We tested 2 development boards, it all works, but due to the different LED pins of the two development boards, so we'll need to select the corresponding development board in the menuconfig.
2. Go to ESP-IDF package directory and install IDF tools. This command only needs to be run once after the package is downloaded for the first time.
cd packages/ESP-IDF-latest
# Use install.bat in Windows environment
3. Under the ESP-IDF package directory, export IDF environment variables. This commands need to be run every time when the BSP is built in a new terminal.
. export.sh
# Use export.bat in Windows environment
4. Configure RT-Thread under the BSP directory
scons --menuconfig
5. Whenever RT-Thread configuration is changed with `scons --menuconfig`, a new `CMakeLists.txt` needs to be generated with the command below
scons --target=esp-idf
6. Use `idf.py` to compile and upload the program. Refer to [Espressif official documents](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32c3/get-started/index.html#build-your-first-project) for reference.
7. Once the project is successfully downloaded, the system runs automatically, the red LED will blink in 1s on cycles.