 * interrupt_vectors.s -- the interrupt handler jump table. 
 * There are a total of 32 interrupt vector possible, however, only
 *   11 of those are currently used (the others are reserved). The
 *   order of vectors is as follows:
 *     1. Boot Vector. Vector for power-on/reset.
 *     2. Software Vector. Vector for handling the SI instruction (an
 *          explicit interrupt caused by software).
 *     3. Break Vector. Vector for handling the Break instruction.
 *     4. Device 0 Vector. Service vector for device zero. 
 *     5. Device 1 Vector. Service vector for device one. 
 *     6. Device 2 Vector. Service vector for device two. 
 *     7. Device 3 Vector. Service vector for device three. 
 *     8. Device 4 Vector. Service vector for device four. 
 *     9. Device 5 Vector. Service vector for device five. 
 *    10. Device 6 Vector. Service vector for device six. 
 *    11. Device 7 Vector. Service vector for device seven. 
 *   The rest of the interrupt vectors are reserved for future use.
 * Each jump table entry consists of the following two instructions:
 *   jmp Label		; Label as appropriate
 *   nop 		; implemented as or r0,r0,r0
 *   The following labels are reserved for the vectors named above,
 *   respectively:
 * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Morpho Technologies

	.section .startup, "a", @progbits
	.global __boot_start
	jmp	_BOOTIVEC		; Boot vector
	or	r0, r0, r0
	jmp	_SOFTIVEC		; Vector for SI instruction
	or	r0,r0,r0
	jmp	_BRKIVEC		; Vector for Break instruction
	or	r0,r0,r0
	; The illegal instruction trap is not implemented.
        jmp	_RESERVED1_IVEC		; Vector for illegal instruction
        or	r0,r0,r0
	jmp	_OVFIVEC		; Vector for overflow exception
	or	r0,r0,r0
        jmp	_RESERVED2_IVEC
        or	r0,r0,r0
        jmp	_RESERVED3_IVEC
        or	r0,r0,r0
        jmp	_RESERVED4_IVEC
        or	r0,r0,r0


	.equ SI_IOPORT_BIT, 0x1
	.equ BRK_IOPORT_BIT, 0x1

	.global _BOOTIVEC
	; Initialize the interrupt controller's interrupt vector registers
	ldui	r1, #%hi16(_IVEC_DEFAULT)
	ori	r1, r1, #%lo16(_IVEC_DEFAULT)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV0_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV1_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV2_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV3_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV4_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV5_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV6_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV7_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV8_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV9_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV10_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV11_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV12_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV13_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV14_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV15_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV16_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV17_INTERRUPT_REG)
	stw	r1, r0, #%lo16(_DEV18_INTERRUPT_REG)

	; Statically initialized data must be copied from ROM to RAM.
	; This is done in the C run-time start-up code (crt0.o).

	; Jump to the beginning of the application and enable interrupts.
	jmp	_start

	; Handler for the SI instruction. To perform a system call, the
	; C model uses a trapping mechanism which executes an SI instruction.
	; The Morpho Technologies simulator simply performs a branch to
	; this vector to simulate the SI instruction (this is as the hardware
	; behaves). In order to trigger the simulator that a system call
	; is needed a write into the I/O register at address $40005 to
	; set bit #2 (0x4) is necessary.
	; The above address has been changed to 0x00031C and the bit number
	; is zero. (The manifest constants have been changed to reflect this.)
	.global _SOFTIVEC
	; Build a frame to save registers.
	subi	sp, sp, #$8
	stw	r9, sp, #$4
	ldui	r9, #%hi16(SI_IOPORT_ADR)
	stw	r10, sp, #$0
	ori	r9, r9, #%lo16(SI_IOPORT_ADR)
	ori	r10, r0, #SI_IOPORT_BIT
	stw	r10, r9, #$0
	or	r0, r0, r0	; SYS_call is handled by simulator here...
	ldw	r10, sp, #$0
	or	r0, r0, r0
	ldw	r9, sp, #$4
	reti	r14
	addi	sp, sp, #$8

	; Handler for BREAK instruction. This handler triggers the simulator
	; to send a SIGTRAP signal to gdb by writing to the I/O register at
	; address $40005, setting bit #0 (0x1).
	; The above address has been changed to 0x000304 and the bit number
	; is zero. (The manifest constants have been changed to reflect this.)
	.global _BRKIVEC
	; Build a frame to save registers.
	subi	sp, sp, #$8
	stw	r9, sp, #$4
	ldui	r9, #%hi16(BRK_IOPORT_ADR)
	stw	r10, sp, #$0
	ori	r9, r9, #%lo16(BRK_IOPORT_ADR)
	ori	r10, r0, #BRK_IOPORT_BIT
	stw	r10, r9, #$0
	or	r0, r0, r0
	or	r0, r0, r0
	or	r0, r0, r0
	or	r0, r0, r0
	or	r0, r0, r0
	ldw	r10, sp, #$0
	ldw	r9, sp, #$4
	reti	r15
	addi	sp, sp, #$8

	; The documentation is lacking in the specification of the Overflow
	;   Exception generation. The address of the instruction causing the
	;   overflow is placed into R15 and the overflow exception interrupt
	;   is triggered. So, to continue execution, return to the address
	;   of the next instruction (i.e., R15 + one instruction).
	addi    r15, r15, #$4
	or      r0, r0, r0
	reti    r15
	or      r0, r0, r0

	.global _IVEC_DEFAULT
	reti	r15
	or	r0, r0, r0

	.section .internal_io, "a", @progbits
	.fill 256		; Fill the first page.

	; This is the memory-mapped I/O region.

	; Hardware Interrupt Registers
	;.org 0xfff100
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	; 128 bytes minus ten registers (four bytes per register)
	.fill (128 - 19 * 4)

	.word 0x00000000

	; 128 bytes minus one register (four bytes per register)
	.fill (128 - 1 * 4)

	;.org 0xfff200
	; MorphoSys Decoder Registers
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000



	.global _MS_DATA_BLK0_END_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000



	.global _MS_DATA_BLK1_END_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000



	.global _MS_DATA_BLK2_END_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000



	.global _MS_DATA_BLK3_END_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000



	.global _MS_DATA_BLK4_END_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000



	.global _MS_DATA_BLK5_END_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000



	.global _MS_DATA_BLK6_END_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000



	.global _MS_DATA_BLK7_END_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.global _MS_DEC_AUTO_INC0_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _MS_DEC_AUTO_INC1_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _MS_DEC_AUTO_INC2_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _MS_DEC_AUTO_INC3_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _MS_DEC_AUTO_INC4_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _MS_DEC_AUTO_INC5_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _MS_DEC_AUTO_INC6_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _MS_DEC_AUTO_INC7_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	; 256 bytes minus forty-five registers (four bytes per register)
	.fill (256 - 45 * 4)

	;.org 0xfff300
	; Debug Registers
	.global _DEBUG_HALT_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	; There are five reserved registers.
	.fill (5 * 4)

        .global _DEBUG_SW_SYSREQ_REG
        .word 0x00000000

        ; 256 bytes minus eight registers (four bytes per register)
        .fill (256 - 8 * 4)

	;.org 0xfff400
	; Sequence Generator Registers
	.global _SEQ_GEN_CTRL_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	; The mask registers consume two pages (less one control register).
	; 512 bytes minus one register (four bytes per register).
	.fill (256 + 256 - 1 * 4)

        ;.org 0xfff600
	; Timer Registers
        .global _TIMER0_VAL_REG
        .word 0x00000000

        .global _TIMER1_VAL_REG
        .word 0x00000000

        .global _TIMER2_VAL_REG
        .word 0x00000000

        .global _TIMER3_VAL_REG
        .word 0x00000000

	; 256 bytes minus four registers (four bytes per register)
	.fill (256 - 4 * 4)

	;.org 0xfff700
	; Output Line Control Registers
	.global _OUTPUT0_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT1_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT2_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT3_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT4_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT5_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT6_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT7_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT8_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT9_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	.global _OUTPUT10_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	;; 128 bytes minus eleven registers (four bytes per register)
	;.fill (128 - 11 * 4)

	.global _INPUT0_CTRL
	.word 0x00000000

	;; 128 bytes minus one register (four bytes per register)
	;.fill (128 - 1 * 4)
	; 256 bytes minus twelve registers (four bytes per register)
	.fill (256 - 12 * 4)

	;.org 0xfff800
	; IQ Buffer Registers
	.global _IQ_BUFF_CTRL_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.global _IQ_BUFF_FB_ADDR1_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.word 0x00000000

	.global _IQ_BUFF_FB_ADDR2_REG
	.word 0x00000000

	; 256 bytes minus nine registers (four bytes per register)
	.fill (256 - 9 * 4)

	;.org 0xfff900
	; Reserved memory-mapped space.
	.fill (0x1000 - 0x900)