2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
/**************************************************************************/ /**
* @ file nu_epwm . h
* @ version V3 .00
* @ brief M480 series EPWM driver header file
* SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache - 2.0
* @ copyright ( C ) 2016 - 2020 Nuvoton Technology Corp . All rights reserved .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# ifndef __NU_EPWM_H__
# define __NU_EPWM_H__
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C "
# endif
/** @addtogroup Standard_Driver Standard Driver
@ {
/** @addtogroup EPWM_Driver EPWM Driver
@ {
/** @addtogroup EPWM_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS EPWM Exported Constants
@ {
# define EPWM_CHANNEL_NUM (6U) /*!< EPWM channel number \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CH_0_MASK (0x1U) /*!< EPWM channel 0 mask \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CH_1_MASK (0x2U) /*!< EPWM channel 1 mask \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CH_2_MASK (0x4U) /*!< EPWM channel 2 mask \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CH_3_MASK (0x8U) /*!< EPWM channel 3 mask \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CH_4_MASK (0x10U) /*!< EPWM channel 4 mask \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CH_5_MASK (0x20U) /*!< EPWM channel 5 mask \hideinitializer */
/* Counter Type Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_UP_COUNTER (0U) /*!< Up counter type \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_DOWN_COUNTER (1U) /*!< Down counter type \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_UP_DOWN_COUNTER (2U) /*!< Up-Down counter type \hideinitializer */
/* Aligned Type Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_EDGE_ALIGNED (1U) /*!< EPWM working in edge aligned type(down count) \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CENTER_ALIGNED (2U) /*!< EPWM working in center aligned type \hideinitializer */
/* Output Level Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_OUTPUT_NOTHING (0U) /*!< EPWM output nothing \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_OUTPUT_LOW (1U) /*!< EPWM output low \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_OUTPUT_HIGH (2U) /*!< EPWM output high \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_OUTPUT_TOGGLE (3U) /*!< EPWM output toggle \hideinitializer */
/* Synchronous Start Function Control Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_EPWM0 (0U<<EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_Pos) /*!< Synchronous start source comes from EPWM0 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_EPWM1 (1U<<EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_Pos) /*!< Synchronous start source comes from EPWM0 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_BPWM0 (2UL<<EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_Pos) /*!< Synchronous start source comes from BPWM0 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_BPWM1 (3UL<<EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_Pos) /*!< Synchronous start source comes from BPWM1 \hideinitializer */
/* Trigger Source Select Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_EVEN_ZERO (0U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of even channel matches zero point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_EVEN_PERIOD (1U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of even channel matches period point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_EVEN_ZERO_PERIOD (2U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of even channel matches zero or period point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_EVEN_COMPARE_UP (3U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of even channel matches up count to comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_EVEN_COMPARE_DOWN (4U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of even channel matches down count to comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_ODD_ZERO (5U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of odd channel matches zero point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_ODD_PERIOD (6U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of odd channel matches period point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_ODD_ZERO_PERIOD (7U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of odd channel matches zero or period point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_ODD_COMPARE_UP (8U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of odd channel matches up count to comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_ODD_COMPARE_DOWN (9U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of odd channel matches down count to comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_CH_0_FREE_CMP_UP (10U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of channel 0 matches up count to free comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_CH_0_FREE_CMP_DOWN (11U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of channel 0 matches down count to free comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_CH_2_FREE_CMP_UP (12U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of channel 2 matches up count to free comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_CH_2_FREE_CMP_DOWN (13U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of channel 2 matches down count to free comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_CH_4_FREE_CMP_UP (14U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of channel 4 matches up count to free comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRG_ADC_CH_4_FREE_CMP_DOWN (15U) /*!< EPWM trigger ADC while counter of channel 4 matches down count to free comparator point \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRIGGER_DAC_ZERO (0x1U) /*!< EPWM trigger DAC while counter down count to 0 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRIGGER_DAC_PERIOD (0x100U) /*!< EPWM trigger DAC while counter matches (PERIOD + 1) \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRIGGER_DAC_COMPARE_UP (0x10000U) /*!< EPWM trigger DAC while counter up count to CMPDAT \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_TRIGGER_DAC_COMPARE_DOWN (0x1000000U) /*!< EPWM trigger DAC while counter down count to CMPDAT \hideinitializer */
/* Fail brake Control Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_ACMP0 (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO0EBEN_Msk) /*!< Comparator 0 as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_ACMP1 (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO1EBEN_Msk) /*!< Comparator 1 as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_BKP0 (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP0EEN_Msk) /*!< BKP0 pin as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_BKP1 (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP1EEN_Msk) /*!< BKP1 pin as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_ADCRM (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_EADCEBEN_Msk) /*!< ADC Result Monitor (ADCRM) as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_SYS_CSS (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSEBEN_Msk | EPWM_FAILBRK_CSSBRKEN_Msk) /*!< System fail condition: clock security system detection as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_SYS_BOD (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSEBEN_Msk | EPWM_FAILBRK_BODBRKEN_Msk) /*!< System fail condition: brown-out detection as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_SYS_RAM (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSEBEN_Msk | EPWM_FAILBRK_RAMBRKEN_Msk) /*!< System fail condition: SRAM parity error detection as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE_SYS_COR (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSEBEN_Msk | EPWM_FAILBRK_CORBRKEN_Msk) /*!< System fail condition: core lockup detection as edge-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_ACMP0 (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO0LBEN_Msk) /*!< Comparator 0 as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_ACMP1 (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO1LBEN_Msk) /*!< Comparator 1 as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_BKP0 (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP0LEN_Msk) /*!< BKP0 pin as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_BKP1 (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP1LEN_Msk) /*!< BKP1 pin as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_ADCRM (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_EADCLBEN_Msk) /*!< ADC Result Monitor (ADCRM) as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_SYS_CSS (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSLBEN_Msk | EPWM_FAILBRK_CSSBRKEN_Msk) /*!< System fail condition: clock security system detection as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_SYS_BOD (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSLBEN_Msk | EPWM_FAILBRK_BODBRKEN_Msk) /*!< System fail condition: brown-out detection as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_SYS_RAM (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSLBEN_Msk | EPWM_FAILBRK_RAMBRKEN_Msk) /*!< System fail condition: SRAM parity error detection as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL_SYS_COR (EPWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSLBEN_Msk | EPWM_FAILBRK_CORBRKEN_Msk) /*!< System fail condition: core lockup detection as level-detect fault brake source \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_EDGE (0U) /*!< edge-detect fault brake \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FB_LEVEL (8U) /*!< level-detect fault brake \hideinitializer */
/* Leading Edge Blanking Control Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_TRGTYPE_RISING (0U<<EPWM_LEBCTL_TRGTYPE_Pos) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Trigger Type Is Rising Edge \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_TRGTYPE_FALLING (1U<<EPWM_LEBCTL_TRGTYPE_Pos) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Trigger Type Is Falling Edge \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_TRGTYPE_RISING_OR_FALLING (2U<<EPWM_LEBCTL_TRGTYPE_Pos) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Trigger Type Is Rising or Falling Edge \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0 (EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_Msk) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From EPWMx_CH0 Enable \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2 (EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2_Msk) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From EPWMx_CH2 Enable \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN4 (EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN4_Msk) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From EPWMx_CH4 Enable \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_2 (EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_Msk|EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2_Msk) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From EPWMx_CH0 and EPWMx_CH2 Enable \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_4 (EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_Msk|EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN4_Msk) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From EPWMx_CH0 and EPWMx_CH4 Enable \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2_4 (EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2_Msk|EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN4_Msk) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From EPWMx_CH2 and EPWMx_CH4 Enable \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_2_4 (EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_Msk|EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2_Msk|EPWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN4_Msk) /*!< EPWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From EPWMx_CH0, EPWMx_CH2 and EPWMx_CH4 Enable \hideinitializer */
/* Capture Control Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_CAPTURE_INT_RISING_LATCH (1U) /*!< EPWM capture interrupt if channel has rising transition \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CAPTURE_INT_FALLING_LATCH (0x100U) /*!< EPWM capture interrupt if channel has falling transition \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CAPTURE_PDMA_RISING_LATCH (0x2U) /*!< EPWM capture rising latched data transfer by PDMA \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CAPTURE_PDMA_FALLING_LATCH (0x4U) /*!< EPWM capture falling latched data transfer by PDMA \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CAPTURE_PDMA_RISING_FALLING_LATCH (0x6U) /*!< EPWM capture rising and falling latched data transfer by PDMA \hideinitializer */
/* Duty Interrupt Type Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_DUTY_INT_DOWN_COUNT_MATCH_CMP (1U << EPWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN0_Pos) /*!< EPWM duty interrupt triggered if down count match comparator \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_DUTY_INT_UP_COUNT_MATCH_CMP (1U << EPWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN0_Pos) /*!< EPWM duty interrupt triggered if up down match comparator \hideinitializer */
/* Interrupt Flag Accumulator Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_IFA_ZERO_POINT (0U) /*!< EPWM counter equal to zero \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_IFA_PERIOD_POINT (1U) /*!< EPWM counter equal to period \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_IFA_COMPARE_UP_COUNT_POINT (2U) /*!< EPWM counter up count to comparator value \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_IFA_COMPARE_DOWN_COUNT_POINT (3U) /*!< EPWM counter down count to comparator value \hideinitializer */
/* Load Mode Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_LOAD_MODE_IMMEDIATE (1U << EPWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN0_Pos) /*!< EPWM immediately load mode \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LOAD_MODE_WINDOW (1U << EPWM_CTL0_WINLDEN0_Pos) /*!< EPWM window load mode \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_LOAD_MODE_CENTER (1U << EPWM_CTL0_CTRLD0_Pos) /*!< EPWM center load mode \hideinitializer */
/* Synchronize Control Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_SYNC_OUT_FROM_SYNCIN_SWSYNC (0U) /*!< Synchronize source from SYNC_IN or SWSYNC \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_SYNC_OUT_FROM_COUNT_TO_ZERO (1U) /*!< Synchronize source from counter equal to 0 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_SYNC_OUT_FROM_COUNT_TO_COMPARATOR (2U) /*!< Synchronize source from counter equal to CMPDAT1, CMPDAT3, CMPDAT5 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_SYNC_OUT_DISABLE (3U) /*!< SYNC_OUT will not be generated \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_PHS_DIR_DECREMENT (0U) /*!< EPWM counter count decrement \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_PHS_DIR_INCREMENT (1U) /*!< EPWM counter count increment \hideinitializer */
/* Noise Filter Clock Divide Select Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_NF_CLK_DIV_1 (0U) /*!< Noise filter clock is HCLK divide by 1 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_NF_CLK_DIV_2 (1U) /*!< Noise filter clock is HCLK divide by 2 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_NF_CLK_DIV_4 (2U) /*!< Noise filter clock is HCLK divide by 4 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_NF_CLK_DIV_8 (3U) /*!< Noise filter clock is HCLK divide by 8 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_NF_CLK_DIV_16 (4U) /*!< Noise filter clock is HCLK divide by 16 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_NF_CLK_DIV_32 (5U) /*!< Noise filter clock is HCLK divide by 32 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_NF_CLK_DIV_64 (6U) /*!< Noise filter clock is HCLK divide by 64 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_NF_CLK_DIV_128 (7U) /*!< Noise filter clock is HCLK divide by 128 \hideinitializer */
/* Clock Source Select Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_CLKSRC_EPWM_CLK (0U) /*!< EPWM Clock source selects to EPWM0_CLK or EPWM1_CLK \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CLKSRC_TIMER0 (1U) /*!< EPWM Clock source selects to TIMER0 overflow \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CLKSRC_TIMER1 (2U) /*!< EPWM Clock source selects to TIMER1 overflow \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CLKSRC_TIMER2 (3U) /*!< EPWM Clock source selects to TIMER2 overflow \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_CLKSRC_TIMER3 (4U) /*!< EPWM Clock source selects to TIMER3 overflow \hideinitializer */
2020-06-24 00:32:10 +08:00
/* Fault Detect Clock Source Select Constant Definitions */
# define EPWM_FDCTL_FDCKSEL_CLK_DIV_1 (0UL << EPWM_FDCTL0_FDCKSEL_Pos) /*!< Fault detect clock selects to fault detect clock divided by 1 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FDCTL_FDCKSEL_CLK_DIV_2 (1UL << EPWM_FDCTL0_FDCKSEL_Pos) /*!< Fault detect clock selects to fault detect clock divided by 2 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FDCTL_FDCKSEL_CLK_DIV_4 (2UL << EPWM_FDCTL0_FDCKSEL_Pos) /*!< Fault detect clock selects to fault detect clock divided by 4 \hideinitializer */
# define EPWM_FDCTL_FDCKSEL_CLK_DIV_8 (3UL << EPWM_FDCTL0_FDCKSEL_Pos) /*!< Fault detect clock selects to fault detect clock divided by 8 \hideinitializer */
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
/*@}*/ /* end of group EPWM_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
/** @addtogroup EPWM_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS EPWM Exported Functions
@ {
* @ brief This macro enable complementary mode
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to enable complementary mode of EPWM module .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_ENABLE_COMPLEMENTARY_MODE(epwm) ((epwm)->CTL1 = (epwm)->CTL1 | (0x7ul<<EPWM_CTL1_OUTMODE0_Pos))
* @ brief This macro disable complementary mode , and enable independent mode .
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable complementary mode of EPWM module .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_DISABLE_COMPLEMENTARY_MODE(epwm) ((epwm)->CTL1 = (epwm)->CTL1 & ~(0x7ul<<EPWM_CTL1_OUTMODE0_Pos))
* @ brief This macro enable group mode
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to enable group mode of EPWM module .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_ENABLE_GROUP_MODE(epwm) ((epwm)->CTL0 = (epwm)->CTL0 | EPWM_CTL0_GROUPEN_Msk)
* @ brief This macro disable group mode
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable group mode of EPWM module .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_DISABLE_GROUP_MODE(epwm) ((epwm)->CTL0 = (epwm)->CTL0 & ~EPWM_CTL0_GROUPEN_Msk)
* @ brief Enable timer synchronous start counting function of specified channel ( s )
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 1. . .
* @ param [ in ] u32SyncSrc Synchronous start source selection , valid values are :
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to enable timer synchronous start counting function of specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_ENABLE_TIMER_SYNC(epwm, u32ChannelMask, u32SyncSrc) ((epwm)->SSCTL = ((epwm)->SSCTL & ~EPWM_SSCTL_SSRC_Msk) | (u32SyncSrc) | (u32ChannelMask))
* @ brief Disable timer synchronous start counting function of specified channel ( s )
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 1. . .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to disable timer synchronous start counting function of specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_DISABLE_TIMER_SYNC(epwm, u32ChannelMask) \
do { \
int i ; \
for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) { \
if ( ( u32ChannelMask ) & ( 1 < < i ) ) \
( epwm ) - > SSCTL & = ~ ( 1UL < < i ) ; \
} \
} while ( 0 )
* @ brief This macro enable EPWM counter synchronous start counting function .
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to make selected EPWM0 and EPWM1 channel ( s ) start counting at the same time .
* To configure synchronous start counting channel ( s ) by EPWM_ENABLE_TIMER_SYNC ( ) and EPWM_DISABLE_TIMER_SYNC ( ) .
* \ hideinitializer
* @ brief This macro enable output inverter of specified channel ( s )
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 1. . .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to enable output inverter of specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_ENABLE_OUTPUT_INVERTER(epwm, u32ChannelMask) ((epwm)->POLCTL = (u32ChannelMask))
* @ brief This macro get captured rising data
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to get captured rising data of specified channel .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_GET_CAPTURE_RISING_DATA(epwm, u32ChannelNum) ((epwm)->CAPDAT[(u32ChannelNum)].RCAPDAT)
* @ brief This macro get captured falling data
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to get captured falling data of specified channel .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_GET_CAPTURE_FALLING_DATA(epwm, u32ChannelNum) ((epwm)->CAPDAT[(u32ChannelNum)].FCAPDAT)
* @ brief This macro mask output logic to high or low
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 1. . .
* @ param [ in ] u32LevelMask Output logic to high or low
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to mask output logic to high or low of specified channel ( s ) .
* @ note If u32ChannelMask parameter is 0 , then mask function will be disabled .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_MASK_OUTPUT(epwm, u32ChannelMask, u32LevelMask) \
{ \
( epwm ) - > MSKEN = ( u32ChannelMask ) ; \
( epwm ) - > MSK = ( u32LevelMask ) ; \
* @ brief This macro set the prescaler of the selected channel
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ param [ in ] u32Prescaler Clock prescaler of specified channel . Valid values are between 0 ~ 0xFFF
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to set the prescaler of specified channel .
* @ note Every even channel N , and channel ( N + 1 ) share a prescaler . So if channel 0 prescaler changed , channel 1 will also be affected .
* The clock of EPWM counter is divided by ( u32Prescaler + 1 ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_SET_PRESCALER(epwm, u32ChannelNum, u32Prescaler) ((epwm)->CLKPSC[(u32ChannelNum) >> 1] = (u32Prescaler))
* @ brief This macro get the prescaler of the selected channel
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ return Return Clock prescaler of specified channel . Valid values are between 0 ~ 0xFFF
* @ details This macro is used to get the prescaler of specified channel .
* @ note Every even channel N , and channel ( N + 1 ) share a prescaler . So if channel 0 prescaler changed , channel 1 will also be affected .
* The clock of EPWM counter is divided by ( u32Prescaler + 1 ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_GET_PRESCALER(epwm, u32ChannelNum) ((epwm)->CLKPSC[(u32ChannelNum) >> 1U])
* @ brief This macro set the comparator of the selected channel
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ param [ in ] u32CMR Comparator of specified channel . Valid values are between 0 ~ 0xFFFF
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to set the comparator of specified channel .
* @ note This new setting will take effect on next EPWM period .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_SET_CMR(epwm, u32ChannelNum, u32CMR) ((epwm)->CMPDAT[(u32ChannelNum)]= (u32CMR))
* @ brief This macro get the comparator of the selected channel
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ return Return the comparator of specified channel . Valid values are between 0 ~ 0xFFFF
* @ details This macro is used to get the comparator of specified channel .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_GET_CMR(epwm, u32ChannelNum) ((epwm)->CMPDAT[(u32ChannelNum)])
* @ brief This macro set the free trigger comparator of the selected channel
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ param [ in ] u32FTCMR Free trigger comparator of specified channel . Valid values are between 0 ~ 0xFFFF
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to set the free trigger comparator of specified channel .
* @ note This new setting will take effect on next EPWM period .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_SET_FTCMR(epwm, u32ChannelNum, u32FTCMR) (((epwm)->FTCMPDAT[((u32ChannelNum) >> 1U)]) = (u32FTCMR))
* @ brief This macro set the period of the selected channel
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ param [ in ] u32CNR Period of specified channel . Valid values are between 0 ~ 0xFFFF
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to set the period of specified channel .
* @ note This new setting will take effect on next EPWM period .
* @ note EPWM counter will stop if period length set to 0.
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_SET_CNR(epwm, u32ChannelNum, u32CNR) ((epwm)->PERIOD[(u32ChannelNum)] = (u32CNR))
* @ brief This macro get the period of the selected channel
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ return Return the period of specified channel . Valid values are between 0 ~ 0xFFFF
* @ details This macro is used to get the period of specified channel .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_GET_CNR(epwm, u32ChannelNum) ((epwm)->PERIOD[(u32ChannelNum)])
* @ brief This macro set the EPWM aligned type
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 1. . .
* @ param [ in ] u32AlignedType EPWM aligned type , valid values are :
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to set the EPWM aligned type of specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_SET_ALIGNED_TYPE(epwm, u32ChannelMask, u32AlignedType) \
do { \
int i ; \
for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) { \
if ( ( u32ChannelMask ) & ( 1 < < i ) ) \
( epwm ) - > CTL1 = ( ( ( epwm ) - > CTL1 & ~ ( 3UL < < ( i < < 1 ) ) ) | ( ( u32AlignedType ) < < ( i < < 1 ) ) ) ; \
} \
} while ( 0 )
* @ brief Set load window of window loading mode for specified channel ( s )
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 1. . .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to set load window of window loading mode for specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_SET_LOAD_WINDOW(epwm, u32ChannelMask) ((epwm)->LOAD |= (u32ChannelMask))
* @ brief Trigger synchronous event from specified channel ( s )
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are 0 , 2 , 4
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 2 and bit 2 represents channel 4
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to trigger synchronous event from specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_TRIGGER_SYNC(epwm, u32ChannelNum) ((epwm)->SWSYNC |= (1 << ((u32ChannelNum) >> 1)))
* @ brief Clear counter of specified channel ( s )
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 1. . .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to clear counter of specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_CLR_COUNTER(epwm, u32ChannelMask) ((epwm)->CNTCLR |= (u32ChannelMask))
* @ brief Set output level at zero , compare up , period ( center ) and compare down of specified channel ( s )
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 1. . .
* @ param [ in ] u32ZeroLevel output level at zero point , valid values are :
* @ param [ in ] u32CmpUpLevel output level at compare up point , valid values are :
* @ param [ in ] u32PeriodLevel output level at period ( center ) point , valid values are :
* @ param [ in ] u32CmpDownLevel output level at compare down point , valid values are :
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to Set output level at zero , compare up , period ( center ) and compare down of specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_SET_OUTPUT_LEVEL(epwm, u32ChannelMask, u32ZeroLevel, u32CmpUpLevel, u32PeriodLevel, u32CmpDownLevel) \
do { \
int i ; \
for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i + + ) { \
if ( ( u32ChannelMask ) & ( 1 < < i ) ) { \
( epwm ) - > WGCTL0 = ( ( ( epwm ) - > WGCTL0 & ~ ( 3UL < < ( i < < 1 ) ) ) | ( ( u32ZeroLevel ) < < ( i < < 1 ) ) ) ; \
( epwm ) - > WGCTL0 = ( ( ( epwm ) - > WGCTL0 & ~ ( 3UL < < ( EPWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL0_Pos + ( i < < 1 ) ) ) ) | ( ( u32PeriodLevel ) < < ( EPWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL0_Pos + ( i < < 1 ) ) ) ) ; \
( epwm ) - > WGCTL1 = ( ( ( epwm ) - > WGCTL1 & ~ ( 3UL < < ( i < < 1 ) ) ) | ( ( u32CmpUpLevel ) < < ( i < < 1 ) ) ) ; \
( epwm ) - > WGCTL1 = ( ( ( epwm ) - > WGCTL1 & ~ ( 3UL < < ( EPWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL0_Pos + ( i < < 1 ) ) ) ) | ( ( u32CmpDownLevel ) < < ( EPWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL0_Pos + ( i < < 1 ) ) ) ) ; \
} \
} \
} while ( 0 )
* @ brief Trigger brake event from specified channel ( s )
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelMask Combination of enabled channels . Each bit corresponds to a channel
* Bit 0 represents channel 0 , bit 1 represents channel 2 and bit 2 represents channel 4
* @ param [ in ] u32BrakeType Type of brake trigger .
* - \ ref EPWM_FB_EDGE
* - \ ref EPWM_FB_LEVEL
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to trigger brake event from specified channel ( s ) .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_TRIGGER_BRAKE(epwm, u32ChannelMask, u32BrakeType) ((epwm)->SWBRK |= ((u32ChannelMask) << (u32BrakeType)))
* @ brief Set Dead zone clock source
* @ param [ in ] epwm The pointer of the specified EPWM module
* @ param [ in ] u32ChannelNum EPWM channel number . Valid values are between 0 ~ 5
* @ param [ in ] u32AfterPrescaler Dead zone clock source is from prescaler output . Valid values are TRUE ( after prescaler ) or FALSE ( before prescaler ) .
* @ return None
* @ details This macro is used to set Dead zone clock source . Every two channels share the same setting .
* @ note The write - protection function should be disabled before using this function .
* \ hideinitializer
# define EPWM_SET_DEADZONE_CLK_SRC(epwm, u32ChannelNum, u32AfterPrescaler) \
( ( epwm ) - > DTCTL [ ( u32ChannelNum ) > > 1 ] = ( ( ( epwm ) - > DTCTL [ ( u32ChannelNum ) > > 1 ] & ~ EPWM_DTCTL0_1_DTCKSEL_Msk ) | \
( ( u32AfterPrescaler ) < < EPWM_DTCTL0_1_DTCKSEL_Pos ) ) )
/* Define EPWM functions prototype */
uint32_t EPWM_ConfigCaptureChannel ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32UnitTimeNsec , uint32_t u32CaptureEdge ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_ConfigOutputChannel ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Frequency , uint32_t u32DutyCycle ) ;
void EPWM_Start ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_Stop ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_ForceStop ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_EnableADCTrigger ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Condition ) ;
void EPWM_DisableADCTrigger ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
2020-06-24 00:32:10 +08:00
int32_t EPWM_EnableADCTriggerPrescale ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Prescale , uint32_t u32PrescaleCnt ) ;
void EPWM_DisableADCTriggerPrescale ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
void EPWM_ClearADCTriggerFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Condition ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetADCTriggerFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableDACTrigger ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Condition ) ;
void EPWM_DisableDACTrigger ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_ClearDACTriggerFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Condition ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetDACTriggerFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableFaultBrake ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask , uint32_t u32LevelMask , uint32_t u32BrakeSource ) ;
void EPWM_EnableCapture ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_DisableCapture ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_EnableOutput ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_DisableOutput ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_EnablePDMA ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32RisingFirst , uint32_t u32Mode ) ;
void EPWM_DisablePDMA ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableDeadZone ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Duration ) ;
void EPWM_DisableDeadZone ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableCaptureInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Edge ) ;
void EPWM_DisableCaptureInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Edge ) ;
void EPWM_ClearCaptureIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32Edge ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetCaptureIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableDutyInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32IntDutyType ) ;
void EPWM_DisableDutyInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_ClearDutyIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetDutyIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableFaultBrakeInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakeSource ) ;
void EPWM_DisableFaultBrakeInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakeSource ) ;
void EPWM_ClearFaultBrakeIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakeSource ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetFaultBrakeIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakeSource ) ;
void EPWM_EnablePeriodInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32IntPeriodType ) ;
void EPWM_DisablePeriodInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_ClearPeriodIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetPeriodIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableZeroInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_DisableZeroInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_ClearZeroIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetZeroIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableAcc ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32IntFlagCnt , uint32_t u32IntAccSrc ) ;
void EPWM_DisableAcc ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableAccInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_DisableAccInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_ClearAccInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetAccInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableAccPDMA ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_DisableAccPDMA ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableAccStopMode ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_DisableAccStopMode ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_ClearFTDutyIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetFTDutyIntFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableLoadMode ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32LoadMode ) ;
void EPWM_DisableLoadMode ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32LoadMode ) ;
void EPWM_ConfigSyncPhase ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32SyncSrc , uint32_t u32Direction , uint32_t u32StartPhase ) ;
void EPWM_EnableSyncPhase ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_DisableSyncPhase ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelMask ) ;
void EPWM_EnableSyncNoiseFilter ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ClkCnt , uint32_t u32ClkDivSel ) ;
void EPWM_DisableSyncNoiseFilter ( EPWM_T * epwm ) ;
void EPWM_EnableSyncPinInverse ( EPWM_T * epwm ) ;
void EPWM_DisableSyncPinInverse ( EPWM_T * epwm ) ;
void EPWM_SetClockSource ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32ClkSrcSel ) ;
void EPWM_EnableBrakeNoiseFilter ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakePinNum , uint32_t u32ClkCnt , uint32_t u32ClkDivSel ) ;
void EPWM_DisableBrakeNoiseFilter ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakePinNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableBrakePinInverse ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakePinNum ) ;
void EPWM_DisableBrakePinInverse ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakePinNum ) ;
void EPWM_SetBrakePinSource ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32BrakePinNum , uint32_t u32SelAnotherModule ) ;
void EPWM_SetLeadingEdgeBlanking ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32TrigSrcSel , uint32_t u32TrigType , uint32_t u32BlankingCnt , uint32_t u32BlankingEnable ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetWrapAroundFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_ClearWrapAroundFlag ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
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void EPWM_EnableFaultDetect ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32AfterPrescaler , uint32_t u32ClkSel ) ;
void EPWM_DisableFaultDetect ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableFaultDetectOutput ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_DisableFaultDetectOutput ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableFaultDetectDeglitch ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32DeglitchSmpCycle ) ;
void EPWM_DisableFaultDetectDeglitch ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableFaultDetectMask ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum , uint32_t u32MaskCnt ) ;
void EPWM_DisableFaultDetectMask ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_EnableFaultDetectInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_DisableFaultDetectInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
void EPWM_ClearFaultDetectInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
uint32_t EPWM_GetFaultDetectInt ( EPWM_T * epwm , uint32_t u32ChannelNum ) ;
2020-06-17 16:30:11 +08:00
/*@}*/ /* end of group EPWM_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
/*@}*/ /* end of group EPWM_Driver */
/*@}*/ /* end of group Standard_Driver */
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
# endif /* __NU_EPWM_H__ */
/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/