/* * Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * %sccs.include.redist.c% */ /* FUNCTION <<exit>>---end program execution INDEX exit SYNOPSIS #include <stdlib.h> void exit(int <[code]>); DESCRIPTION Use <<exit>> to return control from a program to the host operating environment. Use the argument <[code]> to pass an exit status to the operating environment: two particular values, <<EXIT_SUCCESS>> and <<EXIT_FAILURE>>, are defined in `<<stdlib.h>>' to indicate success or failure in a portable fashion. <<exit>> does two kinds of cleanup before ending execution of your program. First, it calls all application-defined cleanup functions you have enrolled with <<atexit>>. Second, files and streams are cleaned up: any pending output is delivered to the host system, each open file or stream is closed, and files created by <<tmpfile>> are deleted. RETURNS <<exit>> does not return to its caller. PORTABILITY ANSI C requires <<exit>>, and specifies that <<EXIT_SUCCESS>> and <<EXIT_FAILURE>> must be defined. Supporting OS subroutines required: <<_exit>>. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> /* for _exit() declaration */ #include <reent.h> #include "atexit.h" /* * Exit, flushing stdio buffers if necessary. */ void exit (int code) { #ifdef _LITE_EXIT /* Refer to comments in __atexit.c for more details of lite exit. */ void __call_exitprocs (int, void *) __attribute__((weak)); if (__call_exitprocs) #endif __call_exitprocs (code, NULL); if (__stdio_exit_handler != NULL) (*__stdio_exit_handler) (); _exit (code); }