""" Utils for CMake Author: https://github.com/klivelinux """ import os import sys import re import utils import rtconfig from utils import _make_path_relative from collections import defaultdict def GenerateCFiles(env, project, project_name): """ Generate CMakeLists.txt files """ info = utils.ProjectInfo(env) PROJECT_NAME = project_name if project_name != "project" else "rtthread" tool_path_conv = defaultdict(lambda : {"name":"", "path": ""}) tool_path_conv_helper = lambda tool: {"name": tool, "path": os.path.join(rtconfig.EXEC_PATH, tool).replace('\\', "/")} tool_path_conv["CMAKE_C_COMPILER"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.CC) if 'CXX' in dir(rtconfig): tool_path_conv["CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.CXX) tool_path_conv["CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.AS) tool_path_conv["CMAKE_AR"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.AR) tool_path_conv["CMAKE_LINKER"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.LINK) if rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['gcc']: tool_path_conv["CMAKE_SIZE"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.SIZE) tool_path_conv["CMAKE_OBJDUMP"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.OBJDUMP) tool_path_conv["CMAKE_OBJCOPY"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.OBJCPY) elif rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['armcc', 'armclang']: tool_path_conv["CMAKE_FROMELF"] = tool_path_conv_helper(rtconfig.FROMELF) CC = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_C_COMPILER"]["path"] CXX = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER"]["path"] AS = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER"]["path"] AR = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_AR"]["path"] LINK = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_LINKER"]["path"] SIZE = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_SIZE"]["path"] OBJDUMP = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_OBJDUMP"]["path"] OBJCOPY = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_OBJCOPY"]["path"] FROMELF = tool_path_conv["CMAKE_FROMELF"]["path"] CFLAGS = rtconfig.CFLAGS.replace('\\', "/").replace('\"', "\\\"") if 'CXXFLAGS' in dir(rtconfig): CXXFLAGS = rtconfig.CXXFLAGS.replace('\\', "/").replace('\"', "\\\"") else: CXXFLAGS = CFLAGS AFLAGS = rtconfig.AFLAGS.replace('\\', "/").replace('\"', "\\\"") LFLAGS = env['LINKFLAGS'].replace('\\', "/").replace('\"', "\\\"") POST_ACTION = rtconfig.POST_ACTION # replace the tool name with the cmake variable for cmake_var, each_tool in tool_path_conv.items(): tool_name = each_tool['name'] if tool_name == "": continue if "win32" in sys.platform: while f"{tool_name}.exe" in POST_ACTION: # find the tool with `.exe` suffix first POST_ACTION = POST_ACTION.replace(tool_name, "string_to_replace") while tool_name in POST_ACTION: POST_ACTION = POST_ACTION.replace(tool_name, "string_to_replace") while "string_to_replace" in POST_ACTION: POST_ACTION = POST_ACTION.replace("string_to_replace", f"${{{cmake_var}}}") # replace the `$TARGET` with `${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.elf` while "$TARGET" in POST_ACTION: POST_ACTION = POST_ACTION.replace("$TARGET", "${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.elf") # add COMMAAND before each command POST_ACTION = POST_ACTION.split('\n') POST_ACTION = [each_line.strip() for each_line in POST_ACTION] POST_ACTION = [f"\tCOMMAND {each_line}" for each_line in POST_ACTION if each_line != ''] POST_ACTION = "\n".join(POST_ACTION) if "win32" in sys.platform: CC += ".exe" if CXX != '': CXX += ".exe" AS += ".exe" AR += ".exe" LINK += ".exe" if rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['gcc']: SIZE += ".exe" OBJDUMP += ".exe" OBJCOPY += ".exe" elif rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['armcc', 'armclang']: FROMELF += ".exe" if not os.path.exists(CC) or not os.path.exists(AS) or not os.path.exists(AR) or not os.path.exists(LINK): print("'Cannot found toolchain directory, please check RTT_CC and RTT_EXEC_PATH'") sys.exit(-1) with open("CMakeLists.txt", "w") as cm_file: cm_file.write("CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3.10)\n\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Generic)\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR " + rtconfig.CPU +")\n") cm_file.write("#SET(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE ON)\n\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON)\n\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER \""+ CC + "\")\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER \""+ AS + "\")\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS \""+ CFLAGS + "\")\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_ASM_FLAGS \""+ AFLAGS + "\")\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS TRUE)\n\n") if CXX != '': cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER \""+ CXX + "\")\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS \""+ CXXFLAGS + "\")\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS TRUE)\n\n") if rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['gcc']: cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_OBJCOPY \""+ OBJCOPY + "\")\n") cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_SIZE \""+ SIZE + "\")\n\n") elif rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['armcc', 'armclang']: cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_FROMELF \""+ FROMELF + "\")\n\n") LINKER_FLAGS = '' LINKER_LIBS = '' if rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['gcc']: LINKER_FLAGS += '-T' elif rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['armcc', 'armclang']: LINKER_FLAGS += '--scatter' for group in project: if 'LIBPATH' in group.keys(): for f in group['LIBPATH']: LINKER_LIBS += ' --userlibpath ' + f.replace("\\", "/") for group in project: if 'LIBS' in group.keys(): for f in group['LIBS']: LINKER_LIBS += ' ' + f.replace("\\", "/") + '.lib' cm_file.write("SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS \""+ re.sub(LINKER_FLAGS + '(\s*)', LINKER_FLAGS + ' ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/', LFLAGS) + LINKER_LIBS + "\")\n\n") # get the c/cpp standard version from compilation flags # not support the version with alphabet in `-std` param yet pattern = re.compile('-std=[\w+]+') c_standard = 11 if '-std=' in CFLAGS: c_standard = re.search(pattern, CFLAGS).group(0) c_standard = "".join([each for each in c_standard if each.isdigit()]) else: print(f"Cannot find the param of the c standard in build flag, set to default {c_standard}") cm_file.write(f"SET(CMAKE_C_STANDARD {c_standard})\n") if CXX != '': cpp_standard = 17 if '-std=' in CXXFLAGS: cpp_standard = re.search(pattern, CXXFLAGS).group(0) cpp_standard = "".join([each for each in cpp_standard if each.isdigit()]) else: print(f"Cannot find the param of the cpp standard in build flag, set to default {cpp_standard}") cm_file.write(f"SET(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD {cpp_standard})\n") cm_file.write('\n') cm_file.write(f"PROJECT({PROJECT_NAME} C {'CXX' if CXX != '' else ''} ASM)\n") cm_file.write('\n') cm_file.write("INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(\n") for i in info['CPPPATH']: # use relative path path = _make_path_relative(os.getcwd(), i) cm_file.write( "\t" + path.replace("\\", "/") + "\n") cm_file.write(")\n\n") cm_file.write("ADD_DEFINITIONS(\n") for i in info['CPPDEFINES']: cm_file.write("\t-D" + i + "\n") cm_file.write(")\n\n") libgroups = [] interfacelibgroups = [] for group in project: if group['name'] == 'Applications': continue # When a group is provided without sources, add it to the <INTERFACE> library list if len(group['src']) == 0: interfacelibgroups.append(group) else: libgroups.append(group) cm_file.write("# Library source files\n") for group in project: cm_file.write("SET(RT_{:s}_SOURCES\n".format(group['name'].upper())) for f in group['src']: # use relative path path = _make_path_relative(os.getcwd(), os.path.normpath(f.rfile().abspath)) cm_file.write( "\t" + path.replace("\\", "/") + "\n" ) cm_file.write(")\n\n") cm_file.write("# Library search paths\n") for group in libgroups + interfacelibgroups: if not 'LIBPATH' in group.keys(): continue if len(group['LIBPATH']) == 0: continue cm_file.write("SET(RT_{:s}_LINK_DIRS\n".format(group['name'].upper())) for f in group['LIBPATH']: cm_file.write("\t"+ f.replace("\\", "/") + "\n" ) cm_file.write(")\n\n") cm_file.write("# Library local macro definitions\n") for group in libgroups: if not 'LOCAL_CPPDEFINES' in group.keys(): continue if len(group['LOCAL_CPPDEFINES']) == 0: continue cm_file.write("SET(RT_{:s}_DEFINES\n".format(group['name'].upper())) for f in group['LOCAL_CPPDEFINES']: cm_file.write("\t"+ f.replace("\\", "/") + "\n" ) cm_file.write(")\n\n") cm_file.write("# Library dependencies\n") for group in libgroups + interfacelibgroups: if not 'LIBS' in group.keys(): continue if len(group['LIBS']) == 0: continue cm_file.write("SET(RT_{:s}_LIBS\n".format(group['name'].upper())) for f in group['LIBS']: cm_file.write("\t"+ "{}\n".format(f.replace("\\", "/"))) cm_file.write(")\n\n") cm_file.write("# Libraries\n") for group in libgroups: cm_file.write("ADD_LIBRARY(rtt_{:s} OBJECT ${{RT_{:s}_SOURCES}})\n" .format(group['name'], group['name'].upper())) cm_file.write("\n") cm_file.write("# Interface libraries\n") for group in interfacelibgroups: cm_file.write("ADD_LIBRARY(rtt_{:s} INTERFACE)\n".format(group['name'])) cm_file.write("\n") cm_file.write("# Private macros\n") for group in libgroups: if not 'LOCAL_CPPDEFINES' in group.keys(): continue if len(group['LOCAL_CPPDEFINES']) == 0: continue cm_file.write("TARGET_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS(rtt_{:s} PRIVATE ${{RT_{:s}_DEFINES}})\n" .format(group['name'], group['name'].upper())) cm_file.write("\n") cm_file.write("# Interface library search paths\n") if rtconfig.PLATFORM in ['gcc']: for group in libgroups: if not 'LIBPATH' in group.keys(): continue if len(group['LIBPATH']) == 0: continue cm_file.write("TARGET_LINK_DIRECTORIES(rtt_{:s} INTERFACE ${{RT_{:s}_LINK_DIRS}})\n" .format(group['name'], group['name'].upper())) for group in libgroups: if not 'LIBS' in group.keys(): continue if len(group['LIBS']) == 0: continue cm_file.write("TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(rtt_{:s} INTERFACE ${{RT_{:s}_LIBS}})\n" .format(group['name'], group['name'].upper())) cm_file.write("\n") cm_file.write("ADD_EXECUTABLE(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.elf ${RT_APPLICATIONS_SOURCES})\n") cm_file.write("TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.elf\n") for group in libgroups + interfacelibgroups: cm_file.write("\trtt_{:s}\n".format(group['name'])) cm_file.write(")\n\n") cm_file.write("ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(TARGET ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}.elf POST_BUILD \n" + POST_ACTION + '\n)\n') # auto inclue `custom.cmake` for user custom settings custom_cmake = \ ''' # if custom.cmake is exist, add it if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/custom.cmake) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/custom.cmake) endif() ''' custom_cmake = custom_cmake.split('\n') custom_cmake = [each.strip() for each in custom_cmake] custom_cmake = "\n".join(custom_cmake) cm_file.write(custom_cmake) return def CMakeProject(env, project, project_name): print('Update setting files for CMakeLists.txt...') GenerateCFiles(env, project, project_name) print('Done!') return