//***************************************************************************** // // hw_udma.h - Macros for use in accessing the UDMA registers. // // Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 6459 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __HW_UDMA_H__ #define __HW_UDMA_H__ //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the Micro Direct Memory Access register // addresses. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_STAT 0x400FF000 // DMA Status #define UDMA_CFG 0x400FF004 // DMA Configuration #define UDMA_CTLBASE 0x400FF008 // DMA Channel Control Base Pointer #define UDMA_ALTBASE 0x400FF00C // DMA Alternate Channel Control // Base Pointer #define UDMA_WAITSTAT 0x400FF010 // DMA Channel Wait-on-Request // Status #define UDMA_SWREQ 0x400FF014 // DMA Channel Software Request #define UDMA_USEBURSTSET 0x400FF018 // DMA Channel Useburst Set #define UDMA_USEBURSTCLR 0x400FF01C // DMA Channel Useburst Clear #define UDMA_REQMASKSET 0x400FF020 // DMA Channel Request Mask Set #define UDMA_REQMASKCLR 0x400FF024 // DMA Channel Request Mask Clear #define UDMA_ENASET 0x400FF028 // DMA Channel Enable Set #define UDMA_ENACLR 0x400FF02C // DMA Channel Enable Clear #define UDMA_ALTSET 0x400FF030 // DMA Channel Primary Alternate // Set #define UDMA_ALTCLR 0x400FF034 // DMA Channel Primary Alternate // Clear #define UDMA_PRIOSET 0x400FF038 // DMA Channel Priority Set #define UDMA_PRIOCLR 0x400FF03C // DMA Channel Priority Clear #define UDMA_ERRCLR 0x400FF04C // DMA Bus Error Clear #define UDMA_CHALT 0x400FF500 // DMA Channel Alternate Select //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_STAT register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_STAT_DMACHANS_M 0x001F0000 // Available uDMA Channels Minus 1 #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_M 0x000000F0 // Control State Machine Status #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_IDLE 0x00000000 // Idle #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_RD_CTRL 0x00000010 // Reading channel controller data #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_RD_SRCENDP \ 0x00000020 // Reading source end pointer #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_RD_DSTENDP \ 0x00000030 // Reading destination end pointer #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_RD_SRCDAT \ 0x00000040 // Reading source data #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_WR_DSTDAT \ 0x00000050 // Writing destination data #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_WAIT 0x00000060 // Waiting for uDMA request to // clear #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_WR_CTRL 0x00000070 // Writing channel controller data #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_STALL 0x00000080 // Stalled #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_DONE 0x00000090 // Done #define UDMA_STAT_STATE_UNDEF 0x000000A0 // Undefined #define UDMA_STAT_MASTEN 0x00000001 // Master Enable Status #define UDMA_STAT_DMACHANS_S 16 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CFG register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_CFG_MASTEN 0x00000001 // Controller Master Enable //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CTLBASE register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_CTLBASE_ADDR_M 0xFFFFFC00 // Channel Control Base Address #define UDMA_CTLBASE_ADDR_S 10 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ALTBASE register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_ALTBASE_ADDR_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Alternate Channel Address // Pointer #define UDMA_ALTBASE_ADDR_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_WAITSTAT register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_WAITSTAT_WAITREQ_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Wait Status //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_SWREQ register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_SWREQ_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Software Request //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_USEBURSTSET // register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_USEBURSTSET_SET_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Useburst Set //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_USEBURSTCLR // register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_USEBURSTCLR_CLR_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Useburst Clear //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_REQMASKSET // register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_REQMASKSET_SET_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Request Mask Set //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_REQMASKCLR // register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_REQMASKCLR_CLR_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Request Mask Clear //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ENASET register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_ENASET_SET_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Enable Set //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ENACLR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_ENACLR_CLR_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Clear Channel [n] Enable Clear //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ALTSET register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_ALTSET_SET_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Alternate Set //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ALTCLR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_ALTCLR_CLR_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Alternate Clear //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_PRIOSET register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_PRIOSET_SET_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Priority Set //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_PRIOCLR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_PRIOCLR_CLR_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Priority Clear //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ERRCLR register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_ERRCLR_ERRCLR 0x00000001 // uDMA Bus Error Status //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_CHALT register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_CHALT_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Alternate Assignment // Select //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the Micro Direct Memory Access (uDMA) offsets. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_O_SRCENDP 0x00000000 // DMA Channel Source Address End // Pointer #define UDMA_O_DSTENDP 0x00000004 // DMA Channel Destination Address // End Pointer #define UDMA_O_CHCTL 0x00000008 // DMA Channel Control Word //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_O_SRCENDP register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_SRCENDP_ADDR_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Source Address End Pointer #define UDMA_SRCENDP_ADDR_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_O_DSTENDP register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_DSTENDP_ADDR_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Destination Address End Pointer #define UDMA_DSTENDP_ADDR_S 0 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_O_CHCTL register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_M 0xC0000000 // Destination Address Increment #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_8 0x00000000 // Byte #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_16 0x40000000 // Half-word #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_32 0x80000000 // Word #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTINC_NONE 0xC0000000 // No increment #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTSIZE_M 0x30000000 // Destination Data Size #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTSIZE_8 0x00000000 // Byte #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTSIZE_16 0x10000000 // Half-word #define UDMA_CHCTL_DSTSIZE_32 0x20000000 // Word #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_M 0x0C000000 // Source Address Increment #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_8 0x00000000 // Byte #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_16 0x04000000 // Half-word #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_32 0x08000000 // Word #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCINC_NONE 0x0C000000 // No increment #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCSIZE_M 0x03000000 // Source Data Size #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCSIZE_8 0x00000000 // Byte #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCSIZE_16 0x01000000 // Half-word #define UDMA_CHCTL_SRCSIZE_32 0x02000000 // Word #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_M 0x0003C000 // Arbitration Size #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_1 0x00000000 // 1 Transfer #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_2 0x00004000 // 2 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_4 0x00008000 // 4 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_8 0x0000C000 // 8 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_16 0x00010000 // 16 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_32 0x00014000 // 32 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_64 0x00018000 // 64 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_128 0x0001C000 // 128 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_256 0x00020000 // 256 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_512 0x00024000 // 512 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_ARBSIZE_1024 0x00028000 // 1024 Transfers #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERSIZE_M 0x00003FF0 // Transfer Size (minus 1) #define UDMA_CHCTL_NXTUSEBURST 0x00000008 // Next Useburst #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_M 0x00000007 // uDMA Transfer Mode #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_STOP \ 0x00000000 // Stop #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_BASIC \ 0x00000001 // Basic #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_AUTO \ 0x00000002 // Auto-Request #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_PINGPONG \ 0x00000003 // Ping-Pong #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_MEM_SG \ 0x00000004 // Memory Scatter-Gather #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_MEM_SGA \ 0x00000005 // Alternate Memory Scatter-Gather #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_PER_SG \ 0x00000006 // Peripheral Scatter-Gather #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERMODE_PER_SGA \ 0x00000007 // Alternate Peripheral // Scatter-Gather #define UDMA_CHCTL_XFERSIZE_S 4 //***************************************************************************** // // The following definitions are deprecated. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef DEPRECATED //***************************************************************************** // // The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the UDMA_ENASET // register. // //***************************************************************************** #define UDMA_ENASET_CHENSET_M 0xFFFFFFFF // Channel [n] Enable Set #endif #endif // __HW_UDMA_H__