/** ****************************************************************************** * @file HAL_can.c * @author AE Team * @version V1.0.0 * @date 28/7/2017 * @brief This file provides all the CAN firmware functions. ****************************************************************************** * @attention * * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE * TIME. AS A RESULT, MindMotion SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING * FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE * CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. * *

© COPYRIGHT 2017 MindMotion

****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "HAL_can.h" #include "HAL_rcc.h" /** * @brief: Deinitialinzes the CAN registers to their default reset values * @retval: None */ void CAN_DeInit(CAN_TypeDef* CANx) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); switch (*(uint32_t*)&CANx) { case CAN1_BASE: /* Enable CAN1 reset state */ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_CAN1, ENABLE); /* Release CAN1 from reset state */ RCC_APB1PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_CAN1, DISABLE); break; default: break; } } /** * @brief Initializes the CAN peripheral according to the specified * parameters in the CAN_InitStruct. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 to select the CAN peripheral. * @param CAN_InitStruct: pointer to a CAN_InitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information for the CAN peripheral. * @retval : Constant indicates initialization succeed which will be * CANINITFAILED or CANINITOK. */ uint8_t CAN_Init(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, CAN_Basic_InitTypeDef* CAN_Basic_InitStruct) { uint8_t InitStatus = CANINITFAILED; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->SJW)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->BRP)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->SAM)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->TESG2)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->TESG1)); CANx->BTR0 = ((uint32_t)(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->SJW)<<6)|((uint32_t)(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->BRP)); CANx->BTR1 = ((uint32_t)(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->SAM)<<7)|((uint32_t)(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->TESG2)<<4)|\ ((uint32_t)(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->TESG1)); if(CAN_Basic_InitStruct->GTS == ENABLE) { CANx->CMR |= (uint32_t)CAN_SleepMode; } else { CANx->CMR &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_SleepMode; } CANx->CDR |= ((CAN_Basic_InitStruct->CBP)<<6) | ((CAN_Basic_InitStruct->RXINTEN)<<5) | \ ((CAN_Basic_InitStruct->CLOSE_OPEN_CLK)<<3) | (CAN_Basic_InitStruct->CDCLK); InitStatus = CANINITOK; return InitStatus; } /** * @brief Configures the CAN_Basic reception filter according to the specified * parameters in the CAN_Basic_FilterInitStruct. * @param CAN_Basic_FilterInitStruct: pointer to a CAN_Basic_FilterInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information. * @retval None */ void CAN_FilterInit(CAN_Basic_FilterInitTypeDef* CAN_Basic_FilterInitStruct) { /* Filter Mode */ CAN1->ACR = CAN_Basic_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId; CAN1->AMR = CAN_Basic_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId; } /** * @brief Fills each CAN_Basic_InitStruct member with its default value. * @param CAN_Basic_InitStruct : pointer to a CAN_Basic_InitTypeDef structure * which will be initialized. * @retval : None */ void CAN_StructInit(CAN_Basic_InitTypeDef* CAN_Basic_InitStruct) { /*--------------- Reset CAN_Basic init structure parameters values -----------------*/ /* initialize the BRP member(where can be set with (0..63))*/ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->BRP = 0x0; /* initialize the SJW member(where can be set with (0..3)) */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->SJW = 0x0; /* Initialize the TESG1 member(where can be set with (0..15)) */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->TESG1 = 0x0; /* Initialize the TESG2 member(where can be set with(0..7)) */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->TESG2 = 0x0; /* Initialize the SAM member(where can be set (SET or RESET)) */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->SAM = RESET; /* Initialize the GTS member to Sleep Mode(where can be set (ENABLE or DISABLE)) */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->GTS = DISABLE; /* Initialize the external pin CLKOUT frequence */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->CDCLK = 0x0; /* Initialize the external clk is open or close */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->CLOSE_OPEN_CLK = 0x0; /* Initialize the TX1 pin work as rx interrupt output */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->RXINTEN = 0x0; /* Initialize the CBP of CDR register */ CAN_Basic_InitStruct->CBP = 0x0; } /** * @brief Enables or disables the specified CAN interrupts. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 to select the CAN peripheral. * @param CAN_IT: specifies the CAN interrupt sources to be enabled or * disabled. * This parameter can be: CAN_IT_OIE, CAN_IT_EIE, CAN_IT_TIE, * CAN_IT_RIE,. * @param Newstate: new state of the CAN interrupts. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * @retval : None. */ void CAN_ITConfig(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CAN_IT, FunctionalState Newstate) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); assert_param(IS_CAN_ITConfig(CAN_IT)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(Newstate)); if (Newstate != DISABLE) { /* Enable the selected CAN interrupt */ CANx->CR |= CAN_IT; } else { /* Disable the selected CAN interrupt */ CANx->CR &= ~CAN_IT; } } /** * @brief Initiates and transmits a CAN frame message. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 to select the CAN peripheral. * @param TxMessage: pointer to a structure which contains CAN Id, CAN DLC and CAN data. * @retval CANTXOK if the CAN driver transmits the message */ uint8_t CAN_Transmit(CAN_TypeDef* CANx,CanBasicTxMsg* BasicTxMessage) { /* TXOK and TME bits */ uint8_t state = 0; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_RTR(BasicTxMessage->RTR)); assert_param(IS_CAN_DLC(BasicTxMessage->DLC)); CANx->TXID0 = (BasicTxMessage->IDH); CANx->TXID1 = (BasicTxMessage->IDL<<5)|(BasicTxMessage->RTR<<4)|(BasicTxMessage->DLC); if((FunctionalState)(BasicTxMessage->RTR) != ENABLE) { CANx->TXDR0 = BasicTxMessage->Data[0]; CANx->TXDR1 = BasicTxMessage->Data[1]; CANx->TXDR2 = BasicTxMessage->Data[2]; CANx->TXDR3 = BasicTxMessage->Data[3]; CANx->TXDR4 = BasicTxMessage->Data[4]; CANx->TXDR5 = BasicTxMessage->Data[5]; CANx->TXDR6 = BasicTxMessage->Data[6]; CANx->TXDR7 = BasicTxMessage->Data[7]; } CANx->CMR = CAN_CMR_TR; return state; } /** * @brief Cancels a transmit request. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 to select the CAN peripheral. * @retval None */ void CAN_CancelTransmit(CAN_TypeDef* CANx) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); assert_param(IS_CAN_TRANSMITMAILBOX(Mailbox)); /* abort transmission */ CANx->CMR = CAN_AT; } /** * @brief Releases the specified receive FIFO. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 to select the CAN peripheral. * @retval None */ void CAN_FIFORelease(CAN_TypeDef* CANx) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); /* Release FIFO */ CANx->CMR |= (uint32_t)CAN_RRB; } /** * @brief Receives a correct CAN frame. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 to select the CAN peripheral. * @param RxMessage: pointer to a structure receive frame which contains CAN Id, * CAN DLC, CAN data and FMI number. * @retval None */ void CAN_Receive(CAN_TypeDef* CANx,CanBasicRxMsg* BasicRxMessage) { uint16_t tempid; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); assert_param(IS_CAN_FIFO(FIFONumber)); BasicRxMessage->RTR = (uint8_t)((CANx->RXID1)>>4)&0x1; BasicRxMessage->DLC = (uint8_t)((CANx->RXID1)&0xf); tempid = (uint16_t)(((CANx->RXID1)&0xe0)>>5); tempid |= (uint16_t)(CANx->RXID0<<3); BasicRxMessage->ID = tempid; BasicRxMessage->Data[0] = CAN1->RXDR0; BasicRxMessage->Data[1] = CAN1->RXDR1; BasicRxMessage->Data[2] = CAN1->RXDR2; BasicRxMessage->Data[3] = CAN1->RXDR3; BasicRxMessage->Data[4] = CAN1->RXDR4; BasicRxMessage->Data[5] = CAN1->RXDR5; BasicRxMessage->Data[6] = CAN1->RXDR6; BasicRxMessage->Data[7] = CAN1->RXDR7; CAN_FIFORelease( CANx); } /** * @brief: Select the Sleep mode or not in Basic workmode * @param: NewState to go into the Sleep mode or go out * @retval: None */ uint8_t CAN_Sleep(CAN_TypeDef* CANx) { uint8_t sleepstatus = CANSLEEPFAILED; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); CANx->CMR |= CAN_SleepMode; if((CANx->CMR&0x10)==CAN_SleepMode) { sleepstatus = CANSLEEPOK; } /* At this step, sleep mode status */ return (uint8_t)sleepstatus; } /** * @brief Wakes the CAN up. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 to select the CAN peripheral. * @retval : CANWAKEUPOK if sleep mode left, CANWAKEUPFAILED in an other * case. */ uint8_t CAN_WakeUp(CAN_TypeDef* CANx) { uint8_t wakeupstatus = CANWAKEUPFAILED; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); /* Wake up request */ CANx->CMR &= ~CAN_SleepMode; /* Sleep mode status */ if((CANx->CMR&0x01)==0) { /* Sleep mode exited */ wakeupstatus = CANWAKEUPOK; } /* At this step, sleep mode status */ return (uint8_t)wakeupstatus; } /** * @brief Checks whether the specified CAN flag is set or not. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral. * @param CAN_FLAG: specifies the flag to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg CAN_STATUS_RBS: Receive buffer status * @arg CAN_STATUS_DOS: Data overflow status * @arg CAN_STATUS_TBS: Transmit buffer status * @arg CAN_STATUS_TCS: Transmit complete status * @arg CAN_STATUS_RS: Receiving status * @arg CAN_STATUS_TS: Transmiting status * @arg CAN_STATUS_ES: Error status * @arg CAN_STATUS_BS: bus status, close or open * @retval The new state of CAN_FLAG (SET or RESET). */ FlagStatus CAN_GetFlagStatus(CAN_TypeDef* CANx,uint32_t CAN_FLAG) { FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); assert_param(IS_CAN_GET_FLAG(CAN_FLAG)); if((CANx->SR & CAN_FLAG) == CAN_FLAG) { /* CAN_FLAG is set */ bitstatus = SET; } else { /* CAN_FLAG is reset */ bitstatus = RESET; } /* Return the CAN_FLAG status */ return bitstatus; } /** * @brief Checks whether the specified CAN interrupt has occurred or not. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 to select the CAN peripheral. * @param CAN_IT: specifies the CAN interrupt source to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg CAN_IT_RI: Receive FIFO not empty Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_TI: Transmit Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_EI: ERROR Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_DOI: Data voerflow Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_WUI: Wakeup Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_ALL: use it can enble all Interrupt * @retval The current state of CAN_IT (SET or RESET). */ ITStatus CAN_GetITStatus(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CAN_IT) { ITStatus itstatus = RESET; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); assert_param(IS_CAN_IT(CAN_IT)); /* check the interrupt enable bit */ if((CANx->IR & CAN_IT) != CAN_IT) { itstatus = RESET; } else { itstatus = SET; } return itstatus; } /** * @brief: Select the can work as peli mode or basic mode * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral. * @param CAN_MODE: specifies the work mode:CAN_BASICMode,CAN_PELIMode * @retval: None */ void CAN_Mode_Cmd(CAN_TypeDef* CANx, uint32_t CAN_MODE) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); CANx->CDR |= CAN_MODE; } /** * @brief: Select the Reset mode or not * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral. * @param: NewState to go into the Reset mode or go out * @retval: None */ void CAN_ResetMode_Cmd(CAN_TypeDef* CANx,FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); if(NewState == ENABLE) { CANx->CR |= CAN_ResetMode; } else { CANx->CR &= ~CAN_ResetMode; } } /** * @brief Clear the data overflow. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral. * @retval None */ void CAN_ClearDataOverflow(CAN_TypeDef* CANx) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); CANx->CMR |= (uint32_t)CAN_CDO; } /** * @brief Clears the CAN's IT pending. * @param CANx: where x can be 1 or 2 to to select the CAN peripheral. * @retval None */ void CAN_ClearITPendingBit(CAN_TypeDef* CANx) { uint32_t temp=0; temp = temp; temp = CANx->IR; //read this register clear all interrupt } /** * @brief: Select the Sleep mode or not in Peli workmode * @param: NewState to go into the Sleep mode or go out * @retval: None */ void CAN_Peli_SleepMode_Cmd(FunctionalState NewState) { if(NewState == ENABLE) CAN1_PELI->MOD |= CAN_SleepMode; else CAN1_PELI->MOD &= ~CAN_SleepMode; } /** * @brief Fills each CAN1_PELI_InitStruct member with its default value. * @param CAN_Peli_InitStruct : pointer to a CAN_Peli_InitTypeDef structure * which will be initialized. * @retval : None */ void CAN_Peli_StructInit(CAN_Peli_InitTypeDef* CAN_Peli_InitStruct) { /*--------------- Reset CAN_Peli init structure parameters values -----------------*/ /* initialize the BRP member(where can be set with (0..63))*/ CAN_Peli_InitStruct->BRP = 0x0; /* initialize the SJW member(where can be set with (0..3)) */ CAN_Peli_InitStruct->SJW = 0x0; /* Initialize the TESG1 member(where can be set with (0..15)) */ CAN_Peli_InitStruct->TESG1 = 0x0; /* Initialize the TESG2 member(where can be set with(0..7)) */ CAN_Peli_InitStruct->TESG2 = 0x0; /* Initialize the SAM member(where can be set (SET or RESET)) */ CAN_Peli_InitStruct->SAM = RESET; /* Initialize the LOM member*/ CAN_Peli_InitStruct->LOM = DISABLE; /* Initialize the STM member*/ CAN_Peli_InitStruct->STM = DISABLE; /* Initialize the SM member*/ CAN_Peli_InitStruct->SM = DISABLE; CAN_Peli_InitStruct->SRR = DISABLE; CAN_Peli_InitStruct->EWLR = 0x96; } /** * @brief Initializes the CAN_Peli peripheral according to the specified * parameters in the CAN_Peli_InitStruct. * @param CAN_Basic_InitStruct: pointer to a CAN_Peli_InitTypeDef structure that contains * the configuration information for the CAN peripheral in the peli workmode. * @retval None */ void CAN_Peli_Init(CAN_Peli_InitTypeDef* CAN_Peli_InitStruct) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->SJW)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->BRP)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->SAM)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->TESG2)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(CAN_InitStruct->TESG1)); CAN1_PELI->BTR0 = ((uint32_t)CAN_Peli_InitStruct->SJW<<6)|((uint32_t)CAN_Peli_InitStruct->BRP); CAN1_PELI->BTR1 = ((uint32_t)CAN_Peli_InitStruct->SAM<<7)|((uint32_t)CAN_Peli_InitStruct->TESG2<<4)|\ ((uint32_t)CAN_Peli_InitStruct->TESG1); if(CAN_Peli_InitStruct->LOM == ENABLE) CAN1_PELI->MOD |= (uint32_t)CAN_ListenOnlyMode; else CAN1_PELI->MOD &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_ListenOnlyMode; if(CAN_Peli_InitStruct->STM == ENABLE) CAN1_PELI->MOD |= (uint32_t)CAN_SeftTestMode; else CAN1_PELI->MOD &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_SeftTestMode; if(CAN_Peli_InitStruct->SM == ENABLE) CAN1_PELI->MOD |= (uint32_t)CAN_SleepMode; else CAN1_PELI->MOD &= ~(uint32_t)CAN_SleepMode; CAN1_PELI->EWLR = (uint32_t)CAN_Peli_InitStruct->EWLR; } /** * @brief Configures the CAN_Peli reception filter according to the specified * parameters in the CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct. * @param CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct: pointer to a CAN_Peli_FilterInitTypeDef structure that * contains the configuration information. * @retval None */ void CAN_Peli_FilterInit(CAN_Peli_FilterInitTypeDef* CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct) { if(CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->AFM == CAN_FilterMode_Singal) CAN1_PELI->MOD |= (uint32_t)CAN_FilterMode_Singal; else CAN1_PELI->MOD &= (uint32_t)CAN_FilterMode_Double; CAN1_PELI->FF = CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId0; CAN1_PELI->ID0 = CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId1; CAN1_PELI->ID1 = CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId2; CAN1_PELI->DATA0 = CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId3; CAN1_PELI->DATA1 = CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId0; CAN1_PELI->DATA2 = CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId1; CAN1_PELI->DATA3 = CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId2; CAN1_PELI->DATA4 = CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId3; } /** * @brief Fills each CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct member with its default value. * @param CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct: pointer to a CAN_InitTypeDef structure which ill be initialized. * @retval None */ void CAN_Peli_FilterStructInit(CAN_Peli_FilterInitTypeDef* CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct) { CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId0 = 0; CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId1 = 0; CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId2 = 0; CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterId3 = 0; CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId0 = 0; CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId1 = 0; CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId2 = 0; CAN_Peli_FilterInitStruct->CAN_FilterMaskId3 = 0; } /** * @brief Initiates and transmits a CAN frame message. * @param TxMessage: pointer to a structure which contains CAN Id, CAN DLC and CAN data. * @retval None */ void CAN_Peli_Transmit(CanPeliTxMsg* PeliTxMessage) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_RTR(PeliTxMessage->RTR)); assert_param(IS_CAN_DLC(PeliTxMessage->DLC)); CAN1_PELI->FF = (PeliTxMessage->FF<<7)|(PeliTxMessage->RTR<<6)|(PeliTxMessage->DLC); if(((FunctionalState)PeliTxMessage->FF) != ENABLE) { CAN1_PELI->ID0 = (PeliTxMessage->IDHH); // CAN1_PELI->ID1 = ((PeliTxMessage->IDHL)<<5); CAN1_PELI->ID1 = (PeliTxMessage->IDHL&0xE0); if((FunctionalState)(PeliTxMessage->RTR) != ENABLE) { CAN1_PELI->DATA0 = PeliTxMessage->Data[0]; CAN1_PELI->DATA1 = PeliTxMessage->Data[1]; CAN1_PELI->DATA2 = PeliTxMessage->Data[2]; CAN1_PELI->DATA3 = PeliTxMessage->Data[3]; CAN1_PELI->DATA4 = PeliTxMessage->Data[4]; CAN1_PELI->DATA5 = PeliTxMessage->Data[5]; CAN1_PELI->DATA6 = PeliTxMessage->Data[6]; CAN1_PELI->DATA7 = PeliTxMessage->Data[7]; } } else { CAN1_PELI->ID0 = PeliTxMessage->IDHH; CAN1_PELI->ID1 = PeliTxMessage->IDHL; CAN1_PELI->DATA0 = PeliTxMessage->IDLH; CAN1_PELI->DATA1 = PeliTxMessage->IDLL; if((FunctionalState)(PeliTxMessage->RTR) != ENABLE) { CAN1_PELI->DATA2 = PeliTxMessage->Data[0]; CAN1_PELI->DATA3 = PeliTxMessage->Data[1]; CAN1_PELI->DATA4 = PeliTxMessage->Data[2]; CAN1_PELI->DATA5 = PeliTxMessage->Data[3]; CAN1_PELI->DATA6 = PeliTxMessage->Data[4]; CAN1_PELI->DATA7 = PeliTxMessage->Data[5]; CAN1_PELI->DATA8 = PeliTxMessage->Data[6]; CAN1_PELI->DATA9 = PeliTxMessage->Data[7]; } } if(CAN1_PELI->MOD&CAN_MOD_STM) { CAN1->CMR = CAN_CMR_GTS|CAN_CMR_AT; } else { CAN1->CMR = CAN_TR|CAN_AT; } } /** * @brief Initiates and transmits a CAN frame message. * @param TxMessage: pointer to a structure which contains CAN Id, CAN DLC and CAN data. * @retval None */ void CAN_Peli_TransmitRepeat(CanPeliTxMsg* PeliTxMessage) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_RTR(PeliTxMessage->RTR)); assert_param(IS_CAN_DLC(PeliTxMessage->DLC)); CAN1_PELI->FF = (PeliTxMessage->FF<<7)|(PeliTxMessage->RTR<<6)|(PeliTxMessage->DLC); if(((FunctionalState)PeliTxMessage->FF) != ENABLE) { CAN1_PELI->ID0 = (PeliTxMessage->IDHH); CAN1_PELI->ID1 = ((PeliTxMessage->IDHL)<<5); if((FunctionalState)(PeliTxMessage->RTR) != ENABLE) { CAN1_PELI->DATA0 = PeliTxMessage->Data[0]; CAN1_PELI->DATA1 = PeliTxMessage->Data[1]; CAN1_PELI->DATA2 = PeliTxMessage->Data[2]; CAN1_PELI->DATA3 = PeliTxMessage->Data[3]; CAN1_PELI->DATA4 = PeliTxMessage->Data[4]; CAN1_PELI->DATA5 = PeliTxMessage->Data[5]; CAN1_PELI->DATA6 = PeliTxMessage->Data[6]; CAN1_PELI->DATA7 = PeliTxMessage->Data[7]; } } else { CAN1_PELI->ID0 = PeliTxMessage->IDHH; CAN1_PELI->ID1 = PeliTxMessage->IDHL; CAN1_PELI->DATA0 = PeliTxMessage->IDLH; CAN1_PELI->DATA1 = PeliTxMessage->IDLL; if((FunctionalState)(PeliTxMessage->RTR) != ENABLE) { CAN1_PELI->DATA2 = PeliTxMessage->Data[0]; CAN1_PELI->DATA3 = PeliTxMessage->Data[1]; CAN1_PELI->DATA4 = PeliTxMessage->Data[2]; CAN1_PELI->DATA5 = PeliTxMessage->Data[3]; CAN1_PELI->DATA6 = PeliTxMessage->Data[4]; CAN1_PELI->DATA7 = PeliTxMessage->Data[5]; CAN1_PELI->DATA8 = PeliTxMessage->Data[6]; CAN1_PELI->DATA9 = PeliTxMessage->Data[7]; } } if(CAN1_PELI->MOD&CAN_MOD_STM) { CAN1->CMR = CAN_CMR_GTS|CAN_CMR_AT; } else { CAN1->CMR = CAN_CMR_TR; } } /** @defgroup CAN_Group3 CAN Frames Reception functions * @brief CAN Frames Reception functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### CAN Frames Reception functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to (+) Receive a correct CAN frame. (+) Release a specified receive FIFO (+) Return the number of the pending received CAN frames. @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Receives a correct CAN frame. * @param RxMessage: pointer to a structure receive frame which contains CAN Id, * CAN DLC, CAN data and FMI number. * @retval None */ void CAN_Peli_Receive(CanPeliRxMsg* PeliRxMessage) { uint32_t tempid; PeliRxMessage->FF = (CAN1_PELI->FF)>>7; PeliRxMessage->RTR = ((CAN1_PELI->FF)>>6)&0x1; PeliRxMessage->DLC = (CAN1_PELI->FF)&0xf; if(((FunctionalState)PeliRxMessage->FF) != ENABLE) { tempid = (uint32_t)(CAN1_PELI->ID1>>5); tempid |= (uint32_t)(CAN1_PELI->ID0<<3); PeliRxMessage->ID = tempid; PeliRxMessage->Data[0] = CAN1_PELI->DATA0; PeliRxMessage->Data[1] = CAN1_PELI->DATA1; PeliRxMessage->Data[2] = CAN1_PELI->DATA2; PeliRxMessage->Data[3] = CAN1_PELI->DATA3; PeliRxMessage->Data[4] = CAN1_PELI->DATA4; PeliRxMessage->Data[5] = CAN1_PELI->DATA5; PeliRxMessage->Data[6] = CAN1_PELI->DATA6; PeliRxMessage->Data[7] = CAN1_PELI->DATA7; } else { tempid = (uint32_t)((CAN1_PELI->DATA1&0xf8)>>3); tempid |= (uint32_t)(CAN1_PELI->DATA0<<5); tempid |= (uint32_t)(CAN1_PELI->ID1<<13); tempid |= (uint32_t)(CAN1_PELI->ID0<<21); PeliRxMessage->ID = tempid; PeliRxMessage->Data[0] = CAN1_PELI->DATA2; PeliRxMessage->Data[1] = CAN1_PELI->DATA3; PeliRxMessage->Data[2] = CAN1_PELI->DATA4; PeliRxMessage->Data[3] = CAN1_PELI->DATA5; PeliRxMessage->Data[4] = CAN1_PELI->DATA6; PeliRxMessage->Data[5] = CAN1_PELI->DATA7; PeliRxMessage->Data[6] = CAN1_PELI->DATA8; PeliRxMessage->Data[7] = CAN1_PELI->DATA9; } CAN_FIFORelease( CAN1); } /** * @brief Get available current informatoin in receive FIFO only in Peli workmode. * @retval The value in reg RMC */ uint32_t CAN_Peli_GetRxFIFOInfo(void) { return CAN1_PELI->RMC; } /** @defgroup CAN_Group5 CAN Bus Error management functions * @brief CAN Bus Error management functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### CAN Bus Error management functions ##### =============================================================================== @endverbatim * @{ */ /** * @brief Returns the CAN's last error code (LEC). * @retval Error code: * - CAN_ERRORCODE_NoErr: No Error * - CAN_ERRORCODE_StuffErr: Stuff Error * - CAN_ERRORCODE_FormErr: Form Error * - CAN_ERRORCODE_ACKErr : Acknowledgment Error * - CAN_ERRORCODE_BitRecessiveErr: Bit Recessive Error * - CAN_ERRORCODE_BitDominantErr: Bit Dominant Error * - CAN_ERRORCODE_CRCErr: CRC Error * - CAN_ERRORCODE_SoftwareSetErr: Software Set Error */ uint8_t CAN_Peli_GetLastErrorCode(void) { uint8_t errorcode=0; /* Get the error code*/ errorcode = ((uint8_t)CAN1_PELI->ECC); /* Return the error code*/ return errorcode; } /** * @brief Returns the CAN Receive Error Counter (REC). * @note In case of an error during reception, this counter is incremented * by 1 or by 8 depending on the error condition as defined by the CAN * standard. After every successful reception, the counter is * decremented by 1 or reset to 120 if its value was higher than 128. * When the counter value exceeds 127, the CAN controller enters the * error passive state. * @retval CAN Receive Error Counter. */ uint8_t CAN_Peli_GetReceiveErrorCounter(void) { uint8_t counter=0; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); /* Get the Receive Error Counter*/ counter = (uint8_t)(CAN1_PELI->RXERR); /* Return the Receive Error Counter*/ return counter; } /** * @brief Returns the LSB of the 9-bit CANx Transmit Error Counter(TEC). * @retval LSB of the 8-bit CAN Transmit Error Counter. */ uint8_t CAN_Peli_GetLSBTransmitErrorCounter(void) { uint8_t counter=0; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_ALL_PERIPH(CANx)); /* Get the LSB of the 8-bit CAN Transmit Error Counter(TEC) */ counter = (uint8_t)(CAN1_PELI->TXERR); /* Return the LSB of the 8-bit CAN Transmit Error Counter(TEC) */ return counter; } /** @defgroup CAN_Group6 Interrupts and flags management functions * @brief Interrupts and flags management functions * @verbatim =============================================================================== ##### Interrupts and flags management functions ##### =============================================================================== [..] This section provides functions allowing to configure the CAN Interrupts and to get the status and clear flags and Interrupts pending bits. [..] The CAN provides 14 Interrupts sources and 15 Flags: *** Flags *** ============= */ /** * @brief Enables or disables the specified CAN interrupts in peli workmode. * @param CAN_IT: specifies the CAN interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled. * This parameter can be: * @arg CAN_IT_RI: Receive FIFO not empty Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_TI: Transmit Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_EI: ERROR Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_DOI: Data voerflow Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_WUI: Wakeup Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_EPI(only Peli): passive error Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_ALI(only Peli): arbiter lose Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_BEI(only Peli): bus error Interrupt @arg CAN_IT_ALL: use it can enble all Interrupt * @param NewState: new state of the CAN interrupts. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * @retval None */ void CAN_Peli_ITConfig(uint32_t CAN_IT, FunctionalState NewState) { /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_IT(CAN_IT)); assert_param(IS_FUNCTIONAL_STATE(NewState)); if (NewState != DISABLE) { /* Enable the selected CAN interrupt */ CAN1_PELI->IER |= CAN_IT; } else { /* Disable the selected CAN interrupt */ CAN1_PELI->IER &= ~CAN_IT; } } /** * @brief Checks whether the specified CAN interrupt has occurred or not. * @param CAN_IT: specifies the CAN interrupt source to check. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg CAN_IT_RI: Receive FIFO not empty Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_TI: Transmit Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_EI: ERROR Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_DOI: Data voerflow Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_WUI: Wakeup Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_EPI(only Peli): passive error Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_ALI(only Peli): arbiter lose Interrupt * @arg CAN_IT_BEI(only Peli): bus error Interrupt @arg CAN_IT_ALL: use it can enble all Interrupt * @retval The current state of CAN_IT (SET or RESET). */ ITStatus CAN_Peli_GetITStatus(uint32_t CAN_IT) { ITStatus itstatus = RESET; /* Check the parameters */ assert_param(IS_CAN_IT(CAN_IT)); /* check the interrupt enable bit */ if((CAN1_PELI->IR & CAN_IT) != CAN_IT) { itstatus = RESET; } else { itstatus = SET; } return itstatus; } /** * @brief Config CAN_Peli_InitTypeDef baud parameter. * @param CAN_Peli_InitTypeDef: CAN struct. * @param SrcClk: CAN module clock. * @param baud: specified baud. * @retval The current state of CAN_IT (SET or RESET). */ void CAN_AutoCfg_BaudParam(CAN_Peli_InitTypeDef *CAN_Peli_InitStruct,unsigned int SrcClk,unsigned int baud ) { unsigned int i,value = baud,record = 1; unsigned int remain = 0,sumPrescaler = 0; while(( baud == 0 )||( SrcClk == 0 ));//防止波特率及时钟为0 sumPrescaler = SrcClk/baud;//总分频 sumPrescaler = sumPrescaler/2;// for( i = 25;i > 3;i -- ) { remain = sumPrescaler - ((sumPrescaler / i)*i); if( remain == 0 ) //整除 { record = i; break; } else { if(remain < value) { value = remain; record = i; } } } CAN_Peli_InitStruct->SJW = 0; CAN_Peli_InitStruct->BRP = (sumPrescaler/record) - 1; CAN_Peli_InitStruct->TESG2 = (record-3)/3; CAN_Peli_InitStruct->TESG1 = (record-3) - CAN_Peli_InitStruct->TESG2; } /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /** * @} */ /*-------------------------(C) COPYRIGHT 2017 MindMotion ----------------------*/