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* @brief ADC ROM API declarations and functions
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2014
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
* licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __ROMAPI_ADC_H_
#define __ROMAPI_ADC_H_
#include "hw_adc_rom_api.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup ROMAPI_ADC_WRAPPER CHIP: ADC ROM Driver wrapper functions
* @ingroup ROMAPI_5410X
* @{
* @brief Get memory size in bytes needed for ADC driver context
* @return Size in bytes needed for the ROM driver
uint32_t ROM_ADC_GetMemSize(void);
* @brief Initialize ADC ROM Driver
* @param pMem : Pointer to memory area for driver context
* @param baseAddr : Base address of the ADC peripheral
* @param pUserData : Pointer to User Data
* @return Pointer to the device context handle or NULL on alignment failure
* @note Parameter @a pMem must be a pointer to word aligned memory
* if the pointer is not word aligned (4-Byte) the function returns
ADC_HANDLE_T ROM_ADC_Init(void *pMem, uint32_t baseAddr, void *pUserData);
* @brief Configure the ADC peripheral
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param pCfg : Pointer to configuration structure #ADC_CFG_T
* @return Always returns LPC_OK
ErrorCode_t ROM_ADC_Configure(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, const ADC_CFG_T *pCfg);
* @brief Calibrate ADC upon startup or wakeup after powerdown
* @pre ADC must be Initialized and Configured
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param sysclk_freq : Frequency of the system
* @return Result of calibrarion operation
* @retval LPC_OK Calibration is successful
* @retval ERR_ADC_NO_POWER Unable to powerup ADC
* @retval ERR_TIME_OUT Calibration operation timed-out
ErrorCode_t ROM_ADC_Calibrate(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, uint32_t sysclk_freq);
* @brief Start the ADC peripheral
* @pre ADC must be properly initialized, Configured and Calibrated
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param seqIndex : Index of the sequence to start must be one of #ADC_SEQ_A or #ADC_SEQ_B
* @param pBuf : Pointer to buffer (see note below)
* @param szBuf : Size of buffer (see note below)
* @return Result of the start operation
* @retval LPC_OK Successfully started ADC sampling on given sequence or
* given buffer is queued successfully (when called from #ADC_BUFFER_DONE
* callback handler)
* @retval ERR_ADC_INVALID_SEQUENCE Parameter @a seqIndex is not one of #ADC_SEQ_A or #ADC_SEQ_B
* @retval ERR_BUSY Already a buffer is active and swap buffer is also configured
* @note The size of the buffer must be M x N where M is the number of channels enabled in
* sequence @a seqIndex, and N is the number of samples to be converted.
* The buffer provided by @a pBuf must be of size M x N x sizeof(uint16_t) bytes(for non-DMA).
* Assume that channels 1, 3, 4, 8 are enabled in sequence @a seqIndex and number of
* samples to be collected is N, the buffer will be filled with DATA_1[0], DATA_3[0],
* DATA_4[0], DATA_8[0], ... , DATA_1[N], DATA_3[N], DATA_4[N], DATA_8[N], note
* that the order in which the channels are enabled does not matter they will always be
* filled up in ascending order.
ErrorCode_t ROM_ADC_StartConversion(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, ADC_SEQ_INDEX_T seqIndex, void *pBuf, size_t szBuf);
* @brief Handler to handle ADC events
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param hEvent : Type of the event
* @return Event handling results
* @retval LPC_OK Event successfully handled
* @retval ERR_ADC_INVALID_SEQUENCE Event is not for the given sequence
* @retval ERR_FAILED Internal ADC error (Channel enabled but no data available)
* @retval ERR_ADC_PARAM Invaild event parameter for @a hEvent
ErrorCode_t ROM_ADC_Handler(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, ADC_HEVENT_T hEvent);
* @brief Registers a callback function associated with an event
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param cbIndex : Index of the call-back function (Associated with an event)
* @param pCbFunc : Pointer to callback function
* @return Success or failure
* @retval LPC_OK Callback successfully registered
* @retval ERR_ADC_PARAM Invaild event parameter for @a cbIndex
ErrorCode_t ROM_ADC_RegisterCB(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, ADC_CBINDEX_T cbIndex, void (*pCbFunc)(ADC_HANDLE_T,
void *));
* @brief Setup high and low threshold values for threshold 0, 1
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param valThr0 : Threshold 0 value (bits 31-16 has high value, bits 15-0 has low value)
* @param valThr1 : Threshold 1 value (bits 31-16 has high value, bits 15-0 has low value)
* @return Nothing
void ROM_ADC_SetThreshold(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, uint32_t valThr0, uint32_t valThr1);
* @brief Configure a single channel
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param chanNum : Channel number
* @param chanOpts : Options for the channel
* @return LPC_OK on success, ERR_ADC_PARAM if @a chanNum is invalid
ErrorCode_t ROM_ADC_ConfigureCh(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, uint32_t chanNum, uint32_t chanOpts);
* @brief Stop the conversion in progress
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param seqIndex : Sequence that needs to be stopped
* @return LPC_OK on success, ERR_ADC_INVALID_SEQUENCE if @a seqIndex is invalid
ErrorCode_t ROM_ADC_StopConversion(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, ADC_SEQ_INDEX_T seqIndex);
* @brief Generate software trigger for given sequence
* @param hADC : Handle to ADC obtained using ROM_ADC_Init()
* @param seqIndex : Sequence that needs to be triggered
* @return LPC_OK on success, ERR_ADC_INVALID_SEQUENCE if @a seqIndex is invalid
ErrorCode_t ROM_ADC_SwTrigger(ADC_HANDLE_T hADC, ADC_SEQ_INDEX_T seqIndex);
* @brief Return the ADC ROM driver version
* @return Driver version number
* @note The returned driver version number consists of a major and minor
* number, with the minor number in the lower 8 bits and the major number in
* the upper 8 bits.
uint16_t ROM_ADC_GetDriverVersion(void);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __ROMAPI_ADC_H_ */