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2014-01-02 18:30:13 +08:00
* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
* All rights reserved.
* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
* use without further testing or modification.
#include <stdint.h>
/* define the symbol TESTING in the environment if test output desired */
/* maintain LONGEST_PROT >= the length (in bytes) of the largest
protection block of any serial flash that this driver handles */
#define LONGEST_PROT 68
typedef uint8_t uc;
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0)
/* protection/sector descriptors */
typedef struct {
uint32_t base;
uc flags;
int8_t log2;
uint16_t rept;
} protEnt;
/* bits in the flags byte */
enum {RWPROT=1};
/* overall data structure includes # sectors, length of protection reg,
array of descriptors
typedef struct {
uint16_t sectors;
uint16_t protBytes;
protEnt *entries;
} protDesc; */
typedef union {
uint16_t hw;
uc byte[2];
/* the object that init returns, and other routines use as an operand */
typedef struct {
uint32_t base, regbase, devSize, memSize;
uc mfger, devType, devID, busy;
stat_t stat;
uint16_t reserved;
uint16_t set_prot, write_prot;
uint32_t mem_cmd, prog_cmd;
uint16_t sectors, protBytes;
uint32_t opts, errCheck;
uc erase_shifts[4], erase_ops[4];
protEnt *protEnts;
char prot[LONGEST_PROT];
} SPIFIobj;
/* operands of program and erase */
typedef struct {
char *dest;
uint32_t length;
char *scratch;
int32_t protect;
uint32_t options;
} SPIFIopers;
/* instruction classes for wait_busy */
typedef enum {stat_inst, block_erase, prog_inst, chip_erase} inst_type;
/* bits in options operands (MODE3, RCVCLK, and FULLCLK
have the same relationship as in the Control register) */
#define S_MODE3 1
#define S_MODE0 0
#define S_MINIMAL 2
#define S_MAXIMAL 0
#define S_FORCE_ERASE 4
#define S_ERASE_NOT_REQD 8
#define S_CALLER_ERASE 8
#define S_ERASE_AS_REQD 0
#define S_VERIFY_PROG 0x10
#define S_VERIFY_ERASE 0x20
#define S_NO_VERIFY 0
#define S_RCVCLK 0x80
#define S_INTCLK 0
#define S_FULLCLK 0x40
#define S_HALFCLK 0
#define S_DUAL 0x100
#define S_CALLER_PROT 0x200
#define S_DRIVER_PROT 0
/* the following values in the first post-address memory command byte work
for all known quad devices that support "no opcode" operation */
/* basic SPI commands for serial flash */
/* the length of a standard program command is 256 on all devices */
#define PROG_SIZE 256
/* options in obj->opts (mostly for setMulti) */
/* used by Winbond: send 0xA3 command so hardware can read faster */
#define OPT_SEND_A3 1
/* used by SST: send 0x38 command to enable quad and allow full command set */
#define OPT_SEND_38 2
/* used by Winbond and others: read status reg 2, check it,
if necessary write it back with Quad Enable set */
#define OPT_35_OR02_01 4
/* used by Atmel: read Configuration register, if necessary set Quad Enable */
#define OPT_3F_OR80_3E 8
/* used by Numonyx to set all-quad mode: only for parts that include RSTQIO */
#define OPT_65_CLR_C0_61 0x10
/* used by Numonyx: send 0x81 command to write Volatile Configuration Register
to set # dummy bytes and allow XIP mode */
#define OPT_81 0x20
/* set for devices without full device erase command (Numonyx type 0x40) */
#define OPT_NO_DEV_ERASE 0x40
/* used by Macronix: status reg 2 includes selection between write-protect
in status reg and command-based */
#define OPT_WPSEL 0x80
/* set when protection data has been read into the SPIFI object */
#define OPT_PROT_READ 0x100
/* set if device needs 4-byte address (and maybe 0x4B command = use 4-byte address) */
#define OPT_4BAD 0x200
/* set if setMulti should set the Dual bit in Control reg */
#define OPT_DUAL 0x400
/* send "# dummy bits" in C0 command to Winbond */
#define OPT_C0 0x800
/* set QE for Chingis */
#define OPT_05_OR40_01 0x1000
/* write status does not go busy */
#define OPT_01_NO_BUSY 0x2000
/* protection mode bits moved from protMode byte to opts Fri May 13 2011 */
#define OPT_PROT_STAT 0x4000
#define OPT_PROT_REG 0x8000
#define OPT_PROT_CMD3 0x10000
#define OPT_PROT_CMDE 0x20000
#define OPT_PROT_MASK 0x3C000
#define OPT_ALL_QUAD 0x40000
/* interface to ROM API */
typedef struct {
int32_t (*spifi_init) (SPIFIobj *obj, uint32_t csHigh, uint32_t options,
uint32_t mhz);
int32_t (*spifi_program) (SPIFIobj *obj, char *source, SPIFIopers *opers);
int32_t (*spifi_erase) (SPIFIobj *obj, SPIFIopers *opers);
/* mode switching */
void (*cancel_mem_mode)(SPIFIobj *obj);
void (*set_mem_mode) (SPIFIobj *obj);
/* mid level functions */
int32_t (*checkAd) (SPIFIobj *obj, SPIFIopers *opers);
int32_t (*setProt) (SPIFIobj *obj, SPIFIopers *opers, char *change,
char *saveProt);
int32_t (*check_block) (SPIFIobj *obj, char *source, SPIFIopers *opers,
uint32_t check_program);
int32_t (*send_erase_cmd) (SPIFIobj *obj, uint8_t op, uint32_t addr);
uint32_t (*ck_erase) (SPIFIobj *obj, uint32_t *addr, uint32_t length);
int32_t (*prog_block) (SPIFIobj *obj, char *source, SPIFIopers *opers,
uint32_t *left_in_page);
uint32_t (*ck_prog) (SPIFIobj *obj, char *source, char *dest, uint32_t length);
/* low level functions */
void(*setSize) (SPIFIobj *obj, int32_t value);
int32_t (*setDev) (SPIFIobj *obj, uint32_t opts, uint32_t mem_cmd,
uint32_t prog_cmd);
uint32_t (*cmd) (uc op, uc addrLen, uc intLen, uint16_t len);
uint32_t (*readAd) (SPIFIobj *obj, uint32_t cmd, uint32_t addr);
void (*send04) (SPIFIobj *obj, uc op, uc len, uint32_t value);
void (*wren_sendAd) (SPIFIobj *obj, uint32_t cmd, uint32_t addr, uint32_t value);
int32_t (*write_stat) (SPIFIobj *obj, uc len, uint16_t value);
int32_t (*wait_busy) (SPIFIobj *obj, uc prog_or_erase);
#define define_spifi_romPtr(name) const SPIFI_RTNS *name=*((SPIFI_RTNS **)SPIFI_ROM_PTR)
#endif /* OMIT_ROM_TABLE */
extern SPIFI_RTNS spifi_table;
#endif /* USE_SPIFI_LIB */
/* example of using this interface:
#include "spifi_rom_api.h"
#define CSHIGH 4
#define SPIFI_MHZ 80
#define source_data_ad (char *)1234
int32_t rc;
SPIFIopers opers;
SPIFIobj *obj = malloc(sizeof(SPIFIobj));
if (!obj) { can't allocate memory }
rc = spifi->spifi_init (obj, CSHIGH, S_FULLCLK+S_RCVCLK, SPIFI_MHZ);
if (rc) { investigate init error rc }
printf ("the serial flash contains %d bytes\n", obj->devSize);
opers.dest = where_to_program;
opers.length = how_many_bytes;
opers.scratch = NULL; // unprogrammed data is not saved/restored
opers.protect = -1; // save & restore protection
opers.options = S_VERIFY_PROG;
rc = spifi->spifi_program (obj, source_data_ad, &opers);
if (rc) { investigate program error rc }
/* these are for normal users, including boot code */
int32_t spifi_init (SPIFIobj *obj, uint32_t csHigh, uint32_t options, uint32_t mhz);
int32_t spifi_program (SPIFIobj *obj, char *source, SPIFIopers *opers);
int32_t spifi_erase (SPIFIobj *obj, SPIFIopers *opers);
/* these are used by the manufacturer-specific init functions */
void setSize (SPIFIobj *obj, int32_t value);
int32_t setDev (SPIFIobj *obj, uint32_t opts, uint32_t mem_cmd, uint32_t prog_cmd);
uint32_t read04(SPIFIobj *obj, uc op, uc len);
int32_t write_stat (SPIFIobj *obj, uc len, uint16_t value);
void setProtEnts(SPIFIobj *obj, const protEnt *p, uint32_t protTabLen);
/* needs to be defined for each platform */
void pullMISO(int high);
#ifdef TESTING
/* used by testing code */
unsigned short getProtBytes (SPIFIobj *obj, unsigned short *sectors);
/* predeclare a debug routine */
void wait_sample (volatile unsigned *addr, unsigned mask, unsigned value);
#endif /* SPIFI_ROM_API_H */