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synced 2025-03-03 13:35:46 +08:00
698 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
698 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
# Uniset -- Unicode subset manager -- Markus Kuhn
# http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/download/uniset.tar.gz
require 5.014;
use open ':utf8';
use FindBin qw($RealBin); # to find directory where this file is located
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
my (%name, %invname, %category, %comment);
print <<End if $#ARGV < 0;
Uniset -- Unicode subset manager -- Markus Kuhn
Uniset merges and subtracts Unicode subsets. It can output and
analyse the resulting character set in various formats.
Uniset understand the following command-line arguments:
Commands to define a set of characters:
+ filename add the character set described in the file to the set
- filename remove the character set described in the file from the set
+: filename add the characters in the UTF-8 file to the set
-: filename remove the characters in the UTF-8 file from the set
+xxxx..yyyy add the range to the set (xxxx and yyyy are hex numbers)
-xxxx..yyyy remove the range from the set (xxxx and yyyy are hex numbers)
+cat=Xx add all Unicode characters with category code Xx
-cat=Xx remove all Unicode characters with category code Xx
-cat!=Xx remove all Unicode characters without category code Xx
clean remove any elements that do not appear in the Unicode database
unknown remove any elements that do appear in the Unicode database
Command to output descriptions of the constructed set of characters:
table write a full table with one line per character
compact output the set in compact MES format
c output the set as C interval array
nr output the number of characters
sources output a table that shows the number of characters contributed
by the various combinations of input sets added with +.
utf8-list output a list of all characters encoded in UTF-8
Commands to tailor the following output commands:
html write HTML tables instead of plain text
ucs add the unicode character itself to the table (UTF-8 in
plain table, numeric character reference in HTML)
Formats of character set input files read by the + and - command:
Empty lines, white space at the start and end of the line and any
comment text following a \# are ignored. The following formats are
xx yyyy xx is the hex code in an 8-bit character set and yyyy
is the corresponding Unicode value. Both can optionally
be prefixed by 0x. This is the format used in the
files on <ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/>.
yyyy yyyy (optionally prefixed with 0x) is a Unicode character
belonging to the specified subset.
yyyy-yyyy a range of Unicode characters belonging to
yyyy..yyyy the specified subset.
xx yy yy yy-yy yy xx denotes a row (high-byte) and the yy specify
corresponding low bytes or with a hyphen also ranges of
low bytes in the Unicode values that belong to this
subset. This is also the format that is generated by
the compact command.
exit 1 if $#ARGV < 0;
# Subroutine to identify whether the ISO 10646/Unicode character code
# ucs belongs into the East Asian Wide (W) or East Asian FullWidth
# (F) category as defined in Unicode Technical Report #11.
sub iswide ($) {
my $ucs = shift(@_);
return ($ucs >= 0x1100 &&
($ucs <= 0x115f || # Hangul Jamo
$ucs == 0x2329 || $ucs == 0x232a ||
($ucs >= 0x2e80 && $ucs <= 0xa4cf &&
$ucs != 0x303f) || # CJK .. Yi
($ucs >= 0xac00 && $ucs <= 0xd7a3) || # Hangul Syllables
($ucs >= 0xf900 && $ucs <= 0xfaff) || # CJK Comp. Ideographs
($ucs >= 0xfe30 && $ucs <= 0xfe6f) || # CJK Comp. Forms
($ucs >= 0xff00 && $ucs <= 0xff60) || # Fullwidth Forms
($ucs >= 0xffe0 && $ucs <= 0xffe6) ||
($ucs >= 0x20000 && $ucs <= 0x2fffd) ||
($ucs >= 0x30000 && $ucs <= 0x3fffd)));
# Return the Unicode name that belongs to a given character code
# Jamo short names, see Unicode 3.0, table 4-4, page 86
my @lname = ('G', 'GG', 'N', 'D', 'DD', 'R', 'M', 'B', 'BB', 'S', 'SS', '',
'J', 'JJ', 'C', 'K', 'T', 'P', 'H'); # 1100..1112
my @vname = ('A', 'AE', 'YA', 'YAE', 'EO', 'E', 'YEO', 'YE', 'O',
'WA', 'WAE', 'OE', 'YO', 'U', 'WEO', 'WE', 'WI', 'YU',
'EU', 'YI', 'I'); # 1161..1175
my @tname = ('G', 'GG', 'GS', 'N', 'NJ', 'NH', 'D', 'L', 'LG', 'LM',
'LB', 'LS', 'LT', 'LP', 'LH', 'M', 'B', 'BS', 'S', 'SS',
'NG', 'J', 'C', 'K', 'T', 'P', 'H'); # 11a8..11c2
sub name {
my $ucs = shift(@_);
# The intervals used here reflect Unicode Version 3.2
if (($ucs >= 0x3400 && $ucs <= 0x4db5) ||
($ucs >= 0x4e00 && $ucs <= 0x9fa5) ||
($ucs >= 0x20000 && $ucs <= 0x2a6d6)) {
return "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-" . sprintf("%04X", $ucs);
if ($ucs >= 0xac00 && $ucs <= 0xd7a3) {
my $s = $ucs - 0xac00;
my $l = 0x1100 + int($s / (21 * 28));
my $v = 0x1161 + int(($s % (21 * 28)) / 28);
my $t = 0x11a7 + $s % 28;
($lname[int($s / (21 * 28))] .
$vname[int(($s % (21 * 28)) / 28)] .
$tname[$s % 28 - 1]);
return $name{$ucs};
sub is_unicode {
my $ucs = shift(@_);
# The intervals used here reflect Unicode Version 3.2
if (($ucs >= 0x3400 && $ucs <= 0x4db5) ||
($ucs >= 0x4e00 && $ucs <= 0x9fa5) ||
($ucs >= 0xac00 && $ucs <= 0xd7a3) ||
($ucs >= 0x20000 && $ucs <= 0x2a6d6)) {
return 1;
return exists $name{$ucs};
my @search_path = ();
if ($RealBin =~ m|^(.*)/bin\z| && -d "$1/share/uniset") {
push @search_path, "$1/share/uniset";
} else {
push @search_path, $RealBin;
sub search_open {
my ($mode, $fn) = @_;
my $file;
return $file if open($file, $mode, $fn);
return undef if $fn =~ m|/|;
for my $path (@search_path) {
return $file if open($file, $mode, "$path/$fn");
return undef;
my $html = 0;
my $image = 0;
my $adducs = 0;
my $unicodedata = "UnicodeData.txt";
my $blockdata = "Blocks.txt";
# read list of all Unicode names
my $data = search_open('<', $unicodedata);
unless ($data) {
die ("Can't open Unicode database '$unicodedata':\n$!\n\n" .
"Please make sure that you have downloaded the file\n" .
while (<$data>) {
if (/^([0-9,A-F]{4,8});([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*);([^;]*)$/) {
next if $2 ne '<control>' && substr($2, 0, 1) eq '<';
$ucs = hex($1);
$name{$ucs} = $2;
$invname{$2} = $ucs;
$category{$ucs} = $3;
$comment{$ucs} = $12;
} else {
die("Syntax error in line '$_' in file '$unicodedata'\n");
# read list of all Unicode blocks
$data = search_open('<', $blockdata);
unless ($data) {
die ("Can't open Unicode blockname list '$blockdata':\n$!\n\n" .
"Please make sure that you have downloaded the file\n" .
my $blocks = 0;
my (@blockstart, @blockend, @blockname);
while (<$data>) {
if (/^\s*([0-9,A-F]{4,8})\s*\.\.\s*([0-9,A-F]{4,8})\s*;\s*(.*)$/) {
$blockstart[$blocks] = hex($1);
$blockend [$blocks] = hex($2);
$blockname [$blocks] = $3;
} elsif (/^\s*\#/ || /^\s*$/) {
# ignore comments and empty lines
} else {
die("Syntax error in line '$_' in file '$blockdata'\n");
if ($blockend[$blocks-1] < 0x110000) {
$blockstart[$blocks] = 0x110000;
$blockend [$blocks] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
$blockname [$blocks] = "Beyond Plane 16";
# process command line arguments
while ($_ = shift(@ARGV)) {
if (/^html$/) {
$html = 1;
} elsif (/^ucs$/) {
$adducs = 1;
} elsif (/^img$/) {
$html = 1;
$image = 1;
} elsif (/^template$/) {
$template = shift(@ARGV);
open(TEMPLATE, $template) || die("Can't open template file '$template': $!\n");
while (<TEMPLATE>) {
if (/^\#\s*include\s+\"([^\"]*)\"\s*$/) {
open(INCLUDE, $1) || die("Can't open template include file '$1': $!\n");
while (<INCLUDE>) {
print $_;
} elsif (/^\#\s*quote\s+\"([^\"]*)\"\s*$/) {
open(INCLUDE, $1) || die("Can't open template include file '$1': $!\n");
while (<INCLUDE>) {
print $_;
} else {
print $_;
} elsif (/^\+cat=(.+)$/) {
# add characters with given category
$cat = $1;
for $i (keys(%category)) {
$used{$i} = "[${cat}]" if $category{$i} eq $cat;
} elsif (/^\-cat=(.+)$/) {
# remove characters with given category
$cat = $1;
for $i (keys(%category)) {
delete $used{$i} if $category{$i} eq $cat;
} elsif (/^\-cat!=(.+)$/) {
# remove characters without given category
$cat = $1;
for $i (keys(%category)) {
delete $used{$i} unless $category{$i} eq $cat;
} elsif (/^([+-]):(.*)/) {
$remove = $1 eq "-";
$setfile = $2;
$setfile = shift(@ARGV) if $setfile eq "";
push(@SETS, $setfile);
open(SET, $setfile) || die("Can't open set file '$setfile': $!\n");
$setname = $setfile;
while (<SET>) {
while ($_) {
$i = ord($_);
$used{$i} .= "[${setname}]" unless $remove;
delete $used{$i} if $remove;
$_ = substr($_, 1);
close SET;
} elsif (/^([+-])(.*)/) {
$remove = $1 eq "-";
$setfile = $2;
$setfile = "$setfile..$setfile" if $setfile =~ /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8})$/;
if ($setfile =~ /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8})(-|\.\.)([0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8})$/) {
# handle intervall specification on command line
$first = hex($1);
$last = hex($3);
for ($i = $first; $i <= $last; $i++) {
$used{$i} .= "[ARG]" unless $remove;
delete $used{$i} if $remove;
$setfile = shift(@ARGV) if $setfile eq "";
push(@SETS, $setfile);
my $setf = search_open('<', $setfile);
die("Can't open set file '$setfile': $!\n") unless $setf;
$cedf = ($setfile =~ /cedf/); # detect Kosta Kosti's trans CEDF format by path name
$setname = $setfile;
$setname =~ s/([^.\[\]]*)\..*/$1/;
while (<$setf>) {
if (/^<code_set_name>/) {
# handle ISO 15897 (POSIX registry) charset mapping format
undef $comment_char;
undef $escape_char;
while (<$setf>) {
if ($comment_char && /^$comment_char/) {
# remove comments
$_ = $`;
next if (/^\032?\s*$/); # skip empty lines
if (/^<comment_char> (\S)$/) {
$comment_char = $1;
} elsif (/^<escape_char> (\S)$/) {
$escape_char = $1;
} elsif (/^(END )?CHARMAP$/) {
} elsif (/^<.*>\s*\/x([0-9A-F]{2})\s*<U([0-9A-F]{4,8})>/) {
$used{hex($2)} .= "[${setname}{$1}]" unless $remove;
delete $used{hex($2)} if $remove;
} else {
die("Syntax error in line $. in file '$setfile':\n'$_'\n");
} elsif (/^STARTFONT /) {
# handle X11 BDF file
while (<$setf>) {
if (/^ENCODING\s+([0-9]+)/) {
$used{$1} .= "[${setname}]" unless $remove;
delete $used{$1} if $remove;
tr/a-z/A-Z/; # make input uppercase
if ($cedf) {
if ($. > 4) {
if (/^([0-9A-F]{2})\t.?\t(.*)$/) {
# handle Kosta Kosti's trans CEDF format
next if (hex($1) < 32 || (hex($1) > 0x7e && hex($1) < 0xa0));
$ucs = $invname{$2};
die "unknown ISO 10646 name '$2' in '$setfile' line $..\n" if ! $ucs;
$used{$ucs} .= "[${setname}{$1}]" unless $remove;
delete $used{$ucs} if $remove;
} else {
die("Syntax error in line $. in CEDF file '$setfile':\n'$_'\n");
if (/^\s*(0X|U\+|U-)?([0-9A-F]{2})\s+\#\s*UNDEFINED\s*$/) {
# ignore ftp.unicode.org mapping file lines with #UNDEFINED
s/^([^\#]*)\#.*$/$1/; # remove comments
next if (/^\032?\s*$/); # skip empty lines
if (/^\s*(0X)?([0-9A-F-]{2})\s+(0X|U\+|U-)?([0-9A-F]{4,8})\s*$/) {
# handle entry from a ftp.unicode.org mapping file
$used{hex($4)} .= "[${setname}{$2}]" unless $remove;
delete $used{hex($4)} if $remove;
} elsif (/^\s*(0X|U\+|U-)?([0-9A-F]{4,8})(\s*-\s*|\s*\.\.\s*|\s+)(0X|U\+|U-)?([0-9A-F]{4,8})\s*$/) {
# handle interval specification
$first = hex($2);
$last = hex($5);
for ($i = $first; $i <= $last; $i++) {
$used{$i} .= "[${setname}]" unless $remove;
delete $used{$i} if $remove;
} elsif (/^\s*([0-9A-F]{2,6})(\s+[0-9A-F]{2},?|\s+[0-9A-F]{2}-[0-9A-F]{2},?)+/) {
# handle lines from P10 MES draft
$row = $1;
$cols = $_;
$cols =~ s/^\s*([0-9A-F]{2,6})\s*(.*)\s*$/$2/;
$cols =~ tr/,//d;
@cols = split(/\s+/, $cols);
for (@cols) {
if (/^(..)$/) {
$first = hex("$row$1");
$last = $first;
} elsif (/^(..)-(..)$/) {
$first = hex("$row$1");
$last = hex("$row$2");
} else {
die ("this should never happen '$_'");
for ($i = $first; $i <= $last; $i++) {
$used{$i} .= "[${setname}]" unless $remove;
delete $used{$i} if $remove;
} elsif (/^\s*(0X|U\+|U-)?([0-9A-F]{4,8})\s*/) {
# handle single character
$used{hex($2)} .= "[${setname}]" unless $remove;
delete $used{hex($2)} if $remove;
} else {
die("Syntax error in line $. in file '$setfile':\n'$_'\n") unless /^\s*(\#.*)?$/;
close $setf;
} elsif (/^loadimages$/ || /^loadbigimages$/) {
if (/^loadimages$/) {
$prefix = "Small.Glyphs";
} else {
$prefix = "Glyphs";
$total = 0;
for $i (keys(%used)) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
$count = 0;
$| = 1;
for $i (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%used))) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
$j = sprintf("%04X", $i);
$j =~ /(..)(..)/;
$gif = "http://charts.unicode.org/Unicode.charts/$prefix/$1/U$j.gif";
print("\r$count/$total: $gif");
system("mkdir -p $prefix/$1; cd $prefix/$1; webcopy -u -s $gif &");
select(undef, undef, undef, 0.2);
exit 0;
} elsif (/^giftable/) {
# form a table of glyphs (requires pbmtools installed)
$count = 0;
for $i (keys(%used)) {
$count++ unless $name{$i} eq "<control>";
$width = int(sqrt($count/sqrt(2)) + 0.5);
$width = $1 if /^giftable([0-9]+)$/;
system("rm -f tmp-*.pnm table.pnm~ table.pnm");
$col = 0;
$row = 0;
for $i (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%used))) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
$j = sprintf("%04X", $i);
$j =~ /(..)(..)/;
$gif = "Small.Glyphs/$1/U$j.gif";
$pnm = sprintf("tmp-%02x.pnm", $col);
$fallback = "Small.Glyphs/FF/UFFFD.gif";
system("giftopnm $gif >$pnm || { rm $pnm ; giftopnm $fallback >$pnm ; }");
if (++$col == $width) {
system("pnmcat -lr tmp-*.pnm | cat >tmp-row.pnm");
if ($row == 0) {
system("mv tmp-row.pnm table.pnm");
} else {
system("mv table.pnm table.pnm~; pnmcat -tb table.pnm~ tmp-row.pnm >table.pnm");
$col = 0;
system("rm -f tmp-*.pnm table.pnm~");
if ($col > 0) {
system("pnmcat -lr tmp-*.pnm | cat >tmp-row.pnm");
if ($row == 0) {
system("mv tmp-row.pnm table.pnm");
} else {
system("mv table.pnm table.pnm~; pnmcat -tb -jleft -black table.pnm~ tmp-row.pnm >table.pnm");
system("rm -f table.gif ; ppmtogif table.pnm > table.gif");
system("rm -f tmp-*.pnm table.pnm~ table.pnm");
} elsif (/^table$/) {
# go through all used names to print full table
print "<TABLE border=2>\n" if $html;
for $i (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%used))) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
if ($html) {
$sources = $used{$i};
$sources =~ s/\]\[/, /g;
$sources =~ s/^\[//g;
$sources =~ s/\]$//g;
$sources =~ s/\{(..)\}/<SUB>$1<\/SUB>/g;
$j = sprintf("%04X", $i);
$j =~ /(..)(..)/;
$gif = "Small.Glyphs/$1/U$j.gif";
print "<TR>";
print "<TD><img width=32 height=32 src=\"$gif\">" if $image;
printf("<TD>&#%d;", $i) if $adducs;
print "<TD><SAMP>$j</SAMP><TD><SAMP>" . name($i);
print " ($comment{$i})" if $comment{$i};
print "</SAMP><TD><SMALL>$sources</SMALL>\n";
} else {
printf("%04X \# ", $i);
print pack("U", $i) . " " if $adducs;
print name($i) ."\n";
print "</TABLE>\n" if $html;
} elsif (/^imgblock$/) {
$width = 16;
$width = $1 if /giftable([0-9]+)/;
$col = 0;
$subline = "";
print "\n<P><TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
for $i (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%used))) {
print "<TR>" if $col == 0;
$j = sprintf("%04X", $i);
$j =~ /(..)(..)/;
$gif = "Small.Glyphs/$1/U$j.gif";
$alt = name($i);
print "<TD><img width=32 height=32 src=\"$gif\" alt=\"$alt\">";
$subline .= "<TD><SMALL><SAMP>$j</SAMP></SMALL>";
if (++$col == $width) {
print "<TR align=center>$subline";
$col = 0;
$subline = "";
print "<TR align=center>$subline" if ($col > 0);
print "</TABLE>\n";
} elsif (/^sources$/) {
# count how many characters are attributed to the various source set combinations
print "<P>Number of occurences of source character set combinations:\n<TABLE border=2>" if $html;
for $i (keys(%used)) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
$sources = $used{$i};
$sources =~ s/\]\[/, /g;
$sources =~ s/^\[//g;
$sources =~ s/\]$//g;
$sources =~ s/\{(..)\}//g;
$contribs{$sources} += 1;
for $j (keys(%contribs)) {
print "<TR><TD>$contribs{$j}<TD>$j\n" if $html;
print "</TABLE>\n" if $html;
} elsif (/^compact$/) {
# print compact table in P10 MES format
print "<P>Compact representation of this character set:\n<TABLE border=2>" if $html;
print "<TR><TD><B>Rows</B><TD><B>Positions (Cells)</B>" if $html;
print "\n# Plane 00\n# Rows\tPositions (Cells)\n" unless $html;
$current_row = '';
$start_col = '';
$last_col = '';
for $i (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%used))) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
$row = sprintf("%02X", $i >> 8);
$col = sprintf("%02X", $i & 0xff);
if ($row ne $current_row) {
if (($last_col ne '') and ($last_col ne $start_col)) {
print "-$last_col";
print "</SAMP>" if $html;
print "<TR><TD><SAMP>$row</SAMP><TD><SAMP>" if $html;
print "\n $row\t" unless $html;
$len = 0;
$current_row = $row;
$start_col = '';
if ($start_col eq '') {
print "$col";
$len += 2;
$start_col = $col;
$last_col = $col;
} elsif (hex($col) == hex($last_col) + 1) {
$last_col = $col;
} else {
if ($last_col ne $start_col) {
print "-$last_col";
$len += 3;
if ($len > 60 && !$html) {
print "\n $row\t";
$len = 0;
print " " if $len;
print "$col";
$len += 2 + !! $len;
$start_col = $col;
$last_col = $col;
if (($last_col ne '') and ($last_col ne $start_col)) {
print "-$last_col";
print "</SAMP>" if $html;
print "\n" if ($current_row ne '');
print "</TABLE>\n" if $html;
print "\n";
} elsif (/^c$/) {
# print table as C interval array
print "{";
$last_i = '';
$columns = 3;
$col = $columns;
for $i (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%used))) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
if ($last_i eq '') {
if (++$col > $columns) { $col = 1; print "\n "; }
printf(" { 0x%04X, ", $i);
$last_i = $i;
} elsif ($i == $last_i + 1) {
$last_i = $i;
} else {
printf("0x%04X },", $last_i);
if (++$col > $columns) { $col = 1; print "\n "; }
printf(" { 0x%04X, ", $i);
$last_i = $i;
if ($last_i ne '') {
printf("0x%04X }", $last_i);
print "\n};\n";
} elsif (/^utf8-list$/) {
$col = 0;
$block = 0;
$last = -1;
for $i (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%used))) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
while ($blockend[$block] < $i && $block < $blocks - 1) {
if ($last <= $blockend[$block-1] &&
$i < $blockstart[$block]) {
print "\n" if ($col);
printf "\nFree block (U+%04X-U+%04X):\n\n",
$blockend[$block-1] + 1, $blockstart[$block] - 1;
$col = 0;
if ($last < $blockstart[$block] && $i >= $blockstart[$block]) {
print "\n" if ($col);
printf "\n$blockname[$block] (U+%04X-U+%04X):\n\n",
$blockstart[$block], $blockend[$block];
$col = 0;
if ($category{$i} eq 'Mn') {
# prefix non-spacing character with U+25CC DOTTED CIRCLE
print "\x{25CC}";
} elsif ($category{$i} eq 'Me') {
# prefix enclosing non-spacing character with space
print " ";
print pack("U", $i);
$col += 1 + iswide($i);
if ($col >= 64) {
print "\n";
$col = 0;
$last = $i;
print "\n" if ($col);
} elsif (/^collections$/) {
$block = 0;
$last = -1;
for $i (sort({$a <=> $b} keys(%used))) {
next if ($name{$i} eq "<control>");
while ($blockend[$block] < $i && $block < $blocks - 1) {
if ($last < $blockstart[$block] && $i >= $blockstart[$block]) {
print $blockname[$block],
" " x (40 - length($blockname[$block]));
printf "%04X-%04X\n",
$blockstart[$block], $blockend[$block];
$last = $i;
} elsif (/^nr$/) {
print "<P>" if $html;
print "# " unless $html;
print "Number of characters in above table: ";
$count = 0;
for $i (keys(%used)) {
$count++ unless $name{$i} eq "<control>";
print $count;
print "\n";
} elsif (/^clean$/) {
# remove characters from set that are not in $unicodedata
for $i (keys(%used)) {
delete $used{$i} unless is_unicode($i);
} elsif (/^unknown$/) {
# remove characters from set that are in $unicodedata
for $i (keys(%used)) {
delete $used{$i} if is_unicode($i);
} else {
die("Unknown command line command '$_'\n");