mirror of git://sourceware.org/git/newlib-cygwin.git synced 2025-03-04 05:55:38 +08:00
Corinna Vinschen 71b8777a71 Cygwin: user profile: Make an effort to unload unused user profiles
Does this work?  There's not much feedback given.

TODO: We might want to try unloading the user profile at process
exit as well, FWIW.

Signed-off-by: Corinna Vinschen <corinna@vinschen.de>
2019-02-23 17:30:44 +01:00

764 lines
26 KiB

/* autoload.cc: all dynamic load stuff.
This file is part of Cygwin.
This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
details. */
#include "winsup.h"
#include "miscfuncs.h"
#include "fenv.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
bool NO_COPY wsock_started;
/* Macro for defining "auto-load" functions.
* Note that this is self-modifying code *gasp*.
* The first invocation of a routine will trigger the loading of
* the DLL. This will then be followed by the discovery of
* the procedure's entry point, which is placed into the location
* pointed to by the stack pointer. This code then changes
* the "call" operand which invoked it to a "jmp" which will
* transfer directly to the DLL function on the next invocation.
* Subsequent calls to routines whose transfer address has not been
* determined will skip the "load the dll" step, starting at the
* "discovery of the entry point" step.
* So, immediately following the the call to one of the above routines
* we have:
* DLL info (4/8 bytes) Pointer to a block of information concerning
* the DLL (see below).
* DLL args (4 bytes) The number of arguments pushed on the stack by
* the call. If this is an odd value then this
* is a flag that non-existence of this function
* is not a fatal error
* func addr (8 bytes) (64 bit ONLY!)
* Address of the actual Win32 function. For the
* reason why this is necessary, see the below
* description of the load_state.
* func name (n bytes) asciz string containing the name of the function
* to be loaded.
* The DLL info block consists of the following
* load_state (4/8 bytes) Pointer to a word containing the routine used
* to eventually invoke the function. Initially
* points to an init function which loads the DLL,
* gets the process's load address, changes the contents
* here to point to the function address, and changes
* the address argument of the initial jmp call.
* On 64 bit, the jmp is not tweaked directly. Rather,
* the address of the Win32 function is stored in the
* aforementioned Win32 function address slot and fetched
* there for a jmp *%rax call. This indirection is
* necessary to workaround the lack of a jmp opcode with
* offset values > 32 bit. If the initialization has
* been done, only the load part is done.
* DLL handle (4/8 bytes) The handle to use when loading the DLL.
* DLL locker (4 bytes) Word to use to avoid multi-thread access during
* initialization.
* extra init (4/8 bytes) Extra initialization function.
* DLL name (n bytes) asciz string containing the name of the DLL.
/* LoadDLLprime is used to prime the DLL info information, providing an
additional initialization routine to call prior to calling the first
function. */
#ifdef __x86_64__
#define LoadDLLprime(dllname, init_also, no_resolve_on_fork) __asm__ (" \n\
.ifndef " #dllname "_primed \n\
.section .data_cygwin_nocopy,\"w\" \n\
.align 8 \n\
."#dllname "_info: \n\
.quad _std_dll_init \n\
.quad " #no_resolve_on_fork " \n\
.long -1 \n\
.align 8 \n\
.quad " #init_also " \n\
.string16 \"" #dllname ".dll\" \n\
.text \n\
.set " #dllname "_primed, 1 \n\
.endif \n\
#define LoadDLLprime(dllname, init_also, no_resolve_on_fork) __asm__ (" \n\
.ifndef " #dllname "_primed \n\
.section .data_cygwin_nocopy,\"w\" \n\
.align 4 \n\
."#dllname "_info: \n\
.long _std_dll_init \n\
.long " #no_resolve_on_fork " \n\
.long -1 \n\
.long " #init_also " \n\
.string16 \"" #dllname ".dll\" \n\
.text \n\
.set " #dllname "_primed, 1 \n\
.endif \n\
/* Create a "decorated" name */
#define mangle(name, n) #name "@" #n
/* Standard DLL load macro. May invoke a fatal error if the function isn't
found. */
#define LoadDLLfunc(name, n, dllname) \
LoadDLLfuncEx (name, n, dllname, 0)
#define LoadDLLfuncEx(name, n, dllname, notimp) \
LoadDLLfuncEx2(name, n, dllname, notimp, 0)
#define LoadDLLfuncEx2(name, n, dllname, notimp, err) \
LoadDLLfuncEx3(name, n, dllname, notimp, err, 0)
/* Main DLL setup stuff. */
#ifdef __x86_64__
#define LoadDLLfuncEx3(name, n, dllname, notimp, err, no_resolve_on_fork) \
LoadDLLprime (dllname, dll_func_load, no_resolve_on_fork) \
__asm__ (" \n\
.section ." #dllname "_autoload_text,\"wx\" \n\
.global " #name " \n\
.global _win32_" #name " \n\
.align 16 \n\
" #name ": \n\
_win32_" #name ": \n\
movq 3f(%rip),%rax \n\
jmp *%rax \n\
1:movq 2f(%rip),%rax \n\
push %rbp # Keep 16 byte aligned \n\
push %r9 \n\
push %r8 \n\
push %rdx \n\
push %rcx \n\
call *(%rax) \n\
2:.quad ." #dllname "_info \n\
.long (" #n "+" #notimp ") | (((" #err ") & 0xff) <<16) \n\
3:.quad 1b \n\
.asciz \"" #name "\" \n\
.text \n\
#define LoadDLLfuncEx3(name, n, dllname, notimp, err, no_resolve_on_fork) \
LoadDLLprime (dllname, dll_func_load, no_resolve_on_fork) \
__asm__ (" \n\
.section ." #dllname "_autoload_text,\"wx\" \n\
.global _" mangle (name, n) " \n\
.global _win32_" mangle (name, n) " \n\
.align 8 \n\
_" mangle (name, n) ": \n\
_win32_" mangle (name, n) ": \n\
.byte 0xe9 \n\
.long -4 + 1f - . \n\
1:movl (2f),%eax \n\
call *(%eax) \n\
2:.long ." #dllname "_info \n\
.long (" #n "+" #notimp ") | (((" #err ") & 0xff) <<16) \n\
.asciz \"" #name "\" \n\
.text \n\
/* DLL loader helper functions used during initialization. */
/* The function which finds the address, given the name and overwrites
the call so that future invocations go straight to the function in
the DLL. */
extern "C" void dll_func_load () __asm__ ("dll_func_load");
/* Called by the primary initialization function "init_std_dll" to
setup the stack and eliminate future calls to init_std_dll for other
functions from this DLL. */
extern "C" void dll_chain () __asm__ ("dll_chain");
extern "C" {
#ifdef __x86_64__
__asm__ (" \n\
.section .rdata,\"r\" \n\
msg1: \n\
.ascii \"couldn't dynamically determine load address for '%s' (handle %p), %E\\0\"\n\
.text \n\
.p2align 4,,15 \n\
noload: \n\
movq 40(%rsp),%rdx # Get the address of the information block\n\
movl 8(%rdx),%eax # Should we 'ignore' the lack \n\
test $1,%eax # of this function? \n\
jz 1f # Nope. \n\
andl $0xffff0000,%eax# upper word (== desired return value) \n\
movl %eax,32(%rsp) # Save for later (in shadow space) \n\
movl $127,%ecx # ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND \n\
call SetLastError # Set it \n\
movl 32(%rsp),%eax # Get back return value \n\
sarl $16,%eax # swap to low order word \n\
addq $40,%rsp # Revert stack \n\
pop %r10 # Drop pointer to 'return address' \n\
pop %rcx # Restore arg registers \n\
pop %rdx \n\
pop %r8 \n\
pop %r9 \n\
pop %rbp # ...and restore frame pointer \n\
ret # Return \n\
1: \n\
movq (%rdx),%rax # Handle value \n\
movq 8(%rax),%r8 \n\
lea 20(%rdx),%rdx # Location of name of function \n\
lea msg1(%rip),%rcx # The message \n\
call api_fatal # Print message. Never returns \n\
.globl dll_func_load \n\
dll_func_load: \n\
movq (%rsp),%rdx # 'Return address' contains load info \n\
movq (%rdx),%rcx # Where handle lives \n\
movq 8(%rcx),%rcx # Address of Handle to DLL \n\
addq $20,%rdx # Address of name of function to load \n\
subq $40,%rsp # Shadow space + 8 byte for alignment \n\
call GetProcAddress # Load it \n\
test %rax,%rax # Success? \n\
jne gotit # Yes \n\
jmp noload # Issue an error or return \n\
gotit: \n\
addq $40,%rsp # Revert stack \n\
pop %r10 # Pointer to 'return address' \n\
movq %rax,12(%r10) # Move absolute address to address slot \n\
subq $25,%r10 # Point to jmp \n\
pop %rcx # Restore arg registers \n\
pop %rdx \n\
pop %r8 \n\
pop %r9 \n\
pop %rbp # ...and restore frame pointer \n\
jmp *%r10 # Jump to actual function \n\
.global dll_chain \n\
dll_chain: \n\
push %rax # Restore 'return address' \n\
jmp *%rdx # Jump to next init function \n\
__asm__ (" \n\
.text \n\
msg1: \n\
.ascii \"couldn't dynamically determine load address for '%s' (handle %p), %E\\0\"\n\
.align 32 \n\
noload: \n\
popl %edx # Get the address of the information block\n\
movl 4(%edx),%eax # Should we 'ignore' the lack \n\
test $1,%eax # of this function? \n\
jz 1f # Nope. \n\
decl %eax # Yes. This is the # of bytes + 1 \n\
popl %edx # Caller's caller \n\
addl %eax,%esp # Pop off bytes \n\
andl $0xffff0000,%eax# upper word \n\
subl %eax,%esp # adjust for possible return value \n\
pushl %eax # Save return value for later \n\
pushl %edx # Save return address for later \n\
movl $127,%eax # ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND \n\
pushl %eax # First argument \n\
call _SetLastError@4 # Set it \n\
popl %edx # Get back return address \n\
popl %eax # Get back return value \n\
sarl $16,%eax # return value in high order word \n\
jmp *%edx # Return \n\
1: \n\
movl (%edx),%eax # Handle value \n\
pushl 4(%eax) \n\
leal 8(%edx),%eax # Location of name of function \n\
pushl %eax \n\
pushl $msg1 # The message \n\
call _api_fatal # Print message. Never returns \n\
.globl dll_func_load \n\
dll_func_load: \n\
movl (%esp),%eax # 'Return address' contains load info \n\
addl $8,%eax # Address of name of function to load \n\
pushl %eax # Second argument \n\
movl -8(%eax),%eax # Where handle lives \n\
movl 4(%eax),%eax # Address of Handle to DLL \n\
pushl %eax # Handle to DLL \n\
call _GetProcAddress@8# Load it \n\
test %eax,%eax # Success? \n\
jne gotit # Yes \n\
jmp noload # Issue an error or return \n\
gotit: \n\
popl %edx # Pointer to 'return address' \n\
subl %edx,%eax # Make it relative \n\
addl $7,%eax # Tweak \n\
subl $12,%edx # Point to jmp \n\
movl %eax,1(%edx) # Move relative address after jump \n\
jmp *%edx # Jump to actual function \n\
.global dll_chain \n\
dll_chain: \n\
pushl %eax # Restore 'return address' \n\
jmp *%edx # Jump to next init function \n\
/* C representations of the two info blocks described above.
FIXME: These structures confuse gdb for some reason. GDB can print
the whole structure but has problems with the name field? */
struct dll_info
UINT_PTR load_state;
HANDLE handle;
LONG here;
void (*init) ();
WCHAR name[];
struct func_info
struct dll_info *dll;
LONG decoration;
#ifdef __x86_64__
UINT_PTR func_addr;
char name[];
/* Mechanism for setting up info for passing to dll_chain routines. */
#ifdef __x86_64__
typedef __uint128_t two_addr_t;
typedef __uint64_t two_addr_t;
union retchain
struct {uintptr_t high; uintptr_t low;};
two_addr_t ll;
/* This function handles the problem described here:
https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/ff919712 */
static __inline bool
dll_load (HANDLE& handle, PWCHAR name)
WCHAR dll_path[MAX_PATH];
/* Try loading with full path, which sometimes fails for no good reason. */
wcpcpy (wcpcpy (dll_path, windows_system_directory), name);
h = LoadLibraryW (dll_path);
/* If it failed, try loading just by name. */
if (!h)
h = LoadLibraryW (name);
if (!h)
return false;
handle = h;
return true;
#define RETRY_COUNT 10
/* The standard DLL initialization routine. */
#ifdef __x86_64__
/* On x86_64, we need assembler wrappers for std_dll_init and wsock_init.
In the x86_64 ABI it's no safe bet that frame[1] (aka 8(%rbp)) contains
the return address. Consequentially, if we try to overwrite frame[1]
with the address of dll_chain, we end up with a scrambled stack, the
result depending on the optimization settings and the current frame of
mind of the compiler. So for x86_64, we disable overwriting the return
address in the real std_dll_init/wsock_init function, but rather do this
in the wrapper, after return from the function, when we exactly know
where the original return address is stored on the stack. */
#define INIT_WRAPPER(func) \
__asm__ (" \n\
.text \n\
.p2align 4,,15 \n\
.seh_proc _" #func " \n\
_" #func ": \n\
pushq %rbp \n\
.seh_pushreg %rbp \n\
movq %rsp,%rbp \n\
.seh_setframe %rbp,0 \n\
subq $0x20,%rsp \n\
.seh_stackalloc 32 \n\
.seh_endprologue \n\
movq 0x28(%rsp),%rcx # return address as parameter \n\
call " #func " \n\
movdqa %xmm0,0x10(%rsp) # 128 bit return value in xmm0 \n\
movq 0x10(%rsp),%rax # copy over to %rax and %rdx \n\
movq 0x18(%rsp),%rdx \n\
leaq dll_chain(%rip),%rcx # load address of dll_chain \n\
movq %rcx,0x28(%rsp) # and overwrite return address \n\
addq $0x20,%rsp \n\
popq %rbp \n\
ret \n\
.seh_endproc \n\
INIT_WRAPPER (std_dll_init)
__attribute__ ((used, noinline)) static two_addr_t
std_dll_init (struct func_info *func)
__attribute__ ((used, noinline)) static two_addr_t
std_dll_init ()
#ifdef __i386__
struct func_info *func = (struct func_info *) __builtin_return_address (0);
struct dll_info *dll = func->dll;
retchain ret;
if (InterlockedIncrement (&dll->here))
InterlockedDecrement (&dll->here);
yield ();
while (InterlockedIncrement (&dll->here));
else if ((uintptr_t) dll->handle <= 1)
fenv_t fpuenv;
fegetenv (&fpuenv);
int i;
/* MSDN seems to imply that LoadLibrary can fail mysteriously, so,
since there have been reports of this in the mailing list, retry
several times before giving up. */
for (i = 1; i <= RETRY_COUNT; i++)
/* If loading the library succeeds, just leave the loop. */
if (dll_load (dll->handle, dll->name))
/* Otherwise check error code returned by LoadLibrary. If the
error code is neither NOACCESS nor DLL_INIT_FAILED, break out
of the loop. */
err = GetLastError ();
if (i < RETRY_COUNT)
yield ();
if ((uintptr_t) dll->handle <= 1)
if ((func->decoration & 1))
api_fatal ("unable to load %W, %E", dll->name);
fesetenv (&fpuenv);
/* Set "arguments" for dll_chain. */
ret.low = (uintptr_t) dll->init;
ret.high = (uintptr_t) func;
InterlockedDecrement (&dll->here);
#ifdef __i386__
/* Kludge alert. Redirects the return address to dll_chain. */
uintptr_t *volatile frame = (uintptr_t *) __builtin_frame_address (0);
frame[1] = (uintptr_t) dll_chain;
return ret.ll;
/* Initialization function for winsock stuff. */
#ifdef __x86_64__
/* See above comment preceeding std_dll_init. */
INIT_WRAPPER (wsock_init)
__attribute__ ((used, noinline)) static two_addr_t
wsock_init (struct func_info *func)
__attribute__ ((used, noinline)) static two_addr_t
wsock_init ()
/* CV 2016-03-09: Moved wsadata into wsock_init to workaround a problem
with the NO_COPY definition of wsadata and here starting with gcc-5.3.0.
See the git log for a description. */
static WSADATA NO_COPY wsadata;
static LONG NO_COPY here = -1L;
#ifdef __i386__
struct func_info *func = (struct func_info *) __builtin_return_address (0);
struct dll_info *dll = func->dll;
while (InterlockedIncrement (&here))
InterlockedDecrement (&here);
yield ();
if (!wsock_started)
int __stdcall (*wsastartup) (int, WSADATA *);
/* Don't use autoload to load WSAStartup to eliminate recursion. */
wsastartup = (int __stdcall (*)(int, WSADATA *))
GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) (dll->handle), "WSAStartup");
if (wsastartup)
int res = wsastartup (MAKEWORD (2, 2), &wsadata);
debug_printf ("res %d", res);
debug_printf ("wVersion %d", wsadata.wVersion);
debug_printf ("wHighVersion %d", wsadata.wHighVersion);
debug_printf ("szDescription %s", wsadata.szDescription);
debug_printf ("szSystemStatus %s", wsadata.szSystemStatus);
debug_printf ("iMaxSockets %d", wsadata.iMaxSockets);
debug_printf ("iMaxUdpDg %d", wsadata.iMaxUdpDg);
wsock_started = 1;
#ifdef __i386__
/* Kludge alert. Redirects the return address to dll_chain. */
uintptr_t *volatile frame = (uintptr_t *) __builtin_frame_address (0);
frame[1] = (uintptr_t) dll_chain;
InterlockedDecrement (&here);
volatile retchain ret;
/* Set "arguments for dll_chain. */
ret.low = (uintptr_t) dll_func_load;
ret.high = (uintptr_t) func;
return ret.ll;
LoadDLLprime (ws2_32, _wsock_init, 0)
LoadDLLfunc (CheckTokenMembership, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (CreateProcessAsUserW, 44, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (DeregisterEventSource, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (DecryptFileW, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (EncryptFileW, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LogonUserW, 24, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LookupAccountNameW, 28, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LookupAccountSidW, 28, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaClose, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaEnumerateAccountRights, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaFreeMemory, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaLookupSids, 20, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaOpenPolicy, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaQueryInformationPolicy, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaRetrievePrivateData, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaStorePrivateData, 12, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegOpenUserClassesRoot, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegOpenCurrentUser, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegCloseKey, 4, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegCreateKeyExW, 36, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegEnumKeyExW, 32, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegEnumValueW, 32, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegGetKeySecurity, 16, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegOpenKeyExW, 20, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegQueryInfoKeyW, 48, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegQueryValueExW, 24, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegisterEventSourceW, 8, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (ReportEventW, 36, advapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (SystemFunction036, 8, advapi32) /* Aka "RtlGenRandom" */
LoadDLLfunc (AuthzAccessCheck, 36, authz)
LoadDLLfunc (AuthzFreeContext, 4, authz)
LoadDLLfunc (AuthzInitializeContextFromSid, 32, authz)
LoadDLLfunc (AuthzInitializeContextFromToken, 32, authz)
LoadDLLfunc (AuthzInitializeResourceManager, 24, authz)
LoadDLLfunc (DnsQuery_A, 24, dnsapi)
LoadDLLfunc (DnsFree, 8, dnsapi)
LoadDLLfunc (GetAdaptersAddresses, 20, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (GetIfEntry, 4, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (GetIpAddrTable, 12, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (GetIpForwardTable, 12, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (GetNetworkParams, 8, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (GetTcpTable, 12, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (GetTcp6Table, 12, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (GetUdpTable, 12, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (if_indextoname, 8, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfunc (if_nametoindex, 4, iphlpapi)
LoadDLLfuncEx2 (DiscardVirtualMemory, 8, kernel32, 1, 127)
LoadDLLfunc (GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx, 4, kernel32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx, 12, kernel32, 1)
LoadDLLfunc (GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime, 4, kernel32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (PrefetchVirtualMemory, 16, kernel32, 1)
LoadDLLfunc (SetThreadGroupAffinity, 12, kernel32)
/* MSDN claims these are exported by kernel32.dll, but only
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime actually is. The others are only
available via KernelBase.dll. */
LoadDLLfunc (QueryInterruptTime, 4, KernelBase)
LoadDLLfunc (QueryInterruptTimePrecise, 4, KernelBase)
LoadDLLfunc (QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime, 4, KernelBase)
LoadDLLfunc (QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise, 4, KernelBase)
/* ldap functions are cdecl! */
#pragma push_macro ("mangle")
#undef mangle
#define mangle(name, n) #name
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_bind_s, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_count_entries, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_count_valuesW, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_first_entry, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_get_next_page_s, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_get_valuesW, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_get_values_lenW, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_initW, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_msgfree, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_next_entry, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_search_abandon_page, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_search_init_pageW, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_search_sW, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_set_option, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_sslinitW, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_unbind, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_value_freeW, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (ldap_value_free_len, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (LdapGetLastError, 0, wldap32)
LoadDLLfunc (LdapMapErrorToWin32, 0, wldap32)
#pragma pop_macro ("mangle")
LoadDLLfunc (WNetCloseEnum, 4, mpr)
LoadDLLfunc (WNetEnumResourceW, 16, mpr)
LoadDLLfunc (WNetGetProviderNameW, 12, mpr)
LoadDLLfunc (WNetGetResourceInformationW, 16, mpr)
LoadDLLfunc (WNetOpenEnumW, 20, mpr)
LoadDLLfunc (DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW, 16, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (DsGetDcNameW, 24, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetApiBufferFree, 4, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetGroupEnum, 28, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetLocalGroupEnum, 28, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetLocalGroupGetInfo, 16, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetUseGetInfo, 16, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetUserEnum, 32, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetUserGetGroups, 28, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetUserGetInfo, 16, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (NetUserGetLocalGroups, 32, netapi32)
LoadDLLfunc (CoTaskMemFree, 4, ole32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaConnectUntrusted, 4, secur32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaDeregisterLogonProcess, 4, secur32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaFreeReturnBuffer, 4, secur32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaLogonUser, 56, secur32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage, 12, secur32)
LoadDLLfunc (LsaRegisterLogonProcess, 12, secur32)
LoadDLLfunc (TranslateNameW, 20, secur32)
LoadDLLfunc (SHGetDesktopFolder, 4, shell32)
LoadDLLfunc (CreateFontW, 56, gdi32)
LoadDLLfunc (DeleteObject, 4, gdi32)
LoadDLLfunc (EnumFontFamiliesExW, 20, gdi32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetGlyphIndicesW, 20, gdi32)
LoadDLLfunc (SelectObject, 8, gdi32)
LoadDLLfunc (CloseClipboard, 0, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CloseDesktop, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CloseWindowStation, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CreateDesktopW, 24, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CreateWindowExW, 48, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (CreateWindowStationW, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (DefWindowProcW, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (DestroyWindow, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (DispatchMessageW, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (EmptyClipboard, 0, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (EnumWindows, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetClipboardData, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetDC, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetForegroundWindow, 0, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetKeyboardLayout, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetMessageW, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetPriorityClipboardFormat, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetProcessWindowStation, 0, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetThreadDesktop, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetUserObjectInformationW, 20, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetWindowThreadProcessId, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (MessageBeep, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (MessageBoxW, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx, 20, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (OpenClipboard, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (PeekMessageW, 20, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (PostMessageW, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (PostQuitMessage, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegisterClassW, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (RegisterClipboardFormatW, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SendNotifyMessageW, 16, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetClipboardData, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetParent, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetProcessWindowStation, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (SetThreadDesktop, 4, user32)
LoadDLLfunc (UnregisterClassW, 8, user32)
LoadDLLfuncEx (CreateEnvironmentBlock, 12, userenv, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx2 (CreateProfile, 16, userenv, 1, 1)
LoadDLLfunc (DestroyEnvironmentBlock, 4, userenv)
LoadDLLfunc (LoadUserProfileW, 8, userenv)
LoadDLLfunc (UnloadUserProfile, 8, userenv)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveInAddBuffer, 12, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveInClose, 4, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveInGetNumDevs, 0, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveInOpen, 24, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveInPrepareHeader, 12, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveInReset, 4, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveInStart, 4, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveInUnprepareHeader, 12, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutClose, 4, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutGetNumDevs, 0, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutGetVolume, 8, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutOpen, 24, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutPrepareHeader, 12, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutReset, 4, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutSetVolume, 8, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutUnprepareHeader, 12, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfuncEx3 (waveOutWrite, 12, winmm, 1, 0, 1)
LoadDLLfunc (accept, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (bind, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (closesocket, 4, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (connect, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (FreeAddrInfoW, 4, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetAddrInfoW, 16, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (GetNameInfoW, 28, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (gethostbyaddr, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (gethostbyname, 4, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (gethostname, 8, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (getpeername, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (getprotobyname, 4, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (getprotobynumber, 4, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (getservbyname, 8, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (getservbyport, 8, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (getsockname, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (getsockopt, 20, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (ioctlsocket, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (listen, 8, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (setsockopt, 20, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (shutdown, 8, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (socket, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAAsyncSelect, 16, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSADuplicateSocketW, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAEnumNetworkEvents, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAEventSelect, 12, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAGetLastError, 0, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAIoctl, 36, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSARecv, 28, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSARecvFrom, 36, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSASendMsg, 24, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSASendTo, 36, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSASetLastError, 4, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSASocketW, 24, ws2_32)
// LoadDLLfunc (WSAStartup, 8, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (WSAWaitForMultipleEvents, 20, ws2_32)
LoadDLLfunc (PdhAddEnglishCounterA, 16, pdh)
LoadDLLfunc (PdhCollectQueryData, 4, pdh)
LoadDLLfunc (PdhGetFormattedCounterValue, 16, pdh)
LoadDLLfunc (PdhOpenQueryA, 12, pdh)