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* @brief DMA controller ROM API declarations and functions
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2014
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
* licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __ROMAPI_DMA_H_
#define __ROMAPI_DMA_H_
#include "hw_dmaaltd.h"
/** @defgroup ROMAPI_DMA_WRAPPER CHIP: DMA controller ROM wrapper functions
* @ingroup ROMAPI_5410X
* @{
/** @brief Minimum byte alignment value needed for the channel table.
* Use 4 for 4 byte alginment, 8 for 8 byte alignment, etc. */
/** @brief Number of DMA channels the DMA controller supports. */
* @brief Get memory size in bytes needed for DMA controller driver context
* @return Size in bytes needed for the ROM driver
uint32_t ROM_DMA_GetMemSize(void);
* @brief Initialize DMA controller
* @param mem : Pointer to memory area used to driver context
* @param pInit : Pointer to DMA controller init data
* @return NULL on error, or a pointer to the device context handle
ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T ROM_DMA_Init(void *mem, ROM_DMA_INIT_T *pInit);
* @brief Configures a DMA channel
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pCfg : Pointer to DMA channel configuration structure
* @param dmaCh : DMA channel to configure
* @return LPC_OK if no errors occured, or an error code
ErrorCode_t ROM_DMA_SetupChannel(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_CHAN_CFG_T *pCfg, uint8_t dmaCh);
* @brief Initialzies a transfer descriptor queue for a channel
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param dmaCh : DMA channel to configure
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue to initialize
* @return LPC_OK if no errors occured, or an error code
ErrorCode_t ROM_DMA_InitQueue(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, uint8_t dmaCh, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue);
* @brief Registers an DMA controller callback for a queue
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @param cbIndex : Callback to register
* @param pCB : Pointer to callback function
* @return Nothing
void ROM_DMA_RegisterQueueCallback(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue, uint32_t cbIndex, void *pCB);
* @brief Builds a transfer descriptor chain from the passed settings
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pXferCfg : Pointer to the transfer configuration
* @param pDesc : Pointer to a descriptor to setup
* @param pDescPrev : Pointer to previous descriptor that will link to this one
* @return LPC_OK if no errors occured, or an error code
* @note When creating a DMA descriptor chain (more than 1 link), chain the descriptors
* together by passing the previous descriptor pointers for subsequenct calls to this function.
ErrorCode_t ROM_DMA_BuildDescriptorChain(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle,
ROM_DMA_DESC_T *pDescPrev);
* @brief Returns the number of items transferred on the last descriptor chain (spent status only)
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pDesc : Pointer to a descriptor chain to count
* @return LPC_OK if no errors occured, or an error code
uint32_t ROM_DMA_GetTransferCount(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_DESC_T *pDesc);
* @brief Unstalls a descriptor chain that has been setup using the stallDesc option
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a descriptor chain to unstall
* @return Nothing
* @note If a descriptor in a chain is setup with the stallDesc!=0 option in the
* @ref ROM_DMA_XFERDESC_CFG_T setup structure, the descriptor will stall when it
* is loaded. A stalled descriptor is ready to be processed, but won't start until a
* call to this fucntion is made.
void ROM_DMA_UnstallDescriptorChain(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue);
* @brief Queues a transfer descriptor chain
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @param pDescChainHead : Pointer to the start of a descriptor chain to queue
* @return Nothing
void ROM_DMA_QueueDescriptor(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue, ROM_DMA_DESC_T *pDescChainHead);
* @brief Returns current status of next descriptor to be popped from the queue
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @return Pointer to next pop descriptor, or ROM_DMA_DESC_STS_INVALID if no descriptors exist to be popped
* @note Only descriptors that are spent, aborted, or have an error can be popped. Calling ROM_DMA_StopQueue()
* will abort the current descriptor in progress. This function returns the next descriptor that can be popped
* regardless of status without actually popping it.
ROM_DMA_DESC_STS_T ROM_DMA_GetQueuePopDescriptorStatus(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue);
* @brief Pops (unqueues) an expired transfer descriptor from the queue - expired descriptors are in spent, error, or abort states
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @return Pointer to popped descriptor, or NULL if no descriptors exist to be popped
* @note Only descriptors that are spent, aborted, or have an error can be popped. Calling ROM_DMA_StopQueue()
* will abort the current descriptor in progress.
* @brief Starts or restarts a queue at the next descriptor chain
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @return LPC_OK if the queue is started or currently started, or an error code
ErrorCode_t ROM_DMA_StartQueue(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue);
* @brief Stops DMA and aborts current descriptor chain being processed in queue
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @return LPC_OK if the queue is stopped or already stopped, or an error code
* @note If multiple descriptor chains are queued up, this aborts the current one
* being processed in queueing, ready, or busy states. All descriptors after the aborted
* descriptor remain ready.
ErrorCode_t ROM_DMA_StopQueue(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue);
* @brief Stops DMA and completely flushes a transfer queue, queue is completely reset
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @return Nothing
* @note Flushes the entire queue of all descriptors and stops DMA.
void ROM_DMA_FlushQueue(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue);
* @brief Returns the current queue state (ROM_DMA_QUEUE_STATES_T)
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @return Current queue status (ROM_DMA_QUEUE_STATES_T)
uint8_t ROM_DMA_GetQueueState(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue);
* @brief Forces a DMA transfer to trigger
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @param pQueue : Pointer to a queue
* @return Nothing
void ROM_DMA_ForceTrigger(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle, ROM_DMA_QUEUE_T *pQueue);
* @brief DMA controller (interrupt) handler
* @param pHandle : Pointer to driver context handle
* @return Nothing
* @note This function should be called from the DMA interrupt handler.
void ROM_DMA_DMAHandler(ROM_DMA_HANDLE_T pHandle);
* @brief Return the DMA controller ROM driver version
* @return Driver version number
* @note The returned driver version number consists of a major and minor
* number, with the minor number in the lower 8 bits and the major number in
* the upper 8 bits.
uint16_t ROM_DMA_GetDriverVersion(void);
* @}
#endif /* __ROMAPI_DMA_H_ */