/*! \file usbh_ctrl.c \brief this file implements the functions for the control transmit process */ /* Copyright (C) 2016 GigaDevice 2016-08-15, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F4xx */ #include "usbh_core.h" #include "usbh_std.h" #include "usbh_ctrl.h" uint8_t ctrl_polling_handle_flag = 0U; uint8_t ctrl_setup_wait_flag = 0U; uint8_t ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; uint8_t ctrl_status_wait_flag = 0U; static uint16_t timeout = 0U; static void ctrl_idle_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate); static void ctrl_setup_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate); static void ctrl_data_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate); static void ctrl_status_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate); static void ctrl_error_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate); static void ctrl_stalled_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate); static void ctrl_complete_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate); /* the ctrl state handle function array */ void (*ctrl_state_handle[]) (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate) = { ctrl_idle_handle, ctrl_setup_handle, ctrl_data_handle, ctrl_status_handle, ctrl_error_handle, ctrl_stalled_handle, ctrl_complete_handle, }; /* the ctrl state handle table */ state_table_struct ctrl_handle_table[CTRL_HANDLE_TABLE_SIZE] = { /* the current state the current event the next state the event function */ {CTRL_IDLE, CTRL_EVENT_SETUP, CTRL_SETUP, only_state_move }, {CTRL_SETUP, CTRL_EVENT_DATA, CTRL_DATA, only_state_move }, {CTRL_SETUP, CTRL_EVENT_STATUS, CTRL_STATUS, only_state_move }, {CTRL_SETUP, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, CTRL_ERROR, only_state_move }, {CTRL_DATA, CTRL_EVENT_STATUS, CTRL_STATUS, only_state_move }, {CTRL_DATA, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, CTRL_ERROR, only_state_move }, {CTRL_DATA, CTRL_EVENT_STALLED, CTRL_STALLED, only_state_move }, {CTRL_STATUS, CTRL_EVENT_COMPLETE, CTRL_COMPLETE, only_state_move }, {CTRL_STATUS, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, CTRL_ERROR, only_state_move }, {CTRL_STATUS, CTRL_EVENT_STALLED, CTRL_STALLED, only_state_move }, {CTRL_ERROR, GO_TO_UP_STATE_EVENT, UP_STATE, goto_up_state_fun }, {CTRL_STALLED, GO_TO_UP_STATE_EVENT, UP_STATE, goto_up_state_fun }, {CTRL_COMPLETE, GO_TO_UP_STATE_EVENT, UP_STATE, goto_up_state_fun }, }; /*! \brief the polling function of CTRL state \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] puhost: pointer to usb host \param[in] pustate: pointer to usb state driver \param[out] none \retval none */ usbh_status_enum ctrl_state_polling_fun (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, void *pustate) { usbh_status_enum exe_state = USBH_BUSY; usbh_state_handle_struct *p_state; p_state = (usbh_state_handle_struct *)pustate; /* if first enter this function, begin the ctrl state */ if (0U == ctrl_polling_handle_flag) { ctrl_polling_handle_flag = 1U; scd_table_push(p_state); scd_state_move(p_state, CTRL_IDLE); } /* base on the current state to handle the ctrl state */ scd_begin(p_state, CTRL_FSM_ID); ctrl_state_handle[p_state->usbh_current_state](pudev, puhost, p_state); /* determine the control transfer whether to complete */ switch (puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state) { case CTRL_COMPLETE: ctrl_polling_handle_flag = 0U; puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_IDLE; exe_state = USBH_OK; break; case CTRL_STALLED: ctrl_polling_handle_flag = 0U; puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_IDLE; exe_state = USBH_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case CTRL_ERROR: ctrl_polling_handle_flag = 0U; puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_IDLE; exe_state = USBH_FAIL; break; default: exe_state = USBH_BUSY; break; } return exe_state; } /*! \brief the handle function of CTRL_IDLE state \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] puhost: pointer to usb host \param[in] pustate: pointer to usb state driver \param[out] none \retval none */ static void ctrl_idle_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate) { puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_IDLE; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_SETUP, pustate->usbh_current_state); } /*! \brief the handle function of CTRL_SETUP state \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] puhost: pointer to usb host \param[in] pustate: pointer to usb state driver \param[out] none \retval none */ static void ctrl_setup_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate) { urb_state_enum urb_status = URB_IDLE; puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_SETUP; if (0U == ctrl_setup_wait_flag) { ctrl_setup_wait_flag = 1U; /* send a setup packet */ usbh_ctltx_setup (pudev, puhost->control.setup.data, puhost->control.hc_out_num); } else { urb_status = hcd_urb_state_get(pudev, puhost->control.hc_out_num); /* case setup packet sent successfully */ if (URB_DONE == urb_status) { /* check if there is a data stage */ if (0U != puhost->control.setup.b.wLength) { ctrl_setup_wait_flag = 0U; timeout = DATA_STAGE_TIMEOUT; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_DATA, pustate->usbh_current_state); /* no data stage */ } else { timeout = NODATA_STAGE_TIMEOUT; ctrl_setup_wait_flag = 0U; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_STATUS, pustate->usbh_current_state); } /* set the delay timer to enable timeout for data stage completion */ puhost->control.timer = (uint16_t)USB_CURRENT_FRAME_GET(); } else if (URB_ERROR == urb_status) { ctrl_setup_wait_flag = 0U; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, pustate->usbh_current_state); } else { /* no operation */ } } } /*! \brief the handle function of CTRL_DATA state \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] puhost: pointer to usb host \param[in] pustate: pointer to usb state driver \param[out] none \retval none */ static void ctrl_data_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate) { uint8_t direction; urb_state_enum urb_status = URB_IDLE; puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_DATA; direction = (puhost->control.setup.b.bmRequestType & USB_DIR_MASK); if (USB_DIR_IN == direction) { if (0U == ctrl_data_wait_flag) { ctrl_data_wait_flag = 1U; /* issue an IN token */ usbh_xfer(pudev, puhost->control.buff, puhost->control.hc_in_num, puhost->control.length); } else { urb_status = hcd_urb_state_get(pudev, puhost->control.hc_in_num); /* check is data packet transfered successfully */ switch (urb_status) { case URB_DONE: ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_STATUS, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; case URB_STALL: ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_STALLED, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; case URB_ERROR: ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; /* device error */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; default: if (((uint16_t)USB_CURRENT_FRAME_GET() - puhost->control.timer) > timeout) { ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; /* timeout for IN transfer */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, pustate->usbh_current_state); } break; } } } else { if (0U == ctrl_data_wait_flag) { ctrl_data_wait_flag = 1U; /* start DATA out transfer (only one DATA packet)*/ pudev->host.host_channel[puhost->control.hc_out_num].data_tg_out = 1U; usbh_xfer(pudev, puhost->control.buff, puhost->control.hc_out_num, puhost->control.length); } else { urb_status = hcd_urb_state_get(pudev, puhost->control.hc_out_num); switch (urb_status) { case URB_DONE: ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; /* if the setup pkt is sent successful, then change the state */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_STATUS, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; case URB_STALL: ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_STALLED, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; case URB_NOTREADY: /* nack received from device */ ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; break; case URB_ERROR: ctrl_data_wait_flag = 0U; /* device error */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; default: break; } } } } /*! \brief the handle function of CTRL_STATUS state \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] puhost: pointer to usb host \param[in] pustate: pointer to usb state driver \param[out] none \retval none */ static void ctrl_status_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate) { uint8_t direction; urb_state_enum urb_status = URB_IDLE; puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_STATUS; /* get the transfer direction in the data state, but the transfer direction in the status state is opposite */ direction = (puhost->control.setup.b.bmRequestType & USB_DIR_MASK); if (USB_DIR_OUT == direction) { /* handle status in */ if (0U == ctrl_status_wait_flag) { ctrl_status_wait_flag = 1U; usbh_xfer (pudev, 0U, puhost->control.hc_in_num, 0U); } else { urb_status = hcd_urb_state_get(pudev, puhost->control.hc_in_num); switch (urb_status) { case URB_DONE: ctrl_status_wait_flag = 0U; /* handle URB_DONE status */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_COMPLETE, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; case URB_ERROR: ctrl_status_wait_flag = 0U; /* handle URB_STALL status*/ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; case URB_STALL: ctrl_status_wait_flag = 0U; /* handle URB_STALL status */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_STALLED, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; default: if (((uint16_t)USB_CURRENT_FRAME_GET() - puhost->control.timer) > timeout) { ctrl_status_wait_flag = 0U; /* handle timeout */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, pustate->usbh_current_state); } break; } } } else { /* handle status out */ if (0U == ctrl_status_wait_flag) { ctrl_status_wait_flag = 1U; pudev->host.host_channel[puhost->control.hc_out_num].data_tg_out ^= 1U; usbh_xfer (pudev, 0U, puhost->control.hc_out_num, 0U); { uint32_t host_ctlr = 0; host_ctlr = USB_HCHxLEN(puhost->control.hc_out_num); USB_HCHxLEN(puhost->control.hc_out_num) = host_ctlr | 1; host_ctlr = USB_HCHxCTL(puhost->control.hc_out_num); USB_HCHxCTL(puhost->control.hc_out_num) = (host_ctlr & 0x3FFFFFFF) | 0x80000000; } } else { urb_status = hcd_urb_state_get(pudev, puhost->control.hc_out_num); switch (urb_status) { case URB_DONE: ctrl_status_wait_flag = 0U; /* handle URB_DONE status */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_COMPLETE, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; case URB_NOTREADY: /* handle URB_NOTREADY status */ ctrl_status_wait_flag = 0U; break; case URB_ERROR: ctrl_status_wait_flag = 0U; /* handle URB_ERROR status */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_ERROR, pustate->usbh_current_state); break; default: break; } } } } /*! \brief the handle function of CTRL_ERROR state \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] puhost: pointer to usb host \param[in] pustate: pointer to usb state driver \param[out] none \retval none */ static void ctrl_error_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate) { puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_ERROR; if (++puhost->control.error_count <= USBH_MAX_ERROR_COUNT) { /* do the transmission again, starting from SETUP Packet */ scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, CTRL_EVENT_SETUP, pustate->usbh_current_state); } else { scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, GO_TO_UP_STATE_EVENT, pustate->usbh_current_state); } } /*! \brief the handle function of CTRL_STALLED state \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] puhost: pointer to usb host \param[in] pustate: pointer to usb state driver \param[out] none \retval none */ static void ctrl_stalled_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate) { puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_STALLED; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, GO_TO_UP_STATE_EVENT, pustate->usbh_current_state); } /*! \brief the handle function of CTRL_COMPLETE state \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] puhost: pointer to usb host \param[in] pustate: pointer to usb state driver \param[out] none \retval none */ static void ctrl_complete_handle (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, usbh_host_struct *puhost, usbh_state_handle_struct *pustate) { puhost->usbh_backup_state.ctrl_backup_state = CTRL_COMPLETE; scd_event_handle(pudev, puhost, pustate, GO_TO_UP_STATE_EVENT, pustate->usbh_current_state); } /*! \brief send datas from the host channel \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] buf: data buffer address to send datas \param[in] hc_num: the number of the host channel \param[in] len: length of the send data \param[out] none \retval host operation status */ usbh_status_enum usbh_xfer (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t hc_num, uint16_t len) { usb_hostchannel_struct *puhc = &pudev->host.host_channel[hc_num]; puhc->xfer_buff = buf; puhc->xfer_len = len; switch (puhc->endp_type) { case USB_EPTYPE_CTRL: if (0U == puhc->endp_in) { if (0U == len) { /* for status out stage, length = 0, status out pid = 1 */ puhc->data_tg_out = 1U; } /* set the data toggle bit as per the flag */ if (0U == puhc->data_tg_out) { /* put the pid 0 */ puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA0; } else { /* put the pid 1 */ puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA1; } } else { puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA1; } break; case USB_EPTYPE_ISOC: puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA0; break; case USB_EPTYPE_BULK: if (0U == puhc->endp_in) { /* set the data toggle bit as per the flag */ if (0U == puhc->data_tg_out) { /* put the pid 0 */ puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA0; } else { /* put the pid 1 */ puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA1; } } else { if (0U == puhc->data_tg_in) { puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA0; } else { puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA1; } } break; case USB_EPTYPE_INTR: if (0U == puhc->endp_in) { if (0U == puhc->data_tg_out) { puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA0; } else { puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA1; } /* toggle data pid */ puhc->data_tg_out ^= 1U; } else { if (0U == puhc->data_tg_in) { puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA0; } else { puhc->DPID = HC_PID_DATA1; } /* toggle data pid */ puhc->data_tg_in ^= 1U; } break; default: break; } hcd_submit_request (pudev, hc_num); return USBH_OK; } /*! \brief send the setup packet to the device \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] buf: buffer pointer from which the data will be send to device \param[in] hc_num: host channel number \param[out] none \retval host operation status */ usbh_status_enum usbh_ctltx_setup (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t hc_num) { usb_hostchannel_struct *puhc = &pudev->host.host_channel[hc_num]; puhc->DPID = HC_PID_SETUP; puhc->xfer_buff = buf; puhc->xfer_len = USBH_SETUP_PACKET_SIZE; return (usbh_status_enum)hcd_submit_request (pudev, hc_num); } /*! \brief this function prepare a hc and start a transfer \param[in] pudev: pointer to usb device \param[in] channel_num: host channel number which is in (0..7) \param[out] none \retval host operation status */ uint32_t hcd_submit_request (usb_core_handle_struct *pudev, uint8_t channel_num) { usb_hostchannel_struct *puhc = &pudev->host.host_channel[channel_num]; puhc->urb_state = URB_IDLE; puhc->xfer_count = 0U; return (uint32_t)usb_hostchannel_startxfer(pudev, channel_num); }