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2018-05-21 11:13:46 +08:00
\file gd32f30x_spi.h
\brief definitions for the SPI
Copyright (C) 2017 GigaDevice
2017-02-10, V1.0.1, firmware for GD32F30x
#ifndef GD32F30X_SPI_H
#define GD32F30X_SPI_H
#include "gd32f30x.h"
/* SPIx(x=0,1,2) definitions */
#define SPI0 (SPI_BASE + 0x0000F800U)
#define SPI1 SPI_BASE
#define SPI2 (SPI_BASE + 0x00000400U)
/* SPI registers definitions */
#define SPI_CTL0(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x00U) /*!< SPI control register 0 */
#define SPI_CTL1(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x04U) /*!< SPI control register 1*/
#define SPI_STAT(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x08U) /*!< SPI status register */
#define SPI_DATA(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x0CU) /*!< SPI data register */
#define SPI_CRCPOLY(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x10U) /*!< SPI CRC polynomial register */
#define SPI_RCRC(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x14U) /*!< SPI receive CRC register */
#define SPI_TCRC(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x18U) /*!< SPI transmit CRC register */
#define SPI_I2SCTL(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x1CU) /*!< SPI I2S control register */
#define SPI_I2SPSC(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x20U) /*!< SPI I2S clock prescaler register */
#define SPI_QCTL(spix) REG32((spix) + 0x80U) /*!< SPI quad mode control register(only SPI0) */
/* bits definitions */
/* SPI_CTL0 */
#define SPI_CTL0_CKPH BIT(0) /*!< clock phase selection*/
#define SPI_CTL0_CKPL BIT(1) /*!< clock polarity selection */
#define SPI_CTL0_MSTMOD BIT(2) /*!< master mode enable */
#define SPI_CTL0_PSC BITS(3,5) /*!< master clock prescaler selection */
#define SPI_CTL0_SPIEN BIT(6) /*!< SPI enable*/
#define SPI_CTL0_LF BIT(7) /*!< LSB first mode */
#define SPI_CTL0_SWNSS BIT(8) /*!< NSS pin selection in NSS software mode */
#define SPI_CTL0_SWNSSEN BIT(9) /*!< NSS software mode selection */
#define SPI_CTL0_RO BIT(10) /*!< receive only */
#define SPI_CTL0_FF16 BIT(11) /*!< data frame size */
#define SPI_CTL0_CRCNT BIT(12) /*!< CRC next transfer */
#define SPI_CTL0_CRCEN BIT(13) /*!< CRC calculation enable */
#define SPI_CTL0_BDOEN BIT(14) /*!< bidirectional transmit output enable*/
#define SPI_CTL0_BDEN BIT(15) /*!< bidirectional enable */
/* SPI_CTL1 */
#define SPI_CTL1_DMAREN BIT(0) /*!< receive buffer dma enable */
#define SPI_CTL1_DMATEN BIT(1) /*!< transmit buffer dma enable */
#define SPI_CTL1_NSSDRV BIT(2) /*!< drive NSS output */
#define SPI_CTL1_NSSP BIT(3) /*!< SPI NSS pulse mode enable */
#define SPI_CTL1_TMOD BIT(4) /*!< SPI TI mode enable */
#define SPI_CTL1_ERRIE BIT(5) /*!< errors interrupt enable */
#define SPI_CTL1_RBNEIE BIT(6) /*!< receive buffer not empty interrupt enable */
#define SPI_CTL1_TBEIE BIT(7) /*!< transmit buffer empty interrupt enable */
/* SPI_STAT */
#define SPI_STAT_RBNE BIT(0) /*!< receive buffer not empty */
#define SPI_STAT_TBE BIT(1) /*!< transmit buffer empty */
#define SPI_STAT_I2SCH BIT(2) /*!< I2S channel side */
#define SPI_STAT_TXURERR BIT(3) /*!< I2S transmission underrun error bit */
#define SPI_STAT_CRCERR BIT(4) /*!< SPI CRC error bit */
#define SPI_STAT_CONFERR BIT(5) /*!< SPI configuration error bit */
#define SPI_STAT_RXORERR BIT(6) /*!< SPI reception overrun error bit */
#define SPI_STAT_TRANS BIT(7) /*!< transmitting on-going bit */
#define SPI_STAT_FERR BIT(8) /*!< format error bit */
/* SPI_DATA */
#define SPI_DATA_DATA BITS(0,15) /*!< data transfer register */
#define SPI_CRCPOLY_CPR BITS(0,15) /*!< CRC polynomial register */
/* SPI_RCRC */
#define SPI_RCRC_RCR BITS(0,15) /*!< RX CRC register */
/* SPI_TCRC */
#define SPI_TCRC_TCR BITS(0,15) /*!< RX CRC register */
/* SPI_I2SCTL */
#define SPI_I2SCTL_CHLEN BIT(0) /*!< channel length */
#define SPI_I2SCTL_DTLEN BITS(1,2) /*!< data length */
#define SPI_I2SCTL_CKPL BIT(3) /*!< idle state clock polarity */
#define SPI_I2SCTL_I2SSTD BITS(4,5) /*!< I2S standard selection */
#define SPI_I2SCTL_PCMSMOD BIT(7) /*!< PCM frame synchronization mode */
#define SPI_I2SCTL_I2SOPMOD BITS(8,9) /*!< I2S operation mode */
#define SPI_I2SCTL_I2SEN BIT(10) /*!< I2S enable */
#define SPI_I2SCTL_I2SSEL BIT(11) /*!< I2S mode selection */
/* SPI_I2SPSC */
#define SPI_I2SPSC_DIV BITS(0,7) /*!< dividing factor for the prescaler */
#define SPI_I2SPSC_OF BIT(8) /*!< odd factor for the prescaler */
#define SPI_I2SPSC_MCKOEN BIT(9) /*!< I2S MCK output enable */
/* SPI_QCTL(only for SPI0) */
#define SPI_QCTL_QMOD BIT(0) /*!< quad-SPI mode enable */
#define SPI_QCTL_QRD BIT(1) /*!< quad-SPI mode read select */
#define SPI_QCTL_IO23_DRV BIT(2) /*!< drive SPI_IO2 and SPI_IO3 enable */
/* constants definitions */
/* SPI and I2S parameter struct definitions */
typedef struct
uint32_t device_mode; /*!< SPI master or slave */
uint32_t trans_mode; /*!< SPI transtype */
uint32_t frame_size; /*!< SPI frame size */
uint32_t nss; /*!< SPI NSS control by handware or software */
uint32_t endian; /*!< SPI big endian or little endian */
uint32_t clock_polarity_phase; /*!< SPI clock phase and polarity */
uint32_t prescale; /*!< SPI prescale factor */
/* SPI mode definitions */
#define SPI_MASTER (SPI_CTL0_MSTMOD | SPI_CTL0_SWNSS) /*!< SPI as master */
#define SPI_SLAVE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< SPI as slave */
/* SPI bidirectional transfer direction */
#define SPI_BIDIRECTIONAL_TRANSMIT SPI_CTL0_BDOEN /*!< SPI work in transmit-only mode */
#define SPI_BIDIRECTIONAL_RECEIVE ~SPI_CTL0_BDOEN /*!< SPI work in receive-only mode */
/* SPI transmit type */
#define SPI_TRANSMODE_FULLDUPLEX ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< SPI receive and send data at fullduplex communication */
#define SPI_TRANSMODE_RECEIVEONLY SPI_CTL0_RO /*!< SPI only receive data */
#define SPI_TRANSMODE_BDRECEIVE SPI_CTL0_BDEN /*!< bidirectional receive data */
#define SPI_TRANSMODE_BDTRANSMIT (SPI_CTL0_BDEN | SPI_CTL0_BDOEN) /*!< bidirectional transmit data*/
/* SPI frame size */
#define SPI_FRAMESIZE_16BIT SPI_CTL0_FF16 /*!< SPI frame size is 16 bits */
#define SPI_FRAMESIZE_8BIT ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< SPI frame size is 8 bits */
/* SPI NSS control mode */
#define SPI_NSS_SOFT SPI_CTL0_SWNSSEN /*!< SPI NSS control by sofrware */
#define SPI_NSS_HARD ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< SPI NSS control by hardware */
/* SPI transmit way */
#define SPI_ENDIAN_MSB ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< SPI transmit way is big endian: transmit MSB first */
#define SPI_ENDIAN_LSB SPI_CTL0_LF /*!< SPI transmit way is little endian: transmit LSB first */
/* SPI clock phase and polarity */
#define SPI_CK_PL_LOW_PH_1EDGE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< SPI clock polarity is low level and phase is first edge */
#define SPI_CK_PL_HIGH_PH_1EDGE SPI_CTL0_CKPL /*!< SPI clock polarity is high level and phase is first edge */
#define SPI_CK_PL_LOW_PH_2EDGE SPI_CTL0_CKPH /*!< SPI clock polarity is low level and phase is second edge */
#define SPI_CK_PL_HIGH_PH_2EDGE (SPI_CTL0_CKPL | SPI_CTL0_CKPH) /*!< SPI clock polarity is high level and phase is second edge */
/* SPI clock prescale factor */
#define CTL0_PSC(regval) (BITS(3,5) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 3))
#define SPI_PSC_2 CTL0_PSC(0) /*!< SPI clock prescale factor is 2 */
#define SPI_PSC_4 CTL0_PSC(1) /*!< SPI clock prescale factor is 4 */
#define SPI_PSC_8 CTL0_PSC(2) /*!< SPI clock prescale factor is 8 */
#define SPI_PSC_16 CTL0_PSC(3) /*!< SPI clock prescale factor is 16 */
#define SPI_PSC_32 CTL0_PSC(4) /*!< SPI clock prescale factor is 32 */
#define SPI_PSC_64 CTL0_PSC(5) /*!< SPI clock prescale factor is 64 */
#define SPI_PSC_128 CTL0_PSC(6) /*!< SPI clock prescale factor is 128 */
#define SPI_PSC_256 CTL0_PSC(7) /*!< SPI clock prescale factor is 256 */
/* I2S audio sample rate */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_8K ((uint32_t)8000U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 8KHz */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_11K ((uint32_t)11025U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 11KHz */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_16K ((uint32_t)16000U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 16KHz */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_22K ((uint32_t)22050U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 22KHz */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_32K ((uint32_t)32000U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 32KHz */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_44K ((uint32_t)44100U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 44KHz */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_48K ((uint32_t)48000U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 48KHz */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_96K ((uint32_t)96000U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 96KHz */
#define I2S_AUDIOSAMPLE_192K ((uint32_t)192000U) /*!< I2S audio sample rate is 192KHz */
/* I2S frame format */
#define I2SCTL_DTLEN(regval) (BITS(1,2) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 1))
#define I2S_FRAMEFORMAT_DT16B_CH16B I2SCTL_DTLEN(0) /*!< I2S data length is 16 bit and channel length is 16 bit */
#define I2S_FRAMEFORMAT_DT16B_CH32B (I2SCTL_DTLEN(0) | SPI_I2SCTL_CHLEN) /*!< I2S data length is 16 bit and channel length is 32 bit */
#define I2S_FRAMEFORMAT_DT24B_CH32B (I2SCTL_DTLEN(1) | SPI_I2SCTL_CHLEN) /*!< I2S data length is 24 bit and channel length is 32 bit */
#define I2S_FRAMEFORMAT_DT32B_CH32B (I2SCTL_DTLEN(2) | SPI_I2SCTL_CHLEN) /*!< I2S data length is 32 bit and channel length is 32 bit */
/* I2S master clock output */
#define I2S_MCKOUT_DISABLE ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< I2S master clock output disable */
#define I2S_MCKOUT_ENABLE SPI_I2SPSC_MCKOEN /*!< I2S master clock output enable */
/* I2S operation mode */
#define I2SCTL_I2SOPMOD(regval) (BITS(8,9) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 8))
#define I2S_MODE_SLAVETX I2SCTL_I2SOPMOD(0) /*!< I2S slave transmit mode */
#define I2S_MODE_SLAVERX I2SCTL_I2SOPMOD(1) /*!< I2S slave receive mode */
#define I2S_MODE_MASTERTX I2SCTL_I2SOPMOD(2) /*!< I2S master transmit mode */
#define I2S_MODE_MASTERRX I2SCTL_I2SOPMOD(3) /*!< I2S master receive mode */
/* I2S standard */
#define I2SCTL_I2SSTD(regval) (BITS(4,5) & ((uint32_t)(regval) << 4))
#define I2S_STD_PHILLIPS I2SCTL_I2SSTD(0) /*!< I2S phillips standard */
#define I2S_STD_MSB I2SCTL_I2SSTD(1) /*!< I2S MSB standard */
#define I2S_STD_LSB I2SCTL_I2SSTD(2) /*!< I2S LSB standard */
#define I2S_STD_PCMSHORT I2SCTL_I2SSTD(3) /*!< I2S PCM short standard */
#define I2S_STD_PCMLONG (I2SCTL_I2SSTD(3) | SPI_I2SCTL_PCMSMOD) /*!< I2S PCM long standard */
/* I2S clock polarity */
#define I2S_CKPL_LOW ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< I2S clock polarity low level */
#define I2S_CKPL_HIGH SPI_I2SCTL_CKPL /*!< I2S clock polarity high level */
/* SPI DMA constants definitions */
#define SPI_DMA_TRANSMIT ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< SPI transmit data use DMA */
#define SPI_DMA_RECEIVE ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< SPI receive data use DMA */
/* SPI CRC constants definitions */
#define SPI_CRC_TX ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< SPI transmit CRC value */
#define SPI_CRC_RX ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< SPI receive CRC value */
/* SPI/I2S interrupt enable/disable constants definitions */
#define SPI_I2S_INT_TBE ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< transmit buffer empty interrupt */
#define SPI_I2S_INT_RBNE ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< receive buffer not empty interrupt */
#define SPI_I2S_INT_ERR ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< error interrupt */
/* SPI/I2S interrupt flag constants definitions */
#define SPI_I2S_INT_FLAG_TBE ((uint8_t)0x00U) /*!< transmit buffer empty interrupt flag */
#define SPI_I2S_INT_FLAG_RBNE ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< receive buffer not empty interrupt flag */
#define SPI_I2S_INT_FLAG_RXORERR ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< overrun interrupt flag */
#define SPI_INT_FLAG_CONFERR ((uint8_t)0x03U) /*!< config error interrupt flag */
#define SPI_INT_FLAG_CRCERR ((uint8_t)0x04U) /*!< CRC error interrupt flag */
#define I2S_INT_FLAG_TXURERR ((uint8_t)0x05U) /*!< underrun error interrupt flag */
#define SPI_I2S_INT_FLAG_FERR ((uint8_t)0x06U) /*!< format error interrupt flag */
/* SPI/I2S flag definitions */
#define SPI_FLAG_RBNE SPI_STAT_RBNE /*!< receive buffer not empty flag */
#define SPI_FLAG_TBE SPI_STAT_TBE /*!< transmit buffer empty flag */
#define SPI_FLAG_CRCERR SPI_STAT_CRCERR /*!< CRC error flag */
#define SPI_FLAG_CONFERR SPI_STAT_CONFERR /*!< mode config error flag */
#define SPI_FLAG_RXORERR SPI_STAT_RXORERR /*!< receive overrun error flag */
#define SPI_FLAG_TRANS SPI_STAT_TRANS /*!< transmit on-going flag */
#define SPI_FLAG_FERR SPI_STAT_FERR /*!< format error interrupt flag */
#define I2S_FLAG_RBNE SPI_STAT_RBNE /*!< receive buffer not empty flag */
#define I2S_FLAG_TBE SPI_STAT_TBE /*!< transmit buffer empty flag */
#define I2S_FLAG_CH SPI_STAT_I2SCH /*!< channel side flag */
#define I2S_FLAG_TXURERR SPI_STAT_TXURERR /*!< underrun error flag */
#define I2S_FLAG_RXORERR SPI_STAT_RXORERR /*!< overrun error flag */
#define I2S_FLAG_TRANS SPI_STAT_TRANS /*!< transmit on-going flag */
#define I2S_FLAG_FERR SPI_STAT_FERR /*!< format error interrupt flag */
/* function declarations */
/* reset SPI and I2S */
void spi_i2s_deinit(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* initialize SPI parameter */
void spi_init(uint32_t spi_periph, spi_parameter_struct* spi_struct);
/* enable SPI */
void spi_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* disable SPI */
void spi_disable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* initialize I2S parameter */
void i2s_init(uint32_t spi_periph, uint32_t mode, uint32_t standard, uint32_t ckpl);
/* configure I2S prescaler */
void i2s_psc_config(uint32_t spi_periph, uint32_t audiosample, uint32_t frameformat, uint32_t mckout);
/* enable I2S */
void i2s_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* disable I2S */
void i2s_disable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* enable SPI NSS output */
void spi_nss_output_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* disable SPI NSS output */
void spi_nss_output_disable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* SPI NSS pin high level in software mode */
void spi_nss_internal_high(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* SPI NSS pin low level in software mode */
void spi_nss_internal_low(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* enable SPI DMA */
void spi_dma_enable(uint32_t spi_periph, uint8_t dma);
/* disable SPI DMA */
void spi_dma_disable(uint32_t spi_periph, uint8_t dma);
/* configure SPI/I2S data frame format */
void spi_i2s_data_frame_format_config(uint32_t spi_periph, uint16_t frame_format);
/* SPI transmit data */
void spi_i2s_data_transmit(uint32_t spi_periph, uint16_t data);
/* SPI receive data */
uint16_t spi_i2s_data_receive(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* configure SPI bidirectional transfer direction */
void spi_bidirectional_transfer_config(uint32_t spi_periph, uint32_t transfer_direction);
/* enable SPI and I2S interrupt */
void spi_i2s_interrupt_enable(uint32_t spi_periph, uint8_t interrupt);
/* disable SPI and I2S interrupt */
void spi_i2s_interrupt_disable(uint32_t spi_periph, uint8_t interrupt);
/* get SPI and I2S interrupt status */
FlagStatus spi_i2s_interrupt_flag_get(uint32_t spi_periph, uint8_t interrupt);
/* get SPI and I2S flag status */
FlagStatus spi_i2s_flag_get(uint32_t spi_periph, uint32_t flag);
/* clear SPI CRC error flag status */
void spi_crc_error_clear(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* set SPI CRC polynomial */
void spi_crc_polynomial_set(uint32_t spi_periph, uint16_t crc_poly);
/* get SPI CRC polynomial */
uint16_t spi_crc_polynomial_get(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* turn on SPI CRC function */
void spi_crc_on(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* turn off SPI CRC function */
void spi_crc_off(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* SPI next data is CRC value */
void spi_crc_next(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* get SPI CRC send value or receive value */
uint16_t spi_crc_get(uint32_t spi_periph, uint8_t crc);
/* enable SPI TI mode */
void spi_ti_mode_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* disable SPI TI mode */
void spi_ti_mode_disable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* enable SPI NSS pulse mode */
void spi_nssp_mode_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* disable SPI NSS pulse mode */
void spi_nssp_mode_disable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* enable quad wire SPI */
void qspi_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* disable quad wire SPI */
void qspi_disable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* enable quad wire SPI write */
void qspi_write_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* enable quad wire SPI read */
void qspi_read_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* enable quad wire SPI_IO2 and SPI_IO3 pin output */
void qspi_io23_output_enable(uint32_t spi_periph);
/* disable quad wire SPI_IO2 and SPI_IO3 pin output */
void qspi_io23_output_disable(uint32_t spi_periph);
#endif /* GD32F30X_SPI_H */