */ #define C0_IRQSOURCE __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x60) /* Core0 IRQ Source */ #define C1_IRQSOURCE __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x64) /* Core1 IRQ Source */ #define C2_IRQSOURCE __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x68) /* Core2 IRQ Source */ #define C3_IRQSOURCE __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x6C) /* Core3 IRQ Source */ #define C0_FIQSOURCE __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x70) /* Core0 FIQ Source */ #define C1_FIQSOURCE __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x74) /* Core1 FIQ Source */ #define C2_FIQSOURCE __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x78) /* Core2 FIQ Source */ #define C3_FIQSOURCE __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x7C) /* Core3 FIQ Source */ #define CORE_IRQSOURCE(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x60+ n*0x4) #define CORE_FIQSOURCE(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x70+ n*0x4) #define CORE_MAILBOX3_SET(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x8C + n*0x10) #define CORE_MAILBOX3_CLEAR(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0xCC + n*0x10) #define CORE_MAILBOX2_SET(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x88 + n*0x10) #define CORE_MAILBOX2_CLEAR(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0xC8 + n*0x10) #define CORE_MAILBOX1_SET(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x84 + n*0x10) #define CORE_MAILBOX1_CLEAR(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0xC4 + n*0x10) #define CORE_MAILBOX0_SET(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0x80 + n*0x10) #define CORE_MAILBOX0_CLEAR(n) __REG32(PER_BASE_40000000 + 0xC0 + n*0x10) /* For SMP IPI use MailBox0 */ #define IPI_MAILBOX_SET CORE_MAILBOX0_SET #define IPI_MAILBOX_CLEAR CORE_MAILBOX0_CLEAR #define IPI_MAILBOX_INT_MASK (0x01) enum spi_bit_order { BCM283X_SPI_BIT_ORDER_LSBFIRST = 0, /*!< LSB First */ BCM283X_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSBFIRST = 1 /*!< MSB First */ }; enum spi_mode { BCM283X_SPI_MODE0 = 0, /*!< CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0 */ BCM283X_SPI_MODE1 = 1, /*!< CPOL = 0, CPHA = 1 */ BCM283X_SPI_MODE2 = 2, /*!< CPOL = 1, CPHA = 0 */ BCM283X_SPI_MODE3 = 3 /*!< CPOL = 1, CPHA = 1 */ }; enum spi_chip_select { BCM283X_SPI_CS0 = 0, /*!< Chip Select 0 */ BCM283X_SPI_CS1 = 1, /*!< Chip Select 1 */ BCM283X_SPI_CS2 = 2, /*!< Chip Select 2 (ie pins CS1 and CS2 are asserted) */ BCM283X_SPI_CS_NONE = 3 /*!< No CS, control it yourself */ }; enum spi_clock_divider { BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_65536 = 0, /*!< 65536 = 3.814697260kHz on Rpi2, 6.1035156kHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_32768 = 32768, /*!< 32768 = 7.629394531kHz on Rpi2, 12.20703125kHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_16384 = 16384, /*!< 16384 = 15.25878906kHz on Rpi2, 24.4140625kHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_8192 = 8192, /*!< 8192 = 30.51757813kHz on Rpi2, 48.828125kHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_4096 = 4096, /*!< 4096 = 61.03515625kHz on Rpi2, 97.65625kHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_2048 = 2048, /*!< 2048 = 122.0703125kHz on Rpi2, 195.3125kHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1024 = 1024, /*!< 1024 = 244.140625kHz on Rpi2, 390.625kHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_512 = 512, /*!< 512 = 488.28125kHz on Rpi2, 781.25kHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_256 = 256, /*!< 256 = 976.5625kHz on Rpi2, 1.5625MHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_128 = 128, /*!< 128 = 1.953125MHz on Rpi2, 3.125MHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_64 = 64, /*!< 64 = 3.90625MHz on Rpi2, 6.250MHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_32 = 32, /*!< 32 = 7.8125MHz on Rpi2, 12.5MHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_16 = 16, /*!< 16 = 15.625MHz on Rpi2, 25MHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_8 = 8, /*!< 8 = 31.25MHz on Rpi2, 50MHz on RPI3 */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_4 = 4, /*!< 4 = 62.5MHz on Rpi2, 100MHz on RPI3. Dont expect this speed to work reliably. */ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_2 = 2, /*!< 2 = 125MHz on Rpi2, 200MHz on RPI3, fastest you can get. Dont expect this speed to work reliably.*/ BCM283X_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1 = 1 /*!< 1 = 3.814697260kHz on Rpi2, 6.1035156kHz on RPI3, same as 0/65536 */ }; /*redefine for raspi*/ typedef gpio_function_select raspi_pin_select; typedef enum { RPI_GPIO_P1_01 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_02 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_03 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_2, RPI_GPIO_P1_04 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_05 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_3, RPI_GPIO_P1_06 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_07 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_4, RPI_GPIO_P1_08 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_14, RPI_GPIO_P1_09 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_10 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_15, RPI_GPIO_P1_11 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_17, RPI_GPIO_P1_12 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_18, RPI_GPIO_P1_13 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_27, RPI_GPIO_P1_14 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_15 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_22, RPI_GPIO_P1_16 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_23, RPI_GPIO_P1_17 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_18 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_24, RPI_GPIO_P1_19 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_10, RPI_GPIO_P1_20 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_21 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_9, RPI_GPIO_P1_22 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_25, RPI_GPIO_P1_23 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_11, RPI_GPIO_P1_24 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_8, RPI_GPIO_P1_25 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_26 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_7, RPI_GPIO_P1_27 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_0, RPI_GPIO_P1_28 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_1, RPI_GPIO_P1_29 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_5, RPI_GPIO_P1_30 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_31 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_6, RPI_GPIO_P1_32 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_12, RPI_GPIO_P1_33 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_13, RPI_GPIO_P1_34 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_35 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_19, RPI_GPIO_P1_36 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_16, RPI_GPIO_P1_37 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_26, RPI_GPIO_P1_38 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_20, RPI_GPIO_P1_39 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_NULL, RPI_GPIO_P1_40 = BCM_GPIO_PIN_21, } raspi_gpio_pin; typedef enum { BCM283X_I2C_CLOCK_DIVIDER_2500 = 2500, /* 2500 = 10us = 100 kHz */ BCM283X_I2C_CLOCK_DIVIDER_626 = 626, /* 622 = 2.504us = 399.3610 kHz */ BCM283X_I2C_CLOCK_DIVIDER_150 = 150, /* 150 = 60ns = 1.666 MHz (default at reset) */ BCM283X_I2C_CLOCK_DIVIDER_148 = 148 /* 148 = 59ns = 1.689 MHz */ } i2c_clock_divider; typedef enum { BCM283X_I2C_REASON_OK = 0x00, /* Success */ BCM283X_I2C_REASON_ERROR_NACK = 0x01, /* Received a NACK */ BCM283X_I2C_REASON_ERROR_CLKT = 0x02, /* Received Clock Stretch Timeout */ BCM283X_I2C_REASON_ERROR_DATA = 0x04 /* Not all data is sent / received */ } i2c_reason_codes; #endif