
108 lines
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* Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* %sccs.include.redist.c%
* This function is a modified version of atexit.c
<<on_exit>>---request execution of function with argument at program exit
#include <stdlib.h>
int on_exit (void (*<[function]>)(int, void *), void *<[arg]>);
#include <stdlib.h>
int on_exit ((<[function]>, <[arg]>)
void (*<[function]>)(int, void *);
void *<[arg]>;
You can use <<on_exit>> to enroll functions in a list of functions that
will be called when your program terminates normally. The argument is
a pointer to a user-defined function which takes two arguments. The
first is the status code passed to exit and the second argument is of type
pointer to void. The function must not return a result. The value
of <[arg]> is registered and passed as the argument to <[function]>.
The functions are kept in a LIFO stack; that is, the last function
enrolled by <<atexit>> or <<on_exit>> will be the first to execute when
your program exits. You can intermix functions using <<atexit>> and
There is no built-in limit to the number of functions you can enroll
in this list; however, after every group of 32 functions is enrolled,
<<atexit>>/<<on_exit>> will call <<malloc>> to get space for the next part
of the list. The initial list of 32 functions is statically allocated, so
you can always count on at least that many slots available.
<<on_exit>> returns <<0>> if it succeeds in enrolling your function,
<<-1>> if it fails (possible only if no space was available for
<<malloc>> to extend the list of functions).
<<on_exit>> is a non-standard glibc extension
Supporting OS subroutines required: None
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <reent.h>
* Register a function to be performed at exit.
_DEFUN (on_exit,
(fn, arg),
_VOID _EXFUN ((*fn), (int, _PTR)) _AND
_PTR arg)
struct _on_exit_args * args;
register struct _atexit *p;
void (*x)(void) = (void (*)(void))fn;
/* _REENT_SMALL on_exit() doesn't allow more than the required 32 entries. */
p = &_GLOBAL_REENT->_atexit;
if (p->_ind >= _ATEXIT_SIZE)
return -1;
args = p->_on_exit_args_ptr;
if (args == NULL)
args = malloc (sizeof * p->_on_exit_args_ptr);
if (args == NULL)
return -1;
args->_fntypes = 0;
p->_on_exit_args_ptr = args;
if ((p = _GLOBAL_REENT->_atexit) == NULL)
_GLOBAL_REENT->_atexit = p = &_GLOBAL_REENT->_atexit0;
if (p->_ind >= _ATEXIT_SIZE)
if ((p = (struct _atexit *) malloc (sizeof *p)) == NULL)
return -1;
p->_ind = 0;
p->_on_exit_args._fntypes = 0;
p->_next = _GLOBAL_REENT->_atexit;
_GLOBAL_REENT->_atexit = p;
args = & p->_on_exit_args;
args->_fntypes |= (1 << p->_ind);
args->_fnargs[p->_ind] = arg;
p->_fns[p->_ind++] = x;
return 0;