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* Here is the assertions to ensure rightness of bst maintenance
* After each insertion and delete, a tree must still be binary search tree,
* and still remain balanced
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mm_aspace.h>
#include <mm_private.h>
#define BUF_SIZE 1000000
static void *_start;
static void *_boundary;
static int _count;
static rt_varea_t _buf[BUF_SIZE];
#define RT_ASSERT assert
static void _print_varea(rt_varea_t varea, int depth)
if (depth == 0)
printf("%p ", varea->start);
rt_varea_t lchild = VAREA_ENTRY(varea->node.node.avl_left);
rt_varea_t rchild = VAREA_ENTRY(varea->node.node.avl_right);
if (lchild)
_print_varea(lchild, depth);
printf("0x**** ");
if (rchild)
_print_varea(rchild, depth);
printf("0x**** ");
static void _print_tree(rt_aspace_t aspace)
rt_varea_t varea = VAREA_ENTRY(aspace->tree.tree.root_node);
if (!varea)
return ;
for (size_t i = 0; i < aspace->tree.tree.root_node->height; i++) {
_print_varea(varea, i);
return ;
static int _is_bst(rt_varea_t varea)
rt_varea_t lchild = VAREA_ENTRY(varea->node.node.avl_left);
rt_varea_t rchild = VAREA_ENTRY(varea->node.node.avl_right);
if (lchild)
RT_ASSERT(lchild->node.node.parent == &varea->node.node);
RT_ASSERT(varea->start > lchild->start);
if (rchild)
RT_ASSERT(rchild->node.node.parent == &varea->node.node);
if (varea->start >= rchild->start)
return 1;
/* return height of current varea */
static int _is_balanced(rt_varea_t varea)
if (!varea)
return 1;
rt_varea_t lchild = VAREA_ENTRY(varea->node.node.avl_left);
rt_varea_t rchild = VAREA_ENTRY(varea->node.node.avl_right);
int lbal = _is_balanced(lchild);
int rbal = _is_balanced(rchild);
if (lbal && rbal)
int diff = lbal - rbal;
if (diff > 1 || diff < -1)
printf("lbal %d, rbal %d\n", lbal, rbal);
return 0;
int height = lbal > rbal ? lbal : rbal;
return height + 1;
/* add bst assertion */
static int _check_asc_before(rt_varea_t varea, void *arg)
if (varea->start >= _start && (!_boundary || varea->start >= _boundary) && _is_bst(varea))
_buf[_count] = varea;
_start = varea->start;
_boundary = varea->start + varea->size;
return 0;
static int _check_asc_before_rev(rt_varea_t varea, void *arg)
RT_ASSERT(varea == _buf[_count]);
return 0;
static int _check_asc_after(rt_varea_t varea, void *arg)
rt_varea_t add_elem = (rt_varea_t)arg;
if (!_is_bst(varea))
if (varea == _buf[_count])
_buf[_count] = 0;
else if (add_elem && add_elem == varea)
/* adding, skip adding elem */
else if (!add_elem && varea == _buf[_count + 1])
/* deleting */
_buf[_count] = 0;
_buf[_count] = 0;
printf("add_elem %p, varea %p, _count %d, in buf %p\n",
add_elem->start, varea->start, _count, _buf[_count]);
return 0;
static int _aspace_traversal(rt_aspace_t aspace, int (*fn)(rt_varea_t varea, void *arg), void *arg)
rt_varea_t varea = ASPACE_VAREA_FIRST(aspace);
while (varea)
fn(varea, arg);
varea = ASPACE_VAREA_NEXT(varea);
return 0;
static int _aspace_traversal_reverse(rt_aspace_t aspace, int (*fn)(rt_varea_t varea, void *arg), void *arg)
rt_varea_t varea = ASPACE_VAREA_LAST(aspace);
while (varea)
fn(varea, arg);
varea = ASPACE_VAREA_PREV(varea);
return 0;
static int _check_bst_before(struct rt_aspace *aspace, struct rt_varea *varea)
rt_varea_t root = VAREA_ENTRY(aspace->tree.tree.root_node);
int height = _is_balanced(root);
if (root)
memset(_buf, 0, sizeof(_buf)); // clear first avoiding none tree error
_start = 0;
_boundary = 0;
_count = 0;
_aspace_traversal(aspace, _check_asc_before, varea);
int saved = _count;
_aspace_traversal_reverse(aspace, _check_asc_before_rev, varea);
_count = saved;
return 1;
static int _check_bst_after(struct rt_aspace *aspace, struct rt_varea *varea, int isdel)
rt_varea_t root = VAREA_ENTRY(aspace->tree.tree.root_node);
int height = _is_balanced(root);
if (root)
int prev_count = _count;
_start = 0;
_boundary = 0;
_count = 0;
_aspace_traversal(aspace, _check_asc_after, isdel ? NULL : varea);
_count = isdel ? _count : _count + 1;
if (isdel)
RT_ASSERT(prev_count - 1 == _count);
RT_ASSERT(prev_count + 1 == _count);
return 1;
/* test library */
#define RANDOM(n) (xrand() % (n))
static unsigned int xseed = 0x11223344;
static inline unsigned int xrand(void)
return (((xseed = xseed * 214013L + 2531011L) >> 16) & 0x7fffffff);
// generate keys
static inline void init_random_keys(int *keys, int count, int seed)
int save_seed = time(NULL);
int *array = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * count);
int length = count, i;
xseed = seed;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
array[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int pos = xrand() % count;
int key = array[pos];
keys[i] = key;
array[pos] = array[--count];
xseed = save_seed;
// A utility function to swap to integers
static inline void swap (int *a, int *b)
int temp = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = temp;
// A function to generate a random permutation of arr[]
static void randomize ( int arr[], int n )
// Use a different seed value so that we don't get same
// result each time we run this program
srand ( time(NULL) );
// Start from the last element and swap one by one. We don't
// need to run for the first element that's why i > 0
for (int i = n-1; i > 0; i--)
// Pick a random index from 0 to i
int j = rand() % (i+1);
// Swap arr[i] with the element at random index
swap(&arr[i], &arr[j]);
/* time */
#include <time.h>
static int gettime(void)
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE, &ts);
time_t seconds = ts.tv_sec;
int millisecond = ts.tv_nsec / 1000000;
return millisecond + seconds * 1000;
/* Adapt Layer */
* @brief Adapter Layer for lwp AVL BST
int _aspace_bst_init(struct rt_aspace *aspace)
aspace->tree.tree.root_node = AVL_ROOT;
return 0;
static int compare_overlap(void *as, void *ae, void *bs, void *be)
LOG_D("as %lx, ae %lx, bs %lx, be %lx", as, ae, bs, be);
int cmp;
if (as > be)
cmp = 1;
else if (ae < bs)
cmp = -1;
cmp = 0;
LOG_D("ret %d", cmp);
return cmp;
static int compare_exceed(void *as, void *ae, void *bs, void *be)
LOG_D("as %lx, ae %lx, bs %lx, be %lx", as, ae, bs, be);
int cmp;
if (as > bs)
cmp = 1;
else if (as < bs)
cmp = -1;
cmp = 0;
LOG_D("ret %d", cmp);
return cmp;
static struct rt_varea *search(struct util_avl_root *root,
struct _mm_range range,
int (*compare)(void *as, void *ae, void *bs,
void *be))
struct util_avl_struct *node = root->root_node;
while (node)
rt_varea_t varea = VAREA_ENTRY(node);
int cmp = compare(range.start, range.end, varea->start,
varea->start + varea->size - 1);
if (cmp < 0)
node = node->avl_left;
else if (cmp > 0)
node = node->avl_right;
return varea;
return NULL;
struct rt_varea *_aspace_bst_search(struct rt_aspace *aspace, void *key)
struct util_avl_root *root = &aspace->tree.tree;
struct _mm_range range = {key, key};
return search(root, range, compare_overlap);
rt_varea_t _aspace_bst_search_exceed(struct rt_aspace *aspace, void *start)
struct util_avl_root *root = &aspace->tree.tree;
struct util_avl_struct *node = root->root_node;
rt_varea_t closest = NULL;
ptrdiff_t min_off = PTRDIFF_MAX;
while (node)
rt_varea_t varea = VAREA_ENTRY(node);
void *va_s = varea->start;
int cmp = compare_exceed(start, start, va_s, va_s);
if (cmp < 0)
ptrdiff_t off = va_s - start;
if (off < min_off)
min_off = off;
closest = varea;
node = node->avl_left;
else if (cmp > 0)
node = node->avl_right;
return varea;
return closest;
struct rt_varea *_aspace_bst_search_overlap(struct rt_aspace *aspace,
struct _mm_range range)
struct util_avl_root *root = &aspace->tree.tree;
return search(root, range, compare_overlap);
#include "bst_assert.h"
#define _check_bst_before(x, ...)
#define _check_bst_after(x, ...)
void _aspace_bst_insert(struct rt_aspace *aspace, struct rt_varea *varea)
struct util_avl_root *root = &aspace->tree.tree;
struct util_avl_struct *current = NULL;
struct util_avl_struct **next = &(root->root_node);
rt_ubase_t key = (rt_ubase_t)varea->start;
/* Figure out where to put new node */
while (*next)
current = *next;
struct rt_varea *data = VAREA_ENTRY(current);
if (key < (rt_ubase_t)data->start)
next = &(current->avl_left);
else if (key > (rt_ubase_t)data->start)
next = &(current->avl_right);
/* Add new node and rebalance tree. */
_check_bst_before(aspace, varea);
util_avl_link(&varea->node.node, current, next);
util_avl_rebalance(current, root);
_check_bst_after(aspace, varea, 0);
void _aspace_bst_remove(struct rt_aspace *aspace, struct rt_varea *varea)
struct util_avl_struct *node = &varea->node.node;
_check_bst_before(aspace, varea);
util_avl_remove(node, &aspace->tree.tree);
_check_bst_after(aspace, varea, 1);
struct rt_aspace aspace;
* @brief Simulate environment of varea and BSTs
/* test data set */
int *dataset;
int loop_count;
/* preallocate varea to decrease influence by malloc routine */
struct rt_varea *_varea_buf;
#define STOPWATCH(fun, time) do { \
unsigned int _time; \
_time = gettime(); \
fun(); \
_time = gettime()-_time; \
time = _time; \
} while (0);
static void init_test(void)
dataset = malloc(loop_count * sizeof(*dataset));
_varea_buf = malloc(loop_count * sizeof(*_varea_buf));
init_random_keys(dataset, loop_count, 0xabcdabcd);
static void insert_test(void)
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++)
struct rt_varea *varea;
varea = &_varea_buf[i];
varea->start = (void *)(uintptr_t)dataset[i];
varea->size = 1;
_aspace_bst_insert(&aspace, varea);
static void search_test(void)
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++)
void *start = (void *)(uintptr_t)dataset[i];
struct rt_varea *varea;
varea = _aspace_bst_search(&aspace, start);
assert(varea->start == start);
static void delete_test(void)
for (size_t i = 0; i < loop_count; i++)
void *start = (void *)(uintptr_t)dataset[i];
struct rt_varea *varea;
varea = _aspace_bst_search(&aspace, start);
_aspace_bst_remove(&aspace, varea);
static void cleanup(void)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc == 2)
sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &loop_count);
loop_count = 1000;
printf("looping times: %d\n", loop_count);
int endurance;
STOPWATCH(insert_test, endurance);
printf("Insertion: %d ms\n", endurance);
randomize(dataset, loop_count);
STOPWATCH(search_test, endurance);
printf("Search: %d ms\n", endurance);
randomize(dataset, loop_count);
STOPWATCH(delete_test, endurance);
printf("Delete: %d ms\n", endurance);
puts("Benchmark exit");
return 0;