We tested 2 development boards, it all works, but due to the different LED pins of the two development boards, so we'll need to select the corresponding development board in the menuconfig.
- Under the ESP-IDF package directory, export IDF environment variables. This commands need to be run every time when the BSP is built in a new terminal.
- Select the below option with `SCons --menuconfig`
Hardware Drivers Config
[*] Use local ESP-IDF installation
And deselect ESP-IDF package
RT-Thread online packages
peripheral libraries and drivers
[ ] ESP-IDF: Espressif IoT Development Framework
- Any convenient method to install ESP-IDF can be used, such as [VSCode plugin](https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp-idf-extension/blob/master/docs/tutorial/install.md). Make sure to install the master version of ESP-IDF.
- Enter the local ESP-IDF directory and run the following commands
- If ESP-IDf is installed using Env, use `idf.py` to compile and upload the program. Refer to [Espressif official documents](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32c3/get-started/index.html#build-your-first-project) for reference. Otherwise follow the appropriate steps depending on how ESP-IDF was installed, such as using [VSCode plugin](https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp-idf-extension/blob/master/docs/tutorial/install.md).
- Once the project is successfully downloaded, the system runs automatically, the red LED will blink in 1s on cycles.