/* * @brief I2C slave ROM API declarations and functions * * @note * Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2014 * All rights reserved. * * @par * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only * which provides customers with programming information regarding the * LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of * any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and * all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of * merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of * intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility * or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any * patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in * or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes * in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no * representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the * specified use without further testing or modification. * * @par * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its * licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it * is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This * copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of * this code. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include "hw_i2csd.h" #define DRVVERSION 0x0100 /* Private data structure used for the I2C slave driver, holds the driver and peripheral context */ typedef struct { void *pUserData; /*!< Pointer to user data used by driver instance, use NULL if not used */ LPC_I2C_T *base; /*!< Base address of I2C peripheral to use */ i2cSlaveStartCB pXferStartCB; /*!< Transfer start callback */ i2cSlaveTransmitCB pTranTranCb; /*!< Data transmit callback */ i2cSlaveReceiveCB pTranRecvCb; /*!< Data Receive callback */ i2cSlaveCompleteCB pXferCompCB; /*!< Transfer complete callback */ ROM_I2CS_XFER_T *pXfer; /*!< Pointer to current transfer */ ErrorCode_t pendingStatus; /*!< Pending transfer status */ } I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T; #define _rom_i2csEnable(pI2C) (pI2C->CFG |= I2C_CFG_SLVEN); #define _rom_i2csGetSlaveAddr(pI2C, slvNum) ((pI2C->SLVADR[slvNum] >> 1) & 0x7F) #define _rom_i2csGetSlaveMatchIndex(pI2C) ((pI2C->STAT & I2C_STAT_SLVIDX) >> 12) #define _rom_i2csGetSlaveState(pI2C) (((pI2C->STAT & I2C_STAT_SLVSTATE) >> 9) & 0x3) // ********************************************************** uint32_t i2cs_get_mem_size(void) { return sizeof(I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T); } ROM_I2CS_HANDLE_T i2cs_init(void *mem, const ROM_I2CS_INIT_T *pInit) { I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *pDrv; /* Verify alignment is at least 4 bytes */ if (((uint32_t) mem & 0x3) != 0) { return NULL; } pDrv = (I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *) mem; memset(pDrv, 0, sizeof(I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T)); /* Save base of peripheral and pointer to user data */ pDrv->pUserData = pInit->pUserData; pDrv->base = (LPC_I2C_T *) pInit->base; /* If this needs to be changed, it should be done in the app after this call. */ pDrv->base->CLKDIV = 2; /* Clear controller state */ pDrv->base->STAT = (I2C_STAT_SLVSEL | I2C_STAT_SLVDESEL); /* Enable I2C slave interface */ _rom_i2csEnable(pDrv->base); return pDrv; } void i2cs_setup_slave(ROM_I2CS_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_I2CS_SLAVE_T *pSlaveSetup) { uint32_t sa, idx; I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *pDrv = (I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *) pHandle; /* Limit usable slave address indexes to the maximum the controller can support */ if (pSlaveSetup->SlaveIndex <= 3) { sa = (uint32_t) (pSlaveSetup->slaveAddr & 0x7F) << 1; if (pSlaveSetup->EnableSlave == 0) { sa |= I2C_SLVADR_SADISABLE; /* Disable slave address */ } /* Setup slave address at index */ pDrv->base->SLVADR[pSlaveSetup->SlaveIndex] = sa; } /* Check all slave indexes. If any are enabled, then enable the slave interrupts, else disable the slave interrupts. */ sa = 0; for (idx = 0; ((idx <= 3) && (sa == 0)); idx++) { if ((pDrv->base->SLVADR[idx] & I2C_SLVADR_SADISABLE) == 0) { /* Slave is enabled */ sa = 1; } } if (sa) { pDrv->base->INTENSET = I2C_INTENSET_SLVPENDING; } else { pDrv->base->INTENCLR = (I2C_INTENSET_SLVPENDING | I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESEL); } } void i2cs_register_callback(ROM_I2CS_HANDLE_T pHandle, uint32_t cbIndex, void *pCB) { I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *pDrv = (I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *) pHandle; if (cbIndex == ROM_I2CS_START_CB) { pDrv->pXferStartCB = (i2cSlaveStartCB) pCB; } else if (cbIndex == ROM_I2CS_XFERSEND_CB) { pDrv->pTranTranCb = (i2cSlaveTransmitCB) pCB; } else if (cbIndex == ROM_I2CS_XFERRECV_CB) { pDrv->pTranRecvCb = (i2cSlaveReceiveCB) pCB; } else if (cbIndex == ROM_I2CS_DONE_CB) { pDrv->pXferCompCB = (i2cSlaveCompleteCB) pCB; } } ErrorCode_t i2cs_transfer(ROM_I2CS_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_I2CS_XFER_T *pXfer) { I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *pDrv = (I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *) pHandle; /* Is transfer NULL? */ if (pXfer == NULL) { return ERR_I2C_PARAM; } /* Save transfer descriptor */ pDrv->pXfer = pXfer; pXfer->status = ERR_I2C_BUSY; pDrv->pendingStatus = LPC_OK; pXfer->bytesSent = 0; pXfer->bytesRecv = 0; return pXfer->status; } // Otime = "optimize for speed of code execution" // ...add this pragma 1 line above the interrupt service routine function. void i2cs_transfer_handler(ROM_I2CS_HANDLE_T pHandle) { I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *pDrv = (I2CS_DATACONTEXT_T *) pHandle; ROM_I2CS_XFER_T *pXfer = pDrv->pXfer; uint32_t done = 0; uint16_t data = 0; uint32_t status = pDrv->base->INTSTAT; /* Transfer complete? */ if ((status & I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESEL) != 0) { pDrv->base->INTENCLR = I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESEL; pDrv->base->STAT = I2C_STAT_SLVDESEL; if (pXfer) { pXfer->status = pDrv->pendingStatus; pDrv->pXfer = NULL; } if (pDrv->pXferCompCB) { pDrv->pXferCompCB(pHandle, pXfer); } return; } else if ((status & I2C_INTENSET_SLVPENDING) != 0) { /* Determine the current I2C slave state */ switch (_rom_i2csGetSlaveState(pDrv->base)) { case I2C_STAT_SLVCODE_ADDR: /* Get slave address that needs servicing */ data = _rom_i2csGetSlaveAddr(pDrv->base, _rom_i2csGetSlaveMatchIndex(pDrv->base)); /* Call address callback */ if (pDrv->pXferStartCB) { pDrv->pXferStartCB(pHandle, data); /* Update transfer descriptor */ pXfer = pDrv->pXfer; } pDrv->base->INTENSET = I2C_INTENSET_SLVDESEL; break; case I2C_STAT_SLVCODE_RX: /* Receive from master */ /* A byte has been received in thee receive FIFO */ if ((pXfer == NULL) || (pXfer->bytesRecv >= pXfer->rxSz)) { /* No more data, call receive data callback */ if (pDrv->pTranRecvCb) { done = pDrv->pTranRecvCb(pHandle, pXfer); if (pDrv->pXfer) { pXfer = pDrv->pXfer; pXfer->bytesRecv = 0; } } } /* Not using DMA */ if (!(done == ROM_I2CS_DMA)) { data = (uint8_t) pDrv->base->SLVDAT; if (pXfer == NULL) { /* Toss data and NAK, no buffer space */ done = ROM_I2CS_NAK; pDrv->pendingStatus = ERR_I2C_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } else { uint8_t *p8 = pXfer->rxBuff; if ((p8 == NULL) || (pXfer->bytesRecv >= pXfer->rxSz)) { /* Toss data and NAK, no buffer space */ done = ROM_I2CS_NAK; pDrv->pendingStatus = ERR_I2C_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } else { p8[pXfer->bytesRecv] = (uint8_t) data; pDrv->pXfer->bytesRecv++; } } } break; case I2C_STAT_SLVCODE_TX: /* Send to master */ /* A byte needs to be placed into the transmit FIFO */ if ((pXfer == NULL) || (pXfer->bytesSent >= pXfer->txSz)) { /* Does callback exist? */ if (pDrv->pTranTranCb) { done = pDrv->pTranTranCb(pHandle, pXfer); /* Can't really NAK on read, so switch to continue */ if (pDrv->pXfer) { pXfer = pDrv->pXfer; pXfer->bytesSent = 0; } if (done == ROM_I2CS_NAK) { pDrv->base->SLVDAT = 0; } } } /* Continue if not DMA or NAK */ if (!((done == ROM_I2CS_NAK) || (done == ROM_I2CS_DMA))) { if (pXfer == NULL) { pDrv->base->SLVDAT = 0; pDrv->pendingStatus = ERR_I2C_BUFFER_UNDERFLOW; done = 0; } else { uint8_t *p8 = (uint8_t *) pXfer->txBuff; /* Not using DMA, so this is a normal transfer */ if ((p8 == NULL) || (pXfer->bytesSent >= pXfer->txSz)) { /* Have to send something, so NAK with 0 */ pDrv->base->SLVDAT = 0; pDrv->pendingStatus = ERR_I2C_BUFFER_UNDERFLOW; done = 0; } else { pDrv->base->SLVDAT = (uint32_t) p8[pXfer->bytesSent]; pDrv->pXfer->bytesSent++; } } } break; } if (done == ROM_I2CS_NAK) { pDrv->base->SLVCTL = I2C_SLVCTL_SLVNACK; } else if (done == ROM_I2CS_DMA) { pDrv->base->SLVCTL = I2C_SLVCTL_SLVDMA; } else { pDrv->base->SLVCTL = I2C_SLVCTL_SLVCONTINUE; } } } uint32_t i2cs_get_driver_version(void) { return DRVVERSION; } // *********************************************************