/* exceptions.cc Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include <wingdi.h> #include <winuser.h> #include <imagehlp.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <assert.h> #include <syslog.h> #include "exceptions.h" #include "sync.h" #include "pinfo.h" #include "cygtls.h" #include "sigproc.h" #include "cygerrno.h" #include "shared_info.h" #include "perprocess.h" #include "security.h" #include "path.h" #include "fhandler.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "cygheap.h" #define CALL_HANDLER_RETRY 20 char debugger_command[2 * CYG_MAX_PATH + 20]; extern "C" { extern void sigdelayed (); }; extern NO_COPY DWORD dwExeced; int NO_COPY sigExeced; static BOOL WINAPI ctrl_c_handler (DWORD); static void signal_exit (int) __attribute__ ((noreturn)); char windows_system_directory[1024]; static size_t windows_system_directory_length; /* This is set to indicate that we have already exited. */ static NO_COPY int exit_already = 0; static muto NO_COPY mask_sync; NO_COPY static struct { unsigned int code; const char *name; } status_info[] = { #define X(s) s, #s { X (STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0) }, { X (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION) }, { X (STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED) }, { X (STATUS_BREAKPOINT) }, { X (STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT) }, { X (STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) }, { X (STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND) }, { X (STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO) }, { X (STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT) }, { X (STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION) }, { X (STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW) }, { X (STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK) }, { X (STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW) }, { X (STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION) }, { X (STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION) }, { X (STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO) }, { X (STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW) }, { X (STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION) }, { X (STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR) }, { X (STATUS_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION) }, { X (STATUS_NO_MEMORY) }, { X (STATUS_PENDING) }, { X (STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION) }, { X (STATUS_SINGLE_STEP) }, { X (STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW) }, { X (STATUS_TIMEOUT) }, { X (STATUS_USER_APC) }, { X (STATUS_WAIT_0) }, { 0, 0 } #undef X }; /* Initialization code. */ BOOL WINAPI dummy_ctrl_c_handler (DWORD dwCtrlType) { return TRUE; } void init_console_handler (BOOL install_handler) { BOOL res; while (SetConsoleCtrlHandler (ctrl_c_handler, FALSE)) continue; if (install_handler) res = SetConsoleCtrlHandler (ctrl_c_handler, TRUE); else if (wincap.has_null_console_handler_routine ()) res = SetConsoleCtrlHandler (NULL, TRUE); else res = SetConsoleCtrlHandler (dummy_ctrl_c_handler, TRUE); if (!res) system_printf ("SetConsoleCtrlHandler failed, %E"); } extern "C" void error_start_init (const char *buf) { if (!buf || !*buf) { debugger_command[0] = '\0'; return; } char pgm[CYG_MAX_PATH]; if (!GetModuleFileName (NULL, pgm, CYG_MAX_PATH)) strcpy (pgm, "cygwin1.dll"); for (char *p = strchr (pgm, '\\'); p; p = strchr (p, '\\')) *p = '/'; __small_sprintf (debugger_command, "%s \"%s\"", buf, pgm); } static void open_stackdumpfile () { if (myself->progname[0]) { const char *p; /* write to progname.stackdump if possible */ if (!myself->progname[0]) p = "unknown"; else if ((p = strrchr (myself->progname, '\\'))) p++; else p = myself->progname; char corefile[strlen (p) + sizeof (".stackdump")]; __small_sprintf (corefile, "%s.stackdump", p); HANDLE h = CreateFile (corefile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, &sec_none_nih, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!myself->cygstarted) system_printf ("Dumping stack trace to %s", corefile); else debug_printf ("Dumping stack trace to %s", corefile); SetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE, h); } } } /* Utilities for dumping the stack, etc. */ static void exception (EXCEPTION_RECORD *e, CONTEXT *in) { const char *exception_name = NULL; if (e) { for (int i = 0; status_info[i].name; i++) { if (status_info[i].code == e->ExceptionCode) { exception_name = status_info[i].name; break; } } } if (exception_name) small_printf ("Exception: %s at eip=%08x\r\n", exception_name, in->Eip); else small_printf ("Exception %d at eip=%08x\r\n", e->ExceptionCode, in->Eip); small_printf ("eax=%08x ebx=%08x ecx=%08x edx=%08x esi=%08x edi=%08x\r\n", in->Eax, in->Ebx, in->Ecx, in->Edx, in->Esi, in->Edi); small_printf ("ebp=%08x esp=%08x program=%s, pid %u, thread %s\r\n", in->Ebp, in->Esp, myself->progname, myself->pid, cygthread::name ()); small_printf ("cs=%04x ds=%04x es=%04x fs=%04x gs=%04x ss=%04x\r\n", in->SegCs, in->SegDs, in->SegEs, in->SegFs, in->SegGs, in->SegSs); } /* A class for manipulating the stack. */ class stack_info { int walk (); /* Uses the "old" method */ char *next_offset () {return *((char **) sf.AddrFrame.Offset);} bool needargs; DWORD dummy_frame; public: STACKFRAME sf; /* For storing the stack information */ void init (DWORD, bool, bool); /* Called the first time that stack info is needed */ /* Postfix ++ iterates over the stack, returning zero when nothing is left. */ int operator ++(int) { return walk (); } }; /* The number of parameters used in STACKFRAME */ #define NPARAMS (sizeof (thestack.sf.Params) / sizeof (thestack.sf.Params[0])) /* This is the main stack frame info for this process. */ static NO_COPY stack_info thestack; /* Initialize everything needed to start iterating. */ void stack_info::init (DWORD ebp, bool wantargs, bool goodframe) { # define debp ((DWORD *) ebp) memset (&sf, 0, sizeof (sf)); if (!goodframe) sf.AddrFrame.Offset = ebp; else { dummy_frame = ebp; sf.AddrFrame.Offset = (DWORD) &dummy_frame; } sf.AddrReturn.Offset = debp[1]; sf.AddrFrame.Mode = AddrModeFlat; needargs = wantargs; # undef debp } /* Walk the stack by looking at successive stored 'bp' frames. This is not foolproof. */ int stack_info::walk () { char **ebp; if ((ebp = (char **) next_offset ()) == NULL) return 0; sf.AddrFrame.Offset = (DWORD) ebp; sf.AddrPC.Offset = sf.AddrReturn.Offset; if (!sf.AddrPC.Offset) return 0; /* stack frames are exhausted */ /* The return address always follows the stack pointer */ sf.AddrReturn.Offset = (DWORD) *++ebp; if (needargs) /* The arguments follow the return address */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < NPARAMS; i++) sf.Params[i] = (DWORD) *++ebp; return 1; } static void stackdump (DWORD ebp, int open_file, bool isexception) { extern unsigned long rlim_core; if (rlim_core == 0UL) return; if (open_file) open_stackdumpfile (); int i; thestack.init (ebp, 1, !isexception); /* Initialize from the input CONTEXT */ small_printf ("Stack trace:\r\nFrame Function Args\r\n"); for (i = 0; i < 16 && thestack++; i++) { small_printf ("%08x %08x ", thestack.sf.AddrFrame.Offset, thestack.sf.AddrPC.Offset); for (unsigned j = 0; j < NPARAMS; j++) small_printf ("%s%08x", j == 0 ? " (" : ", ", thestack.sf.Params[j]); small_printf (")\r\n"); } small_printf ("End of stack trace%s\n", i == 16 ? " (more stack frames may be present)" : ""); } static bool inside_kernel (CONTEXT *cx) { int res; MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION m; memset (&m, 0, sizeof m); if (!VirtualQuery ((LPCVOID) cx->Eip, &m, sizeof m)) sigproc_printf ("couldn't get memory info, pc %p, %E", cx->Eip); char *checkdir = (char *) alloca (windows_system_directory_length + 4); memset (checkdir, 0, sizeof (checkdir)); # define h ((HMODULE) m.AllocationBase) /* Apparently Windows 95 can sometimes return bogus addresses from GetThreadContext. These resolve to a strange allocation base. These should *never* be treated as interruptible. */ if (!h || m.State != MEM_COMMIT) res = false; else if (h == user_data->hmodule) res = true; else if (!GetModuleFileName (h, checkdir, windows_system_directory_length + 2)) res = true; else res = !strncasematch (windows_system_directory, checkdir, windows_system_directory_length); sigproc_printf ("pc %p, h %p, interruptible %d", cx->Eip, h, res); # undef h return res; } /* Temporary (?) function for external callers to get a stack dump */ extern "C" void cygwin_stackdump () { CONTEXT c; c.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; GetThreadContext (GetCurrentThread (), &c); stackdump (c.Ebp, 0, 0); } #define TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_DEBUGGER 10000 extern "C" int try_to_debug (bool waitloop) { debug_printf ("debugger_command '%s'", debugger_command); if (*debugger_command == '\0') return 0; if (being_debugged ()) { DebugBreak (); return 0; } __small_sprintf (strchr (debugger_command, '\0'), " %u", GetCurrentProcessId ()); LONG prio = GetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread ()); SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread (), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {NULL, 0, 0, 0}; STARTUPINFO si = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; si.lpReserved = NULL; si.lpDesktop = NULL; si.dwFlags = 0; si.cb = sizeof (si); /* FIXME: need to know handles of all running threads to suspend_all_threads_except (current_thread_id); */ /* if any of these mutexes is owned, we will fail to start any cygwin app until trapped app exits */ ReleaseMutex (tty_mutex); /* prevent recursive exception handling */ char* rawenv = GetEnvironmentStrings () ; for (char* p = rawenv; *p != '\0'; p = strchr (p, '\0') + 1) { if (strncmp (p, "CYGWIN=", strlen ("CYGWIN=")) == 0) { char* q = strstr (p, "error_start") ; /* replace 'error_start=...' with '_rror_start=...' */ if (q) { *q = '_' ; SetEnvironmentVariable ("CYGWIN", p + strlen ("CYGWIN=")) ; } break ; } } console_printf ("*** starting debugger for pid %u, tid %u\n", cygwin_pid (GetCurrentProcessId ()), GetCurrentThreadId ()); BOOL dbg; dbg = CreateProcess (NULL, debugger_command, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (!dbg) system_printf ("Failed to start debugger, %E"); else { if (!waitloop) return dbg; SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread (), THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE); while (!being_debugged ()) low_priority_sleep (0); Sleep (2000); } console_printf ("*** continuing pid %u from debugger call (%d)\n", cygwin_pid (GetCurrentProcessId ()), dbg); SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread (), prio); return dbg; } extern "C" DWORD __stdcall RtlUnwind (void *, void *, void *, DWORD); static void __stdcall rtl_unwind (exception_list *, PEXCEPTION_RECORD) __attribute__ ((noinline, regparm (3))); void __stdcall rtl_unwind (exception_list *frame, PEXCEPTION_RECORD e) { __asm__ ("\n\ pushl %%ebx \n\ pushl %%edi \n\ pushl %%esi \n\ pushl $0 \n\ pushl %1 \n\ pushl $1f \n\ pushl %0 \n\ call _RtlUnwind@16 \n\ 1: \n\ popl %%esi \n\ popl %%edi \n\ popl %%ebx \n\ ": : "r" (frame), "r" (e)); } /* Main exception handler. */ extern "C" char *__progname; int _cygtls::handle_exceptions (EXCEPTION_RECORD *e, exception_list *frame, CONTEXT *in, void *) { static bool NO_COPY debugging; static int NO_COPY recursed; _cygtls& me = _my_tls; if (debugging && ++debugging < 500000) { SetThreadPriority (hMainThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL); return 0; } /* If we've already exited, don't do anything here. Returning 1 tells Windows to keep looking for an exception handler. */ if (exit_already || e->ExceptionFlags) return 1; siginfo_t si; si.si_code = SI_KERNEL; /* Coerce win32 value to posix value. */ switch (e->ExceptionCode) { case STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND: case STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: case STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION: case STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK: si.si_signo = SIGFPE; si.si_code = FPE_FLTSUB; break; case STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT: si.si_signo = SIGFPE; si.si_code = FPE_FLTRES; break; case STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW: si.si_signo = SIGFPE; si.si_code = FPE_FLTOVF; break; case STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW: si.si_signo = SIGFPE; si.si_code = FPE_FLTUND; break; case STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: si.si_signo = SIGFPE; si.si_code = FPE_INTDIV; break; case STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW: si.si_signo = SIGFPE; si.si_code = FPE_INTOVF; break; case STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION: si.si_signo = SIGILL; si.si_code = ILL_ILLOPC; break; case STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION: si.si_signo = SIGILL; si.si_code = ILL_PRVOPC; break; case STATUS_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION: si.si_signo = SIGILL; si.si_code = ILL_ILLADR; break; case STATUS_TIMEOUT: si.si_signo = SIGALRM; break; case STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION: si.si_signo = SIGBUS; si.si_code = BUS_OBJERR; break; case STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT: si.si_signo = SIGBUS; si.si_code = BUS_ADRALN; break; case STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION: if (mmap_is_attached_page (e->ExceptionInformation[1])) { si.si_signo = SIGBUS; si.si_code = BUS_OBJERR; } else { MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION m; VirtualQuery ((PVOID) e->ExceptionInformation[1], &m, sizeof m); si.si_signo = SIGSEGV; si.si_code = m.State == MEM_FREE ? SEGV_MAPERR : SEGV_ACCERR; } break; case STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: case STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR: case STATUS_NO_MEMORY: case STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION: case STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW: si.si_signo = SIGSEGV; si.si_code = SEGV_MAPERR; break; case STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT: si.si_signo = SIGINT; break; case STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE: /* CloseHandle will throw this exception if it is given an invalid handle. We don't care about the exception; we just want CloseHandle to return an error. This can be revisited if gcc ever supports Windows style structured exception handling. */ return 0; default: /* If we don't recognize the exception, we have to assume that we are doing structured exception handling, and we let something else handle it. */ return 1; } rtl_unwind (frame, e); debug_printf ("In cygwin_except_handler exc %p at %p sp %p", e->ExceptionCode, in->Eip, in->Esp); debug_printf ("In cygwin_except_handler sig %d at %p", si.si_signo, in->Eip); if (global_sigs[si.si_signo].sa_mask & SIGTOMASK (si.si_signo)) syscall_printf ("signal %d, masked %p", si.si_signo, global_sigs[si.si_signo].sa_mask); debug_printf ("In cygwin_except_handler calling %p", global_sigs[si.si_signo].sa_handler); DWORD *ebp = (DWORD *) in->Esp; for (DWORD *bpend = (DWORD *) __builtin_frame_address (0); ebp > bpend; ebp--) if (*ebp == in->SegCs && ebp[-1] == in->Eip) { ebp -= 2; break; } if (!me.fault_guarded () && (!cygwin_finished_initializing || &me == _sig_tls || (void *) global_sigs[si.si_signo].sa_handler == (void *) SIG_DFL || (void *) global_sigs[si.si_signo].sa_handler == (void *) SIG_IGN || (void *) global_sigs[si.si_signo].sa_handler == (void *) SIG_ERR)) { /* Print the exception to the console */ if (!myself->cygstarted) for (int i = 0; status_info[i].name; i++) if (status_info[i].code == e->ExceptionCode) { system_printf ("Exception: %s", status_info[i].name); break; } /* Another exception could happen while tracing or while exiting. Only do this once. */ if (recursed++) system_printf ("Error while dumping state (probably corrupted stack)"); else { if (try_to_debug (0)) { debugging = true; return 0; } open_stackdumpfile (); exception (e, in); stackdump ((DWORD) ebp, 0, 1); } if (e->ExceptionCode == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION) { int error_code = 0; if (si.si_code == SEGV_ACCERR) /* Address present */ error_code |= 1; if (e->ExceptionInformation[0]) /* Write access */ error_code |= 2; if (!inside_kernel (in)) /* User space */ error_code |= 4; klog (LOG_INFO, "%s[%d]: segfault at %08x rip %08x rsp %08x error %d", __progname, myself->pid, e->ExceptionInformation[1], in->Eip, in->Esp, ((in->Eip >= 0x61000000 && in->Eip < 0x61200000) ? 0 : 4) | (e->ExceptionInformation[0] << 1)); } signal_exit (0x80 | si.si_signo); // Flag signal + core dump } if (me.fault_guarded ()) me.return_from_fault (); si.si_addr = (void *) in->Eip; si.si_errno = si.si_pid = si.si_uid = 0; me.incyg++; sig_send (NULL, si, &me); // Signal myself me.incyg--; e->ExceptionFlags = 0; return 0; } /* Utilities to call a user supplied exception handler. */ #define SIG_NONMASKABLE (SIGTOMASK (SIGKILL) | SIGTOMASK (SIGSTOP)) /* Non-raceable sigsuspend * Note: This implementation is based on the Single UNIX Specification * man page. This indicates that sigsuspend always returns -1 and that * attempts to block unblockable signals will be silently ignored. * This is counter to what appears to be documented in some UNIX * man pages, e.g. Linux. */ int __stdcall handle_sigsuspend (sigset_t tempmask) { if (&_my_tls != _main_tls) { cancelable_wait (signal_arrived, INFINITE, cw_cancel_self); return -1; } sigset_t oldmask = myself->getsigmask (); // Remember for restoration set_signal_mask (tempmask, myself->getsigmask ()); sigproc_printf ("oldmask %p, newmask %p", oldmask, tempmask); pthread_testcancel (); cancelable_wait (signal_arrived, INFINITE); set_sig_errno (EINTR); // Per POSIX /* A signal dispatch function will have been added to our stack and will be hit eventually. Set the old mask to be restored when the signal handler returns and indicate its presence by modifying deltamask. */ _my_tls.deltamask |= SIG_NONMASKABLE; _my_tls.oldmask = oldmask; // Will be restored by signal handler return -1; } extern DWORD exec_exit; // Possible exit value for exec extern "C" { static void sig_handle_tty_stop (int sig) { _my_tls.incyg = 1; /* Silently ignore attempts to suspend if there is no accommodating cygwin parent to deal with this behavior. */ if (!myself->cygstarted) { myself->process_state &= ~PID_STOPPED; return; } myself->stopsig = sig; myself->alert_parent (sig); sigproc_printf ("process %d stopped by signal %d", myself->pid, sig); HANDLE w4[2]; w4[0] = sigCONT; w4[1] = signal_arrived; switch (WaitForMultipleObjects (2, w4, TRUE, INFINITE)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: reset_signal_arrived (); myself->alert_parent (SIGCONT); break; default: api_fatal ("WaitSingleObject failed, %E"); break; } _my_tls.incyg = 0; } } bool _cygtls::interrupt_now (CONTEXT *cx, int sig, void *handler, struct sigaction& siga) { bool interrupted; if (!inside_kernel (cx) || (incyg || spinning || locked ())) interrupted = false; else { push ((__stack_t) cx->Eip); interrupt_setup (sig, handler, siga); cx->Eip = pop (); SetThreadContext (*this, cx); /* Restart the thread in a new location */ interrupted = true; } return interrupted; } void __stdcall _cygtls::interrupt_setup (int sig, void *handler, struct sigaction& siga) { push ((__stack_t) sigdelayed); deltamask = siga.sa_mask & ~SIG_NONMASKABLE; sa_flags = siga.sa_flags; func = (void (*) (int)) handler; if (siga.sa_flags & SA_RESETHAND) siga.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; saved_errno = -1; // Flag: no errno to save if (handler == sig_handle_tty_stop) { myself->stopsig = 0; myself->process_state |= PID_STOPPED; } this->sig = sig; // Should always be last thing set to avoid a race /* Clear any waiting threads prior to dispatching to handler function */ int res = SetEvent (signal_arrived); // For an EINTR case proc_subproc (PROC_CLEARWAIT, 1); sigproc_printf ("armed signal_arrived %p, sig %d, res %d", signal_arrived, sig, res); } extern "C" void __stdcall set_sig_errno (int e) { *_my_tls.errno_addr = e; _my_tls.saved_errno = e; // sigproc_printf ("errno %d", e); } static int setup_handler (int, void *, struct sigaction&, _cygtls *tls) __attribute__((regparm(3))); static int setup_handler (int sig, void *handler, struct sigaction& siga, _cygtls *tls) { CONTEXT cx; bool interrupted = false; if (tls->sig) { sigproc_printf ("trying to send sig %d but signal %d already armed", sig, tls->sig); goto out; } for (int i = 0; i < CALL_HANDLER_RETRY; i++) { tls->lock (); if (tls->incyg) { sigproc_printf ("controlled interrupt. stackptr %p, stack %p, stackptr[-1] %p", tls->stackptr, tls->stack, tls->stackptr[-1]); tls->interrupt_setup (sig, handler, siga); interrupted = true; tls->unlock (); break; } tls->unlock (); DWORD res; HANDLE hth = (HANDLE) *tls; /* Suspend the thread which will receive the signal. For Windows 95, we also have to ensure that the addresses returned by GetThreadContext are valid. If one of these conditions is not true we loop for a fixed number of times since we don't want to stall the signal handler. FIXME: Will this result in noticeable delays? If the thread is already suspended (which can occur when a program has called SuspendThread on itself) then just queue the signal. */ #ifndef DEBUGGING sigproc_printf ("suspending mainthread"); #else cx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL | CONTEXT_INTEGER; if (!GetThreadContext (hth, &cx)) memset (&cx, 0, sizeof cx); sigproc_printf ("suspending mainthread PC %p", cx.Eip); #endif res = SuspendThread (hth); /* Just set pending if thread is already suspended */ if (res) { ResumeThread (hth); break; } cx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL | CONTEXT_INTEGER; if (!GetThreadContext (hth, &cx)) system_printf ("couldn't get context of main thread, %E"); else interrupted = tls->interrupt_now (&cx, sig, handler, siga); res = ResumeThread (hth); if (interrupted) break; sigproc_printf ("couldn't interrupt. trying again."); low_priority_sleep (0); } out: if (interrupted && tls->event) { HANDLE h = tls->event; tls->event = NULL; SetEvent (h); } sigproc_printf ("signal %d %sdelivered", sig, interrupted ? "" : "not "); return interrupted; } static inline bool has_visible_window_station () { HWINSTA station_hdl; USEROBJECTFLAGS uof; DWORD len; /* Check if the process is associated with a visible window station. These are processes running on the local desktop as well as processes running in terminal server sessions. Processes running in a service session not explicitely associated with the desktop (using the "Allow service to interact with desktop" property) are running in an invisible window station. */ if ((station_hdl = GetProcessWindowStation ()) && GetUserObjectInformationA (station_hdl, UOI_FLAGS, &uof, sizeof uof, &len) && (uof.dwFlags & WSF_VISIBLE)) return true; return false; } /* Keyboard interrupt handler. */ static BOOL WINAPI ctrl_c_handler (DWORD type) { static bool saw_close; if (!cygwin_finished_initializing) { if (myself->cygstarted) /* Was this process created by a cygwin process? */ return TRUE; /* Yes. Let the parent eventually handle CTRL-C issues. */ debug_printf ("exiting with status %p", STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT); ExitProcess (STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT); } _my_tls.remove (INFINITE); #if 0 if (type == CTRL_C_EVENT || type == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) proc_subproc (PROC_KILLFORKED, 0); #endif /* Return FALSE to prevent an "End task" dialog box from appearing for each Cygwin process window that's open when the computer is shut down or console window is closed. */ if (type == CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT) { #if 0 /* Don't send a signal. Only NT service applications and their child processes will receive this event and the services typically already handle the shutdown action when getting the SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN control message. */ sig_send (NULL, SIGTERM); #endif return FALSE; } if (myself->ctty != -1) { if (type == CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT) { sig_send (NULL, SIGHUP); saw_close = true; return FALSE; } if (!saw_close && type == CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT) { #if 0 /* CV, 2005-09-08: The CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT is only send to services. It's send when *any* user logs off. Services generally have a modified console handler which allows services to survive also after a user logged out, even if the service has a console window attached to the visible window station of the user ("Interact with desktop"). The below code contradicts this standard behaviour, so for now, we disable it and just return FALSE to get the default behaviour or the one the application's own console handler (if any) requires. In other words: We never send SIGHUP to services and their child processes on a LOGOFF event. */ /* Check if the process is actually associated with a visible window station, one which actually represents a visible desktop. If not, the CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT doesn't concern this process. */ if (has_visible_window_station ()) sig_send (myself_nowait, SIGHUP); #endif return FALSE; } } /* If we are a stub and the new process has a pinfo structure, let it handle this signal. */ if (dwExeced && pinfo (dwExeced)) return TRUE; /* We're only the process group leader when we have a valid pinfo structure. If we don't have one, then the parent "stub" will handle the signal. */ if (!pinfo (cygwin_pid (GetCurrentProcessId ()))) return TRUE; tty_min *t = cygwin_shared->tty.get_tty (myself->ctty); /* Ignore this if we're not the process group leader since it should be handled *by* the process group leader. */ if (myself->ctty != -1 && t->getpgid () == myself->pid && (GetTickCount () - t->last_ctrl_c) >= MIN_CTRL_C_SLOP) /* Otherwise we just send a SIGINT to the process group and return TRUE (to indicate that we have handled the signal). At this point, type should be a CTRL_C_EVENT or CTRL_BREAK_EVENT. */ { int sig = SIGINT; /* If intr and quit are both mapped to ^C, send SIGQUIT on ^BREAK */ if (type == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT && t->ti.c_cc[VINTR] == 3 && t->ti.c_cc[VQUIT] == 3) sig = SIGQUIT; t->last_ctrl_c = GetTickCount (); killsys (-myself->pid, sig); t->last_ctrl_c = GetTickCount (); return TRUE; } return TRUE; } /* Function used by low level sig wrappers. */ extern "C" void __stdcall set_process_mask (sigset_t newmask) { set_signal_mask (newmask, myself->getsigmask ()); sigproc_printf ("mask now %p\n", myself->getsigmask ()); } extern "C" int sighold (int sig) { /* check that sig is in right range */ if (sig < 0 || sig >= NSIG) { set_errno (EINVAL); syscall_printf ("signal %d out of range", sig); return -1; } mask_sync.acquire (INFINITE); sigset_t mask = myself->getsigmask (); sigaddset (&mask, sig); set_signal_mask (mask, myself->getsigmask ()); mask_sync.release (); return 0; } extern "C" int sigrelse (int sig) { /* check that sig is in right range */ if (sig < 0 || sig >= NSIG) { set_errno (EINVAL); syscall_printf ("signal %d out of range", sig); return -1; } mask_sync.acquire (INFINITE); sigset_t mask = myself->getsigmask (); sigdelset (&mask, sig); set_signal_mask (mask, myself->getsigmask ()); mask_sync.release (); return 0; } /* Update the signal mask for this process and return the old mask. Called from sigdelayed */ extern "C" sigset_t set_process_mask_delta () { mask_sync.acquire (INFINITE); sigset_t newmask, oldmask; if (_my_tls.deltamask & SIG_NONMASKABLE) oldmask = _my_tls.oldmask; /* from handle_sigsuspend */ else oldmask = myself->getsigmask (); newmask = (oldmask | _my_tls.deltamask) & ~SIG_NONMASKABLE; sigproc_printf ("oldmask %p, newmask %p, deltamask %p", oldmask, newmask, _my_tls.deltamask); myself->setsigmask (newmask); mask_sync.release (); return oldmask; } /* Set the signal mask for this process. Note that some signals are unmaskable, as in UNIX. */ extern "C" void __stdcall set_signal_mask (sigset_t newmask, sigset_t& oldmask) { #ifdef CGF if (&_my_tls == _sig_tls) small_printf ("********* waiting in signal thread\n"); #endif mask_sync.acquire (INFINITE); newmask &= ~SIG_NONMASKABLE; sigset_t mask_bits = oldmask & ~newmask; sigproc_printf ("oldmask %p, newmask %p, mask_bits %p", oldmask, newmask, mask_bits); oldmask = newmask; if (mask_bits) sig_dispatch_pending (true); else sigproc_printf ("not calling sig_dispatch_pending"); mask_sync.release (); } int __stdcall sigpacket::process () { DWORD continue_now; if (si.si_signo != SIGCONT) continue_now = false; else { continue_now = myself->process_state & PID_STOPPED; myself->stopsig = 0; myself->process_state &= ~PID_STOPPED; /* Clear pending stop signals */ sig_clear (SIGSTOP); sig_clear (SIGTSTP); sig_clear (SIGTTIN); sig_clear (SIGTTOU); } int rc = 1; sigproc_printf ("signal %d processing", si.si_signo); struct sigaction& thissig = global_sigs[si.si_signo]; myself->rusage_self.ru_nsignals++; bool masked; void *handler; if (!hExeced || (void *) thissig.sa_handler == (void *) SIG_IGN) handler = (void *) thissig.sa_handler; else if (tls) return 1; else handler = NULL; if (si.si_signo == SIGKILL) goto exit_sig; if (si.si_signo == SIGSTOP) { sig_clear (SIGCONT); if (!tls) tls = _main_tls; goto stop; } bool insigwait_mask; if ((masked = ISSTATE (myself, PID_STOPPED))) insigwait_mask = false; else if (!tls) insigwait_mask = !handler && (tls = _cygtls::find_tls (si.si_signo)); else insigwait_mask = sigismember (&tls->sigwait_mask, si.si_signo); if (insigwait_mask) goto thread_specific; if (masked) /* nothing to do */; else if (sigismember (mask, si.si_signo)) masked = true; else if (tls) masked = sigismember (&tls->sigmask, si.si_signo); if (!tls) tls = _main_tls; if (masked) { sigproc_printf ("signal %d blocked", si.si_signo); rc = -1; goto done; } /* Clear pending SIGCONT on stop signals */ if (si.si_signo == SIGTSTP || si.si_signo == SIGTTIN || si.si_signo == SIGTTOU) sig_clear (SIGCONT); #ifdef CGF if (being_debugged ()) { char sigmsg[sizeof (_CYGWIN_SIGNAL_STRING " 0xffffffff")]; __small_sprintf (sigmsg, _CYGWIN_SIGNAL_STRING " %p", si.si_signo); OutputDebugString (sigmsg); } #endif if (handler == (void *) SIG_DFL) { if (insigwait_mask) goto thread_specific; if (si.si_signo == SIGCHLD || si.si_signo == SIGIO || si.si_signo == SIGCONT || si.si_signo == SIGWINCH || si.si_signo == SIGURG) { sigproc_printf ("default signal %d ignored", si.si_signo); if (continue_now) SetEvent (signal_arrived); goto done; } if (si.si_signo == SIGTSTP || si.si_signo == SIGTTIN || si.si_signo == SIGTTOU) goto stop; goto exit_sig; } if (handler == (void *) SIG_IGN) { sigproc_printf ("signal %d ignored", si.si_signo); goto done; } if (handler == (void *) SIG_ERR) goto exit_sig; tls->set_siginfo (this); goto dosig; stop: /* Eat multiple attempts to STOP */ if (ISSTATE (myself, PID_STOPPED)) goto done; handler = (void *) sig_handle_tty_stop; struct sigaction dummy = global_sigs[SIGSTOP]; thissig = dummy; dosig: /* Dispatch to the appropriate function. */ sigproc_printf ("signal %d, about to call %p", si.si_signo, handler); rc = setup_handler (si.si_signo, handler, thissig, tls); done: if (continue_now) SetEvent (sigCONT); sigproc_printf ("returning %d", rc); return rc; thread_specific: tls->sig = si.si_signo; tls->set_siginfo (this); sigproc_printf ("releasing sigwait for thread"); SetEvent (tls->event); goto done; exit_sig: if (si.si_signo == SIGQUIT || si.si_signo == SIGABRT) { CONTEXT c; c.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; GetThreadContext (hMainThread, &c); if (!try_to_debug ()) stackdump (c.Ebp, 1, 1); si.si_signo |= 0x80; } sigproc_printf ("signal %d, about to call do_exit", si.si_signo); signal_exit (si.si_signo); /* never returns */ } /* Cover function to `do_exit' to handle exiting even in presence of more exceptions. We used to call exit, but a SIGSEGV shouldn't cause atexit routines to run. */ static void signal_exit (int rc) { if (hExeced) { sigproc_printf ("terminating captive process"); TerminateProcess (hExeced, sigExeced = rc); } lock_process until_exit (true); if (hExeced || exit_state) myself.exit (rc); /* Starve other threads in a vain attempt to stop them from doing something stupid. */ SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread (), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); user_data->resourcelocks->Delete (); user_data->resourcelocks->Init (); sigproc_printf ("about to call do_exit (%x)", rc); SetEvent (signal_arrived); do_exit (rc); } HANDLE NO_COPY tty_mutex = NULL; void events_init () { char *name; char mutex_name[CYG_MAX_PATH]; /* tty_mutex is on while searching for a tty slot. It's necessary while finding console window handle */ if (!(tty_mutex = CreateMutex (&sec_all_nih, FALSE, name = shared_name (mutex_name, "tty_mutex", 0)))) api_fatal ("can't create title mutex '%s', %E", name); ProtectHandle (tty_mutex); mask_sync.init ("mask_sync"); windows_system_directory[0] = '\0'; GetSystemDirectory (windows_system_directory, sizeof (windows_system_directory) - 2); char *end = strchr (windows_system_directory, '\0'); if (end == windows_system_directory) api_fatal ("can't find windows system directory"); if (end[-1] != '\\') { *end++ = '\\'; *end = '\0'; } windows_system_directory_length = end - windows_system_directory; debug_printf ("windows_system_directory '%s', windows_system_directory_length %d", windows_system_directory, windows_system_directory_length); } void events_terminate () { exit_already = 1; } int _cygtls::call_signal_handler () { int this_sa_flags = 0; /* Call signal handler. */ while (sig) { lock (); this_sa_flags = sa_flags; int thissig = sig; pop (); reset_signal_arrived (); sigset_t this_oldmask = set_process_mask_delta (); int this_errno = saved_errno; sig = 0; unlock (); // make sure synchronized incyg = 0; if (!(this_sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO)) { void (*sigfunc) (int) = func; sigfunc (thissig); } else { siginfo_t thissi = infodata; void (*sigact) (int, siginfo_t *, void *) = (void (*) (int, siginfo_t *, void *)) func; /* no ucontext_t information provided yet */ sigact (thissig, &thissi, NULL); } incyg = 1; set_signal_mask (this_oldmask, myself->getsigmask ()); if (this_errno >= 0) set_errno (this_errno); } return this_sa_flags & SA_RESTART; } extern "C" void __stdcall reset_signal_arrived () { // NEEDED? WaitForSingleObject (signal_arrived, 10); ResetEvent (signal_arrived); sigproc_printf ("reset signal_arrived"); if (_my_tls.stackptr > _my_tls.stack) debug_printf ("stackptr[-1] %p", _my_tls.stackptr[-1]); }