mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 10:37:49 +08:00
* libc/sys/rdos/chown.c, libc/sys/rdos/close.c, libc/sys/rdos/execve.c, libc/sys/rdos/fork.c, libc/sys/rdos/fstat.c, libc/sys/rdos/getpid.c, libc/sys/rdos/gettod.c, libc/sys/rdos/isatty.c, libc/sys/rdos/kill.c, libc/sys/rdos/link.c, libc/sys/rdos/lseek.c, libc/sys/rdos/open.c, libc/sys/rdos/rdos.h, libc/sys/rdos/read.c, libc/sys/rdos/readlink.c, libc/sys/rdos/sbrk.c, libc/sys/rdos/stat.c, libc/sys/rdos/symlink.c, libc/sys/rdos/times.c, libc/sys/rdos/unlink.c, libc/sys/rdos/wait.c, libc/sys/rdos/write.c: Convert from DOS to UNIX CRLF.
345 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
345 lines
15 KiB
Executable File
#ifndef _RDOS_H
#define _RDOS_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
//#undef WIN32
#define LGOP_NULL 0
#define LGOP_NONE 1
#define LGOP_OR 2
#define LGOP_AND 3
#define LGOP_XOR 4
#define LGOP_INVERT 5
#define LGOP_INVERT_OR 6
#define LGOP_ADD 9
#define LGOP_SUBTRACT 10
#define LGOP_MULTIPLY 11
#define getred(pgc) (((pgc)>>16)&0xFF)
#define getgreen(pgc) (((pgc)>>8)&0xFF)
#define getblue(pgc) ((pgc)&0xFF)
#define mkcolor(r,g,b) (((r)<<16)|((g)<<8)|(b))
typedef struct ThreadState
short int ID;
char Name[32];
unsigned long MsbTime;
unsigned long LsbTime;
char List[32];
long Offset;
short int Sel;
} ThreadState;
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define __stdcall
#if (sizeof(int) == 2)
#define __stdcall
short int __stdcall RdosSwapShort(short int val);
long __stdcall RdosSwapLong(long val);
void __stdcall RdosSetTextMode();
int __stdcall RdosSetVideoMode(int *BitsPerPixel, int *xres, int *yres, int *linesize, void **buffer);
void __stdcall RdosSetClipRect(int handle, int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax);
void __stdcall RdosClearClipRect(int handle);
void __stdcall RdosSetDrawColor(int handle, int color);
void __stdcall RdosSetLGOP(int handle, int lgop);
void __stdcall RdosSetHollowStyle(int handle);
void __stdcall RdosSetFilledStyle(int handle);
int __stdcall RdosOpenFont(int height);
void __stdcall RdosCloseFont(int font);
void __stdcall RdosGetStringMetrics(int font, const char *str, int *width, int *height);
void __stdcall RdosSetFont(int handle, int font);
int __stdcall RdosGetPixel(int handle, int x, int y);
void __stdcall RdosSetPixel(int handle, int x, int y);
void __stdcall RdosBlit(int SrcHandle, int DestHandle, int width, int height,
int SrcX, int SrcY, int DestX, int DestY);
void __stdcall RdosDrawMask(int handle, void *mask, int RowSize, int width, int height,
int SrcX, int SrcY, int DestX, int DestY);
void __stdcall RdosDrawLine(int handle, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
void __stdcall RdosDrawString(int handle, int x, int y, const char *str);
void __stdcall RdosDrawRect(int handle, int x, int y, int width, int height);
void __stdcall RdosDrawEllipse(int handle, int x, int y, int width, int height);
int __stdcall RdosCreateBitmap(int BitsPerPixel, int width, int height);
int __stdcall RdosDuplicateBitmapHandle(int handle);
void __stdcall RdosCloseBitmap(int handle);
int __stdcall RdosCreateStringBitmap(int font, const char *str);
void __stdcall RdosGetBitmapInfo(int handle, int *BitPerPixel, int *width, int *height,
int *linesize, void **buffer);
int __stdcall RdosCreateSprite(int DestHandle, int BitmapHandle, int MaskHandle, int lgop);
void __stdcall RdosCloseSprite(int handle);
void __stdcall RdosShowSprite(int handle);
void __stdcall RdosHideSprite(int handle);
void __stdcall RdosMoveSprite(int handle, int x, int y);
void __stdcall RdosSetForeColor(int color);
void __stdcall RdosSetBackColor(int color);
int __stdcall RdosGetMemSize(void *ptr);
void *__stdcall RdosAllocateMem(int Size);
void __stdcall RdosFreeMem(void *ptr);
int __stdcall RdosAppDebug();
int __stdcall RdosOpenCom(int ID, long BaudRate, char Parity, char DataBits, char StopBits, int SendBufSize, int RecBufSize);
void __stdcall RdosCloseCom(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosFlushCom(int Handle);
char __stdcall RdosReadCom(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosWriteCom(int Handle, char Val);
void __stdcall RdosEnableCts(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosDisableCts(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosEnableAutoRts(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosDisableAutoRts(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosSetDtr(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosResetDtr(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosSetRts(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosResetRts(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosGetReceiveBufferSpace(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosGetSendBufferSpace(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosWaitForSendCompletedCom(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosOpenFile(const char *FileName, char Access);
int __stdcall RdosCreateFile(const char *FileName, int Attrib);
void __stdcall RdosCloseFile(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosIsDevice(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosDuplFile(int Handle);
long __stdcall RdosGetFileSize(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosSetFileSize(int Handle, long Size);
long __stdcall RdosGetFilePos(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosSetFilePos(int Handle, long Pos);
int __stdcall RdosReadFile(int Handle, void *Buf, int Size);
int __stdcall RdosWriteFile(int Handle, const void *Buf, int Size);
void __stdcall RdosGetFileTime(int Handle, unsigned long *MsbTime, unsigned long *LsbTime);
void __stdcall RdosSetFileTime(int Handle, unsigned long MsbTime, unsigned long LsbTime);
int __stdcall RdosCreateMapping(int Size);
int __stdcall RdosCreateNamedMapping(const char *Name, int Size);
int __stdcall RdosCreateNamedFileMapping(const char *Name, int Size, int FileHandle);
int __stdcall RdosOpenNamedMapping(const char *Name);
void __stdcall RdosSyncMapping(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosCloseMapping(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosMapView(int Handle, int Offset, void *Base, int Size);
void __stdcall RdosUnmapView(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosSetCurDrive(int Drive);
int __stdcall RdosGetCurDrive();
int __stdcall RdosSetCurDir(const char *PathName);
int __stdcall RdosGetCurDir(int Drive, char *PathName);
int __stdcall RdosMakeDir(const char *PathName);
int __stdcall RdosRemoveDir(const char *PathName);
int __stdcall RdosRenameFile(const char *ToName, const char *FromName);
int __stdcall RdosDeleteFile(const char *PathName);
int __stdcall RdosGetFileAttribute(const char *PathName, int *Attribute);
int __stdcall RdosSetFileAttribute(const char *PathName, int Attribute);
int __stdcall RdosOpenDir(const char *PathName);
void __stdcall RdosCloseDir(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosReadDir(int Handle, int EntryNr, int MaxNameSize, char *PathName, long *FileSize, int *Attribute, unsigned long *MsbTime, unsigned long *LsbTime);
int __stdcall RdosGetThreadState(int ThreadNr, ThreadState *State);
int __stdcall RdosSuspendThread(int ThreadNr);
void __stdcall RdosCpuReset();
void __stdcall RdosGetVersion(int *Major, int *Minor, int *Release);
void __stdcall RdosCreateThread(void (*Start)(void *Param), const char *Name, void *Param, int StackSize);
void __stdcall RdosTerminateThread();
int __stdcall RdosGetThreadHandle();
int __stdcall RdosExec(const char *prog, const char *param);
int __stdcall RdosSpawn(const char *prog, const char *param, const char *startdir);
void __stdcall RdosWaitMilli(int ms);
void __stdcall RdosGetTics(unsigned long *msb, unsigned long *lsb);
void __stdcall RdosTicsToRecord(unsigned long msb, unsigned long lsb, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *min, int *sec, int *milli);
void __stdcall RdosRecordToTics(unsigned long *msb, unsigned long *lsb, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, int milli);
int __stdcall RdosDayOfWeek(int year, int month, int day);
void __stdcall RdosGetSysTime(int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *min, int *sec, int *milli);
void __stdcall RdosGetTime(int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour, int *min, int *sec, int *milli);
void __stdcall RdosSetTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec, int milli);
void __stdcall RdosAddTics(unsigned long *msb, unsigned long *lsb, long tics);
void __stdcall RdosAddMilli(unsigned long *msb, unsigned long *lsb, long ms);
void __stdcall RdosAddSec(unsigned long *msb, unsigned long *lsb, long sec);
void __stdcall RdosAddMin(unsigned long *msb, unsigned long *lsb, long min);
void __stdcall RdosAddHour(unsigned long *msb, unsigned long *lsb, long hour);
void __stdcall RdosAddDay(unsigned long *msb, unsigned long *lsb, long day);
int __stdcall RdosSyncTime(long IP);
void __stdcall RdosDecodeMsbTics(unsigned long msb, int *days, int *hours);
void __stdcall RdosDecodeLsbTics(unsigned long lsb, int *min, int *sec, int *milli, int *micro);
int __stdcall RdosCreateSection();
void __stdcall RdosDeleteSection(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosEnterSection(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosLeaveSection(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosCreateWait();
void __stdcall RdosCloseWait(int Handle);
void * __stdcall RdosCheckWait(int Handle);
void * __stdcall RdosWaitForever(int Handle);
void * __stdcall RdosWaitTimeout(int Handle, int MillSec);
void __stdcall RdosStopWait(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosRemoveWait(int Handle, void *ID);
void __stdcall RdosAddWaitForKeyboard(int Handle, void *ID);
void __stdcall RdosAddWaitForMouse(int Handle, void *ID);
void __stdcall RdosAddWaitForCom(int Handle, int ComHandle, void *ID);
void __stdcall RdosAddWaitForAdc(int Handle, int AdcHandle, void *ID);
int __stdcall RdosCreateSignal();
void __stdcall RdosResetSignal(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosIsSignalled(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosSetSignal(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosFreeSignal(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosAddWaitForSignal(int Handle, int SignalHandle, void *ID);
long __stdcall RdosGetIp();
int __stdcall RdosNameToIp(const char *HostName);
int __stdcall RdosIpToName(int Ip, char *HostName, int MaxSize);
int __stdcall RdosCreateTcpListen(int Port, int MaxConnections, int BufferSize);
int __stdcall RdosGetTcpListen(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosCloseTcpListen(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosAddWaitForTcpListen(int Handle, int ConHandle, void *ID);
int __stdcall RdosOpenTcpConnection(int RemoteIp, int LocalPort, int RemotePort, int Timeout, int BufferSize);
int __stdcall RdosWaitForTcpConnection(int Handle, long Timeout);
void __stdcall RdosAddWaitForTcpConnection(int Handle, int ConHandle, void *ID);
void __stdcall RdosCloseTcpConnection(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosDeleteTcpConnection(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosAbortTcpConnection(int Handle);
void __stdcall RdosPushTcpConnection(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosIsTcpConnectionClosed(int Handle);
long __stdcall RdosGetRemoteTcpConnectionIP(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosGetRemoteTcpConnectionPort(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosGetLocalTcpConnectionPort(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosReadTcpConnection(int Handle, void *Buf, int Size);
int __stdcall RdosWriteTcpConnection(int Handle, const void *Buf, int Size);
int __stdcall RdosPollTcpConnection(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosGetLocalMailslot(const char *Name);
int __stdcall RdosGetRemoteMailslot(long Ip, const char *Name);
void __stdcall RdosFreeMailslot(int Handle);
int __stdcall RdosSendMailslot(int Handle, const void *Msg, int Size, void *ReplyBuf, int MaxReplySize);
void __stdcall RdosDefineMailslot(const char *Name, int MaxSize);
int __stdcall RdosReceiveMailslot(void *Msg);
void __stdcall RdosReplyMailslot(const void *Msg, int Size);
void __stdcall RdosSetFocus(char FocusKey);
char __stdcall RdosGetFocus();
void __stdcall RdosClearKeyboard();
int __stdcall RdosPollKeyboard();
int __stdcall RdosReadKeyboard();
int __stdcall RdosGetKeyboardState();
int __stdcall RdosPutKeyboard(int KeyCode, int VirtualKey, int ScanCode);
int __stdcall RdosPeekKeyEvent(int *ExtKey, int *KeyState, int *VirtualKey, int *ScanCode);
int __stdcall RdosReadKeyEvent(int *ExtKey, int *KeyState, int *VirtualKey, int *ScanCode);
void __stdcall RdosHideMouse();
void __stdcall RdosShowMouse();
void __stdcall RdosGetMousePosition(int *x, int *y);
void __stdcall RdosSetMousePosition(int x, int y);
void __stdcall RdosSetMouseWindow(int StartX, int StartY, int EndX, int EndY);
void __stdcall RdosSetMouseMickey(int x, int y);
int __stdcall RdosGetLeftButton();
int __stdcall RdosGetRightButton();
void __stdcall RdosGetLeftButtonPressPosition(int *x, int *y);
void __stdcall RdosGetRightButtonPressPosition(int *x, int *y);
void __stdcall RdosGetLeftButtonReleasePosition(int *x, int *y);
void __stdcall RdosGetRightButtonReleasePosition(int *x, int *y);
void __stdcall RdosGetCursorPosition(int *Row, int *Col);
void __stdcall RdosSetCursorPosition(int Row, int Col);
void __stdcall RdosWriteChar(char ch);
void __stdcall RdosWriteSizeString(const char *Buf, int Size);
void __stdcall RdosWriteString(const char *Buf);
int __stdcall RdosReadLine(char *Buf, int MaxSize);
int __stdcall RdosPing(long Node, long Timeout);
int __stdcall RdosGetIdeDisc(int UnitNr);
int __stdcall RdosGetFloppyDisc(int UnitNr);
int __stdcall RdosSetDiscInfo(int DiscNr, int SectorSize, long Sectors, int BiosSectorsPerCyl, int BiosHeads);
int __stdcall RdosGetDiscInfo(int DiscNr, int *SectorSize, long *Sectors, int *BiosSectorsPerCyl, int *BiosHeads);
int __stdcall RdosReadDisc(int DiscNr, long Sector, char *Buf, int Size);
int __stdcall RdosWriteDisc(int DiscNr, long Sector, const char *Buf, int Size);
void __stdcall RdosGetRdfsInfo(void *CryptTab, void *KeyTab, void *ExtentSizeTab);
void __stdcall RdosDemandLoadDrive(int DriveNr);
int __stdcall RdosFormatDrive(int DiscNr, long StartSector, int Size, const char *FsName);
int __stdcall RdosAllocateFixedDrive(int DriveNr);
int __stdcall RdosAllocateStaticDrive();
int __stdcall RdosAllocateDynamicDrive();
int __stdcall RdosGetDriveInfo(int DriveNr, long *FreeUnits, int *BytesPerUnit, long *TotalUnits);
int __stdcall RdosGetDriveDiscParam(int DriveNr, int *DiscNr, long *StartSector, long *TotalSectors);
int __stdcall RdosCreateFileDrive(int Drive, long Size, const char *FsName, const char *FileName);
int __stdcall RdosOpenFileDrive(int Drive, const char *FileName);
int __stdcall RdosGetModuleHandle();
const char * __stdcall RdosGetExeName();
int __stdcall RdosLoadDll(const char *Name);
void __stdcall RdosFreeDll(int handle);
int __stdcall RdosReadResource(int handle, int ID, char *Buf, int Size);
int __stdcall RdosReadBinaryResource(int handle, int ID, char *Buf, int Size);
int __stdcall RdosOpenAdc(int channel);
void __stdcall RdosCloseAdc(int handle);
void __stdcall RdosDefineAdcTime(int handle, unsigned long msg, unsigned long lsb);
long __stdcall RdosReadAdc(int handle);
int __stdcall RdosReadSerialLines(int device, int *val);
int __stdcall RdosToggleSerialLine(int device, int line);
int __stdcall RdosReadSerialVal(int device, int line, int *val);
int __stdcall RdosWriteSerialVal(int device, int line, int val);
int __stdcall RdosReadSerialRaw(int device, int line, int *val);
int __stdcall RdosWriteSerialRaw(int device, int line, int val);
int __stdcall RdosOpenSysEnv();
int __stdcall RdosOpenProcessEnv();
void __stdcall RdosCloseEnv(int handle);
void __stdcall RdosAddEnvVar(int handle, const char *var, const char *value);
void __stdcall RdosDeleteEnvVar(int handle, const char *var);
int __stdcall RdosFindEnvVar(int handle, const char *var, char *value);
void __stdcall RdosGetEnvData(int handle, char *buf);
void __stdcall RdosSetEnvData(int handle, const char *buf);
int __stdcall RdosOpenSysIni();
void __stdcall RdosCloseIni(int handle);
int __stdcall RdosGotoIniSection(int handle, const char *name);
int __stdcall RdosRemoveIniSection(int handle);
int __stdcall RdosReadIni(int handle, const char *var, char *str, int maxsize);
int __stdcall RdosWriteIni(int handle, const char *var, const char *str);
int __stdcall RdosDeleteIni(int handle, const char *var);
void __stdcall RdosEnableStatusLED();
void __stdcall RdosDisableStatusLED();
void __stdcall RdosStartWatchdog(int timeout);
void __stdcall RdosKickWatchdog();
#ifdef __cplusplus