/* * File : gpio.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2015, RT-Thread Development Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2016-08-29 Aubr.Cool the first version */ #include <rthw.h> #include <rtdevice.h> #include <board.h> #ifdef RT_USING_PIN #include "stm32l0xx.h" #define __RCC_GPIO_CLK_ENABLE(BIT) do { \ __IO uint32_t tmpreg; \ SET_BIT(RCC->IOPENR, BIT);\ /* Delay after an RCC peripheral clock enabling */ \ tmpreg = READ_BIT(RCC->IOPENR, RCC_IOPENR_GPIOCEN);\ UNUSED(tmpreg); \ } while(0) #define __RCC_GPIO_CLK_DISABLE(BIT) CLEAR_BIT(RCC->IOPENR, BIT) #define __STM32_PIN(index, gpio, gpio_index) \ {index, RCC_IOPENR_GPIO##gpio##EN, GPIO##gpio, GPIO_PIN_##gpio_index} #define __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT {-1, 0, 0} /* STM32 GPIO driver */ struct pin_index { int index; unsigned int clk; GPIO_TypeDef *gpio; uint32_t pin; }; static const struct pin_index pins[] = { #ifdef UFQFPN32 __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN(1, C, 14), __STM32_PIN(2, C, 15), __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN(6, A, 0), __STM32_PIN(7, A, 1), __STM32_PIN(8, A, 2), __STM32_PIN(9, A, 3), __STM32_PIN(10, A, 4), __STM32_PIN(11, A, 5), __STM32_PIN(12, A, 6), __STM32_PIN(13, A, 7), __STM32_PIN(14, B, 0), __STM32_PIN(15, B, 1), __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN(18, A, 8), __STM32_PIN(19, A, 9), __STM32_PIN(20, A, 10), __STM32_PIN(21, A, 11), __STM32_PIN(22, A, 12), __STM32_PIN(23, A, 13), __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN(25, A, 14), __STM32_PIN(26, B, 4), __STM32_PIN(27, B, 5), __STM32_PIN(28, B, 6), __STM32_PIN(29, B, 7), __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, __STM32_PIN_DEFAULT, #endif }; #define ITEM_NUM(items) sizeof(items)/sizeof(items[0]) const struct pin_index *get_pin(uint8_t pin) { const struct pin_index *index; if (pin < ITEM_NUM(pins)) { index = &pins[pin]; if (index->index == -1) index = RT_NULL; } else { index = RT_NULL; } return index; }; inline void stm32_pin_write_early(rt_base_t pin, rt_base_t value) { const struct pin_index *index; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return; } HAL_GPIO_WritePin(index->gpio, index->pin, value); } void stm32_pin_write(rt_device_t dev, rt_base_t pin, rt_base_t value) { stm32_pin_write_early(pin, value); } inline int stm32_pin_read_early(rt_base_t pin) { int value; const struct pin_index *index; value = PIN_LOW; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return value; } value = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(index->gpio, index->pin); return value; } int stm32_pin_read(rt_device_t dev, rt_base_t pin) { return stm32_pin_read_early(pin); } void stm32_pin_mode_early(rt_base_t pin, rt_base_t mode) { const struct pin_index *index; GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; index = get_pin(pin); if (index == RT_NULL) { return; } /* Configure GPIO_InitStructure */ GPIO_InitStructure.Pin = index->pin; GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_InitStructure.Speed = GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH; __RCC_GPIO_CLK_ENABLE(index->clk); if (mode == GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP) { /* output setting */ GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP; GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; } else if(mode == GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_OD) { GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_OD; GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; } else if (mode == GPIO_MODE_INPUT) { /* input setting: not pull. */ GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP; } else if(((mode & 0xFF) == GPIO_MODE_AF_PP) || ((mode & 0xFF) == GPIO_MODE_AF_OD) ) { GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = (mode & ~0xFF00); GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; GPIO_InitStructure.Alternate = (mode & 0xFF00) >> 8; } else if(mode == GPIO_MODE_ANALOG){ GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_ANALOG; } else { /* input setting:default. */ GPIO_InitStructure.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; GPIO_InitStructure.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; } HAL_GPIO_Init(index->gpio, &GPIO_InitStructure); } void stm32_pin_mode(rt_device_t dev, rt_base_t pin, rt_base_t mode) { stm32_pin_mode_early(pin, mode); } const static struct rt_pin_ops _stm32_pin_ops = { stm32_pin_mode, stm32_pin_write, stm32_pin_read, }; int stm32_hw_pin_init(void) { int result; result = rt_device_pin_register("pin", &_stm32_pin_ops, RT_NULL); return result; } INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(stm32_hw_pin_init); #endif