#ifdef __LARGE64_FILES /* FUNCTION <>---restore position of a large stream or file INDEX fsetpos64 ANSI_SYNOPSIS #include int fsetpos64(FILE *<[fp]>, const _fpos64_t *<[pos]>); TRAD_SYNOPSIS #include int fsetpos64(<[fp]>, <[pos]>) FILE *<[fp]>; _fpos64_t *<[pos]>; DESCRIPTION Objects of type <> can have a ``position'' that records how much of the file your program has already read. Many of the <> functions depend on this position, and many change it as a side effect. You can use <> to return the large file identified by <[fp]> to a previous position <<*<[pos]>>> (after first recording it with <>). See <> for a similar facility. RETURNS <> returns <<0>> when successful. If <> fails, the result is <<1>>. The reason for failure is indicated in <>: either <> (the stream identified by <[fp]> doesn't support 64-bit repositioning) or <> (invalid file position). PORTABILITY <> is a glibc extension. Supporting OS subroutines required: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>. */ #include int _DEFUN (fsetpos64, (iop, pos), FILE * iop _AND _CONST _fpos64_t * pos) { int x = fseeko64 (iop, (_off64_t)(*pos), SEEK_SET); if (x != 0) return 1; return 0; } #endif /* __LARGE64_FILES */