
401 lines
9.9 KiB

#include "newlib.h"
#include "swi.h"
/* ANSI concatenation macros. */
#define CONCAT(a, b) CONCAT2(a, b)
#define CONCAT2(a, b) a ## b
#define FUNCTION( name ) CONCAT (__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, name)
#error __USER_LABEL_PREFIX is not defined
#define _init __libc_init_array
#define _fini __libc_fini_array
/* .text is used instead of .section .text so it works with arm-aout too. */
#if defined(__thumb2__)
.syntax unified
.macro FUNC_START name
.global \name
.code 32
.macro FUNC_START name
.global \name
.align 0
FUNC_START _mainCRTStartup
#if defined(__ELF__) && !defined(__USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__)
/* Annotation for EABI unwinding tables. */
/* Start by setting up a stack */
/* Issue Demon SWI to read stack info */
swi SWI_GetEnv /* Returns command line in r0 */
mov sp,r1 /* and the highest memory address in r1 */
ldr sl, .LC2 /* stack limit is at end of data */
add sl, sl, #256 /* allow slop for stack overflow handling */
/* and small frames */
/* Issue Angel SWI to read stack info */
mov r0, #AngelSWI_Reason_HeapInfo
adr r1, .LC0 /* point at ptr to 4 words to receive data */
#if defined(__thumb2__)
bkpt AngelSWI
/* We are always in ARM mode for startup */
AngelSWIAsm AngelSWI_ARM
ldr r0, .LC0 /* point at values read */
ldr sp, [r0, #8]
ldr sl, [r0, #12]
add sl, sl, #256 /* allow slop for stack overflow handling */
/* and small frames */
/* Set up the stack pointer to a fixed value */
/* Changes by toralf:
- Allow linker script to provide stack via __stack symbol - see
defintion of .Lstack
- Provide "hooks" that may be used by the application to add
custom init code - see .Lhwinit and .Lswinit
- Go through all execution modes and set up stack for each of them.
Loosely based on init.s from ARM/Motorola example code.
Note: Mode switch via CPSR is not allowed once in non-privileged
mode, so we take care not to enter "User" to set up its sp,
and also skip most operations if already in that mode. */
ldr r3, .Lstack
cmp r3, #0
#ifdef __thumb2__
it eq
ldreq r3, .LC0
/* Note: This 'mov' is essential when starting in User, and ensures we
always get *some* sp value for the initial mode, even if we
have somehow missed it below (in which case it gets the same
value as FIQ - not ideal, but better than nothing.) */
mov sp, r3
#ifdef __thumb2__
/* XXX Fill in stack assignments for interrupt modes. */
mrs r2, CPSR
tst r2, #0x0F /* Test mode bits - in User of all are 0 */
beq .LC23 /* "eq" means r2 AND #0x0F is 0 */
msr CPSR_c, #0xD1 /* FIRQ mode, interrupts disabled */
mov sp, r3
sub sl, sp, #0x1000 /* This mode also has its own sl (see below) */
mov r3, sl
msr CPSR_c, #0xD7 /* Abort mode, interrupts disabled */
mov sp, r3
sub r3, r3, #0x1000
msr CPSR_c, #0xDB /* Undefined mode, interrupts disabled */
mov sp, r3
sub r3, r3, #0x1000
msr CPSR_c, #0xD2 /* IRQ mode, interrupts disabled */
mov sp, r3
sub r3, r3, #0x2000
msr CPSR_c, #0xD3 /* Supervisory mode, interrupts disabled */
mov sp, r3
sub r3, r3, #0x8000 /* Min size 32k */
bic r3, r3, #0x00FF /* Align with current 64k block */
bic r3, r3, #0xFF00
str r3, [r3, #-4] /* Move value into user mode sp without */
ldmdb r3, {sp}^ /* changing modes, via '^' form of ldm */
orr r2, r2, #0xC0 /* Back to original mode, presumably SVC, */
msr CPSR_c, r2 /* with FIQ/IRQ disable bits forced to 1 */
/* Setup a default stack-limit in-case the code has been
compiled with "-mapcs-stack-check". Hard-wiring this value
is not ideal, since there is currently no support for
checking that the heap and stack have not collided, or that
this default 64k is enough for the program being executed.
However, it ensures that this simple crt0 world will not
immediately cause an overflow event: */
sub sl, r3, #64 << 10 /* Still assumes 256bytes below sl */
/* Zero the memory in the .bss section. */
mov a2, #0 /* Second arg: fill value */
mov fp, a2 /* Null frame pointer */
mov r7, a2 /* Null frame pointer for Thumb */
ldr a1, .LC1 /* First arg: start of memory block */
ldr a3, .LC2
sub a3, a3, a1 /* Third arg: length of block */
#if defined(__thumb__) && !defined(__thumb2__)
/* Enter Thumb mode.... */
add a4, pc, #1 /* Get the address of the Thumb block */
bx a4 /* Go there and start Thumb decoding */
.code 16
.global __change_mode
bl FUNCTION (memset)
#if !defined (ARM_RDP_MONITOR) && !defined (ARM_RDI_MONITOR)
/* Changes by toralf: Taken from libgloss/m68k/crt0.S
* initialize target specific stuff. Only execute these
* functions it they exist.
ldr r3, .Lhwinit
cmp r3, #0
beq .LC24
mov lr, pc
mov pc, r3
ldr r3, .Lswinit
cmp r3, #0
beq .LC25
mov lr, pc
mov pc, r3
mov r0, #0 /* no arguments */
mov r1, #0 /* no argv either */
/* Need to set up standard file handles */
bl FUNCTION (initialise_monitor_handles)
swi SWI_GetEnv /* sets r0 to point to the command line */
mov r1, r0
mov r0, #AngelSWI_Reason_GetCmdLine
adr r1, .LC30 /* Space for command line */
AngelSWIAsm AngelSWI
ldr r1, .LC30
/* Parse string at r1 */
mov r0, #0 /* count of arguments so far */
/* Push a NULL argument onto the end of the list. */
#ifdef __thumb__
push {r0}
stmfd sp!, {r0}
/* Skip leading blanks */
#ifdef __thumb__
ldrb r3, [r1]
add r1, #1
ldrb r3, [r1], #1
cmp r3, #0
beq .LC12
cmp r3, #' '
beq .LC10
/* See whether we are scanning a string */
cmp r3, #'"'
#ifdef __thumb__
beq .LC20
cmp r3, #'\''
bne .LC21
mov r2, r3
b .LC22
mov r2, #' ' /* terminator type */
sub r1, r1, #1 /* adjust back to point at start char */
cmpne r3, #'\''
moveq r2, r3
movne r2, #' ' /* terminator type */
subne r1, r1, #1 /* adjust back to point at start char */
/* Stack a pointer to the current argument */
#ifdef __thumb__
push {r1}
stmfd sp!, {r1}
add r0, r0, #1
#ifdef __thumb__
ldrb r3, [r1]
add r1, #1
ldrb r3, [r1], #1
cmp r3, #0
beq .LC12
cmp r2, r3 /* reached terminator? */
bne .LC11
mov r2, #0
sub r3, r1, #1
strb r2, [r3] /* terminate the arg string */
b .LC10
mov r1, sp /* point at stacked arg pointers */
/* We've now got the stacked args in order reverse the */
#ifdef __thumb__
mov r2, r0
lsl r2, #2
add r2, sp
mov r3, sp
.LC15: cmp r2, r3
bls .LC14
sub r2, #4
ldr r4, [r2]
ldr r5, [r3]
str r5, [r2]
str r4, [r3]
add r3, #4
b .LC15
/* Ensure doubleword stack alignment. */
mov r4, sp
mov r5, #7
bic r4, r5
mov sp, r4
add r2, sp, r0, LSL #2 /* End of args */
mov r3, sp /* Start of args */
.LC13: cmp r2, r3
ldrhi r4,[r2, #-4] /* Reverse ends of list */
ldrhi r5, [r3]
strhi r5, [r2, #-4]!
strhi r4, [r3], #4
bhi .LC13
/* Ensure doubleword stack alignment. */
bic sp, sp, #7
#ifdef __USES_INITFINI__
/* Some arm/elf targets use the .init and .fini sections
to create constructors and destructors, and for these
targets we need to call the _init function and arrange
for _fini to be called at program exit. */
mov r4, r0
mov r5, r1
ldr r0, .Lfini
bl FUNCTION (atexit)
bl FUNCTION (_init)
mov r0, r4
mov r1, r5
bl FUNCTION (main)
bl FUNCTION (exit) /* Should not return. */
#if defined(__thumb__) && !defined(__thumb2__)
/* Come out of Thumb mode. This code should be redundant. */
mov a4, pc
bx a4
.code 32
.global change_back
/* Halt the execution. This code should never be executed. */
/* With no debug monitor, this probably aborts (eventually).
With a Demon debug monitor, this halts cleanly.
With an Angel debug monitor, this will report 'Unknown SWI'. */
swi SWI_Exit
/* For Thumb, constants must be after the code since only
positive offsets are supported for PC relative addresses. */
.align 0
.word HeapBase
/* Changes by toralf: Provide alternative "stack" variable whose value
may be defined externally; .Lstack will be used instead of .LC0 if
it points to a non-0 value. Also set up references to "hooks" that
may be used by the application to provide additional init code. */
#ifdef __pe__
.word 0x800000
.word 0x80000 /* Top of RAM on the PIE board. */
.word __stack
.word FUNCTION (hardware_init_hook)
.word FUNCTION (software_init_hook)
/* Set up defaults for the above variables in the form of weak symbols
- so that application will link correctly, and get value 0 in
runtime (meaning "ignore setting") for the variables, when the user
does not provide the symbols. (The linker uses a weak symbol if,
and only if, a normal version of the same symbol isn't provided
e.g. by a linker script or another object file.) */
.weak __stack
.weak FUNCTION (hardware_init_hook)
.weak FUNCTION (software_init_hook)
#if defined(__ELF__) && !defined(__USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__)
/* Protect against unhandled exceptions. */
.word __bss_start__
.word __bss_end__
#ifdef __USES_INITFINI__
.word FUNCTION(_fini)
.word CommandLine
.word 255
/* Workspace for Angel calls. */
/* Data returned by monitor SWI. */
.global __stack_base__
HeapBase: .word 0
HeapLimit: .word 0
__stack_base__: .word 0
StackLimit: .word 0
CommandLine: .space 256,0 /* Maximum length of 255 chars handled. */
#ifdef __pe__
.section .idata$3
.long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0