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\file usb_regs.h
\brief USB FS cell registers definition and handle macros
Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice
2017-02-10, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F30x
#ifndef USB_REGS_H
#define USB_REGS_H
#include "usb_conf.h"
#define USBFS USBFS_BASE /*!< base address of USBFS registers */
/* registers location definitions */
#define LOCATE_DIEPTFLEN(x) (0x104U + 4U * ((x) - 1U)) /*!< locate device IN endpoint-x transfer length registers */
#define LOCATE_HCHCTL(x) (0x500U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate host channel-x control registers */
#define LOCATE_HCHSTCTL(x) (0x504U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate host channel-x split transaction control registers */
#define LOCATE_HCHINTF(x) (0x508U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate host channel-x interrupt flag registers */
#define LOCATE_HCHINTEN(x) (0x50CU + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate host channel-x interrupt enable registers */
#define LOCATE_HCHLEN(x) (0x510U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate host channel-x transfer length registers */
#define LOCATE_HCHDMAADDR(x) (0x514U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate host channel-x DMA address registers */
#define LOCATE_DIEPCTL(x) (0x900U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate device IN endpoint-x control registers */
#define LOCATE_DOEPCTL(x) (0xB00U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate device OUT endpoint-x control registers */
#define LOCATE_DIEPINTF(x) (0x908U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate device IN endpoint-x interrupt flag registers */
#define LOCATE_DOEPINTF(x) (0xB08U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate device OUT endpoint-x interrupt flag registers */
#define LOCATE_DIEPLEN(x) (0x910U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate device IN endpoint-x transfer length registers */
#define LOCATE_DOEPLEN(x) (0xB10U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate device OUT endpoint-x transfer length registers */
#define LOCATE_DIEPxDMAADDR(x) (0x914U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate device IN endpoint-x DMA address registers */
#define LOCATE_DOEPxDMAADDR(x) (0xB14U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate device OUT endpoint-x DMA address registers */
#define LOCATE_DIEPxTFSTAT(x) (0x918U + 0x20U * (x)) /*!< locate Device IN endpoint-x transmit FIFO status register */
#define LOCATE_FIFO(x) (((x) + 1U) << 12U) /*!< locate FIFO-x memory */
/* registers definitions */
#define USB_GOTGCS REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0000U)) /*!< global OTG control and status register */
#define USB_GOTGINTF REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0004U)) /*!< global OTG interrupt flag register */
#define USB_GAHBCS REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0008U)) /*!< global AHB control and status register */
#define USB_GUSBCS REG32(((USBFS) + 0x000CU)) /*!< global USB control and status register */
#define USB_GRSTCTL REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0010U)) /*!< global reset control register */
#define USB_GINTF REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0014U)) /*!< global interrupt flag register */
#define USB_GINTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0018U)) /*!< global interrupt enable register */
#define USB_GRSTATR REG32(((USBFS) + 0x001CU)) /*!< global receive status read register */
#define USB_GRSTATP REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0020U)) /*!< global receive status read and pop register */
#define USB_GRFLEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0024U)) /*!< global receive FIFO length register */
#define USB_HNPTFLEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0028U)) /*!< host non-periodic transmit FIFO length register */
#define USB_DIEP0TFLEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0028U)) /*!< device IN endpoint 0 transmit FIFO length register */
#define USB_HNPTFQSTAT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x002CU)) /*!< host non-periodic transmint FIFO/queue status register */
#define USB_GCCFG REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0038U)) /*!< global core configuration register */
#define USB_CID REG32(((USBFS) + 0x003CU)) /*!< core id register */
#define USB_HPTFLEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0100U)) /*!< host periodic transmit FIFO length register */
#define USB_DIEPxTFLEN(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DIEPTFLEN(x))) /*!< device IN endpoint transmit FIFO length register */
#define USB_HCTL REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0400U)) /*!< host control register */
#define USB_HFT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0404U)) /*!< host frame interval register */
#define USB_HFINFR REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0408U)) /*!< host frame information remaining register */
#define USB_HPTFQSTAT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0410U)) /*!< host periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register */
#define USB_HACHINT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0414U)) /*!< host all channels interrupt register */
#define USB_HACHINTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0418U)) /*!< host all channels interrupt enable register */
#define USB_HPCS REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0440U)) /*!< host port control and status register */
#define USB_HCHxCTL(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_HCHCTL(x))) /*!< host channel-x control register */
#define USB_HCHxSTCTL(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_HCHSTCTL(x))) /*!< host channel-x split transaction control register */
#define USB_HCHxINTF(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_HCHINTF(x))) /*!< host channel-x interrupt flag register */
#define USB_HCHxINTEN(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_HCHINTEN(x))) /*!< host channel-x interrupt enable register */
#define USB_HCHxLEN(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_HCHLEN(x))) /*!< host channel-x tranfer length register */
#define USB_HCHxDMAADDR(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_HCHDMAADDR(x))) /*!< host channel-x DMA address register */
#define USB_DCFG REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0800U)) /*!< device configuration register */
#define USB_DCTL REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0804U)) /*!< device control register */
#define USB_DSTAT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0808U)) /*!< device status register */
#define USB_DIEPINTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0810U)) /*!< device IN endpoint common interrupt enable register */
#define USB_DOEPINTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0814U)) /*!< device OUT endpoint common interrupt enable register */
#define USB_DAEPINT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0818U)) /*!< device all endpoints interrupt register */
#define USB_DAEPINTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x081CU)) /*!< device all endpoints interrupt enable register */
#define USB_DVBUSDT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0828U)) /*!< device vbus discharge time register */
#define USB_DVBUSPT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x082CU)) /*!< device vbus pulsing time register */
#define USB_DIEPFEINTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0834U)) /*!< device IN endpoint FIFO empty interrupt enable register */
#define USB_DEP1INT REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0838U)) /*!< device endpoint 1 interrupt register */
#define USB_DEP1INTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x083CU)) /*!< device endpoint 1 interrupt enable register */
#define USB_DIEP1INTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0844U)) /*!< device IN endpoint 1 interrupt enable register */
#define USB_DOEP1INTEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0884U)) /*!< device OUT endpoint 1 interrupt enable register */
#define USB_DIEP0CTL REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0900U)) /*!< device IN endpoint 0 control register */
#define USB_DIEP0LEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0910U)) /*!< device IN endpoint 0 transfer length register */
#define USB_DOEP0CTL REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0B00U)) /*!< device OUT endpoint 0 control register */
#define USB_DOEP0LEN REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0B10U)) /*!< device OUT endpoint 0 transfer length register */
#define USB_DIEPxCTL(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DIEPCTL(x))) /*!< device IN endpoint-x control register */
#define USB_DOEPxCTL(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DOEPCTL(x))) /*!< device OUT endpoint-x control register */
#define USB_DIEPxINTF(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DIEPINTF(x))) /*!< device IN endpoint-x interrupt flag register */
#define USB_DOEPxINTF(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DOEPINTF(x))) /*!< device OUT endpoint-x interrupt flag register */
#define USB_DIEPxLEN(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DIEPLEN(x))) /*!< device IN endpoint-x transfer length register */
#define USB_DOEPxLEN(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DOEPLEN(x))) /*!< device OUT endpoint-x transfer length register */
#define USB_DIEPxDMAADDR(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DIEPxDMAADDR(x)))/*!< device IN endpoint-x DMA address register */
#define USB_DOEPxDMAADDR(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DOEPxDMAADDR(x)))/*!< device OUT endpoint-x DMA address register */
#define USB_DIEPxTFSTAT(x) REG32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_DIEPxTFSTAT(x))) /*!< device IN endpoint-x transmit FIFO status register */
#define USB_PWRCLKCTL REG32(((USBFS) + 0x0E00U)) /*!< power and clock register */
#define USB_FIFO(x) (®32(((USBFS) + LOCATE_FIFO(x)))) /*!< FIFO memory */
/* global OTG control and status register bits definitions */
#define GOTGCS_BSV BIT(19) /*!< B-Session Valid */
#define GOTGCS_ASV BIT(18) /*!< A-session valid */
#define GOTGCS_DI BIT(17) /*!< debounce interval */
#define GOTGCS_CIDPS BIT(16) /*!< id pin status */
#define GOTGCS_DHNPEN BIT(11) /*!< device HNP enable */
#define GOTGCS_HHNPEN BIT(10) /*!< host HNP enable */
#define GOTGCS_HNPREQ BIT(9) /*!< HNP request */
#define GOTGCS_HNPS BIT(8) /*!< HNP successes */
#define GOTGCS_SRPREQ BIT(1) /*!< SRP request */
#define GOTGCS_SRPS BIT(0) /*!< SRP successes */
/* global OTG interrupt flag register bits definitions */
#define GOTGINTF_DF BIT(19) /*!< debounce finish */
#define GOTGINTF_ADTO BIT(18) /*!< A-device timeout */
#define GOTGINTF_HNPDET BIT(17) /*!< host negotiation request detected */
#define GOTGINTF_HNPEND BIT(9) /*!< HNP end */
#define GOTGINTF_SRPEND BIT(8) /*!< SRP end */
#define GOTGINTF_SESEND BIT(2) /*!< session end */
/* global AHB control and status register bits definitions */
#define GAHBCS_PTXFTH BIT(8) /*!< periodic Tx FIFO threshold */
#define GAHBCS_TXFTH BIT(7) /*!< tx FIFO threshold */
#define GAHBCS_DMAEN BIT(5) /*!< DMA function Enable */
#define GAHBCS_BURST BITS(1, 4) /*!< the AHB burst type used by DMA */
#define GAHBCS_GINTEN BIT(0) /*!< global interrupt enable */
/* global USB control and status register bits definitions */
#define GUSBCS_FDM BIT(30) /*!< force device mode */
#define GUSBCS_FHM BIT(29) /*!< force host mode */
#define GUSBCS_ULPIEOI BIT(21) /*!< ULPI external over-current indicator */
#define GUSBCS_ULPIEVD BIT(20) /*!< ULPI external VBUS driver */
#define GUSBCS_UTT BITS(10, 13) /*!< USB turnaround time */
#define GUSBCS_HNPCEN BIT(9) /*!< HNP capability enable */
#define GUSBCS_SRPCEN BIT(8) /*!< SRP capability enable */
#define GUSBCS_EMBPHY BIT(6) /*!< embedded PHY selected */
#define GUSBCS_TOC BITS(0, 2) /*!< timeout calibration */
/* global reset control register bits definitions */
#define GRSTCTL_DMAIDL BIT(31) /*!< DMA idle state */
#define GRSTCTL_DMABSY BIT(30) /*!< DMA busy */
#define GRSTCTL_TXFNUM BITS(6, 10) /*!< tx FIFO number */
#define GRSTCTL_TXFF BIT(5) /*!< tx FIFO flush */
#define GRSTCTL_RXFF BIT(4) /*!< rx FIFO flush */
#define GRSTCTL_HFCRST BIT(2) /*!< host frame counter reset */
#define GRSTCTL_HCSRST BIT(1) /*!< HCLK soft reset */
#define GRSTCTL_CSRST BIT(0) /*!< core soft reset */
/* global interrupt flag register bits definitions */
#define GINTF_WKUPIF BIT(31) /*!< wakeup interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_SESIF BIT(30) /*!< session interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_DISCIF BIT(29) /*!< disconnect interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_IDPSC BIT(28) /*!< id pin status change */
#define GINTF_PTXFEIF BIT(26) /*!< periodic tx FIFO empty interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_HCIF BIT(25) /*!< host channels interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_HPIF BIT(24) /*!< host port interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_PXNCIF BIT(21) /*!< periodic transfer not complete interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_ISOONCIF BIT(21) /*!< isochronous OUT transfer not complete interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_ISOINCIF BIT(20) /*!< isochronous IN transfer not complete interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_OEPIF BIT(19) /*!< OUT endpoint interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_IEPIF BIT(18) /*!< IN endpoint interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_EOPFIF BIT(15) /*!< end of periodic frame interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_ISOOPDIF BIT(14) /*!< isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_ENUMFIF BIT(13) /*!< enumeration finished */
#define GINTF_RST BIT(12) /*!< USB reset */
#define GINTF_SP BIT(11) /*!< USB suspend */
#define GINTF_ESP BIT(10) /*!< early suspend */
#define GINTF_GONAK BIT(7) /*!< global OUT NAK effective */
#define GINTF_GNPINAK BIT(6) /*!< global IN non-periodic NAK effective */
#define GINTF_NPTXFEIF BIT(5) /*!< non-periodic tx FIFO empty interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_RXFNEIF BIT(4) /*!< rx FIFO non-empty interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_SOF BIT(3) /*!< start of frame */
#define GINTF_OTGIF BIT(2) /*!< OTG interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_MFIF BIT(1) /*!< mode fault interrupt flag */
#define GINTF_COPM BIT(0) /*!< current operation mode */
/* global interrupt enable register bits definitions */
#define GINTEN_WKUPIE BIT(31) /*!< wakeup interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_SESIE BIT(30) /*!< session interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_DISCIE BIT(29) /*!< disconnect interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_IDPSCIE BIT(28) /*!< id pin status change interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_PTXFEIE BIT(26) /*!< periodic tx FIFO empty interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_HCIE BIT(25) /*!< host channels interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_HPIE BIT(24) /*!< host port interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_IPXIE BIT(21) /*!< periodic transfer not complete interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_ISOONCIE BIT(21) /*!< isochronous OUT transfer not complete interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_ISOINCIE BIT(20) /*!< isochronous IN transfer not complete interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_OEPIE BIT(19) /*!< OUT endpoints interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_IEPIE BIT(18) /*!< IN endpoints interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_EOPFIE BIT(15) /*!< end of periodic frame interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_ISOOPDIE BIT(14) /*!< isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_ENUMFIE BIT(13) /*!< enumeration finish enable */
#define GINTEN_RSTIE BIT(12) /*!< USB reset interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_SPIE BIT(11) /*!< USB suspend interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_ESPIE BIT(10) /*!< early suspend interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_GONAKIE BIT(7) /*!< global OUT NAK effective interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_GNPINAKIE BIT(6) /*!< global non-periodic IN NAK effective interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_NPTXFEIE BIT(5) /*!< non-periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_RXFNEIE BIT(4) /*!< receive FIFO non-empty interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_SOFIE BIT(3) /*!< start of frame interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_OTGIE BIT(2) /*!< OTG interrupt enable */
#define GINTEN_MFIE BIT(1) /*!< mode fault interrupt enable */
/* global receive status read and pop register bits definitions */
#define GRSTATRP_RPCKST BITS(17, 20) /*!< received packet status */
#define GRSTATRP_DPID BITS(15, 16) /*!< data PID */
#define GRSTATRP_BCOUNT BITS(4, 14) /*!< byte count */
#define GRSTATRP_CNUM BITS(0, 3) /*!< channel number */
#define GRSTATRP_EPNUM BITS(0, 3) /*!< endpoint number */
/* global receive FIFO length register bits definitions */
#define GRFLEN_RXFD BITS(0, 15) /*!< rx FIFO depth */
/* host non-periodic transmit FIFO length register bits definitions */
#define HNPTFLEN_HNPTXFD BITS(16, 31) /*!< non-periodic Tx FIFO depth */
#define HNPTFLEN_HNPTXRSAR BITS(0, 15) /*!< non-periodic Tx RAM start address */
/* IN endpoint 0 transmit FIFO length register bits definitions */
#define DIEP0TFLEN_IEP0TXFD BITS(16, 31) /*!< IN Endpoint 0 Tx FIFO depth */
#define DIEP0TFLEN_IEP0TXRSAR BITS(0, 15) /*!< IN Endpoint 0 TX RAM start address */
/* host non-periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register bits definitions */
#define HNPTFQSTAT_NPTXRQTOP BITS(24, 30) /*!< top entry of the non-periodic Tx request queue */
#define HNPTFQSTAT_NPTXRQS BITS(16, 23) /*!< non-periodic Tx request queue space */
#define HNPTFQSTAT_NPTXFS BITS(0, 15) /*!< non-periodic Tx FIFO space */
#define HNPTFQSTAT_CNUM BITS(27, 30) /*!< channel number*/
#define HNPTFQSTAT_EPNUM BITS(27, 30) /*!< endpoint number */
#define HNPTFQSTAT_TYPE BITS(25, 26) /*!< token type */
#define HNPTFQSTAT_TMF BIT(24) /*!< terminate flag */
/* global core configuration register bits definitions */
#define GCCFG_VBUSIG BIT(21) /*!< vbus ignored */
#define GCCFG_SOFOEN BIT(20) /*!< SOF output enable */
#define GCCFG_VBUSBCEN BIT(19) /*!< the VBUS B-device comparer enable */
#define GCCFG_VBUSACEN BIT(18) /*!< the VBUS A-device comparer enable */
#define GCCFG_PWRON BIT(16) /*!< power on */
/* core ID register bits definitions */
#define CID_CID BITS(0, 31) /*!< core ID */
/* host periodic transmit FIFO length register bits definitions */
#define HPTFLEN_HPTXFD BITS(16, 31) /*!< host periodic Tx FIFO depth */
#define HPTFLEN_HPTXFSAR BITS(0, 15) /*!< host periodic Tx RAM start address */
/* device IN endpoint transmit FIFO length register bits definitions */
#define DIEPTFLEN_IEPTXFD BITS(16, 31) /*!< IN endpoint Tx FIFO x depth */
#define DIEPTFLEN_IEPTXRSAR BITS(0, 15) /*!< IN endpoint FIFOx Tx x RAM start address */
/* host control register bits definitions */
#define HCTL_SPDFSLS BIT(2) /*!< speed limited to FS and LS */
#define HCTL_CLKSEL BITS(0, 1) /*!< clock select for USB clock */
/* host frame interval register bits definitions */
#define HFT_FRI BITS(0, 15) /*!< frame interval */
/* host frame information remaining register bits definitions */
#define HFINFR_FRT BITS(16, 31) /*!< frame remaining time */
#define HFINFR_FRNUM BITS(0, 15) /*!< frame number */
/* host periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register bits definitions */
#define HPTFQSTAT_PTXREQT BITS(24, 31) /*!< top entry of the periodic Tx request queue */
#define HPTFQSTAT_PTXREQS BITS(16, 23) /*!< periodic Tx request queue space */
#define HPTFQSTAT_PTXFS BITS(0, 15) /*!< periodic Tx FIFO space */
#define HPTFQSTAT_OEFRM BIT(31) /*!< odd/eveb frame */
#define HPTFQSTAT_CNUM BITS(27, 30) /*!< channel number */
#define HPTFQSTAT_EPNUM BITS(27, 30) /*!< endpoint number */
#define HPTFQSTAT_TYPE BITS(25, 26) /*!< token type */
#define HPTFQSTAT_TMF BIT(24) /*!< terminate flag */
/* host all channels interrupt register bits definitions */
#define HACHINT_HACHINT BITS(0, 11) /*!< host all channel interrupts */
/* host all channels interrupt enable register bits definitions */
#define HACHINTEN_CINTEN BITS(0, 11) /*!< channel interrupt enable */
/* host port control and status register bits definitions */
#define HPCS_PS BITS(17, 18) /*!< port speed */
#define HPCS_PP BIT(12) /*!< port power */
#define HPCS_PLST BITS(10, 11) /*!< port line status */
#define HPCS_PRST BIT(8) /*!< port reset */
#define HPCS_PSP BIT(7) /*!< port suspend */
#define HPCS_PREM BIT(6) /*!< port resume */
#define HPCS_PEDC BIT(3) /*!< port enable/disable change */
#define HPCS_PE BIT(2) /*!< port enable */
#define HPCS_PCD BIT(1) /*!< port connect detected */
#define HPCS_PCST BIT(0) /*!< port connect status */
/* host channel-x control register bits definitions */
#define HCHCTL_CEN BIT(31) /*!< channel enable */
#define HCHCTL_CDIS BIT(30) /*!< channel disable */
#define HCHCTL_ODDFRM BIT(29) /*!< odd frame */
#define HCHCTL_DAR BITS(22, 28) /*!< device address */
#define HCHCTL_MPC BITS(20, 21) /*!< multiple packet count */
#define HCHCTL_EPTYPE BITS(18, 19) /*!< endpoint type */
#define HCHCTL_LSD BIT(17) /*!< low-speed device */
#define HCHCTL_EPDIR BIT(15) /*!< endpoint direction */
#define HCHCTL_EPNUM BITS(11, 14) /*!< endpoint number */
#define HCHCTL_MPL BITS(0, 10) /*!< maximum packet length */
/* host channel-x split transaction register bits definitions */
#define HCHSTCTL_SPLEN BIT(31) /*!< enable high-speed split transaction */
#define HCHSTCTL_CSPLT BIT(16) /*!< complete-split enable */
#define HCHSTCTL_ISOPCE BITS(14, 15) /*!< isochronous OUT payload continuation encoding */
#define HCHSTCTL_HADDR BITS(7, 13) /*!< HUB address */
#define HCHSTCTL_PADDR BITS(0, 6) /*!< port address */
/* host channel-x interrupt flag register bits definitions */
#define HCHINTF_DTER BIT(10) /*!< data toggle error */
#define HCHINTF_REQOVR BIT(9) /*!< request queue overrun */
#define HCHINTF_BBER BIT(8) /*!< babble error */
#define HCHINTF_USBER BIT(7) /*!< USB bus Error */
#define HCHINTF_NYET BIT(6) /*!< NYET */
#define HCHINTF_ACK BIT(5) /*!< ACK */
#define HCHINTF_NAK BIT(4) /*!< NAK */
#define HCHINTF_STALL BIT(3) /*!< STALL */
#define HCHINTF_DMAER BIT(2) /*!< DMA error */
#define HCHINTF_CH BIT(1) /*!< channel halted */
#define HCHINTF_TF BIT(0) /*!< transfer finished */
/* host channel-x interrupt enable register bits definitions */
#define HCHINTEN_DTERIE BIT(10) /*!< data toggle error interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_REQOVRIE BIT(9) /*!< request queue overrun interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_BBERIE BIT(8) /*!< babble error interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_USBERIE BIT(7) /*!< USB bus error interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_NYETIE BIT(6) /*!< NYET interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_ACKIE BIT(5) /*!< ACK interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_NAKIE BIT(4) /*!< NAK interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_STALLIE BIT(3) /*!< STALL interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_DMAERIE BIT(2) /*!< DMA error interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_CHIE BIT(1) /*!< channel halted interrupt enable */
#define HCHINTEN_TFIE BIT(0) /*!< transfer finished interrupt enable */
/* host channel-x transfer length register bits definitions */
#define HCHLEN_PING BIT(31) /*!< PING token request */
#define HCHLEN_DPID BITS(29, 30) /*!< data PID */
#define HCHLEN_PCNT BITS(19, 28) /*!< packet count */
#define HCHLEN_TLEN BITS(0, 18) /*!< transfer length */
/* host channel-x DMA address register bits definitions */
#define HCHDMAADDR_DMAADDR BITS(0, 31) /*!< DMA address */
/* device control and status registers */
/* device configuration registers bits definitions */
#define DCFG_EOPFT BITS(11, 12) /*!< end of periodic frame time */
#define DCFG_DAR BITS(4, 10) /*!< device address */
#define DCFG_NZLSOH BIT(2) /*!< non-zero-length status OUT handshake */
#define DCFG_DS BITS(0, 1) /*!< device speed */
/* device control registers bits definitions */
#define DCTL_POIF BIT(11) /*!< power-on initialization finished */
#define DCTL_CGONAK BIT(10) /*!< clear global OUT NAK */
#define DCTL_SGONAK BIT(9) /*!< set global OUT NAK */
#define DCTL_CGINAK BIT(8) /*!< clear global IN NAK */
#define DCTL_SGINAK BIT(7) /*!< set global IN NAK */
#define DCTL_GONS BIT(3) /*!< global OUT NAK status */
#define DCTL_GINS BIT(2) /*!< global IN NAK status */
#define DCTL_SD BIT(1) /*!< soft disconnect */
#define DCTL_RWKUP BIT(0) /*!< remote wakeup */
/* device status registers bits definitions */
#define DSTAT_FNRSOF BITS(8, 21) /*!< the frame number of the received SOF. */
#define DSTAT_ES BITS(1, 2) /*!< enumerated speed */
#define DSTAT_SPST BIT(0) /*!< suspend status */
/* device IN endpoint common interrupt enable registers bits definitions */
#define DIEPINTEN_NAKEN BIT(13) /*!< NAK handshake sent by USBHS interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEPINTEN_TXFEEN BIT(7) /*!< transmit FIFO empty interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEPINTEN_IEPNEEN BIT(6) /*!< IN endpoint NAK effective interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEPINTEN_EPTXFUDEN BIT(4) /*!< endpoint Tx FIFO underrun interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEPINTEN_CITOEN BIT(3) /*!< control In Timeout interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEPINTEN_EPDISEN BIT(1) /*!< endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEPINTEN_TFEN BIT(0) /*!< transfer finished interrupt enable bit */
/* device OUT endpoint common interrupt enable registers bits definitions */
#define DOEPINTEN_NYETEN BIT(14) /*!< NYET handshake is sent interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEPINTEN_BTBSTPEN BIT(6) /*!< back-to-back SETUP packets interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEPINTEN_EPRXFOVREN BIT(4) /*!< endpoint Rx FIFO overrun interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEPINTEN_STPFEN BIT(3) /*!< SETUP phase finished interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEPINTEN_EPDISEN BIT(1) /*!< endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEPINTEN_TFEN BIT(0) /*!< transfer finished interrupt enable bit */
/* device all endpoints interrupt registers bits definitions */
#define DAEPINT_OEPITB BITS(16, 21) /*!< device all OUT endpoint interrupt bits */
#define DAEPINT_IEPITB BITS(0, 5) /*!< device all IN endpoint interrupt bits */
/* device all endpoints interrupt enable registers bits definitions */
#define DAEPINTEN_OEPIE BITS(16, 21) /*!< OUT endpoint interrupt enable */
#define DAEPINTEN_IEPIE BITS(0, 3) /*!< IN endpoint interrupt enable */
/* device Vbus discharge time registers bits definitions */
#define DVBUSDT_DVBUSDT BITS(0, 15) /*!< device VBUS discharge time */
/* device Vbus pulsing time registers bits definitions */
#define DVBUSPT_DVBUSPT BITS(0, 11) /*!< device VBUS pulsing time */
/* device IN endpoint FIFO empty interrupt enable register bits definitions */
#define DIEPFEINTEN_IEPTXFEIE BITS(0, 5) /*!< IN endpoint Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable bits */
/* device endpoint 1 interrupt register bits definitions */
#define DEP1INT_OEP1INT BIT(17) /*!< OUT Endpoint 1 interrupt */
#define DEP1INT_IEP1INT BIT(1) /*!< IN Endpoint 1 interrupt */
/* device endpoint 1 interrupt register enable bits definitions */
#define DEP1INTEN_OEP1INTEN BIT(17) /*!< OUT Endpoint 1 interrupt enable */
#define DEP1INTEN_IEP1INTEN BIT(1) /*!< IN Endpoint 1 interrupt enable */
/* device IN endpoint 1 interrupt enable register bits definitions */
#define DIEP1INTEN_NAKEN BIT(13) /*!< NAK handshake sent by USBHS interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEP1INTEN_IEPNEEN BIT(6) /*!< IN endpoint NAK effective interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEP1INTEN_EPTXFUDEN BIT(4) /*!< endpoint Tx FIFO underrun interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEP1INTEN_CITOEN BIT(3) /*!< control In Timeout interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEP1INTEN_EPDISEN BIT(1) /*!< endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit */
#define DIEP1INTEN_TFEN BIT(0) /*!< transfer finished interrupt enable bit */
/* device OUT endpoint 1 interrupt enable register bits definitions */
#define DOEP1INTEN_NYETEN BIT(14) /*!< NYET handshake is sent interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEP1INTEN_BTBSTPEN BIT(6) /*!< back-to-back SETUP packets interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEP1INTEN_EPRXOVREN BIT(4) /*!< endpoint Rx FIFO over run interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEP1INTEN_STPFEN BIT(3) /*!< SETUP phase finished interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEP1INTEN_EPDISEN BIT(1) /*!< endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit */
#define DOEP1INTEN_TFEN BIT(0) /*!< back-to-back SETUP packets interrupt enable bit */
/* device endpoint 0 control register bits definitions */
#define DEP0CTL_EPEN BIT(31) /*!< endpoint enable */
#define DEP0CTL_EPD BIT(30) /*!< endpoint disable */
#define DEP0CTL_SNAK BIT(27) /*!< set NAK */
#define DEP0CTL_CNAK BIT(26) /*!< clear NAK */
#define DIEP0CTL_TXFNUM BITS(22, 25) /*!< tx FIFO number */
#define DEP0CTL_STALL BIT(21) /*!< STALL handshake */
#define DOEP0CTL_SNOOP BIT(20) /*!< snoop mode */
#define DEP0CTL_EPTYPE BITS(18, 19) /*!< endpoint type */
#define DEP0CTL_NAKS BIT(17) /*!< NAK status */
#define DEP0CTL_EPACT BIT(15) /*!< endpoint active */
#define DEP0CTL_MPL BITS(0, 1) /*!< maximum packet length */
/* device endpoint x control register bits definitions */
#define DEPCTL_EPEN BIT(31) /*!< endpoint enable */
#define DEPCTL_EPD BIT(30) /*!< endpoint disable */
#define DEPCTL_SODDFRM BIT(29) /*!< set odd frame */
#define DEPCTL_SD1PID BIT(29) /*!< set DATA1 PID */
#define DEPCTL_SEVNFRM BIT(28) /*!< set even frame */
#define DEPCTL_SD0PID BIT(28) /*!< set DATA0 PID */
#define DEPCTL_SNAK BIT(27) /*!< set NAK */
#define DEPCTL_CNAK BIT(26) /*!< clear NAK */
#define DIEPCTL_TXFNUM BITS(22, 25) /*!< tx FIFO number */
#define DEPCTL_STALL BIT(21) /*!< STALL handshake */
#define DOEPCTL_SNOOP BIT(20) /*!< snoop mode */
#define DEPCTL_EPTYPE BITS(18, 19) /*!< endpoint type */
#define DEPCTL_NAKS BIT(17) /*!< NAK status */
#define DEPCTL_EOFRM BIT(16) /*!< even/odd frame */
#define DEPCTL_DPID BIT(16) /*!< endpoint data PID */
#define DEPCTL_EPACT BIT(15) /*!< endpoint active */
#define DEPCTL_MPL BITS(0, 10) /*!< maximum packet length */
/* device IN endpoint-x interrupt flag register bits definitions */
#define DIEPINTF_NAK BIT(13) /*!< NAK handshake sent by USBHS */
#define DIEPINTF_TXFE BIT(7) /*!< transmit FIFO empty */
#define DIEPINTF_IEPNE BIT(6) /*!< IN endpoint NAK effective */
#define DIEPINTF_EPTXFUD BIT(4) /*!< endpoint Tx FIFO underrun */
#define DIEPINTF_CITO BIT(3) /*!< control In Timeout interrupt */
#define DIEPINTF_EPDIS BIT(1) /*!< endpoint disabled */
#define DIEPINTF_TF BIT(0) /*!< transfer finished */
/* device OUT endpoint-x interrupt flag register bits definitions */
#define DOEPINTF_NYET BIT(14) /*!< NYET handshake is sent */
#define DOEPINTF_BTBSTP BIT(6) /*!< back-to-back SETUP packets */
#define DOEPINTF_EPRXFOVR BIT(4) /*!< endpoint Rx FIFO overrun */
#define DOEPINTF_STPF BIT(3) /*!< SETUP phase finished */
#define DOEPINTF_EPDIS BIT(1) /*!< endpoint disabled */
#define DOEPINTF_TF BIT(0) /*!< transfer finished */
/* device IN endpoint 0 transfer length register bits definitions */
#define DIEP0LEN_PCNT BITS(19, 20) /*!< packet count */
#define DIEP0LEN_TLEN BITS(0, 6) /*!< transfer length */
/* device OUT endpoint 0 transfer length register bits definitions */
#define DOEP0LEN_STPCNT BITS(29, 30) /*!< SETUP packet count */
#define DOEP0LEN_PCNT BIT(19) /*!< packet count */
#define DOEP0LEN_TLEN BITS(0, 6) /*!< transfer length */
/* device OUT endpoint-x transfer length register bits definitions */
#define DOEPLEN_RXDPID BITS(29, 30) /*!< received data PID */
#define DOEPLEN_STPCNT BITS(29, 30) /*!< SETUP packet count */
#define DIEPLEN_MCNT BITS(29, 30) /*!< multi count */
#define DEPLEN_PCNT BITS(19, 28) /*!< packet count */
#define DEPLEN_TLEN BITS(0, 18) /*!< transfer length */
/* device IN endpoint-x DMA address register bits definitions */
#define DIEPDMAADDR_DMAADDR BITS(0, 31) /*!< DMA address */
/* device OUT endpoint-x DMA address register bits definitions */
#define DOEPDMAADDR_DMAADDR BITS(0, 31) /*!< DMA address */
/* device IN endpoint-x transmit FIFO status register bits definitions */
#define DIEPTFSTAT_IEPTFS BITS(0, 15) /*!< IN endpoint<6E><74>s Tx FIFO space remaining */
/* USB power and clock registers bits definition */
#define PWRCLKCTL_SHCLK BIT(1) /*!< stop HCLK */
#define PWRCLKCTL_SUCLK BIT(0) /*!< stop the USB clock */
/* register options defines */
#define DCFG_DEVSPEED(regval) (DCFG_DS & ((regval) << 0U)) /*!< device speed configuration */
#define USB_SPEED_EXP_HIGH DCFG_DEVSPEED(0U) /*!< device external PHY high speed */
#define USB_SPEED_EXP_FULL DCFG_DEVSPEED(1U) /*!< device external PHY full speed */
#define USB_SPEED_INP_FULL DCFG_DEVSPEED(3U) /*!< device internal PHY full speed */
#define GAHBCS_TFEL(regval) (GAHBCS_TXFTH & ((regval) << 7U)) /*!< device speed configuration */
#define TXFIFO_EMPTY_HALF GAHBCS_TFEL(0U) /*!< Tx FIFO half empty */
#define TXFIFO_EMPTY GAHBCS_TFEL(1U) /*!< Tx FIFO completely empty */
#define GAHBCS_DMAINCR(regval) (GAHBCS_BURST & ((regval) << 1U)) /*!< AHB burst type used by DMA*/
#define DMA_INCR0 GAHBCS_DMAINCR(0U) /*!< single burst type used by DMA*/
#define DMA_INCR1 GAHBCS_DMAINCR(1U) /*!< 4-beat incrementing burst type used by DMA*/
#define DMA_INCR4 GAHBCS_DMAINCR(3U) /*!< 8-beat incrementing burst type used by DMA*/
#define DMA_INCR8 GAHBCS_DMAINCR(5U) /*!< 16-beat incrementing burst type used by DMA*/
#define DMA_INCR16 GAHBCS_DMAINCR(7U) /*!< 32-beat incrementing burst type used by DMA*/
#define DCFG_PFRI(regval) (DCFG_EOPFT & ((regval) << 11U)) /*!< end of periodic frame time configuration */
#define FRAME_INTERVAL_80 DCFG_PFRI(0U) /*!< 80% of the frame time */
#define FRAME_INTERVAL_85 DCFG_PFRI(1U) /*!< 85% of the frame time */
#define FRAME_INTERVAL_90 DCFG_PFRI(2U) /*!< 90% of the frame time */
#define FRAME_INTERVAL_95 DCFG_PFRI(3U) /*!< 95% of the frame time */
#define DEP0_MPL(regval) (DEP0CTL_MPL & ((regval) << 0U)) /*!< maximum packet length configuration */
#define EP0MPL_64 DEP0_MPL(0U) /*!< maximum packet length 64 bytes */
#define EP0MPL_32 DEP0_MPL(1U) /*!< maximum packet length 32 bytes */
#define EP0MPL_16 DEP0_MPL(2U) /*!< maximum packet length 16 bytes */
#define EP0MPL_8 DEP0_MPL(3U) /*!< maximum packet length 8 bytes */
/* endpoints address */
/* first bit is direction(0 for Rx and 1 for Tx) */
#define EP0_OUT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< endpoint out 0 */
#define EP0_IN ((uint8_t)0x80U) /*!< endpoint in 0 */
#define EP1_OUT ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< endpoint out 1 */
#define EP1_IN ((uint8_t)0x81U) /*!< endpoint in 1 */
#define EP2_OUT ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< endpoint out 2 */
#define EP2_IN ((uint8_t)0x82U) /*!< endpoint in 2 */
#define EP3_OUT ((uint8_t)0x03U) /*!< endpoint out 3 */
#define EP3_IN ((uint8_t)0x83U) /*!< endpoint in 3 */
/* enable global interrupt */
/* disable global interrupt */
/* get current operation mode */
/* read global interrupt flag */
#define USB_CORE_INTR_READ(x) \
do { \
uint32_t global_intf = USB_GINTF; \
(x) = global_intf & USB_GINTEN; \
} while(0)
/* read global interrupt flag */
#define USB_DAOEP_INTR_READ(x) \
do { \
uint32_t dev_all_ep_inten = USB_DAEPINTEN; \
uint32_t dev_all_ep_int = USB_DAEPINT; \
uint32_t out_ep_intb = DAEPINT_OEPITB; \
(x) = (dev_all_ep_inten & dev_all_ep_int & out_ep_intb) >> 16; \
} while(0)
/* read out endpoint-x interrupt flag */
#define USB_DOEP_INTR_READ(x, EpID) \
do { \
uint32_t out_epintf = USB_DOEPxINTF(EpID); \
(x) = out_epintf & USB_DOEPINTEN; \
} while(0)
/* read all in endpoint interrupt flag */
#define USB_DAIEP_INTR_READ(x) \
do { \
uint32_t dev_all_ep_inten = USB_DAEPINTEN; \
uint32_t dev_all_ep_int = USB_DAEPINT; \
uint32_t in_ep_intb = DAEPINT_IEPITB; \
(x) = dev_all_ep_inten & dev_all_ep_int & in_ep_intb; \
} while(0)
/* read in endpoint-x interrupt flag */
#define USB_DIEP_INTR_READ(x, EpID) \
do { \
uint32_t dev_ep_intf = USB_DIEPxINTF(EpID); \
uint32_t dev_ep_fifoempty_intf = (((USB_DIEPFEINTEN >> (EpID)) & 0x1U) << 7U); \
uint32_t dev_inep_inten = USB_DIEPINTEN; \
(x) = dev_ep_intf & (dev_ep_fifoempty_intf | dev_inep_inten); \
} while(0)
/* generate remote wakup signal */
/* no remote wakup signal generate */
/* generate soft disconnect */
/* no soft disconnect generate */
/* set device address */
#define USB_SET_DEVADDR(DevAddr) (USB_DCFG |= (DevAddr) << 4U)
/* check whether frame is even */
#define USB_EVEN_FRAME() (!(USB_HFINFR & 0x01U))
/* read port status */
/* usb clock initialize */
#define USB_FSLSCLOCK_INIT(ClockFreq) (USB_HCTL &= ~HCTL_CLKSEL | (ClockFreq))
/* get usb current speed */
/* get usb current frame */
#endif /* USB_REGS_H */