
365 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 2001 Cygnus Support
# The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,
# and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided
# that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this
# notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement,
# license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
# Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
# and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
# the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where
# they apply.
# This currently works with Motorola's MVME135 and IDP m68k based
# target boards.
VPATH = @srcdir@
srcdir = @srcdir@
objdir = .
srcroot = $(srcdir)/../..
objroot = $(objdir)/../..
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
host_alias = @host_alias@
target_alias = @target_alias@
program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
bindir = @bindir@
libdir = @libdir@
tooldir = $(exec_prefix)/$(target_alias)
# Multilib support variables.
# TOP is used instead of MULTI{BUILD,SRC}TOP.
MULTIDO = true
SHELL = /bin/sh
CC = @CC@
AS = @AS@
AR = @AR@
LD = @LD@
OBJDUMP = `if [ -f ${objroot}/../binutils/objdump ] ; \
then echo ${objroot}/../binutils/objdump ; \
else t='$(program_transform_name)'; echo objdump | sed -e $$t ; fi`
OBJCOPY = `if [ -f ${objroot}/../binutils/objcopy ] ; \
then echo ${objroot}/../binutils/objcopy ; \
else t='$(program_transform_name)'; echo objcopy | sed -e $$t ; fi`
SCRIPTS = mvme162 mvme135 idp bcc
OBJS = close.o fstat.o getpid.o isatty.o kill.o \
lseek.o open.o print.o putnum.o read.o sbrk.o stat.o \
unlink.o write.o
# ARFLAGS = rv
# Here is all of the simulator stuff
SIM_SCRIPTS = sim.ld
SIM_LDFLAGS = -Tsim.ld
SIM_BSP = libsim.a
SIM_CRT0 = sim-crt0.o
SIM_OBJS = sim-print.o sim-inbyte.o sim-sbrk.o sim-abort.o sim-errno.o simulator.o sim-funcs.o unlink.o
SIM_INSTALL = install-sim
CRT0 = crt0.o
# here's all the MVME135 target stuff
MVME_LDFLAGS= -L${srcdir} -Tmvme135.ld
MVME135_BSP= libmvme135.a
MVME162_BSP= libmvme162.a
#MVME135_OBJS= mvme.o
#MVME162_OBJS= mvme.o
# Uncomment the last two objects if you want to use the GDB stub.
# The stub is included "as is", and will likely take some hacking
# to work on your system.
MVME135_OBJS= cpu32bug.o # mvme-stub.o mvme135-asm.o
MVME162_OBJS= cpu32bug.o # mvme-stub.o mvme162lx-asm.o
# here's all the BCC target stuff
BCC_LDFLAGS= -L${srcdir} -Tbcc.ld
BCC_BSP= libbcc.a
BCC_OBJS= cpu32bug.o
# here's all the IDP target stuff
IDP_LDFLAGS= -L${srcdir} -Tidp.ld
IDP_BSP= libidp.a
IDP_OBJS= leds.o idp-inbyte.o idp-outbyte.o mc68ec.o
# here's all the IDP GDB target stuff
IDPGDB_LDFLAGS= -L${srcdir} -Tidpgdb.ld
IDPGDB_BSP= libidpgdb.a
IDPGDB_OBJS= leds.o idp-inbyte.o idp-gdb-outbyte.o mc68ec.o
# here's all the BDM semihosting stuff
BDM_CRT0= bdm-crt0.o
BDM_BSP= libbdm.a
BDM_OBJS= bdm-crt1.o bdm-semihost.o $(BDM_SYSOBJS) \
$(patsubst %,bdm-%.o,${BDM_ISRS})
BDM_OTHER_OBJS= getpid.o kill.o sbrk.o
BDM_SYSOBJS= bdm-close.o bdm-exit.o bdm-fstat.o bdm-gdb.o \
bdm-gettimeofday.o bdm-isatty.o bdm-lseek.o \
bdm-open.o bdm-read.o bdm-rename.o \
bdm-stat.o bdm-system.o bdm-time.o bdm-unlink.o bdm-write.o
BDM_ISRS= other_interrupt reset access_error address_error \
illegal_instruction divide_by_zero privilege_violation \
trace unimplemented_line_a_opcode unimplemented_line_f_opcode \
non_pc_breakpoint_debug_interrupt pc_breakpoint_debug_interrupt \
format_error spurious_interrupt trap0 trap1 trap2 trap3 trap4 \
trap5 trap6 trap7 trap8 trap9 trap10 trap11 trap12 trap13 trap14 \
trap15 fp_branch_unordered fp_inexact_result fp_divide_by_zero \
fp_underflow fp_operand_error fp_overflow fp_input_not_a_number \
fp_input_denormalized_number unsupported_instruction
CF_BOARDS := m5208evb m5213evb m52235evb m5235evb m5272c3 m5282evb \
m5329evb m5485evb
CF_RAM_SCRIPTS := $(patsubst %,%-ram.ld,$(CF_BOARDS))
CF_ROM_SCRIPTS := $(patsubst %,%-rom.ld,$(CF_BOARDS))
# Host specific makefile fragment comes in here.
# build a test program for each target board. Just trying to get
# it to link is a good test, so we ignore all the errors for now.
all: ${SIM_CRT0} ${SIM_BSP} ${CRT0} ${BCC_BSP} ${IDP_BSP} ${IDPGDB_BSP} \
# here's where we build the board support packages for each target
${RANLIB} $@
${RANLIB} $@
${RANLIB} $@
${RANLIB} $@
${RANLIB} $@
${MVME135_BSP}: $(OBJS) ${MVME135_OBJS}
${AR} ${ARFLAGS} $@ $(OBJS) ${MVME135_OBJS}
${RANLIB} $@
${MVME162_BSP}: $(OBJS) ${MVME162_OBJS}
${AR} ${ARFLAGS} $@ $(OBJS) ${MVME162_OBJS}
${RANLIB} $@
$(BDM_SYSOBJS): %.o: %.c bdm-semihost.h bdm-gdb.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
bdm-crt0.o : bdm-crt0.S
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
bdm-crt1.o : bdm-crt1.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@
#We need to omit the frame pointer to ensure there is no prologue.
bdm-semihost.o : bdm-semihost.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ -fomit-frame-pointer
# We need to keep the frame pointer to make sure there's some
# prologue. Otherwise we get confused with the semihosting reoutine.
$(patsubst %,bdm-%.o,${BDM_ISRS}) : bdm-isrs.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $@ \
-DL_$(patsubst bdm-%.o,%,$@) -fno-omit-frame-pointer
m5208evb := 1024M 16M 0M 2M
m5213evb := 512M 32K 0M 256K
m52235evb := 512M 32K 0M 256K
m5235evb := 0M 16M 0xFFE00000 2M
m5273c3 := 0M 4M 0xFFE00000 2M
m5282evb := 0M 16M 0xFFE00000 2M
m5329evb := 1024M 32M 0M 2M
m5485evb := 0M 64M 1024M 16M
%-ram.ld : Makefile
RAM=$(word 1,$($*)) RAM_SIZE=$(word 2,$($*)) ${SHELL} $< >$@
%-rom.ld : Makefile
RAM=$(word 1,$($*)) RAM_SIZE=$(word 2,$($*)) \
ROM=$(word 3,$($*)) ROM_SIZE=$(word 4,$($*)) ${SHELL} $< >$@
leds.o: ${srcdir}/leds.c
idp-inbyte.o: ${srcdir}/idp-inbyte.c
idp-outbyte.o: ${srcdir}/idp-outbyte.c
idp-gdb-outbyte.o: ${srcdir}/idp-outbyte.c
mc68ec.o: ${srcdir}/mc68ec.c
test.o: ${srcdir}/test.c
# Make a simple test case to test the linker script, startup code, and
# I/O code
test: $(OBJS) idp-test.srec mvme135-test.srec bcc-test.srec \
idp-test.dis mvme135-test.dis bcc-test.dis
@echo Done...
# compile a fully linked binary. The -N option is for a.out, so the
# base address will be zero, rather than the default of 0x2020. The
# -Wl,-T*.ld is for the linker script. By using -Wl, the linker script
# is put on the proper place in the comand line for ld, and all the
# symbols will get fully resolved.
idp-test.x: test.o ${CRT0} Makefile ${IDP_BSP}
${CC} $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} \
test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) -N -Wl,-Tidp.ld
idp-test.srec: idp-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec idp-test.x $@
idp-test.dis: idp-test.x
@rm -fr idp-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d idp-test.x > $@
idp-test: idp-test.srec idp-test.dis
idpgdb-test.x: test.o ${CRT0} Makefile ${IDPGDB_BSP}
${CC} $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} \
test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) -N -Wl,-Tidpgdb.ld
idpgdb-test.srec: idpgdb-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec idpgdb-test.x $@
idpgdb-test.dis: idpgdb-test.x
@rm -fr idpgdb-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d idpgdb-test.x > $@
idpgdb-test: idpgdb-test.srec idpgdb-test.dis
mvme135-test.x: test.o ${CRT0} ${srcdir}/mvme135.ld Makefile ${MVME135_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Tmvme135.ld -nostdlib
mvme135-test.srec: mvme135-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec mvme135-test.x $@
mvme135-test.dis: mvme135-test.x
@rm -fr mvme135-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d mvme135-test.x > $@
mvme135-test: mvme135-test.srec mvme135-test.dis
mvme162-test.x: test.o ${CRT0} ${srcdir}/mvme162.ld Makefile ${MVME162_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Tmvme162.ld -nostdlib
mvme162-test.srec: mvme162-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec mvme162-test.x $@
mvme162-test.dis: mvme162-test.x
@rm -fr mvme162-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d mvme162-test.x > $@
mvme162-test: mvme162-test.srec mvme162-test.dis
bcc-test.x: test.o ${CRT0} ${srcdir}/bcc.ld Makefile ${BCC_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Tbcc.ld -nostdlib
bcc-test.srec: bcc-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec bcc-test.x $@
bcc-test.dis: bcc-test.x
@rm -fr bcc-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d bcc-test.x > $@
bcc-test: bcc-test.srec bcc-test.dis
# a C++ test case
dtor.o: $(srcdir)/dtor.C
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $<
dtor.dis: dtor.x
@rm -fr dtor.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d dtor.x > $@
dtor.x: dtor.o ${CRT0} ${srcdir}/mvme135.ld Makefile ${MVME135_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} dtor.o -o $@ $(LIBS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Tmvme135.ld -nostdlib
unlink.o: $(srcdir)/../unlink.c
.PHONY: install info dvi doc install-info clean-info
# install SIM stuff
$(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/sim.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/sim.ld
# install BCC stuff
$(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/bcc.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/bcc.ld
# install IDP stuff
$(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/idp.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/idp.ld
# install IDPGDB stuff
$(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/idpgdb.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/idpgdb.ld
# install MVME135 stuff
$(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/mvme135.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/mvme135.ld
# install MVME162lx stuff
$(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/mvme162.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/mvme162.ld
# install BDM stuff
$(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/sbc5204.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/sbc5204.ld
$(INSTALL_DATA) ${srcdir}/sbc5206.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/sbc5206.ld
for script in $(CF_SCRIPTS) ; \
do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$script $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/$$script ; \
# target specific makefile fragment comes in here.
clean mostlyclean:
rm -f a.out core *.i *~ *.a *.o *-test *.srec *.dis *.x *.map
distclean maintainer-clean realclean: clean
rm -f Makefile config.cache config.log config.status
info dvi doc:
Makefile: config.status @host_makefile_frag_path@ @target_makefile_frag_path@
$(SHELL) config.status
config.status: configure
$(SHELL) config.status --recheck