mirror of https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread.git synced 2025-02-01 19:50:47 +08:00

[update] format

This commit is contained in:
thread-liu 2020-08-13 13:47:53 +08:00
parent b4c4d554c9
commit dd2bf1e442
13 changed files with 470 additions and 2867 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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Binary file not shown.

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#RT-Thread Studio Project Configuration
#Thu Jul 23 15:17:50 CST 2020

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
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<component name="EventRecorderStub" version="1.0.0"/> <!--name and version of the component-->

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
[中文页](README_zh.md) |
# Introduction
## Introduction
This document records the execution instruction of the BSP (board support package) provided by the RT-Thread development team for the STM32MP157A-EV1 development board.
@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ By reading the Quickly Get Started section developers can quickly get their hand
The STM32MP157A-EV1 is a development board based on a dual Cortex-A7 and Cortex-M4 core. The Cortex-A7 core operates at 650 MHZ and the Cortex-M4 operates at 209MHZ. There is no Flash inside the STM32MP157A.
The mainly-used **on-board resources** are shown as follows:
* MCU : STM32MP157AAAx
* Common peripherals:
- 4 LEDs: LD4(PD8), LD5(PD9), LD2(PA13), LD3(PA14)
- 4 Buttons: WAKE_UP, RESET (NRST), USER1(PA13), USER2 (PA14)
* Common-used interface: USB, SD card, Ethernet, MIPI, USB HOST, Audio, HDMI, Arduino.
* Debug interface: Standard JTAG/SWD.
- MCU : STM32MP157AAAx
- Common peripherals:
- 4 LEDs: LD4(PD8), LD5(PD9), LD2(PA13), LD3(PA14)
- 4 Buttons: WAKE_UP, RESET (NRST), USER1(PA13), USER2 (PA14)
- Common-used interface: USB, SD card, Ethernet, MIPI, USB HOST, Audio, HDMI, Arduino.
- Debug interface: Standard JTAG/SWD.
For more details about this board, please refer to the ST official documentation:
For more details about this board, please refer to the ST official documentation:
[STM32MP157A-EV1 Development board introduction](https://www.st.com/content/st_com/zh/products/evaluation-tools/product-evaluation-tools/mcu-mpu-eval-tools/stm32-mcu-mpu-eval-tools/stm32-eval-boards/stm32mp157a-ev1.html)
@ -72,13 +72,12 @@ Each peripheral supporting condition for this BSP is as follows:
| CRC | NO | |
| RNG | NO | |
| HASH | NO | |
| CRYP | NO | |
## Execution Instruction
### Quickly Get Started
### Quickly Get Started
This BSP provides IAR projects for developers. Here's an example of the IAR development environment, to introduce how to run the system.
This BSP provides MDK4,MDK5 and IAR projects for developers. Also support GCC development environment,Here's an example of the MDK5 development environment, to introduce how to run the system.
#### Hardware Connection
@ -86,9 +85,9 @@ Use a USB cable to connect the development board to the PC and turn on the power
#### Compile And Download
Double-click the project.eww file, to open the IAR project, compile and download the program to the board.
Double-click the project.uvprojx file, to open the MDK5 project, compile and download the program to the board.
> By default, the project uses ST_LINK simulator to download the program, when the ST_LINK connects the board, clicking the download button can download the program to the board.
> By default, the project uses ST_LINK simulator to download the program, when the ST_LINK connects the board, clicking the download button can download the program to the board.
#### Running Results
@ -101,37 +100,36 @@ Connect the serial port of the board to PC, communicate with it via a serial ter
- RT - Thread Operating System
/ | \ 3.1.1 build Nov 19 2018
2006 - 2018 Copyright by rt-thread team
msh >
msh >
#### Drivers
##### 1. DAC
* Open the [Env](https://www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Env) tool under this BSP;
* Enter the `menuconfig` command, enter the Hardware Drivers config and open DAC, save and exit;
* Enter the `scons --target=iar` command to regenerate project.
- Open the [Env](https://www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Env) tool under this BSP;
- Enter the `menuconfig` command, enter the Hardware Drivers config and open DAC, save and exit;
- Enter the `scons --target=iar` command to regenerate project.
###### Finsh
Before you use a device, you need to find out if the device exists, and you can use the name of the DAC device that is enrolled with the command `dac probe` . As shown as follows.
msh />dac probe dac1
probe dac1 success
Enable the channel of the device can use the command `dac enable` followed by the channel number.
msh />dac probe dac1
probe dac1 success
Set up the data of the channel for a DAC device can use the command `dac write` followed by the channel number.
msh />dac write 1 1000
dac1 channel 1 write value is 1000
@ -145,24 +143,23 @@ dac1 channel 1 disable success
### Advanced Features
This BSP only enables GPIO and serial port 4 by default. If need more advanced features, you need to configure the BSP with RT-Thread Env tools, as follows:
This BSP only enables GPIO and serial port 4 by default. If need more advanced features, you need to configure the BSP with RT-Thread Env tools, as follows:
* Open the [Env](https://www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Env) tool under this BSP;
* Enter the `menuconfig` command to configure the project, then save and exit;
* Enter the `pkgs --update` command to update the packages;
* Enter the `scons --target=iar `command to regenerate the project.
- Open the [Env](https://www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Env) tool under this BSP;
- Enter the `menuconfig` command to configure the project, then save and exit;
- Enter the `pkgs --update` command to update the packages;
- Enter the `scons --target=iar`command to regenerate the project.
## Notes
* Before downloading the program, set the board to the mode of "Engineering Mode". The BOOT switch sets to BOOT0=0,BOOT1 = 0 and BOOT2=1, as shown below:
- Before downloading the program, set the board to the mode of "Engineering Mode". The BOOT switch sets to BOOT0=0,BOOT1 = 0 and BOOT2=1, as shown below:
<img src="figures\boot.png" alt="boot_switch" style="zoom:50%;" />
* If need to reburn the program, please reset the development board.
- If need to reburn the program, please reset the development board.
## Contact Information
- [liukang](https://github.com/thread-liu)
- [liukang](https://github.com/thread-liu)

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# STM32MP157A-DK1 开发板 BSP 说明
# STM32MP157A-EV1 开发板 BSP 说明
## 简介
本文档为 RT-Thread 开发团队为 STM32MP157A-DK1 开发板提供的 BSP (板级支持包) 说明。
本文档为 RT-Thread 开发团队为 STM32MP157A-EV1 开发板提供的 BSP (板级支持包) 说明。
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
## 开发板介绍
STM32MP157A-DK1 是 ST 推出的一款基于双 Cortex-A7 + Cortex-M4 内核的开发板。Cortex-A7 核工作频率为 800 MHZCortex-M4 工作频率为 209MHZ。STM32MP157A 内部没有 Flash
STM32MP157A-EV1 是 ST 推出的一款基于双 Cortex-A7 + Cortex-M4 内核的开发板。Cortex-A7 核工作频率为 650MHZCortex-M4 工作频率为 209MHZ
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ STM32MP157A-DK1 是 ST 推出的一款基于双 Cortex-A7 + Cortex-M4 内核的
该开发板常用 **板载资源** 如下:
- 常用外设
- LED4个 LD4 (PA14) LD6 (PA13)LD7 (PH7)LD8 (PD11)
- LED4个 LD4(PD8), LD5(PD9), LD2(PA13), LD3(PA14)
- 按键4个WAKE_UP, RESET (NRST), USER1(PA13), USER2 (PA14)
- 常用接口USB 转串口、SD 卡接口、以太网接口、MIPI接口、USB HOST、Audio、HDMI、Arduino
- 调试接口,标准 JTAG/SWD
@ -35,25 +35,39 @@ STM32MP157A-DK1 是 ST 推出的一款基于双 Cortex-A7 + Cortex-M4 内核的
本 BSP 目前对外设的支持情况如下:
| **板载外设** | **支持情况** | **备注** |
| :----------- | :----------: | :--------------: |
| USB 转串口 | 支持 | |
| SD卡 | 暂不支持 | |
| 以太网 | 暂不支持 | |
| 音频接口 | 暂不支持 | |
| **片上外设** | **支持情况** | **备注** |
| GPIO | 支持 | |
| UART | 支持 | UART4 (ST-Link) |
| EXTI | 支持 | |
| SPI | 支持 | |
| TIM | 支持 | |
| LPTIM | 支持 | |
| I2C | 支持 | 软件、硬件都支持 |
| ADC | 支持 | |
| DAC | 支持 | |
| WWDG | 支持 | |
| USB Device | 暂不支持 | |
| USB Host | 暂不支持 | |
| **板载外设** | **支持情况** | **备注** |
| :------------- | :----------: | :-------------: |
| USB 转串口 | 支持 | |
| PMIC | 暂不支持 | ST 电源管理 IC |
| 摄像头 | 暂不支持 | OV5640 |
| MFX | 暂不支持 | ST 多功能拓展器 |
| FMC | 暂不支持 | NAND FLASH |
| QSPI FLASH | 暂不支持 | MX25L51245G |
| OpenAMP | 暂不支持 | 双核通讯 |
| 低功耗电源管理 | 暂不支持 | |
| SD卡 | 暂不支持 | SDMMC1 |
| eMMC | 暂不支持 | SDMMC2 |
| 以太网 | 暂不支持 | 千兆以太网卡 |
| 音频接口 | 暂不支持 | |
| **片上外设** | **支持情况** | **备注** |
| GPIO | 支持 | |
| UART | 支持 | UART4 (ST-Link) |
| EXTI | 支持 | |
| SPI | 支持 | |
| TIM | 支持 | |
| LPTIM | 支持 | |
| I2C | 支持 | 软件 |
| ADC | 支持 | |
| DAC | 支持 | |
| WWDG | 支持 | |
| MDMA | 暂不支持 | |
| SPDIFRX | 暂不支持 | |
| DFSDM | 暂不支持 | |
| PWM | 暂不支持 | |
| FDCAN | 暂不支持 | |
| CRC | 暂不支持 | |
| RNG | 暂不支持 | |
| HASH | 暂不支持 | |
## 使用说明
@ -71,7 +85,7 @@ STM32MP157A-DK1 是 ST 推出的一款基于双 Cortex-A7 + Cortex-M4 内核的
### 快速上手
本 BSP 为开发者提供 IAR 工程。下面以 IAR 开发环境为例,介绍如何将系统运行起来。
本 BSP 为开发者提供 MDK4、MDK5 和 IAR 工程,并且支持 GCC 开发环境。下面以 MDK5 开发环境为例,介绍如何将系统运行起来。
#### 硬件连接
@ -79,13 +93,13 @@ STM32MP157A-DK1 是 ST 推出的一款基于双 Cortex-A7 + Cortex-M4 内核的
#### 编译下载
双击 project.eww 文件,打开 IAR 工程,编译并下载程序到开发板。
双击 project.uvprojx 文件,打开 MDK5 工程,编译并下载程序到开发板。
> 工程默认配置使用 ST-LINK 下载程序,在通过 ST-LINK连接开发板的基础上点击下载按钮即可下载程序到开发板
> 工程默认配置使用 ST-LINK 下载程序,在通过 ST-LINK 连接开发板的基础上,点击下载按钮即可下载程序到开发板
#### 运行结果
下载程序成功之后,系统会自动运行,观察开发板上 LED 的运行效果,蓝色 LD8 会周期性闪烁,终端会周期性输出 ”Hello RT-Thread!“
下载程序成功之后,系统会自动运行,观察开发板上 LED 的运行效果,橙色 LD4 会周期性闪烁。
连接开发板对应串口到 PC , 在终端工具里打开相应的串口115200-8-1-N可以看到 RT-Thread 的输出信息:
@ -97,21 +111,9 @@ STM32MP157A-DK1 是 ST 推出的一款基于双 Cortex-A7 + Cortex-M4 内核的
/ | \ 3.1.1 build Nov 19 2018
2006 - 2018 Copyright by rt-thread team
msh >
Hello RT-Thread!
#### 驱动使用
##### 1. WWDG
1. 在 bsp 下打开 env 工具;
2. 输入 `menuconfig` 命令, 进入 Hardware Drivers config 打开 wwdg保存并退出
3. 输入 `scons --target=iar` 命令重新生成工程;
4. wwdg 设备会在喂狗前触发中断LD5 会在中断中不停的闪烁;
5. 在终端输入 `wwdg_sample` ,获取 wwdg 设备 Finsh 命令;
6. `wwdg_sample run` 开启 wwdg 设备;
7. `wwdg_sample set` 设置 wwdg 设备分频率;
8. 通过调整 wwdg 设备分频率,开发板上 LD5 会有不同的闪烁频率。
##### 2. DAC
##### 1. DAC
1. 在 bsp 下打开 env 工具;
2. 输入`menuconfig`命令, 进入 Hardware Drivers config 打开 dac保存并退出
@ -146,20 +148,10 @@ dac1 channel 1 write value is 1000
msh />dac disable 1
dac1 channel 1 disable success
#### 3. LPTIM
1. 在 bsp 下打开 env 工具;
2. 输入 `menuconfig` 命令, 进入 Hardware Drivers config 打开 lptim保存并退出
3. 输入 `scons --target=iar` 命令重新生成工程;
4. lptim 设备计时溢出时会触发中断,中断会打印字符串 `"hello rt-thread!"`
5. 在终端输入 `lptim_sample` ,获取 lptim 设备 Finsh 命令;
6. `lptim_sample run` 开启 lptim 设备;
7. `lptim_sample set` 设置 lptim 设备分频率。
### 进阶使用
此 BSP 默认只开启了 GPIO 和 串口4 的功能,如果需更多高级功能,需要利用 ENV 工具对BSP 进行配置,步骤如下:
此 BSP 默认只开启了 GPIO 和 串口4 的功能,如果需使用 SD 卡、Flash 等更多高级功能,需要利用 ENV 工具对BSP 进行配置,步骤如下:
1. 在 bsp 下打开 env 工具。
@ -175,7 +167,7 @@ dac1 channel 1 disable success
1. 下载程序前,将开发板设置为 "Engineering Mode" 模式。 在 DK1 开发板上将底下的BOOT开关设成 BOOT0=0BOOT2=1状态就进入"Engineering Mode",如下图所示:
<img src="figures\boot_switch.png" alt="boot_switch" style="zoom:50%;" />
<img src="figures\boot.png" alt="boot" style="zoom:50%;" />
2. 再次烧写程序时,需要复位开发板。

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
-$(RM) $(OBJS) *.elf
-@echo ' '

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