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* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Date: 13. Sept 2017
* $Revision: V1.2
* Project: CAN (Controller Area Network) Driver definitions
/* History:
* Version 1.2
* Added ARM_CAN_UNIT_STATE_BUS_OFF unit state and
* Version 1.1
* ARM_CAN_STATUS made volatile
* Version 1.0
* Initial release
#ifndef DRIVER_CAN_H_
#define DRIVER_CAN_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "Driver_Common.h"
/****** CAN Bitrate selection codes *****/
typedef enum _ARM_CAN_BITRATE_SELECT {
ARM_CAN_BITRATE_NOMINAL, ///< Select nominal (flexible data-rate arbitration) bitrate
ARM_CAN_BITRATE_FD_DATA ///< Select flexible data-rate data bitrate
/****** CAN Bit Propagation Segment codes (PROP_SEG) *****/
#define ARM_CAN_BIT_PROP_SEG_Pos 0UL ///< bits 7..0
/****** CAN Bit Phase Buffer Segment 1 (PHASE_SEG1) codes *****/
#define ARM_CAN_BIT_PHASE_SEG1_Pos 8UL ///< bits 15..8
/****** CAN Bit Phase Buffer Segment 2 (PHASE_SEG2) codes *****/
#define ARM_CAN_BIT_PHASE_SEG2_Pos 16UL ///< bits 23..16
/****** CAN Bit (Re)Synchronization Jump Width Segment (SJW) *****/
#define ARM_CAN_BIT_SJW_Pos 24UL ///< bits 28..24
#define ARM_CAN_BIT_SJW_Msk (0x1FUL << ARM_CAN_BIT_SJW_Pos)
#define ARM_CAN_BIT_SJW(x) (((x) << ARM_CAN_BIT_SJW_Pos) & ARM_CAN_BIT_SJW_Msk)
/****** CAN Mode codes *****/
typedef enum _ARM_CAN_MODE {
ARM_CAN_MODE_INITIALIZATION, ///< Initialization mode
ARM_CAN_MODE_NORMAL, ///< Normal operation mode
ARM_CAN_MODE_RESTRICTED, ///< Restricted operation mode
ARM_CAN_MODE_MONITOR, ///< Bus monitoring mode
ARM_CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK_INTERNAL, ///< Loopback internal mode
ARM_CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK_EXTERNAL ///< Loopback external mode
/****** CAN Filter Operation codes *****/
ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_EXACT_ADD, ///< Add exact id filter
ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_EXACT_REMOVE, ///< Remove exact id filter
ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_RANGE_ADD, ///< Add range id filter
ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_RANGE_REMOVE, ///< Remove range id filter
ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_MASKABLE_ADD, ///< Add maskable id filter
ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_MASKABLE_REMOVE ///< Remove maskable id filter
/****** CAN Object Configuration codes *****/
typedef enum _ARM_CAN_OBJ_CONFIG {
ARM_CAN_OBJ_INACTIVE, ///< CAN object inactive
ARM_CAN_OBJ_TX, ///< CAN transmit object
ARM_CAN_OBJ_RX, ///< CAN receive object
ARM_CAN_OBJ_RX_RTR_TX_DATA, ///< CAN object that on RTR reception automatically transmits Data Frame
ARM_CAN_OBJ_TX_RTR_RX_DATA ///< CAN object that transmits RTR and automatically receives Data Frame
\brief CAN Object Capabilities
typedef struct _ARM_CAN_OBJ_CAPABILITIES {
uint32_t tx : 1; ///< Object supports transmission
uint32_t rx : 1; ///< Object supports reception
uint32_t rx_rtr_tx_data : 1; ///< Object supports RTR reception and automatic Data Frame transmission
uint32_t tx_rtr_rx_data : 1; ///< Object supports RTR transmission and automatic Data Frame reception
uint32_t multiple_filters : 1; ///< Object allows assignment of multiple filters to it
uint32_t exact_filtering : 1; ///< Object supports exact identifier filtering
uint32_t range_filtering : 1; ///< Object supports range identifier filtering
uint32_t mask_filtering : 1; ///< Object supports mask identifier filtering
uint32_t message_depth : 8; ///< Number of messages buffers (FIFO) for that object
uint32_t reserved : 16; ///< Reserved (must be zero)
/****** CAN Control Function Operation codes *****/
#define ARM_CAN_SET_FD_MODE (1UL << ARM_CAN_CONTROL_Pos) ///< Set FD operation mode; arg: 0 = disable, 1 = enable
#define ARM_CAN_ABORT_MESSAGE_SEND (2UL << ARM_CAN_CONTROL_Pos) ///< Abort sending of CAN message; arg = object
#define ARM_CAN_CONTROL_RETRANSMISSION (3UL << ARM_CAN_CONTROL_Pos) ///< Enable/disable automatic retransmission; arg: 0 = disable, 1 = enable (default state)
#define ARM_CAN_SET_TRANSCEIVER_DELAY (4UL << ARM_CAN_CONTROL_Pos) ///< Set transceiver delay; arg = delay in time quanta
/****** CAN ID Frame Format codes *****/
#define ARM_CAN_ID_IDE_Pos 31UL
#define ARM_CAN_ID_IDE_Msk (1UL << ARM_CAN_ID_IDE_Pos)
/****** CAN Identifier encoding *****/
#define ARM_CAN_STANDARD_ID(id) (id & 0x000007FFUL) ///< CAN identifier in standard format (11-bits)
#define ARM_CAN_EXTENDED_ID(id) ((id & 0x1FFFFFFFUL) | ARM_CAN_ID_IDE_Msk)///< CAN identifier in extended format (29-bits)
\brief CAN Message Information
typedef struct _ARM_CAN_MSG_INFO {
uint32_t id; ///< CAN identifier with frame format specifier (bit 31)
uint32_t rtr : 1; ///< Remote transmission request frame
uint32_t edl : 1; ///< Flexible data-rate format extended data length
uint32_t brs : 1; ///< Flexible data-rate format with bitrate switch
uint32_t esi : 1; ///< Flexible data-rate format error state indicator
uint32_t dlc : 4; ///< Data length code
uint32_t reserved : 24;
/****** CAN specific error code *****/
#define ARM_CAN_INVALID_BITRATE_SELECT (ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_SPECIFIC - 1) ///< Bitrate selection not supported
#define ARM_CAN_INVALID_BITRATE (ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_SPECIFIC - 2) ///< Requested bitrate not supported
#define ARM_CAN_INVALID_BIT_PROP_SEG (ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_SPECIFIC - 3) ///< Propagation segment value not supported
#define ARM_CAN_INVALID_BIT_PHASE_SEG1 (ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_SPECIFIC - 4) ///< Phase segment 1 value not supported
#define ARM_CAN_INVALID_BIT_PHASE_SEG2 (ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_SPECIFIC - 5) ///< Phase segment 2 value not supported
#define ARM_CAN_INVALID_BIT_SJW (ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_SPECIFIC - 6) ///< SJW value not supported
#define ARM_CAN_NO_MESSAGE_AVAILABLE (ARM_DRIVER_ERROR_SPECIFIC - 7) ///< Message is not available
/****** CAN Status codes *****/
#define ARM_CAN_UNIT_STATE_INACTIVE (0U) ///< Unit state: Not active on bus (initialization)
#define ARM_CAN_UNIT_STATE_ACTIVE (1U) ///< Unit state: Active on bus (can generate active error frame)
#define ARM_CAN_UNIT_STATE_PASSIVE (2U) ///< Unit state: Error passive (can not generate active error frame)
#define ARM_CAN_UNIT_STATE_BUS_OFF (3U) ///< Unit state: Bus-off (can recover to active state)
#define ARM_CAN_LEC_NO_ERROR (0U) ///< Last error code: No error
#define ARM_CAN_LEC_BIT_ERROR (1U) ///< Last error code: Bit error
#define ARM_CAN_LEC_STUFF_ERROR (2U) ///< Last error code: Bit stuffing error
#define ARM_CAN_LEC_CRC_ERROR (3U) ///< Last error code: CRC error
#define ARM_CAN_LEC_FORM_ERROR (4U) ///< Last error code: Illegal fixed-form bit
#define ARM_CAN_LEC_ACK_ERROR (5U) ///< Last error code: Acknowledgment error
\brief CAN Status
typedef volatile struct _ARM_CAN_STATUS {
uint32_t unit_state : 4; ///< Unit bus state
uint32_t last_error_code : 4; ///< Last error code
uint32_t tx_error_count : 8; ///< Transmitter error count
uint32_t rx_error_count : 8; ///< Receiver error count
uint32_t reserved : 8;
/****** CAN Unit Event *****/
#define ARM_CAN_EVENT_UNIT_INACTIVE (0U) ///< Unit entered Inactive state
#define ARM_CAN_EVENT_UNIT_ACTIVE (1U) ///< Unit entered Error Active state
#define ARM_CAN_EVENT_UNIT_WARNING (2U) ///< Unit entered Error Warning state (one or both error counters >= 96)
#define ARM_CAN_EVENT_UNIT_PASSIVE (3U) ///< Unit entered Error Passive state
#define ARM_CAN_EVENT_UNIT_BUS_OFF (4U) ///< Unit entered Bus-off state
/****** CAN Send/Receive Event *****/
#define ARM_CAN_EVENT_SEND_COMPLETE (1UL << 0) ///< Send complete
#define ARM_CAN_EVENT_RECEIVE (1UL << 1) ///< Message received
#define ARM_CAN_EVENT_RECEIVE_OVERRUN (1UL << 2) ///< Received message overrun
// Function documentation
\fn ARM_DRIVER_VERSION ARM_CAN_GetVersion (void)
\brief Get driver version.
\fn ARM_CAN_CAPABILITIES ARM_CAN_GetCapabilities (void)
\brief Get driver capabilities.
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_Initialize (ARM_CAN_SignalUnitEvent_t cb_unit_event,
ARM_CAN_SignalObjectEvent_t cb_object_event)
\brief Initialize CAN interface and register signal (callback) functions.
\param[in] cb_unit_event Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_SignalUnitEvent callback function
\param[in] cb_object_event Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_SignalObjectEvent callback function
\return \ref execution_status
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_Uninitialize (void)
\brief De-initialize CAN interface.
\return \ref execution_status
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_PowerControl (ARM_POWER_STATE state)
\brief Control CAN interface power.
\param[in] state Power state
- \ref ARM_POWER_OFF : power off: no operation possible
- \ref ARM_POWER_LOW : low power mode: retain state, detect and signal wake-up events
- \ref ARM_POWER_FULL : power on: full operation at maximum performance
\return \ref execution_status
\fn uint32_t ARM_CAN_GetClock (void)
\brief Retrieve CAN base clock frequency.
\return base clock frequency
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_SetBitrate (ARM_CAN_BITRATE_SELECT select, uint32_t bitrate, uint32_t bit_segments)
\brief Set bitrate for CAN interface.
\param[in] select Bitrate selection
- \ref ARM_CAN_BITRATE_NOMINAL : nominal (flexible data-rate arbitration) bitrate
- \ref ARM_CAN_BITRATE_FD_DATA : flexible data-rate data bitrate
\param[in] bitrate Bitrate
\param[in] bit_segments Bit segments settings
- \ref ARM_CAN_BIT_PROP_SEG(x) : number of time quanta for propagation time segment
- \ref ARM_CAN_BIT_PHASE_SEG1(x) : number of time quanta for phase buffer segment 1
- \ref ARM_CAN_BIT_PHASE_SEG2(x) : number of time quanta for phase buffer Segment 2
- \ref ARM_CAN_BIT_SJW(x) : number of time quanta for (re-)synchronization jump width
\return \ref execution_status
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_SetMode (ARM_CAN_MODE mode)
\brief Set operating mode for CAN interface.
\param[in] mode Operating mode
- \ref ARM_CAN_MODE_INITIALIZATION : initialization mode
- \ref ARM_CAN_MODE_NORMAL : normal operation mode
- \ref ARM_CAN_MODE_RESTRICTED : restricted operation mode
- \ref ARM_CAN_MODE_MONITOR : bus monitoring mode
- \ref ARM_CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK_INTERNAL : loopback internal mode
- \ref ARM_CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK_EXTERNAL : loopback external mode
\return \ref execution_status
\fn ARM_CAN_OBJ_CAPABILITIES ARM_CAN_ObjectGetCapabilities (uint32_t obj_idx)
\brief Retrieve capabilities of an object.
\param[in] obj_idx Object index
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_ObjectSetFilter (uint32_t obj_idx, ARM_CAN_FILTER_OPERATION operation, uint32_t id, uint32_t arg)
\brief Add or remove filter for message reception.
\param[in] obj_idx Object index of object that filter should be or is assigned to
\param[in] operation Operation on filter
- \ref ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_EXACT_ADD : add exact id filter
- \ref ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_EXACT_REMOVE : remove exact id filter
- \ref ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_RANGE_ADD : add range id filter
- \ref ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_RANGE_REMOVE : remove range id filter
- \ref ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_MASKABLE_ADD : add maskable id filter
- \ref ARM_CAN_FILTER_ID_MASKABLE_REMOVE : remove maskable id filter
\param[in] id ID or start of ID range (depending on filter type)
\param[in] arg Mask or end of ID range (depending on filter type)
\return \ref execution_status
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_ObjectConfigure (uint32_t obj_idx, ARM_CAN_OBJ_CONFIG obj_cfg)
\brief Configure object.
\param[in] obj_idx Object index
\param[in] obj_cfg Object configuration state
- \ref ARM_CAN_OBJ_INACTIVE : deactivate object
- \ref ARM_CAN_OBJ_RX : configure object for reception
- \ref ARM_CAN_OBJ_TX : configure object for transmission
- \ref ARM_CAN_OBJ_RX_RTR_TX_DATA : configure object that on RTR reception automatically transmits Data Frame
- \ref ARM_CAN_OBJ_TX_RTR_RX_DATA : configure object that transmits RTR and automatically receives Data Frame
\return \ref execution_status
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_MessageSend (uint32_t obj_idx, ARM_CAN_MSG_INFO *msg_info, const uint8_t *data, uint8_t size)
\brief Send message on CAN bus.
\param[in] obj_idx Object index
\param[in] msg_info Pointer to CAN message information
\param[in] data Pointer to data buffer
\param[in] size Number of data bytes to send
\return value >= 0 number of data bytes accepted to send
\return value < 0 \ref execution_status
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_MessageRead (uint32_t obj_idx, ARM_CAN_MSG_INFO *msg_info, uint8_t *data, uint8_t size)
\brief Read message received on CAN bus.
\param[in] obj_idx Object index
\param[out] msg_info Pointer to read CAN message information
\param[out] data Pointer to data buffer for read data
\param[in] size Maximum number of data bytes to read
\return value >= 0 number of data bytes read
\return value < 0 \ref execution_status
\fn int32_t ARM_CAN_Control (uint32_t control, uint32_t arg)
\brief Control CAN interface.
\param[in] control Operation
- \ref ARM_CAN_SET_FD_MODE : set FD operation mode
- \ref ARM_CAN_ABORT_MESSAGE_SEND : abort sending of CAN message
- \ref ARM_CAN_CONTROL_RETRANSMISSION : enable/disable automatic retransmission
- \ref ARM_CAN_SET_TRANSCEIVER_DELAY : set transceiver delay
\param[in] arg Argument of operation
\return \ref execution_status
\fn ARM_CAN_STATUS ARM_CAN_GetStatus (void)
\brief Get CAN status.
\return CAN status \ref ARM_CAN_STATUS
\fn void ARM_CAN_SignalUnitEvent (uint32_t event)
\brief Signal CAN unit event.
\param[in] event \ref CAN_unit_events
\return none
\fn void ARM_CAN_SignalObjectEvent (uint32_t obj_idx, uint32_t event)
\brief Signal CAN object event.
\param[in] obj_idx Object index
\param[in] event \ref CAN_events
\return none
typedef void (*ARM_CAN_SignalUnitEvent_t) (uint32_t event); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_SignalUnitEvent : Signal CAN Unit Event.
typedef void (*ARM_CAN_SignalObjectEvent_t) (uint32_t obj_idx, uint32_t event); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_SignalObjectEvent : Signal CAN Object Event.
\brief CAN Device Driver Capabilities.
typedef struct _ARM_CAN_CAPABILITIES {
uint32_t num_objects : 8; ///< Number of \ref can_objects available
uint32_t reentrant_operation : 1; ///< Support for reentrant calls to \ref ARM_CAN_MessageSend, \ref ARM_CAN_MessageRead, \ref ARM_CAN_ObjectConfigure and abort message sending used by \ref ARM_CAN_Control
uint32_t fd_mode : 1; ///< Support for CAN with flexible data-rate mode (CAN_FD) (set by \ref ARM_CAN_Control)
uint32_t restricted_mode : 1; ///< Support for restricted operation mode (set by \ref ARM_CAN_SetMode)
uint32_t monitor_mode : 1; ///< Support for bus monitoring mode (set by \ref ARM_CAN_SetMode)
uint32_t internal_loopback : 1; ///< Support for internal loopback mode (set by \ref ARM_CAN_SetMode)
uint32_t external_loopback : 1; ///< Support for external loopback mode (set by \ref ARM_CAN_SetMode)
uint32_t reserved : 18; ///< Reserved (must be zero)
\brief Access structure of the CAN Driver.
typedef struct _ARM_DRIVER_CAN {
ARM_DRIVER_VERSION (*GetVersion) (void); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_GetVersion : Get driver version.
ARM_CAN_CAPABILITIES (*GetCapabilities) (void); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_GetCapabilities : Get driver capabilities.
int32_t (*Initialize) (ARM_CAN_SignalUnitEvent_t cb_unit_event,
ARM_CAN_SignalObjectEvent_t cb_object_event); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_Initialize : Initialize CAN interface.
int32_t (*Uninitialize) (void); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_Uninitialize : De-initialize CAN interface.
int32_t (*PowerControl) (ARM_POWER_STATE state); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_PowerControl : Control CAN interface power.
uint32_t (*GetClock) (void); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_GetClock : Retrieve CAN base clock frequency.
int32_t (*SetBitrate) (ARM_CAN_BITRATE_SELECT select,
uint32_t bitrate,
uint32_t bit_segments); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_SetBitrate : Set bitrate for CAN interface.
int32_t (*SetMode) (ARM_CAN_MODE mode); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_SetMode : Set operating mode for CAN interface.
ARM_CAN_OBJ_CAPABILITIES (*ObjectGetCapabilities) (uint32_t obj_idx); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_ObjectGetCapabilities : Retrieve capabilities of an object.
int32_t (*ObjectSetFilter) (uint32_t obj_idx,
uint32_t id,
uint32_t arg); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_ObjectSetFilter : Add or remove filter for message reception.
int32_t (*ObjectConfigure) (uint32_t obj_idx,
ARM_CAN_OBJ_CONFIG obj_cfg); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_ObjectConfigure : Configure object.
int32_t (*MessageSend) (uint32_t obj_idx,
ARM_CAN_MSG_INFO *msg_info,
const uint8_t *data,
uint8_t size); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_MessageSend : Send message on CAN bus.
int32_t (*MessageRead) (uint32_t obj_idx,
ARM_CAN_MSG_INFO *msg_info,
uint8_t *data,
uint8_t size); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_MessageRead : Read message received on CAN bus.
int32_t (*Control) (uint32_t control,
uint32_t arg); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_Control : Control CAN interface.
ARM_CAN_STATUS (*GetStatus) (void); ///< Pointer to \ref ARM_CAN_GetStatus : Get CAN status.
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* DRIVER_CAN_H_ */