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; @(#)fpsymbol.h 1.4 90/10/14 20:55:59, Copyright 1989, 1990 AMD
; start of fpsymbol.h file
; Copyright 1989, 1990 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
; This software is the property of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc (AMD) which
; specifically grants the user the right to modify, use and distribute this
; software provided this notice is not removed or altered. All other rights
; are reserved by AMD.
; So that all may benefit from your experience, please report any problems
; or suggestions about this software to the 29K Technical Support Center at
; 800-29-29-AMD (800-292-9263) in the USA, or 0800-89-1131 in the UK, or
; 0031-11-1129 in Japan, toll free. The direct dial number is 512-462-4118.
; Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
; 29K Support Products
; Mail Stop 573
; 5900 E. Ben White Blvd.
; Austin, TX 78741
; 800-292-9263
; ______________________________________________________________________
;| |
;| |
; Revision Information:
; Date: March 31, 1989
; Author: Roy Carlson per Bob Perlman and Richard Relph
; The symbols section describing transactions was modified to contain
; several new symbol values. The reason for the change was to force the
; CA bit to be set--and remain set--once code accesses the coprocessor.
; Future operating systems will use the Coprocessor Active (CA) bit in
; the Old Processor Status Register to determine whether or not to save
; coprocessor state, etc.. This means that the instruction control field
; Set Coprocessor Active (SA) bit should be used as follows:
; (1) any coprocessor STORE must have its SA bit set to 1,
; so as to set CA,
; and (2) any coprocessor LOAD must have its SA bit set to 0,
; so as to prevent clearing CA.
; Date: 89/01/30 12:32:13; author: jim; lines added/del: 5/4
; Added CP_EXCPS_POSITION, the ls bit of the CP_XXX_EXCP ensemble.
; fixed a few typos in comments.
; Date: 89/01/23 18:00:26; author: jim; lines added/del: 488/468
; Richard O. Parker
; January 5, 1989
; 1) The _cp_prec_field in the "cp_build_inst", "cp_build_inst_h"
; and "cp_build_inst_l" macros was not being defined in the case
; of Am29K-supported floating-point instructions (e.g., FADD, FSUB,
; DADD, etc.).
; 2) The multiplexor select codes in the opcode table entries
; associated with the "cp_build_inst", "cp_build_inst_h" and
; "cp_build_inst_l" macros, pertaining to the CONVERT_F_TO_D
; and CONVERT_D_TO_F instructions were incorrect.
; Date: 88/12/20 14:28:26; author: jim; lines added/del: 1/1
; Larry Westerman corrected definition of CP_MOVE_P.
; Version required for Release 1.1 of the Intrinsics shipped 12/12/88.
; Date: 88/11/18 15:44:45; author: law;
; Initial revision
; The following mnemonics are used to specify the 14 LSBs of the
; instruction word (fields SIP, SIQ, SIT, SIF, IF, and CO).
; floating point operation codes.
.equ CP_PASS_P, 0x00000000 ; pass P
.equ CP_MINUSP, 0x00000040 ; -P
.equ CP_ABSP, 0x00000080 ; |P|
.equ CP_SIGNT_TIMES_ABSP, 0x00000C00 ; SIGN(T) * |P|
.equ CP_P_PLUS_T, 0x00000001 ; P + T
.equ CP_P_MINUS_T, 0x00000101 ; P - T
.equ CP_MINUSP_PLUS_T, 0x00001001 ; -P + T
.equ CP_MINUSP_MINUS_T, 0x00001101 ; -P - T
.equ CP_ABS_P_PLUS_T, 0x00000081 ; |P + T|
.equ CP_ABS_P_MINUS_T, 0x00000181 ; |P - T|
.equ CP_ABSP_PLUS_ABST, 0x00002201 ; |P| + |T|
.equ CP_ABSP_MINUS_ABST, 0x00002301 ; |P| - |T|
.equ CP_ABS_ABSP_MINUS_ABST, 0x00002381 ; ||P| - |T||
.equ CP_P_TIMES_Q, 0x00000002 ; P * Q
.equ CP_MINUSP_TIMES_Q, 0x00001002 ; -P * Q
.equ CP_ABS_P_TIMES_Q, 0x00000082 ; |P * Q|
.equ CP_COMPARE_P_AND_T, 0x00000103 ; compare P and T
.equ CP_MAX_P_AND_T, 0x00000104 ; max P,T
.equ CP_MAX_ABSP_AND_ABST, 0x00002304 ; max |P|, |T|
.equ CP_MIN_P_AND_T, 0x00001005 ; min P,T
.equ CP_MIN_ABSP_AND_ABST, 0x00003205 ; min |P|,|T|
.equ CP_LIMIT_P_TO_MAGT, 0x00003A05 ; limit P to magnitude of T
.equ CP_CONVERT_T_TO_INT, 0x00000006 ; convert T to integer
.equ CP_SCALE_T_TO_INT_BY_Q, 0x00000007 ; scale T to integer by Q
.equ CP_PQ_PLUS_T, 0x00000008 ; (P * Q) + T
.equ CP_MINUSPQ_PLUS_T, 0x00001008 ; (-P * Q) + T
.equ CP_PQ_MINUS_T, 0x00000108 ; (P * Q) - T
.equ CP_MINUSPQ_MINUS_T, 0x00001108 ; (-P * Q) - T
.equ CP_ABSPQ_PLUS_ABST, 0x00002A08 ; |(P * Q)| + T
.equ CP_MINUSABSPQ_PLUS_ABST, 0x00003A08 ;-|(P * Q)| + T
.equ CP_ABSPQ_MINUS_ABST, 0x00002B08 ; |(P * Q)| - |T|
.equ CP_ROUND_T_TO_INT, 0x00000009 ; round T to integral value
.equ CP_RECIPROCAL_OF_P, 0x0000000A ; reciprocal of P
.equ CP_CONVERT_T_TO_ALT, 0x0000000B ; convert T to alt. f.p. format
.equ CP_CONVERT_T_FROM_ALT, 0x0000000C ; convert T to alt. f.p. format
; integer operation codes.
.equ CP_I_PASS_P, 0x00000020 ; integer pass P
.equ CP_I_MINUSP, 0x00000060 ; integer -P
.equ CP_I_ABSP, 0x000000A0 ; integer |P|
.equ CP_I_SIGNT_TIMES_ABSP, 0x00000C20 ; integer SIGN(T) * |P|
.equ CP_I_P_PLUS_T, 0x00000021 ; integer P + T
.equ CP_I_P_MINUS_T, 0x00000121 ; integer P - T
.equ CP_I_MINUSP_PLUS_T, 0x00001021 ; integer -P + T
.equ CP_I_ABS_P_PLUS_T, 0x000000A1 ; integer |P + T|
.equ CP_I_ABS_P_MINUS_T, 0x000001A1 ; integer |P - T|
.equ CP_I_P_TIMES_Q, 0x00000022 ; integer P * Q
.equ CP_I_COMPARE_P_AND_T, 0x00000123 ; integer compare P and T
.equ CP_I_MAX_P_AND_T, 0x00000124 ; integer max P,T
.equ CP_I_MIN_P_AND_T, 0x00001025 ; integer min P,T
.equ CP_I_CONVERT_T_TO_FLOAT, 0x00000026 ; integer convert T to f.p.
.equ CP_I_SCALE_T_TO_FLOAT_BY_Q, 0x00000027 ; integer scale T to f.p. by Q
.equ CP_I_P_OR_T, 0x00000030 ; integer P OR T
.equ CP_I_P_AND_T, 0x00000031 ; integer P AND T
.equ CP_I_P_XOR_T, 0x00000032 ; integer P XOR T
.equ CP_I_NOT_T, 0x00000032 ; integer NOT T
.equ CP_I_LSHIFT_P_BY_Q, 0x00000033 ; integer logical shift P by Q
; places
.equ CP_I_ASHIFT_P_BY_Q, 0x00000034 ; integer arith. shift P by Q
; places
.equ CP_I_FSHIFT_PT_BY_Q, 0x00000035 ; integer funnel shift PT by Q
; places
; move instruction (f.p. or integer)
.equ CP_MOVE_P, 0x00000018 ; move operand P
; precision codes for the the operands in registers R and S, and for
; the result (instruction word fields IPR, RPR).
.equ CP_D_S, 0x00008000 ;Double result, single input(s)
.equ CP_S_D, 0x00004000 ;Single result, double input(s)
.equ CP_D_D, 0x00000000 ;Double result, double input(s)
.equ CP_S_S, 0x0000C000 ;Single result, single input(s)
; The following mnemonics are used to specify the 16 LSBs of an Am29027
; instruction word for floating-point instructions supported by the
; Am29000 instruction set.
.equ CP_FADD, 0x0000C001
.equ CP_DADD, 0x00000001
.equ CP_FSUB, 0x0000C101
.equ CP_DSUB, 0x00000101
.equ CP_FMUL, 0x0000C002
.equ CP_DMUL, 0x00000002
.equ CP_FEQ, 0x0000C103
.equ CP_DEQ, 0x00000103
.equ CP_FGE, 0x0000C103
.equ CP_DGE, 0x00000103
.equ CP_FGT, 0x0000C103
.equ CP_DGT, 0x00000103
.equ CP_CONVERT_I_TO_F, 0x0000C026 ; CONVERT (int -> s.p.)
.equ CP_CONVERT_I_TO_D, 0x00008026 ; CONVERT (int -> d.p.)
.equ CP_CONVERT_F_TO_I, 0x0000C006 ; CONVERT (s.p.-> int)
.equ CP_CONVERT_D_TO_I, 0x00004006 ; CONVERT (d.p.-> int)
.equ CP_CONVERT_F_TO_D, 0x00008000 ; CONVERT (s.p.-> d.p.)
.equ CP_CONVERT_D_TO_F, 0x00004000 ; CONVERT (d.p.-> s.p.)
; operand select codes (instruction word fields PMS, QMS, TMS).
.equ CP_P_EQ_R, 0x00000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_S, 0x01000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_0, 0x02000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_ONE_HALF, 0x03000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_IMINUS1, 0x03000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_1, 0x04000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_2, 0x05000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_3, 0x06000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_PI, 0x07000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_IMINUSMAX, 0x07000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_RF0, 0x08000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_RF1, 0x09000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_RF2, 0x0A000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_RF3, 0x0B000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_RF4, 0x0C000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_RF5, 0x0D000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_RF6, 0x0E000000
.equ CP_P_EQ_RF7, 0x0F000000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_R, 0x00000000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_S, 0x00100000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_0, 0x00200000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_ONE_HALF, 0x00300000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_IMINUS1, 0x00300000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_1, 0x00400000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_2, 0x00500000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_3, 0x00600000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_PI, 0x00700000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_IMINUSMAX, 0x00700000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_RF0, 0x00800000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_RF1, 0x00900000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_RF2, 0x00A00000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_RF3, 0x00B00000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_RF4, 0x00C00000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_RF5, 0x00D00000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_RF6, 0x00E00000
.equ CP_Q_EQ_RF7, 0x00F00000
.equ CP_T_EQ_R, 0x00000000
.equ CP_T_EQ_S, 0x00010000
.equ CP_T_EQ_0, 0x00020000
.equ CP_T_EQ_ONE_HALF, 0x00030000
.equ CP_T_EQ_IMINUS1, 0x00030000
.equ CP_T_EQ_1, 0x00040000
.equ CP_T_EQ_2, 0x00050000
.equ CP_T_EQ_3, 0x00060000
.equ CP_T_EQ_PI, 0x00070000
.equ CP_T_EQ_IMINUSMAX, 0x00070000
.equ CP_T_EQ_RF0, 0x00080000
.equ CP_T_EQ_RF1, 0x00090000
.equ CP_T_EQ_RF2, 0x000A0000
.equ CP_T_EQ_RF3, 0x000B0000
.equ CP_T_EQ_RF4, 0x000C0000
.equ CP_T_EQ_RF5, 0x000D0000
.equ CP_T_EQ_RF6, 0x000E0000
.equ CP_T_EQ_RF7, 0x000F0000
; destination select codes (instruction word fields RF, RFS)
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_GP, 0x00000000
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_RF0, 0x80000000
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_RF1, 0x90000000
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_RF2, 0xA0000000
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_RF3, 0xB0000000
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_RF4, 0xC0000000
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_RF5, 0xD0000000
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_RF6, 0xE0000000
.equ CP_DEST_EQ_RF7, 0xF0000000
; ______________________________________________________________________
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.equ CP_PFF_MASK, 0x00000003 ; primary f.p. format mask
.equ CP_PFF_EQ_IEEE, 0x00000000 ; primary f.p. format = IEEE
.equ CP_PFF_EQ_DECD, 0x00000001 ; primary f.p. format = DEC D
.equ CP_PFF_EQ_DECG, 0x00000002 ; primary f.p. format = DEC G
.equ CP_PFF_EQ_IBM, 0x00000003 ; primary f.p. format = IBM
.equ CP_AFF_MASK, 0x0000000C ; alternate f.p. format mask
.equ CP_AFF_EQ_IEEE, 0x00000000 ; alternate f.p. format = IEEE
.equ CP_AFF_EQ_DECD, 0x00000004 ; alternate f.p. format = DEC D
.equ CP_AFF_EQ_DECG, 0x00000008 ; alternate f.p. format = DEC G
.equ CP_AFF_EQ_IBM, 0x0000000C ; alternate f.p. format = IBM
.equ CP_SAT_MASK, 0x00000010 ; saturate mode (SAT) mask
.equ CP_SATURATE_MODE, 0x00000010 ; enable saturate mode (SAT=1)
.equ CP_AP_MASK, 0x00000020 ; affine/proj. mode (AP) mask
.equ CP_AFFINE_MODE, 0x00000020 ; enable affine mode (AP=1)
.equ CP_PROJECTIVE_MODE, 0x00000000 ; enable projective mode (AP=0)
.equ CP_TRP_MASK, 0x00000040 ; IEEE trap mode (TRP) mask
.equ CP_IEEE_TRAPS_ENABLED, 0x00000040 ; IEEE trap mode enabled (TRP=1)
.equ CP_IEEE_TRAPS_DISABLED, 0x00000000 ; IEEE trap mode disabled (TRP=0)
.equ CP_SU_MASK, 0x00000080 ; IEEE sud. uflow (SU) mask
.equ CP_IEEE_SUDDEN_UFLOW_MODE, 0x00000080 ; IEEE sud. uflow mode (SU=1)
.equ CP_IEEE_GRADUAL_UFLOW_MODE,0x00000000 ; IEEE grad uflow mode (SU=0)
.equ CP_BS_MASK, 0x00000100 ; IBM sig. mask (BS)
.equ CP_BU_MASK, 0x00000200 ; IBM underflow mask (BU)
.equ CP_MS_MASK, 0x00000800 ; signed int. mpy (MS) mask
.equ CP_SIGNED_INT_MPY_MODE, 0x00000800 ; signed int. mpy mode (MS=1)
.equ CP_UNSIGNED_INT_MPY_MODE, 0x00000000 ; unsigned int. mpy mode (MS=0)
.equ CP_MF_MASK, 0x00003000 ; int. mult. fmt. mode (MF) mask
.equ CP_MF_EQ_LSBS, 0x00000000 ; int. mult. fmt. = LSBs
.equ CP_MF_EQ_LSBSFA, 0x00001000 ; int. mult. fmt. = LSBs,fmt. adj.
.equ CP_MF_EQ_MSBS, 0x00002000 ; int. mult. fmt. = MSBs
.equ CP_MF_EQ_MSBSFA, 0x00003000 ; int. mult. fmt. = MSBs,fmt. adj.
.equ CP_RMS_MASK, 0x0001C000 ; round mode (RMS) mask
.equ CP_RMS_EQ_NEAREST, 0x00000000 ; round mode = to nearest
.equ CP_RMS_EQ_MINUS_INF, 0x00004000 ; round mode = toward -oo
.equ CP_RMS_EQ_PLUS_INF, 0x00008000 ; round mode = toward +oo
.equ CP_RMS_EQ_ZERO, 0x0000C000 ; round mode = toward zero
.equ CP_PL_MASK, 0x00100000 ; pipeline mode (PL) mask
.equ CP_FLOWTHROUGH_MODE, 0x00000000 ; select flow-through mode
.equ CP_PIPELINE_MODE, 0x00100000 ; select pipeline mode
.equ CP_INVALID_OP_EXCP_MASK, 0x00400000 ; invalid operation excp. mask(IM)
.equ CP_RESERVED_OP_EXCP_MASK,0x00800000 ; reserved operand excp. mask(RM)
.equ CP_OVERFLOW_EXCP_MASK, 0x01000000 ; overflow exception mask (VM)
.equ CP_UNDERFLOW_EXCP_MASK, 0x02000000 ; underflow exception mask(UM)
.equ CP_INEXACT_EXCP_MASK, 0x04000000 ; inexact result excp. mask(XM)
.equ CP_ZERO_EXCP_MASK, 0x08000000 ; zero result exception mask (ZM)
.equ CP_PLTC_MASK, 0x0000000F ; pipeline timer count (PLTC) mask
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_2, 0x00000002 ; pipeline timer count = 2
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_3, 0x00000003 ; pipeline timer count = 3
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_4, 0x00000004 ; pipeline timer count = 4
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_5, 0x00000005 ; pipeline timer count = 5
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_6, 0x00000006 ; pipeline timer count = 6
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_7, 0x00000007 ; pipeline timer count = 7
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_8, 0x00000008 ; pipeline timer count = 8
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_9, 0x00000009 ; pipeline timer count = 9
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_10, 0x0000000A ; pipeline timer count = 10
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_11, 0x0000000B ; pipeline timer count = 11
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_12, 0x0000000C ; pipeline timer count = 12
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_13, 0x0000000D ; pipeline timer count = 13
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_14, 0x0000000E ; pipeline timer count = 14
.equ CP_PLTC_EQ_15, 0x0000000F ; pipeline timer count = 15
.equ CP_MATC_MASK, 0x000000F0 ; mpy-acc timer count (MATC) mask
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_2, 0x00000020 ; mpy-acc timer count = 2
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_3, 0x00000030 ; mpy-acc timer count = 3
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_4, 0x00000040 ; mpy-acc timer count = 4
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_5, 0x00000050 ; mpy-acc timer count = 5
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_6, 0x00000060 ; mpy-acc timer count = 6
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_7, 0x00000070 ; mpy-acc timer count = 7
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_8, 0x00000080 ; mpy-acc timer count = 8
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_9, 0x00000090 ; mpy-acc timer count = 9
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_10, 0x000000A0 ; mpy-acc timer count = 10
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_11, 0x000000B0 ; mpy-acc timer count = 11
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_12, 0x000000C0 ; mpy-acc timer count = 12
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_13, 0x000000D0 ; mpy-acc timer count = 13
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_14, 0x000000E0 ; mpy-acc timer count = 14
.equ CP_MATC_EQ_15, 0x000000F0 ; mpy-acc timer count = 15
.equ CP_MVTC_MASK, 0x00000F00 ; MOVE P timer count (MVTC) mask
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_2, 0x00000200 ; MOVE P timer count = 2
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_3, 0x00000300 ; MOVE P timer count = 3
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_4, 0x00000400 ; MOVE P timer count = 4
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_5, 0x00000500 ; MOVE P timer count = 5
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_6, 0x00000600 ; MOVE P timer count = 6
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_7, 0x00000700 ; MOVE P timer count = 7
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_8, 0x00000800 ; MOVE P timer count = 8
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_9, 0x00000900 ; MOVE P timer count = 9
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_10, 0x00000A00 ; MOVE P timer count = 10
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_11, 0x00000B00 ; MOVE P timer count = 11
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_12, 0x00000C00 ; MOVE P timer count = 12
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_13, 0x00000D00 ; MOVE P timer count = 13
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_14, 0x00000E00 ; MOVE P timer count = 14
.equ CP_MVTC_EQ_15, 0x00000F00 ; MOVE P timer count = 15
.equ CP_AD_MASK, 0x00001000 ;
.equ CP_ADVANCE_DRDY_MODE, 0x00001000 ;
.equ CP_NORMAL_DRDY_MODE, 0x00000000 ;
.equ CP_HE_MASK, 0x00002000 ; Halt-on-error mask (HE)
.equ CP_HALT_ON_ERROR_ENABLED, 0x00002000 ; Halt-on-error enabled (HE=1)
.equ CP_HALT_ON_ERROR_DISABLED,0x00000000 ; Halt-on-error disabled (HE=0)
.equ CP_EX_MASK, 0x00004000 ; EXCP enable mask (EX)
.equ CP_EXCP_ENABLED, 0x00004000 ; EXCP enabled (EX=1)
.equ CP_EXCP_DISABLED, 0x00000000 ; EXCP disabled (EX=0)
; ______________________________________________________________________
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;| |
.equ CP_INVALID_OP_EXCP, 0x00000001
.equ CP_RESERVED_OP_EXCP, 0x00000002
.equ CP_OVERFLOW_EXCP, 0x00000004
.equ CP_UNDERFLOW_EXCP, 0x00000008
.equ CP_INEXACT_EXCP, 0x00000010
.equ CP_ZERO_EXCP, 0x00000020
.equ CP_EXCP_STATUS_MASK, 0x00000040
.equ CP_R_TEMP_VALID_MASK, 0x00000080
.equ CP_S_TEMP_VALID_MASK, 0x00000100
.equ CP_I_TEMP_VALID_FLAG, 0x00000200
; ______________________________________________________________________
;| |
;| |
.equ CP_INVALID_OP_FLAG, 0x00000001
.equ CP_CARRY_FLAG, 0x00000001
.equ CP_RESERVED_OP_FLAG, 0x00000002
.equ CP_OVERFLOW_FLAG, 0x00000004
.equ CP_UNORDERED_FLAG, 0x00000004
.equ CP_UNDERFLOW_FLAG, 0x00000008
.equ CP_LESS_THAN_FLAG, 0x00000008
.equ CP_WINNER_FLAG, 0x00000008
.equ CP_INEXACT_FLAG, 0x00000010
.equ CP_GREATER_THAN_FLAG, 0x00000010
.equ CP_ZERO_FLAG, 0x00000020
.equ CP_EQUAL_FLAG, 0x00000020
.equ CP_SIGN_FLAG, 0x00000040
; ______________________________________________________________________
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; write requests
; Note: Each WRITE_* transaction request, plus ADV_TEMPS sets the CA
; (Coprocessor Active) bit in the 29000 Current Processor Status Register.
.equ CP_WRITE_R, 0x20 ;write sing or doub to R register
.equ CP_WRITE_S, 0x21 ;write sing or doub to S register
.equ CP_WRITE_RS, 0x22 ;write sing operands to R and S
.equ CP_WRITE_MODE, 0x23 ;write mode double word to 29027
.equ CP_WRITE_STATUS, 0x24 ;write status word to 29027
.equ CP_WRITE_PREC, 0x25 ;write reg. file precision word
; to 29027
.equ CP_WRITE_INST, 0x26 ;write instruction to 29027
.equ CP_ADV_TEMPS, 0x27 ;move R-Temp, S-Temp into R,S
; read requests
.equ CP_READ_MSBS, 0x00 ;read sing result or MSB of doub
.equ CP_READ_LSBS, 0x01 ;read LSB of doub result
.equ CP_READ_FLAGS, 0x02 ;read 29027 flag register
.equ CP_READ_STATUS, 0x03 ;read 29027 status register
.equ CP_SAVE_STATE, 0x04 ;read one word of 29027 state
; "start operation" symbol; this is "OR"ed with a WRITE_R, WRITE_S,
; WRITE_RS, or WRITE_INST symbol.
.equ CP_START, 0b1000000 ;bit to start 29027 operation
; "suppress exceptions reporting" symbol; this is "OR"ed with a ed
.equ CP_NO_ERR, 0b1000000 ;suppress exception reporting
; ; during load.
; cp_write_r - transfers 32- or 64-bit operand to Am29027
; register R
; cp_write_s - transfers 32- or 64-bit operand to Am29027
; register S
; cp_write_rs - transfers two 32-bit floating-point operands to
; Am29027 registers R and S
; cp_write_prec - transfers a word to the Am29027 precision register
; cp_write_status - transfers a word to the Am29027 status register
; cp_write_inst - transfers an instruction to the Am29027
; instruction register
; cp_advance_temps - transfers the contents of the Am29027 temporary
; registers to the corresponding working registers
; cp_write_mode - transfers a mode specification the the Am29027
; mode register
; cp_read_dp - read a double-precision floating-point result
; from the Am29027
; cp_read_sp - read a single-precision floating-point result
; from the Am29027
; cp_read_int - read an integer result from the Am29027
; cp_read_flags - read the contents of the Am29027 flag register
; cp_read_status - read the contents of the Am29027 status register
; cp_read_state_wd - read a single Am29027 state word
; cp_save_state - save Am29027 state
; cp_restore_state - restore Am29027 state
; cp_build_inst - build an Am29027 instruction
; cp_build_inst_h - build 16 MSBs of an Am29027 instruction
; cp_build_inst_l - build 16 LSBs of an Am29027 instruction
; MACRO NAME: cp_write_r
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 16, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers a 32- or 64-bit operand to Am29027 input register R
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the 32-bit operand to be
; transferred, or the 32 MSBs of the 64-bit operand to be
; transferred.
; LSB_reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the 32 LSBs of the
; 64-bit operand to be transferred
; INT - indicates that the operand to be transferred is a 32-bit
; integer
; START - indicates that a new Am29027 operation is to be started
; once the operand has been transferred
; cp_write_r reg [,LSB_reg] [,START] for floating-point operands
; or cp_write_r reg, INT [,START] for integer operands
; Transferring double-precision floating-point operands - Either of
; two forms is acceptable:
; cp_write_r reg
; or cp_write_r reg, LSB_reg
; If LSB_reg is omitted, the LSBs are taken from the next g.p.
; register.
; Ex: cp_write_r lr2 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of Am29027
; register R, and the contents of lr3
; to the least-significant half.
; cp_write_r lr2,lr5 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of Am29027
; register R, and the contents of lr5
; to the least-significant half.
; Transferring single-precision floating-point operands - Use the
; form:
; cp_write_r reg
; Ex: cp_write_r lr2 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of Am29027
; register R, (the contents of lr3
; will be transferred to the least-
; significant half of register R, but
; these bits are don't cares).
; Transferring integer operands - Use the form:
; cp_write_r reg,INT
; Ex: cp_write_r lr2,INT Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the least-significant half of Am29027
; register R, (the contents of lr2
; will also be transferred to the most-
; significant half of register R, but
; these bits are don't cares).
; Starting an Am29027 operation - Any of the forms above may be
; appended with parameter START, e.g.:
; cp_write_r lr2,START
; cp_write_r lr2,lr5,START
; cp_write_r lr2,INT,START
.macro cp_write_r,p1,p2,p3
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_WRITE_R: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
store 1,CP_WRITE_R,p1,%%((&p1)+1)
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","INT"
store 1,CP_WRITE_R,p1,p1
.ifeqs "@p2@","START"
store 1,CP_WRITE_R|CP_START,p1,%%((&p1)+1)
store 1,CP_WRITE_R,p1,p2
.if $narg==3
.ifeqs "@p2@","START"
.ifeqs "@p3@","INT"
store 1,CP_WRITE_R|CP_START,p1,p1
.print "cp_write_r: bad parameter list"
.ifeqs "@p2@","INT"
.ifeqs "@p3@","START"
store 1,CP_WRITE_R|CP_START,p1,p1
.print "cp_write_r: bad parameter list"
.ifeqs "@p3@","START"
store 1,CP_WRITE_R|CP_START,p1,p2
.print "cp_write_r: bad parameter list"
.if $narg>=4
.print "cp_write_r: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_write_s
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 16, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers a 32- or 64-bit operand to Am29027 input register S
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the 32-bit operand to be
; transferred, or the 32 MSBs of the 64-bit operand to be
; transferred.
; LSB_reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the 32 LSBs of the
; 64-bit operand to be transferred
; INT - indicates that the operand to be transferred is a 32-bit
; integer
; START - indicates that a new Am29027 operation is to be started
; once the operand has been transferred
; cp_write_s reg [,LSB_reg] [,START] for floating-point operands
; or cp_write_s reg, INT [,START] for integer operands
; Transferring double-precision floating-point operands - Either of
; two forms is acceptable:
; cp_write_s reg
; or cp_write_s reg, LSB_reg
; If LSB_reg is omitted, the LSBs are taken from the next g.p.
; register.
; Ex: cp_write_s lr2 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of Am29027
; register S, and the contents of lr3
; to the least-significant half.
; cp_write_s lr2,lr5 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of Am29027
; register S, and the contents of lr5
; to the least-significant half.
; Transferring single-precision floating-point operands - Use the
; form:
; cp_write_s reg
; Ex: cp_write_s lr2 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of Am29027
; register S, (the contents of lr3
; will be transferred to the least-
; significant half of register S, but
; these bits are don't cares).
; Transferring integer operands - Use the form:
; cp_write_s reg,INT
; Ex: cp_write_s lr2,INT Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the least-significant half of Am29027
; register S, (the contents of lr2
; will also be transferred to the most-
; significant half of register S, but
; these bits are don't cares).
; Starting an Am29027 operation - Any of the forms above may be
; appended with parameter START, e.g.:
; cp_write_s lr2,START
; cp_write_s lr2,lr5,START
; cp_write_s lr2,INT,START
.macro cp_write_s,p1,p2,p3
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_write_s: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
store 1,CP_WRITE_S,p1,%%((&p1)+1)
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","INT"
store 1,CP_WRITE_S,p1,p1
.ifeqs "@p2@","START"
store 1,CP_WRITE_S|CP_START,p1,%%((&p1)+1)
store 1,CP_WRITE_S,p1,p2
.if $narg==3
.ifeqs "@p2@","START"
.ifeqs "@p3@","INT"
store 1,CP_WRITE_S|CP_START,p1,p1
.print "cp_write_s: bad parameter list"
.ifeqs "@p2@","INT"
.ifeqs "@p3@","START"
store 1,CP_WRITE_S|CP_START,p1,p1
.print "cp_write_s: bad parameter list"
.ifeqs "@p3@","START"
store 1,CP_WRITE_S|CP_START,p1,p2
.print "cp_write_s: bad parameter list"
.if $narg>=4
.print "cp_write_s: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_write_rs
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 16, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers two 32-bit floating-point operands to Am29027
; input registers R and S
; reg1 - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the 32-bit operand to be
; transferred to register R
; reg2 - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the 32-bit operand to be
; transferred to register S
; START - indicates that a new Am29027 operation is to be started
; once the operands have been transferred
; cp_write_rs reg1, reg2 [,START]
; Ex: cp_write_rs lr2,lr5 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of Am29027
; register R, and the contents of lr5
; to the most-significant half of Am29027
; register S.
; cp_write_rs lr2,lr5,START Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of Am29027
; register R, and the contents of lr5
; to the most-significant half of Am29027
; register S; a new operation is started
; once the transfer is complete.
.macro cp_write_rs,p1,p2,p3
.if $narg<=1
.print "cp_write_rs: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","START"
.print "cp_write_rs: bad parameter list"
store 1,CP_WRITE_RS,p1,p2
.if $narg==3
.ifeqs "@p3@","START"
store 1,CP_WRITE_RS|CP_START,p1,p2
.print "cp_write_rs: bad parameter list"
.if $narg>=4
.print "cp_write_rs: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_write_prec
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 16, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers a word to the Am29027 precision register
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the word to be
; transferred to the Am29027 precision register
; cp_write_prec reg
; Ex: cp_write_prec lr2 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the Am29027 precision register.
.macro cp_write_prec,p1
.if $narg!=1
.print "cp_write_prec: bad parameter list"
store 1,CP_WRITE_PREC,p1,0
; MACRO NAME: cp_write_status
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 16, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers a word to the Am29027 precision register
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the word to be
; transferred to the Am29027 status register
; RESTORE - indicates that this is the last step of a state restoration
; sequence (flow-through mode only)
; INVALIDATE - indicates that the current contents of the ALU pipeline
; register are to be invalidated (pipeline mode only)
; cp_write_status reg [,RESTORE|INVALIDATE]
; Ex: cp_write_status lr2 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the Am29027 status register.
; cp_write_status lr2,RESTORE Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the Am29027 status register, and
; completes the state restore
; sequence
; cp_write_status lr2,INVALIDATE Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the Am29027 status register, and
; invalidates the contents of the
; ALU pipeline.
.macro cp_write_status,p1,p2
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_write_status: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
store 1,CP_WRITE_STATUS,p1,0
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","RESTORE"
.ifeqs "@p2@","INVALIDATE"
.print "cp_write_status: bad parameter list"
.if $narg >=3
.print "cp_write_status: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_write_inst
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 16, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers an instruction word to the Am29027 instruction
; register
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the word to be
; transferred to the Am29027 instruction register
; START - indicates that a new Am29027 operation is to be started
; once the instruction word has been transferred
; cp_write_inst reg [,START]
; Ex: cp_write_inst lr2 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the Am29027 instruction register.
; cp_write_inst lr2,START Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the Am29027 status register; a
; new operation is started once the
; transfer is complete.
.macro cp_write_inst,p1,p2
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_write_inst: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
store 1,CP_WRITE_INST,p1,p1
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","START"
store 1,CP_WRITE_INST|CP_START,p1,p1
.print "cp_write_inst: bad parameter list"
.if $narg >=3
.print "cp_write_inst: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_advance_temps
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 17, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers the contents of Am29027 registers R-Temp, S-Temp,
; and I-Temp to register R, register S, and the instruction
; register, respectively.
; cp_advance_temps
.macro cp_advance_temps
.if $narg!=0
.print "cp_advance_temp: takes no parameters"
store 1,CP_ADV_TEMPS,gr1,0 ; use gr1 because it's never protected
; MACRO NAME: cp_write_mode
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 17, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers a 64-bit mode specification to the Am29027 mode
; register
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the 32 MSBs of the
; 64-bit mode specification to be transferred.
; LSB_reg - the Am29000 g.p. register containing the 32 LSBs of the
; 64-bit mode specification to be transferred.
; cp_write_mode reg [,LSB_reg]
; Either of two forms is acceptable:
; cp_write_mode reg
; or cp_write_mode reg, LSB_reg
; If LSB_reg is omitted, the LSBs are taken from the next g.p.
; register.
; Ex: cp_write_mode lr2 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of the Am29027
; mode register, and the contents of lr3
; to the least-significant half.
; cp_write_mode lr2,lr5 Transfers the contents of lr2 to
; the most-significant half of the Am29027
; mode register, and the contents of lr5
; to the least-significant half.
.macro cp_write_mode,p1,p2
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_write_mode: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
store 1,CP_WRITE_MODE,%%((&p1)+1),p1
.if $narg==2
store 1,CP_WRITE_MODE,p2,p1
.if $narg>=3
.print "cp_write_mode: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_read_dp
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 17, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers the current Am29027 double-precison floating-point
; result to the Am29000
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the 32 MSBs of the
; current Am29027 result are to be written.
; LSB_reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the 32 LSBs of the
; current Am29027 result are to be written.
; NO_ERR - indicates that exception reporting is to be suppressed for this
; transfer.
; cp_read_dp reg [,LSB_reg] [,START]
; Either of two forms is acceptable:
; cp_read_dp reg
; or cp_read_dp reg, LSB_reg
; If LSB_reg is omitted, the LSBs are written to the next g.p. register.
; Ex: cp_read_dp lr2 Transfers the 32 MSBs of the current
; Am29027 result to lr2, and the 32 LSBs
; to lr3.
; cp_read_dp lr2,lr5 Transfers the 32 MSBs of the current
; Am29027 result to lr2, and the 32 LSBs
; to lr5.
; Exception reporting can be suppressed by appending NO_ERR to either
; of the above, e.g.:
; cp_read_dp lr2,NO_ERR
; cp_read_dp lr2,lr5,NO_ERR
.macro cp_read_dp,p1,p2,p3
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_read_dp: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
load 1,CP_READ_LSBS,%%((&p1)+1),0
load 1,CP_READ_MSBS,p1,0
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","NO_ERR"
load 1,CP_READ_LSBS|CP_NO_ERR,%%((&p1)+1),0
load 1,CP_READ_MSBS|CP_NO_ERR,p1,0
load 1,CP_READ_LSBS,p2,0
load 1,CP_READ_MSBS,p1,0
.if $narg==3
.ifeqs "@p3@","NO_ERR"
load 1,CP_READ_LSBS|CP_NO_ERR,p2,0
load 1,CP_READ_MSBS|CP_NO_ERR,p1,0
.print "cp_read_dp: bad parameter list"
.if $narg>=4
.print "cp_read_dp: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_read_sp
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 17, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers the current Am29027 single-precison floating-point
; result to the Am29000
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the current Am29027
; result is to be written.
; NO_ERR - indicates that exception reporting is to be suppressed for this
; transfer.
; cp_read_sp reg [,START]
; Ex: cp_read_sp lr2 Transfers the current Am29027 result
; to lr2.
; cp_read_sp lr2,NO_ERR Transfers the current Am29027 result
; to lr2, and suppresses exception
; reporting for this transfer.
.macro cp_read_sp,p1,p2
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_read_sp: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
load 1,CP_READ_MSBS,p1,0
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","NO_ERR"
load 1,CP_READ_MSBS|CP_NO_ERR,p1,0
.print "cp_read_sp: bad parameter list"
.if $narg>=3
.print "cp_read_sp: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_read_int
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 17, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers the current Am29027 integer result to the Am29000
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the current Am29027
; result is to be written.
; NO_ERR - indicates that exception reporting is to be suppressed for this
; transfer.
; cp_read_int reg [,START]
; Ex: cp_read_int lr2 Transfers the current Am29027 result
; to lr2.
; cp_read_int lr2,NO_ERR Transfers the current Am29027 result
; to lr2, and suppresses exception
; reporting for this transfer.
.macro cp_read_int,p1,p2
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_read_int: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
load 1,CP_READ_LSBS,p1,0
nop ; leave a cycle for the MSBs to come out
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","NO_ERR"
load 1,CP_READ_LSBS|CP_NO_ERR,p1,0
nop ; leave a cycle for the MSBs to come out
.print "cp_read_int: bad parameter list"
.if $narg>=3
.print "cp_read_int: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_read_flags
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 17, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers the contents of the Am29027 flag register
; to the Am29000
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the current Am29027
; flag register contents are to be written.
; NO_ERR - indicates that exception reporting is to be suppressed for this
; transfer.
; cp_read_flags reg [,START]
; Ex: cp_read_flags lr2 Transfers the Am29027 flag register
; contents to lr2.
; cp_read_flags lr2,NO_ERR Transfers the Am29027 flag register
; contents to lr2, and suppresses
; exception reporting for this
; transfer.
.macro cp_read_flags,p1,p2
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_read_flags: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
load 1,CP_READ_FLAGS,p1,0
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","NO_ERR"
.print "cp_read_flags: bad parameter list"
.if $narg>=3
.print "cp_read_flags: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_read_status
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 18, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers the contents of the Am29027 status register
; to the Am29000
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the current Am29027
; status register contents are to be written.
; NO_ERR - indicates that exception reporting is to be suppressed for this
; transfer.
; cp_read_status reg [,START]
; Ex: cp_read_status lr2 Transfers the Am29027 status register
; contents to lr2.
; cp_read_status lr2,NO_ERR Transfers the Am29027 status register
; contents to lr2, and suppresses
; exception reporting for this
; transfer.
.macro cp_read_status,p1,p2
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_read_status: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==1
load 1,CP_READ_STATUS,p1,0
.if $narg==2
.ifeqs "@p2@","NO_ERR"
.print "cp_read_status: bad parameter list"
.if $narg>=3
.print "cp_read_status: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_read_state_wd
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 18, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers the next Am29027 state word to the Am29000
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the next Am29027
; state word contents are to be written.
; cp_read_state_wd reg
; Ex: cp_read_state_wd lr2 Transfers the next Am29027 state word
; to lr2.
.macro cp_read_state_wd,p1
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_read_state_wd: missing parameter"
.if $narg==1
load 1,CP_SAVE_STATE,p1,0
.if $narg>=2
.print "cp_read_state_wd: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_save_state
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 18, 1988
; FUNCTION: Transfers the current Am29027 state to the Am29000
; reg - the first of 30 Am29000 g.p. registers in which Am29027 state
; is saved.
; cp_save_state reg
; This macro transfers the current Am29027 state to a block of 30 Am29000
; registers. State is stored in the following order:
; reg instruction register
; reg+1 I-Temp
; reg+2 R MSBs
; reg+3 R LSBs
; reg+4 S MSBs
; reg+5 S LSBs
; reg+6 R-Temp MSBs
; reg+7 R-Temp LSBs
; reg+8 S-Temp MSBs
; reg+9 S-Temp LSBs
; reg+10 status
; reg+11 precision
; reg+12 RF0 MSBs
; reg+13 RF0 LSBs
; . .
; . .
; . .
; reg+26 RF7 MSBs
; reg+27 RF7 LSBs
; reg+28 mode MSBs
; reg+29 mode LSBs
; Ex: cp_save_state lr2 Transfers the current Am29027 state to
; the Am29000, starting at lr2.
; 1) This macro stores all 64-bit quantities in "big-endian" order,
; i.e. MSBs first. For example, the 32 MSBs of register R are
; stored in reg+2, and the 32 LSBs are stored in reg+3. The Am29027
; transfers these quantites in "little-endian" order; the macro
; is responsible for swapping MS and LS words.
.macro cp_save_state,p1
.if $narg==0
.print "cp_save_state: missing parameter"
.if $narg==1
cp_read_sp p1,NO_ERR
;guarantee that we're at beginning of
; save state sequence
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 0) ; instruction
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 1) ; I-Temp
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 3) ; R MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 2) ; R LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 5) ; S MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 4) ; S LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 7) ; R-Temp MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 6) ; R-Temp LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 9) ; S-Temp MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+ 8) ; S-Temp LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+10) ; status
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+11) ; precision
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+13) ; RF0 MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+12) ; RF0 LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+15) ; RF1 MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+14) ; RF1 LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+17) ; RF2 MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+16) ; RF2 LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+19) ; RF3 MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+18) ; RF3 LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+21) ; RF4 MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+20) ; RF4 LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+23) ; RF5 MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+22) ; RF5 LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+25) ; RF6 MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+24) ; RF6 LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+27) ; RF7 MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+26) ; RF7 LSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+29) ; mode MSBs
cp_read_state_wd %%((&p1)+28) ; mode LSBs
.if $narg>=2
.print "cp_save_state: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_restore_state
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 18, 1988
; FUNCTION: Restores Am29027 state
; reg - the first of 30 Am29000 g.p. registers containing Am29027
; state.
; temp - a scratch register used by cp_restore_state
; cp_restore_state reg,temp
; This macro restores Am29027 state by transferring 30 words to the
; Am29027; these words are taken from a block of Am29000 g.p. registers
; starting at "reg." The words are assumed to be stored in the following
; order:
; reg instruction register
; reg+1 I-Temp
; reg+2 R MSBs
; reg+3 R LSBs
; reg+4 S MSBs
; reg+5 S LSBs
; reg+6 R-Temp MSBs
; reg+7 R-Temp LSBs
; reg+8 S-Temp MSBs
; reg+9 S-Temp LSBs
; reg+10 status
; reg+11 precision
; reg+12 RF0 MSBs
; reg+13 RF0 LSBs
; . .
; . .
; . .
; reg+26 RF7 MSBs
; reg+27 RF7 LSBs
; reg+28 mode MSBs
; reg+29 mode LSBs
; Ex: cp_restore_state lr2,gr70 Restores Am29027 state by
; transferring a block of 30 words
; that begins at lr2. Register gr70
; is used as scratch storage by this
; macro.
.macro cp_restore_state,p1,p2
.if $narg<=1
.print "cp_restore_state: missing parameter(s)"
.if $narg==2
const p2,0 ;clear the status register
cp_write_status p2
cp_write_mode %%((&p1)+28) ;restore the mode register
const p2,0x80000018 ; restore RF0
consth p2,0x80000018
cp_write_inst p2
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+12),START
consth p2,0x90000018 ; restore RF1
cp_write_inst p2
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+14),START
consth p2,0xA0000018 ; restore RF2
cp_write_inst p2
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+16),START
consth p2,0xB0000018 ; restore RF3
cp_write_inst p2
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+18),START
consth p2,0xC0000018 ; restore RF4
cp_write_inst p2
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+20),START
consth p2,0xD0000018 ; restore RF5
cp_write_inst p2
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+22),START
consth p2,0xE0000018 ; restore RF6
cp_write_inst p2
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+24),START
consth p2,0xF0000018 ; restore RF7
cp_write_inst p2
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+26),START
cp_read_sp p2 ; do a dummy read, to guarantee that
; the last operation is complete
cp_write_prec %%((&p1)+11) ; restore precision
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+2) ; restore R
cp_write_s %%((&p1)+4) ; restore S
cp_write_inst %%((&p1)+0) ; restore instruction
cp_advance_temps ; move R,S, and inst. to working registers
cp_write_r %%((&p1)+6) ; restore R-Temp
cp_write_s %%((&p1)+8) ; restore S-Temp
cp_write_inst %%((&p1)+1) ; restore I-Temp
; restore the status register, retime last operation
cp_write_status %%((&p1)+10),RESTORE
.if $narg>=3
.print "cp_restore_state: too many parameters"
; MACRO NAME: cp_build_inst
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 24, 1988
; : January 4, 1989 Rich Parker
; FUNCTION: Builds a 32-bit Am29027 instruction in an Am29000 g.p.
; register.
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the instruction word
; is to be written
; op_code - mnemonic specifying the operation to be performed
; (e.g. FADD, P_TIMES_Q)
; precision - precision specification for destination, source operands:
; D_S - double-prec. result, single-prec. input(s)
; D_D - double-prec. result, double-prec. input(s)
; S_S - single-prec. result, single-prec. input(s)
; S_D - single-prec. result, double-prec. input(s)
; dest - destination for the operation result:
; RF0 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF0
; RF1 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF1
; RF2 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF2
; RF3 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF3
; RF4 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF4
; RF5 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF5
; RF6 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF6
; RF7 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF7
; GP - result is to be stored in an Am29000 g.p. register
; with a read_dp, read_sp, or read_int macro.
; source1,
; source2,
; source3 - source operand specifications:
; R - take source from Am29027 register R
; S - take source from Am29027 register S
; RF0 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF0
; RF1 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF1
; RF2 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF2
; RF3 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF3
; RF4 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF4
; RF5 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF5
; RF6 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF6
; RF7 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF7
; 0 - source is 0
; ONE_HALF - source is constant .5 (f.p. operations only)
; IMINUS1 - source is constant -1 (integer operations only)
; 1 - source is constant 1
; 2 - source is constant 2
; 3 - source is constant 3
; PI - source is constant pi (f.p. operations only)
; IMINUSMAX - source is -(2**63) (integer operations only)
; cp_build_inst reg,op_code,[precision,]dest,source1[,source2][,source3]
; Op-codes fall into two categories: those that correspond to Am29000
; floating-point op-codes, and for which the precision is implicit (e.g.
; FADD, DMUL); and those that correspond to Am29027 base operations
; (e.g. P_PLUS_T, P_TIMES_Q), and which require an explicit precision
; specification.
; Every operation specified must have a destination; if the operation
; does not write a result to the Am29027 register file, destination GP
; must be specified. The number of source operands specified must agree
; with the number of source operands required by the operation specified.
; Ex:
; cp_build_inst lr2,FADD,RF7,R,S
; Builds an instruction word to
; perform the operation:
; RF7 <- R + S
; where R, S, and RF7 are single-
; precision f.p. operands. The
; instruction word is placed in lr2.
; cp_build_inst gr119,DMUL,GP,R,ONE_HALF
; Builds an instruction word to
; perform the operation:
; R * .5
; where R, .5, and the result
; are double-precision f.p. operands.
; The result is not written to the
; Am29027 register file. The
; instruction word is written to
; gr119.
; cp_build_inst lr3,MIN_P_AND_T,S_D,RF7,R,S
; Builds an instruction word to
; perform the operation:
; RF7 <- smaller of(R,S)
; where R and S are double-precision
; f.p. operands, and RF7 is a single-
; precison f.p. operand. The
; instruction word is written to
; lr3.
; cp_build_inst gr97,I_P_TIMES_Q,S_S,GP,R,2
; Builds an instruction word to
; perform the operation:
; R * 2
; where R, .5, and the result
; are single-precision integer operands.
; The result is not written to the
; Am29027 register file. The
; instruction word is written to
; gr97
; cp_build_inst lr7,ABS_P,D_D,RF6,S
; Builds an instruction word to
; perform the operation:
; RF6 <- |S|
; where S and RF7 are double-precision
; f.p. operands. The instruction
; word is written to gr7.
; cp_build_inst gr127,PQ_PLUS_T,D_D,RF6,R,S,RF6
; Builds an instruction word to
; perform the operation:
; RF6 <- (R * S) + RF6
; where R, S and the result are
; double-precision f.p. operands.
; The instruction word is written
; to gr127.
.macro cp_build_inst,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7
.if $narg<=3
.print "cp_build_inst: missing parameter(s)"
; classify operation type
.set _cp_op_type,255
_cp_set_op_params p2,FADD,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DADD,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FSUB,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DSUB,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FMUL,1,5,4,5,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,DMUL,1,5,4,5,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,FEQ,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DEQ,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FGE,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DGE,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FGT,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DGT,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_I_TO_F,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_I_TO_D,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_F_TO_I,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_D_TO_I,1,4,0,0,4
; The next two lines were corrected on 1-4-89, Rich Parker
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_F_TO_D,1,4,4,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_D_TO_F,1,4,4,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,PASS_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,SIGNT_TIMES_ABSP,0,6,6,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP_PLUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP_MINUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_ABSP_MINUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,COMPARE_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MAX_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MAX_ABSP_AND_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MIN_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MIN_ABSP_AND_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,LIMIT_P_TO_MAGT,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_TO_INT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,SCALE_T_TO_INT_BY_Q,0,6,0,6,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,PQ_PLUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSPQ_PLUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,PQ_MINUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSPQ_MINUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSPQ_PLUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSABSPQ_PLUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSPQ_MINUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ROUND_T_TO_INT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,RECIPROCAL_OF_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_TO_ALT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_FROM_ALT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_PASS_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MINUSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_SIGNT_TIMES_ABSP,0,6,6,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MINUSP_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABS_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABS_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_COMPARE_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MAX_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MIN_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_CONVERT_T_TO_FLOAT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_SCALE_T_TO_FLOAT_BY_Q,0,6,0,6,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_OR_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_XOR_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_NOT_T,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_LSHIFT_P_BY_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ASHIFT_P_BY_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_FSHIFT_PT_BY_Q,0,7,5,7,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MOVE_P,0,5,5,0,0
; if we couldn't find the op_code, flag an error
.if _cp_op_type>=2
.print "cp_build_inst: invalid Am29027 instruction mnemonic"
; if number of parameters is incorrect, flag error
.if $narg!=_cp_no_params
.print "cp_build_inst: incorrect number of parameters"
; find correct value for precision field, if appropriate
.set _cp_prec_field,0 ; ** CORRECTION (1/4/89 ROP)
.if _cp_op_type==0 ; need to look for precision
.set _cp_found_precision,0
.ifeqs "@p3@","D_D"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","D_S"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","S_D"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","S_S"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.if _cp_found_precision==0
.print "cp_build_inst: missing precision field"
; find value for destination field
.if _cp_op_type==0
.set _cp_dest_field_val,CP_DEST_EQ_@p4
.set _cp_dest_field_val,CP_DEST_EQ_@p3
; find correct value for p select field
.if _cp_p_paramno==0
.set _cp_p_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_p_paramno==4
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_p_paramno==5
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_p_paramno==6
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_p_paramno==7
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p7
.ifeqs "@p2@","I_NOT_T"
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_IMINUS1
; find correct value for q select field
.if _cp_q_paramno==0
.set _cp_q_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_q_paramno==4
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_q_paramno==5
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_q_paramno==6
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_q_paramno==7
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p7
; find correct value for t select field
.if _cp_t_paramno==0
.set _cp_t_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_t_paramno==4
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_t_paramno==5
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_t_paramno==6
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_t_paramno==7
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p7
.set _cp_inst_word,CP_@p2@|_cp_prec_field|_cp_dest_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_p_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_q_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_t_field_val
const p1,_cp_inst_word
consth p1,_cp_inst_word
.macro _cp_set_op_params,par1,par2,par3,par4,par5,par6,par7
.ifeqs "@par1@","@par2@"
.set _cp_op_type,par3
.set _cp_no_params,par4
.set _cp_p_paramno,par5
.set _cp_q_paramno,par6
.set _cp_t_paramno,par7
; MACRO NAME: cp_build_inst_h
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 24, 1988
; : January 4, 1989 Rich Parker
; FUNCTION: Builds a 16 MSBs of a 32-bit Am29027 instruction in an
; Am29000 g.p. register.
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the instruction word
; is to be written
; op_code - mnemonic specifying the operation to be performed
; (e.g. FADD, P_TIMES_Q)
; precision - precision specification for destination, source operands:
; D_S - double-prec. result, single-prec. input(s)
; D_D - double-prec. result, double-prec. input(s)
; S_S - single-prec. result, single-prec. input(s)
; S_D - single-prec. result, double-prec. input(s)
; dest - destination for the operation result:
; RF0 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF0
; RF1 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF1
; RF2 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF2
; RF3 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF3
; RF4 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF4
; RF5 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF5
; RF6 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF6
; RF7 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF7
; GP - result is to be stored in an Am29000 g.p. register
; with a read_dp, read_sp, or read_int macro.
; source1,
; source2,
; source3 - source operand specifications:
; R - take source from Am29027 register R
; S - take source from Am29027 register S
; RF0 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF0
; RF1 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF1
; RF2 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF2
; RF3 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF3
; RF4 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF4
; RF5 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF5
; RF6 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF6
; RF7 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF7
; 0 - source is 0
; ONE_HALF - source is constant .5 (f.p. operations only)
; IMINUS1 - source is constant -1 (integer operations only)
; 1 - source is constant 1
; 2 - source is constant 2
; 3 - source is constant 3
; PI - source is constant pi (f.p. operations only)
; IMINUSMAX - source is -(2**63) (integer operations only)
; cp_build_inst_h reg,op_code,[precision,]dest,source1[,source2][,source3]
; This macro is similar to cp_build_inst, but creates only the 16 MSBs
; of the 32-bit Am29027 instruction word. This macro is useful in cases
; where the 16 LSBs of instruction word, which specify the operation
; to be performed, already exist in an Am29000 g.p. register, but where
; the 16 MSBs, which specify operand sources and destination, must be
; changed. In such cases, one Am29000 instruction can be saved by using
; cp_build_inst_h instead of cp_build_inst.
; Syntax and usage are identical to that of cp_build_inst.
; NOTE: This macro references macro _cp_set_op_params, which appears
; in the assembly listing for macro _cp_build_inst.
.macro cp_build_inst_h,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7
.if $narg<=3
.print "cp_build_inst_h: missing parameter(s)"
; classify operation type
.set _cp_op_type,255
_cp_set_op_params p2,FADD,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DADD,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FSUB,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DSUB,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FMUL,1,5,4,5,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,DMUL,1,5,4,5,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,FEQ,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DEQ,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FGE,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DGE,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FGT,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DGT,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_I_TO_F,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_I_TO_D,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_F_TO_I,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_D_TO_I,1,4,0,0,4
; The next two lines were corrected on 1-4-89, Rich Parker
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_F_TO_D,1,4,4,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_D_TO_F,1,4,4,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,PASS_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,SIGNT_TIMES_ABSP,0,6,6,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP_PLUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP_MINUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_ABSP_MINUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,COMPARE_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MAX_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MAX_ABSP_AND_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MIN_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MIN_ABSP_AND_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,LIMIT_P_TO_MAGT,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_TO_INT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,SCALE_T_TO_INT_BY_Q,0,6,0,6,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,PQ_PLUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSPQ_PLUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,PQ_MINUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSPQ_MINUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSPQ_PLUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSABSPQ_PLUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSPQ_MINUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ROUND_T_TO_INT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,RECIPROCAL_OF_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_TO_ALT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_FROM_ALT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_PASS_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MINUSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_SIGNT_TIMES_ABSP,0,6,6,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MINUSP_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABS_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABS_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_COMPARE_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MAX_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MIN_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_CONVERT_T_TO_FLOAT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_SCALE_T_TO_FLOAT_BY_Q,0,6,0,6,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_OR_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_XOR_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_NOT_T,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_LSHIFT_P_BY_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ASHIFT_P_BY_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_FSHIFT_PT_BY_Q,0,7,5,7,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MOVE_P,0,5,5,0,0
; if we couldn't find the op_code, flag an error
.if _cp_op_type>=2
.print "cp_build_inst_h: invalid Am29027 instruction mnemonic"
; if number of parameters is incorrect, flag error
.if $narg!=_cp_no_params
.print "cp_build_inst_h: incorrect number of parameters"
; find correct value for precision field, if appropriate
.set _cp_prec_field,0 ; ** CORRECTION (1-4-89 Rich Parker)
.if _cp_op_type==0 ; need to look for precision
.set _cp_found_precision,0
.ifeqs "@p3@","D_D"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","D_S"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","S_D"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","S_S"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.if _cp_found_precision==0
.print "cp_build_inst_h: missing precision field"
; find value for destination field
.if _cp_op_type==0
.set _cp_dest_field_val,CP_DEST_EQ_@p4
.set _cp_dest_field_val,CP_DEST_EQ_@p3
; find correct value for p select field
.if _cp_p_paramno==0
.set _cp_p_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_p_paramno==4
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_p_paramno==5
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_p_paramno==6
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_p_paramno==7
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p7
.ifeqs "@p2@","I_NOT_T"
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_IMINUS1
; find correct value for q select field
.if _cp_q_paramno==0
.set _cp_q_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_q_paramno==4
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_q_paramno==5
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_q_paramno==6
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_q_paramno==7
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p7
; find correct value for t select field
.if _cp_t_paramno==0
.set _cp_t_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_t_paramno==4
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_t_paramno==5
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_t_paramno==6
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_t_paramno==7
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p7
.set _cp_inst_word,CP_@p2@|_cp_prec_field|_cp_dest_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_p_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_q_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_t_field_val
consth p1,_cp_inst_word
; MACRO NAME: cp_build_inst_l
; WRITTEN BY: Bob Perlman
; MOST RECENT UPDATE: April 24, 1988
; : January 4, 1989 Rich Parker
; FUNCTION: Builds a 16 LSBs of a 32-bit Am29027 instruction in an
; Am29000 g.p. register; the 16 MSBs of the register are
; set to 0..
; reg - the Am29000 g.p. register into which the instruction word
; is to be written
; op_code - mnemonic specifying the operation to be performed
; (e.g. FADD, P_TIMES_Q)
; precision - precision specification for destination, source operands:
; D_S - double-prec. result, single-prec. input(s)
; D_D - double-prec. result, double-prec. input(s)
; S_S - single-prec. result, single-prec. input(s)
; S_D - single-prec. result, double-prec. input(s)
; dest - destination for the operation result:
; RF0 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF0
; RF1 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF1
; RF2 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF2
; RF3 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF3
; RF4 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF4
; RF5 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF5
; RF6 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF6
; RF7 - store result in Am29027 register file location RF7
; GP - result is to be stored in an Am29000 g.p. register
; with a read_dp, read_sp, or read_int macro.
; source1,
; source2,
; source3 - source operand specifications:
; R - take source from Am29027 register R
; S - take source from Am29027 register S
; RF0 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF0
; RF1 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF1
; RF2 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF2
; RF3 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF3
; RF4 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF4
; RF5 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF5
; RF6 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF6
; RF7 - take source from Am29027 register file location RF7
; 0 - source is 0
; ONE_HALF - source is constant .5 (f.p. operations only)
; IMINUS1 - source is constant -1 (integer operations only)
; 1 - source is constant 1
; 2 - source is constant 2
; 3 - source is constant 3
; PI - source is constant pi (f.p. operations only)
; IMINUSMAX - source is -(2**63) (integer operations only)
; cp_build_inst_l reg,op_code,[precision,]dest,source1[,source2][,source3]
; This macro is similar to cp_build_inst, but creates only the 16 LSBs
; of the 32-bit Am29027 instruction word; the 16 MSBs of the target
; register are set to 0. This macro is useful in cases
; where it is helpful to specify instruction LSBs and MSBs separately,
; to improve instruction scheduling.
; Syntax and usage are identical to that of cp_build_inst.
; NOTE: This macro references macro _cp_set_op_params, which appears
; in the assembly listing for macro _cp_build_inst.
.macro cp_build_inst_l,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7
.if $narg<=3
.print "cp_build_inst_h: missing parameter(s)"
; classify operation type
.set _cp_op_type,255
_cp_set_op_params p2,FADD,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DADD,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FSUB,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DSUB,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FMUL,1,5,4,5,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,DMUL,1,5,4,5,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,FEQ,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DEQ,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FGE,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DGE,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,FGT,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,DGT,1,5,4,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_I_TO_F,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_I_TO_D,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_F_TO_I,1,4,0,0,4
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_D_TO_I,1,4,0,0,4
; The next two lines were corrected on 1-4-89, Rich Parker
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_F_TO_D,1,4,4,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_D_TO_F,1,4,4,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,PASS_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,SIGNT_TIMES_ABSP,0,6,6,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP_PLUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSP_MINUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_ABSP_MINUS_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSP_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABS_P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,COMPARE_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MAX_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MAX_ABSP_AND_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MIN_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MIN_ABSP_AND_ABST,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,LIMIT_P_TO_MAGT,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_TO_INT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,SCALE_T_TO_INT_BY_Q,0,6,0,6,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,PQ_PLUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSPQ_PLUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,PQ_MINUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSPQ_MINUS_T,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSPQ_PLUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,MINUSABSPQ_PLUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ABSPQ_MINUS_ABST,0,7,5,6,7
_cp_set_op_params p2,ROUND_T_TO_INT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,RECIPROCAL_OF_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_TO_ALT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,CONVERT_T_FROM_ALT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_PASS_P,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MINUSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABSP,0,5,5,0,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_SIGNT_TIMES_ABSP,0,6,6,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MINUSP_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABS_P_PLUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ABS_P_MINUS_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_TIMES_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_COMPARE_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MAX_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_MIN_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_CONVERT_T_TO_FLOAT,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_SCALE_T_TO_FLOAT_BY_Q,0,6,0,6,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_OR_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_AND_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_P_XOR_T,0,6,5,0,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_NOT_T,0,5,0,0,5
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_LSHIFT_P_BY_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_ASHIFT_P_BY_Q,0,6,5,6,0
_cp_set_op_params p2,I_FSHIFT_PT_BY_Q,0,7,5,7,6
_cp_set_op_params p2,MOVE_P,0,5,5,0,0
; if we couldn't find the op_code, flag an error
.if _cp_op_type>=2
.print "cp_build_inst_h: invalid Am29027 instruction mnemonic"
; if number of parameters is incorrect, flag error
.if $narg!=_cp_no_params
.print "cp_build_inst_h: incorrect number of parameters"
; find correct value for precision field, if appropriate
.set _cp_prec_field,0 ; CORRECTION (1-4-89 Rich Parker)
.if _cp_op_type==0 ; need to look for precision
.set _cp_found_precision,0
.ifeqs "@p3@","D_D"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","D_S"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","S_D"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.ifeqs "@p3@","S_S"
.set _cp_prec_field,CP_@p3
.set _cp_found_precision,1
.if _cp_found_precision==0
.print "cp_build_inst_h: missing precision field"
; find value for destination field
.if _cp_op_type==0
.set _cp_dest_field_val,CP_DEST_EQ_@p4
.set _cp_dest_field_val,CP_DEST_EQ_@p3
; find correct value for p select field
.if _cp_p_paramno==0
.set _cp_p_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_p_paramno==4
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_p_paramno==5
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_p_paramno==6
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_p_paramno==7
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_@p7
.ifeqs "@p2@","I_NOT_T"
.set _cp_p_field_val,CP_P_EQ_IMINUS1
; find correct value for q select field
.if _cp_q_paramno==0
.set _cp_q_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_q_paramno==4
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_q_paramno==5
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_q_paramno==6
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_q_paramno==7
.set _cp_q_field_val,CP_Q_EQ_@p7
; find correct value for t select field
.if _cp_t_paramno==0
.set _cp_t_field_val,0x00000000
.if _cp_t_paramno==4
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p4
.if _cp_t_paramno==5
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p5
.if _cp_t_paramno==6
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p6
.if _cp_t_paramno==7
.set _cp_t_field_val,CP_T_EQ_@p7
.set _cp_inst_word,CP_@p2@|_cp_prec_field|_cp_dest_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_p_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_q_field_val
.set _cp_inst_word,_cp_inst_word|_cp_t_field_val
const p1,_cp_inst_word
; end of file fpsymbol.h