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2022-03-23 11:03:48 +08:00
* @file ft32f0xx_adc.c
* @author FMD AE
* @brief This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
* functionalities of the Analog to Digital Convertor (ADC) peripheral:
* + Initialization and Configuration
* + Power saving
* + Analog Watchdog configuration
* + Temperature Sensor, Vrefint (Internal Reference Voltage) and
* Vbat (Voltage battery) management
* + ADC Channels Configuration
* + ADC Channels DMA Configuration
* + Interrupts and flags management.
* @version V1.0.0
* @data 2021-07-01
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "ft32f0xx_adc.h"
#include "ft32f0xx_rcc.h"
/* ADC CFGR mask */
#define CFGR1_CLEAR_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFFD203)
/* Calibration time out */
#define CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0x0000F000)
* @brief Deinitializes ADC1 peripheral registers to their default reset values.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC peripheral.
* @retval None
void ADC_DeInit(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx)
/* Check the parameters */
if(ADCx == ADC1)
/* Enable ADC1 reset state */
RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1, ENABLE);
/* Release ADC1 from reset state */
RCC_APB2PeriphResetCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1, DISABLE);
* @brief Initializes the ADCx peripheral according to the specified parameters
* in the ADC_InitStruct.
* @note This function is used to configure the global features of the ADC (
* Resolution, Data Alignment, continuous mode activation, External
* trigger source and edge, Sequence Scan Direction).
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC peripheral.
* @param ADC_InitStruct: pointer to an ADC_InitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the specified ADC peripheral.
* @retval None
void ADC_Init(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, ADC_InitTypeDef* ADC_InitStruct)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Get the ADCx CFGR value */
tmpreg = ADCx->CFGR1;
/* Clear SCANDIR, RES[1:0], ALIGN, EXTSEL[2:0], EXTEN[1:0] and CONT bits */
tmpreg &= CFGR1_CLEAR_MASK;
/*---------------------------- ADCx CFGR Configuration ---------------------*/
/* Set RES[1:0] bits according to ADC_Resolution value */
/* Set CONT bit according to ADC_ContinuousConvMode value */
/* Set EXTEN[1:0] bits according to ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge value */
/* Set EXTSEL[2:0] bits according to ADC_ExternalTrigConv value */
/* Set ALIGN bit according to ADC_DataAlign value */
/* Set SCANDIR bit according to ADC_ScanDirection value */
tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(ADC_InitStruct->ADC_Resolution | ((uint32_t)(ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ContinuousConvMode) << 13) |
ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge | ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ExternalTrigConv |
ADC_InitStruct->ADC_DataAlign | ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ScanDirection);
/* Write to ADCx CFGR */
ADCx->CFGR1 = tmpreg;
* @brief Fills each ADC_InitStruct member with its default value.
* @note This function is used to initialize the global features of the ADC (
* Resolution, Data Alignment, continuous mode activation, External
* trigger source and edge, Sequence Scan Direction).
* @param ADC_InitStruct: pointer to an ADC_InitTypeDef structure which will
* be initialized.
* @retval None
void ADC_StructInit(ADC_InitTypeDef* ADC_InitStruct)
/* Reset ADC init structure parameters values */
/* Initialize the ADC_Resolution member */
ADC_InitStruct->ADC_Resolution = ADC_Resolution_12b;
/* Initialize the ADC_ContinuousConvMode member */
ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ContinuousConvMode = DISABLE;
/* Initialize the ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge member */
ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge = ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge_None;
/* Initialize the ADC_ExternalTrigConv member */
ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ExternalTrigConv = ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T1_TRGO;
/* Initialize the ADC_DataAlign member */
ADC_InitStruct->ADC_DataAlign = ADC_DataAlign_Right;
/* Initialize the ADC_ScanDirection member */
ADC_InitStruct->ADC_ScanDirection = ADC_ScanDirection_Upward;
* @brief Enables or disables the specified ADC peripheral.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the ADCx peripheral.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_Cmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Set the ADEN bit to Enable the ADC peripheral */
ADCx->CR |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR_ADEN;
/* Set the ADDIS to Disable the ADC peripheral */
ADCx->CR |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR_ADDIS;
* @brief Configure the ADC to either be clocked by the asynchronous clock(which is
* independent, the dedicated 14MHz clock) or the synchronous clock derived from
* the APB clock of the ADC bus interface divided by 2 or 4
* @note This function can be called only when ADC is disabled.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param ADC_ClockMode: This parameter can be :
* @arg ADC_ClockMode_AsynClk: ADC clocked by the dedicated 14MHz clock
* @arg ADC_ClockMode_SynClkDiv2: ADC clocked by PCLK/2
* @arg ADC_ClockMode_SynClkDiv4: ADC clocked by PCLK/4
* @retval None
void ADC_ClockModeConfig(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_ClockMode)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Configure the ADC Clock mode according to ADC_ClockMode */
ADCx->CFGR2 = (uint32_t)ADC_ClockMode;
* @brief Enables or disables the jitter when the ADC is clocked by PCLK div2
* or div4
* @note This function is obsolete and maintained for legacy purpose only. ADC_ClockModeConfig()
* function should be used instead.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param ADC_JitterOff: This parameter can be :
* @arg ADC_JitterOff_PCLKDiv2: Remove jitter when ADC is clocked by PLCK divided by 2
* @arg ADC_JitterOff_PCLKDiv4: Remove jitter when ADC is clocked by PLCK divided by 4
* @param NewState: new state of the ADCx jitter.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_JitterCmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_JitterOff, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Disable Jitter */
ADCx->CFGR2 |= (uint32_t)ADC_JitterOff;
/* Enable Jitter */
ADCx->CFGR2 &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_JitterOff);
* @}
* @brief Enables or disables the ADC Power Off.
* @note ADC power-on and power-off can be managed by hardware to cut the
* consumption when the ADC is not converting.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @note The ADC can be powered down:
* - During the Auto delay phase: The ADC is powered on again at the end
* of the delay (until the previous data is read from the ADC data register).
* - During the ADC is waiting for a trigger event: The ADC is powered up
* at the next trigger event (when the conversion is started).
* @param NewState: new state of the ADCx power Off.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_AutoPowerOffCmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the ADC Automatic Power-Off */
/* Disable the ADC Automatic Power-Off */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)~ADC_CFGR1_AUTOFF;
* @brief Enables or disables the Wait conversion mode.
* @note When the CPU clock is not fast enough to manage the data rate, a
* Hardware delay can be introduced between ADC conversions to reduce
* this data rate.
* @note The Hardware delay is inserted after each conversions and until the
* previous data is read from the ADC data register
* @note This is a way to automatically adapt the speed of the ADC to the speed
* of the system which will read the data.
* @note Any hardware triggers wich occur while a conversion is on going or
* while the automatic Delay is applied are ignored
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the ADCx Auto-Delay.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_WaitModeCmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the ADC Automatic Delayed conversion */
/* Disable the ADC Automatic Delayed conversion */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)~ADC_CFGR1_WAIT;
* @}
* @brief Enables or disables the analog watchdog
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the ADCx Analog Watchdog.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_AnalogWatchdogCmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the ADC Analog Watchdog */
/* Disable the ADC Analog Watchdog */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)~ADC_CFGR1_AWDEN;
* @brief Configures the high and low thresholds of the analog watchdog.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param HighThreshold: the ADC analog watchdog High threshold value.
* This parameter must be a 12bit value.
* @param LowThreshold: the ADC analog watchdog Low threshold value.
* This parameter must be a 12bit value.
* @retval None
void ADC_AnalogWatchdogThresholdsConfig(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint16_t HighThreshold,
uint16_t LowThreshold)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Set the ADCx high and low threshold */
ADCx->TR = LowThreshold | ((uint32_t)HighThreshold << 16);
* @brief Configures the analog watchdog guarded single channel
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel: the ADC channel to configure for the analog watchdog.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_0: ADC Channel0 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_1: ADC Channel1 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_2: ADC Channel2 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_3: ADC Channel3 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_4: ADC Channel4 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_5: ADC Channel5 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_6: ADC Channel6 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_7: ADC Channel7 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_8: ADC Channel8 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_9: ADC Channel9 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_10: ADC Channel10 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_11: ADC Channel11 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_12: ADC Channel12 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_13: ADC Channel13 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_14: ADC Channel14 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_15: ADC Channel15 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_16: ADC Channel16 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_17: ADC Channel17 selected
* @arg ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel_18: ADC Channel18 selected
* @note The channel selected on the AWDCH must be also set into the CHSELR
* register
* @retval None
void ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannelConfig(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Get the old register value */
tmpreg = ADCx->CFGR1;
/* Clear the Analog watchdog channel select bits */
tmpreg &= ~ADC_CFGR1_AWDCH;
/* Set the Analog watchdog channel */
tmpreg |= ADC_AnalogWatchdog_Channel;
/* Store the new register value */
ADCx->CFGR1 = tmpreg;
* @brief Enables or disables the ADC Analog Watchdog Single Channel.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the ADCx ADC Analog Watchdog Single Channel.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_AnalogWatchdogSingleChannelCmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the ADC Analog Watchdog Single Channel */
/* Disable the ADC Analog Watchdog Single Channel */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)~ADC_CFGR1_AWDSGL;
* @}
* @brief Enables or disables the temperature sensor channel.
* @param NewState: new state of the temperature sensor input channel.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_TempSensorCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the temperature sensor channel*/
ADC->CCR |= (uint32_t)ADC_CCR_TSEN;
/* Disable the temperature sensor channel*/
ADC->CCR &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_CCR_TSEN);
* @brief Enables or disables the Vrefint channel.
* @param NewState: new state of the Vref input channel.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_VrefintCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the Vrefint channel*/
ADC->CCR |= (uint32_t)ADC_CCR_VREFEN;
/* Disable the Vrefint channel*/
ADC->CCR &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_CCR_VREFEN);
* @brief Enables or disables the Vbat channel.
* @note This feature is not applicable for FT32F030 devices.
* @param NewState: new state of the Vbat input channel.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_VbatCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the Vbat channel*/
ADC->CCR |= (uint32_t)ADC_CCR_VBATEN;
/* Disable the Vbat channel*/
ADC->CCR &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_CCR_VBATEN);
* @}
* @brief Configures for the selected ADC and its sampling time.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC peripheral.
* @param ADC_Channel: the ADC channel to configure.
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg ADC_Channel_0: ADC Channel0 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_1: ADC Channel1 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_2: ADC Channel2 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_3: ADC Channel3 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_4: ADC Channel4 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_5: ADC Channel5 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_6: ADC Channel6 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_7: ADC Channel7 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_8: ADC Channel8 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_9: ADC Channel9 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_10: ADC Channel10 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_11: ADC Channel11 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_12: ADC Channel12 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_13: ADC Channel13 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_14: ADC Channel14 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_15: ADC Channel15 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_16: ADC Channel16 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_17: ADC Channel17 selected
* @arg ADC_Channel_18: ADC Channel18 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_19: ADC Channel19 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_20: ADC Channel20 selected,
* @arg ADC_Channel_21: ADC Channel21 selected,
* @param ADC_SampleTime: The sample time value to be set for the selected channel.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_SampleTime_1_5Cycles: Sample time equal to 1.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SampleTime_7_5Cycles: Sample time equal to 7.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SampleTime_13_5Cycles: Sample time equal to 13.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SampleTime_28_5Cycles: Sample time equal to 28.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SampleTime_41_5Cycles: Sample time equal to 41.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SampleTime_55_5Cycles: Sample time equal to 55.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SampleTime_71_5Cycles: Sample time equal to 71.5 cycles
* @arg ADC_SampleTime_239_5Cycles: Sample time equal to 239.5 cycles
* @retval None
void ADC_ChannelConfig(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_Channel, uint32_t ADC_SampleTime)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Configure the ADC Channel */
ADCx->CHSELR |= (uint32_t)ADC_Channel;
/* Clear the Sampling time Selection bits */
tmpreg &= ~ADC_SMPR1_SMPR;
/* Set the ADC Sampling Time register */
tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ADC_SampleTime;
/* Configure the ADC Sample time register */
ADCx->SMPR = tmpreg ;
* @brief Enable the Continuous mode for the selected ADCx channels.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the Continuous mode.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note It is not possible to have both discontinuous mode and continuous mode
* enabled. In this case (If DISCEN and CONT are Set), the ADC behaves
* as if continuous mode was disabled
* @retval None
void ADC_ContinuousModeCmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the Continuous mode*/
ADCx->CFGR1 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CFGR1_CONT;
/* Disable the Continuous mode */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_CFGR1_CONT);
* @brief Enable the discontinuous mode for the selected ADC channels.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the discontinuous mode.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note It is not possible to have both discontinuous mode and continuous mode
* enabled. In this case (If DISCEN and CONT are Set), the ADC behaves
* as if continuous mode was disabled
* @retval None
void ADC_DiscModeCmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the Discontinuous mode */
ADCx->CFGR1 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN;
/* Disable the Discontinuous mode */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_CFGR1_DISCEN);
* @brief Enable the Overrun mode for the selected ADC channels.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the Overrun mode.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_OverrunModeCmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the Overrun mode */
ADCx->CFGR1 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD;
/* Disable the Overrun mode */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_CFGR1_OVRMOD);
* @brief Active the Calibration operation for the selected ADC.
* @note The Calibration can be initiated only when ADC is still in the
* reset configuration (ADEN must be equal to 0).
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @retval ADC Calibration factor
uint32_t ADC_GetCalibrationFactor(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0, calibrationcounter = 0, calibrationstatus = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Set the ADC calibartion */
ADCx->CR |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR_ADCAL;
/* Wait until no ADC calibration is completed */
calibrationstatus = ADCx->CR & ADC_CR_ADCAL;
} while((calibrationcounter != CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT) && (calibrationstatus != 0x00));
if((uint32_t)(ADCx->CR & ADC_CR_ADCAL) == RESET)
/*Get the calibration factor from the ADC data register */
tmpreg = ADCx->DR;
/* Error factor */
tmpreg = 0x00000000;
return tmpreg;
* @brief Stop the on going conversions for the selected ADC.
* @note When ADSTP is set, any on going conversion is aborted, and the ADC
* data register is not updated with current conversion.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @retval None
void ADC_StopOfConversion(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx)
/* Check the parameters */
ADCx->CR |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR_ADSTP;
* @brief Start Conversion for the selected ADC channels.
* @note In continuous mode, ADSTART is not cleared by hardware with the
* assertion of EOSEQ because the sequence is automatic relaunched
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @retval None
void ADC_StartOfConversion(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx)
/* Check the parameters */
ADCx->CR |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR_ADSTART;
* @brief Returns the last ADCx conversion result data for ADC channel.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @retval The Data conversion value.
uint16_t ADC_GetConversionValue(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Return the selected ADC conversion value */
return (uint16_t) ADCx->DR;
* @}
* @brief Enables or disables the specified ADC DMA request.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the selected ADC DMA transfer.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_DMACmd(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the selected ADC DMA request */
ADCx->CFGR1 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN;
/* Disable the selected ADC DMA request */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_CFGR1_DMAEN);
* @brief Enables or disables the ADC DMA request after last transfer (Single-ADC mode)
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param ADC_DMARequestMode: the ADC channel to configure.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_DMAMode_OneShot: DMA One Shot Mode
* @arg ADC_DMAMode_Circular: DMA Circular Mode
* @retval None
void ADC_DMARequestModeConfig(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_DMARequestMode)
/* Check the parameters */
ADCx->CFGR1 &= (uint32_t)~ADC_CFGR1_DMACFG;
ADCx->CFGR1 |= (uint32_t)ADC_DMARequestMode;
* @}
* @brief Enables or disables the specified ADC interrupts.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC peripheral.
* @param ADC_IT: specifies the ADC interrupt sources to be enabled or disabled.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_IT_ADRDY: ADC ready interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOSMP: End of sampling interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOSEQ: End of sequence of conversion interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_OVR: overrun interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt
* @param NewState: new state of the specified ADC interrupts.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void ADC_ITConfig(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_IT, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the selected ADC interrupts */
/* Disable the selected ADC interrupts */
ADCx->IER &= (~(uint32_t)ADC_IT);
* @brief Checks whether the specified ADC flag is set or not.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param ADC_FLAG: specifies the flag to check.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_OVR: Overrun flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOSEQ: End of Sequence flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOC: End of conversion flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOSMP: End of sampling flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_ADRDY: ADC Ready flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_ADEN: ADC enable flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_ADDIS: ADC disable flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_ADSTART: ADC start flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_ADSTP: ADC stop flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_ADCAL: ADC Calibration flag
* @retval The new state of ADC_FLAG (SET or RESET).
FlagStatus ADC_GetFlagStatus(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_FLAG)
FlagStatus bitstatus = RESET;
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
if((uint32_t)(ADC_FLAG & 0x01000000))
tmpreg = ADCx->CR & 0xFEFFFFFF;
tmpreg = ADCx->ISR;
/* Check the status of the specified ADC flag */
if ((tmpreg & ADC_FLAG) != (uint32_t)RESET)
/* ADC_FLAG is set */
bitstatus = SET;
/* ADC_FLAG is reset */
bitstatus = RESET;
/* Return the ADC_FLAG status */
return bitstatus;
* @brief Clears the ADCx's pending flags.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param ADC_FLAG: specifies the flag to clear.
* This parameter can be any combination of the following values:
* @arg ADC_FLAG_AWD: Analog watchdog flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOC: End of conversion flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_ADRDY: ADC Ready flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOSMP: End of sampling flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_EOSEQ: End of Sequence flag
* @arg ADC_FLAG_OVR: Overrun flag
* @retval None
void ADC_ClearFlag(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_FLAG)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Clear the selected ADC flags */
ADCx->ISR = (uint32_t)ADC_FLAG;
* @brief Checks whether the specified ADC interrupt has occurred or not.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral
* @param ADC_IT: specifies the ADC interrupt source to check.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_IT_ADRDY: ADC ready interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOSMP: End of sampling interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOSEQ: End of sequence of conversion interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_OVR: overrun interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt
* @retval The new state of ADC_IT (SET or RESET).
ITStatus ADC_GetITStatus(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_IT)
ITStatus bitstatus = RESET;
uint32_t enablestatus = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Get the ADC_IT enable bit status */
enablestatus = (uint32_t)(ADCx->IER & ADC_IT);
/* Check the status of the specified ADC interrupt */
if (((uint32_t)(ADCx->ISR & ADC_IT) != (uint32_t)RESET) && (enablestatus != (uint32_t)RESET))
/* ADC_IT is set */
bitstatus = SET;
/* ADC_IT is reset */
bitstatus = RESET;
/* Return the ADC_IT status */
return bitstatus;
* @brief Clears the ADCx's interrupt pending bits.
* @param ADCx: where x can be 1 to select the ADC1 peripheral.
* @param ADC_IT: specifies the ADC interrupt pending bit to clear.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_IT_ADRDY: ADC ready interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOSMP: End of sampling interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOC: End of conversion interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_EOSEQ: End of sequence of conversion interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_OVR: overrun interrupt
* @arg ADC_IT_AWD: Analog watchdog interrupt
* @retval None
void ADC_ClearITPendingBit(ADC_TypeDef* ADCx, uint32_t ADC_IT)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Clear the selected ADC interrupt pending bits */
ADCx->ISR = (uint32_t)ADC_IT;
* @brief select the ADC VREF.
* @param ADC_Vrefsel: The sVREF value to be set for the ADC.
This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg ADC_Vrefsel_0_625V: VREF 0.625V selected
* @arg ADC_Vrefsel_1_5V: VREF 1.5V selected
* @arg ADC_Vrefsel_2_5V: VREF 2.5V selected
* @arg ADC_Vrefsel_VDDA: VREF VDDA selected
* @retval None
void ADC_VrefselConfig(uint32_t ADC_Vrefsel)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Read CR2 register */
tmpreg = ADC->CR2;
/* Clear the Vref Selection bits */
tmpreg &= ~((uint32_t)0x0000000E) ;
/* Set the ADC Vref register */
tmpreg |= (uint32_t)ADC_Vrefsel;
/* Configure the ADC Vref register */
ADC->CR2 = tmpreg;
* @brief Enable Reference voltage halved.
* @param NewState: new state of the reference voltage halved.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_VrefDecibCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the Discontinuous mode */
ADC->CR2 |= (uint32_t)ADC_CR2_VREF_DECIB;
/* Disable the Discontinuous mode */
ADC->CR2 &= (uint32_t)(~ADC_CR2_VREF_DECIB);
* @brief Sampling hold circuit sampling enable or disable.
* @param SmpEn:
* @param NewState: new state of SMP.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_IoshSmpCmd(uint32_t SmpEn, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
ADC->CR2 |= SmpEn;
ADC->CR2 &= ~SmpEn;
* @brief The hold enable bit of the sample-hold circuit.
* @param SmpEn:
* @param NewState: new state of AMP.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_IoshAmpCmd(uint32_t AmpEn, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
ADC->CR2 |= AmpEn;
ADC->CR2 &= ~AmpEn;
* @brief Input source selection.
* @param Ioshx:
* @arg ADC_CR2_IOSH1_SEL
* @arg ADC_CR2_IOSH2_SEL
* @param SmpSel:
* if Ioshx is ADC_CR2_IOSH1_SEL,the SmpSel can be
* if Ioshx is ADC_CR2_IOSH2_SEL,the SmpSel can be
* @note None
* @retval None
#if defined (FT32F072xB)
void ADC_IoshSmpSel(uint32_t Ioshx, uint32_t SmpSel)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Read CR2 register */
tmpreg = ADC->CR2;
if (Ioshx != ADC_CR2_IOSH1_SEL)
/* IOSH2 */
tmpreg &= ~ADC_CR2_IOSH2_SEL;
/* IOSH1 */
tmpreg &= ~ADC_CR2_IOSH1_SEL;
tmpreg |= SmpSel;
/* Config CR2 register */
ADC->CR2 = tmpreg;
* @brief The hold enable bit of the sample-hold circuit.
* @param SmpModBit:
* @param Mode:
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_IoshSmpMod(uint32_t SmpModBit, uint32_t Mode)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Read CR2 register */
tmpreg = ADC->CR2;
/* Hardware mode */
if (SmpModBit != ADC_CR2_IOSH1_SMPMOD)
/* IOSH2 */
/* IOSH1 */
/* Software mode */
if (SmpModBit != ADC_CR2_IOSH1_SMPMOD)
/* IOSH2 */
tmpreg &= ~ADC_CR2_IOSH2_AMPEN;
/* IOSH1 */
tmpreg &= ~ADC_CR2_IOSH1_AMPEN;
/* Config CR2 register */
ADC->CR2 = tmpreg;
* @brief External hardware trigger mode config.
* @param NewState: new state of .
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_ExtModeCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
* @brief Stop sampling configuration after triggering.
* @param NewState: new state of .
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_TrgdDisSmpCmd(FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
* @brief The delay time of The external hardware triggers.
* @param ExtDly: 0~1023.
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_ExtDlyConfig(uint32_t ExtDly)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Read ETCR register */
tmpreg = ADC1->ETCR;
/* Clear EXTDLY */
tmpreg &= ~ADC_ETCR_EXTDLY;
/* Config EXTDLY */
tmpreg |= ExtDly;
/* Config ETCR */
ADC1->ETCR = tmpreg;
* @brief Rising edge triggering config.
* @param Rtenx:This parameter can be :
* @param NewState: new state of .
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_RtenCmd(uint32_t Rtenx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
ADC1->RTENR |= Rtenx;
ADC1->RTENR &= ~Rtenx;
* @brief Falling edge triggering config.
* @param Ftenx:This parameter can be :
* @param NewState: new state of .
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @note None
* @retval None
void ADC_FtenCmd(uint32_t Ftenx, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
ADC1->FTENR |= Ftenx;
ADC1->FTENR &= ~Ftenx;
* @}
* @}
* @}
* @}
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