/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2022-01-24 ChungHsuan improve code comments */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <string.h> #if !defined(SAL_USING_POSIX) #error "Please enable SAL_USING_POSIX!" #else #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/select.h> #endif #include <sys/socket.h> /* socket.h header file is needed when using BSD socket */ /* 使用BSD socket,需要包含socket.h头文件 */ #include "netdb.h" #define DEBUG_TCP_CLIENT #define DBG_TAG "TCP" #ifdef DEBUG_TCP_CLIENT #define DBG_LVL DBG_LOG #else #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO /* DBG_ERROR */ #endif #include <rtdbg.h> #define BUFSZ 1024 static int started = 0; static int is_running = 0; static char url[256]; static int port = 8080; static const char send_data[] = "This is TCP Client from RT-Thread."; /* The message be sent */ /* 发送用到的数据 */ /** * @brief This function is for creating a tcp client on RT-Thread */ static void tcpclient(void *arg) { int ret; char *recv_data; int bytes_received; int sock = -1; struct hostent *host = RT_NULL; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; struct timeval timeout; fd_set readset; /* Get host address by parameter url(Domain name resolution if input domain) */ /* 通过函数入口参数url获得host地址(如果是域名,会做域名解析) */ host = gethostbyname(url); if (host == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("Get host by name failed!"); return; } /* Allocate space for recv_data */ /* 分配用于存放接收数据的缓冲 */ recv_data = rt_malloc(BUFSZ); if (recv_data == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("No memory"); return; } /* Create a socket and set it to SOCK_STREAM(TCP) */ /* 创建一个socket,类型是SOCKET_STREAM,TCP类型 */ if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { /* Failed on creatinf socket */ /* 创建socket失败 */ LOG_E("Create socket error"); goto __exit; } /* Initialize server side address */ /* 初始化预连接的服务端地址 */ server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = htons(port); server_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr); rt_memset(&(server_addr.sin_zero), 0, sizeof(server_addr.sin_zero)); /* Connect to server */ /* 连接到服务端 */ if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { /*Failed on connecting to server*/ /* 连接失败 */ LOG_E("Connect fail!"); goto __exit; } started = 1; is_running = 1; timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; while (is_running) { FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_SET(sock, &readset); /* Wait for read */ if (select(sock + 1, &readset, RT_NULL, RT_NULL, &timeout) == 0) continue; /* Receive the maximum size 1024 bytes from socket */ /* 从sock连接中接收最大BUFSZ - 1字节数据 */ bytes_received = recv(sock, recv_data, BUFSZ - 1, 0); if (bytes_received < 0) { /* Receive failed and close the connection */ /* 接收失败,关闭这个连接 */ LOG_E("Received error, close the socket."); goto __exit; } else if (bytes_received == 0) { /* Print warning message when recv function return 0 */ /* 打印recv函数返回值为0的警告信息 */ LOG_W("Received warning, recv function return 0."); continue; } else { /* Receive data sucessfully and append '\0' at the end of message */ /* 有接收到数据,把末端清零 */ recv_data[bytes_received] = '\0'; if (rt_strcmp(recv_data, "q") == 0 || rt_strcmp(recv_data, "Q") == 0) { /* If the first letter is 'q' or 'Q', close the connection */ /* 如果是首字母是q或Q,关闭这个连接 */ LOG_I("Got a 'q' or 'Q', close the socket."); goto __exit; } else { /* Show the message in terminal */ /* 在控制终端显示收到的数据 */ LOG_D("Received data = %s", recv_data); } } /* Send message to connected socket */ /* 发送数据到sock连接 */ ret = send(sock, send_data, rt_strlen(send_data), 0); if (ret < 0) { /* Send failed, close the connection */ /* 发送失败,关闭这个连接 */ LOG_I("send error, close the socket."); goto __exit; } else if (ret == 0) { /* Print warning message when send function return 0 */ /* 打印send函数返回值为0的警告信息 */ LOG_W("Send warning, send function return 0."); } } __exit: if (recv_data) { rt_free(recv_data); recv_data = RT_NULL; } if (sock >= 0) { closesocket(sock); sock = -1; } started = 0; is_running = 0; return; } /** * @brief The usage description of tcp client on rt-Thread */ static void usage(void) { rt_kprintf("Usage: tcpclient -h <host> -p <port>\n"); rt_kprintf(" tcpclient --stop\n"); rt_kprintf(" tcpclient --help\n"); rt_kprintf("\n"); rt_kprintf("Miscellaneous:\n"); rt_kprintf(" -h Specify host address\n"); rt_kprintf(" -p Specify the host port number\n"); rt_kprintf(" --stop Stop tcpclient program\n"); rt_kprintf(" --help Print help information\n"); } /** * @brief This function is for testing tcp client on rt-Thread */ static void tcpclient_test(int argc, char** argv) { rt_thread_t tid; if (argc == 1 || argc > 5) { LOG_I("Please check the command you entered!\n"); goto __usage; } else { if (rt_strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) { goto __usage; } else if (rt_strcmp(argv[1], "--stop") == 0) { is_running = 0; return; } else if (rt_strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 && rt_strcmp(argv[3], "-p") == 0) { if (started) { LOG_I("The tcpclient has started!"); LOG_I("Please stop tcpclient firstly, by: tcpclient --stop"); return; } if (rt_strlen(argv[2]) > sizeof(url)) { LOG_E("The input url is too long, max %d bytes!", sizeof(url)); return; } rt_memset(url, 0x0, sizeof(url)); rt_strncpy(url, argv[2], rt_strlen(argv[2])); port = atoi(argv[4]); } else { goto __usage; } } tid = rt_thread_create("tcp_client", tcpclient, RT_NULL, 2048, RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX/3, 20); if (tid != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(tid); } return; __usage: usage(); } #ifdef RT_USING_FINSH MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(tcpclient_test, tcpclient, Start a tcp client. Help: tcpclient --help); #endif