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2017-08-22 15:52:57 +08:00
\file gd32f4xx_dci.h
\brief definitions for the DCI
Copyright (C) 2016 GigaDevice
2016-08-15, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F4xx
#ifndef GD32F4XX_DCI_H
#define GD32F4XX_DCI_H
#include "gd32f4xx.h"
/* DCI definitions */
#define DCI DCI_BASE
/* registers definitions */
#define DCI_CTL REG32(DCI + 0x00U) /*!< DCI control register */
#define DCI_STAT0 REG32(DCI + 0x04U) /*!< DCI status register 0 */
#define DCI_STAT1 REG32(DCI + 0x08U) /*!< DCI status register 1 */
#define DCI_INTEN REG32(DCI + 0x0CU) /*!< DCI interrupt enable register */
#define DCI_INTF REG32(DCI + 0x10U) /*!< DCI interrupt flag register */
#define DCI_INTC REG32(DCI + 0x14U) /*!< DCI interrupt clear register */
#define DCI_SC REG32(DCI + 0x18U) /*!< DCI synchronization codes register */
#define DCI_SCUMSK REG32(DCI + 0x1CU) /*!< DCI synchronization codes unmask register */
#define DCI_CWSPOS REG32(DCI + 0x20U) /*!< DCI cropping window start position register */
#define DCI_CWSZ REG32(DCI + 0x24U) /*!< DCI cropping window size register */
#define DCI_DATA REG32(DCI + 0x28U) /*!< DCI data register */
/* bits definitions */
/* DCI_CTL */
#define DCI_CTL_CAP BIT(0) /*!< capture enable */
#define DCI_CTL_SNAP BIT(1) /*!< snapshot mode */
#define DCI_CTL_WDEN BIT(2) /*!< window enable */
#define DCI_CTL_JM BIT(3) /*!< jpeg mode */
#define DCI_CTL_ESM BIT(4) /*!< embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_CTL_CKS BIT(5) /*!< clock polarity selection */
#define DCI_CTL_HPS BIT(6) /*!< horizontal polarity selection */
#define DCI_CTL_VPS BIT(7) /*!< vertical polarity selection */
#define DCI_CTL_FR BITS(8,9) /*!< frame rate */
#define DCI_CTL_DCIF BITS(10,11) /*!< digital camera interface format */
#define DCI_CTL_DCIEN BIT(14) /*!< dci enable */
/* DCI_STAT0 */
#define DCI_STAT0_HS BIT(0) /*!< HS line status */
#define DCI_STAT0_VS BIT(1) /*!< VS line status */
#define DCI_STAT0_FV BIT(2) /*!< FIFO valid */
/* DCI_STAT1 */
#define DCI_STAT1_EFF BIT(0) /*!< end of frame flag */
#define DCI_STAT1_OVRF BIT(1) /*!< FIFO overrun flag */
#define DCI_STAT1_ESEF BIT(2) /*!< embedded synchronous error flag */
#define DCI_STAT1_VSF BIT(3) /*!< vsync flag */
#define DCI_STAT1_ELF BIT(4) /*!< end of line flag */
#define DCI_INTEN_EFIE BIT(0) /*!< end of frame interrupt enable */
#define DCI_INTEN_OVRIE BIT(1) /*!< FIFO overrun interrupt enable */
#define DCI_INTEN_ESEIE BIT(2) /*!< embedded synchronous error interrupt enable */
#define DCI_INTEN_VSIE BIT(3) /*!< vsync interrupt enable */
#define DCI_INTEN_ELIE BIT(4) /*!< end of line interrupt enable */
/* DCI_INTF */
#define DCI_INTF_EFIF BIT(0) /*!< end of frame interrupt flag */
#define DCI_INTF_OVRIF BIT(1) /*!< FIFO overrun interrupt flag */
#define DCI_INTF_ESEIF BIT(2) /*!< embedded synchronous error interrupt flag */
#define DCI_INTF_VSIF BIT(3) /*!< vsync interrupt flag */
#define DCI_INTF_ELIF BIT(4) /*!< end of line interrupt flag */
/* DCI_INTC */
#define DCI_INTC_EFFC BIT(0) /*!< clear end of frame flag */
#define DCI_INTC_OVRFC BIT(1) /*!< clear FIFO overrun flag */
#define DCI_INTC_ESEFC BIT(2) /*!< clear embedded synchronous error flag */
#define DCI_INTC_VSFC BIT(3) /*!< vsync flag clear */
#define DCI_INTC_ELFC BIT(4) /*!< end of line flag clear */
/* DCI_SC */
#define DCI_SC_FS BITS(0,7) /*!< frame start code in embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_SC_LS BITS(8,15) /*!< line start code in embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_SC_LE BITS(16,23) /*!< line end code in embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_SC_FE BITS(24,31) /*!< frame end code in embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_SCUMSK_FSM BITS(0,7) /*!< frame start code unmask bits in embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_SCUMSK_LSM BITS(8,15) /*!< line start code unmask bits in embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_SCUMSK_LEM BITS(16,23) /*!< line end code unmask bits in embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_SCUMSK_FEM BITS(24,31) /*!< frame end code unmask bits in embedded synchronous mode */
#define DCI_CWSPOS_WHSP BITS(0,13) /*!< window horizontal start position */
#define DCI_CWSPOS_WVSP BITS(16,28) /*!< window vertical start position */
/* DCI_CWSZ */
#define DCI_CWSZ_WHSZ BITS(0,13) /*!< window horizontal size */
#define DCI_CWSZ_WVSZ BITS(16,29) /*!< window vertical size */
/* constants definitions */
/* DCI parameter struct definitions */
typedef struct
uint32_t capture_mode; /*!< DCI capture mode: continuous or snapshot */
uint32_t clock_polarity; /*!< clock polarity selection */
uint32_t hsync_polarity; /*!< horizontal polarity selection */
uint32_t vsync_polarity; /*!< vertical polarity selection */
uint32_t frame_rate; /*!< frame capture rate */
uint32_t interface_format; /*!< digital camera interface format */
#define DCI_CAPTURE_MODE_CONTINUOUS ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< continuous capture mode */
#define DCI_CAPTURE_MODE_SNAPSHOT DCI_CTL_SNAP /*!< snapshot capture mode */
#define DCI_CK_POLARITY_FALLING ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< capture at falling edge */
#define DCI_CK_POLARITY_RISING DCI_CTL_CKS /*!< capture at rising edge */
#define DCI_HSYNC_POLARITY_LOW ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< low level during blanking period */
#define DCI_HSYNC_POLARITY_HIGH DCI_CTL_HPS /*!< high level during blanking period */
#define DCI_VSYNC_POLARITY_LOW ((uint32_t)0x00000000U) /*!< low level during blanking period */
#define DCI_VSYNC_POLARITY_HIGH DCI_CTL_VPS /*!< high level during blanking period*/
#define CTL_FR(regval) (BITS(8,9)&((uint32_t)(regval) << 8U))
#define DCI_FRAME_RATE_ALL CTL_FR(0) /*!< capture all frames */
#define DCI_FRAME_RATE_1_2 CTL_FR(1) /*!< capture one in 2 frames */
#define DCI_FRAME_RATE_1_4 CTL_FR(2) /*!< capture one in 4 frames */
#define CTL_DCIF(regval) (BITS(10,11)&((uint32_t)(regval) << 10U))
#define DCI_INTERFACE_FORMAT_8BITS CTL_DCIF(0) /*!< 8-bit data on every pixel clock */
#define DCI_INTERFACE_FORMAT_10BITS CTL_DCIF(1) /*!< 10-bit data on every pixel clock */
#define DCI_INTERFACE_FORMAT_12BITS CTL_DCIF(2) /*!< 12-bit data on every pixel clock */
#define DCI_INTERFACE_FORMAT_14BITS CTL_DCIF(3) /*!< 14-bit data on every pixel clock */
/* DCI interrupt constants definitions */
#define DCI_INT_EF ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< end of frame interrupt */
#define DCI_INT_OVR ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< FIFO overrun interrupt */
#define DCI_INT_ESE ((uint32_t)0x00000004U) /*!< embedded synchronous error interrupt */
#define DCI_INT_VS ((uint32_t)0x00000008U) /*!< vsync interrupt */
#define DCI_INT_EL ((uint32_t)0x00000010U) /*!< end of line interrupt */
/* DCI flag definitions */
#define DCI_FLAG_HS ((uint8_t)0x01U) /*!< HS line status */
#define DCI_FLAG_VS ((uint8_t)0x02U) /*!< VS line status */
#define DCI_FLAG_FV ((uint8_t)0x03U) /*!< FIFO valid */
#define DCI_FLAG_EFF ((uint8_t)0x04U) /*!< end of frame flag */
#define DCI_FLAG_OVRF ((uint8_t)0x05U) /*!< FIFO overrun flag */
#define DCI_FLAG_ESEF ((uint8_t)0x06U) /*!< embedded synchronous error flag */
#define DCI_FLAG_VSF ((uint8_t)0x07U) /*!< vsync flag */
#define DCI_FLAG_ELF ((uint8_t)0x08U) /*!< end of line flag */
/* function declarations */
/* DCI deinit */
void dci_deinit(void);
/* initialize DCI registers */
void dci_init(dci_parameter_struct* dci_struct);
/* enable DCI function */
void dci_enable(void);
/* disble DCI function */
void dci_disable(void);
/* enable DCI capture */
void dci_capture_enable(void);
/* disble DCI capture */
void dci_capture_disable(void);
/* enable DCI jpeg mode */
void dci_jpeg_enable(void);
/* disble DCI jpeg mode */
void dci_jpeg_disable(void);
/* enable cropping window function */
void dci_crop_window_enable(void);
/* disble cropping window function */
void dci_crop_window_disable(void);
/* config DCI cropping window */
void dci_crop_window_config(uint16_t start_x, uint16_t start_y, uint16_t size_width, uint16_t size_height);
/* enable sync codes function */
void dci_sync_codes_enable(void);
/* disble sync codes function */
void dci_sync_codes_disable(void);
/* config sync codes */
void dci_sync_codes_config(uint8_t frame_start, uint8_t line_start, uint8_t line_end, uint8_t frame_end);
/* config sync codes unmask */
void dci_sync_codes_unmask_config(uint8_t frame_start, uint8_t line_start, uint8_t line_end, uint8_t frame_end);
/* read DCI data register */
uint32_t dci_data_read(void);
/* enable specified DCI interrupt */
void dci_interrupt_enable(uint32_t interrupt);
/* disble specified DCI interrupt */
void dci_interrupt_disable(uint32_t interrupt);
/* clear specified interrupt */
void dci_interrupt_clear(uint32_t interrupt);
/* get specified flag */
FlagStatus dci_flag_get(uint32_t flag);
/* get specified interrupt flag */
FlagStatus dci_interrupt_flag_get(uint32_t interrupt);
#endif /* GD32F4XX_DCI_H */