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2013-01-08 22:40:58 +08:00
* @brief Real Time Clock registers and control functions
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2012
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
* licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __RTC_001_H_
#define __RTC_001_H_
#include "sys_config.h"
#include "cmsis.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup IP_RTC_001 IP: RTC register block and driver
* @ingroup IP_Drivers
* Real Time Clock
* @{
* @brief RTC time type option
typedef enum {
RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFMONTH, /*!< Day of month */
RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFWEEK, /*!< Day of week */
RTC_TIMETYPE_DAYOFYEAR, /*!< Day of year */
* @brief Real Time Clock register block structure
typedef struct { /*!< RTC Structure */
__O uint32_t ILR; /*!< Interrupt Location Register */
__I uint32_t RESERVED0;
__IO uint32_t CCR; /*!< Clock Control Register */
__IO uint32_t CIIR; /*!< Counter Increment Interrupt Register */
__IO uint32_t AMR; /*!< Alarm Mask Register */
__I uint32_t CTIME[3]; /*!< Consolidated Time Register 0,1,2 */
__IO uint32_t TIME[RTC_TIMETYPE_LAST]; /*!< Timer field registers */
__IO uint32_t CALIBRATION; /*!< Calibration Value Register */
#if defined(CHIP_LPC177X_8X)
__IO uint32_t GPREG[5]; /*!< General Purpose Storage Registers */
__IO uint32_t RTC_AUXEN; /*!< */
__IO uint32_t RTC_AUX; /*!< */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1[7];
__IO uint32_t ALRM[RTC_TIMETYPE_LAST]; /*!< Alarm field registers */
#if defined(CHIP_LPC177X_8X)
__IO uint32_t ERSTATUS;
} IP_RTC_001_T;
* @brief ILR register definitions
/** ILR register mask */
#define RTC_ILR_BITMASK ((0x00000003))
/** Bit inform the source interrupt is counter increment*/
#define RTC_IRL_RTCCIF ((1 << 0))
/** Bit inform the source interrupt is alarm match*/
#define RTC_IRL_RTCALF ((1 << 1))
* @brief CCR register definitions
/** CCR register mask */
#define RTC_CCR_BITMASK ((0x00000013))
/** Clock enable */
#define RTC_CCR_CLKEN ((1 << 0))
/** Clock reset */
#define RTC_CCR_CTCRST ((1 << 1))
/** Calibration counter enable */
#define RTC_CCR_CCALEN ((1 << 4))
* @brief CIIR and AMR register definitions
/** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for second */
#define RTC_AMR_CIIR_IMSEC ((1 << 0))
/** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for minute */
#define RTC_AMR_CIIR_IMMIN ((1 << 1))
/** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for hour */
#define RTC_AMR_CIIR_IMHOUR ((1 << 2))
/** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for day of month */
#define RTC_AMR_CIIR_IMDOM ((1 << 3))
/** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for day of week */
#define RTC_AMR_CIIR_IMDOW ((1 << 4))
/** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for day of year */
#define RTC_AMR_CIIR_IMDOY ((1 << 5))
/** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for month */
#define RTC_AMR_CIIR_IMMON ((1 << 6))
/** Counter Increment Interrupt bit for year */
#define RTC_AMR_CIIR_IMYEAR ((1 << 7))
/** CIIR bit mask */
* @brief RTC_AUX register definitions
/** RTC Oscillator Fail detect flag */
#define RTC_AUX_RTC_OSCF ((1 << 4))
* @brief RTC_AUXEN register definitions
/** Oscillator Fail Detect interrupt enable*/
#define RTC_AUXEN_RTC_OSCFEN ((1 << 4))
* @brief Consolidated Time Register 0 definitions
#define RTC_CTIME0_SECONDS_MASK ((0x3F))
#define RTC_CTIME0_MINUTES_MASK ((0x3F00))
#define RTC_CTIME0_HOURS_MASK ((0x1F0000))
#define RTC_CTIME0_DOW_MASK ((0x7000000))
* @brief Consolidated Time Register 1 definitions
#define RTC_CTIME1_DOM_MASK ((0x1F))
#define RTC_CTIME1_MONTH_MASK ((0xF00))
#define RTC_CTIME1_YEAR_MASK ((0xFFF0000))
* @brief Consolidated Time Register 2 definitions
#define RTC_CTIME2_DOY_MASK ((0xFFF))
* @brief Time Counter Group and Alarm register group
/** SEC register mask */
#define RTC_SEC_MASK (0x0000003F)
/** MIN register mask */
#define RTC_MIN_MASK (0x0000003F)
/** HOUR register mask */
#define RTC_HOUR_MASK (0x0000001F)
/** DOM register mask */
#define RTC_DOM_MASK (0x0000001F)
/** DOW register mask */
#define RTC_DOW_MASK (0x00000007)
/** DOY register mask */
#define RTC_DOY_MASK (0x000001FF)
/** MONTH register mask */
#define RTC_MONTH_MASK (0x0000000F)
/** YEAR register mask */
#define RTC_YEAR_MASK (0x00000FFF)
#define RTC_SECOND_MAX 59 /*!< Maximum value of second */
#define RTC_MINUTE_MAX 59 /*!< Maximum value of minute*/
#define RTC_HOUR_MAX 23 /*!< Maximum value of hour*/
#define RTC_MONTH_MIN 1 /*!< Minimum value of month*/
#define RTC_MONTH_MAX 12 /*!< Maximum value of month*/
#define RTC_DAYOFMONTH_MIN 1 /*!< Minimum value of day of month*/
#define RTC_DAYOFMONTH_MAX 31 /*!< Maximum value of day of month*/
#define RTC_DAYOFWEEK_MAX 6 /*!< Maximum value of day of week*/
#define RTC_DAYOFYEAR_MIN 1 /*!< Minimum value of day of year*/
#define RTC_DAYOFYEAR_MAX 366 /*!< Maximum value of day of year*/
#define RTC_YEAR_MAX 4095/*!< Maximum value of year*/
* @brief Calibration register
/** Calibration value */
/** Calibration direction */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_LIBDIR ((1 << 17))
/** Calibration max value */
#define RTC_CALIBRATION_MAX ((0x20000))
/** Calibration definitions */
#define RTC_CALIB_DIR_FORWARD ((uint8_t) (0))
#define RTC_CALIB_DIR_BACKWARD ((uint8_t) (1))
/* Check Parameter Definitions */
/** Macro to determine if it is valid RTC peripheral */
#define PARAM_pRTC(x) (((uint32_t *) x) == ((uint32_t *) LPC_RTC))
/* Macro check RTC interrupt type */
/* Macro check RTC calibration type */
* @brief RTC enumeration
/** @brief RTC interrupt source */
typedef enum {
RTC_INT_COUNTER_INCREASE = RTC_IRL_RTCCIF, /*!< Counter Increment Interrupt */
RTC_INT_ALARM = RTC_IRL_RTCALF /*!< The alarm interrupt */
typedef struct {
uint32_t time[RTC_TIMETYPE_LAST];
* @brief Initialize the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @return None
void IP_RTC_Init(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC);
* @brief De-initialize the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @return None
pRTC->CCR = 0x00;
* @brief Reset clock tick counter in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @return None
void IP_RTC_ResetClockTickCounter(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC);
* @brief Start/Stop RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param NewState : ENABLE or DISABLE
* @return None
void IP_RTC_Enable(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, FunctionalState NewState);
* @brief Enable/Disable Counter increment interrupt for a time type in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param cntrMask : Or'ed bit values for time types (RTC_AMR_CIIR_IM*)
* @param NewState : ENABLE or DISABLE
* @return None
void IP_RTC_CntIncrIntConfig(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, uint32_t cntrMask, FunctionalState NewState);
* @brief Enable/Disable Alarm interrupt for a time type in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param alarmMask : Or'ed bit values for ALARM types (RTC_AMR_CIIR_IM*)
* @param NewState : ENABLE or DISABLE
* @return None
void IP_RTC_AlarmIntConfig(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, uint32_t alarmMask, FunctionalState NewState);
* @brief Set current time value for a time type in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param Timetype : time field index type to set
* @param TimeValue : Value to palce in time field
* @return None
void IP_RTC_SetTime(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, IP_RTC_TIMEINDEX_T Timetype, uint32_t TimeValue);
* @brief Get current time value for a type time type
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param Timetype : Time field index type to get
* @return Value of time field according to specified time type
uint32_t IP_RTC_GetTime(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, IP_RTC_TIMEINDEX_T Timetype);
* @brief Set full time in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param pFullTime : Pointer to full time data
* @return None
void IP_RTC_SetFullTime(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, IP_RTC_TIME_T *pFullTime);
* @brief Get full time from the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param pFullTime : Pointer to full time record to fill
* @return None
void IP_RTC_GetFullTime(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, IP_RTC_TIME_T *pFullTime);
* @brief Set alarm time value for a time type
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param Timetype : Time index field to set
* @param ALValue : Alarm time value to set
* @return None
void IP_RTC_SetAlarmTime(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, IP_RTC_TIMEINDEX_T Timetype, uint32_t ALValue);
* @brief Get alarm time value for a time type
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param Timetype : Time index field to get
* @return Value of Alarm time according to specified time type
uint32_t IP_RTC_GetAlarmTime(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, IP_RTC_TIMEINDEX_T Timetype);
* @brief Set full alarm time in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param pFullTime : Pointer to full time record to set alarm
* @return None
void IP_RTC_SetFullAlarmTime(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, IP_RTC_TIME_T *pFullTime);
* @brief Get full alarm time in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param pFullTime : Pointer to full time record to fill
* @return None
void IP_RTC_GetFullAlarmTime(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, IP_RTC_TIME_T *pFullTime);
* @brief Enable/Disable calibration counter in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param NewState : New State of this function, should be:
* - ENABLE :The calibration counter is enabled and counting
* - DISABLE :The calibration counter is disabled and reset to zero
* @return None
void IP_RTC_CalibCounterCmd(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, FunctionalState NewState);
* @brief Configures Calibration in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param CalibValue : Calibration value, should be in range from 0 to 131,072
* @param CalibDir : Calibration Direction, should be:
* - RTC_CALIB_DIR_FORWARD :Forward calibration
* - RTC_CALIB_DIR_BACKWARD :Backward calibration
* @return None
void IP_RTC_CalibConfig(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, uint32_t CalibValue, uint8_t CalibDir);
* @brief Clear specified Location interrupt pending in the RTC peripheral
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param IntType : Interrupt location type, should be:
* - RTC_INT_COUNTER_INCREASE :Clear Counter Increment Interrupt pending.
* - RTC_INT_ALARM :Clear alarm interrupt pending
* @return None
STATIC INLINE void IP_RTC_ClearIntPending(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, uint32_t IntType)
pRTC->ILR = IntType;
* @brief Check whether if specified location interrupt in the
* RTC peripheral is set or not
* @param pRTC : pointer to RTC peripheral block
* @param IntType : Interrupt location type, should be:
* - RTC_INT_COUNTER_INCREASE: Counter Increment Interrupt block generated an interrupt.
* - RTC_INT_ALARM: Alarm generated an interrupt.
* @return Current state of specified interrupt in RTC peripheral, SET or RESET
STATIC INLINE IntStatus IP_RTC_GetIntPending(IP_RTC_001_T *pRTC, uint32_t IntType)
return (pRTC->ILR & IntType) ? SET : RESET;
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __RTC_001_H_ */