/* * Copyright (c) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is * free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement * or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or * otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if * any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with * other software, or any other product whatsoever. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, * Mountain View, CA 94043, or: * * http://www.sgi.com * * For further information regarding this notice, see: * * http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan/ */ /* $Id$ */ /********************************************************** * * OS Testing - Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * FUNCTION NAME : parse_opts * * FUNCTION TITLE : parse standard & user options for system call tests * * SYNOPSIS: * #include "usctest.h" * * char *parse_opts(ac, av, user_optarr, uhf) * int ac; * char **av; * option_t user_optarr[]; * void (*uhf)(); * * AUTHOR : William Roske/Richard Logan * * INITIAL RELEASE : UNICOS 7.0 * * DESCRIPTION * The parse_opts library routine takes that argc and argv parameters * recevied by main() and an array of structures defining user options. * It parses the command line setting flag and argument locations * associated with the options. It uses getopt to do the actual cmd line * parsing. uhf() is a function to print user define help * * This module contains the functions usc_global_setup_hook and * usc_test_looping, which are called by marcos defined in usctest.h. * * RETURN VALUE * parse_opts returns a pointer to an error message if an error occurs. * This pointer is (char *)NULL if parsing is successful. * *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**/ #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #ifdef __CYGWIN__ #include <getopt.h> #endif #if UNIT_TEST #include <time.h> #endif /* UNIT_TEST */ #include "test.h" #define _USC_LIB_ 1 /* indicates we are the library to the usctest.h include */ #include "usctest.h" #ifndef USC_COPIES #define USC_COPIES "USC_COPIES" #endif #ifndef UNIT_TEST #define UNIT_TEST 0 #endif #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG 0 #endif /* * Code from usctest.h that not part of this file since we are the library. */ struct usc_errno_t TEST_VALID_ENO[USC_MAX_ERRNO]; /*********************************************************************** * Globals for returning the return code and errno from the system call * test macros. ***********************************************************************/ int TEST_RETURN; int TEST_ERRNO; /*********************************************************************** * temporary variables for determining max and min times in TEST macro ***********************************************************************/ long btime, etime, tmptime; /* The timing information block. */ struct tblock tblock={0,((long) -1)>>1,0,0}; /* Define flags and args for standard options */ int STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST=1, /* flag indicating to do functional testing code */ STD_TIMING_ON=0, /* flag indicating to print timing stats */ STD_PAUSE=0, /* flag indicating to pause before actual start, */ /* for contention mode */ STD_INFINITE=0, /* flag indciating to loop forever */ STD_LOOP_COUNT=1, /* number of iterations */ STD_COPIES=1, /* number of copies */ STD_ERRNO_LOG=0; /* flag indicating to do errno logging */ float STD_LOOP_DURATION=0.0, /* duration value in fractional seconds */ STD_LOOP_DELAY=0.0; /* loop delay value in fractional seconds */ char **STD_opt_arr = NULL; /* array of option strings */ int STD_nopts=0, /* number of elements in STD_opt_arr */ STD_argind=1; /* argv index to next argv element */ /* (first argument) */ /* To getopt users, it is like optind */ /* * The following variables are to support system testing additions. */ static int STD_TP_barrier=0; /* flag to do barrier in TEST_PAUSE */ /* 2 - wait_barrier(), 3 - set_barrier(), * - barrier() */ static int STD_LP_barrier=0; /* flag to do barrier in TEST_LOOPING */ /* 2 - wait_barrier(), 3 - set_barrier(), * - barrier() */ static int STD_TP_shmem_sz=0; /* shmalloc this many words per pe in TEST_PAUSE */ static int STD_LD_shmem=0; /* flag to do shmem_puts and shmem_gets during delay */ static int STD_LP_shmem=0; /* flag to do shmem_puts and gets during TEST_LOOPING */ static int STD_LD_recfun=0; /* do recressive function calls in loop delay */ static int STD_LP_recfun=0; /* do recressive function calls in TEST_LOOPING */ static int STD_TP_sbrk=0; /* do sbrk in TEST_PAUSE */ static int STD_LP_sbrk=0; /* do sbrk in TEST_LOOPING */ static char *STD_start_break=0; /* original sbrk size */ static int Debug=0; struct std_option_t { const char *optstr; const char *help; char *flag; char **arg; } std_options[] = { { "c:", " -c n Run n copies concurrently\n", NULL, NULL}, { "e" , " -e Turn on errno logging\n", NULL, NULL}, { "f" , " -f Turn off functional testing\n", NULL, NULL}, { "h" , " -h Show this help screen\n", NULL, NULL}, { "i:", " -i n Execute test n times\n", NULL, NULL}, { "I:", " -I x Execute test for x seconds\n", NULL, NULL}, { "p" , " -p Pause for SIGUSR1 before starting\n", NULL, NULL}, { "P:", " -P x Pause for x seconds between iterations\n", NULL, NULL}, { "t" , " -t Turn on syscall timing\n", NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}}; void print_help(void (*user_help)()); /* * Structure for usc_recressive_func argument */ struct usc_bigstack_t { char space[4096]; }; static struct usc_bigstack_t *STD_bigstack=NULL; /* * Counter of errnos returned (-e option). Indexed by errno. * Make the array USC_MAX_ERRNO long. That is the first Fortran * Lib errno. No syscall should return an errno that high. */ int STD_ERRNO_LIST[USC_MAX_ERRNO]; /* define the string length for Mesg and Mesg2 strings */ #define STRLEN 2048 static char Mesg2[STRLEN]; /* holds possible return string */ static void usc_recressive_func(); /* * Define bits for options that might have env variable default */ #define OPT_iteration 01 #define OPT_nofunccheck 02 #define OPT_duration 04 #define OPT_delay 010 #define OPT_copies 020 /********************************************************************** * parse_opts: **********************************************************************/ const char * parse_opts(int ac, char **av, option_t *user_optarr, void (*uhf)()) { int found; /* flag to indicate that an option specified was */ /* found in the user's list */ int k; /* scratch integer for returns and short time usage */ float ftmp; /* tmp float for parsing env variables */ char *ptr; /* used in getting env variables */ int options=0; /* no options specified */ int optstrlen, i; char *optionstr; int opt; /* return of getopt */ /* * If not the first time this function is called, release the old STD_opt_arr * vector. */ if ( STD_opt_arr != NULL ) { free(STD_opt_arr); STD_opt_arr=NULL; } /* Calculate how much space we need for the option string */ optstrlen = 0; for (i = 0; std_options[i].optstr; ++i) optstrlen += strlen(std_options[i].optstr); if (user_optarr) for (i = 0; user_optarr[i].option; ++i) { if (strlen(user_optarr[i].option) > 2) return "parse_opts: ERROR - Only short options are allowed"; optstrlen += strlen(user_optarr[i].option); } optstrlen += 1; /* Create the option string for getopt */ optionstr = (char *)malloc(optstrlen); if (!optionstr) return "parse_opts: ERROR - Could not allocate memory for optionstr"; optionstr[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; std_options[i].optstr; ++i) strcat(optionstr, std_options[i].optstr); if (user_optarr) for (i = 0; user_optarr[i].option; ++i) /* only add the option if it wasn't there already */ if (strchr(optionstr, user_optarr[i].option[0]) == NULL) strcat(optionstr, user_optarr[i].option); #if DEBUG > 1 printf("STD_nopts = %d\n", STD_nopts); #endif /* * Loop through av parsing options. */ while ( (opt = getopt(ac, av, optionstr)) > 0) { STD_argind = optind; #if DEBUG > 0 printf("parse_opts: getopt returned '%c'\n", opt); #endif switch (opt) { case '?': /* Unknown option */ return "Unknown option"; break; case ':': /* Missing Arg */ return "Missing argument"; break; case 'i': /* Iterations */ options |= OPT_iteration; STD_LOOP_COUNT = atoi(optarg); if (STD_LOOP_COUNT == 0) STD_INFINITE = 1; break; case 'P': /* Delay between iterations */ options |= OPT_delay; STD_LOOP_DELAY = atof(optarg); break; case 'I': /* Time duration */ options |= OPT_duration; STD_LOOP_DURATION = atof(optarg); if ( STD_LOOP_DURATION == 0.0 ) STD_INFINITE=1; break; case 'c': /* Copies */ options |= OPT_copies; STD_COPIES = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': /* Functional testing */ STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST = 0; break; case 'p': /* Pause for SIGUSR1 */ STD_PAUSE = 1; break; case 't': /* syscall timing */ STD_TIMING_ON = 1; break; case 'e': /* errno loggin */ STD_ERRNO_LOG = 1; break; case 'h': /* Help */ print_help(uhf); exit(0); break; default: /* Check all the user specified options */ found=0; for(i = 0; user_optarr[i].option; ++i) { if (opt == user_optarr[i].option[0]) { /* Yup, This is a user option, set the flag and look for argument */ if ( user_optarr[i].flag ) { *user_optarr[i].flag=1; } found++; /* save the argument at the user's location */ if ( user_optarr[i].option[strlen(user_optarr[i].option)-1] == ':' ) { *user_optarr[i].arg=optarg; } break; /* option found - break out of the for loop */ } } /* This condition "should never happen". SO CHECK FOR IT!!!! */ if ( ! found ) { sprintf(Mesg2, "parse_opts: ERROR - option:\"%c\" NOT FOUND... INTERNAL ERROR", opt); return(Mesg2); } } } /* end of while */ STD_argind = optind; /* * Turn on debug */ if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_DEBUG")) != NULL ) { Debug=1; printf("env USC_DEBUG is defined, turning on debug\n"); } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_VERBOSE")) != NULL ) { Debug=1; printf("env USC_VERBOSE is defined, turning on debug\n"); } /* * If the USC_ITERATION_ENV environmental variable is set to * a number, use that number as iteration count (same as -c option). * The -c option with arg will be used even if this env var is set. */ if ( !(options & OPT_iteration) && (ptr=getenv(USC_ITERATION_ENV)) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1) { if ( k == 0 ) { /* if arg is 0, set infinite loop flag */ STD_INFINITE=1; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_INFINITE to 1\n", USC_ITERATION_ENV); } else { /* else, set the loop count to the arguement */ STD_LOOP_COUNT=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_LOOP_COUNT to %d\n", USC_ITERATION_ENV, k); } } } /* * If the USC_NO_FUNC_CHECK environmental variable is set, we'll * unset the STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST variable. */ if ( !(options & OPT_nofunccheck) && (ptr=getenv(USC_NO_FUNC_CHECK)) != NULL ) { STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST=0; /* Turn off functional testing */ if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST to 0\n", USC_NO_FUNC_CHECK); } /* * If the USC_LOOP_WALLTIME environmental variable is set, * use that number as duration (same as -I option). * The -I option with arg will be used even if this env var is set. */ if ( !(options & OPT_duration) && (ptr=getenv(USC_LOOP_WALLTIME)) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%f", &ftmp) == 1 && ftmp >= 0.0 ) { STD_LOOP_DURATION=ftmp; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_LOOP_DURATION to %f\n", USC_LOOP_WALLTIME, ftmp); if ( STD_LOOP_DURATION == 0.0 ) { /* if arg is 0, set infinite loop flag */ STD_INFINITE=1; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_INFINITE to 1\n", USC_LOOP_WALLTIME); } } } if ( !(options & OPT_duration) && (ptr=getenv("USC_DURATION")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%f", &ftmp) == 1 && ftmp >= 0.0 ) { STD_LOOP_DURATION=ftmp; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_DURATION, set STD_LOOP_DURATION to %f\n", ftmp); if ( STD_LOOP_DURATION == 0.0 ) { /* if arg is 0, set infinite loop flag */ STD_INFINITE=1; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_DURATION, set STD_INFINITE to 1\n"); } } } /* * If the USC_LOOP_DELAY environmental variable is set, * use that number as delay in factional seconds (same as -P option). * The -P option with arg will be used even if this env var is set. */ if ( !(options & OPT_delay) && (ptr=getenv(USC_LOOP_DELAY)) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%f", &ftmp) == 1 && ftmp >= 0.0 ) { STD_LOOP_DELAY=ftmp; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_LOOP_DELAY = %f\n", USC_LOOP_DELAY, ftmp); } } /* * If the USC_COPIES environmental variable is set, * use that number as copies (same as -c option). * The -c option with arg will be used even if this env var is set. */ if ( !(options & OPT_copies) && (ptr=getenv(USC_COPIES)) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%d", &STD_COPIES) == 1 && STD_COPIES >= 0 ) { if ( Debug ) printf("Using env %s, set STD_COPIES = %d\n", USC_COPIES, STD_COPIES); } } /* * The following are special system testing envs to turn on special * hooks in the code. */ if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_TP_BARRIER")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_TP_barrier=k; } else STD_TP_barrier=1; if ( Debug ) printf("using env USC_TP_BARRIER, Set STD_TP_barrier to %d\n", STD_TP_barrier); } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LP_BARRIER")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LP_barrier=k; } else STD_LP_barrier=1; if ( Debug ) printf("using env USC_LP_BARRIER, Set STD_LP_barrier to %d\n", STD_LP_barrier); } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_TP_SHMEM")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_TP_shmem_sz=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_TP_SHMEM, Set STD_TP_shmem_sz to %d\n", STD_TP_shmem_sz); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LP_SHMEM")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LP_shmem=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LP_SHMEM, Set STD_LP_shmem to %d\n", STD_LP_shmem); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LD_SHMEM")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LD_shmem=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LD_SHMEM, Set STD_LD_shmem to %d\n", STD_LD_shmem); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_TP_SBRK")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_TP_sbrk=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_TP_SBRK, Set STD_TP_sbrk to %d\n", STD_TP_sbrk); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LP_SBRK")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LP_sbrk=k; if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LP_SBRK, Set STD_LP_sbrk to %d\n", STD_LP_sbrk); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LP_RECFUN")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LP_recfun=k; if ( STD_bigstack != (struct usc_bigstack_t *)NULL ) STD_bigstack=(struct usc_bigstack_t *) malloc(sizeof(struct usc_bigstack_t)); if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LP_RECFUN, Set STD_LP_recfun to %d\n", STD_LP_recfun); } } if ( (ptr=getenv("USC_LD_RECFUN")) != NULL ) { if ( sscanf(ptr, "%i", &k) == 1 && k >= 0 ) { STD_LD_recfun=k; if ( STD_bigstack != (struct usc_bigstack_t *)NULL ) STD_bigstack=(struct usc_bigstack_t *) malloc(sizeof(struct usc_bigstack_t)); if ( Debug ) printf("Using env USC_LD_RECFUN, Set STD_LD_recfun to %d\n", STD_LD_recfun); } } #if UNIT_TEST printf("The following variables after option and env parsing:\n"); printf("STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST = %d\n", STD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST); printf("STD_LOOP_DURATION = %f\n", STD_LOOP_DURATION); printf("STD_LOOP_DELAY = %f\n", STD_LOOP_DELAY); printf("STD_COPIES = %d\n", STD_COPIES); printf("STD_LOOP_COUNT = %d\n", STD_LOOP_COUNT); printf("STD_INFINITE = %d\n", STD_INFINITE); printf("STD_TIMING_ON = %d\n", STD_TIMING_ON); printf("STD_ERRNO_LOG = %d\n", STD_ERRNO_LOG); printf("STD_PAUSE = %d\n", STD_PAUSE); #endif return((char *) NULL); } /* end of parse_opts */ /********************************************************************* * print_help() - print help message and user help message *********************************************************************/ void print_help(void (*user_help)()) { STD_opts_help(); if (user_help) user_help(); } /********************************************************************* * STD_opts_help() - return a help string for the STD_OPTIONS. *********************************************************************/ void STD_opts_help() { int i; for(i = 0; std_options[i].optstr; ++i) { if (std_options[i].help) printf(std_options[i].help); } } /* * routine to goto when we get the SIGUSR1 for STD_PAUSE */ void STD_go(int sig) { return; } /*********************************************************************** * This function will do desired end of global setup test * hooks. * Currently it will only do a pause waiting for sigusr1 if * STD_PAUSE is set. * ***********************************************************************/ int usc_global_setup_hook() { int cnt; /* temp variable to store old signal action to be restored after pause */ int (*_TMP_FUNC)(void); /* * Fork STD_COPIES-1 copies. */ for(cnt=1;cnt<STD_COPIES;cnt++) { switch(fork() ) { case -1: fprintf(stderr, "%s: fork() failed, errno:%d %s\n", __FILE__, errno, strerror(errno)); break; case 0: /* child */ cnt=STD_COPIES; /* to stop the forking */ break; default: /* parent */ break; } } /* * pause waiting for sigusr1. */ if ( STD_PAUSE ) { _TMP_FUNC = (int (*)())signal(SIGUSR1, STD_go); pause(); signal(SIGUSR1, (void (*)())_TMP_FUNC); } if ( STD_TP_sbrk || STD_LP_sbrk) { STD_start_break=sbrk(0); /* get original sbreak size */ } if ( STD_TP_sbrk ) { sbrk(STD_TP_sbrk); if ( Debug ) printf("after sbrk(%d)\n", STD_TP_sbrk); } return 0; } #define USECS_PER_SEC 1000000 /* microseconds per second */ /*********************************************************************** * This function returns the number of get_current_time()'s return * per second. ***********************************************************************/ static int get_timepersec() { return USECS_PER_SEC; /* microseconds per second */ } /*********************************************************************** * this function will get current time in microseconds since 1970. ***********************************************************************/ static int get_current_time() { struct timeval curtime; gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL); /* microseconds since 1970 */ return (curtime.tv_sec*USECS_PER_SEC) + curtime.tv_usec; } /*********************************************************************** * * This function will determine if test should continue iterating * If the STD_INFINITE flag is set, return 1. * If the STD_LOOP_COUNT variable is set, compare it against * the counter. * If the STD_LOOP_DURATION variable is set, compare current time against * calculated stop_time. * This function will return 1 until all desired looping methods * have been met. * * counter integer is supplied by the user program. ***********************************************************************/ int usc_test_looping(counter) int counter; { static int first_time = 1; static int stop_time = 0; /* stop time in rtc or usecs */ static int delay; /* delay in clocks or usecs */ int hz=0; /* clocks per second or usecs per second */ int ct, end; /* current time, end delay time */ int keepgoing=0; /* used to determine return value */ /* * If this is the first iteration and we are looping for * duration of STD_LOOP_DURATION seconds (fractional) or * doing loop delays, get the clocks per second. */ if ( first_time ) { first_time=0; if ( STD_LOOP_DELAY || STD_LOOP_DURATION ) { hz = get_timepersec(); } /* * If looping for duration, calculate stop time in * clocks. */ if ( STD_LOOP_DURATION) { ct=get_current_time(); stop_time=(int)((float)hz * STD_LOOP_DURATION) + ct; } /* * If doing delay each iteration, calcuate the number * of clocks for each delay. */ if ( STD_LOOP_DELAY ) { delay=(int)((float)hz * STD_LOOP_DELAY); } } /* * if delay each iteration, loop for delay clocks. * This will not be done on first iteration. * The delay will happen before determining if * there will be another iteration. */ else if ( STD_LOOP_DELAY ) { ct=get_current_time(); end=ct+delay; while ( ct < end ) { /* * The following are special test hooks in the delay loop. */ if ( STD_LD_recfun ) { if ( Debug ) printf("calling usc_recressive_func(0, %d, &STD_bigstack)\n", STD_LD_recfun); usc_recressive_func(0, STD_LD_recfun, &STD_bigstack); } ct=get_current_time(); } } if ( STD_INFINITE ) { keepgoing++; } if ( STD_LOOP_COUNT && counter < STD_LOOP_COUNT ) { keepgoing++; } if ( STD_LOOP_DURATION != 0.0 && get_current_time() < stop_time ) { keepgoing++; } if ( keepgoing == 0 ) return 0; /* * The following code allows special system testing hooks. */ if ( STD_LP_recfun ) { if ( Debug ) printf("calling usc_recressive_func(0, %d, &STD_bigstack)\n", STD_LP_recfun); usc_recressive_func(0, STD_LP_recfun, &STD_bigstack); } if ( STD_LP_sbrk ) { if ( Debug ) printf("about to do sbrk(%d)\n", STD_LP_sbrk); sbrk(STD_LP_sbrk); } if ( keepgoing ) return 1; else return 0; /* done - stop iterating */ } /* * This function recressively calls itself max times. */ static void usc_recressive_func(cnt, max, bstack) int cnt; int max; struct usc_bigstack_t bstack; { if ( cnt < max ) usc_recressive_func(cnt+1, max, bstack); } #if UNIT_TEST /****************************************************************************** * UNIT TEST CODE * UNIT TEST CODE * * this following code is provide so that unit testing can * be done fairly easily. ******************************************************************************/ int Help = 0; int Help2 = 0; char *ptr; /* for test specific parse_opts options */ option_t Options[] = { { "help", &Help2, NULL }, /* -help option */ { "h", &Help, NULL }, /* -h option */ { TIMING, NULL, NULL}, /* disable -timing option */ #if INVALID_TEST_CASES { "missingflag", NULL, &ptr }, /* error */ { "missingarg:", &Help, NULL }, /* error */ #endif /* INVALID_TEST_CASES */ { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int lc; char *msg; struct timeval t; int cnt; if ( (msg=parse_opts(argc, argv, (option_t *) Options)) != (char *) NULL ) { printf("ERROR : %s\n", msg); exit(1); } TEST_PAUSE; for (lc=0; TEST_LOOPING(lc); lc++) { TEST( gettimeofday(&t, NULL) ); printf("iter=%d: sec:%d, usec:%6.6d %s", lc+1, t.tv_sec, t.tv_usec, ctime(&t.tv_sec)); } TEST_CLEANUP; exit(0); } #endif /* UNIT_TEST */