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2018-09-20 23:18:14 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
* All rights reserved.
2019-06-12 15:01:12 +08:00
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
2018-09-20 23:18:14 +08:00
#ifndef _FSL_LPUART_H_
#define _FSL_LPUART_H_
#include "fsl_common.h"
* @addtogroup lpuart_driver
* @{
* Definitions
/*! @name Driver version */
2019-06-12 15:01:12 +08:00
/*! @brief LPUART driver version 2.2.6. */
2018-09-20 23:18:14 +08:00
/*! @brief Error codes for the LPUART driver. */
enum _lpuart_status
kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 0), /*!< TX busy */
kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 1), /*!< RX busy */
kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 2), /*!< LPUART transmitter is idle. */
kStatus_LPUART_RxIdle = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 3), /*!< LPUART receiver is idle. */
kStatus_LPUART_TxWatermarkTooLarge = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 4), /*!< TX FIFO watermark too large */
kStatus_LPUART_RxWatermarkTooLarge = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 5), /*!< RX FIFO watermark too large */
kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 6), /*!< Some flag can't manually clear */
kStatus_LPUART_Error = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 7), /*!< Error happens on LPUART. */
kStatus_LPUART_RxRingBufferOverrun =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 8), /*!< LPUART RX software ring buffer overrun. */
kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 9), /*!< LPUART RX receiver overrun. */
kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 10), /*!< LPUART noise error. */
kStatus_LPUART_FramingError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 11), /*!< LPUART framing error. */
kStatus_LPUART_ParityError = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 12), /*!< LPUART parity error. */
kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport =
MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 13), /*!< Baudrate is not support in current clock source */
kStatus_LPUART_IdleLineDetected = MAKE_STATUS(kStatusGroup_LPUART, 14), /*!< IDLE flag. */
/*! @brief LPUART parity mode. */
typedef enum _lpuart_parity_mode
kLPUART_ParityDisabled = 0x0U, /*!< Parity disabled */
kLPUART_ParityEven = 0x2U, /*!< Parity enabled, type even, bit setting: PE|PT = 10 */
kLPUART_ParityOdd = 0x3U, /*!< Parity enabled, type odd, bit setting: PE|PT = 11 */
} lpuart_parity_mode_t;
/*! @brief LPUART data bits count. */
typedef enum _lpuart_data_bits
kLPUART_EightDataBits = 0x0U, /*!< Eight data bit */
kLPUART_SevenDataBits = 0x1U, /*!< Seven data bit */
} lpuart_data_bits_t;
/*! @brief LPUART stop bit count. */
typedef enum _lpuart_stop_bit_count
kLPUART_OneStopBit = 0U, /*!< One stop bit */
kLPUART_TwoStopBit = 1U, /*!< Two stop bits */
} lpuart_stop_bit_count_t;
/*! @brief LPUART transmit CTS source. */
typedef enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_source
kLPUART_CtsSourcePin = 0U, /*!< CTS resource is the LPUART_CTS pin. */
kLPUART_CtsSourceMatchResult = 1U, /*!< CTS resource is the match result. */
} lpuart_transmit_cts_source_t;
/*! @brief LPUART transmit CTS configure. */
typedef enum _lpuart_transmit_cts_config
kLPUART_CtsSampleAtStart = 0U, /*!< CTS input is sampled at the start of each character. */
kLPUART_CtsSampleAtIdle = 1U, /*!< CTS input is sampled when the transmitter is idle */
} lpuart_transmit_cts_config_t;
/*! @brief LPUART idle flag type defines when the receiver starts counting. */
typedef enum _lpuart_idle_type_select
kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit = 0U, /*!< Start counting after a valid start bit. */
2019-06-12 15:01:12 +08:00
kLPUART_IdleTypeStopBit = 1U, /*!< Start counting after a stop bit. */
2018-09-20 23:18:14 +08:00
} lpuart_idle_type_select_t;
/*! @brief LPUART idle detected configuration.
* This structure defines the number of idle characters that must be received before
* the IDLE flag is set.
typedef enum _lpuart_idle_config
kLPUART_IdleCharacter1 = 0U, /*!< the number of idle characters. */
kLPUART_IdleCharacter2 = 1U, /*!< the number of idle characters. */
kLPUART_IdleCharacter4 = 2U, /*!< the number of idle characters. */
kLPUART_IdleCharacter8 = 3U, /*!< the number of idle characters. */
kLPUART_IdleCharacter16 = 4U, /*!< the number of idle characters. */
kLPUART_IdleCharacter32 = 5U, /*!< the number of idle characters. */
kLPUART_IdleCharacter64 = 6U, /*!< the number of idle characters. */
kLPUART_IdleCharacter128 = 7U, /*!< the number of idle characters. */
} lpuart_idle_config_t;
* @brief LPUART interrupt configuration structure, default settings all disabled.
* This structure contains the settings for all LPUART interrupt configurations.
enum _lpuart_interrupt_enable
kLPUART_LinBreakInterruptEnable = (LPUART_BAUD_LBKDIE_MASK >> 8), /*!< LIN break detect. */
kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeInterruptEnable = (LPUART_BAUD_RXEDGIE_MASK >> 8), /*!< Receive Active Edge. */
kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable = (LPUART_CTRL_TIE_MASK), /*!< Transmit data register empty. */
kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteInterruptEnable = (LPUART_CTRL_TCIE_MASK), /*!< Transmission complete. */
kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable = (LPUART_CTRL_RIE_MASK), /*!< Receiver data register full. */
kLPUART_IdleLineInterruptEnable = (LPUART_CTRL_ILIE_MASK), /*!< Idle line. */
kLPUART_RxOverrunInterruptEnable = (LPUART_CTRL_ORIE_MASK), /*!< Receiver Overrun. */
kLPUART_NoiseErrorInterruptEnable = (LPUART_CTRL_NEIE_MASK), /*!< Noise error flag. */
kLPUART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable = (LPUART_CTRL_FEIE_MASK), /*!< Framing error flag. */
kLPUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable = (LPUART_CTRL_PEIE_MASK), /*!< Parity error flag. */
kLPUART_TxFifoOverflowInterruptEnable = (LPUART_FIFO_TXOFE_MASK >> 8), /*!< Transmit FIFO Overflow. */
kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowInterruptEnable = (LPUART_FIFO_RXUFE_MASK >> 8), /*!< Receive FIFO Underflow. */
* @brief LPUART status flags.
* This provides constants for the LPUART status flags for use in the LPUART functions.
enum _lpuart_flags
kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag =
(LPUART_STAT_TDRE_MASK), /*!< Transmit data register empty flag, sets when transmit buffer is empty */
kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag =
(LPUART_STAT_TC_MASK), /*!< Transmission complete flag, sets when transmission activity complete */
kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag =
(LPUART_STAT_RDRF_MASK), /*!< Receive data register full flag, sets when the receive data buffer is full */
kLPUART_IdleLineFlag = (LPUART_STAT_IDLE_MASK), /*!< Idle line detect flag, sets when idle line detected */
kLPUART_RxOverrunFlag = (LPUART_STAT_OR_MASK), /*!< Receive Overrun, sets when new data is received before data is
read from receive register */
kLPUART_NoiseErrorFlag = (LPUART_STAT_NF_MASK), /*!< Receive takes 3 samples of each received bit. If any of these
samples differ, noise flag sets */
kLPUART_FramingErrorFlag =
(LPUART_STAT_FE_MASK), /*!< Frame error flag, sets if logic 0 was detected where stop bit expected */
kLPUART_ParityErrorFlag = (LPUART_STAT_PF_MASK), /*!< If parity enabled, sets upon parity error detection */
2019-06-12 15:01:12 +08:00
kLPUART_LinBreakFlag =
(int)(LPUART_STAT_LBKDIF_MASK), /*!< LIN break detect interrupt flag, sets when LIN break char
detected and LIN circuit enabled */
2018-09-20 23:18:14 +08:00
kLPUART_RxActiveEdgeFlag =
(LPUART_STAT_RXEDGIF_MASK), /*!< Receive pin active edge interrupt flag, sets when active edge detected */
kLPUART_RxActiveFlag =
(LPUART_STAT_RAF_MASK), /*!< Receiver Active Flag (RAF), sets at beginning of valid start bit */
kLPUART_DataMatch1Flag = LPUART_STAT_MA1F_MASK, /*!< The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA1*/
kLPUART_DataMatch2Flag = LPUART_STAT_MA2F_MASK, /*!< The next character to be read from LPUART_DATA matches MA2*/
kLPUART_NoiseErrorInRxDataRegFlag =
(LPUART_DATA_NOISY_MASK >> 10), /*!< NOISY bit, sets if noise detected in current data word */
kLPUART_ParityErrorInRxDataRegFlag =
(LPUART_DATA_PARITYE_MASK >> 10), /*!< PARITYE bit, sets if noise detected in current data word */
kLPUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag = (LPUART_FIFO_TXEMPT_MASK >> 16), /*!< TXEMPT bit, sets if transmit buffer is empty */
kLPUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag = (LPUART_FIFO_RXEMPT_MASK >> 16), /*!< RXEMPT bit, sets if receive buffer is empty */
kLPUART_TxFifoOverflowFlag =
(LPUART_FIFO_TXOF_MASK >> 16), /*!< TXOF bit, sets if transmit buffer overflow occurred */
kLPUART_RxFifoUnderflowFlag =
(LPUART_FIFO_RXUF_MASK >> 16), /*!< RXUF bit, sets if receive buffer underflow occurred */
/*! @brief LPUART configuration structure. */
typedef struct _lpuart_config
uint32_t baudRate_Bps; /*!< LPUART baud rate */
lpuart_parity_mode_t parityMode; /*!< Parity mode, disabled (default), even, odd */
lpuart_data_bits_t dataBitsCount; /*!< Data bits count, eight (default), seven */
bool isMsb; /*!< Data bits order, LSB (default), MSB */
lpuart_stop_bit_count_t stopBitCount; /*!< Number of stop bits, 1 stop bit (default) or 2 stop bits */
uint8_t txFifoWatermark; /*!< TX FIFO watermark */
uint8_t rxFifoWatermark; /*!< RX FIFO watermark */
bool enableRxRTS; /*!< RX RTS enable */
bool enableTxCTS; /*!< TX CTS enable */
lpuart_transmit_cts_source_t txCtsSource; /*!< TX CTS source */
lpuart_transmit_cts_config_t txCtsConfig; /*!< TX CTS configure */
lpuart_idle_type_select_t rxIdleType; /*!< RX IDLE type. */
lpuart_idle_config_t rxIdleConfig; /*!< RX IDLE configuration. */
bool enableTx; /*!< Enable TX */
bool enableRx; /*!< Enable RX */
} lpuart_config_t;
/*! @brief LPUART transfer structure. */
typedef struct _lpuart_transfer
uint8_t *data; /*!< The buffer of data to be transfer.*/
size_t dataSize; /*!< The byte count to be transfer. */
} lpuart_transfer_t;
/* Forward declaration of the handle typedef. */
typedef struct _lpuart_handle lpuart_handle_t;
/*! @brief LPUART transfer callback function. */
typedef void (*lpuart_transfer_callback_t)(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, status_t status, void *userData);
/*! @brief LPUART handle structure. */
struct _lpuart_handle
uint8_t *volatile txData; /*!< Address of remaining data to send. */
volatile size_t txDataSize; /*!< Size of the remaining data to send. */
size_t txDataSizeAll; /*!< Size of the data to send out. */
uint8_t *volatile rxData; /*!< Address of remaining data to receive. */
volatile size_t rxDataSize; /*!< Size of the remaining data to receive. */
size_t rxDataSizeAll; /*!< Size of the data to receive. */
uint8_t *rxRingBuffer; /*!< Start address of the receiver ring buffer. */
size_t rxRingBufferSize; /*!< Size of the ring buffer. */
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferHead; /*!< Index for the driver to store received data into ring buffer. */
volatile uint16_t rxRingBufferTail; /*!< Index for the user to get data from the ring buffer. */
lpuart_transfer_callback_t callback; /*!< Callback function. */
void *userData; /*!< LPUART callback function parameter.*/
volatile uint8_t txState; /*!< TX transfer state. */
volatile uint8_t rxState; /*!< RX transfer state. */
bool isSevenDataBits; /*!< Seven data bits flag. */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* _cplusplus */
* @name Software Reset
* @{
* @brief Resets the LPUART using software.
* This function resets all internal logic and registers except the Global Register.
* Remains set until cleared by software.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
static inline void LPUART_SoftwareReset(LPUART_Type *base)
/* @} */
* @name Initialization and deinitialization
* @{
* @brief Initializes an LPUART instance with the user configuration structure and the peripheral clock.
* This function configures the LPUART module with user-defined settings. Call the LPUART_GetDefaultConfig() function
* to configure the configuration structure and get the default configuration.
* The example below shows how to use this API to configure the LPUART.
* @code
* lpuart_config_t lpuartConfig;
* lpuartConfig.baudRate_Bps = 115200U;
* lpuartConfig.parityMode = kLPUART_ParityDisabled;
* lpuartConfig.dataBitsCount = kLPUART_EightDataBits;
* lpuartConfig.isMsb = false;
* lpuartConfig.stopBitCount = kLPUART_OneStopBit;
* lpuartConfig.txFifoWatermark = 0;
* lpuartConfig.rxFifoWatermark = 1;
* LPUART_Init(LPUART1, &lpuartConfig, 20000000U);
* @endcode
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param config Pointer to a user-defined configuration structure.
* @param srcClock_Hz LPUART clock source frequency in HZ.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport Baudrate is not support in current clock source.
* @retval kStatus_Success LPUART initialize succeed
status_t LPUART_Init(LPUART_Type *base, const lpuart_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz);
* @brief Deinitializes a LPUART instance.
* This function waits for transmit to complete, disables TX and RX, and disables the LPUART clock.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
void LPUART_Deinit(LPUART_Type *base);
* @brief Gets the default configuration structure.
* This function initializes the LPUART configuration structure to a default value. The default
* values are:
* lpuartConfig->baudRate_Bps = 115200U;
* lpuartConfig->parityMode = kLPUART_ParityDisabled;
* lpuartConfig->dataBitsCount = kLPUART_EightDataBits;
* lpuartConfig->isMsb = false;
* lpuartConfig->stopBitCount = kLPUART_OneStopBit;
* lpuartConfig->txFifoWatermark = 0;
* lpuartConfig->rxFifoWatermark = 1;
* lpuartConfig->rxIdleType = kLPUART_IdleTypeStartBit;
* lpuartConfig->rxIdleConfig = kLPUART_IdleCharacter1;
* lpuartConfig->enableTx = false;
* lpuartConfig->enableRx = false;
* @param config Pointer to a configuration structure.
void LPUART_GetDefaultConfig(lpuart_config_t *config);
* @brief Sets the LPUART instance baudrate.
* This function configures the LPUART module baudrate. This function is used to update
* the LPUART module baudrate after the LPUART module is initialized by the LPUART_Init.
* @code
* LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART1, 115200U, 20000000U);
* @endcode
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param baudRate_Bps LPUART baudrate to be set.
* @param srcClock_Hz LPUART clock source frequency in HZ.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_BaudrateNotSupport Baudrate is not supported in the current clock source.
* @retval kStatus_Success Set baudrate succeeded.
status_t LPUART_SetBaudRate(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t baudRate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz);
/* @} */
* @name Status
* @{
* @brief Gets LPUART status flags.
* This function gets all LPUART status flags. The flags are returned as the logical
* OR value of the enumerators @ref _lpuart_flags. To check for a specific status,
* compare the return value with enumerators in the @ref _lpuart_flags.
* For example, to check whether the TX is empty:
* @code
* if (kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag & LPUART_GetStatusFlags(LPUART1))
* {
* ...
* }
* @endcode
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @return LPUART status flags which are ORed by the enumerators in the _lpuart_flags.
uint32_t LPUART_GetStatusFlags(LPUART_Type *base);
* @brief Clears status flags with a provided mask.
* This function clears LPUART status flags with a provided mask. Automatically cleared flags
* can't be cleared by this function.
* Flags that can only cleared or set by hardware are:
* kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyFlag, kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag, kLPUART_RxDataRegFullFlag,
* kLPUART_RxActiveFlag, kLPUART_NoiseErrorInRxDataRegFlag, kLPUART_ParityErrorInRxDataRegFlag,
* kLPUART_TxFifoEmptyFlag,kLPUART_RxFifoEmptyFlag
* Note: This API should be called when the Tx/Rx is idle, otherwise it takes no effects.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param mask the status flags to be cleared. The user can use the enumerators in the
* _lpuart_status_flag_t to do the OR operation and get the mask.
* @return 0 succeed, others failed.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_FlagCannotClearManually The flag can't be cleared by this function but
* it is cleared automatically by hardware.
* @retval kStatus_Success Status in the mask are cleared.
status_t LPUART_ClearStatusFlags(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
/* @} */
* @name Interrupts
* @{
* @brief Enables LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask.
* This function enables the LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask
* is a logical OR of enumeration members. See the @ref _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
* This examples shows how to enable TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:
* @code
* LPUART_EnableInterrupts(LPUART1,kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);
* @endcode
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param mask The interrupts to enable. Logical OR of @ref _uart_interrupt_enable.
void LPUART_EnableInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
* @brief Disables LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask.
* This function disables the LPUART interrupts according to a provided mask. The mask
* is a logical OR of enumeration members. See @ref _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
* This example shows how to disable the TX empty interrupt and RX full interrupt:
* @code
* LPUART_DisableInterrupts(LPUART1,kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable | kLPUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable);
* @endcode
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param mask The interrupts to disable. Logical OR of @ref _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
void LPUART_DisableInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base, uint32_t mask);
* @brief Gets enabled LPUART interrupts.
* This function gets the enabled LPUART interrupts. The enabled interrupts are returned
* as the logical OR value of the enumerators @ref _lpuart_interrupt_enable. To check
* a specific interrupt enable status, compare the return value with enumerators
* in @ref _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
* For example, to check whether the TX empty interrupt is enabled:
* @code
* uint32_t enabledInterrupts = LPUART_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPUART1);
* if (kLPUART_TxDataRegEmptyInterruptEnable & enabledInterrupts)
* {
* ...
* }
* @endcode
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @return LPUART interrupt flags which are logical OR of the enumerators in @ref _lpuart_interrupt_enable.
uint32_t LPUART_GetEnabledInterrupts(LPUART_Type *base);
* @brief Gets the LPUART data register address.
* This function returns the LPUART data register address, which is mainly used by the DMA/eDMA.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @return LPUART data register addresses which are used both by the transmitter and receiver.
static inline uint32_t LPUART_GetDataRegisterAddress(LPUART_Type *base)
return (uint32_t) & (base->DATA);
* @brief Enables or disables the LPUART transmitter DMA request.
* This function enables or disables the transmit data register empty flag, STAT[TDRE], to generate DMA requests.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_EnableTxDMA(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
if (enable)
* @brief Enables or disables the LPUART receiver DMA.
* This function enables or disables the receiver data register full flag, STAT[RDRF], to generate DMA requests.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_EnableRxDMA(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
if (enable)
/* @} */
* @name Bus Operations
* @{
* @brief Get the LPUART instance from peripheral base address.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @return LPUART instance.
uint32_t LPUART_GetInstance(LPUART_Type *base);
* @brief Enables or disables the LPUART transmitter.
* This function enables or disables the LPUART transmitter.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_EnableTx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
if (enable)
* @brief Enables or disables the LPUART receiver.
* This function enables or disables the LPUART receiver.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param enable True to enable, false to disable.
static inline void LPUART_EnableRx(LPUART_Type *base, bool enable)
if (enable)
* @brief Writes to the transmitter register.
* This function writes data to the transmitter register directly. The upper layer must
* ensure that the TX register is empty or that the TX FIFO has room before calling this function.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param data Data write to the TX register.
static inline void LPUART_WriteByte(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t data)
base->DATA = data;
* @brief Reads the receiver register.
* This function reads data from the receiver register directly. The upper layer must
* ensure that the receiver register is full or that the RX FIFO has data before calling this function.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @return Data read from data register.
static inline uint8_t LPUART_ReadByte(LPUART_Type *base)
uint32_t ctrl = base->CTRL;
bool isSevenDataBits =
((ctrl & LPUART_CTRL_M7_MASK) ||
((!(ctrl & LPUART_CTRL_M7_MASK)) && (!(ctrl & LPUART_CTRL_M_MASK)) && (ctrl & LPUART_CTRL_PE_MASK)));
if (isSevenDataBits)
return (base->DATA & 0x7F);
return base->DATA;
return base->DATA;
* @brief Writes to the transmitter register using a blocking method.
* This function polls the transmitter register, waits for the register to be empty or for TX FIFO to have
* room, and writes data to the transmitter buffer.
* @note This function does not check whether all data has been sent out to the bus.
* Before disabling the transmitter, check the kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag to ensure that the transmit is
* finished.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param data Start address of the data to write.
* @param length Size of the data to write.
void LPUART_WriteBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, const uint8_t *data, size_t length);
* @brief Reads the receiver data register using a blocking method.
* This function polls the receiver register, waits for the receiver register full or receiver FIFO
* has data, and reads data from the TX register.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param data Start address of the buffer to store the received data.
* @param length Size of the buffer.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_RxHardwareOverrun Receiver overrun happened while receiving data.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_NoiseError Noise error happened while receiving data.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_FramingError Framing error happened while receiving data.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_ParityError Parity error happened while receiving data.
* @retval kStatus_Success Successfully received all data.
status_t LPUART_ReadBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, uint8_t *data, size_t length);
/* @} */
* @name Transactional
* @{
* @brief Initializes the LPUART handle.
* This function initializes the LPUART handle, which can be used for other LPUART
* transactional APIs. Usually, for a specified LPUART instance,
* call this API once to get the initialized handle.
* The LPUART driver supports the "background" receiving, which means that user can set up
* an RX ring buffer optionally. Data received is stored into the ring buffer even when the
* user doesn't call the LPUART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received
* in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.
* The ring buffer is disabled if passing NULL as @p ringBuffer.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
* @param callback Callback function.
* @param userData User data.
void LPUART_TransferCreateHandle(LPUART_Type *base,
lpuart_handle_t *handle,
lpuart_transfer_callback_t callback,
void *userData);
* @brief Transmits a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
* This function send data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function, which
* returns directly without waiting for all data written to the transmitter register. When
* all data is written to the TX register in the ISR, the LPUART driver calls the callback
* function and passes the @ref kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle as status parameter.
* @note The kStatus_LPUART_TxIdle is passed to the upper layer when all data are written
* to the TX register. However, there is no check to ensure that all the data sent out. Before disabling the TX,
* check the kLPUART_TransmissionCompleteFlag to ensure that the transmit is finished.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
* @param xfer LPUART transfer structure, see #lpuart_transfer_t.
* @retval kStatus_Success Successfully start the data transmission.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_TxBusy Previous transmission still not finished, data not all written to the TX register.
* @retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Invalid argument.
status_t LPUART_TransferSendNonBlocking(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, lpuart_transfer_t *xfer);
* @brief Sets up the RX ring buffer.
* This function sets up the RX ring buffer to a specific UART handle.
* When the RX ring buffer is used, data received is stored into the ring buffer even when
* the user doesn't call the UART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking() API. If there is already data received
* in the ring buffer, the user can get the received data from the ring buffer directly.
* @note When using RX ring buffer, one byte is reserved for internal use. In other
* words, if @p ringBufferSize is 32, then only 31 bytes are used for saving data.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
* @param ringBuffer Start address of ring buffer for background receiving. Pass NULL to disable the ring buffer.
* @param ringBufferSize size of the ring buffer.
void LPUART_TransferStartRingBuffer(LPUART_Type *base,
lpuart_handle_t *handle,
uint8_t *ringBuffer,
size_t ringBufferSize);
* @brief Aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
* This function aborts the background transfer and uninstalls the ring buffer.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
void LPUART_TransferStopRingBuffer(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle);
* @brief Get the length of received data in RX ring buffer.
2019-06-12 15:01:12 +08:00
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
2018-09-20 23:18:14 +08:00
* @return Length of received data in RX ring buffer.
size_t LPUART_TransferGetRxRingBufferLength(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle);
* @brief Aborts the interrupt-driven data transmit.
* This function aborts the interrupt driven data sending. The user can get the remainBtyes to find out
* how many bytes are not sent out.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
void LPUART_TransferAbortSend(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle);
* @brief Gets the number of bytes that have been written to the LPUART transmitter register.
* This function gets the number of bytes that have been written to LPUART TX
* register by an interrupt method.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
* @param count Send bytes count.
* @retval kStatus_NoTransferInProgress No send in progress.
* @retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Parameter is invalid.
* @retval kStatus_Success Get successfully through the parameter \p count;
status_t LPUART_TransferGetSendCount(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count);
* @brief Receives a buffer of data using the interrupt method.
* This function receives data using an interrupt method. This is a non-blocking function
* which returns without waiting to ensure that all data are received.
* If the RX ring buffer is used and not empty, the data in the ring buffer is copied and
* the parameter @p receivedBytes shows how many bytes are copied from the ring buffer.
* After copying, if the data in the ring buffer is not enough for read, the receive
* request is saved by the LPUART driver. When the new data arrives, the receive request
* is serviced first. When all data is received, the LPUART driver notifies the upper layer
* through a callback function and passes a status parameter @ref kStatus_UART_RxIdle.
* For example, the upper layer needs 10 bytes but there are only 5 bytes in ring buffer.
* The 5 bytes are copied to xfer->data, which returns with the
* parameter @p receivedBytes set to 5. For the remaining 5 bytes, the newly arrived data is
* saved from xfer->data[5]. When 5 bytes are received, the LPUART driver notifies the upper layer.
* If the RX ring buffer is not enabled, this function enables the RX and RX interrupt
* to receive data to xfer->data. When all data is received, the upper layer is notified.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
* @param xfer LPUART transfer structure, see #uart_transfer_t.
* @param receivedBytes Bytes received from the ring buffer directly.
* @retval kStatus_Success Successfully queue the transfer into the transmit queue.
* @retval kStatus_LPUART_RxBusy Previous receive request is not finished.
* @retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Invalid argument.
status_t LPUART_TransferReceiveNonBlocking(LPUART_Type *base,
lpuart_handle_t *handle,
lpuart_transfer_t *xfer,
size_t *receivedBytes);
* @brief Aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving.
* This function aborts the interrupt-driven data receiving. The user can get the remainBytes to find out
* how many bytes not received yet.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
void LPUART_TransferAbortReceive(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle);
* @brief Gets the number of bytes that have been received.
* This function gets the number of bytes that have been received.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
* @param count Receive bytes count.
* @retval kStatus_NoTransferInProgress No receive in progress.
* @retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Parameter is invalid.
* @retval kStatus_Success Get successfully through the parameter \p count;
status_t LPUART_TransferGetReceiveCount(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle, uint32_t *count);
* @brief LPUART IRQ handle function.
* This function handles the LPUART transmit and receive IRQ request.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
void LPUART_TransferHandleIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle);
* @brief LPUART Error IRQ handle function.
* This function handles the LPUART error IRQ request.
* @param base LPUART peripheral base address.
* @param handle LPUART handle pointer.
void LPUART_TransferHandleErrorIRQ(LPUART_Type *base, lpuart_handle_t *handle);
/* @} */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
/*! @}*/
#endif /* _FSL_LPUART_H_ */