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* @brief LPC5410X Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Engine driver
* @note
* Copyright(C) NXP Semiconductors, 2014
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* LPC products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties of
* any kind, and NXP Semiconductors and its licensor disclaim any and
* all warranties, express or implied, including all implied warranties of
* merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility
* or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or rights under any
* patent, copyright, mask work right, or any other intellectual property rights in
* or to any products. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes
* in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also makes no
* representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the
* specified use without further testing or modification.
* @par
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation is hereby granted, under NXP Semiconductors' and its
* licensor's relevant copyrights in the software, without fee, provided that it
* is used in conjunction with NXP Semiconductors microcontrollers. This
* copyright, permission, and disclaimer notice must appear in all copies of
* this code.
#ifndef __CRC_5410X_H_
#define __CRC_5410X_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @defgroup CRC_5410X CHIP: LPC5410X Cyclic Redundancy Check Engine driver
* @ingroup CHIP_5410X_DRIVERS
* @{
* @brief CRC register block structure
typedef struct { /*!< CRC Structure */
__IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< CRC Mode Register */
__IO uint32_t SEED; /*!< CRC SEED Register */
union {
__I uint32_t SUM; /*!< CRC Checksum Register. */
__O uint32_t WRDATA32; /*!< CRC Data Register: write size 32-bit*/
__O uint16_t WRDATA16; /*!< CRC Data Register: write size 16-bit*/
__O uint8_t WRDATA8; /*!< CRC Data Register: write size 8-bit*/
* @brief CRC MODE register description
#define CRC_MODE_POLY_BITMASK ((0x03)) /** CRC polynomial Bit mask */
#define CRC_MODE_POLY_CCITT (0x00) /** Select CRC-CCITT polynomial */
#define CRC_MODE_POLY_CRC16 (0x01) /** Select CRC-16 polynomial */
#define CRC_MODE_POLY_CRC32 (0x02) /** Select CRC-32 polynomial */
#define CRC_MODE_WRDATA_BITMASK (0x03 << 2) /** CRC WR_Data Config Bit mask */
#define CRC_MODE_WRDATA_BIT_RVS (1 << 2) /** Select Bit order reverse for WR_DATA (per byte) */
#define CRC_MODE_WRDATA_CMPL (1 << 3) /** Select One's complement for WR_DATA */
#define CRC_MODE_SUM_BITMASK (0x03 << 4) /** CRC Sum Config Bit mask */
#define CRC_MODE_SUM_BIT_RVS (1 << 4) /** Select Bit order reverse for CRC_SUM */
#define CRC_MODE_SUM_CMPL (1 << 5) /** Select One's complement for CRC_SUM */
#define MODE_CFG_CCITT (0x00) /** Pre-defined mode word for default CCITT setup */
#define MODE_CFG_CRC16 (0x15) /** Pre-defined mode word for default CRC16 setup */
#define MODE_CFG_CRC32 (0x36) /** Pre-defined mode word for default CRC32 setup */
#define CRC_SEED_CCITT (0x0000FFFF)/** Initial seed value for CCITT mode */
#define CRC_SEED_CRC16 (0x00000000)/** Initial seed value for CRC16 mode */
#define CRC_SEED_CRC32 (0xFFFFFFFF)/** Initial seed value for CRC32 mode */
* @brief CRC polynomial
typedef enum IP_CRC_001_POLY {
CRC_POLY_CRC16 = CRC_MODE_POLY_CRC16, /**< CRC-16 polynomial */
CRC_POLY_CRC32 = CRC_MODE_POLY_CRC32, /**< CRC-32 polynomial */
* @brief Initializes the CRC Engine
* @return Nothing
void Chip_CRC_Init(void);
* @brief Deinitializes the CRC Engine
* @return Nothing
void Chip_CRC_Deinit(void);
* @brief Set the polynomial used for the CRC calculation
* @param poly : The enumerated polynomial to be used
* @param flags : An Or'ed value of flags that setup the mode
* @return Nothing
* @note Flags for setting up the mode word include CRC_MODE_WRDATA_BIT_RVS,
STATIC INLINE void Chip_CRC_SetPoly(CRC_POLY_T poly, uint32_t flags)
LPC_CRC->MODE = (uint32_t) poly | flags;
* @brief Sets up the CRC engine for CRC16 mode
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_CRC_UseCRC16(void)
* @brief Sets up the CRC engine for CRC32 mode
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_CRC_UseCRC32(void)
* @brief Sets up the CRC engine for CCITT mode
* @return Nothing
* @brief Engage the CRC engine with defaults based on the polynomial to be used
* @param poly : The enumerated polynomial to be used
* @return Nothing
void Chip_CRC_UseDefaultConfig(CRC_POLY_T poly);
* @brief Set the CRC Mode bits
* @param mode : Mode value
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_CRC_SetMode(uint32_t mode)
LPC_CRC->MODE = mode;
* @brief Get the CRC Mode bits
* @return The current value of the CRC Mode bits
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_CRC_GetMode(void)
return LPC_CRC->MODE;
* @brief Set the seed bits used by the CRC_SUM register
* @param seed : Seed value
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_CRC_SetSeed(uint32_t seed)
LPC_CRC->SEED = seed;
* @brief Get the CRC seed value
* @return Seed value
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_CRC_GetSeed(void)
return LPC_CRC->SEED;
* @brief Convenience function for writing 8-bit data to the CRC engine
* @param data : 8-bit data to write
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_CRC_Write8(uint8_t data)
LPC_CRC->WRDATA8 = data;
* @brief Convenience function for writing 16-bit data to the CRC engine
* @param data : 16-bit data to write
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_CRC_Write16(uint16_t data)
LPC_CRC->WRDATA16 = data;
* @brief Convenience function for writing 32-bit data to the CRC engine
* @param data : 32-bit data to write
* @return Nothing
STATIC INLINE void Chip_CRC_Write32(uint32_t data)
LPC_CRC->WRDATA32 = data;
* @brief Gets the CRC Sum based on the Mode and Seed as previously configured
* @return CRC Checksum value
STATIC INLINE uint32_t Chip_CRC_Sum(void)
return LPC_CRC->SUM;
* @brief Convenience function for computing a standard CCITT checksum from an 8-bit data block
* @param data : Pointer to the block of 8-bit data
* @param bytes : The number of bytes pointed to by data
* @return Check sum value
uint32_t Chip_CRC_CRC8(const uint8_t *data, uint32_t bytes);
* @brief Convenience function for computing a standard CRC16 checksum from 16-bit data block
* @param data : Pointer to the block of 16-bit data
* @param hwords : The number of 16 byte entries pointed to by data
* @return Check sum value
uint32_t Chip_CRC_CRC16(const uint16_t *data, uint32_t hwords);
* @brief Convenience function for computing a standard CRC32 checksum from 32-bit data block
* @param data : Pointer to the block of 32-bit data
* @param words : The number of 32-bit entries pointed to by data
* @return Check sum value
uint32_t Chip_CRC_CRC32(const uint32_t *data, uint32_t words);
* @}
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __CRC_5410X_H_ */