/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2024, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2024-05-29 QT-one first version */ #include #include "drv_soft_i2c.h" #ifdef RT_USING_I2C #if !defined(BSP_USING_I2C0_SW) && !defined(BSP_USING_I2C1_SW) && !defined(BSP_USING_I2C2_SW) #error "Please define at least one BSP_USING_I2Cx_SW" /* this driver can be disabled at menuconfig RT-Thread Components Device Drivers */ #endif /* ht32 software i2c config class */ struct ht32_soft_i2c_config { rt_uint8_t scl; rt_uint8_t sda; const char *bus_name; }; /* ht32 software i2c dirver class */ struct ht32_soft_i2c { struct rt_i2c_bit_ops ops; struct rt_i2c_bus_device i2c_bus; }; static rt_uint8_t scl_rw_flag = 0; static rt_uint8_t sda_rw_flag = 0; static const struct ht32_soft_i2c_config soft_i2c_config[] = { #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C0_SW { .scl = BSP_I2C0_SLC_PIN, .sda = BSP_I2C0_SDA_PIN, .bus_name = BSP_USING_I2C0_SW_NAME, }, #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C1_SW { .scl = BSP_I2C1_SLC_PIN, .sda = BSP_I2C1_SDA_PIN, .bus_name = BSP_USING_I2C1_SW_NAME, }, #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_I2C2_SW { .scl = BSP_I2C2_SLC_PIN, .sda = BSP_I2C2_SDA_PIN, .bus_name = BSP_USING_I2C2_SW_NAME, }, #endif }; static struct ht32_soft_i2c i2c_obj[sizeof(soft_i2c_config) / sizeof(soft_i2c_config[0])]; /* this function initializes the software i2c pin */ static void ht32_soft_i2c_gpio_init(struct ht32_soft_i2c *i2c) { struct ht32_soft_i2c_config* cfg = (struct ht32_soft_i2c_config*)i2c->ops.data; rt_pin_mode(cfg->scl, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_OD); rt_pin_mode(cfg->sda, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_OD); rt_pin_write(cfg->scl, PIN_HIGH); rt_pin_write(cfg->sda, PIN_HIGH); } /* this function sets the sda pin */ void ht32_set_sda(void *data, rt_int32_t state) { struct ht32_soft_i2c_config* cfg = (struct ht32_soft_i2c_config*)data; if(sda_rw_flag != 0) { sda_rw_flag = 0; rt_pin_mode(cfg->sda, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_OD); } if (state) { rt_pin_write(cfg->sda, PIN_HIGH); } else { rt_pin_write(cfg->sda, PIN_LOW); } } /* this function sets the scl pin */ void ht32_set_scl(void *data, rt_int32_t state) { struct ht32_soft_i2c_config* cfg = (struct ht32_soft_i2c_config*)data; if(scl_rw_flag != 0) { scl_rw_flag = 0; rt_pin_mode(cfg->scl, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_OD); } if (state) { rt_pin_write(cfg->scl, PIN_HIGH); } else { rt_pin_write(cfg->scl, PIN_LOW); } } /* this function gets the sda pin state */ rt_int32_t ht32_get_sda(void *data) { struct ht32_soft_i2c_config* cfg = (struct ht32_soft_i2c_config*)data; if(sda_rw_flag == 0) { sda_rw_flag = 1; rt_pin_mode(cfg->sda, PIN_MODE_INPUT); } return rt_pin_read(cfg->sda); } /* this function gets the scl pin state */ rt_int32_t ht32_get_scl(void *data) { struct ht32_soft_i2c_config* cfg = (struct ht32_soft_i2c_config*)data; if(scl_rw_flag == 0) { scl_rw_flag = 1; rt_pin_mode(cfg->scl, PIN_MODE_INPUT); } return rt_pin_read(cfg->scl); } void ht32_udelay(rt_uint32_t us) { rt_uint32_t ticks; rt_uint32_t told, tnow, tcnt = 0; rt_uint32_t reload = SysTick->LOAD; ticks = us * reload / (1000000 / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); told = SysTick->VAL; while (1) { tnow = SysTick->VAL; if (tnow != told) { if (tnow < told) { tcnt += told - tnow; } else { tcnt += reload - tnow + told; } told = tnow; if (tcnt >= ticks) { break; } } } } static const struct rt_i2c_bit_ops ht32_bit_ops_default = { .data = RT_NULL, .set_sda = ht32_set_sda, .set_scl = ht32_set_scl, .get_sda = ht32_get_sda, .get_scl = ht32_get_scl, .udelay = ht32_udelay, .delay_us = 1, .timeout = 100 }; /* if i2c is locked, this function will unlock it */ static rt_err_t ht32_soft_i2c_bus_unlock(const struct ht32_soft_i2c_config *cfg) { rt_int32_t i = 0; rt_pin_mode(cfg->sda, PIN_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); if (PIN_LOW == rt_pin_read(cfg->sda)) { while (i++ < 9) { rt_pin_write(cfg->scl, PIN_HIGH); ht32_udelay(100); rt_pin_write(cfg->scl, PIN_LOW); ht32_udelay(100); } } if (PIN_LOW == rt_pin_read(cfg->sda)) { return -RT_ERROR; } rt_pin_mode(cfg->sda, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_OD); return RT_EOK; } /* i2c initialization function */ int rt_sw_i2c_init(void) { rt_size_t obj_num = sizeof(i2c_obj) / sizeof(struct ht32_soft_i2c); rt_err_t result; for (int i = 0; i < obj_num; i++) { i2c_obj[i].ops = ht32_bit_ops_default; i2c_obj[i].ops.data = (void*)&soft_i2c_config[i]; i2c_obj[i].i2c_bus.priv = &i2c_obj[i].ops; ht32_soft_i2c_gpio_init(&i2c_obj[i]); result = rt_i2c_bit_add_bus(&i2c_obj[i].i2c_bus, soft_i2c_config[i].bus_name); RT_ASSERT(result == RT_EOK); ht32_soft_i2c_bus_unlock(&soft_i2c_config[i]); LOG_D("software simulation %s init done, pin scl: %d, pin sda %d", soft_i2c_config[i].bus_name, soft_i2c_config[i].scl, soft_i2c_config[i].sda); } return result; } INIT_BOARD_EXPORT(rt_sw_i2c_init); #endif /* RT_USING_I2C */