/* * Copyright (C) 2022-2024, Xiaohua Semiconductor Co., Ltd. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2023-05-25 CDT first version */ /******************************************************************************* * Include files ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #if defined(BSP_USING_USBH) //#define DRV_DEBUG #define LOG_TAG "drv.usbh" #include #include "board_config.h" #include "irq_config.h" #include "drv_usbh.h" #if defined(HC32F472) #define USBFS_DRVVBUS_PIN (rt_base_t)(((rt_uint16_t)USBF_DRVVBUS_PORT * 16) + __CLZ(__RBIT(USBF_DRVVBUS_PIN))) #endif #if !defined(BSP_USING_USBH_HS) extern rt_err_t rt_hw_usbfs_board_init(void); #else extern rt_err_t rt_hw_usbhs_board_init(void); #endif extern void rt_hw_us_delay(rt_uint32_t us); static usb_core_instance _hc32_usbh; static volatile rt_bool_t connect_status = RT_FALSE; static struct rt_completion urb_completion; void usb_udelay(const uint32_t usec) { rt_hw_us_delay(usec); } void usb_mdelay(const uint32_t msec) { rt_thread_mdelay(msec); } void usb_bsp_cfgvbus(usb_core_instance *pdev) { #if defined(HC32F472) rt_pin_mode(USBFS_DRVVBUS_PIN, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); #endif } void usb_bsp_drivevbus(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t state) { #if defined(HC32F472) if (0x00U == state) { rt_pin_write(USBFS_DRVVBUS_PIN, PIN_LOW); } else { rt_pin_write(USBFS_DRVVBUS_PIN, PIN_HIGH); } #endif } static void usb_device_connect_callback(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uhcd_t hcd = (uhcd_t)pdev->pData; if (!connect_status) { connect_status = RT_TRUE; LOG_D("usb connected"); rt_usbh_root_hub_connect_handler(hcd, USB_FS_PORT, RT_FALSE); } } static void usb_device_disconnect_callback(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uhcd_t hcd = (uhcd_t)pdev->pData; if (connect_status) { connect_status = RT_FALSE; LOG_D("usb disconnnect"); rt_usbh_root_hub_disconnect_handler(hcd, USB_FS_PORT); } } static void usb_host_notify_urbchange_Callback(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t chnum, HOST_CH_XFER_STATE urb_state) { rt_completion_done(&urb_completion); } static void usb_host_chx_out_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t chnum) { uint32_t u32hcchar; uint32_t u32hcint; uint32_t u32hcintmsk; u32hcchar = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCCHAR); u32hcint = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCINT); u32hcintmsk = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCINTMSK); u32hcint = u32hcint & u32hcintmsk; if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_ACK)) { usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_ACK); } #if defined (HC32F4A0) else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_AHBERR)) { usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_AHBERR); usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); } #endif else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_FRMOR)) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_FRMOR); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_XFRC)) { pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] = 0U; usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_XFRC); pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFERCOMPL; } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_STALL)) { usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_STALL); usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_STALL; } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_NAK)) { pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] = 0U; usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_NAK); pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_NAK; } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_TXERR)) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] ++; pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_XACTERR; usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_TXERR); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & HCINT_NYET)) { pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] = 0U; usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, HCINT_NYET); pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_NYET; } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_DTERR)) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_NAK); pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_DATATGLERR; usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_DTERR); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_CHH)) { usb_host_int_mskchhltd(pdev, chnum); if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_XFERCOMPL) { pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_DONE; if (((u32hcchar & USBFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP) >> USBFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_POS) == EP_TYPE_BULK) { pdev->host.hc[chnum].out_toggle ^= 1U; } } else if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_NAK) { pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_UNREADY; } else if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_NYET) { if (pdev->host.hc[chnum].do_ping == 1U) { usb_pingtokenissue(&pdev->regs, chnum); } pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_UNREADY; } else if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_STALL) { pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_STALL; } else if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_XACTERR) { pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_ERROR; pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] = 0UL; } else { ; } usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_CHH); usb_host_notify_urbchange_Callback(pdev, chnum, pdev->host.URB_State[chnum]); } else { ; } } static void usb_host_chx_in_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t chnum) { uint32_t u32hcchar; uint32_t u32hctsiz; uint32_t u32eptypetmp; uint32_t u32hcint; uint32_t u32hcintmsk; u32hcchar = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCCHAR); u32hcint = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCINT); u32hcintmsk = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCINTMSK); u32hcint = u32hcint & u32hcintmsk; u32eptypetmp = (u32hcchar & USBFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP) >> USBFS_HCCHAR_EPTYP_POS; if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_ACK)) { usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_ACK); } #if defined (HC32F4A0) else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_AHBERR)) { usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_AHBERR); usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); } #endif else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_BBERR)) { usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_BBERR); pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_BBLERR; usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_STALL)) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_STALL; usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_NAK); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_STALL); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_DTERR)) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_NAK); pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_DATATGLERR; usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_DTERR); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_FRMOR)) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_FRMOR); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_XFRC)) { if (pdev->basic_cfgs.dmaen == 1U) { u32hctsiz = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCTSIZ); pdev->host.XferCnt[chnum] = pdev->host.hc[chnum].xfer_len - (u32hctsiz & USBFS_HCTSIZ_XFRSIZ); pdev->host.hc[chnum].xfer_count += pdev->host.XferCnt[chnum]; } pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFERCOMPL; pdev->host.ErrCnt [chnum] = 0U; usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_XFRC); switch (u32eptypetmp) { case EP_TYPE_CTRL: case EP_TYPE_BULK: usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_NAK); pdev->host.hc[chnum].in_toggle ^= (uint8_t)1; break; case EP_TYPE_INTR: u32hcchar |= USBFS_HCCHAR_ODDFRM; WRITE_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCCHAR, u32hcchar); pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_DONE; usb_host_notify_urbchange_Callback(pdev, chnum, pdev->host.URB_State[chnum]); break; case EP_TYPE_ISOC: if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_XFERCOMPL) { pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_DONE; usb_host_notify_urbchange_Callback(pdev, chnum, pdev->host.URB_State[chnum]); } break; default: break; } } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_CHH)) { usb_host_int_mskchhltd(pdev, chnum); if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_XFERCOMPL) { pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_DONE; } else if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_STALL) { pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_STALL; } else if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_XACTERR) { pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] = 0U; pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_ERROR; } else if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_DATATGLERR) { pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] = 0U; pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_ERROR; } else if (pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] == HOST_CH_BBLERR) { pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] ++; pdev->host.URB_State[chnum] = HOST_CH_XFER_ERROR; } else if (u32eptypetmp == EP_TYPE_INTR) { pdev->host.hc[chnum].in_toggle ^= (uint8_t)1; } else { ; } usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_CHH); usb_host_notify_urbchange_Callback(pdev, chnum, pdev->host.URB_State[chnum]); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_TXERR)) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); pdev->host.ErrCnt[chnum] ++; pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_XACTERR; usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_TXERR); } else if (0UL != (u32hcint & USBFS_HCINT_NAK)) { if (u32eptypetmp == EP_TYPE_INTR) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum); } else if (u32eptypetmp == EP_TYPE_CTRL) { u32hcchar |= USBFS_HCCHAR_CHENA; u32hcchar &= ~USBFS_HCCHAR_CHDIS; WRITE_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[chnum]->HCCHAR, u32hcchar); } else if (u32eptypetmp == EP_TYPE_BULK) { usb_host_int_unmskchhltd(pdev, chnum); usb_hchstop(&pdev->regs, chnum);/* stop hc avoid block */ } else { ; } pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum] = HOST_CH_NAK; usb_host_clrint(pdev, chnum, USBFS_HCINT_NAK); } else { ; } } static void usb_host_hc_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uint32_t u32hcchar; uint8_t u8Cnt; uint32_t u32haint; u32haint = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HREGS->HAINT); for (u8Cnt = 0U; u8Cnt < pdev->basic_cfgs.host_chnum; u8Cnt++) { if (0UL != (u32haint & (1UL << u8Cnt))) { u32hcchar = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[u8Cnt]->HCCHAR); if (0UL != ((u32hcchar & USBFS_HCCHAR_EPDIR) >> USBFS_HCCHAR_EPDIR_POS)) { usb_host_chx_in_isr(pdev, u8Cnt); } else { usb_host_chx_out_isr(pdev, u8Cnt); } } } } static void usb_host_sof_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { WRITE_REG32(pdev->regs.GREGS->GINTSTS, USBFS_GINTSTS_SOF); } static void usb_host_disconn_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { WRITE_REG32(pdev->regs.GREGS->GINTSTS, USBFS_GINTSTS_DISCINT); /* flush all the txFIFOs and the whole rxFIFO */ usb_rxfifoflush(&pdev->regs); usb_txfifoflush(&pdev->regs, 0x10UL); pdev->host.is_dev_connect = 0U; usb_device_disconnect_callback(pdev); } #define USBFS_HNPTXSTS_NPTXQTOP_CHEPNUM_POS (27U) #define USBFS_HNPTXSTS_NPTXQTOP_CHEPNUM (0x78000000UL) static void usb_host_nptxfifoempty_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uint32_t u32hnptxsts; uint16_t u16LenWord; uint16_t u16Len; uint8_t u8ChNum; u32hnptxsts = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.GREGS->HNPTXSTS); u8ChNum = (uint8_t)((u32hnptxsts & USBFS_HNPTXSTS_NPTXQTOP_CHEPNUM) >> USBFS_HNPTXSTS_NPTXQTOP_CHEPNUM_POS) % USB_MAX_TX_FIFOS; u16LenWord = (uint16_t)((pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len + 3UL) / 4UL); while (((u32hnptxsts & USBFS_HNPTXSTS_NPTXFSAV) > u16LenWord) && (pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len != 0U)) { u16Len = (uint16_t)((u32hnptxsts & USBFS_HNPTXSTS_NPTXFSAV) * 4UL); if (u16Len > pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len) { u16Len = (uint16_t)pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len; CLR_REG32_BIT(pdev->regs.GREGS->GINTMSK, USBFS_GINTSTS_NPTXFE); } u16LenWord = (uint16_t)((pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len + 3UL) / 4UL); usb_wrpkt(&pdev->regs, pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_buff, u8ChNum, u16Len, pdev->basic_cfgs.dmaen); pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_buff += u16Len; pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len -= u16Len; pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_count += u16Len; u32hnptxsts = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.GREGS->HNPTXSTS); } } #define USBFS_HPTXSTS_PTXQTOP_CHNUM_POS (27U) #define USBFS_HPTXSTS_PTXQTOP_CHNUM (0x78000000UL) static void usb_host_ptxfifoempty_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uint32_t u32hptxsts; uint16_t u16LenWord; uint16_t u16Len; uint8_t u8ChNum; u32hptxsts = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HREGS->HPTXSTS); u8ChNum = (uint8_t)((u32hptxsts & USBFS_HPTXSTS_PTXQTOP_CHNUM) >> USBFS_HPTXSTS_PTXQTOP_CHNUM_POS) % USB_MAX_TX_FIFOS; u16LenWord = (uint16_t)((pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len + 3UL) / 4UL); while ((((u32hptxsts & USBFS_HPTXSTS_PTXFSAVL)) > u16LenWord) && (pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len != 0U)) { u16Len = (uint16_t)((u32hptxsts & USBFS_HPTXSTS_PTXFSAVL) * 4UL); if (u16Len > pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len) { u16Len = (uint16_t)pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len; CLR_REG32_BIT(pdev->regs.GREGS->GINTMSK, USBFS_GINTMSK_PTXFEM); } u16LenWord = (uint16_t)((pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len + 3UL) / 4UL); usb_wrpkt(&pdev->regs, pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_buff, u8ChNum, u16Len, pdev->basic_cfgs.dmaen); pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_buff += u16Len; pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_len -= u16Len; pdev->host.hc[u8ChNum].xfer_count += u16Len; u32hptxsts = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HREGS->HPTXSTS); } } static uint32_t host_driver_getvbusdrivestate(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uint32_t u32hppt; u32hppt = READ_REG32(*pdev->regs.HPRT); return ((u32hppt & USBFS_HPRT_PWPR) >> USBFS_HPRT_PWPR_POS); } static void usb_host_port_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uint32_t u32hprt; uint32_t u32hprt_bk; uint8_t u8fslspclksel; uint32_t do_reset = 0UL; uint8_t u8PortSpeed; u32hprt = READ_REG32(*pdev->regs.HPRT); u32hprt_bk = u32hprt; /* Clear the interrupt bits in GINTSTS */ u32hprt_bk &= ~(USBFS_HPRT_PENA | USBFS_HPRT_PCDET | USBFS_HPRT_PENCHNG); /* check if a port connect have been detected */ if ((u32hprt & USBFS_HPRT_PCDET) != 0UL) { u32hprt_bk |= USBFS_HPRT_PCDET; if (host_driver_getvbusdrivestate(pdev) != 0UL) { pdev->host.is_dev_connect = 1U; usb_device_connect_callback(pdev); } } /* check if port enable or disable change */ if ((u32hprt & USBFS_HPRT_PENCHNG) != 0UL) { u32hprt_bk |= USBFS_HPRT_PENCHNG; if ((u32hprt & USBFS_HPRT_PENA) != 0UL) { u8PortSpeed = (uint8_t)((u32hprt & USBFS_HPRT_PSPD) >> USBFS_HPRT_PSPD_POS); pdev->host.devspeed = u8PortSpeed; if ((u8PortSpeed == PRTSPD_LOW_SPEED) || (u8PortSpeed == PRTSPD_FULL_SPEED)) { u8fslspclksel = (uint8_t)(READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HREGS->HCFG) & USBFS_HCFG_FSLSPCS); if (u8PortSpeed == PRTSPD_LOW_SPEED) { if (u8fslspclksel != HCFG_6_MHZ) { do_reset = 1U; } } else { /* 1ms*(PHY clock frequency for FS/LS)-1 */ WRITE_REG32(pdev->regs.HREGS->HFIR, 48000UL); if (u8fslspclksel != HCFG_48_MHZ) { usb_fslspclkselset(&pdev->regs, HCFG_48_MHZ); do_reset = 1U; } } } else { do_reset = 1U; } } } if (0UL != do_reset) { /* RTT Will Call Reset */ } WRITE_REG32(*pdev->regs.HPRT, u32hprt_bk); } static void usb_host_rxflvl_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uint32_t u32grxsts; uint32_t u32hctsiz; uint32_t u32hcchar; uint8_t u8chnum; uint8_t *pu8Tmp; uint16_t u16bcnt; CLR_REG32_BIT(pdev->regs.GREGS->GINTMSK, USBFS_GINTSTS_RXFNE); u32grxsts = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.GREGS->GRXSTSP); u8chnum = (uint8_t)(u32grxsts & USBFS_GRXSTSP_CHNUM_EPNUM) % USB_MAX_TX_FIFOS; u16bcnt = (uint16_t)((u32grxsts & USBFS_GRXSTSP_BCNT) >> USBFS_GRXSTSP_BCNT_POS); u32hcchar = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[u8chnum]->HCCHAR); switch ((u32grxsts & USBFS_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS) >> USBFS_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS_POS) { case 2: /* IN dat packet received */ pu8Tmp = pdev->host.hc[u8chnum].xfer_buff; if ((u16bcnt > 0U) && (pu8Tmp != (void *)0U)) { usb_rdpkt(&pdev->regs, pdev->host.hc[u8chnum].xfer_buff, u16bcnt); pdev->host.hc[u8chnum].xfer_buff += u16bcnt; pdev->host.hc[u8chnum].xfer_count += u16bcnt; pdev->host.XferCnt[u8chnum] = pdev->host.hc[u8chnum].xfer_count; u32hctsiz = READ_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[u8chnum]->HCTSIZ); if (((u32hctsiz & USBFS_HCTSIZ_PKTCNT) >> USBFS_HCTSIZ_PKTCNT_POS) > 0U) { u32hcchar |= USBFS_HCCHAR_CHENA; u32hcchar &= ~USBFS_HCCHAR_CHDIS; WRITE_REG32(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[u8chnum]->HCCHAR, u32hcchar); } } break; case 3: /* IN transfer completed(trigger an interrupt) */ break; case 5: /* Daat toggle error(trigger an interrupt) */ break; case 7: /* Channel halted(trigger an interrupt) */ break; default: break; } SET_REG32_BIT(pdev->regs.GREGS->GINTMSK, USBFS_GINTSTS_RXFNE); } static void usb_host_incomplisoout_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { SET_REG32_BIT(pdev->regs.HC_REGS[0]->HCCHAR, USBFS_HCCHAR_CHENA | USBFS_HCCHAR_CHDIS); WRITE_REG32(pdev->regs.GREGS->GINTSTS, USBFS_GINTSTS_IPXFR_INCOMPISOOUT); } static void usb_host_wkupint_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uint32_t u32hprt; u32hprt = usb_rdhprt(&pdev->regs); u32hprt &= ~USBFS_HPRT_PRES; WRITE_REG32(*pdev->regs.HPRT, u32hprt); } /** * @brief This function process all interrupt of USB in host mode * @param [in] pdev device instance * @retval None */ static void usb_host_isr(usb_core_instance *pdev) { uint32_t gintstsval; if (0U != usb_getcurmod(&pdev->regs)) { gintstsval = usb_getcoreintr(&pdev->regs); if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_SOF)) { usb_host_sof_isr(pdev); } if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_RXFNE)) { usb_host_rxflvl_isr(pdev); } if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_NPTXFE)) { usb_host_nptxfifoempty_isr(pdev); } if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_PTXFE)) { usb_host_ptxfifoempty_isr(pdev); } if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_HCINT)) { usb_host_hc_isr(pdev); } if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_HPRTINT)) { usb_host_port_isr(pdev); } if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_DISCINT)) { usb_host_disconn_isr(pdev); } if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_IPXFR_INCOMPISOOUT)) { usb_host_incomplisoout_isr(pdev); } if (0UL != (gintstsval & USBFS_GINTSTS_WKUINT)) { usb_host_wkupint_isr(pdev); } } } static void usbh_irq_handler(void) { rt_interrupt_enter(); usb_host_isr(&_hc32_usbh); rt_interrupt_leave(); } #if defined(HC32F472) void USBFS_Handler(void) { usbh_irq_handler(); } #endif static void usb_host_chopen(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t hc_num, uint8_t epnum, uint8_t dev_address, uint8_t speed, uint8_t ep_type, uint16_t mps) { pdev->host.channel[hc_num] = epnum; /* assign channel here */ pdev->host.hc[hc_num].ep_idx = (uint8_t) pdev->host.channel[hc_num] & 0x7FU; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].is_epin = (uint8_t)((pdev->host.channel[hc_num] & 0x80U) == 0x80U); pdev->host.hc[hc_num].dev_addr = dev_address; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].ep_type = ep_type; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].max_packet = mps; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].ch_speed = speed; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].in_toggle = 0U; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].out_toggle = 0U; (void)usb_inithch(&pdev->regs, hc_num, &pdev->host.hc[hc_num], pdev->basic_cfgs.dmaen); } static void usb_host_ch_init(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t hc_num, uint8_t epnum, uint8_t dev_address, uint8_t speed, uint8_t ep_type, uint16_t mps) { pdev->host.channel[hc_num] = epnum; /* assign channel here */ pdev->host.hc[hc_num].ep_idx = (uint8_t) pdev->host.channel[hc_num] & 0x7FU; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].is_epin = (uint8_t)((pdev->host.channel[hc_num] & 0x80U) == 0x80U); pdev->host.hc[hc_num].dev_addr = dev_address; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].ep_type = ep_type; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].max_packet = mps; pdev->host.hc[hc_num].ch_speed = speed; (void)usb_inithch(&pdev->regs, hc_num, &pdev->host.hc[hc_num], pdev->basic_cfgs.dmaen); } static uint32_t usb_host_submitrequest(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t ch_num, uint8_t direction, uint8_t ep_type, uint8_t token, uint8_t *pbuff, uint16_t length, uint8_t do_ping) { pdev->host.hc[ch_num].is_epin = direction; pdev->host.hc[ch_num].ep_type = ep_type; if (token == 0U) { pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_SETUP; pdev->host.hc[ch_num].do_ping = do_ping; } else { pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA1; } /* Manage Data Toggle */ switch (ep_type) { case EP_TYPE_CTRL: if ((token == 1U) && (direction == 0U)) /*send data */ { if (length == 0U) { /* For Status OUT stage, Length==0, Status Out PID = 1 */ pdev->host.hc[ch_num].out_toggle = 1U; } /* Set the Data Toggle bit as per the Flag */ if (pdev->host.hc[ch_num].out_toggle == 0U) { /* Put the PID 0 */ pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA0; } else { /* Put the PID 1 */ pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA1; } } break; case EP_TYPE_BULK: if (direction == 0U) { /* Set the Data Toggle bit as per the Flag */ if (pdev->host.hc[ch_num].out_toggle == 0U) { /* Put the PID 0 */ pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA0; } else { /* Put the PID 1 */ pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA1; } } else { if (pdev->host.hc[ch_num].in_toggle == 0U) { pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA0; } else { pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA1; } } break; case EP_TYPE_INTR: if (direction == 0U) { /* Set the Data Toggle bit as per the Flag */ if (pdev->host.hc[ch_num].out_toggle == 0U) { /* Put the PID 0 */ pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA0; } else { /* Put the PID 1 */ pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA1; } } else { if (pdev->host.hc[ch_num].in_toggle == 0U) { pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA0; } else { pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA1; } } break; case EP_TYPE_ISOC: pdev->host.hc[ch_num].pid_type = PID_DATA0; break; default: break; } pdev->host.hc[ch_num].xfer_buff = pbuff; pdev->host.hc[ch_num].xfer_len = length; pdev->host.hc[ch_num].xfer_count = 0U; pdev->host.HC_Status[ch_num] = HOST_CH_IDLE; /* state */ pdev->host.URB_State[ch_num] = HOST_CH_XFER_IDLE; /* urb state */ return usb_hchtransbegin(&pdev->regs, ch_num, &pdev->host.hc[ch_num], pdev->basic_cfgs.dmaen); } static HOST_CH_XFER_STATE usb_hsot_get_ch_urbstate(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t chnum) { return pdev->host.URB_State[chnum]; } static HOST_CH_STATUS usb_hsot_get_ch_state(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t chnum) { return pdev->host.HC_Status[chnum]; } static uint32_t usb_hsot_get_ch_xfercount(usb_core_instance *pdev, uint8_t chnum) { return pdev->host.hc[chnum].xfer_count; } static rt_err_t _usbh_reset_port(rt_uint8_t port) { LOG_D("reset port"); usb_hprtrst(&_hc32_usbh.regs); return RT_EOK; } static int _usbh_pipe_xfer(upipe_t pipe, rt_uint8_t token, void *buffer, int nbytes, int timeouts) { int timeout = timeouts; uint8_t devspeed; uint32_t u32NakCnt = 0; if (pipe->pipe_index >= USB_MAX_CH_NUM) { rt_kprintf("Error: pipe_index %d, Exceeded the max number of host channels\r\n", pipe->pipe_index); return -1; } while (1) { if (!connect_status) { return -1; } rt_completion_init(&urb_completion); usb_host_submitrequest(&_hc32_usbh, pipe->pipe_index, (pipe->ep.bEndpointAddress & 0x80) >> 7, pipe->ep.bmAttributes, token, buffer, nbytes, 0); if ((pipe->ep.bEndpointAddress & 0x80)) { LOG_D("IN"); } else { LOG_D("OUT"); } rt_completion_wait(&urb_completion, timeout); rt_thread_mdelay(1); if (usb_hsot_get_ch_state(&_hc32_usbh, pipe->pipe_index) == HOST_CH_NAK) { LOG_D("nak"); #define MAX_NAK_CNT (5U) u32NakCnt ++; if (u32NakCnt > MAX_NAK_CNT) { #if defined(RT_USBH_MSTORAGE) || defined(RT_USBH_HID) /* Do not limit the number of Naks */ #else return -1; #endif } if (pipe->ep.bmAttributes == USB_EP_ATTR_INT) { rt_thread_delay((pipe->ep.bInterval * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND / 1000) > 0 ? (pipe->ep.bInterval * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND / 1000) : 1); } /* Get the speed of the connected device */ devspeed = _hc32_usbh.host.devspeed; usb_hchstop(&_hc32_usbh.regs, pipe->pipe_index); usb_host_ch_init(&_hc32_usbh, pipe->pipe_index, pipe->ep.bEndpointAddress, pipe->inst->address, devspeed, pipe->ep.bmAttributes, pipe->ep.wMaxPacketSize); continue; } else if (usb_hsot_get_ch_state(&_hc32_usbh, pipe->pipe_index) == HOST_CH_STALL) { LOG_D("stall"); pipe->status = UPIPE_STATUS_STALL; if (pipe->callback != RT_NULL) { pipe->callback(pipe); } return -1; } else if (usb_hsot_get_ch_urbstate(&_hc32_usbh, pipe->pipe_index) == HOST_CH_XFER_ERROR) { LOG_D("error"); pipe->status = UPIPE_STATUS_ERROR; if (pipe->callback != RT_NULL) { pipe->callback(pipe); } return -1; } else if (HOST_CH_XFER_DONE == usb_hsot_get_ch_urbstate(&_hc32_usbh, pipe->pipe_index)) { LOG_D("done"); pipe->status = UPIPE_STATUS_OK; if (pipe->callback != RT_NULL) { pipe->callback(pipe); } size_t size = usb_hsot_get_ch_xfercount(&_hc32_usbh, pipe->pipe_index); if (pipe->ep.bEndpointAddress & 0x80) { return size; } return nbytes; } else { LOG_D("other"); } continue; } } static rt_uint16_t pipe_index = 0; static rt_uint8_t _usbh_get_free_pipe_index(void) { rt_uint8_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < USB_MAX_CH_NUM; idx++) { if (!(pipe_index & (0x01 << idx))) { pipe_index |= (0x01 << idx); return idx; } } rt_kprintf("Error: Exceeded the max number of host channels\r\n"); return USB_MAX_CH_NUM; } static void _usbh_free_pipe_index(rt_uint8_t index) { pipe_index &= ~(0x01 << index); } static rt_err_t _usbh_open_pipe(upipe_t pipe) { uint8_t devspeed; pipe->pipe_index = _usbh_get_free_pipe_index(); if (pipe->pipe_index >= USB_MAX_CH_NUM) { rt_kprintf("Error: pipe_index %d, Exceeded the max number of host channels\r\n", pipe->pipe_index); return -RT_ERROR; } /* Get the speed of the connected device */ devspeed = _hc32_usbh.host.devspeed; usb_host_chopen(&_hc32_usbh, pipe->pipe_index, pipe->ep.bEndpointAddress, pipe->inst->address, devspeed, pipe->ep.bmAttributes, pipe->ep.wMaxPacketSize); /* Set DATA0 PID token*/ if (_hc32_usbh.host.hc[pipe->pipe_index].is_epin) { _hc32_usbh.host.hc[pipe->pipe_index].in_toggle = 0; } else { _hc32_usbh.host.hc[pipe->pipe_index].out_toggle = 0; } return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t _usbh_close_pipe(upipe_t pipe) { if (pipe->pipe_index >= USB_MAX_CH_NUM) { rt_kprintf("Error: pipe_index %d, Exceeded the max number of host channels\r\n", pipe->pipe_index); return -RT_ERROR; } usb_hchstop(&_hc32_usbh.regs, pipe->pipe_index); _usbh_free_pipe_index(pipe->pipe_index); return RT_EOK; } static struct uhcd_ops _uhcd_ops = { _usbh_reset_port, _usbh_pipe_xfer, _usbh_open_pipe, _usbh_close_pipe, }; static void _usbh_driver_init(usb_core_instance *pdev, stc_usb_port_identify *pstcPortIdentify) { uint8_t i; pdev->host.is_dev_connect = 0U; for (i = 0U; i < USB_MAX_TX_FIFOS; i++) { pdev->host.ErrCnt[i] = 0U; pdev->host.XferCnt[i] = 0U; pdev->host.HC_Status[i] = HOST_CH_IDLE; } pdev->host.hc[0].max_packet = 8U; usb_setregaddr(&pdev->regs, pstcPortIdentify, &pdev->basic_cfgs); usb_gintdis(&pdev->regs); usb_initusbcore(&pdev->regs, &pdev->basic_cfgs); /* force to work in host mode*/ usb_modeset(&pdev->regs, HOST_MODE); /* configure charge pump IO */ usb_bsp_cfgvbus(pdev); /* enable or disable the external charge pump */ usb_bsp_drivevbus(pdev, 1U); usb_vbusctrl(&pdev->regs, 1U); /* Wait some time for power stable */ usb_mdelay(100UL); usb_hostmodeinit(&pdev->regs, &pdev->basic_cfgs); usb_ginten(&pdev->regs); } static rt_err_t _usbh_init(rt_device_t device) { stc_usb_port_identify stcPortIdentify; struct hc32_irq_config irq_config; usb_core_instance *hhcd = (usb_core_instance *)device->user_data; /* Fcg config */ #if !defined(BSP_USING_USBH_HS) FCG_Fcg1PeriphClockCmd(FCG1_PERIPH_USBFS, ENABLE); #else FCG_Fcg1PeriphClockCmd(FCG1_PERIPH_USBHS, ENABLE); #endif /* Parameters */ #if !defined(BSP_USING_USBH_HS) stcPortIdentify.u8CoreID = USBFS_CORE_ID; #else stcPortIdentify.u8CoreID = USBHS_CORE_ID; #endif #if defined (HC32F4A0) #if !defined(BSP_USING_USBHS_PHY_EXTERN) stcPortIdentify.u8PhyType = USBHS_PHY_EMBED; #else stcPortIdentify.u8PhyType = USBHS_PHY_EXT; #endif #endif /* BSP Config */ #if !defined(BSP_USING_USBH_HS) rt_hw_usbfs_board_init(); #else rt_hw_usbhs_board_init(); #endif /* Host driver init */ _usbh_driver_init(hhcd, &stcPortIdentify); /* NVIC config */ #if !defined(BSP_USING_USBH_HS) irq_config.irq_num = BSP_USBFS_GLB_IRQ_NUM; irq_config.int_src = INT_SRC_USBFS_GLB; irq_config.irq_prio = BSP_USBFS_GLB_IRQ_PRIO; #else irq_config.irq_num = BSP_USBHS_GLB_IRQ_NUM; irq_config.int_src = INT_SRC_USBHS_GLB; irq_config.irq_prio = BSP_USBHS_GLB_IRQ_PRIO; #endif /* register interrupt */ hc32_install_irq_handler(&irq_config, usbh_irq_handler, RT_TRUE); return RT_EOK; } int rt_hw_usbh_init(void) { rt_err_t res = -RT_ERROR; uhcd_t uhcd = (uhcd_t)rt_malloc(sizeof(struct uhcd)); if (uhcd == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("uhcd malloc failed\r\n"); return -RT_ERROR; } rt_memset((void *)uhcd, 0, sizeof(struct uhcd)); uhcd->parent.type = RT_Device_Class_USBHost; uhcd->parent.init = _usbh_init; uhcd->parent.user_data = &_hc32_usbh; uhcd->ops = &_uhcd_ops; uhcd->num_ports = USB_FS_PORT; _hc32_usbh.pData = uhcd; res = rt_device_register(&uhcd->parent, "usbh", RT_DEVICE_FLAG_DEACTIVATE); if (res != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("register usb host failed res = %d\r\n", res); return -RT_ERROR; } rt_usb_host_init("usbh"); return RT_EOK; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(rt_hw_usbh_init); #endif /* BSP_USING_USBH */