/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2023-11-26 ChuShicheng first version */ #include #include "drv_pwm.h" #include "driver/ledc.h" #ifdef BSP_USING_PWM #define DBG_LEVEL DBG_LOG #include #define LOG_TAG "DRV.PWM" #define LEDC_MODE LEDC_LOW_SPEED_MODE #define LEDC_DUTY_DEFAULT (4095) // Set duty to 50%. ((2 ** 13) - 1) * 50% = 4095 #define LEDC_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT (5000) // Frequency in Hertz. Set frequency at 5 kHz struct esp_pwm { struct rt_device_pwm pwm_device; rt_uint8_t timer_num; char *name; }; static struct esp_pwm esp_pwm_obj[] = { #ifdef BSP_USING_PWM0 { .name = "pwm0", .timer_num = 0, } #endif /* BSP_USING_PWM0 */ }; static rt_err_t _pwm_set(struct esp_pwm *obj, struct rt_pwm_configuration *configuration) { float period = configuration->period; float pulse = configuration->pulse; float duty = 8191 * (pulse / period); // ((2 ** 13) - 1) * (pulse / period_hz) float period_hz = 1000000000 / configuration->period; ledc_timer_config_t ledc_timer = { .speed_mode = LEDC_MODE, .timer_num = obj->timer_num, .duty_resolution = LEDC_TIMER_13_BIT, .freq_hz = (uint32_t)period_hz, // Set output frequency at 5 kHz .clk_cfg = LEDC_AUTO_CLK }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ledc_timer_config(&ledc_timer)); ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ledc_set_duty(LEDC_MODE, configuration->channel, (uint32_t)duty)); // Update duty to apply the new value ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ledc_update_duty(LEDC_MODE, configuration->channel)); return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t _pwm_get(struct esp_pwm *obj, struct rt_pwm_configuration *configuration) { uint32_t period_hz = ledc_get_freq(LEDC_MODE, obj->timer_num); LOG_W("period_hz:%d", period_hz); uint32_t duty = ledc_get_duty(LEDC_MODE, configuration->channel); LOG_W("duty:%d", duty); configuration->period = 1000000000 / period_hz; configuration->pulse = duty * configuration->period / 8191; LOG_W("pulse:%d", configuration->pulse); return RT_EOK; } static void pwm_enabled(struct esp_pwm *obj, struct rt_pwm_configuration *configuration, rt_uint8_t enable) { if(enable) { ledc_timer_config_t ledc_timer = { .speed_mode = LEDC_MODE, .timer_num = obj->timer_num, .duty_resolution = LEDC_TIMER_13_BIT, .freq_hz = LEDC_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT, // Set output frequency at 5 kHz .clk_cfg = LEDC_AUTO_CLK }; ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ledc_timer_config(&ledc_timer)); // Prepare and then apply the LEDC PWM channel configuration ledc_channel_config_t ledc_channel = { .speed_mode = LEDC_MODE, .channel = configuration->channel, .timer_sel = obj->timer_num, .intr_type = LEDC_INTR_DISABLE, .duty = LEDC_DUTY_DEFAULT, // ((2 ** 13) - 1) * (pulse / period_hz) .hpoint = 0 }; switch (configuration->channel) { case LEDC_CHANNEL_0: ledc_channel.gpio_num = BSP_LEDC_CH0_GPIO; break; case LEDC_CHANNEL_1: ledc_channel.gpio_num = BSP_LEDC_CH1_GPIO; break; case LEDC_CHANNEL_2: ledc_channel.gpio_num = BSP_LEDC_CH2_GPIO; break; case LEDC_CHANNEL_3: ledc_channel.gpio_num = BSP_LEDC_CH3_GPIO; break; case LEDC_CHANNEL_4: ledc_channel.gpio_num = BSP_LEDC_CH4_GPIO; break; case LEDC_CHANNEL_5: ledc_channel.gpio_num = BSP_LEDC_CH5_GPIO; break; default: break; } ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ledc_channel_config(&ledc_channel)); } else { ESP_ERROR_CHECK(ledc_stop(LEDC_MODE, configuration->channel, 0)); } } static rt_err_t _pwm_control(struct rt_device_pwm *device, int cmd, void *arg) { struct esp_pwm *_pwm = rt_container_of(device, struct esp_pwm, pwm_device); struct rt_pwm_configuration *configuration = (struct rt_pwm_configuration *)arg; switch (cmd) { case PWM_CMD_ENABLE: pwm_enabled(_pwm, configuration, RT_TRUE); return RT_EOK; case PWM_CMD_DISABLE: pwm_enabled(_pwm, configuration, RT_FALSE); return RT_EOK; case PWM_CMD_SET: return _pwm_set(_pwm, configuration); case PWM_CMD_GET: return _pwm_get(_pwm, configuration); default: return -RT_EINVAL; } } static struct rt_pwm_ops _pwm_ops = { _pwm_control }; int rt_hw_pwm_init(void) { int result = RT_EOK; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(esp_pwm_obj) / sizeof(esp_pwm_obj[0]); i++) { esp_pwm_obj[i].timer_num = i; result = rt_device_pwm_register(&esp_pwm_obj[i].pwm_device, esp_pwm_obj[i].name, &_pwm_ops, 0); if(result != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("%s register fail.", esp_pwm_obj[i].name); } } return result; } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(rt_hw_pwm_init); #endif /* BSP_USING_PWM */