An ADC (analog-to-digital converter) is a hardware device that converts continuously changing analog signals to discrete digital signals. Usually, these analog signals include temperature, pressure, sound, video and many other types of signals. Converting them is important, as digital signals are easier to store, process, and transmit. This conversion can be achieved by using an ADC device which is commonly integrated in various platforms. Historically, ADCs were first used to convert received wireless signals to digital signals, for example, television signals, or signals from long-short broadcast stations.
As shown in the figure below, the analog-to-digital conversion generally involves steps of sampling, holding, quantifying, and encoding. In actual circuits, some processes are combined, such as sampling and holding, while quantization and encoding are implemented simultaneously in the conversion process.
Sampling is the conversion of analog signals that changes continuously over time into time-discrete analog signals. It takes a certain amount of time for the analog signals obtained by sampling to be converted into digital signals. In order to provide a stable value for the subsequent quantization coding process, it is required to keep the sampling analog signals for a period of time after the sampling circuit.
The process of converting a numerically continuous analog quantity into a digital quantity is called quantization. Digital signals are discrete numerically. The output voltage of the sample-and-hold circuit also needs to be naturalized to a corresponding discrete level in a similar way, and any digital quantity can only be an integer multiple of a certain minimum quantity unit. The quantized value also requires the encoding process, which is the digital output of the A/D converter.
Resolution is represented as binary (or decimal) numbers. Generally, it comes in 8 bits, 10 bits, 12 bits, 16 bits, etc. A larger resolution, in bits, means more accuracy in the conversion of analog to digital signals.
Precision is the maximum error value between analog signals and real ADC device numerical points’ values.An ADC with a high resolution might have a low precision, meaning that factors like noise can affect the numerical ADC reading more than small changes in the input signal.
The conversion rate is the reciprocal of time taken for an ADC device to complete conversion from an analog to a digital signal. For example, an ADC device with a conversion rate of 1MHz means that the ADC conversion time is 1 microsecond.
The application gets the device handler based on the ADC device name to operate the ADC device. Following is the interface function to find the devices:
rt_kprintf("the voltage is :%d.%02d \n", vol / 100, vol % 100);
The calculation formula of the actual voltage value is: `sampling value * reference voltage/(1 << resolution digit)`. In the above example, variable *vol* was enlarged 100 times, so finally the integer part of voltage is obtained through *vol / 100*, and the decimal part of voltage is obtained through *vol % 100*.
The specific usage of the ADC device can refer to the following sample code. The main steps of the sample code are as follows:
1. First find the device handle based on the ADC device name “adc1”.
2. After the device is enabled, read the sample value of the corresponding channel 5 of the adc1 device, and then calculate the actual voltage value with the resolution of 12 bits and the reference voltage of 3.3V.
3. Finally close the corresponding channel of the ADC device.
Running result: Print the raw and converted data which actually read , and print the calculated actual voltage value.
* Program Listing: ADC Device Usage Routines
* The routine exports the adc_sample command to the control terminal
* adc_sample Command call format: adc_sample
* Program function: The voltage value is sampled by the ADC device and converted to a numerical value.
* The sample code reference voltage is 3.3V and the number of conversion bits is 12 bits.
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rtdevice.h>
#define ADC_DEV_NAME "adc1" /* ADC device name */
#define ADC_DEV_CHANNEL 5 /* ADC channel */
#define REFER_VOLTAGE 330 /* Reference voltage 3.3V, data accuracy multiplied by 100 and reserve 2 decimal places*/
#define CONVERT_BITS (1 << 12) /* The number of conversion bits is 12 */